i't PAC1E TWO MWWOltl) 7M A T I TKIHUNM. MMDKOItl), OKI'HION, 'ITKSDAW UMCMMIMI? 8. 1!)ll t - i .- ' t t - OCAL AND L nroCnviAl inrjr, Itlchnrd I'nirnrof Wnldo, Minn , Ih niiiong tin) Into arrivals In tho c t. Kr.ank Tholou or tho Hcnr cicek or chard rilRtrk't Bpent .Mondnj Ju Mcd ford nti biisliivufl, A low nice hnnil niltrorn whllo tliey lust $J. Now York Hnlr Dressing 1'nrlorH. Mian Mny tJiiinmltiUK of Ashland Is vIhIHiiu friends In .Afodfoul. Tlio vmnlovtllo team of tho local lilKh Kchool will nppcnr in Ashlnnd Thurmlny nnd Kridny of thla wook. ArrmiRoniontH nro beliiR mnito for tholr nppourntirc In northern Cnllfor nln towns. ltonl And lionrd at 145 South Ivy. Mrs. C. I.. GrntU. 213 Herbert I.nnc of Trail In spending tho doys'tn' Mcdford. Ho. reports that the Weather ha heeu cvcuptlonallv fitorniy In that section tho past few days. Moose dance, Wednesday, Dec. Pth. Secure invitations from any Moose. 223 Jlrn. I). W Stone of Central l'olut district visited nmotiR friends In Mcd forri" yesterday. Doll carts ht M. F. & H. Co. Frank "Watson of the Applegate la transacting business matters iu tho city. Get It at l)c Voo's. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Little of Salem arrived In the city thin morning to i-cmaln for n few days with relatives. They will probably return to their liomo beforo the holidays. FIo votes for every ono tent pur chnso on Christmas good. M. F. & II. Co. Kd Helms, owner of the Helms' bar in tho county seat, where thous ands of old' relics are stored, telling plainly tho history of tho early days, tent Sunday in Mcdford. What will bo dono with (he relics has not been decided upon, although It Is the con testis of opinion that they will be sent to the Panama exposition. "Insurance" means "Holmes'' and "Holmes" means "Insurance." Sec Holmes "Tho Insurance Man." I Ii. Stauloy camo to the city thla morning with a load of Mnn products. Tho finest equipment in Oregon for printing .fruit labels. Mcdford Print ing Co. Tho pipe organ mslcctfon at the opening of tho Kllta' Memorial serv ices, held at tho Presbyterian church, Sunday, December 6, 1014 was omit ted owing to motor trouble. We wish it understood we havo tho largest and best stock of furs lu (southern Oregon, at Kwlng's Gun Storo. 22 n Clydo II. Pearson of Union Creek Is a visitor in tho city. Uudd will arrivo In Med ford Tues day evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M. Collins of tho Phoenix district arc spending tho day iu Medford. Mooso dance, Wednesday, Dec. 9th. Sccuro Invitations from any Moose. 22a FIod names of Talent is visiting boy frienda in the city today. Doll carts nt M. F. &II. Co. Miss h. Flora Fleming- is attending to business affairs in Ashland for a few da) 8. Head claslficd adds for uutomobllu bargains at Crater. Lake Motor Car Co. 223 Cecil Drlggs made a business trip to tho north end of tho v alley ester day. Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes ton's Camoro Shop. Over Isis Thea Miss Mlldrod Whitney of Cold Hill tind Miss (ilnd)B Hayes of Hoguo Riv er aio lslting fripuds in Mcdford. llarllett & Netherland will dUcon tluuo (he fur business and have re duced nil furs 20 to -10 per ceut. 22C A. S. Furry a promluent horticul turist of tho Phoenix dUtrlct is at tending to btiBincba affairs In the city today. Moose dance, Wednesday, Dec. 5th. Secure invitations from auy Moose. , i; ' o o j N, D. Kimo ot'Orlffln Creole Is In tho city today buying orchard mip pllos. Vivo voles for evory one'eent pur chitse on Chi 1st mas good. M. F. & II. Co. Jnnies 8. Greene or San Francisco is lu the vol fey with a view of locat ing. Swcot cider at Do Voe's. A. Tluauher wus In tho cltv this morning from his country home. Wo aro soling sumo turn at actuul cost. Coino in and plot, out our iurs whllo tho .picking is good, EwliiK'ti Cii Storo. 22? Mrs. Charles Sluo of tho Itodtop school district, ictently visited in Medfdrd. ' .Mooso dance, 'oduoday, Dec 6l .Sccuro Jn nations from any Moono. 223 Attorney H A. Cuiuday recently attended to profentdonul htistuoKH mat tors n Aslilniid I Ml Yurtu nt M. V. & II. Co M P. James of Kurtflin, Oal., Ii ta tko vU) lu I ho Inluirnt of tho J tutu whollti koiwe pf Hurvhs, MIbr Inns Uedpath If Griffin crock nnd Mr, Clnronco Todrlck of this city vroro united lu ninrrlnpo Inst Satur day nftornoon. Kov. Hawkins per formed tho ceremony, lloth joung pcoplo lire well known In the valley. The will make their borne In Me,d ford. We still have a good selection of furs from the cheap covey, to tho gen ulno sable, Unit lot t A Netherland In l.u lug's Gun Store. ' 226 M. O. lllnck of Slst-on Is umong the but of town visitors In the clt this t cck. ' J O. Corking, tho best all around photographer In southern Oregon. Alwn3 reliable-. Negatives made any where, tlmo or placo. Studio 22 S Main. St. Phono 320-J. A number of sleepers were bunked lu tho city Jail last night and headed south this morning. Five votes. for every one cent pur chase on Christmas good. M. V, &. 11. Co. Miss Josephine Woods returned on Monday from a visit to friends In Itoseburg. Itend clnslflcd adds for automobile bargains nt Crater l.nko Motor Car Co. 223 C. Anderson of Huch transacted business matters iu Medford this morning. Doll carts at M, F. & H. Co. Miss Blanch Day of Hustou, Wash., Is visiting relatives in tho valley. She will remain here until nftcr tho holi days. Get Governor Johnson and Mt. Pitt cigars In Christmas boxes. Home made nnd the boat. Mrs. K. L. Davis has gone to her old home in Illinois, where she will spend the winter. Doll carts at M. F. & H. Co. L. McCarthy of Applcgato is a Med ford visitor. Five votes for every one cent pur--hase on Christmas good. M.' F. ft H. Co. Attorney H. A. Hough of Grants Pass is spending tho day lu Medford on professional business. Nothing nicer for Christmas than Governor Johnson and Mt. Pitt ci gars in Christmas boxes. The school census recently taken is Ashland shows that there aro 1300 school children In that city, Cj5 of which aro boys. Last year the count was 1275. Five votes for every ono cent pur chase on Christmas good. M. F. & H. Co. A large number of out of town people ntteuded the show at the Page Theater last night. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isis Theater. Mrs. Jack Patterson returned this morning from Grants Pass where she went to visit friends. DoVoo is going to sell 300 pounds of chocolato creams at thirty cents per pound. Get a pound today, tf Mis Grace li. Nye of this city is attendlng to business matters In Ash land. Five votes for every one cent Vr chase on Christmas good. M. F. & H. Co. Hal Sinter has returned to tho city after a threo day's bear hunting trip In tho Applngatc counto. Hov was not successful. Mrs. Minnie Kelly and Miss Ger trude Dunnington of Jacksonville were week end visitors In Medford. Try a quart of our guaranteed puro sanitary milk. Phone 532-W. 216 Doll carts at M. F. & H. Co. William Jackson made a business trip to Eagle Point Monday after noon. Andy Carlson, a mlncf of tho Greyback mountain section, Is spend ing a few days in the city negotiating with mining men from Grants Pass. Ho will probably sell his mining claims. The Kogue Kitor Mluinterlnl asso ciation met in Gold Hill Monday. Ministers from the valley towns were present and several Interesting pap ers and addresses uTe given. J K Hawkins, pastor of the Methodist church of this city, and Key w. F. Shields, pastor of tho local Presby terian church were In attendance. Miss Florence Ames of Trail Is spending a few das iu Medford as tho guest of friends. Miss 'Flora Thompson of Jackson vill visited friends in Medford re tently. Den PJyinale. Hobeit Stiang, Hhorry Miles and Paul rtussell woio among tho .Med foul bportsmen who spent Sunday hunting ducks on life dosert. C. L. FJnlev, a biilness man of Pendleton, arrived In the city this morning ! visit with old tlmo friends. Mr. I'lolcv formerly re sided in .Modi inl v, lien, he was en gaged In tho coufeftiouury business. U a business meeting; of the Hn tlst chunk last evening the Kov II, F. Cnrslons of Los Angeles lecolvod the nccoponry votes and was called for the gecoud time to tho postulate of this chui ch. Mr. Cnrslons 'has many friend outside tho uliureh who will bo pleaded to know this. H. C. Flyitit or t-'Qimio Is regis tered nt the Holland llolc!. K. .1. Crawford of Talent was a recent biiblness visitor In tho clt. J W. Hnvs of F.tigent Is a bulliO!U vlsltoi lu Mcdfoid this ween ( i VAUDEVILLE BY , LOCAL TALENI IS MB SUCCESS liulno Kcll.v wii-h "Jnui1ti Ut'llew' I mm Aliwlvii. The Vmlui Yrtliui fli'iN, ;Mi lW olliv Conner, Mrs$. Kdyor llnlVr, MY A. ('onto iVm, Mws ('Hiol.vii An drew mill .Mix. Mmullluii hitlou woic uihkI, MN lhiu Klvnii -hmu'imI willi a ilillieull violin iiiuulicr. Millie Miir utui inul MivH Wnilii lliimillou ttuve ii llolilile iiniiilxn' on (he iiiino, Moikhii iiNo upijcnied in a ('luiue daiiee in luhiinliine. Ln'tc iliini'i'x weie atvcii bv the lol PE1 BREAK 100.000 N-P OF IK IN Tho Ko-e Socictv vaudeville xlmw itt tlu' I'oge theater .MonduV niyht V.m , VV" W W)'"1 '"I'l WiIit Mei , 1 a diolinel ui'ci"i-, livmi "tivvt totA '" . .,'i ,vi' j'k ' i C Ii' , 1 oiiuoiw ud II. ( liiilidlei I .ami, lite I tim-li.jt pocjl the polHyino Je,,f u' Mt- llo-lpliitu HiAil jiu .ioleioiiu). Iml M'lilum v -, int Hml Tmm. rtiimi s(0m Mr. lour perloiiiinuccs. A olmulitiir i"ji";,l Mi-k. A. Conn Fii-u,iu "l.n I'ol Jonlv luu- jjifiiti-.l the MjH.uimtHiKlil.'r." , m,.m .lm Wauu-r .Hid ,ln Mmtvf ,t ,nri. U. show. Itfjuiwl.ljii'rti, 0rm. ,u llio fni. jHwuili., nil , tuid Jiovv mid tliou iljoke lni'-.od. ,Tio , W.CJV' (.juul, ,' he-t uniuteurpofotniinne in IIio.IiIh- , ii Vi,,!',,, ,1 . Cniifiii .Mi'tlle lor of Modfoid." vvn. the yordiof. I ,.,. imil Alfie.'l '('liinenlu.' "innill !UiliuniiiiHiRsiiH!iiiiiBiQniigt!7irfl Quality! , Not Premiums M MkM 22S Mm ttnr IMlll.ADKI.PIIlA. Dee. X- lu the Mile of Collin-, the CluentfO Atiifii enns obtuiucd olio of the jfionto-t -co- ond lm-onicn that ever plnyed nt tho middle luisr. lie i- '27 jonr- old mid i n irsulnnU of Coliimhin univoivitv. where lie leeeived liw wirly liH-olnll education. Since ho became n rogiilur on the Athletics he wn en-ily the -tu'r of Connie .Muck'- 100.000 infield. He i- one of the iiiieke-t-wittcd men on the ball field mid tlii-, combined with lit- wonderful -kill u- n fielder, run nor nnd batter, luw made him i kiiiK of tho diamond. Ho tin- led the American Icuuiie n.