207 9MDMI "-- ru i'''. M. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE U aii to ist'tMsiai-' SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fnlr tonight and tomorrow Mux. n.'tj MIb. 42. forty-fourth Ytar. Dftlly Nlnlli Yfiir. MEDFORD. OKI'XJON, WKDNKKDAY, DKCIOMHISH M, 10M NO. 223 DESTROY GERMAN PACIFIC 'Jj, Hi BRITISH YXJtJt . CRUISERS SUNK OPTlMISMRULES IN BATTLE OFF Fl Warships Scharnhorst, Gnclsennti nnd Lclp:l( Sunk, Two Colliers Captured, While Dresden nnd Nuriilicr-- Escape and Are Bcinn Pursued by British Squadron. I. ON I ION, Doc '. - It wnn nn iiiuiiiieil offlrliillv hero today llial tli (Iitiiiiiii trtiiiiH Hchuiuhnrst, Gnelno nan nml Leipzig liml boon mink off tlm Fiill-lnnd IhIriuI In tin South At lantlo. Tim following nnnounroinont was Issued by ttm official Information bur (iiii : ' At 7 30 n. in. on tin eighth of Dcu'IiiIht, tlm Scharnhorst, GtioMo nun, Number, I.olptlg nml Dresden wore n t r. 1 1 1 1 1 near tlio Falkland Islands tiy a Ilrltlitli squadron under Vim Ailinlrul Hlr Frederick Sturdeo An iictlon followed, In tlm course of which tint Hclmrnhorst, flying tlm Jlac of Atlinlral Count von Hpw, the Oiiolminnu nml tho Leipzig t Mink. Tlio Dresden nml Nurnborg utnilii off itiirliiK the action ami am being pursued. "Two colliers nlno won raptured. "Tlio vlco udinlrnl rt-portH that tlio HrltlHh cnnunllloH urn wry few In number. "Home survivor have boon rescued from tlm Gnulnenaii nml tlio l.elxlg." Tlio HritUh offlolnl Hliilcuont hows (lint, iim Iiiih been reported, the German ipmdron mndo its way from tlio l'liciflii to tlln Atlantic. Tlio Falkland islnsiW, near which tlio Gcr lllllll tdllpS worn Sighted, lie off tin lii of South America, dhectlv cm! ol the xtriutH of Magellan. History or l'loct Tin' Cmionnu, Leipzig nml Kchurn liorkl. with tho crulsei Nuriitcrg nml Dic-don, composed tho Gorman 1'iielflo (led, which In llu engage incut with tlio HrltlHh sundrnn un der Hoar Ailmlrnl Hlr Clirlntoplir Crnddock off tlm roast of Chile on November I, mink tlio Hi Midi cruis ers Monmouth nml Good lloo with tlio Ioiih of nliout I .'00 nii'ii. "Nlnco that llimi Hi It lh nml Japunoso nquad rotiH huvo been sonichlng for tho Gorman flout, of which llttlo Iiiih he on heard. Koconl reports from Monte video, I'ruguny, wir to tho effort Hint tho Gorman fleet was bollovod to havo rounded tho enpo ami oiitcrod tlii' Miuth Atlantic wntois, hut Hutu has Im'cii no authentic luformntlon of tlm whoieubouls of those vessels slnco tlm buttle with tho HrltlHh Hquodrnn. Nrlmiiiljorst Flag Hlili Tlio Hchnriiliontt nml OnolHonou nro tho 1 argent tnlifpit of tho Gorman fleet. Thoy worn Hlstur Hhlps or 11,1100 Ioiih displacement, -ICO foot (Continued on 1'ago C). TEUTON ALLIES!!-! I WEST GALICIA WASHINGTON, Dee, 0. Success of tlio iillioil Ounnan nml Austrian troops ill western Gallcia wiih rcpoit oil 1'iiiiu Vii'iinu toilavto tho t'lnlnihHy liiui). Tlio illHimtch Hit'yHj "Tlm liuttlo in I'oliiinl p(iri'HHi)S fiivonihly. In West (lalicin tlm Aim tro.iinj;ai!iiii(l('nniiii Iioojh ii IiioKciI I'ioiii lliy Houlh tlio iiilvuncinK ItiiKMiuiiH nml i'iiiluivil 'J.'I.OOO piiHoiio tii'H. Our trooiK linvo iniiril kioiiihI houlh ol' Ili'lunnli'i Tlm I'lii'iny wlih l t'int'oi tu-int'iilH coutiiiuoM sloli'iit at' tiii'U unit' Auinu.voliniii', I'liuco ,i'lnlii'll.U'iilP Iim AuhIiIimi ilcli'Kilto, nml lh(iulv IVIiiir, tlm lliinuuiiaii ilitlitKiilo, loll I'or (Iriiou In Hiii'l tlio Allll'lll'llll CNIIIIM hi) .tllkllll. (Il'l- iiiiiny nUo kiiiuU ilnli'uuli'x. Tlio imli lln iiiiiiiIIi'km Him un'iili"l (tl'ililmlo )r lliix nmi ol n)niiiilliy uui,l'il j Allll'IHIHI ltUl(l'(IH, I KM S CLAIM ORY F NH OR BELGIAN BATTLE Appreciable Gains at Arras hy Infan try, and Artillery Repulses Ger mans Alonn Meuse Mine Destroys Trench on Alsne Hold All New Positions Gained December 8. l'AUIS, I )(. !, 'J: 10 p. in.