r J ' PA'ain FOurc MEDFORD MTU TRIBUNE, IxtEDFOKD, OttTCOON, VR1DAY. TF,O10MYWVJ 18. 101. hUr MKDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDRPKNUHNT NKWSPAPHR fOHMSirmj RVKnr akteiujoon DXOKPT HUNDAT I1Y THE MttDFOltD l'RINTINO CO. RESTORING PROSPERITY . Office MM1 Tribune IlullJInB, .?. Worth OTr trnt teleplion- 75. Th D-moeratlo Tttnca, Tha Ktdford Qfa.II.Tha Mod ford Tribune, Ttin BoaUi rn OroiOHlan, The Aiihland Trlbun. vsscmimos ju.tm On jNir. br trial) i IE.00 Or month; by man .60 Pr month, delivered by carrier In Medtord. JneiHtsn?lllo ana Cn- fjatvrfar only, by mil, per year 100 WeeUly, pr year , , . 1.10 SO 0'!-6d f&per 6f the City tit Mtdfor. Official rpr of Jackson County. ' Hnter4 ancondelaaa matter at Medtard, Oreeun, under tie aet vt March 3, U7. VBk-' Subscribers falling to receive papers promptly, phono Clrcu- lntlon Manager at 25011. - 4- v .? -J- ! ! ! u. ,11 uix - i ' i wr - fr EM CHAIRS IN FRENCH CHAMBER A. , , PAIUS, bee. 1.4, l6 n. m. There will be a number of empty scats In both housoa when the Trench par liament mcts December 22. Those of Senator Kmtl Rcymonil anl Dopu tfca Pierre Oougon, Kduonrd Nortler nmt Paul Proust, who were killed In battle, will be draped In crepe. Them arc a number of senators and deputies In the territory occupied by Rermnny and the Trench govern ment has been trying to communi cate with thctn through the Spanish ombasoj' in Berlin, but so far unauc ccssfully. Among them membors li ono of the deans of the senate, the acndcinlctan, Alfred Mesteres. Oth-Senator- Chnrles L. Noel, Ocorget Ennnntt, Charles Seldluc, Joseph Dehove, Gustave Dron and Augusto Ploto who were mayors qf the cities they represent and stayed at their ports. Deputy Pasnual, a territorial lieu tenant In the active French army. Is another who will bo missing. He was taken prisoner at Maubcuge. Deputy ltasly, mayor of Lens, also will be absent as". ho Is believed to have been shot by the "Germans. HOAV that the eastern railroads have scoured long sought increase in rates, what will be the next conces sion necessary to re-establish prosperity? All the demands of capital have apparently boon met. "Uncertainty has been removed. President AVilson lists stated that, his program of legislation to regulate big busi ness has been completed and the course, business must follow to keep straight is plainly marked, and, business has repeatedly asserted that it could adjust itself to any condi tion, provided it knew in advance what that condition was. The danger of financial panic has been removed by the new currency law. No longer is a financial crash possible. uncertainty has been eliminated and an elastic emergency currency provided. The tariff is fixed for a number ot years, at any rate, in response to years of agitation. Industry knows what to expect in this line also uncertainty is removed. The Clayton bill and supreme court decisions Have out lined clearly the patb between legal and illegal businss. The restraints and regulations are known quantities. Despite sneer and jeers of jingoes, the administration has kept the nation at peace with the world. Hank .are full of money, record crops are bringing record prices. The demoralization caused by the European war is being grad ually righted. Foreign commerce is being developed in new quarters. Cessation of European exports and imports is partially made up by large orders from belligerents. The permission to increase rates was claimed as the last thing needed to revive business. Let us hope it proves true. mt iiecount of the addition, to their revenues I'loni iuoteuM's in rule sub sequent to July 211, Wll, ninl from now charge, tuul tn repoil veMiuteI. thereon to the eiiiniiiissinii nt the end of twelve mill tweiily-four months rcpectixely." After stating the exceptions lu'iv tofore gixen, tin decision proceed? : Joint Untes I'eriultteil "In our original repot f we declined, for reasons there stated, to allow in creased rates in central freight u- "furriers will lie required to l.foij fietl. lulei