PAG.M two WIBUIfOKU MAlli TIUUUNIO, iMKDI'WI), OltKOON. WIODN'KSDAY. DKCKAIIH'IK I), 11)11 fc. BRYAN REPLIES 10 H IN RIVER BILL WASHINGTON, Ufc tl. The Kn- tiotial "ribers and Innhors eonsrexs bcRimMfs iiiiiiunl convention hero to itny with n largo nl tendance of dele units from throughout the country. Jinny prominent sneakers mo nu tin' program for mUlrpsc during Hip three lnys' Hew-ion. Tho convention vva opened with nn nildrcsd hy Secretary Drynn. A Cea ture was tho minimi nddivi of Sena tor Kiinstlell oT LouMniut, pieHtdcnt of the river nnd hnrhors oonjri cj, In which lie vigorously denoiineed recent nttaelcs on thn rivor nnd hnrhor hill passed at tho Inst nekton of emigres mid the filihirMcr which resulted in thn practical defont of the measure. Critic's of. the legislation, he said, had been unable to uggc-t n hotter .system than the one thev entieie. "To assert that river and hnthor hills are full of 'pork' graft and cor rupt IlemV he declared, "is to charse that the engineer corns of the nrmy, members of the rivers and haibors committee of tho ltnue and commerce committee of the sennte, nnd n ma jority of the senator? and rereen tatives who advocated nnd voted for these measures nio guilty of fraud, corruption, graft and "lain Mealing. .Such nn ncrlintion I fnUe." Senator Jtnnsdell concluded with nn appeal to the convention to insist Hint "under no circumstances should any water course be improved unless it has real, -tannine merit back of It." KANSAS WEATHER AFFECIS SELLING CHICAGO, Dec. fl. Continued ab nonco of adequate, moluuro for the winter crop in Kansas save an ad vantage today to tho bulls In wheat. Strength at Liverpool counted also against tho bears. Demand here, however, was llghUAfter opening H to i higher, prices reacted a little, hut then again hardened. Corn weakened under selling led liy prominent speculators. Wet weather that promised to lessen tho movoment from first bands formed only a temporary prop to tho market. Tho opening which varied from a shade to U higher, was followed by a setback all around. Oata weakened with corn. Tran sactions were for the most part be twen pit traders. , Higher prices for hogs carried pro visions upgrade. Thore woro in creasing offerings, though, on tho ad vance. BERLIN, Dec. 9, Ma London, 12:30 p. m. There is published to day a speech made Docomber 3 by Emperor William at one of tho army camps, composed of Germans and Austrians, which he visited on his re cent trip to tho eastern front. "You ore fighting for a Just cause, for llborty, for the right to exist as a nntlon, and for a future of pro PORK CHARE GOD AND HE W! US Southern Oregon's Protest (From the Salem Capital Journal.) Just as a hunch to the politicians it Is Euggestcd that they put in a lit tle time studying tho election re turns from southern Oregon, and they mny learn something that will be of use to them In 19 1C. It will bo rc mombored while conning this llttlo lesson that southern Oregon has been practically without recognition either in fUato or federal offices so long that t hai heroine sort of understood among politicians that she neither wants nor deborves nn thing. An ex amlnntlou of thu otea for cougresH will disabuse tho mlnd-polltlcal of this Idea. Tho republicans of t.outlu ern QroEon wanted tho nominee for congress at tho last election, but they did not get him. Tho democrats put up a Coos Hay muu, who v,iib llttlo known in the district, and yut a btudy of his voto will (oii the Idea of what southern Oregon Intends to do. Notwithstanding Congressman Haw. loy'a stienglli, hod thu democrats put up a southern Omgon muu with wldu ncfjiiiilntunro ami popular, such us could havo been easily found, It mio well bu doubted If Mr. Huwloy could havo won. It I not tbut thero is Miiy enpuclul feel I iik uKulimt (.'on KffMiDiHii lluttht) or any other man, bill that noutliprii Omj;oii Ik duiuuiid Ihu rtipiwonlollon fu conKron, win Him ftttliljf M ll!M II. T!lUt N'UlDll U iiKturiftj ifiubl!fun, but If