- Thou wnn nrtillory lichtiiu: 1'iiiiu tin1 m-ji to lliil ly iluiinj; tlio ilny of IJitciiiIh'I' H, IKM'III lIlllK to lll(! IVl'lll'll Ol'lll'llll uiiiuiiim'i'iiii'iit ivi'ii out in I'ari-t thin nl'trrnoon, nml nil tlio positions wmi by tlio I'mich during Ibo past two ilnyn uio bci'ti tronntln'm'il. "Dniini; Ibo day of Doooinbor 8 tboht was iiitillory IIiiiik from tho hciiooiihI to l,yn. "Ill Ibo ropon of Arrai nml further to Ibo xoiilli tbcio wan iiotliiiiK I" "' port. All tlio position won by us ilunui; Ibo jmtt two iIii.vk Iiiivu licuti orvanirctl ami couHolnluteil. "In Ibo n'Kion of tho Ainno nrtil lory oxi'liaii(,'i'rt ami fiubtini; by our iilfniitry roHullod in aimrociabln i;ninH lor iih. Sovoial tlonnnit tri'iichod woro oorupioil, ami wo iiiudo i)ioj:ri'SH altuij, tlio cutiro fiout with tho nxecp tion of ono ".iiiRlo (Miint. Horn tho on oiny blow up olio of our trrnchiM with a iiiino. Aitlllory Affctvo "On Ibo lii'iKbtH of tho Moiiho our atlillory hbowoil iti.i-lf iliHtlnotlv tlio maslor of tho nrtillory of tho enemy. In tblri region an well ax in tho Ar Koiiiio wo have inailo proerofifl nlon tho riitirn front, nml have occupied Home of the Oomiiin trencher), The Maine tbiii" happened in the iciou of I.eiH'tre. "In tho VoNKCri wo ivwiIm'iI Koveral iiltaok. to the iioitbwost of Siuonos." "In the lemaimlor of Ibo segment of Ibo VoxtM'h the enemy inailo no ni- deavor, iliimii' the din- of Deeember 8, to deliver any mtious attaek on the mi-iIiiiiik oeoumed li" uk last w eek. Itusslaii Sltiiallon "Itn-sia - Tho stubborn attaek' of the (lormnti' against tho front from How to I.owie. ami from StryKow to I.oil., ami also uloii" a lino riiuuim: noilli nml south sixteen kilometies (ten miloH) to tho west of I'iotrUnw, woro lepulsed. Novel Ihclo1., bceaiiRe of Ibo o.posed position of I .oil, a; tho bead of a wedge, the Hiissiaiis have found it aihisablo to ovnounto tlii- oily. "In Gnlieia Ibo Austiians who no pear to have leooived Clonnan rein foioomontH, luivo i-oKiuiied llui offen sive in Ibo icgiou of N'u Samlro to tlio eiiMt of Cracow acaiust tho litis siaii loft win1,'. Tlio Servian nrmioft n ro luakiii" ningiyss in tlm upper a levs of tho western Morava nml on th'o left bank of tho river Mid. TlurA havo taken possession of Iho lieibtH of Meljen, eiiDlurin" iinmerouH oris ouerrt nml iU Inking oannon from tho eucmv. In tho rooiou of Kusmnj tho KoniniiH nro in eoutnol with tho Austiian troops," LONDON, Dec. 0, 12:15 p. in, Tho Central Nuwr linn puhlUhod a dtripntch from ltn AniHtonlam corroR pomlont, who nnyH that tho KIhk of Saxony lian nrrlved In llnnou'la, m PLAN BEET SUGAR FACTORY HI Slops toward seeming a beet su gar factory in tho Hoguo River valley will ho taken no.t Friday afternoon nt 12 o'clock at u mass meeting of fnrmeiN, landowners and business men that will ho held in tho small hall of llui Nalalorium, F. S. Iliumwoll, foiiuei' iniiuiigei' of tlm Amalgamated Hukiu' company, ami nHHociales, rep resenting Flah ami custom sugar in loiOfttM, united in Iho city this morn ing mid am being shown over Iho val ley this iiflcimuAi in n preliminary in veslignlloii of