PAGfJ FIVJJ 111 "J. '. MEOFOHl) ISt'A Hi TltlMUyn), MRHFOItT), OKIWOX, FRIDAY, DICfRAmKn 18, WW l r i ; . l v X f ? I'd- .. E BELT KLAMATH TIMBER OFFERED FOR SALE Tilt' llll'-l M'Mll'C I- IHlU IlllU'lllnr ill); ii' Mill' illlil Will ll'tTIU' IliiU up In mill iiiHiiiliiiK Apiil Kl, HM.'i, on iiiiiiiiiniiolv .'IH'J.nOll.OlMl IVcl 'ill inimlly vci'in yellow ilui' linilii'r in mnitlii'in ()ri(tm. Tim i Hi'' IiuuchI MllllHIIll III' lltlllllMlll fllll'nl tillllll'l' tlllll hit y Ih'cii nriVii'il I'm' Mill' in t'n' pw inntiT ii h!m)(Iii I'linli'iii't. It 1'ini hInIn of luii iiiiIIm, lint IihU will lie ri. I'tiivcd on linlli imllf in- on i'iIIut M'p- Illllll'lv. 'I'lic liixl mill iiiiiiiiiMiM nlniiil TI'JO M i'K' in tln (hiIit iiitliuiiiil lor i'nt, on I'lnir-Mili1. Ii-1 mnl WhihN iuitI.h, uliji-h nil' liiliiilnrv lo iiiii'i' KIhiiiiiIIi In Ut nt n point uliuut lliiily lulli'H imrlli nl Kliuiintli I'lillf, Oit'xuii. 'I'lu1 I'Mnmilril mnoiiiil lo In' nil on Hit miil h H.'i.lHlii.lHHI liiinnt Ifcl, iiniiNixtiinf itHint 1 ii' M'tii'in illotv pllie unit miiiii' xtmnr pint', ltiilt;i'p(if pine mnl uvNlein uhiti- pun', mnl mi inioxtiiiiiiU'il mimiint of ollirr hpcrli-H, which k nnioMilili' nt llio oplion of Hie piurliiiM'i'. Tlu ihImmI'iniiI rules mo III per HMIII foi' Hit' pinitH ni)il fill t'rjils M'i lOIK) Itlr tlio titln'1 fpivic. Tin' M't'oml mnl, I'mtlii'i' nnitli, I'ompi ixi'x nlniiil I7,.'llll ni'ien on the I'nuliiiii iintioiiiil t'oii'it, on tln wi looliril oi I twit iTi'tlt't ii'tvwi'ii 'iii I if Luke Niitiuuul pin I; iiml tin' Kliuiintli IihIiiiii i Munition. On lliw unit llii'ii' U n tutiil (-tinititi'il miioiint of 'J07,tl.VI,(MM liiiiiiil feel 'of wi-k. tern M'llow, Miiir, loiti'poli' mnl uoMi'iu .ihttit pint', U" pri' cent of mIiuIi in wotem illou pitir. Tlii'it' i 11U0 nn iinuMliinntril miioiint of ollii'i' Hpni-li' iciiiiivnlili nt ilii' pin dinner', iiption. Tlii' iiihi'ilinril into I'm- tin' linilii'r in tliix mnl nte i:l.'J' per lUUU lor tin' piiKM mnl .ill I't'iiix pir llKIII for III" otlior xpcriOf. Xi'i'immirv time lor tin1 loii-liiir-lion of pii'liiiilnnrv iinpiiiM'iiiiiiU will lie ttrmitril, mnl itiin ,i'firt nn ii iiiii iininn will In' iiIIomi'iI for tin culling of ttic timber mi tlio fiiNt unit mnl Iwi'hf Mini mi 1li M.M'oiiil unit if III',' MP' oli 'lllllltl'l., If lllllll Irilri lire iiirlmli'il in one t-niiliiit't, n iiiiixlmuni rutting piMmd of xixtocn ,Mni w ill li nljowi'il, with proxUiou for h iHiinpli'lit ii'iippnii-ml of tin' liinlii'i M'liininiiiR iinciil n tlio rml of lwi'lt' ti'iii. In mix ri'iiti tin' iiirrri"" itnillt of milo will pmiili for periodic rmiiljnxttni'iitH of tin' initial stntnpiiRo mil'- IniM'il on in'ii'iir in the iiiur Kit iiltii oi lunilirr RATE INCREASE HELPS MARKET r Ni:V YtUlK, Dii IN Tin' ili'i-is-ion ol Ilii' inti'i-liitr i uiiiiMii'c nun lllikxiuii I'Hiiif lilicpcclit to Willi nil eel, wliiili Iiiii) nnl I'Npi'clril ilt'll inlii mini milil ni'M ui'i'k. II riniii' nt ii linn' ulnii tin' kIoi'K iiiiiiI.i'I m m'litol.v iv i'ii k mnl In'lpi'il iiiiitniiiilly to (niiiif uliont n yi'iit'inl urorr. Ailvmii'i'H of from ' In 12 pnniU miii ii iiiiuli'. Ilrnilin ntyiiiui'il 'J'j pointh niiil Hiillimoiu Ohio 1:,. Oilier I'liKti'in ioiiiIk rn'oii'il lini'i ittu. Tin' rally win not