In official ohidUetitlou teuitorx tuny lit" iiietoiiseil liv not nunc tlmii o lice cent', but rules in crciHcd ineo July till, llll I, niny mil now he nguitt Increased so as to cv- eced thoxc then in cllccl b an tair urCgntc of ironic (lilm ft pre cent of the iittrit-tenltoruil rule, or of tnc iioi lion or division of tln iittcr-ten torial rule tiociuingto the road or fouds in official classification' leu i torxyas the eiic.iuix lie. Details if ImiHStsc "It frncliotc in eveess of oiic-liult socintion territory on ccnieul. stiucli,,a mi me ,mmuvd u,,WhuI, fractious hriuk-, tile, clay and plaster. On fur- !,,, tl)ll ,mP.,f ,j arc to he dw- thei consideration in the liphl of tli'lom0d. oxisting situation, these rates may be) ,,, . ..... ., , ... , . . M , ., , . .,. . i In some instances, ami in imit lie incensed t hnnighout olfieuil cIiism- . .. .... f ,.'. ..... f. .. .... i .i r :. . caii-c of the pc uln d o this no ficntum tl'intorv under the Innitu- ... , ' ,,, , ' , , . .. , , . i P .li ceeliug, we have reeelitlv suspended lions- horciii sl ioith. ,. . , . . ,i . , ... ... . . , . .... ..... ... . piono-ed inciciised rntiH in this Iciii "Joint i ntcs between o icia cu s. ' . . , , .. .. . .. .i i torv. ( nnieis uin.x, I thc s elect, hificntion tcintorv on the one hftnd , . . :r t ,,. , .. ., ., ., mow ciiuce sue h taiiffs so suspended and southeastern territory, the south-1 , ;. , ,. ,. ... ..,.. .. 1.1..1. ... i ,1 and lie in hcu t cieot limits which west niul pouts on or enst o the M11., , ' .1 !.. 1 ..'.., ., ... contomi to he linn ntioiis idiove sj souii river, in the other, umv w in-' . , ,.. ., , . , ... .... I . . ...1 - ... ..... .ll'IIICH. II llllll IS IIIMir, -IHIl -U-"M II ,-... .1". ..' ,-,... .r " .!. I . 11 rr ..: .. :n 1 .....I... 1 . !...!... . .1. . !.. ... "MIMIS III' Mil Ml. II. ine umsiuii ui me rue neci-uiiig i" ...,, ., . , , . . 1 . 1 .. . ., . . ...... , , :,v... .. " o t he c. cut aboM' ndicatcd, we the cnireiN in oltieml class u'U 01 ,, .- , .. II' llli..., tl,,.,.,sOs iV.lll-.. I """ "0HJ 0 -piVWHH- ...... ..K, ...... 1111 riers uffeitcd mnv file, cflcclie d le-s than ten dns' notice, sin h Dissertation on the Bible COMMUNICATIONS In an nrttcto pertaining to tho Phoonlx schools publishod in the Mall Tribune Nov. 2 4, tho statement was mado that tho principal did not hold a certificate entitling him to teach high school. Since, that tlmo I have been Inform ed that during the past season he lias received a five year ccrtlflcato which under the laws of Oregon per mits his teaching the ninth and tenth grades. Now I bad no intention of Injuring the gentleman but merely to call attention to the Incompetency and mlsmangetuent of those In au. tbority. The school records uhow that the gentleman, holds a one 'year cer tificate and that i what I based ray" fltatement on,' Now I would suggest to our law makers that If they wish to do. any thing for tho benefit ot Oregon that they proceed to amend the ccliool law especially as to tho requirements of tenchcriJ. Tho standard should be raised. We should have thrco grades of cm (incites, lt. Primary, Gram mar and High school and applicants for each should bo required to show that they are thoroughly well quali fied. Bo long as boys and girls, with 110 more education than what they get In the grammar schools, and jonng men and women with only n high school education are employ ed to teach In high nchools, Just so long will tho standard of our schools bo low, I would nlno suggest for tho benotlt of tho schools that teach ein fiorn other s tut en holding diplo mas front iion11.1l schools, colleges, and universities of high standards bhould bo peiiulttej to teach In anv of tho schools of tho state without examination. This I consider would do inoio for tho davnnroniont of our schools than anything clfc A TAXPAYER. A SHE WOMAN Madam Wlntorroth, pnlmlbt, clair voyant and trance medium, Now located In our city Is creating fien6ntIons by hertrua predictions. ' Bho bus engaged a patronage of tho very best pooplo of our city. She jeada you as art opon book, past, pres ent and future, and sots you on tho right road to health, woalth and hap. plncas. All thpso In doubt don't fall to tca this gifted woman an she l: Miro for ii few days only. Office Colonial Plots;, South Hlverslde. 