conditions, At Iho iiiiinh nii'cllng Iho plan, ono ililioiu nml other iciiiiIii'IiiciiIh of llie heel siigiir men will ho illm'io.i.i'11 ami lin il'l'oil iiniibi lo serine aciciini) for lliu 1U10 ciop, Lmlir hu diiccliuii CRUSHNG AN AT LODZ SLIPS Inability to Unite Forces Gave Rus sians Chance Evacuated Polish City lor "Strateolc Reasons" Berlin Tells ot Pursuit of Czar's Minions to South. LONDON, Dee. II. 11 :ll a. in. The oonlor of the (leiiuan hue in Itussiau Poland having oeeupied l.odr, it is eoiitiuuiutr to pub on to tho enntwnid after tlio retiiiut; Ius"iann,'ae:oidiiii; to oflieial aiiuoiineeiueiit mnde in lloiliii. Nevertheless tho slrnin of both sides lias been terrific and the loHM'K heavy, no that a lull prolia'ilv will soon sol in on this part of the eastern battle front while the ttoopx recuperate. , The Hussiiins continue (o assort t tint their ictircmcnt from hod, was it Mrntenioiil necessity rather than it defeat, but it will take future devel opments to show whether this claim is correct or not. Twice driven bnek from Warsaw, the Hermann njnun nro in n HiMtiou to advance on the enn ital of Itussiau Poland, and even tho llritish press, which minimizes the im portance of the tnkiut; of I.odr.. points out that it is on the trunk line rail road between Kalis, nml Warsaw, which' lino is now held bv the invnd ern probnbly to a point considerably to the enst of the oeeupied city. Grout Clinncei It Viewing tho fiphtinir in the vicinity of I.odziu retrospect it would nppcar ilinl flnriiianv liful it irii1iim. vielirv almost within her rnsi and lost it bv not lieiiij? able to nnito her forces, while later tho Kussians were sue eussfut ill uaiiiniiT a dominant position which thev could not bold. In (he western arena where it would appear still geuerall" tiuo thai the Hermans are more on tho defensive than the offensive, tho news that thev havo made n violent attack to tho south of Ypres, indicates Ihnt thoy havo not abandoned Ibo idea of lircukiii" through to the French const, and it is said that tho pick of tho (lonunn western nnnv has been con centrated for this latest effort. The fato of General lleyers in South Africa has not yet been abso lutely cleared up. If he is dead, ns is belioved, it will remove the last of the important South African rebels. General Do Wet is n prisoner. Colonel MnriUa a fugitive and most of tho roinmnmls have been broken up. NO WHEAT TRUST AT KANSAS CITY WASHINGTON, Dee. 0, On ltd In veHtlKatlon of mnrkettiiR ot Kansas wheat tho department ot agriculture, today reported to congress that no "collusion to restrain competition or depress prices nt Kansas City" was discovered nml Hint Knnxntj fannonv "ns n general rule nro getting nil that their wheat In worth." of .1. T. finllivnn, W. IT. Goiv, J. A, Ferry and others, tho boot, sugar fun lory representatives nro being shown over tho valley this afternoon, Fur ther inspection of local conditions will he made. Regarding their plans, Mr. Brum well nml bis associates refuse (o iiiako a statement, icscrviug a free discussion of Iho mailer uulil tho mass Hireling, when it Is uigcd thai represeiilntivo gathering of Iho in leiesls al'l'cclcd will bo in iillcmlanco nml nil ipiciii'N unskveicil, If Iho plans for Iho heel sugar fan. lory go Ihioiigh il v ill nieiui imlii'ii OM'ritli0lM villi nIiii! nt once, mid the Kiwng of ii iiov imliikii) mid u pn roll lo IIih tulle FROM GERMANS 5HE NEW LEADER AT ' s-Ul 'lkiS '!. ' seT'V0jiSlf: r, y TJt'' -. V '1 It