hu RUSSIAN PORT THE HAMIDIEH " X An official Constantinople despatch, recchcil ly way of Merlin. s:ijs that tlio U'nrklh t,rnter Umntdleli bom bnrded and destrojed the p trolcum depot- aud vvlreW nation at Tuapse, near Xovoroiifok ton the Itlsufc Sea). The despatch nlo reported that a heavy k'tttle, lnstlng nine hours. -curred on November IS alum: the flint-el-Arnb Klrer (this river empties Int the Persian Gulf and forms part of the boundary between tho lVrl.n and Turkish dominions) lietweeu HrllMi and Turkish troop. The ltritNh lossc were heavy. Captured llrltMi soldiers declare that the wuuiulrd tli.t Hrltikh commanilcr. The despatch also Mated that one shot from the Turkish Mar m.irls hit a ltrltlh guuloat and cuued nn explo'lon. detail of whlih were uotanllab!e. NOI : T WASHINGTON, Doc. 0. For the first time in munv enrs tho house naval committee today conducted in public its iipjirinx on the naval bill, which already has nMiincd the nn- luro of a general inouiry into effii iencv nnd seneral conditions of the fleet. Hear Admiral Fletcher, comman der of the Atlantic fleet, in a general statement, defended the dreadnought as the greatest weajwn of nnxnl war fare. "The Ktiropcan wnr has not dem onstrated," snid Admiral Fletcher, "that the battleship is any less valu able in naval warfare than hereto fore, or Hint it is not still the main fai'tor in finally determining a con flict. "The submarine undoubtedly is a valuable ndjuiict to a navy. The de fense against the submarine has not yet been fully developed. One de fense against the submarine nlrendy developing is the nirhip." The admiral gae it as hi opinion Hint great naval battles would con tinue to be decided, in tho main, by battleships . longed peace," said tho Emperor. "Even though the war should last for a long time wo shall not allow the enemy to havo a moment's quiet. 'Veshall continue to fight with success as hcrctofoie, for Heaven Is on our side. With God wo shall achlovo a prolonged peace, for our nerves are stronger than those of our enemy." can't have n republican congressman, sho will take a democratic one. There is no thnrge for this hunch to tho republican leaders, but It Is worth much moro than tho cost. REJECTED SUITOR KILL WOMAN FOR LOVE I'llILADM.I'IIIA, Dec. 0. Jp Adauix, a pettv oilier on the battle ship Illinois, htationcd at the Phila delphia navy-.Miid, nhot and lulled n young woman niiined Anna Comwtv at her home hero eaily toda mid then committed suicide. Accoidiug to the police, Adam nhot the till beutii she relusi'd to main him. CIIICACO, D.c - - I'ho chief con corn of tho UnlKd States miiHt bo to enact legislation tliut will proiuolo Industrial prospurlt) and Insure tho constuut employment of ull, accordlnx to Albert II. C'liinmliiu, I'ulted Htntos sonntor from Iowa, who spoko tonight ut a huii'juet hero Tlu flow of Iminl urallon that ho iixxtts lo follow tin1 lIohu of tho uur will proveiit a prol linn to ho coimlitiirud, uIouk with Iho iieisiity of luNiirlny: oor Auieikan u Job, be kiifit 'J'oo ftrout nn lulliu of ulliins lit Ik lit Inumujui tlu tuohlciii or liiM niiwiiiploywl. ETHER SAYS SUBMARINE CREATES POWER KASER BOMBARDED BY TORKISH VESSELS. sr hm w:i - - 4 irv ( YWi,'' "--J'arvv s, vs v. ? JTItMrtARY A iri(iAiv v .1. aollAl 7 0 ' j- . .i- vf ':zj?t( f .. 7S K O u k " s? (BrJKVes S" t!L ra cjs WAP SJK3VIN3 TAUP5E. NEAR NOVOR055Y5N. WHICH THE HAMIDIEH DOMHARDCD CARRANZA AIDE FILE PROTEST ON III. I'ASO. Tex., I ).. !). The ter timueut eoitiiuittee of twenty-one of the Aguns tiliente eouvuiition Iihm protosted against the nnming,b. Pio visional Piosident Outierrw. of eer tnin of his cabinet olliccr, Hinting them Soto Y. flama, a i'loo ndi-or of Oeneial .apnta. This was repott ed today in official ailics from Mexico City to .luarex olficiuU. From the interior came -moral Amerienn nud Mexican refugees with storie-, of disorder-, nl soeral points. It was -aid that Villa soldiers a few days ago hud euteied the ilium" of (hileaun, rhihiiahua, where the in habitant.