Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 17, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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page .two
Chirr of Police Ultttton Is confined
lo IiIh home lodav. by n sovcre colli.
M. dimes la ncthip In his phvco.
Mrs. J. V. noddy loft for Sjiofcnno
Wednesday to spend Christmas with
her father. ,
Horn nnd bonril nt 14 & South Ivy.
Mrs.,0. U'drnnt, 243
lhiiohl Cochran, n student at the
University or Oregon nt Hupiono re
turned (ho first of the week to spend
the Chrislmns vacation visiting In
this city villi friends mid relatives.
An epidemic of mumps lu Mr.
Cechran's: fraternity house cnused
tlui university authorities to eall tlio
vacation period four dnj.8 early.
Got it at Do Voo's.
GcorRe Andrews is reported ser
iously 111 nt his home n tlie Central
Point highway.
Mrs. .1. M. Jncobsou nud llttli ion
nre visiting friends nnd relatives
dilrlup the holiday season nt (ilomlnlc
They will return to this city the first
of the year.
Why walk when you can rldo for
J 5c to nny part of the city. Kord
Tascl. Call Alro SS2II.
Hot Kllno of tha Little llutte dis
trict Is spondlut; the day In Medford
nttendlUR to business matters.
Axel l.und;ren of the Hlue toilRn
district is lu the city for n few days
attending to business tuntters.
llcmcmbcr tho Roddy box Is a
guarantee of quality. Martin J. Kcd
dy, tho Jeweler.
Chester A. Arthur, Camp No. S,
Eons of Veterans was organized nt
ft meeting; pf 0. A. It. members at the
Ked Men's hall Tuesday nlRht. An
other incotlnjr will be "held In the
near future to elect officers and
adopt by-lawR,.
O. II. Itelter of Salem Is spending
a few days in the city visiting friends
and relatives during the holidays.
"Iniuraucc" means "Holmes'' nnd
"Holmes" means "Insurance." Seo
Holmes "Tho Insurance Man."
Mrs. Sarah Ilrown of Evans creek
Is spcndiiiK a few days in the city
visiting friends.
Tho raid of tho (iernian cruisers
On unfortified English coast towns
has a particular Interest to, Richard
Sherwood, a carpenter of thla city,
'for Scarborough, ono of tho attack
ed resorts, is his home town, nnd
where many of his friends and iel-
ntlves lle. M. Sherwood Is. famil
iar with thelay-of (fie land hi that
vicinity, nnd many- of the buildings
demolished by the shells of the cruis
ers, were Jils haunts In other days
Tho finest equipment In Oregon for
printing fruit labels. Medford Print
ing Co,
Tho schools of the city will clot
for thu Christmas holidays tomorrow
afternoon, nnd Christmas exercises
will bo given in tho grammar" grades
of tho city. The schools will re-open
Monday, January 4. Many of the
Medford teachers will attend the State
Teachers association meet at Nugent
December a 1 tp January 3
Remember Friday veiling, De
cember US. Tho great event. The
school entertainment of tong and folk
dancing, of drill and recitation for
tho athletic field fund. Everybody
wj bo there.
J. T. qhlnnocic, state water sup
erintendent with headquarters In this
city, Iiuh received a lergo supply of
the Oregon water laws, which con be
Hoeured hi application. The law nre
In deiuimd with the Jncreaso in furor
for Irrigation in this section.
White Seal, steel cut. coffee, 2r.c
at Ilrownleu & I.Jndloy. 30
The Misses Mnrjo and Mildred Col.
Hum visited friends and relatives in
till cltj Wednesday afternoon.
Sweet elder at Do Voo's.
It Is tho Intention of tho Hlks Jodg
to observo Now Years by holding a
wntcji party In their new building on
North Central avenue.
Kodak finishing tho best, at -Weston's
Caniero Shop. Over lulu Thea
Tho Puronfs and Tractions associa
tion of tho Itooxevclt school will hold
their tegulnr meeting tomorrow af
ternoon. Tho subject for discussion
will be "Home Occupations and
AiniisQiuetitB for Chlldien."
If you want quality I have It. Storo
open evenings till Chriblnine. Mar
tin J. Reddy, tho Jeweler.
