..!.- Wwtilti I fiYUJU TUKJi OF NORTH AFTER SH,f,,,,e: .:: ley-baying bue 1 MINES AT HOME UPHELD KAISER .A &TR0MCC.5T riNAHCIALUV iuiijbifoiu) wait; tmbuntj, mIodtord, oitiwoy, wkdxiday, DiKrruorf, o. iom UNEXPLORED LAND SWEDISH SWISS DISMISS J-"1 L PROTEST GERMAN PROFESSOR WHO n a "-ja mm tm w 'zttBom EN UR PROBED r . 4 . . HT. JOHNS, .V, F, l)Cc. t). Tlio llolilior iHhimhi, u i;taiii of itomu t mlliiii off tlio hoiiIIiwimI COIIIlt of lluil. mm liny. long chiirtud but little, known worn vIMIimI In Hepttiiubnr by nn ex ploring pmty on llio Now ronmlliuiil nohoonor I.iidillo, Jloinborn or tlio putty I'invii Just iinivd hero. Although tin; lidnutlH wure nluliteil by Cup tit In t.'ooli, 150 ytnni ni:o, ami by othrr ixilororn riltirc, It In mild that iiuiiuburs of t lit) Liidtllo oxputll tlifii vro tlm flint hlt nimi to liiinl thunv I'll" Islands, In liitltinln fit) 1 1 o i tit, nnv (otiiiil tujxi In ii mjiihv wluit different iionKIoii mid In great er) nil inborn tliun marked on tint lut 'Hti clnuln. la I tu Ifi ilfi j m oxiiloni t Ium of tb group, tlio pin I y found It lo tin biirrou, tint iiliniuitllnu In wild I Ifp, Including foxes, Arctic hurcii niitl Kcmi. Tim l.ndldcit left St. Johns on .Inly 1.1, InM with mippllcii for Ali-mini I'll I itm mill Loilue, who bum noith In lUlKi, on tut expedition for tlio ('nun illiui Northeru Itallvwty. duo of thi'lr chief object wm to ottdonwir to lo lllto COill lli'llrl III Mlllld pntt of till) J I ml bo u II, iy iohIoii. - Tlio l.addlo loft Ht. John on .Inly tlio 1 r.l rmtor const It ml working her wny tliiotlith IIUiIhoii Slmlt, found Urn tttplnrflrii Annum l'J nt Mntljunh liny, on tlm routh const of tlio (treat Ihiftln Inland. With tlioiu were two Now Koiiiuhilninlors. Tlio four men boarded tlio I, addle. . J I STOCKHOLM, Swollen, Dec II, via London, II! noon Tlio SwoiIIhIi press Is Indlgimul our tlio plnntlni; of floating mines nlotttc tlm coast or Finland, whlih liun romiltail ro fur In tlio Ion of tin ill Intgo Swedish idoiimei mid tlio drowning of HP Wards Of ID IIK'll Nuv (nation of Klnnlxli waters hith erto Ium boon iiiiliiipodi-d ami no winning of thu Inyltig of inliioii him boon kI veil. (.'nptnliiM or Swedish steamers i curbing lino ilrijlnro thoy niiw (loriiinu warships nimr tlio llrlt- lull count Hiitnrdtiy unit Kumlay, Con- xiiiiontly tlio strutting ot wine of tltoNO wutuu In er.edltod tu the (lur- IIIIIIOH ' ' Truffle In Finnish water In to ho ilUcotitliiticil until thoy havo boon swept for mine. - i ASSISTANT MANAGER W.O.J. N ED AS GIRL'S SLAYER DI.'NVI.H, Colo, l-c !t. Informix lion clinrKlnK Dr. I. V. Noblo with tlio inuriliir of Minn Ittith Morrt wvntlmr, linn hon fllod In tlio rrlin Itml lourl, ncrordlliK to annoiiino ini'iil loin at t In illntrlct nttorni''n offlru. ,MImm Moilucntlivr, u pronil mint mirloty Klrl, illod hint I'rhliiy A coronor'ri Jury hold Unit ilonth fol lowed no Illegal opcmtloii. Mr. It. J. Mnnou, loputod