Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 17, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Minimum ()()( Minimum
17. Fair, no Chango
fortyfuiirUi Yiir.
Dully Nlnlli Yiwr
MWDFOkl) .OltMUON, TlIl'WSDAV, DWWBRtt 17, 10M
NO. 280
Russian Offensive Against Silesia and
Poscn Said to Havo Broken Down
In Poland, Czar's Army Claimed
In Retreat Warsaw Reports Grcnt
Dattlo In Progress at Socliaczew.
LONDON, Dec. 17. Ono of lln
(ri'ii'rit victories of (In wnr in c'tniin
cd tutliiy by Germany. Tim Merlin of
licuil stnteiiicut contains IIii'hu words;
"Tim ltusiuu ofrtiH e ngiiinttt Sil-t'-iu
and 1'okcii Iiiih roiuplcti'Jy broken
down. In (lie whole of Poland the
funny won forced to retreat after
tiurcu mill Mubburn frontal buttles,
ami Im being pitrtiil i-vcr) whore."
A mniii-nffioinl btii'omont from
Merlin HitHl;t confidently of tin' situ
iitxin in llio oiixt nml Mates Hint the
AuMrintm have achieved their notiinl
MicrtrMii iiguiuM thu llua-inns ill
Went Gnliciu.
Collfllltlllg Itl'pOltN
Tla great liattlo In tho west, which
Ih bring curried im most fiercely In
llclgiuiu nml northwestern Franco, is
till' Mlllljccl of conflicting t'lllilllH.
Tin' Gemma war oflieo announces
tlnit tlui allioN have iiunlit new nlauks,
lint tlicy have Im'pii bimton buck with
heavy loan. Tim French htjjtement
mi.vk that several Ocimuii tri'iichcn in
llclgitim havo been ruptured hy iiifiin
ttv uk-huIIm and that at oilier point
In thn south and oiiMt the nilillury of
tlu 11IH1M has iloiin effective work.
Oniit ll.'ittli' Itnglng
WARSAW, vin I...i,.1oii, Dee. 17,
l:'.'0 p. til. A great hnttli' in in prog
rwt at Sitohuozow, thirty inih'H nest
of Wnrmtw. I'll German wedge,
which in proceeding in a t.outhcnMerly
iliriMition fi out How, Iiiih managed, af
ter hi'iivy fighting in which serious
Iomwoh arc reported, to havo licen in
flicted, to establish a quarter of a
mile woM of Soohuocw. Tho Polish
cniiipaiKU now centers at that point.
Tln (Ionium eolntnii wns met at
Noehnezow hy fierce resistance 011 tho
pint of the llnnHian-. Tim fighting
Nun. extremely severe, at points Irnd
j tit to hand-to-linnd encounters. Ar
lilloiy firo on lioth hides was heavy
and continuous. German imroplnues
are eoiihtantly circling over thu town,
llcluforrcuiciits imiiihI In
Hciuforccmonts 1110 being poured in
rapidly on hoth hide, Tim llussiuns
mo bringing '" troops hy highway and
by the railroad from Warsaw. The
Ocriunns are moving fmee.s fiom the
region about Lodz.
Notwithstanding the conflicting tin
turn of reports ooncorniiur thu oluir
acter of the Gorman operations, it !h
evident that their mauetiverri, which,
noooiiliiig to homo reports Include us
ninny iih I've army corps 1110 hoing
eitiidiicled uloug a lino to thu uoith
of Lovvioz.
UEKLIN, Dec. 37, hy wireless.