Miss Allldied (Jorlg of tho I'nlvor
tilty of Oregon ,it Kugene returned
Tuesday to spend tho Clulstmas vaca
tion at home.
J. 0. (lorklng, the best nil around
Photographer in southern Oregon.
Always rejlabjo. Negatives tnado auy
wlfore, timo or plu'co. Studjo 228
Main St. Phono 320-J.
.Hurl Reynolds of the Itoguo River
Fruit and Produce association lost
ii $400 motorcycle In ut0 poultry
wnrehouso (he Tuesday night u was
fully Insured.
Try n iiuurt of our guaranteed
Jiuro Banltnry milk. Phono r.S2-w.
2 no
Jomos Ifsnn o Rospbmg spent the
first of tho vyiek in Medford traiiB-
ucutig nusiuoss jnottcrs. Sutton who has been conduct
ing n stock ranch in KUamnlu county
nrilved Wednesday to spend Christ
mas visiting friends hud relatives in
thl city.
Kodak finishing and supplies, at
Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isl8
Unorganized steps toward the
forming of a Y. M. C. A. In this city
nre under way, but us yet hnvo taken
no definite lines. T. II, K. llnthawny
1s one of the promoters of tho scheme.
George Von der Hellen of tho
Knglc Point district Is attending to
business matters In the clt today.
' DcVoc Is going to sell COO pounds
of chocolnto creams nt thirty cents
per pound. Get n pound today, tf
Udwnrd Van D);e of Phoenix visit
ed for a fe.w hours .In this city Wed
nesday afternoon,
Order your Christmas loathes
ow from Pierce, the florist, real Kng
llsh holly used in wreaths, also cut
flowers. Order early and nvold dlR'
appointment. Pierce, tho floriest,
.liouo .174. . '
Prof. Archibald Reddle of tho I'ul
vendty of Oregon will give n rending
from "Tho Passing of the Third Floor
Hack," under tho auspices of the
Drama I.eiigu. Tho reading is free
nud nit arc invited.
The most severe winter weather in
ten enrs is being experienced In tho
Klnmnth country, according to phone
messages received by the Cnlirornln
Oregon Power company, who own
light and water facilities In thnt sec
tion. Water pipes are freezing, nnd
a call was sent to the local office
for help.
"The Grants Pass-Crescent City
wagon stage went over the mountain
side near tho South Fork of Smith
River last Wednesday night, injur
ing the driver, killing one of the
horsoi nnd breaking the wagon up
badly. The mall was lato nnd the
driver, young Cnrglll of Grants Pass,
was making his way care'ully around
tho turn nt Mrs. Helper' mall box
when tho rig went over. It caught
on a tree, which waR the only thing
that saved it from going to the river,
four hundred feet below. The wagon
caught fire from the overturned lan
tern nnd P. J. Peacock burned him
self, considerably xt!nguishlng tho
flames." Crescent City Triplicate.
Members of the fire department
arc weaving n shawl, which will be
presented as a Christinas gift to
Miss Clara Woods of the Medford
National bank.
M Lenore Vance who has been
attending the University of Califor
nia at Berkeley, arrived this morning
to' spnd the Christmas holidays In
Uils city.
S. Ii. Holmes of Kuglo Point-trans
acted .business In tills city the first
af the week.
A. H.l.cwls and Harry A. McKIn
ley were bound over to tho grand
Jury Wednesday afternoon by U. S.
Commissioner Cannon," charged with
having entered and stolen various
nrticles from n forest racer quarters
at Mosquito station In the Crater
Lakp National Forest reserve. They
were arrested by Ranger Sltnmervlllo
nnd caught with the goods, according
to the testimony.
Uuy a pound of Waterman's saus
uge nt the Market Satunhij. You
will wish you had bought, loo. 231
Receipts, of Christmas packages
from the eaBt and middle west showed
n slight Increase at tho postofflco this
morning. To .date tho outgoing mall
has been much larger than the In
coming. G. J. Twitchell of. Salmon IJar,
Cal., is a business visitor In tho city
ilils week.
Tho Page, The Master Key.
There has been a decided falling
off in the number of men applying
to the police for shelter tho Inst two
days, but ono wanderer asking for
a place to sleep last night.
The Page, The Master Ke.
The basket ball teams of tho Cen
tral olnt and Medford teams wjll clash
at tho Natatorlum Saturday night.