- u lm-c runner mid alwny.- lias been well up iu luittinc nnd n n run getter. Hi bulling uv eraac, in the ca-on just eln-ed. wiin .ii 14, lie lieitiyr second to Ty Cobb, who led the lenpiic. Colltb-' sale lo the Chicago club i tho i'ir-t break iu M.nck'- kichI in field which hn- won pennants and world' clianiiioii-liui-. Uiimor lm it that Baker will be the next to go. n rcMirt fiom the wo-t -everal days ago -tatiug that the fnmou- Ikuh-iiiii hitter wa- about to 'iiuip to the Fed-oral-'. H.iker hn- not denied the re port. . of M; !. ilyii Jtr'.iiidoiu lleruiiiit CHARTER MEnffi j The -urpriso of,. '.he eveniiur Wat j"l'o" (lute-. Vnevpieted Uisiio'nie Inlnlitv ciuppod nut luie m the open- nit -kit, lie ASi.clcveilv nninlyd .hy .Mi .lo-uihimYooi mid Kletelier l'i-ii mid Mr-, 'lid Ilaidey, who fmk the role o the 'eiv.int till. iiiaKinc iv "lull" thnt wn a eln ie tliiiiigh dttngoiou-. lu lid, -kii, Mii Knot mid Mr. (Into- cuv4d iu a well handled love jtffnir F.vau Ki4nm vviii billed to appeal in (hi piaylet, bjit t'niled to nplip'ttr. , ri... I?.,...,., i :..... n:... ....j 1,,, ,,n I IU" 1,'Ml- llll I 'I'll1 ! ' - lelto composed (title-, Cmler I'mekor, N'oel Lfnillev, 1 tlli' I'hipps. iliitue- Vmiec, nnd Thcodot,o Vance. Jr., -iiiurn ttinid'ul nionbei. . S, '! .. .1 III. , air-, itcorge i. vmi-oii or ini iiuni N'nfoinii, uiiiuiier gave a leaiiuit imui ttiiiiert 1'nrkcr'- "Jhe Lane That Until N) Turning.' It wm a hiirhly ntlwlic rendition of a diflii nit number, mid a credit to her ar,t p - K''yieofc attention from riir audience. Mi Carolvn Amliew- -tun: ".My Melaneholv Uube,' i-totl hv Cmtsin .Middlebu-her. rhe -vvett voice of Mi Andrew sliowctl to ndvantnge iu tin- number, hut her tli-tiuet mio-ce- was inaile in the eabaret scene with n cIh-mi Greek tlmnt. Mr-. A. L'onro Fieni mid Kd Au di ev- appeared in n -cone from Hall (nne "The Chnliuii." TJii- wm the drnmntie feature of the eveniatr, etvellent, wmieti iu llioeihiiirel, ami the dull spuN were enlivened bv (lii laid Sooy-Simlli, iiiouinfiillv ikmg ' m,v one had eeu llt ineiiti, "Frniikle inifpr. ueiiUtl w- u nionaCleil lliiglitliman The Indie- appeal nm n guc-t- l the otibiuet weie Mr-. Fled Hopkins .Min Mini 1hiiI. Mims Frn Mutelii--on, Mr. Wilhtrd Cuiiidiell, nnd Mt- Horotliv lnueti with the fmiev dmie en-. K. t 1 lei an id mid Pop OiiIch OM sii.ved n Dr. .lekyl mid Mr. Il.vde rde, mill appeared as one, lliero' hojtijr a wtrikiiur loemblmiee tlnd m.vstitied the uiiditiee. The show chined with Con-in Mil - UcliiiTOtu siBgiiiK "If l.ome Way tt Cnlifnniu," a faieejl to thy coiidi- Ltioti of tiling iA this -tale after .Jan uary I, llll... All in nil, (lie -how wih ?ootl, Hie net ins; t,ccllcut the auiiisemoiil clean mid well worth tho price. There will ho nnothui icuord-hreuKiii): jtMw at the elo-ia pcrt'oiaiaace toinvhi. MM tana anus 1V3S