Tho first actual HUeeeHsen hy AukIiU
aim npiliiHt thn RuhhiiuiH iu tho laat
few tliiyn nppeaf to havo boon
aehiuvi'd in Went Ualiela. Hero the
RiiBhiaiiH, iiHcoidiiig to adviccK hero
from thu zone of Inihtililies. have licen
ntliicked hlniultaueoiifily from two
(Contlnuod ou pono two)
PKTKOMtAl), Dee. 17, n Lon
don, -1:10 p. m. 'It was officially .an
nounced today thn Bteamei Durentie,
of thu tk'iinan Lovantiuu line, wiih
foiiud navigatiiiK' off tho Turkish
coast near Keiaz'nnl and wiih mink
hy a Rtishlan warnhip al'tor all on
IioiikI tho mervliautmau had been or
dered to leave. Only two Titrkirih C
1 learn anil twelve faoldierrf ohoyed tho
order, mid I Im othuiri went down with
thu Hhip, Kuril. nut h a seaport of
Asiatic 'I'urkuy, Heventy miles webt of
Tiohlmnul on tho lllaoK Hun,
Merchant Vessels Perish Off English
Coast In Territory Covered by Ger
man Warships Yesterday Names
of Two Ships Unknown and Crews
Perish Other Crews Rescued.
17, pour BteiwiiorH wore dunk by
itilneH oft thut'AHt conut of KiiKlnnd In
thu territory covurcd yentenlny by
the rnblltiK (lerinnn wnrsnti. TIicp-,
veK-ulH neat tered iiilncd to cover tholr
Only two of tliono veNKeiN ban ho
far been Identified. Ono In tho .learn
er Kllorvvnter. Twelvo of her crew
woro ynvud, but onvon lost their liven.
The cannnltleii on tbo other nlilpH hfivo
not yot been dutermlnud, but It Ih re
ported that tbo crow nnd imnauiiRora
of tho pntmoiiKor veniul were seen
tnltlni: to their bontn.
Tbo admlrnlty lint nunoiinccd Hint
nil traffic between I'lumboroiicb Head
and Nowcimtlo linn been Htoppcd In
definitely. I'lainboroiiKb Head (h about twenty
nilk'H (low 11 tbo (onMt from Hcnrbor
oui'.li, ono of tbo points bombarded
)entenlay by tbo (iernian crulEem.
Tbeito boHtllo Bblps wero reported to
havo left milieu In their wako ih they
ntenniud nwny from thn lirltlub coant.
Thu area front KJnintwroiifih Head
to Nowrantlu. In which all traffic bni
been Mopped, cmbrncoH tbo ontlro
field In will cli tbo Oermnii rnldern
HCAIlllOltOUOH, Dee. 17, via f.on
don, :3'i p. m. Tho Mciimer l'rln
cen Olj;n, bound for Alierdis'ti, Scot
land, Mruck a tnlno off hero last night.
and went down. IClKbtcen of tho crow
liuided In their own bontn.
Tbo HrltlHb Btcatner PrlnceFH Olpa
vvns a roiiHter of 43S tonn nml ISO
feet Ioiik nml vvas built In foot,
Tbo lClterwater aluo vvns n munll
eoiiNter 71.1 toiiH, S55 feet Ioiik nnd
built In J t07.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 17. Possi
bility of a tdiorrtiKu in rKH duo to tho
lluropcnn war today led tho joint
conm'ChHional committee on printing
to rcdnce thu amount of rajj paper it
plans to buy for thu year bcjjinniiiK
next March for tho government print
hijr office.
According to specifications URieed
upon, (Im bitf government priutiui;
shop will use $1,01)0,000 worth of pa
per iiuxl year. Sealed bids for furn
ishing this paper will bo received on
January 'J.', and tho award made Feb
ruary 1. i
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.- Senator
IiOiIko today introduced a hill em
bodying Suuretury Oarrison'.s plan for
increasing Uiu annroe.ali) mobilu aimy
to full HtreiiKlh for 100(1 additiouul
officurs and for tho dincliat;o of sol
diotri after eighteen months' sorvico
in (hu jcyular unity to constitute an
army reserve.
SHATTLK, Wash., Dee. 17. Tho
receiver of tho Seattlo livening: Sun,
who is conlinuin its publication,
prints an advertisement offering the
paper for Bale. Failing to offeot a
sale, tho recoivur Hays ho will sus
pend publication of thu paper and
olos.0 tho iiffnirri of (lio coinpnny.