fliinco of tlm Klrl. In under nrrot In Chlcimo In connec tion with the ci no GRIM CHOLERA IN GERMANY T JtOrn:itlM.M, l:i lnulou, Dec. Si, IDiTM u. in Tho llerlui Ixmul of linaltli, nccottlliiK to Inforiimtlou roncliliiK Itottordain, rojioited ItG ciinoH of cholera In (ierinauy ilurliiK NoVKiutier. In Aimtrln, OHpcclully In (inlk'ln, cholera x npreadhiK rapldl). KlKht hiiiiilriil mid foiD-fotir cimoii worn leporlml diirlnn tlio flint wool; In NoMjnilier, In which period tlioie wvto "'W ilontliH, Tlmru worn do itnatli;i In Vloiinu. In lluiipnry, dur ing tho Kiiuiii wvelv (hero worn USi oimjh of cholorn. 4lk HKIfSi:, Hvil.ilaml, Oel, II I'lofff-oi' Jluu'o (liumicito of tin I'lihoiHily o' (lenevii, mom of tlio HwI-m iiiiniMlcr to lleilin, liu liemi ilixiiilwfcil lioin tlio uiiivLTHily liv tlm Kwihh loilunil council on llio Kroiiml tllllt IliM OXIIOMMOl MOWN I'OIH'Ulllillir llio iulalion ol lliltiimi neiitinlilv nio ineoiiHiiteiil villi tho oImvivhiico ot uotiliiility liy Snit.eiluml, l'lol'i'HHor ('liiiuicilo lutil offorod him roNiuatioii niter it lciimm! iiK'iinl Ium lis tin "Inili nt-, hut tin IVlll'I'lll I'OIIUCll tlct-jlltfil to liei'Cit it mill uitiml ill nit- -ell Ium. mm TO HAVE W H L ORD DI'ltl.l.N, In London, Dec ti, l.Tjli p. in Tho I'leoinan'M .loin mil n portM Unit II, iron Wliuluinio proli lily will HiirnHil llio 1..1N of Ahor deen, lord lieutenant of Ireland, early In tho now )ear, whon thu office villi Lo rulwod lo tlm rank of ico roy. A handy, useful package Our New Airtight 5-ib Tin Special Price $1.50 Tlrvro litno hoon toporlH for wiino time pat that tho Karl of Aberdeen wim iiImhiI to iolgu nn lord lieutenant of I.ioland. l.ord AVIiiihoriio ro fcrrod to n hia piolmlile miccoMorix tho koii of llnron Wlmlioriic. who dlod unrly thin oitr. lie bi otmlit thu wlu iiIiik Hrlllfih polo teaiu tu America hint Miiinnior. V APRIL IS; VERY SMART BOY WAKIIIXdTDN', Doc IK- "Siiiuiny" April, ii Hiunll hoy who siiipli(io l'nv iilfiil WIIhoii with uuw-spnoot's, culled on Socrctnry TiinuilU (oiluv nnil iihK i'il him what lie tlunifjlil ol' Mr, Wil ho.u'K inosii.'o to ooiikio-h. .Mr, Tit iiiully iiiiiiieiliiilclv Imiuehcil into u laudatory lUHctiHttion of thu Milijccl. AVJicii liu Had liilked u low niiuiitorf lio liiuiK'il: 'Hut why tl joit iihl;, Siiininy" ' , "I lutvo to wiilo'n coinpnsitioii of it ,in Hcliool loinorrowf" ropliod lln hoy, "nnil llioni'hl wnuhl come to lioniliiinrtorH foi' the hifuniiiilinii." CHANGE I'f! 1 .1 Ih 'c, iliklurl ti ir v r It' ' ooiluiti i f tlit World, ,irrii 1 in Mcdlonl l.i t ctt'iim. anil will ;i loud n iiieetm' ( .Mcdlonl ( mop tu iiiKht when n hirgo nttviulMiiuo U,cx pccteil. Mr. r.oiilioy naIiI ho w'n nlwiiyn Klml to i-.it Mud lot (I, iirnl (hut tiio nidtr Iiiii ii ilcudlil iiniiihorliiji mid n mi cidonoo of t licit' cHtiumiion of .Med ford it jn lnt iwihtmuiI in the lucl that thu oider Iiiih oiio hiiudivd mul tliirly-lwo