The locnl team is arranging to have
tho former U. of 0. star, Pinky Rader,
assist Coach Muoro. Rader is play
ing with the alumni team,
Attorney IJ. R. McCabo attended to
legul matters In Jacksonville Wed
nesday afternoon.
Give Jones jour order for that
Ninas turkey. 230
County Commissioner Con l.eever
of Central point hits returned from
Portland, whr he attended the
county court convention.
. Doicr & Young, .Medford Garage
and Rwiair Shop, for guaranteed auto,
inobllo repairing and inuehluo work.
Hoe display ad Detthore in paper.
The Puge, The Mooter Key.
Something of u otiuij. Iris boon put
into the liiuli school clsi dunces hk u
result of the recent ruuitiw nl u
fivshniHit tliuioe in the lodge rooms
over Daniels (oV Dud-, 'm lion other
ehitis incmheis iuvmlcd nud broke up
tho M,4.sion nud ueil I'rnloiiml pui'ii
pTioniiilin im weapons. The Inoultv of
the high M'hool hii ordered thnt there
ho no more oIik- dances "until fur
ther Hutieo.' tunl it U hoped Iry tho
student that tho ban will ho lifted so
ns not to include ho junior "pioni."
urn! senior chinn hop-, tho tie luxe
event- of II. S. society. The faculty
order docs not nil cot tho giving of
dunces under any other name.
it i No rumored thnt bulge- oo-
oupying the hull where the eliisi but
tle occurred will seek' ilaiungc- for
broken spears, etc.
LONDON. Dee. 17, l;H p. m. In n
dispatch from Home the correspond
ent of tho Cent nil News stiy:
"A Trieste official has announced
the blowing up by u mine nud tho
sinking of the Austrian training ship
Ueethoven with the loss of the crow
mid all the cadets on board."
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Gates have ar
rived from Peoria, Illinois nnd will
soon be at home on Geneva avenue.
Mr. Gates will enter the jirosperous
automobile business If his brother.
C. E. Gates, established throe years
ago, and help in Increasing the sales
of the Ford and Overland machines.
Tho following account of Mr. Gates'
departure Is given In n Peoria nows
paper. After tn years' successful service
as correspondence manager for the!
Lnrklti company western branch In
this city. VV. A. Gates, accompanied
by his family, left today for Medford,
Ore., where he will engage in tho-au
tomobllo business with his brother,
C. E. Gates, who for several years
has boon doing one of the biggest
automobile businesses in the north
west. Universal regret is felt at the de
parture of .Mr. and Mr. Gates, but
their many friends unite in wishing
them health, hnpplucss and prospor-
The clerkH In the department over
which Mr. Gates presided testified
to their regard by presenting him
with a complete do luxo edition of
the works of his favorite author, O.
Judge F. M. fnlkin- of the circuit
court this iiioriuiiii -orl'ou u decree
declining null uul"tiit the iwh-c-h..
nu'iit otSowor ilUfYicl' No. I!l uuulo by
the city, mid conte-tcd by W, I-'.
I'hipp- and other propel ty owner, on
North Riverside uxonui. The eno litis
boon hanging fire for tho lunt six
months mid tho council two week,
ago delated its HU'i u-ooueitt
ponding the doel-iou. The- only legal
loophole left for tho cit i- to toko an
iippoul to tho supreme c.uirt, which
they wMII likely do.
Thp v'ifjning of the doeioo gives a
"coonil icloiy totlic conto-ttuits, tho
first n- ossmciit hfliu; doolnred void,
whetouxin tho citv unuic u i-ohmi'ks-mont,
nnil tlmt. too. Im- been pro
noiuiccd legally woilldc-s. ,
Tho t,oiti'stiiiit' filed their suit up
on the tirouuds t lint the levy for tho
sower i- illegtil. because it doc not
ditcctly tup their proerty. nnd Hint,
thorofoio, ihoy ore lnod for mi im
provement that yieliU thorn no direct
The no-smonf. in ono form or an
other, lui- bt'oh n "thorn to every oltv
ei'tineil for tho hist two yours.