VB VxXfV i i ' ' ' ' tmwvm'm ' " - ' i i i Aota A
I 1 ft - -- j ifKK. uHr l l -li
lwtrm louv. toa.!i. ivvtivr MiNurtS
Viiinuvr sick No.utAou jhiij uctioi kiccxu
Tho day of the flying destrover is here. Anewflyugi.. Iiuie i.'led
Mii'i'i'imfullv bv the llntnli to clear the air ot aerophiiies.
I.ONI.ON, Dee. 17, 7:J8 it. m. Tho
corrcMpondent of thu Times in Petro
grnd uuderotauds that three addi
tional corps from the west hnvc
readied thu German armies on thu
IttiKMtin front, making altogether
ninu oorjts which have reached Field
Marshal Von llindruhurg within a
month. Thu Germans wero thereby
able, ho biiid, to send two corps to
Hungary while retaining twenty corps
on tho Polish front.
Tho Titties correspondent adds that
it appears that 170,000 Austro-Gcr-tiiniis
alreadv havo crossed tho Diikla
and neighboring passes in tho Car
pathian mountains. Tho Austrian
contingent, ho says, include three ac
tivo corps, tho withdrawal of which
from tho Servian front led to disaster
LONDON, Dee. 17, Il.LT) p. in. All
naturalized Germans iu tho fcunort of
Sunderland, a short distance north of
tno hnglish coast towns which were
bombarded hy tho Germans yesterday,
woro arrested over night, according to
a dispatch published by tho Kxehnngo
ioicgrapn company.
NBW YORK, Dec. 17. A Hon bunt
was Magod In tbo streets of Now York
this artornoon. Flvo lions which es
caped from tbo bIhkq of tho Ktgh'ty
Sixth struct theater at a time whon
tho bouse was filled with a matluoo
nuilleneo', wero attaokod by scores of
policemen with rovtylvors and finally
Only ono of tbo lions oscanod to
tho street. It was kllloil In a tene
ment bouse, after It bad attackod
two pollcomon and sovoroly lujurod
both of them, Tho other four lions
wero cornered In tbo thontor build
ing nnd driven back to tholr cagos.
A pollco sergoant and a policeman
woru shot, tbo fornwr sorlously, by
bullets lntondo'd for tbo lions. Two
nion, It wb reported, also weno shot,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.--The eity
of Puebla, iu tho -Mexican Mate, of
that name, has been evacuated by
Cnrraiun forces and now is held by
Zapatistas. A report to tho state de
partment today says Carranza troops
burned the railroad (station beforo do'--parting.
WASHINGTON. Dee. 17.-Speeial
Agent Canova, reporting to thu Mate
depnrlinent todnv from Mexico City.
Miid Provisional President Gutierrez
hnd not only issued a decree Mopping
political executions, hut had promised
to punish nnv officials responsible for
unwarranted executions so far. Can
ova reported that executions, of
which there had been a great number,
hnd diniiuiMicd.
Tho latest word from General Car
ranza warning his commanders at
Naco to avoid firing into American
ATIIKXS, Dec. 17, via London,
11:47 a. in. A Hrltlsh squndron lias
bombarded Turkish troops who bad
concentrated Sunday on tbo const of
tbo Gulf of Snros, tbo arm of tbo
(Dozens of women fainted and moro
I than a hundred woro knocked down
'In tbo wild statnpodo to reach tbo
doprs whon tho llous walked off tbo
Two hospitals sent ambulances to
thothcator. Tbo scono of tho Hon
hunt, Knst L'lBhty sixth stroet near
Loxtugton avenuo, was tbo center of
a throng thnt numbered tens ot
thousands beforo tbo .cbaso finally
I'o'llco Sorsonut Glynn was shot and
soiioubly wounded whllo half n dozon
pollcomon woro firing at tho lions.