- favored the new Sahunr re volt and hnd executed one-half of the men ofMlie town. Tho other were released with a warning. Many of them hilar joined SalaarV little army. Refugees from Mexico City Mjid Hint four promiiieut bu-ino.s mid prol'e ional muu of the capital had been executed after the entrv of tho convention force--. Among them w David Ileyes Rpiiii, a young attorney of an old family in the capital. Per sons from (luadalajaia declared that the Canaiua commander of Hut cit had employed the IIoiuhii Catholic cathedral there us n dance hull for his officers. VON DER GOLIZ. WILL L CON.STANTIN'OI'I.i:, mi ' . i.. n, Doc. II, :i:10 p. in F..M M. Huron on dor tlJ.xr wh In- im-n gocrnor of the tenitou in lli-l.iiin now. occupied by tho (termini, has arrived ut tho Ottoman capital. The field marshal uouio yearn ago luor- anied Hie Turkish imny and Hi ie- port circulated tliat -he i to taKc obarge of the Turkish trool. It. Garret, postmaster of Iluncom has roslguod Ills post, nnd the postal department has ordered the stops toward thu filling of tho vacancy. AA MEMBER Owing to ike lower prior ol lumber' nd the dded indace ment of lpinj our tnrn employed during the winlrr immllit, ve uikke die iullowiog icmukiLIc teduOibiit in doen: Hawing No. 1, $1.30 S.Panel Door Reduced $L10 No.2,$1.10 6-PanelDoor (for Pnintlnj) Qft,, Keducrdtu iUC Quality Jut as Good as Ever Our cuiiumtn we lwt itliifirj. We own nd 0kiIi I'm iinta to.oauiiirrSwli, Oor end Mill Woik itawy in NuiliMtH. Votiwillfiw)l9ilu,hivranlu'imuitf's ri ' WokII snyoue; ilnpsnywltc. Ak for CnlaloNo, ,i N. TMI MKMAR'IS J IT 3& ZY:y cr? - S rc - :jty MniM .- 1 WIT 0KAJ KMlRAJS.Vio S1 .-, L...$ rO-WkH)i" ....t TURKEV-J llf 'S E SAY STAFF HEAD WASHINGTON, I hi- It. Ht.irings on the army rnropn.itiou hill were ended toda by tho' house military eomiuittvo with a di-i-iin-iou of the nation's iircpnrediicr for wnr by IIiiL-iiilier (lenenil Hugh L Scott, hiof of tnff. General Scott told the committee Hie condition of the national defense was cou-tantly improving nnd di en cd ut lometh the uue-tiou of am- muuitioii siiplio-. Chairman h de clared supptlO' On hand were rapidly "appioxim.iiing tho neee an le serve." Hepiesentatne Hruono of Veimont ipioted from the report of the fonuer chief of staff, fhuilnil Witherpot;ii. a statement thnr mere i- a "tenons deficiency" in Ammunition for -en-f-oa-t defenses, Scott pift into the rword a fable -bowing Hint there was on hand lor twolve-ineh mortars ."0 per cent; for sixtcen-iiieh sun-, .1.1 per cent; lor lomlcon-iucli gun, -IS per cent; for twelre-inch guns, 18 wr cent, and ten-inch guns ll) per cent of the rienc amniuni tion. 'General Wotht opouu must b.i been nervous nnd excited wlin In wrote that," remarked ( ban man I In v. 13 MINERS DIE AS HCHANTON, I'.i., Dec. 0. Tliir teen mineworker- were killed in the Diamond i-lmlt of the Delaware, Lackawiinnu Western Coal nun piiuy here today, when it box of dyu umito being lowcrud into the mine with tourteen men exploded, w reek ing the descending mirriugo nud drop ping the victims to Hie bottom of the shaft. The one man who ccacd ulivo is Martin lleliuski, a driver boss. The iiecub'iit oeciined when the men were going to vvoik mid al u time when tin cuirmico to the mine wits crowded with men waiting to be lowered lo Hi r his levels. Wv I . v mm irrrrTTrrw-Tji NATION ARMY HAP ns Y 1NTR TO FRANCE GAINS OF NKW YOIIIC, Dec II. The grm.d ero-s id' Hie Legion of Honor is on it a aeioss the ea tiom the pio-i dent of Fiance to M,rou T. Ilcniik, in recognition ol Mr. Met rick's sen ices to the French people while Ameiuan nmlmndor to France. Mi I lei tick was deeointed .ve-ttMd.n with a n-d nhhon, eiubleniftlle ol H civs-, iv the captain of the steam -hip Itochamhcmi, net it" on wiieless oi ders tiom the Fn'iieh aiubiiHsador nl Washington, who said he was aitit1 under iuliuelioiis liom I'leobnt Foiiieare. The decoration wn- piuii ed upon Mi. Ilenick's coat as -non as (be