llmiKiind live hund red dollar iuve-led in Mctlloiil w.ittr, xoliool mul iinpiiiM'Oieiil bonds mid rcKiinl it iih oho of their btxt mc-t itifiit . "tiiir older in pii)Rivs-iuc ccr day,'' Hani Mr. Iltnkcy. "Wo luic H'J.l.tlllll iiifinhorn mul twenty io mil. lion dollar iuvcltnl in bouiUi ol tlo t'uitod StiitoM of Anienea. ,mt oar our oiilt'i' Hiid to lionefloinrioi. l.'i.Ud ovcrv ininuto of vorv iluv in ihc 3 en r," Caul of 'fliniil.N, Wo tho iiiiiIuihIkiiihI doalru throiiith tho medium of tho Mull Triluiuo to ixtciiil to our frloudx mid nulchtuirH our ulncoro IhankK Tor Ihtdr Klndiiemi iisUl:iicti mid Mympntliy diiilui; tho blcltiioioi ami Niih)ioiiii)iit iloulh or our htmhiuid mul futhur l-lndsiy Chan. MlliJ. MARTHA 11IVAN WIl l-WMll.Y Jilt Kiu-.lt. I'olill.'Oici IX. 7, It'll ENGLISH COURTESY TO II. S. COST $22,000 During MJ-B. Coffee Week Only MJ-B- packed by special process in this airtight tin, will keep fresh and' hold its strength and flavor. You ?ak $q Siians&s Our Gsuaraote Is Your Protection UlNliO.V, Doc Si, 1 .12 p in 111 n r port of oxpvntllturoH or tho ro criiiuoui IihiioiI today it Ih idiown Hint KiirIiiuiI Hpont upwnrdg of U'-.-000, In tonvtliiK to tho I'nltod State tho hody or tho Into American Am-1 bu-'failor WhltoUw Hold. After tho death of Mr. Hold Decomlxir IS. Ill J 2. hl bculv vvm tnlion In Ntnto to PortHinnuth where ' It wiia phtrott on hoard the Ilrltlsh t'rulior Nntiil mul couvejod (o Now York. E Ni:V VOWIv, Uoo. Jl. 1'iiyoH of IuiiiiIh nhowoil low ilianiw in Hie iliiy'ri cully inniKel, Hoiiiu i;oiiiinni" lively la i no oU olliuim'd linmU, Tojuiri ooinpiiiiy Oh woio iii V Hook lfcnilil imlhiloiiil lurutiiliiitf I", ilolmu Inru fin iiinl ly'iiilt'il Hlnlo lliilihor (In lolielioil I,; In Ifc. Tniilimr I'linio n n il'-ml hull mxni (I III'! llO UJHJlllllHt , SIGNALS OF DISTRESS .McilOud IVoolo Should Knoiv How to Itcail mul llcetl Tlit'iu. DWoidcrod Ultliityi) kUu iuau xIk. iiiiIh of llstion. Tho uoorotto.iiM may ho dailc, con tain HOllllllOllt. I'liNHiiKOH are KoinotluioM frciuent; ticantj, painful. llackaclio Ih often probont day mul nlKht. lloudaclioH mul dliyapulln mny oc cur, Wtnikenud klduuya hIiouIiI rocelvo itilcl; holp. Don't dohiyl Uuo n BiK't'lal hldnoy roiuoily. Donu'H Kidney I'lllrt aio for woak l.tiluoy , Imuldicho and niliiury dlu ortlen. Modfoid 'ovldotifu piovoH tlinlr worth. Prank TnriiKiilo, C St, .linksou vlllo, Uio., hii)m: "1 luno used Diiiiii'h KIiIii)m 1'IIU pomonalh mul thoy havo boon iiHiid hy nunllior of my family. I can miy thoy un it flue rtmiudy. Doau'a Kldnu) I'HIh did nio ii Krcnt deal of muni, whon 1 wiih mtr(i)i'liiK from Idtlimy won), hum Thoy duitoi'vo ptihllo ididoi-toiuem " I'rlcn nuo, ut nil don urn. iiout ("Imply imk for it Idling) ruinoil) nei IJouii'h Kldiioy I'IIUHih iwnio (hut Mr. Tniiiyulo hml. J'oHliii-Mlllnini I'n. 1'iop Huirnlo, N Ad. WE SELL M. J. B. Coffee Phone 96 OUSTEAD'S Wo tfiw S. & 11. Cti'i'on UVadinjr Stamps J k ---4-- - T f r r r r A A Plain Talk to the Public T T f f Our uneasy rompi'titor in last week's paper .says: "Our meat does not ......... i...... .. i........i !..:.. .... 