Two other men, nnmes unknown,
also wore shot, Ambulnnces from
two hospitals wero rusbod to the
Quo of tbo Hoiib was brought to bay
'! t!lV lobby of tho theater, Augorod
the "aeroplane chafer," f being used
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. Ilrign
dier General I(lis, commanding the
troops on tho Mexican border, re
ported to the war department today
that ho conferred at Naco yesterday
with Geueral Humircz, military secre
tary of General Maytorcmi, tho Villa
eomiiinimPr of the Mexican forces be
sieging General Hill's Carrattza
Humircz was told bv General Illiss
what was expected of tho Maytorena
forces in shaping their operations
against tho Carranza forces so as to
avoid danger to lifo and property on
the American side of the line, and he
undertook to communicate the repre
sentations, to uiyortona.
Tho wardepartment has not made
public tho details of General Illiss' re
port but Secretary Garrison declared
it disclosed that tho cotiforeueo wns
harmonious and that General Illiss did
not tuako threats as to what ho would
do if his warnings wero unheeded. No
mention was made of any further
casualties on the Arizona side of tho
lino yesterday which regarded as an
encouraging feign.
Aognen Sea north of tho Dardnnolles.
This information wns received hero
today in a dispatch front Myttleno.
Details aro lacking.
by bullets, tbo lions attacked tho
pollcomon who wero firing at them.
I'ollcomaii James Craig was caught
by ono of tho beasts which chowod
his loft hand.
Policeman Kdvvunl Ileguey was
hurt about tbo bead by another Hon
and was shot In tbo rlcbt hand by
ono of bis companions who sought to
drlvo tbo beast away.
Quo ot tho llous reached tbo street
and made Its way to a photograph
gallery. As It entered tho room It
knocked down tho proprietor who
was In tbo act of taking a plcturo of
a woman. Tbo woman, too, was
knocked down,
Tbo Hon ben went upstairs to tho
tonemonta abovo, with twelvo or
moro policemen blazing away at It,
This ou was billed,
German Cruisers Supposed to Have
Reached Helgoland Safely Raid
Upon Unfortified Towns Arouses
Britain Second Raid Expected
and Prepared For.
LONDON, Dec. 17, lqiW a. m.
The crippling of telephone nnd tele
graph wires by the bombardment yes
terday of three ports on the east
coast of Knglnnd by German cruisers,
together with the precautions thrown
about these towns by the police nnd
military authorities made it impos
sible even today, more than twenty
four hours uftcr the shelling of Scar
borough, tho HnrtlcK)u1s and Whitby,
to obtain more than an approximate
estimate of the civilian dead jmd
According to an official statement,
fifty-five jKTbons met death in the
Hartlcpools, while 113 were wounded.
At Scarborough 17 dead and 30
wounded was the toll. Hoth official
and unofficial estimates place the
Whitby casualties nl two dead nnd
two wounded. Of tbo Hartlepool
casualties, seven of the dead were
soldiers, while of the wounded, four
teen men belonged to tho military.
The maximum of wounded is close on
to 150. persons. This does ttot in
clude the slightly wounded civilians
who bandaged their own hurts nnd
left town on tho first trains.
Knglanil Is ArottMiI
Dri-itling with wrath and resent
ment at this attack on unfortified
towns, Kngland is astir today ns
never before since wnr was declared.
Another raid is confidently expected,
and the entire 'machinery of home de
fense has been put into motion. On
tho east and the southeast coast of
England, emergency committees arc
at work, while in London plans to or
ganize u national guard of men too
old for military service aro under
Although to the British miud a mid
on Loudon seems remote, yesterday's
episode drovo homo tho realities, of
war as little cUo could. Arrangements
have been made nt Deal and Dover to
expedite tho removal of tho civilian
population in ono of an attack.
Tlieso measures aro primnrily to fore
stnll any panic or, congestion on tho
railroads and thoroughfares which
might impede military movements.
Ilcturn to Helgoland
Steaming at high speed, the Ger
man raiders, barring mishap, should
havo reached their ndvnneo naval
baso off Helgoland some time ufter
midnight Inst night, their trip requir
ing nbout fifteen hours. Thirty
hours out of port on such a venturo
in mino-laden waters is a feat Eng
lish papers do not belittle, and iu his
hoart every Englishman hopes that it
will bo essayed ngain, nnd if neces
sary again, until the call is paid ouco
too often.