OEMERAL l . "Tmr , r., -mr Ar j-v -f smmrjr . T . v:5j. ' & -&fejs ' , - 'fii.n-'; I General VtlU U reporter! to have entered Mexico City at the head ot "?,() troops anil wont Into camp lit tbo suburbs Kurroundlug tho capital. On hU arrival ho announced bis luUnluu vvua to restore order throughout Mexico. Ilia coming waa haUtd by butvdrviU of (vcrtoun t tbo slj.ii that the inuit erloui iTlal la the affair tiUMlco.haji passed. lie Is regarded as the ouc man who U lruUR niouiih to bring order out of the cbao which baa existed alnce Car raiira quitted Uio city tund left It ut the mercy of any baud who might enter It U) suck the place MAN LOSSES I OF I'KTHOnitAD, Dec. !, via London, 3:02 p. in. The Gorman attacks In I.owlcz to the west of Wnrnnw, yes terday w-cro conducted with absolute disregard ot conseuencca and accord ing to a report roadTlng hero tre mendous losses woro Incurred. Tho German method of throwlqg column niter column In close rnnks, tho men marching Hhouldcr to shoulder, was evidence of tho determination to take Gils position which Is on tlio direct road to Warsaw and nearer to War saw than any other fighting center on tho Lodz front. In nplto of tho miirderotiH flro of tho Kussians, tho Gorman Infantry lay In tho shallow trenches dug out with their bayonets and their hands at a dUtanco of 200 paces from tho HtiHslttn entienchmeuts nnd brought up their artillery to within S00 paces ot tho Russian positions. Tho Army Messenger, nn official organ, declares that while tho Germans woro moving forward from Lnslc yesterday, thoy attacked PahlantUl, ton miles south west of Lodz, In closo ranks and forced tho Kussians to glvo ground, but with tho approach ot darkuess tho Russians stopped tho advance of tho Germans and iufllcted heavy losses on them by tho continued use ot their nrmorcd automobiles on tho Lask-Pahlanltzt highway. Sdunknska Wola, Lask ami Pablanitzl, markod tho successive steps of tho attempted Gorman odvnnco on Wursaw. Tho Kusvlan movement enveloping Cracow continues slowly but success fully uccoidlng to Information reach ing l'olrograd. T TO WAHWNflTON. Dee. Ik -No n. Kivskito iiclmii on Iho pint of Iho United Kioto la iiouloiiii)niii in Iho M'lllliUjf llf lllbhliillllll llOOjIK III Nlll'll, AlU An ollicml kliiliiiii'iil vuia i--kut'il lodiiy id Iho wliilu iouo m II TERRIFIC THE MEXICAN CAPITAL ISrA .- 3&&Z&'.. VILLA, o SEEK TO WAIVE ASSESSMENT UPON MINES 1914 IMIOKNIX, Ariz., Dec. 9. Kcsolu tlons Introduced today beforo tho seventeenth annual session ot tho American Mining Congress request that tho legal requirement of as sessment work on mining claims be waived for 1911. Another resolution appeals to tho state department at Washington to tako steps to nssuro free shipments ot copper to neutral ports ot Kuropc. Tho resolution sets forth that tho ac tion of belligerent governments In Interfering with copper shipments had adversely affected halt a million people In Hits country who nro de pendent upon tho copper Industry for a livelihood. Proposed leasing by tho govern ment ot mineral lauds in tho public domain was tho principal topic ot discussion. A paper prepared by Senator John F. Shafroth of Colo rado, and read In his absence before tho congress, started tho discussion. Senator Shafroth contended in his paper that a leasing system by tho nation, creating tho relation ot laud lord and tenant with tho citizens ot a stato or territory, was Inconsistent with tho American form ot govern ment. If adopted, ho