v SM I (Ua MM 20 for 10c CTAKE a dime ga tlc & Camel ;Qjr.ircllcrt, 'but don't look Forpt'cmluiM on coupons, .i.tbp c,qst of the tobaccos la ihan rohibtte their use. drntl Cigarettes 20 for JOc arc a blend of choice quality Turkish .nncl domestic tobaccos, They do not leave that d)arclitj taste and cannot bite your tongue or parch your throat. You haven't money enough to buy n more delightful cigarette. If miif ifWr c an'l tuprlr "!, J""' IOf fur nn mtKttf nr SI Oil for 11 arUM tit trt inkagei 30 H rff.l, fMla4 pfimltt, Altr imeMntt nn, fi,,(A.ttf, t nf rtit'f fmit CAMl f..t ii. iffHmnltil, t turn tK alttmt fin ,itAitjffft 14111 iv ii'iM imfuml your tnunty. tt wiW 11 ml II 1Mt K (s hiimi n P K)NM ntc M imi iiiiimi tui HUM tmt BUM nrit uumi cihm mm tmu ! 1U.ll n KM) nnn nrws H ! nttot himi rttua RHM arm t mm n vi OtM R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston -Salem, N. C. ... HudS6fil3Hll1S(fiB!EUI2Si:HS!QUir O Ul M ! . ...-" , , , , . 1 TEA DRINK HOT FOR A BAD COLD - iS POSTPONED , ami both diplitvcd their traiiU'd art ' tj. Ill ll 1,11 t HUH ... ,,...(...-,. ,, The ilnnuoK of Clvilin. ijchott nnd t Hotelier H-lLeoietL.Miiy. Seholt he. Owing to the luablllt of two 01 tho couucllmen lo be prontut utttho Joint meeting of the city councilnni charter coiainlsslou bcheduleil for Wednesday morniiiK, Mnor I'unlln this mornliij; roquested the meinbers to hold their meotlni; WcdnoHdny eveulm;. It Is hoped to. commvueu work promptly a 7 o'clock. Ask Brvan's Altl WASHIXOTO.W Doc. S. At a meeting or tho governing board of tho I'nu-Amerlcan 1'nlon toilay a. re solution wna ntlopted asUlnn Secre tary Dry an to appoint a commlptilon of nine of their own number to ntudy practical steps which wfil ufliert the rights of neutrals of the wentorn hem iriphero in the Huropenn conflict. Jlidford' Owen- Uro-. of L'au Claire, Wi., nre jdaniun to build n huwmill on Hour Creek. J Gel a mull hicUik' of llninbur lln.net Ten, or h the (ieriimu folk cnll it,"IIiunliiirKer Ilnut Tlitt'ntnny plmrnmcy, Tnke n tnMtTtiMHinful of the tea, put' a cup of lioillntf water uon It, Hiur through " ineve anil drink a teacup full nt any tiino tltinn the iliiy or before retiring. It In the matt ctTectlve way to break a cold iunt euro prlp, an It ipm the lir of tlie kin, tclkcviiiK roiiKvutluli. Alto Innrtii tliu liowfU, tlau ilrlvinj; a coM frmu the. BVtiin. Try it tlm next tirta nniiiTcr from a roll or the kt. 1 1 I lnrirMiirii and .ntircly vrgitalilc, tlmrcf no ulu ami harmliM. Itr imrtieulaHv "reeijfu Mi .)o-epliimt, Ji'oot and Mr-. O. C Loiter - the .vywKUetti Si-tor-, in Monpc mid iliiiiee were one of the many hit- of thynev'iiini;. . Tlie HiI,iirBt3tK.JMl,(M(Il.-lll Siil wo- the l-ioivurn iiiiiniii r, and iirniiht our ii iniiglier.rtf -;iillmj ovviik. Tho jov mid abandon t Ti. cxiiIb ju-t hofore the death of a vcar was iiphatont, nnd tlie oefioii wfeni , . .! .. ..itt I VI J. ' moiiK wnii h cuuyyi iiuo . nnii, - SpniKiie IJioael- iififT Mr- t)t r.ev . Rub Tain and StifTneu away with I'nlton hs mtloindyiiBMitjuu.