(Continued from I'sgn t)
(Continuea from Page 1)
ussistmieo of pie. The remiirkuble
secrecy witli wjiich the rnrd was oxe
eutcd i shown by tho fact that not n
single incoming vessel tit any east
coast poit Haw the Herman ships
prior to their sudden npp.ti ranee.'
The nonrc-t parnllcj to this visit of
yesterday i- found in the u- iitj- :'
John l'aul Jones, the tcrroi o Ln
hsh shipping, who inciu:ccd JJn J ,-!i
eonst towns in 177!).
A number of victims at ll.ullcpool
wete women nnd children, I'iltuun
schoolboys were killed by n single
shell, only ono boy in u group escap
ing. Jen peron- were killed. by the
collajsc of a building in which they
liml taken shelter. One shell duuiag
ed a building five miles from shore.
-Ides: on their right b nil offcn-io
from the eastward t I'uicow, mul on
their loft front hv a inou'iuout direct,
od from the seifth:
t'tdlowiug lp Itiisslnti.
The icpoit thnt the Ati-triiiiis nre
following up the retiring Russian
niiny from the south show, in the
opinion of miliUuy obon en, thnt
the Jlussians are being foi-ed north
ward upon their forces in western Po
land. Whether this reliionumt will
extend to the ltu inn massed to tho
north of Piotrkpw will depend on the
events of the ijoVl fvw my.
The report oC the witlfdniwnl of tho
Herman, column, wltiuli advanced
through Mluwajjrtiirtlii'rii I'olmtd. in
dicate 'lint the' llu-simis- n'oognircd
iit time the menace to thrir rigid
tlnuk. The old pnituns renssiimed
by the (JniHin nre -tntnglv forti
fied mid in the belli: of military crit
ics can bo held for a huig time under
normal conditions, even against n
greatly -ulterior" f"icc.
nissoi.rrioN notice '
Notice Is hereby given that Charles
Murray, heretofore a member t the
firm of Murray, No man & Fisher,
of Medford, OrtRon, has retiree! from
membership In riild concern, nud the
business of said firm will bo carried
on by the remaining members there
of under the old firm nae of Murray,
Newman FIher,-to whom all debts
owing to said concern are payable,
and who will pay all dolus owing
by (.aid concern that aro now out
standing or may ho Incurred by the
remaining members, who will not bo
responsible In any way for nny debts
owing by said Charles Murray per
ronnlly, or for any dobtn ho may con
tract In the nauio of snld firm after
this date.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, this
ifith'day of Dccomber, ID! I.
fly II. E. NEW-MAN,
231 A Member of tho Firm.
Woduusday night wan the coldest
for two ouis, thu mercury dropping
to I" degrees above. .V heavy frost
fiill over (ho valley, but there wiim
nu nbcuc,fi o( jTiltti and tho sun Is
shining hrlKht thtouKh a perfect
winter dny todny. There "was no
wind. Through the prohont cold
snap thuro Inn boon no difficulty
from frosen water pipes, owing to
following warnings Issued early In
th' winter im Water KupJtlutendmit
Aruspliier. A continuation of the
freezing weather N predicted by tho
weather bureau.
WASHINGTON, Dee 17. Mill, di
signed to turronte the otrennth and
efflelenci of the nrtii) were tntui
iluccd today hv Senator Chamlrlain
chairman of the military eourulttee to
which committee they were referi.d
for consideration. The nieasuies
would provide for the organisation of
a logutar Jirmy reserve by liurwulug
the regular army enlistment teini ir.
tor March I, in IS. to sl ,veiu, tluc
vearH to be served with the reuular ,
establishment; for the creation or an
nnuy tninspoitatlon reserve coir
ituuiKMiNl of ehuuffciirs nnd niachlu
tuts; fir the maintenance of the in -
bile army nt nil Union nt, iuulmum .
nui'HKwi uiiu nu increnio oi ono moil.
sand otficorit; ami for an luciease lu
officers and enlisted men of the const
artillery corps.
xin'E siovcr hitty appreciate a
it h' ncighboro next door miC
dv ovr xti way ycic v
Sw.vt Hoi-aib" soi?uc3
1' nnd 0-kI'WI1I iilv nt, n low price tiow, bat 10
t..-itj Uv tin "f ViH.VK T, Vl'o Sivtoi.lhoiit timiiklfT
'IAmiu, Uutl lun'sti tm.u (ttcnflly rc.1 bvxr.. kijy.