231 'rb.o Gmirif a Hill mine, near Grants (Conclusion.) (lly Dr. J. Lawrence lllll.) At it time when there wns. ns yet. no English literature for the common people, tlii untold wealth of Hebrew literature (the llible) was implanted in the Knli-h mind us in virpn soil. Great euiiseqiicnees have Howed from J the fact thut the first truly popular literature in Kuuland, the fi rt that stirred the hearts of nil clashes of 1'x'ople and filled their minds with ideal pictures mid their every day speeech with tipt mid telling pharses, wns the literntttre comprised within tho Bible. Oo where vou will, you do not find in nny countrv, which is un touched by the llible, that stimulus to righteous livinir'nii you do where it holds absolute sway. Sec what it has wrought in the earth. What hut the llible has transformed the nations of Europe from savages to civilized people. What gave inspiration to the Dutch beggars wild lined (he shores of Holland mid covered the water of tho Netherlands jn mi eighty years war against the most powerful na tion then on earth? Wn.s it anything but the inspiration which came from the Bible nnd fired their hearts with a zenl for liberty of conscience? What was it which inspired their con temporaries under Elizabeth to tho dustruction of the greatest naVy then exiMmg4 The historians, Maeauluy nnd Green answer, the Hible. It was tho Bible in the hnnds of Wickliff and Huss in the fourteenth century wjiich gave birth to rt new nnd better day in the wftrid's history. It was Luther proclaiming the tmths of this book which awoke not only Germany, but the whole world to u sense of Uh duty towards uud faith in God. Tho best laws in our land emanate from it. Thut nntiou which liven nearest to its truths stands highest in the ncale of civilization. Without it no nation can sustain or perpetuate itself in righteousness. Both nature and the Bible tench that the power of the Bible is not in (ho intellectual neenracy of its let ter, lint in tho divine principles which nnimalc it. No man, or set of men, enn once for nil wash out of this fountain of gold and. iix its total amount in the ledger or daibook of a catechism or a creed. Nor can tinyj ono church tcast nil the clusters ot j this vine of tlio ages into the picss o one century of thought any miv wi ( have the whole vintage and the onl 1 pure wine. Each gcneuilioii imt-t go back to the mountain to dig new ore, and into the viueyard to pluck iio-li ( grapes, llie nunc is not an 11 un bound box to ho presided over liv a college of cardinnU or mi assemblage of prot'cstmit ilmncs. It is every man's hook, mid every man has the light to iulciprct it for himself. It is not the lraiiic, nor tho foim, nor striiclinc, nor Innguagc of the book, but the (iod who dwell in il mid speaks to the human hern I out of its c'lowiug pages ihnt make it precious to ceiy thinking and unbiased mini. It illumines and transfigure- the present, for it bring God into it and places Him in living toiieh with our lives, and makes Him n helper in our moral struggles nnd spiritual aspinr tion-. and our heroic, though nnjK'r feet, ctforts'to live the life of duty. It is a solace in trouble, convolution in sorrow, strength in weakness mid cheer in loneliness; it become-, mi tin-fnilim- inspiration when human un til re, left to il.s own resources, would lie down in despair mid die. Therefore we cannot doubt but that th chief principles of the Bible nre iK.ivenly nnddivinc, though wc can not so well prove that the very wonls and syllables of it or arrangement of its bonks, ore so, too; for it is the sense, theJ soul of scripture, which touches and satisfies all who come to it hungering to learn more of God, and of life hero nnd that which ii to come, and not the mere letter of it. on which to build our hopes. INCREASE IN FREIGHT RATES (Continued from ajrr X.7 territory. n chance 111 the relationshtn under tin' 1 ..... ..1...... 