fully main tnincil, piutk yirlilniK fioiii I'liii'tiiPiiH to n full point alter tlio xlinit intcii'M liinl i'iiuiril. Tim lint xonii Ki'ltk'i! ilown lo I ii 1 1 lit r iIiiIIiii'xh, T I'AIIIS, Dei'. IH, l-M'.'O p. in An I'licim'llc protest nKdiiixt the picsi eo'isnrship tf inmlo at a nnielnn to day of di'iiiilies and Hcnntoir., who are Jiimiiiilihln, The int'i'tiiiK diafted a I'diiiiiiI htalcmcnt of oliji'i'lious to the in'iiKoi'Milp, which in to he handed lo the minister of justice, Ari.slidn lliiaiul, iin ptctddciil of Ihc council of htlllo, A eoinii)II lee of jnuriialitU wii foruicd, ht'iided liy (Ii'oi'koh Clemen eemii foriuei' pii'inifr. AhkoimhIoiI with him n lo Klcphcn Plnohoii, for iiier'uiiiiihlcr of foreign affaiiK; Jean Dupiiy and Adiuiral Hicmiimc, NOTICK. Notlco Ih hoicliy kIvdii that llio mi iliirHlBiied will apply to tlio city coun cil of tlio olty of .Moilfortl, Oivtfon, ill Itri next u'Kiiliir inootlnK. iliuimiry ti, 19 in, for a llpiumo lo hoII Hilrt iioiih. vIiiuiih ami mult UnuoiA In ilimulltloH loHM'tlmn a kuIIoii, nt lln plinjo of limdiioBti, 17 Smith Kront Htrci't In Hiilil city, for u porloil of six IIIOIItllR, ' nit of fh'Hl iiulillpallmi Docomlioi 1ft. 11MI 0, M SHIiBHV. IMMENS FRENCH E W CENSORSHIP GROUND SQUIRRELS PRAIRIE AND PESTS DESTROYED W.HlllNU'rON, II. I Di'c. IH. Ai'i'oiiliiii; In lint ii'pnil of (lie liiii'ini III IliolllUII'lll MIII'M'V III' till! I'lllll'll nIiiIi'h ili'piulnii'iil of niii'iiltmn, 1 It'll i lit lllR llllll' lll'l'll I'lllllpll'U'lV ox Il'lllllllllll'll IIM'I' lllll' II I I'll M ill till' Ioii'in in Ciiloinilo, ,iioiin mnl ('lull. A tin ii ;roporiioii of till' praiile iIohn nt'ic IJHi'il In- iiiNiiii mnl pii'ilnloiy liinln mnl miiiiiiiU i'.xli'ini iniiti'il tlni-c ii-miiiniiii.'. Tim Inn run nij; hmIiiiIh in tin SI nm lit'ii y Millfv proji'i't of tin I'lllll'll .Stllli'H llJi'llllllllllOII hl'l'liri' nciir I'liivn, I lull, uliii'h liae i'iiiini'iI i'i'iiMii' uimliiMjtH in (lilies mnl (illw, Itnw, it In hi'lii'M'tl, lii'i'ii iti'iill nilh in Hiirli a way Unit lilllti fintlu'r lintilili' ulll Iin I'MM'iit'iicetl. In tln htiid'H of On'H'in mnl , WiiMliiiiKtoii invi'Htujii" lioiih mo lit'iiii untile with n imv to U'liliiij; I'flVi'tivi'lv with iiioli'H, wlili'h liileil'i'ie imili'iiiilly uilli tin t'lillivn (ion of flops. Ah ii ri'Hiill of I'miipniKiH nuniiiht ln' minimi Mpiiiii'lH in poitions of t'lilifoiiiin initiomil J'nirhth, tmii'liiiicn mnl Imiil owner were t'lK'ntii ncil to oifopurutp Willi the limi'dii, ulso to eArry on iuilepriiiluit eiiiiipainu. Ah a LMiniripiuii'e, on tlitniHanilh of nenw wliieli linen Minimi li'tl Minirrcls in aliiiiitliini'i', it is now- iliffit'iill lo find iiuiii llinii mi neeiihioiiiil miiinal. Similiiilv stii'i'i'sxful poiHoii linitf were piepnii'il for tlio ltii'liiiril"oii iroiiml Hipiirii'l, wined )iuw lieeotne ni ile ntnietheiii Noilh Uakota. Othfr o.p'iinii'iits ilrult with the t'Xtenmtiiulnii oi hnlentN irliieli Inn iter lefoi'i'Mittiun liy iliyin: up mnl ilt'MMiriiiff hi'iils nr nawiiin the bark of iiplin;.'N Speetal t'.eninriitK were eomliieteil in Hie national forest liear Oealn, Kin., mnl at the (.'onoiM mirsi'iy in Mintlteiii Ciiliforiiin. In n'sp'iiiM' to rriiui'sts fur niil from fanni'is m mhiIIiitii Iilaho ami etixli'in (Irrpni ami Wiihhincton, the ilepartiiient tiNhistril in i!t roving jack nililiits which hail hren iloin; e.. tensive tlmmij'c. In one icslricli'il legion. Iiv the iim' of cMcnniimlioti hail, over ,"1,U0II raliliitx wimp ile hi my eil. -.iciiiiieiiti alo weie earned on In ileslroyini; crawfish, which do rent diiinnt'o iti'.MisM,ippi mnl Aln baiun. APPROPRIATE GIFT .hi M liifon tlio ClirlHtiiuiH lioll lnH, when liiu Moi'uh are tluont'eit Ii) tlui "litHt nlluuto ruiih"; when .mhi's o often raekuil oiir liinlnu for mi Iikm that will hoIo the tpichtltin of wluit to kIo IiiihIuiiiiI, father, llrothor Tom or .lack; when )ou'vn looked hark on former trlatn, tine to jour limlnu plrkeil lint wroii); llu or a inlittll nil I r t or bockHithnt wore too hiiijiII illtl It ever occur to uu that ou iiillu rol(lu tlio mutter iiulckly ittnl Mitlmnctoilly without IomIiir any lieanty hIodii liy kIvIiik lit nt a kIiihh humidor of Prlmo Albert tlio iiatlonnl Joy Hiuoke? ICk a neat looking cr)ntul kIuhh ro coptarle, holittm; n pouml of tlio bent I IN eil tobacco iiinilo. Wheiiover Ihu Hiippl) In exliaiibtetl It may readily bo roilenllii'tl, timl tlio liuinlilor kt'epH I ho tobacco uiolut, frocli and frnKinnt at nil tltucH. You will find ll In all Htorcu wlivro tobacco Ih nolit, anil )ou uedn'l Iivh Unto lo wnlk rlltt In nml nnl: for It. The clerk won't liltu nml tlio tobacco, can't, either. Tho bite, linn been lakeu out of I', A liy a wonder ful pnti'iited procehH, Think of tlio pleiiHiiro It will kIvo "him" nml tlio posbllilo aiiiiojaiico It will navo you. U'h n (ilfl that will not bo nllppud to tliu Janitor or the oittco boy, llku a llo thut ducMii't Htrlko "hU" fu rj. And furlliorinoio, whon "ho" Ih thlukliiK of a Ktft for n lutblneHH an Horlato or acipuilnttinco or a male rel ative, luilp him out of tho difficulty by NiiKKt'Htlui rryHtal k1iK8 humi dor of Prince Albert, Ah a nuirt'B Kirt It cannot be dpullcatcd In nc eoptatblllty by anythliiB else, at ho nominal a cohI. H'h found .ut tlio nt'tU'cHt Hhop tint noils tolnu'co, XOTH'K. Nolloo Is hereby given that the un dersigned ylll apply to tho city coun cil at Its meeting in 1m held Jan uary n, 19 in, for a llcenHo to soil malt, spirituous and vIiioiih liquors In quautltlort lesu tluUi n gallon nt Uh place ot IiiihIiiohh on lot 10, block II, city of Moilfoni for a porlod of hIv luonthH, HOI.I.ANn IlOTKIi CO. Dated Decombiir 11, 1DH. ' Wlt.i MviUoi'd U'liuo la Mudfoi'tl mmlol COURT HOUSE NEWS Itoiiurtcil liy Jncldioti County Ab tract Co., Klith am) Kir Bin. Ileal I'Mnto TiaiiKfi'ifi Oils Xitwhurv el ux lo Aluiiia WiIimiii, miilhiilcd oni'-lillli inleiext in IH.'t acii's nf land in m'c. I)-;I7.V. ' .) V. Ihh c iix lo iHiihella Koujoy, Inlx ll, Hi and II, ML 'J, Knlu it'll' Kmi'iioided Add., Mcdltinl T. K. Tanner lo .lolin V. Of- Held, lilt H, nik. .'I, Caillon Add., Mi'dford T. II. Tinnier to Chiiilr I', Of- Held, lol II, I.Ik, ;l, Cm Hon Add. Modloid ;iuu 100 100 I TABLE ROCK TABLETS ' 4 f Prof. .IoIiiikoii nnij .lolm NValon aro attomlliii; tho teuvlivrb cxoinlna- lion at .lacknonvllli'. MIhh Helen l.)illiirtl npoul t tic week end with lionin folk, IM Vincent It; dcllVerlni; ba to Med ford piirlk'H. Mli.i Dulclo t'ntoii wax (ho winner of tint weekly prlzo nl Murj Muo'k tonlcit Inrtt