t '', I ' PXGE 8EK MEDFORD MAIIi TUT RUNE, MRDKO'RD, ORIOUON, FRIDA V,- DUCUMItKII 18, ' I0J. DISCUSSION OF NEW CARER ASKED OF PUBLIC Tlio ncojilc or Mod ford havo nn tin tiwtinl opportunity In llic proponed now clmrtcr. Kvcry citizen ttliould consider the matter, ns tt Is import ant. A full, froo consideration and ills amnion ot the charter should ho had. To that end nn Invitation Is extend ed to any organisation In the city, or any group of cltUcns to arrange n meeting for that purpose and some portion thoroughly acquainted with the purposo of tho new charter will attend, lead In tho discussion and answer questions. Especially are civ ic clubs, women'a study clubs, church organizations and unorganized neigh borhoods invited to gather to discuss this mater. A note addressed to the Secretary of tho Charter Commission, liax 274, Medford, will secure the attendance of soma ono who understands the charter, providing It is sent 1n early enough to avoid conflict in datc3. Every voter owos it to himself ns a good cttlzcnB to inform himself re gardlng tho charter for it means much to Mqdford. CHAMPION LONG DISTANCE HIKER 1 VISITS MEDFORO ED POTATOES EXCELLENT FOOD I K. K. Clink, nn the stuff of lV.tr- WASHINGTON, tec. IS. Tho soiih uinpuntie, who might wll he mise nnu iinuduieuv.inneiiug oi men. railed the world's clinnipion ihmKw- 'clues nnd mineral waters hi.recent- Irimi, spent tho mornimr in Med ford ,v received n great deal of attention .... A V....11 !.. . 1 .. k I. .. . i 1! fMtt Mi 1ltitnn it rt f'Miittoilaft t A IIVIII ltV Ulllll Vfc V 1IMIII ei J Inrgo number of Instances have been new market for the apple grower. The lotlter method of disposing t tho sur. liun ui iiiii'H in lliu iiiuiiiiiiiviuiv of roiicentrated elder. Hitherto the niarKut for elder has boon limited, duo to tho fact that It ean only bo LdMtft fa (I'll.-. I t. u)wtii t tltt. tt ttll ! It tit Itts I i'v r v . tt miwi i iinitT unit niitv no bulk mnkes Its trnusportnlon oo'vx JpenslM? when long distances nro to bo covered. Tho roiicentrated elder torments ory slowly when kept at n low temperature, When diluted with water It 1mh praetlrallv the snino MEETING TALKS OF NEW. CHARTER A well attended meeting was held at tho library yesterday afternoon to discuss tho new charter. Tho meet lug brought out many questions and a general dlscusion. Tho directors of tho Charter Com- mission led tho discussion and ex plained how tho charter was drafted and tho advantages ot tbo salient points. It was pointed out that the chator contained practlcaly nothing thnt is original with this charter commission, but only those provis ions that had been studied out, put into use and found beneficial in ninny other cities. Several speakers took part, all urging an actlvo support of the char ter as a striking opportunity to ben efit tho city. A Mr. Tucker, recent ly frqm Kansas, spoko of tho -experience of cities thcro which had rec ently adopted similar charters with great improvement nnd universal sat isfaction. About twenty of those present re mained after the close of the meeting and planned an organization to work for tho charter, especially in get ting voters registered as it Is rec ognized that tho only danger is In a light vote. on n wnlKinir tour of the eonst line of North nnd South Ameriea. He lio pin his hike nt Ketchikan, Alaska, nud is on his way to San Francisco, where he will represent Pearson s un til June, thenuu ro down the wc-t const to Capo Horn, nnd up the east coast to New York. Front Ketchikan to Med ford is 3000 miles nnd Mr. Clark loft Ketchikan in the latter part of August nnd averages thirty-five miles a day. Anutncj the hikes made by Mr. Clark is one from Quebec to Vancou ver, noross Cnniiila, 11SU. days for the 3331 miles, an average of 128 miles a dny. Last February Mr. Clark walked from Spokane to Prince Kupert. U. C, 1400 miles, thence to Ketchikan. Mr. Clark is nn Englishman by birth nnd has hiked ncross Au-truliu and South Africa nnd is familiar with nearly nil portions of the Olobe. He secures material enough on his hikes to suport lfimself by mnga-'ine nnd newspaper articles. He carries little baggage, hut several note books nnd