1....1 ..,.;ti." i.... ..... ....'. ...4 :.. i... t jl uuiut.' 1 li in vi'iurui i imiil or iiacuMiiniuiiui tu' jft iiur iia.ii in iiiu iiuitii! i Uivei' valley." Perhaps wo will have to.s)uv tlioiu the loeatiun tt' these ttwns 4iwt ...... ....... ,.... i. ..,.., i, ....... tiw.it. i.. .ii. 4A'.,,,.n .ai r ,.f ..... ....k n... ...,i.i:.'.. .. iiiu fiiiiuii mi) u nu i.: mhm ii iiu-iiiii'm hi ri:n iiiviu, uvi niu iimv tin- iiiijiii-.- -v X " Wliy tho owners of tho Wes( Side .Meat Market dt not sell meats in their con- . V X rally located shop and Mast Side shop t hpnjuo pi'ioe as :U tho "West Side shop? V iro tlio pooplo ot Aledtord otnj- to staiyUor tins skin jjanio any lonori Are the meats in their j1AIX shop any hettur'than the othors.' Thov havo stood f r T ? ? r t t r ? V ? ? $&WMtvk&&W thoir grounds longer than Jones thouijht, l)iit they are gradually co.miu to it hy stating a Tow prices in their West Side shop which TI1KV think are cheap, and which they are sure thoy will nut loosT) too much on--on account of tho location of this shop. .Jones' prices ro lpiver than the lowest -their meat as good ms any and their shop located m tho center of tho city, where it is easily reached. Don't ho huncocd any louver, hut help.Joiics make them eiinu to it. JONES MEAT MARKET No, 6, Soutjy2(!n(ral X t T t I J T ? i Money Invested In Oregon Tin: I'minc .fiirlHillrlioii Woodmen of W'orli Him o.nk'mu.uov ok iii mui:i ami tiiiutv. sijvi:n TjioisAM) j'M i: iiLM)iti:t i)Or,r,Aiw I'm xallio linc-tiil In llomtri In the Ktntc of Ore- KOii, an h:v the rolloMlu-; lhti ... i Jifli' : i ; r ym m drS 1' f r r- T y VTl,iij v,l l --.,,' in 'JiW.'T.iCJU ST-asiajl.frgf. - iium-- B sh$ IfO I iO 'irS H 1 CvLf Wl IBl lhk. Tfcfc k j j Jv jJltaitfflH 1 1 liffilllfflSKmBi An . - , '' ' , " m Mil iimiMiiii iiminii rnniiiiMiWHiiinwiiiii iiwwwmimuMjMMjjaatg -iii IL I Quit 5-133. Tinn aWf.WHIl HMMWH'ti ijaWMti Mil !! II Ii It IHWI IWaWMHMMMMWHMBWBMMa. Anlilmul, Oregon, Klcrlrlr l.llit Ashland, OivtfDii, Hi-fudliiK linker, Orenoil, Wntec . , linker, Oi'i'oii, Kwcr .... linker, Orrnoti, City Hull . . . ... (Virvnlllx, OrfRoii, Sower Cooi Coiiuljr, On'Koiii Srliool IINtrlrt.. , (Mnrkiiinnn County, Orrxon Hcliool l)lt. Cotlimhlit County, Oii'Kon, School DM. OoIikIiih County, Oregon, School District lluitcne, Orcttou, Water w . KllKcno, IIitkoii, IteflinilloK (aillmii Coiintv, Orrxon, ScIkhiI Dlttrlct (itniits I'anM, Oroyoii HimxI ithi'i-Coillily, Oiokoii, Kchool DU. .Tovphlne County, OreKon, School DM. .ukwnl C.iuniy, OrcRou, School Dhtrirt KlAinutli County, OK'koii, School DM. Klamath I-'uIIh, Ort'Kon, Sewr Ijiiio County, OrrKon, Kchool District . I (I'rniiilc, Oregon) Wntcr td (frunilo. OreKon, Sewer . . (.Inn