week. S'yo Tiirpln and iimtlivr wuro vl?. ItorN nt I be liotmi of Oliver I'crnl liiiut and family Inid Humlny. I.orn (liccory ami family nml Mr. I low limn mid (nmlly of Ai'iilo were Hu inlay Intuitu nt the Colllnn lioine. Tlio (omiiilttvo In cliarge of the, CtirlMmnN tree eiitertalniiiont nto I'ut- I I m; nlenr: nkelv th their work. Tho olleltlnir loininlttio repoith n nllt'hl follltu; off In fumlH uh com pared with other )carn i:. W Ciirlton, A. 1.. Seabrook, .1. C. I'i'ndleioii, lllnicr Hull and ll. K. Nralon were bunlncHU vlnlton. In Med foul Tufvday. Wo nro Rlad to rvporl Hint llltlo Itutli CoIIIiib who liim been Htiffurliii; with an attack of brouclilul pneu monia Ih much better at thin writing. Our nttentlon wan called to an error in an Iwoie or ho Mail Trlbiinu of Inst week where It wan tttntod tinder .School Notori thut tlio Table Itock hch'ool hail hciii a large offerliiK to llu l)o n uml (HrlK Aid ttoolety, and ns a Uiatter. of fact tin hcliool had nothlui; to do with It. ItoHft Klliie, our Kuulnl orchard In hpector, In worktiiK In this commun ity and decoration foiii of the trco.i with rod Htrlur.g. Kclttm; tliuui ready for XmnH. , It tteouiH Unit no matter how ; llnnt wo an; M. Klluu tnn nwaH find ronio blight. Holuo clnlm be can mio'II It. Sam CoIIIiih will plant ton arret) lo tulwar b.'otH mt hiilni$ pioildluK tho b'.'ct HiiRiir lactory Ih put up. At n iiieotlni; at tho Kchool Iioiihc Monday iiIkIU It wan decided to iim) tho f it 1 1 il procuied from tho box social to purcluiHo play ground equipment and a cominltteo wuh appoltited to et prlieH, (intimate, etc l'ni'tleH liiinllnt; on the Kin ley ranch lnr.1 Kuudn on beliiR told to depart rofiihod to ko, elnlmlnx that tho law allowed thoun to huiil between IiIkIi nml low water mark. If thin wcro Into nearly all tho laud on tho ranch oh bordering on tho rhur would ho open to liniitorx. Ah wo would llko to have thin hcttlcd tho nct tnn pahHem will ho git on n cbanco to tent tho law. Mr. Connor report! that choleia 3H broken out nuioui, IiIh Iiorh and while ho known It will )m a black v)o to IiIh much ho does not Intend to Koi It h Hcrrot, but winlies to warn all IiIh iicIi;IiIioih to bo on the look out. A man bent tieto by tho Htnto veterinarian hns vaccinated all of Mr. Uoiuior'H Iiokh. Kvorythlni; ' Iw liiK cleaned up mid disinfected, all Utter In beliiK hurled and n strict quarantine being maintained. On account of tho hog cholera ncaro much activity Ik noticed among tho hog rnlHotK of thin neighborhood, I'oiih aro being cleaned mid illslufict- HAVE QUIT After working for J. '.' Mitchell about four ears, I have, opened n shop at tho corner of South Hivonddo and Hlghth strcot and am able to do anything In tho lino ot body or wheel waumul guuiaiiteo tho bi'ht of workmanship, JOHN BILLINGS r 1'. S. Also ptit on Kllestono Demountable ltltns, Give Something Substantial In tho selection of holiday gifts, prudence suggests something substantial nml Hiuili Is nn account with tho .laekson Couiity llnnk. A splendid gift for son, ditugh ter or any niemborof tho family, rl Interest Pi.IJ on Savings Accounts, M m OVER B8 VEAR6 UK)D I SBJ BBBBBHiBBlHBBBBBIIBBBIB aPtt-:yi.;-1 1 ,t k oil, Iiokh aio boliitf uiven IoiiIcm to keep llieni hi u h'-'i'ltli) condition nml on