1 1 ....!.. :.. 011 not 11 lung UIKI ".iiuii 1111111 ru.r ui-inn'ii in- ' . ..... ., ,., , . , ,1., .- ...I..II.J .... .1.1.1 I .kll.t.ljl i.i.fifllwl llll tcnuediatc points and more distant -"" :"'"."," . . , , .. .... , , ,. , 1 rcstiietioiN nboM stntul. points outside ot oflieial clussitien-1 tion territory, relief fiom the fouithj Km Inn lllssents section of the net must he first c 1 Chainiuui Harlan, while uaieenig cured on regular application, j tluit the toads have established their Ineirnsc of P'lc IVcCcnt needs of net ivieinic, in eicu gicnter "Interstate rates to and fiiini New 'ouiiunt than fiO.tlOO.OOO. which Ihc England from mid to oiits in trunk jenrriers indicated would icsiilt horn line or central freight ns,ociatioit ler-,' ' " P''" ,,'"l increase, declines his cntiic "dissent trom the course now nppi ovc.l by the coiuiuissioli tin pel milling the earners to augment the ritory, where neeessnrv to preserve established rclationshqis between points or ports in New England mid points or ports in trunk line tctiitorx levcnuos may be increased not to ccecd : wr. "' wuinot but think thai a genei.il v,0l'ft increase In the standard rates of th s "Snbjcut to the itiiiintciinucc of tlif! "iititi.v, while the rate stnictuies ..l established Atlantic purl diffeicii- J ' '""' carricis remain full of nicoiisis tials, rates to ami fiom New Yml. tcncies, diseiiiniuntioiis mid wrongful mnv bo increased not to exceed .'. per practices (!'( dejdetc their revenues, cent, and rates to and from I'mlhiud. ' morallv wnuiK; that the placing of Boston. Philadelphia and Baltimore, mldilimml bindciw on interstate com mnv be mcieiiscd to the cxti-nl nee- mercc Hint is not nUo j.hieed iism cssarv to uiiiiutaiii said dilfenntials.' state 1 ou'inercc. is also wieng: and . "E.xeept as otherwise ahow s'pci ' bnt the course approved 111 the sup- pleitteubil icpoit will ulliuiulel.x be us disastrous, lo the ciinici llieiusches us it will he liuimftil to (lie geaeial In tl'iesls." Clements ANu lllssents "I iMl.li hill icguid llm itelloii now taken liv life coiuuiissUin iih tint of liiii-iimnx with Ihn spirit ami purpose of the luw, ami us 'inking a Men thai lends uunv I mill tin soliful pilic1ilp fumiiilsslnncr flemcnls di-sculiug, iicccmsihx to vonscrve the emls of sivs in' pint : Iftstiec." T'-.'.-sj-r 1 i-i1lx ij "x fm jmr M Tea Garden Syrup v1j for the Christmas m Candy assures not only (K I the best, but its purity and food & if value protects the children's iik health. Try it Ask your grocer 1 Pacific Coast 5yru Portland j sirPyt A ? Co. gMM & , Oregon M . p JyA ious considerations presented, we agree in the conclusion that by xirtue of the conditions obtaining at present, it is.necessury that the carriers' rev enues be supplemented bv increases throughout official classification ter ritory. "Tho original report, besides np proxing n rale increase in rendu! fi eight association territory, suggest cd ten sourer, of additional revenue for enrriers throughout offiuinl clas sification territoiy; tho present re lort, recognizing the existence of a new situation since July 29, acqui esces in 11 territorial extension of the relief granted to the central fi eight association lines by permitting the carriers to file tariffs providing, xvith certain exceptions, specified herein, for horizontal rate increases in offic. inl classification territory. It is ex pected that the constructive . work suggested in the official report for tho purpose of conserving- mid Aug menting the ml revenues of Iho car riers generally will be enrncd for ward without interruption. John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Asaittant 8 B. nAJVl'LETT PnosM M. 47 an 47-M Got Your Next Suit ot TZ'LOTHES A. SIADK BV L E I N rmcEB fss.oo up Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering ISM K. Main, UpstAlra STAR : FRIDAY AND SATURDAY- AUTHENTIC WAIt PICTL'itES Hearst-Selig News The Telltale Knife eni: PMtT I Miss Alice Joyce In Her Most Wonderful Silicons The Brand TWO PA UTS k Hearts and Diamonds WITH John Bunny-Flora Finch and Company TWO PA UTS . Continuous Saturday p, 111. 