prcdlctod it would bo a failure. v IRK SERVIA PROCLAIMS A HOLY WAR PARIS, Dec. 0, 2.10 p. m. -Tele-graphing from Nlsh, Scrvla, the cor respondent of tho llitvas agency transmits nn extract from tho dec laration of tho now Seivlnu cabinet, toad beforo tho Servian legislature to duy ua follew: ' Convinced Hint tho entire Rervlun pooplo huvo resolved lo defend their home mid thvir liberty to tho end by u holy wur, tho rou government feel II to ho U duty lo tilwt aur unco of tho oiiiuiii'ialii)ii mid lliu union of Mil nor brother deprived of their llbniiy, lm ilu-y Hervimm, t'lUNiluim, or Hl)tfiiuik. NAVY HELPLESS IN CASE OF WAR Commander of American Fleet De clares Country Powerless to Cope With Other Nations in Case of War Unable to Keep on Sea or Pro tect Commerce. WASHINGTON, Dec. O..Vhr .Ad miral Fletcher, voiiimnitdoSflftiio At lantic fleet, impressively,'oliJ , the house nnviil committee today thuLtho United Ktntes navy is unprepared to cope with the most powerful nnvy in the world. He mentioned no country. "You can safely say," ho testified, "Ihnt we arc not prepared for the worst emergency that might nrise to protect ourselves from the greatest force available." "We would hnvc to greatly enlarge our fleet to protect American inter ests ngainst nil possible combinations njrninst us, or to control the occas ion. We would have to tnkc the of fensive when we hnvc n strong enough fleet." Helpless In Warfare "Arc wc strong enough," tho nd mirnl was asked, "to offer decided re sistance ngainst any nation at this time?" "Not nt nil," the admiral replied. "We would havo to defend ourseles as best we could. Wo probably would be unable to keep on the sen or to protect our commerce." "Aro yon maintaining- the same standard in the personnel-of the navy as von nlwnys have?' "It has not been further than it is today," replied the admiral. "The ships individually nre in n high state of efficiency, ns high ns they ever have been, nnd if there is nny criticism nt nil it is became of lack of the usual opportunity to have the ships tnkc their drill excreiscs to gether due to tho fleet being busy in Mc.m'co and the West Indies." Vso of Submarines Admiral Flctoher told the commit tee n European nation could hcud submarines ncross tho ocenn to dart into nn American harbor and assail the American fleet. It was of course, ho said, a suppositious case, ns to the practicability of such n move. For instance, bo snid, England had n 'nice lit t lo supply stntion" several huinlred miles away from New York harbor at Ilenuuda. The admiral said he would recom mend ns good policy eight or ten moro submarines for const and har bor defense. Representative Roberts of Massa chusetts nnd others pressed Admiral Fletcher about tbo actual condition of the American submarines and he fin ally testified thero was only one sub marina now iu netivo first-class con dition. Others nro being overhauled at the navy yards. About twelve sug mnrines, ho said, were undergoing annual oveihanling. All tho subma rines, ho ndded, should bo in full readiness nml preparedness for first class active service, "some time in February, and they will then bo ef fective weapons." No ltomlKirdmeut Likely "How far off shore should a most modern battleship lie and effectively (Contluucd on Page Four) Tho marvels success which will crown this struggle will more than repay tbo tremendous sacrifices In volved, In Hits vvar.HervIa has no cholco and tho struggle will continue to bo waged with tiiikhukeable