hoiiio lahchcri inon are ouiployod with nliot gilmi to pri'vcnt the alight ing of clown and other fowlu apt (o bo cnrrjlng gornin, and nlrny ilogn thai don't Atay at home aro prouilHcd a load Of hhol, Tho TAblo llork liiipiovi'iuenl ioiiiicII will mt'Ol WeiliH'Hilay t'vciilng to form fomO plan for flghlliiK hog cholcin. Tlio jiugnr heel liidtuiry iiIno will bo talked oior II In prob alilo that a uiiji'tlng of all tho mom bciH ot tbo iiKHOclatloit will bt- called In tho near future. NOLAN APPOINTED EVERETT POSTMASTER WASHINGTON, Dee. 18. IWi dint WIIkoii uoiuiiiati'd todav llii;li A. Noluii poHtuuixler at Hvcrctt, WiimIi. III.SSOIiUTlON .VOUCH Notice Ih hereby glwn that Clmrlci Murray, heretofore a uiuiubor or the firm of Murray. Newman &. Klnlicr, of Mcdford, Oregon, ban retired from meiiibcmlilp In mild concern, and the IiiihIiichk of Bald firm will bo cm r led on by tho remaining uicmberH there of under tho old firm nae of Murray, New man H I'IhIict, to wliom all dobtii owing to raid concern are pa) able, and who will pay all dobtK owing by Raid concern tbat nro now out Htamllug or may bo Incurred by tho remaining iiionit'vrH, who will not bo rrsioiiHlll! In nny w) tor nny dobtn owing by H.ild Chorion Murrny per nonnlly, or for any dobtH lit itiny con tract In the nntno of inld firm after thin dntc. Oflted nt .Mcdford, Oregon, thin 1 r.tli day or !H'?iinbor, l!Mt. IJy . n. i: ni:wman, 2.11 A MciiiUt of the Klrm. With Mcdford trauc i Bedford mndo fj"iiT r 'ft. CI,.SSII'li:i) ADS. i. .: r Ouo cent per word per Imsiic. Six lnne.rtloiiH for prlco of five. Kitty ccntH per line pir mouth without chango. J run itKXT H(Hsi;ii:i;t'i.u ItOO.MS KCfirilKXT Kuriilnhcd and light housekeeping rbomi icibouablc. (Son and bath. 30 1 8. C. I'oit 1vNT-i;yitN,Q;Hi;i koomh KOU HUNT l.nigf, pleavftnt ivonm with heat and hath. I'.' and $2..0 per weok. 15 North Orano St. 2C0 KOH HKNT Two nicely fuuilslied rooiiia with heat. cIom In. Will board partk'8, 107 South MtMleton. 231 KOH HUNT- Steam heat. bath, etc . hluglo room $2.50 wcelc, 2 In room 3. 219 S. Hhorslilv, DOO-M. .tt iou sai.i: OH n.XCTIANOi: Hoguo Itlvcr Valley 1'rult Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and Timber. Colonlxutlon TracU. Deal nll-thc-ycar-roiiud clitnnto on const. Health Hesort. Wonderful Medici nal Springs. llenici ltealty Co., Ashlnml. Oregon. WHY? I niu making deals for a larger per cent ot my customers than nt any tlmo since. I started bitslnosn. I want jour propoultton. I am making up a Ileal Kstato Kxclianpo Hook. I will not list properties at Inflated values ellher.for salo or trndo fo In quoting prlco of property, gtTo lowest cash valuation. Jut Kliht Nntlonsl Daak llulldlng , . riionn J 30 J J. C. BARNES B R ONC MANAQEMEHT' i if on itrc.Ni mousi KOH HHNT - ll room furnished house close In I'homi 2tH-V, T.VI KOH HKNT--,.lo(rer"iriirriilshciI. six loom bungalow, piano, fireplace, chlse In. Call C J, Stewart or phouu 031. i KOH KKXTlluiifli'ft furnished mnl T imriiriilxheil. .".10 N. Mart Intl. KOH HUNT- My bungalow Imnio fur nished new A-1 Phone 317. 