It is presumed that behind them tho
German cruisers strowed mines, so a
fleet of trawlers is now out engaged
in tho precarious task of swooning.
Tho belief is general that tho Ger
mans in this, expedition had tho able
(Contlnuod on page two.)
WASHINGTON, Hoc, 17. Inter
ment of twenty-two officers and USS
enlisted men from tho German oruiser
Cormorant nt Guam, thu American
possession in tho Ladrone nreliixl
ago, makes tho foreign force thuro
nearly equnl numerically to tho Alitor
iimn guard, which consists of about
100 marines.
Tho question pf tho transfer of
these internes to a less remote quar
ter wns suVgosted today as fnollities
for a largo foroo t Guam woro not
nvnilabjei '
One Cashier Wounded, Another Shot
At, and Robber Captured After
Duel With Policeman In Which He
Is 'Wounded Officials Follow In
Automobile $6000 Secured.
CINCINNATI, O., Dec. 17. An au
tomobile bandit believed to hnvc been
operating alone, terrorized tho west
side business bcction todny, robbed
two banks within n radius of ten
blocHs, shot nnd seriously wounded
the cashier of ono bank, shot at tho
cashier of tho other nnd finally wns
captured nftcr a revolver duel with
three policemen, one of whom he shot,
later being wounded himself.
It is known that tho robber obtain
ed $8000 in tho first bank, tho West
End branch of thu Provident Snvingrf
Dank & Trust Co., nnd the official
of the Liberty Dankitig & Savings
company, the second bank robbed, be
lieve that the amount hu obtained
there Vill run into thousands when a
check is ninde.
l'ollcc Follow In Aulo.
The police in another automobile
followed the bandit, picking up bis
trail nftcr tbo second robbery. Tho
I policeman, who was shot, nnd tho
robber wero removed to a hospital,
j but the physicians In attendance said
they wero unable to say how serious
i the wounds might be.
There were several persons in each
bank at the time of tho robberies, but
tho promiscuous uso of tho bandit's
revolver held them in cheek. At tho
branch of the Provident bank thu rob
ber scaled an eight-foot screen, fired
nt Edward Hughes, cashier, grabbed
$8000, backed slowly to tho door and
escaped in his automobile, followed
by n fusillade of shots from Hughes'
An automobile load of police took
up his trail, but had lost it when they
learned of tho second robbery, which
was carried in practically the sumo
manner as the first. At tho second
bank the bandit shot and probably
seriously wounded George Winters,
Tho bandit had rented n room yes
terday in n West Ninth street apart
ment house and tho owner of thu
npartmeut having read n description
of tho man, called tho attention of tbo
police to a similarity.
In Shower of Shots
Three policemen called at his room,
nnd upon opening tho door wero re
ceived with a shower of shols. Police
man ICnaul fell wounded and tho ban
dit, jumping past the other two offi
cers, fled to thu street, re-entered his
automobile, which was standing iu
front of tho bou-,0 'and fled, His
flight proved unlucky for him, inus
much ns hu crashed into a polo
rounding the first corner and wreck
ed tho machine.
Ho extricated himself from tho
wreckage nnd started to run, but tbo
officers by that time wero closo to
hint nnd utter nu exchange of shots
thu bandit fell.
Physicians at tho hositital suid
probably both Policeman Knaul and
the bandit would die. Hoth wero shot
four times.
Tbo pollco after comparing n plio-
(Continued on Pugo 2.)
NACO, Arizona, Dee. 17. The
Carranzu garlson of Nuco, Honoru,
opened flro with artillery nt daylight
today upon tho entrenchments of the
Maytorona besiegers. Tho ovldunt
effort to piovoko a reply from Jlay
torotna failed up to 9 o'clock. Mili
tary observers on tho American side,
however, believed Mayjoreaa ulti
mately would be foreed to raew th4
Interchange oj bo.t., .
' ".,
p 'i