County, Oregon, School District . .Mi-dford, Orrgoli, Wntcr tc.Mlnnvlllo. On-con, Wntcr rim! Light Mnnhriclil, Oregon, 1''iinilluc ... . .Mctfoitl, Ort'noii, Irnprovriiivnt .MnllK'ttr County, OrtKili, School DM. Multnoiunh Comity, School Dlsttrlrt,. .. I'ciitll-'toit, Orcfion, Lovco , . I 'oik Coiinlr, OreKon, Kchool District .. Silicrtoii, Oivgou, Wntcr anil Scwcr. . Sprlncflelil, Oregon, liupmwuiciit t iitntlllii tViimty, Orrgon, School Dlt. liilon County, Oregon, ScIiimiI Dhttrlct Wnllouii County . .. WAnlilngton (Vitinty, Oregon, School Ills. Wooiliiurn, OrvKiin, Cltjr llnll . .. Yamhill County, Oregon, School District Total amount Invcfctcil in llontls throughnnt Oil J I'liltis-I StatcH l.v tho IMriric .liiriillctliui W, O. W Deceiutier HI, IIHH, $.",.17,0.U0 Total amount received ns Interest on lo:il lnvcnt mcut, XtllH J?Ufll), CJO.70 I r.r.,o(H).oo :t:i,ooo.oi) (M.tKIO.tMl ff,WHl.'(Hl iu.ooo.oij 0,0110.00 ao.ooo.oo r,coo.oo t'1,000.00 n i.ooo.oo rr-,ooo.oo .-,0,000.0(1 10,000.00 IH.000.00 i;i),()(mmm 10,000.00 H7,r. 10.00 J 1,000.00 n.ooo.oo i!o,imi.oo .'0,0I10.00 no.iMHi.oo I8.000.0O -711,0041.00 10,000.0(1 25.0OO.04I 1!5,4I00.041 :r.,ooo.(M) lH,nflO.(MI II.INIO.OO n7,OOO.IKI un,(M)o.oo in,(M)0.(KI 0(1,000.00 .-,())().( 1O,IMI0.0O 1:0,000.00 12,000.00 211,000.041 HAVE QUIT ' ! After working for J. W. Mitchell about tour years, I haro opened , a snop ai wie corner 01 noma uivcnnuo nnu r.igniii sircei anu am ( able to do anything In the llueot body or wheel way, and guaraate the beat of workmanship. JOHN BILLINGS P. S. Also put on Klreatono Dciuountablo Itlms. BAGLEY'S APPLE JUICE A healthful household beverage, pasteurized and put up In sani tary cans by new process. Absolutely Tree rrom preserratlvea. Clear puro juice from sound cloau apples. Iluy it by tho case or can; al ways sweet and fresh. A drink for all tho family any npnth la tho year. , BAGLEY'S APPLE BUTTER Has purity, flavor nud prlco to recommend It for jour, ueo as a con venient, tnsty, tablo delicacy. Ask jour grocer THE BAGLEY CANNING CO. TALKXT, OnKGOX. Holiday Fares following usual custom tho Southern Pacific will h:ivo In effect from all points, Main Lino and Uranches Special Christmas and New Year Holi day Round Trip Fares SAMJ IIATliS I.V OltKO'OX Tickets between ull points In Oregon will ho. sold Docenibor 18, 1i. ao, 3. 21, 20 and ill. VJlt. and January 1. 1910; uIho hctweou all (J. & H. V, It, & X., P. U. &. K. and S. V. C. &, V. pout. l-'lnul re turn limit Junuary I, U't.'. SAI.K IIATKS TO CAMl-'OllXlA Ueceinbor 21 to 20, to January 1. Inclusive, frqm all points In Oregon to any point In California ; also to Klamath I 'a Hi via Weed. Klual rot urn limit Jan uary I, llK.. ' ? SUPERIOR TRAIN SERVICE Call on our nouront Attmit fur full purtloulnrd, faro to Hptiulfln poluU, rHirvatlon, train scheduled, oto, SOUTHERN PACIFIC -I11I1 ii y t. Oenrul I'otMiunuor Ant I'orllund, ureuon. ' fM i 1 it aki' i