14 J -HI J -;i rJliAlU --,--- n I ' ' ' I'OH HA IIO.MKSl K.AD.S -f-i riB-rr--Ti,n-T - i,ii'i"iiifn'rwT KOH aero hoint'steml re llniUlsliinont, 0 miles out, houi.o, iii-ll nnd Home clearing, prlco II 000. Will trndo for city property, nunitine lnciiiibrnmc If necessary or pav difference, fl 'i miles nortbenut of -101 orchard. It II. Toft, room 33, ,lacl,HO,n County Hank, 1'OH HAI.K ItHAfj KSl'ATB KOH HAI.K .My ranch on Itoss I.ano would take part In good resi dence properly Mcdford. O. Altdcr, It. K. 1). No. 2, Hox II 11, .Mcdford 23.". KOH HAI.K 120 ncio ranch, ouo itillo from Cold Hill, now t room Iniugalow, .'too (mil trees full bear ing. 155.00 per ncre, f 3000 down. Owner, bo 27?, Oold Hill, Ore gun. 232 V(ii SAM: ICO aero ranch, one inllo from Oold Hill. New- f200Q liouise, pleiilj of water, K0 aero, 13000 down. Owner box 279, Cold Hill, Oregon. 232 KOH SAI.I: Klto acres well Itn proved, close In, tonus. See own or. P. O. box 2hr.. 217 FOIl S.H.rv IiIYfvHUCK KOH SAI.i: Three brood sows to" let on sliar'; also two Cycle halcliers for tnle Phojio ,S."i7-H or J. II. Patterson, H 1, Meuford. 232 KOH SAI.K Hogs, or will exchange for stock. .1 K. McDowell. Trail. Oie. 232 KOH SAI.K Thoroughbred rejls teicd O, I. C, Improved Chester White 4 caned pigs for wile. Sonio pood boar pips. Schuchurd Or chard. Phone C11-R3. KOH SALE Shetland pony, cart and harness, cheap. Schuchard Oichard. Phono C11-R3. KOH SALE Six young fresh cows, heavy milkers, high test. Nash Livery. 232 FOR SALE And for service, full blooded Jer.ey hull. II. A. Gray. Jr., Orchard. Home. 247 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS vtfii KOH SALE Puro bred Plymouth Rock and White Leghorn Chick ens U. Alldcr,Phone 732.1 1. 233 VOll SALE Engine and ptinip Jack, a 1-2 horse power, nearly new, or trade for stock. Nick .Mitchell, It. K. I). No. 1, Mcdford, Hox 3.'.. 23 I KOH SALE Wood. $2 per tier nnd up at Public Market, Mouth S. 231 FOR SALE Will be al tho market Saturday with pork satisago made and put up right; also Xnins tnlnco meat. J. A. Waterman, stall 9. 231 KOH SALE Graphaphone, Columbia Uraphonoln, nearly now cost $50, will taku $25. nnij throw In 12 largo records. Call at 20G W. Main St and bco this bargain. KOH SALE Three benuttrul Persian rugs. One, size 5 1-2x9; a pair, 3 1-2x5; used. A bargain ror cash. I'li6ue 33G-R. Earl Trowbridge. 233 KOH SALE Dry xnooiI, under cover, all kinds and lengths. Vnlley Fuel Co. Phono 7fi. ,.'52 KOH SALE $10,000.00 worth of gilt edged mortgages In amounts to suit purchaser, all drawing 10 per cent per a on it m. Svo owner. R. II. Toft. KOH SALE Cut glass, fluo mahog nny, blnlwne maple, and oak furni ture, Kimball piano. plaer and music nt a bargain. Sep it nt tho New York Hair Dieting Parlors, next to post oftltx. WAX! Kl hlTCATlONS WEirVork by day or hour," by itildtlle-aged woinau. Ill Noilh Kront. 233 WANTED- "Wurk. wood cutting. O. Ilox 3C2,Medfoul. P. 12 HELP WANT RD--aiAYiR WANTED-uToroughl.-wide-nwnko hUKtllug snlcsmnn to represent us in this territory during 1915. Our superior lino or art calendars, Il lustrated signs, leather goods, tans, pencils and other practical adver tising novelties offers you a real opportunity to inako big money tho year round. If ou are ambitious to connect with a llvo proposition, write nt once. Address. Sales Mgr., Mooker Adv. Co., Inc., Joplln, Mo. 232 WAXTEU MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Listings of city and coun try property for Immedlato sale or exchange. Clark Realty Co., 20G Phlpps IMdgs. WANTED To buy desk and small wood stove. Medford Poultry and Egg Co. Phono 5 S3. 