steamer t cached the ihiee-nnle sen liinil of Anieiienn svtieignt Aiinoiinceuient of the bestowal ot the honor was made odu when the l!o (hdllbeau docked. The giiind cio-s of the l.ogion oi Honor is the highest honor whtih th" Fiench giixernnfent can bestow. Iheie me, iueludiiiir Mr. llciiiek, oul toil-li lifng peioiiH throiiKhoiit the uifild who have been thus duo rated. A spectaiMilar reception was tun the ictiiiilg nmbu-siidor nud hi- wile when the oscl docked. The pa--in gets, nearly nil natives of Fi.m , lined the rail and cbecied n Mi. and Mrs. Ilcrrick walked lowu tho gun pl.iuk, and the cheering was taken up h It null oils of persons who had gone to the pier to gn'ct him on behalf of the cit,, stale, unliou and the stale of Ohio. I IHHk Site made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to bring back color, Clou, thickness. Common ynrilpn ipo brewed Into a heavy ten with sulphur and nlndiol Wlisl, will tunt gray, sUi-oktsl ami Mod hilr I.MiitifulIy dark iuul luuiriaat, ro iiuo.i cwry tit of ituulriiif, stop alji Itching ami lulling h.ilr .Itwt a few nppllwtlons will provn a revolution II your hair U fading, grny or Urj', crng gly snd thin. Mixing l Sago Tui and Stilplmr recipe ut huttir, lliougli, , U troiiblisoiiie. An easier w iv l ti t the ready-to uw tonic, eontlng aUviit so ccais a litrin lmttlo at drtiu Btnrw. kiioum n "W.vcth'n Mige und Nulpbiir IIir Ittni-, nl.v!" thu uvoiillng a lt of mils. ' Ulillo vviony, gruv, f.ultxl hair I not Inful, wc all'ileiirc to rcUlu our jotith- I ful uiuo.iraaco and attrnctlvcnio. Ilr I ilirUiilng jour hair with Wyeth's Sigo and Snlplnir. no one can lull, Ixvaiiao it d(H It so tuturallj, so evenly. You lut iLnmisn n, sponge or soft brush wltii It and draw- tin through mr hilr, taking one smnll otmnd at a tlmoi !' naming all gray hairs havo disappeared, and, after another application or two, jour h.ilr U mines bciutifully dark, glo.iy, soft nnd luxuriant. C Out Your Next Butt of K LOTHES maim: iiy L E I N I'liicus ?a.i.on up Also Cleaning, Pressing nnd Altering I'M i:. .Main, Upstairs QUALITY In name ineiiits notlilug un less wo IhiiK tint name vvlth the goods ami service. Wo aio trying lo uinl.o the name a reality. The Quality Dairy .1. F. Minimis, Prop, Phono 7!..Tl WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 Enst fnin Street Mcdford Tho Only RyoUihIvg ComintToial Pliotogntplicru in iSouilioni Oregon NegittivcH Aradu any timo or phico hy appointment Phono 147-J Wo'll tlo tho rest E, V, WESTON, Prop, MEDAL rjTBtftTVW WrmTmM Golden t kt A)) This I fVVlk Better Coffee for Less Roasted nnd Packed in Oregon 3 POUNDS Regular $U0 rP0UNDS(l rf U Regular $1.75 tpJL.eJU 1 pound or- X Regular 40c OOK At Your Grocer's THE BEST cs Guaranteed ! Closset & Devers The Oldist and I ureal Coll. Ituu l in in Hit Norlbvvi t, X. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS Large Assortment Prices Never Lower at Tin: .SKIN OF cicidt7(d '"Cooo We (live "8 St llio Kihool of .MtHlcni .Method. MEDFORD vmmefcrifftfwfcsz CoIIego nutldliiK. HI Day ami .Nlisht Kihool New lliulnoHH, Shorthand Night School WVSSS&tt 5.00 Mr. Diogones with his lantern may not have been able to find an honet man but YOU can find lbts of good Lumber cheap at MEDFORD LUMBER CO. Vil' Mill Till 111 .SllI'vlH vSENSIBLE A Puuirio Cotlitr f'hit Ih a HAiudhh ('IiiIhIiiiik Ut, (or U, lUugli. (or or Hwootboarl. It !m injof ul, oi imiiwiilHi, ionvtilwi diimblu. ninth proof. I.ol iih hIiow you out llnu. Many tima ami kfvtrm MrtfN rang v riom ft to lo ini.ijii. Pacific Furniture & Fixture Factory Mil Hun II, Ifolly HI. 'SZTJT. I III II U lllili 'If ItU1 KTV ft llllil fi West I llilllli Wppk Ik PtfK ' V W vft' Vf " Weak i& Lat:gs. T,iri.- Hi iM'.,tri rww-!.''.:?! OPPOHITH pobt orwcia Snots" II lirvcn HtAiopH '' n u s. ii. inuwA.v II I VANOII.IIIilt North (Iranc . t. Puplln Mny KnKi at any TJuio nud KiikHhIi ('ourMu WMta for Col I (jo Joiirmnl " " "yr - -1 I llll I lil? If vt ALWAYS ll FRESH! ll SSc 11 ill I sJI 4