1MB to 10:45 IT THEATRE Kill DAY AND SATl'UDAY Till: .MILLION IM)I, l,.lt MVnTKHV Kpliode No. 20, The Secret Warning Ml'TlWIi wki:ki.v NKWS NO. Il.l ' TirKJST)ltV o.' ,N OI.IVi: American Till: PASSINO or WAY AMtlp Roaring KcMonc Comedy 10c PHOTO PI.AYS ALWAYS IOc Hero St'NUAY AND MONDAY tiii: ki:.vvoutiiv riav six PEOpi.i: :its In Comedy Dramui NlghtB Only An entire change each night, A fifty cent nhow ntihixlf prlie V HOLIDAY SPECIAL THE PAGE Friday-Saturday Evenings, Saturday Mat- Mcdford's Leading Theatre l,iee 2 p- M-' The General Film Company Presents Melio's Photo Masterpiece THE CURSE OF GREED In Five Parts This great picture is one of the best features from tho General Film Company. A story of intense interest, depicted by a cast of strong players. ONE-PART COMEDY LATEST POPULAR MUSIC BY Large Page Theatre Orchestra Friday and Saturday Evenings Saturday Matinee 2 P. M. ADMISSION, 5, 10, 15c Nothing Nicer or .Mote Appropilftln for Xmas Presents Thin Pictures We lmxe up-to-dato linn of framed pIcturcH and motto, from 2.1c up,"al-o sheet plctnrusr nnl do alf UnUof "picture" framing. Waters' Paint & Wall Paper Store Wo Olvo S & II, Orcen Stamps Medford Public School Entertainment NATATORIlM HALL Friday Evening, December 18 8:00 O'CLOCK Folk Dances, Drills, Songs and Chor uses by the pupils of all the schools The funds raised will be applied to ward paying for the Athletic Field. Admission 25 Cents -Get your tickets now from sdme pupil TALK IT OVER WITH YOUR WIFE . i You've been scclntc tuul hearing a lot about till ' patronize Oregon IiuIiih. try" movement. You know the good ot It, and no doeri your fnmlly, hut you're nuxcr quite i cached the point of nppl)lng II directly to xotirxclf, to your own cam., ' , HuppoHo you nud our xxlfe tail; It over like. xo good, loyal IioohIhm. Yini'll bo surprised to le.iru how many opportunities lo do Homelhlng worth while for jour homo state In geuoinl and joiiouilf In particular )nu haxo been overlooking. Lt'H all do our part PATHONIZi: OltL'OON INDUHTKY, mid cHpeclally remember with our pntroungo, tlm following conci'iim xvho hnvo mib HiiliHrrlli'cil to thin canipnlgn, . . ' , AI'TO LA.MPS, ,LI(DlNIKIti:S Portland Auto Lamp Co., Slain 72t:i. MOAIdurSt. . HANKS, The United Mtatc National Haul;, 7.1 Third St., Purtlnml, Or. "jpAJGNbL.)EXONr - WOOLEN MILLC CAN'llY VOfJAN'S CHOCOLATHH, .Modern CAtifecztlouory Co, Portland, Oregon, OKHKAI,S "(;()L)i:.V HOD," (loldon hod Milling Co., Portland, Oregon, COLl'MHIA 1IAS1H, HAtON, LAHIl, And Pure Pork Huiihiiku Inlon Meat Company, Portlaiid, Oikoi. , i OHArKKHH- "HUPlllJMr, IIKANIL 1'. K. Hiiradon & Hon, Portland, Oiugnn. IJT.KOTRICITY SIimIo in Oicgon. Portland Unllxvny, Light & Power (io Portland, Oregon. ' I'lIlK INH1TJIANOK, Pacific HtutoH Kl to ItiHiiianco Co, ' Chum, of Com, llldg,, Portland, Or, FI.VrUllNH IJLKCTJtICAL AND (l.H, J. C. Kngllrth Co,, llfi I'nlon live, N,, I'oi'tlaud, Or, I'H'ltNITPIII-VIIA.VD.MADK, V. A. Taylor Co., 130 Tenth 8t.( Portlund, Or', (.'A.MHHINI'S HrowliiK Co., Portland, HAS APPLIANCIIS AND KUHNACKH, lll'HH .Mfg. Co., fil'J WllllaniH nvo., Portland, Or. i.mpli:.mi:nts i'ah.m, t It. M. Wnili)'& Co., j . 1122 llawthoriio a,, Portland, Or. KAflT (JOODS, i ' Portland Knltllng Co., I Mi Third HI., Poitlnud, Or. .MIJN'H. MADL'.TO.OHDL'lt (Jf.OTIf. Churlim C'oojioy & Hoiih SOI ltoal llldg., Poitliind, Or. ' .MO.V7.Mi:.TH--.AIAHHLK, (1HAMTK UlaiiHliiK Oruulto Co,, 2ii7 Third, Portland and Halem, Or. OrcgonI)(C Insurance Company ucuuivm.v OHaoN' ' HOM OrflbK, COI.BBTT HtDO PonTUANH WOOLCN MILLQ Hl'ltllKIt IICKLS, .MKCIIANIOAL (iOODH, Poitland Hulibur .MIIIh, llfi'S Kant' Ninth St., Portlund, Or. SUITS AMI COATS M.UH-! TO OIIDKIt Sixth and Aider, Pditlnnd, Or. Hoy narkliurHt, V A "V" -, WMj llllllM l pjiiiiiuu iiiiiiii,