231 WANTED Wcok-old calves. C A. Colby, Lake Creek. Oro. 235 WANTED- Uiifurnlshod 7 or 8-room nlodcru house, with sleeping porch preferred. Phono 1 1 or call nt room 208, .MeiUord hotel. 231 ? r.T"7 "Tt a rur afc as i jxui FOR EUIIANClh EXOIIANQE Want to sell or buy anythlngr U O Rader, 114 N. Front St l'Jmriloyiuoiit nfdrn and tit,rmS0 leutnla, Pl.Jjuo 125, Nuff Sod, I'OL'N'Ii KOI'XI)--lllcycle on- OrlfHiI creek Owner mil nml dcscrlbo snnio nt .Monarch Heed Co 231 s-.jsis3 M.-S-3 - situ-'- ::".i,. ssf IWMNKHb IHitrvrrOltV Auto finpplicn LAIIKH AUTd SPrtlN'O 00. W aro oporotlng tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Vts clfle northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold tinker guar anteo. 20 North Fifteenth St Portland, Oro, Notary I'uollc lie, Drlng your work to mo at tt slfn of the Mall Tiibtino. Transfers BAD8 TnANSFBK A BTOllAOB CO VliltJ T tlUIIJl A IUIIV dti i UUUI ! 3 IS. Prices right. Service guar tntecd. Attornvjrs POUTER J. NFFK, WM. P, MBAI.E1 Atlorneys-aHiw, Hooma 8 and 9, Medford National Hank hide A. K. REAMKS, LAWYER Oarnatt Corey bide. Wm. M. Colvlff. Ocorgo M. Roberti COLVIO ft llOIJERTS, LAWYERS Medford Xatlonal flank Uulldlns U. K. MlLKEY & GEO. V. CIIKKItt Attornoys nt Law. Jackson Coun ty Hank Dulldlng. NEWTON W. HOrtnKN Attorney at lav, room 7, Sparta bulldjnr, Ued-. ford. Oregon. Chiropractors DU. A. R. IIKDOKS. Dr. I.ouiso E Hedges Mecuano-Tbcrnplsts, Chlro praetors, Spondylnthernplsts. These lystomn. Including dletetlco, cura tlvo Kymnaxtli-s, hydrp-thcrapby, etc . produce rrnults In both acutr and chronic dlnoascs. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel & Co., cor ner Mnln and nartlc'.t. Hours 9 a. ni. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appolntmont. Phone 170. DR. R. J. LOCK.WOOD,, Chiropractor norvo specialist Rooms 203-201-20r. Oarnctt-Corey bldg. Vapbi baths and scientific massage glvon; necdlo spray, head and shoulder ahower In connection; advice te dietetics, medical gymnastics hydropthcrapy. Lady attendant Phone, office 613, residence &11-H Employmcat Aftcncy We aro here to help people set re liable, competent help. We far nlsh help In almost all lines of business. Wo make a specialty ot competent men and wires for ranches. Wo solicit your patron age. Dlttnor's Real Estate and Employment Bureau, Rooms 6 aad 7- Palm Dulldlns, Medford. Pboaa SOS. Mrs. J. S. Clark- Manager, auccesser. Drattsta DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Qarneit-Corey Bldg., suite 111 Mcdford, Ore. Phone 86G. Garbage QARDAQE Oct your premUe cleaned up for tbo summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phono 274-L. F. T. Allen. Instruction la Music IfAIUHT MUSIC STUDIO 116 So. Laurel. Fred Alton Halght Piano, Mrs. Florence Halllday Halght, volco. Tclvphono 17C-R. Stcctvgmpnerf SHOE REPAIRING First clars pb.04 repairing, on moaern electric machines while you wait E. N. IUden. located in KIdd'i. Shoe Store. Phono 313J. Pauitim; ROOMS TINTED OR PAPERED From $2.50 and up, by Dick San ders. Phono 54 t-M, residonco C 1 1 N. Fir. Katlmalctf gticu, all arouud in n iv, honest dealings, good