in every town he stop gets the sta tion agent to imprint his stamp ns proof thnt he did not hit the linike benms nnd secures also the signa tures of editors nnd city official-. TOLD AI LIBRARY ChristiuiiH stories will he told ul US o'clock tomorrow morning nt the lib-, rnry, nud till little people nrc invited. The stories will be: "Story of tho Christ Child" n German legend for Christmas. "ChrUtmiiH in the. Hani." "Anderson's Fir Trees." "Jimmy Scarecrow's Christmns." "Cratehit's Chribtinns Dinner" (Dickens). A miibiciil program is planned for Sunday afternoon from fl till 0, to he given at tho public library, mid free to all who euro to come. DENTISTS TO SHOW HOW TO CARE FOR TEETH Tho Boml-nnnual meeting ot tho Southern Oregon Dental society was hold at tho Medford hotel Thursday night, and by unanimous consent tho dentists agreed to dovoto one-half day each month, in each town, to tho in struction of children under 12 years of ago on tho proper caro of the tooth, the instruction to bo under tho supervision of tho various teachers. Ashland, Grants Fobs, Phoenix, Tnlont, Central Point and this city wore represented. A banquet wns served at tho Medford hotel. Officers for tho year wero olectod as follews: Dr. E. E. Mucy, Grants Pass, presi dent; Dr. A, W. Dcaue, Medford, vfco president; Dr. W. W. Wiilkor, Grants Pass, secrotary and treasurer. Tho next meeting of tho society will be held in Grants Pass next May. YAT SfAR THEATRE TONIGHT The Star Theatre has the first of n scries of two-reel feature photo plays, with John lJiinny and Flora Kncli in the lending roles. The iinino of the piny is Heart.- nnd Diamonds, and it is snid to he very funny anil gives us the people's favorite- in n new role. Mi-s Helen Holme-, in what i- snid to bo her great e-t -ueee , "The IJrand," is n two-reel feature that gives Miss itohne unusual opportun ity to show heielf in an entirely new role. Tho Hearst-Sclig New- is very in teresting nnd will show it number of interesting scenes front the great wnrs. There nrc seven full reels mid every one is n winner. 184 WEDDED AND BUT THIRTY-FOUR DIVORCES According to official records at tho county sent 184 marrlago licenses have been issued in Jackson county eb far this year and but 34 divorces granted. The records show that a comparative small number of persons wito have- been married over five years applied for divorces, by far' tho mnjorlty being granted to couples who had been married but three or four years. Tho month of June loads tho list for marriages, 28 being issued during this month. Young couples contemplating marriage should bo en couraged over this report. found in which impossible claims for the preparations in question have been taken to compel tho owners to niter the labels, particularly in tho case of (so-called) cures for hog cholera. In addition to this regulatory work connected with tho enforcement of various laws, scientists ot tho Pit reau have been carrying on important Investigations. Tho report makes particular mention of tho study ot the subject of ponto ilrjlng. Dried potatoes may be kepi indefinitely for stock feed nnd aro of course much less bulky and, therefore, less ex pci8lvo to transport than ordinary potatoes. This Investigation will ultimately bo extended to other uses for potato products, such as tho man ufacture ot starch and glucoso, in order to encourage tho production ot potatoes as a regular part In crop rotation in sections where this could be done with benefit. Two now ways havo also been dis covered of utilizing surplus and cull apples. Ono Is the manufacture, ot applo sirup by clarifying nnd boiling down applo juice. Tho sirup obtained promises to bo a welcome addition to our diet as well at affording a flavor an tho original applo Julco from which It was made, and IIh condensed form makes It much cheaper to ship. IIKIU.IN, via London, Dee. IK, Silt a, m. Tho VosHlscho .olttuw as sumes that thn reported victory will havo Important eoiiKcqiumccH In tho west and that far-reaelilug political etfecln In tho llalkans will follow In thoso countries, which It says havo been Influenced by tho Itusslnu position. Merry Xmas TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. BOaiNTo" Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elwood, 123 North Central avenuo. Thursday night, December IS, 1914, a six pound baby boy. .v Mil Comfort for everybody a cift Out is useful from cellar to u-tr-ret. He ture ami nurlc down on your Xmasliit a PERF Ol Ofi TION l&TER Father uses it to warm tha bathroom for shavinc. Mother sews beside it. Tho children dress by it. A practical cift. Dealer everywhere U'r.r. f.r UoiUl. "IVarmtA In C.IJ Cor.,.. ' Standard Oil Company (C.U.inl.) Portland Far Bill Rttvttt u,Pftioi 2forl I I DUDLEY 2tt inches high NORMAN 2XA inches high ARROW COLLARS CLOSE fitting, graceful styles with smartly cut curved fronts, thnt admit of easy cravat ticing. CIAHCTT, PICAllODV & CO., Inc. Makers, Troy, N. V. 1WM10MHUK, YOUH DOIiliAKS (10 FAUTIIIiU INHUYINC1YOUU Christmas Presents at Diamond's Than any place in Southern Oregon. 20 TO 33 SAVED WATCHES AT COST DtAlflONDS AT COST 600 Rings to Choose From J. W. DIAMOND 101) HAST MAIN" XJJJmJm$m$m$mJ CIIIUSTMAS CIUAKS Get Governor Johnson and Mt. Pitt cigars In Christmas boxes. Home mado and tbo best. Closing Out Our Furs uusinksh su:.v Owing to stores keeping open even Intra' Christmas week, December Mer chants meeting has been postponed. KAUL 0, OADD1B, Prcs. .101JN II, OAHKIN, Svo'y, Some at cost, the balance only slightly more BARTLETT & NETHERLAND At Cwing's Gun Store i ? t T 7 7 t y ? t t t 7 7 7 7 7 7 A XMAS WAISTS Just received, Ho dozen beautiful new Xinas Waists, put up in holly boxes, in corduroy, satin and crepe de chine, on sale Saturday at $2.98, $3.48, $4.18 and $5.48 each. New Bungalow Aprons at 48, G9, S9 and 98 each. " XMAS KIMONAS In silk, crepe and flannelette, at $1.39, $1.48, $2.48, $3.98 and $5.98. fr ftins ? I.. XTr-Sv ir hv h r py - m r: Amas&33ft t ". "A iCw 1 1 1i' ' t i f , ltmt lfc. vlrmm0rI !HrirsVtf "jv XMAS FURS Ivolinhlc l,,ni,.s ilinkc the most acceptable Christinas Uifts. I emit i fill Coney Sets on sale at, a s,et .... New Nippon Mink Sets on sale at, a set. . Natural Fox Sets on sale at, a set White Fox Sets on sale at, a set $10 ..$35 $18 $15 MANN'S CENTRAL AVE., NEAR POSTOEETCE Xmas Petticoats All silk, guaranteed, in fl A Q black and colors, special H)ZfTtC Xmas Clearance Sale of AH Winter Coats and Suits jl Winter Coals, up to $20.00 values going in this sale . Winter Coats, up to $12.50 values going in this sale at, (fl C each w D Winter Coats, up to $30.00 val ues, going in this CI C sale at", each. All $20.00 Suits now $10.00 X All $25.00 Suits now.. $12.50 All. $30.00 Suits now $15.UU All $35.00 Suits now $17.50 a. t t y 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Greatest Handkerchief Sale Mqdford Has Ever Known at, each. $10 Winter Coats, up to $40.00 values going in this sale, each... " :.. .$20. 200 no.w,iWalking Skirts and-One-Piece Dresses, up to m qq $10 values; now, eaehtt)4c J O 100 do.eji Women's Fine JIandkerehiefs, on sale at, each D 4 Women's wide hem 4inud Initial Hand kerchiefs, very spe cial, at, each 18c Children 'sfancv Handkerchiefs, two in a box, "I special llC F'ncy IfandkerehiefH G in a box, very spc- 89c cial, per box Men's Initial Jlantl Keren tels, very spe cial, each, at ry spe- y. 10c I on'K All-Linen In itial Handkerchiefs, special at, 1Qn each i OC i r fancyIlbbon, up to 50(i value's m ;tliisBalc1ycl...AOC XMAS SALE OF RIBB&NS itted..., 1 4- i, Wide Satin and Silk Ribbons, up v ,;to20eval.yd.lUC 5-yd. bolls of Wash Ribbon, all colors, very special, a bolt 10c XMAS HOSIERY Agents for Kayser's cele brated Silk Hose, every pair guaranteed, comes in black and all colors, at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 the pair. SPKCrAL 25 dozen fino Silk Hose, in black, tan and white, salo C A iJXJ i XMAS GLOVES Agents for th0 celebrated . Derby, Dents and Perrins' Kid Gloves, in ( "I T gj all colors, pahtjj) L J D SPECIAL 50 do, fino Capo and Kid Cloves, all sizes and colors, up to $J. 75 values, (J r jj now, pair tJJ) 1 . U D Buy Glove Bondri price, pair Stftt f t t ? 7 x r 7 t 7 . T 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 i Y t T f 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 v. i'