conr ugo. "Ah tlio enemy ktlll remains on Her. van territory the government cries to lliu peeple: "Forward, with God'n aid, nttulnil Iho eiiuiny," Tlio roadliiK of Ibis de-JurttlloH mah Inloriupled many mr by im IhiikluRlli) blind from Urn anumibleil IcjiMiHoi, A H COLQRAOOSTRIKE ENDS DEC. TO; ! . RECORD UNIQUE For Duration, Bitterness and Blood shed, Greatest in Industry Mimic War Ruled State Tent Celenles New Feature-rrPresident Wilson te Lend Good Offices for Settlement. DKN'VKU, fo'lo Dec 0 In dura (fon, wiprRlctV ot life, property, anil In monetary loqn to tho state, miners' union, iba cdrtl operators, tho min ers, railroads and private Industries, the Colorado cool strlko has been ono ot the greatest in tho history of American mining. It will end Dec. 10. Tho strlko In tbo northern coal fields, of which tho state-wtdo strike is a continuation, was called on April 4, 1911. Tho state-wide strlko was called on September S3, 1913, and virtually paralyzed tho Industry ot Colorado, threw tho commonwealth into turmoil and finally led to the calling out ot the .stato militia and tho importation of federal troops, successively, into the strlko territory to preserve order. The toll of approximately eighteen millions of dollars expended during the strlko is shared by miners, opera torn, tho union, railroads, state aad federal governments as well as pri vate Industries. According to union ojflqlals moro than 13,000,000 has been paid In strlko benefits aloae. Loss of wages to miners Is estimated at over $6,000,000. The strlko has "boen characterized by an unusually number of acta ot violence and at least 6G persons are known to havo been killed and about CO Injured as a result ot disorders In cident to tho labor war. Armed Colonies Tho battlo between striking miners, mine guards and militiamen at Lud low on April 20. which ended In tho destruction ot tho tent colony, was responsible for tho death ot 12 chil dren and two women, whose bodies wore found in a pit in tho ruins ot tho site. Subsequent warfare which In cluded atfacks upon various mining camps In Las Animas, Huerfana, Fremont and Uouldor counties marked the culmination of strlko out breaks. Tho arrival of federal troops on April 30, 1914, restored peace. Stato troops were sent Into tho strlko zono October 29, 1914, when local authorities declared thoy were unablo to'preservo order. With tho exception ot ono company stationed nt Ludlow and another at Walscn bur, tho stnto troops woro withdrawn on April IS, of tho year following, Tho noxt week, however, they wero (Continued on Page Four.) E TO THAT DEAR PARIS PARIS, Dec,), 3:10 p. m. Presi dent Foinenre nud Premier Vivinni arrived iu Paris today from Uor dcaux. Foreign Minister Dulcnsso ami members of tho diploihalio corpti were to follow (hem later in (ho day. Tho return of President Polncaro jo Paris from llordcnux marks (ho ro establishment of tho seat of French government in that city after nn ab sence of nearly three months, In the early weeks of tho war when (ha OiT" man armies were sweeping southward across France, Iho Fieueli cavern ineul on Kepi. II i-isued h proelsimtloit announcing 1 !owHrnry trHnsfsr renco o Ilorileaux, Th (Idi-hmim Uh1 penetrated hIhiovI (o tlm umbirU nt Purl mid (ho soiiHd of (Mr Umy guns could m hcurd U tint cky, Vnr aovoritl iluy Ik fa t4 Pari whn Ih ihnM, Tftr-M 11m tuirmmm t Ihu OrmiiHH iMitl Mui tfwy i ere fortfJ tat-k l iWr ptmt V' FRENCH MOV CAPTAL BACK iihm mmm m , . 1 , 1 . r 0 fl ,tl