matct litis used absolutely, Pliyesiclans una mirgeotis DR. P. O, OARLQW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OsteopathU physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Coraj bldg., phono 103C-L. Residence 20 South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physicians, 303 (laruett-Corej building. Phono 904-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eyo, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tlflcally tested and glasses sup plied. Offlco 22S East Main St, Hours S:30 a, m, to 8 p. m. Phono. E. It. PICICEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Rank bldg. Office phono 43-R; residonco phono 5S-14 DR. MARTIN C, RARDER Physl clan and surgeon. Office Palm block,' opposlto Nash Hotel, rjouri 10 to la, 1 to 4. Phoua 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Phslclan and surgeon. Phones, offlco 36, reel douce .72 1-J, Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5, DR. S. A. LOCICWOOD Phyolclai. and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOOKAVOU.D. M. D. Pruetlco limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E, Mala Phonos, resldenco, 814-J2; offlet 814. R. J, CONROV, M. D. -Physician anfi Burgeon. Over Hutchison & Lums dou, 21C E. Main St. Phone 77. Printers and Ptiullsuera .l-l'.ir'.j --.-."---.-.-T . MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has tbt best euutpped printing office la southern O.rogon; book binding, IUWI 1VU) ivuii, UllllUb POH'lUTi etii. Pflrtliuul jirlros 'if Marti t'lC HI. . Dainty, promptly, In nil llio pro per slylci( of hoi, lihlfo rtuu accord ing ilcntliig, hfltiiHlllchjiiH, plcotliig. braiding and embroidering. i:BTMItX X'OVfcl.TV Co. Hr,)i I'l'rtli St., Next to f.luMk.'iiinW'i Hunk, t'ortlmiil, Oregon i . t QUALITY In nniuo nicnni notlilog on Iem iiu buck the ninim with (tin goods nml sen Ice. Wo nro trying to imiko .V ' ' the iuiiiio n reality. The Quality Dairy J. F. llhonils, Prop. Thorto 7afTl UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE FULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 South liivcrside -Phone 150 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK IJroprlQtor, I ftDaisy Bran Butter 97 IF iSOT WHY NOT? The White Velvet Ice Cream and Butter Co. 32 South Central. Mcdford, Oregon. WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 East Main Street Icdford Tho Only Exclusive Commercial Photographer! in Southern Oregon Negatives Mado any tima or place by appointment Phono 147-J "We'll 36 the rest ii. D. WESTON. Prop. Every Woman who bakes is fast coming 10 recogntzothe many advantages ot a properly blended flour for Central baking purposes- Fisher's Blend Flour is superior to an ALL-HARD WHEAT FLOUR, or an ALL SOFT WHEAT FLOUR for bread, cake and paBtry Fisher's Blend Flour Ii a better flour than an ALL EASTERN HARD WHEAT FLOUR; it insketi a better loaf uf br-;ad with bettor Hayr, bet ter toxturo and o( battar color than an all-hnrd wheat flour Fisher's Blend FJotir Is a bettor flour then an.ALL- SOFT WHEAT JTLOV'; U produces mots and jartftrlQayes of better bread with Y bettercrust,bttercoJor and of hotter tqxtUre than aall-soft jvhaat , flodr. J-'orcileLy illcrocm 7? - .' MaaiilactHTfd liy Fisherlwriiig Hill U Seattle, Wk. m$ Ii. '-'