V , y .-r ....---.J
Jb zzzzi ir..TS3s zzscvTx bt ar": issadii
Mwal ,. . nwsl
,'i.r... -. i -- iiii ! . - ,-.-,. ... Tj
Give Something Sul)Snial
lu the selei'lloii of liolldnv Kill , prudvlK-ti i"ii:k hIh
-i .'(Mot. MiibslantjNl and mi h Is mi account lti tte
,1'oVmiii County Hank A splendid gift ftr son, fltt"sii
t i- or :.ii i'ii imImm' of the famll,
liittpsl Paid oil tav Iiiks Acioiiuls,
M .
ifeai -
With Medford trnue is Jledfd m.ulo
Ho Knows How
Suite 1-2 Over Deuel's
rS. & II. fttoeii Trading Stamp tJlven
Poultry Wanted
I .. I - Li l.. ..W. , . .. l.M. !
Medford Poultry & Egg Co.
Have resumed business
and are now ready to
receive Poultry at. 109
Eighth St. near Central
Nothing nicer for Christmas than
Coventor Jolim-on and Mt. Pitt ci
gars In Christmas boxes,
203 East Main Street '
Medford i
Tliu Only Exclusive I
Commercial -Photographorn !
in Southern Oregon j
Negatives Madt!,any time ori
place hy appointment
Phono 117-.T
We'll do the rest '
E. D. WERTON. Prnn. !
MMHM Hill MnfSMMnWIa "" ' ww
Leather Goods
Crane's Stationery
(Continued from I'n's 1.)
tograph oT Frank O. Iloi), the auto
mobllo bandit who shot up an Altoomi
Pa bank on .Match 2.1, with the dead
man, are firmly convinced thnt they
were the hamo. liopl was arretted
lu Pittsburgh follovviiiK tho Altoona
chcapade, and escaped on April 'l
fr'om tho HolldaybtirK. i'n.. jail.
LONDON, l)w. 17, 4:26 a. m A
(Uunatcli to ntutor's TelPittam com
imriy from Vienna contains (tho fol
IovvIuk ofriclal slatc-ment;
"Tho garrison at PrzomyU has
innde a new gorllii In force, in which
tho Hungarian lnndwuhr btonnoif a
point at Pappul, aurrouiitled by wlro
ontaiiBlomcnts, and brought buck to
tho fortress a number of prisoners
and some captured machine guns. I
rOIt.3Al.lC My ranch on Hoss. l.ane
would tnko part In ijood resl
donio proporty MHlford. 0. Alldi-r,.
It. I J). No. '1, Hu llt, ,Mdford.
2 .'in
en times
! A. ami iiioiltl.)
A Paclfb' Cedar Chest In n sensible Christmas girt, for wfo, dnuuji
tor or svvictlicart. It Is useful, ornainentul, convenient, iluruble,
moth proof.
Let us show you our lino. Many slius and styles. ' Prlcos rungo
from ?S.G0 to ?IC00.
Pacific Furniture. & Fixture Factory
Hit Koulh Holly St.
S. A,
Hair Brushes ."
(I . A. umt liuiHirl.)
f 1 L
I'Olt HAI.K Pine bred Plymouth and White J.eKhorn Chick
ens. . Alhler, Phono 7:12 Jt. 2115
I'Olt lll'NTLure, pleasant rooms
with heat and hath, ?2 and $..''
per week. 1C Noith Grape St. 2fi6
VANTIJli To buy a desk and smalt
wood slow. Medford Poultry and
Ktig Co. Phono r.8.1. v 2 111
WANTED MutliiKS of city ahd coun
try property for Ininio'dlatH sale or
oxchanse. Clark Hoalty Co, 20fi
Phlpps bldg.
All lcih.ds of .Automobile Repairing and Machirie work done.
'UJafbbn jenoyed by oxygen. Quriyprkis strictly guaranteed;, '
'llWe make "the prices right in every4 respect. Give us atrial
. "I U 'I .t '
and be convinced.
t -
x -' I
Shop Phone 413
W. T. Dpzier, Res. PJione 539J6
Wm. A. Young, Res. Phone 2WM
A. A. -
": ;
-r" 1