- put; nimallbottloofoldhoiiMt ner,Hs u inwUiert jvjr' rMtc1 jke-. I 3t. Jacobs Oil imiiini- iUi.ii liiiii i-l tlalu-; nl llli. unit- WIipii vtlur l'fk U re ihI Ibiihj riiiioiiiiil'itiL'liiuttiitni- of Count .Indue Toil Velle. Coii-iik'inlile IVHV wii- nl-o expo-cil when tho innnuuer SENSIBLE A I'hcKIc Coiltir Cliettt In a honnlble Clirli(iiUM ulil. foi wlft-, tlnitch- -let or Ntvntitbenrt. It hi luoful, ornamental. icniVtialMiii, iluraltKi, moth proof. Let iim mIiuw ou our Hue, Mnny hIikm mid Htyliw. ' 1'ilcoti nvniio fiom $S.ru to Id.uo. Pacific Furniture & Fixture Factory tl.t South lloll) M. ' u I trUR SiHIl ii.ll I E LUMBAGO M OUT or lumbal, retatim or rhiuinatiMii In nii iilTi.iiiil mi. tlon't wiffcrl tt m .!,-. .UU l.tlL, nf iiLI. lummL 'St. r-.., ,.,.. ...... , .Tnnilm till" at IIIIV iltilrf atutt . Ilir it the eubarct lefiicod lo cui.li ope tii-t UttU- m ur hand ami rub it rltflit or-e CtinientoiV ehuek-. . int' u"" l,,,in or n",- n'"1 " " "11""" ort. mrp mil i nw h . ( , piueneati and Imik- The t-iiiprine oi. the eveniuu was J" "' . ' " ... .. ' ill"" ivrn- the comin" of Jf. . (ul,l nr, "Dolly i .,,., r1. cr)Pi! 'flili HKitldai i.,.iuIrntiiiL nil lifiU to Nt Unl oil Sllll lie TOO IiATJJ TO ClutiHlFY. VXviWL?4 IVffk'i!il!?:l-m or Grocery Dealer i Viirdcn." N'o one expected the editor to aiirli . vvil' and uovvn. curried the deeiptiou to a -iicco-fiil conclu-ion. Ilisjojl wii-Jiidke Kell,v, who wn- allow, d to do and nv what lie plcii-cil for ton ininnlt'-. tie f; .. . .. ..I.. I ....!.. ..!. mire. It lakitt inn iirin- uii'i ini ki- out of voiir bak uii'i fii'M the nowry. It in iii;ikIuI, t t uliHiilull.v bariub inul tltHu't hiirii the tkin. N'nlliiilt t'ln ntnM llllilJo, M'lilti. in ilnl, i ami lame link inicerv h prnniptl! t When selecting the young girl toilet sets in sM'lhitf I'iist coiisidtTJitiiMi. it' 4fSv slii'mltl I'rVcivi' It is .something rvi'ry '.ijirljlons lil ami hopps to have I'vtMitually for her ilrr&iing lahle. A comli, lirush and mirror now rrtn hv irmflifl Intt'r forljirfluhiyori'rid nation, with the uianiiMiiv nrtirles. Our -ot iu Su-rlpij: and heuv.v-plnied wmv an .'iiuraiilnil tuytte n lifeliuie of neriee, Mali) eliuruiinir douinx to etitet irom. I'nmi tU.OO iu ttitletl ie Sterhnjr. "liver, in i. huzli - ) MARTIN J. REDDY THE JEWELER. rw Liifjitimi - - Jli! K.i-t Main iiiui mm?, w T Uu' ..ff'iiS H 1 1 YIMXMimVEXXVXSSeZXiiyFIW, IF I unr 'mmmG diif mIM !i rr-iux: . AtKiitmffl .l "vi i v rv i 1 u ...' We Call Attention to BARRINGTON HALL Coffee WA.STI'l) Ocneiul Iioiiho wirk am miod rook neni ami clean, hftvo IjhIi - Vi )Ouim old !utulri noxj , uiro Mall Tilbuue. 22 , VUH HALK- XI auicx fine noli cIom' lo Icilfoitl, liiiup at $IM)H Hcv ci al Wlllaiiiellti valley rniiclieu for oxehunKtf. ClHrk Itealty Co., 200 I'lilppv Klilr. 'i'ih Thoit-teef-iut KiaiiuloH ,ot llarrln ton Mall Coffee Vlolil tlielr flavor evenly and then aotth lllie cloiiu Kami ut tho bottom of tbt- pot Tho i fault Ih a imp of Coffee alnKuluil) pme mill ilnlidoiiK riurrlnlon Hull coincn In ono mid twoiioiiiid tin. MARSH & BENNETT hl'IOUll DlNII l,Uk( of I llkl Sail Ihinli I'lioiie uia t r ? ? T t t T. T T t ? ? T ? ? I JL t f J T SAY, KID, I don't care to loan you my Balmacaan I might want to wear it myself and besides it cost me just 25 bucks. You see I wanted a late style overcoat and I just went out and bought one at the first place I came to. ( WELLv.1 WAS THE fALL GUY for I just ted out you can get a nice new one at Wilson's Big Sale for just SEVEN AND A HALF BONES. AH sizes and colors. A little out of the way but it pays to walk. WILL H. WILSON 126 to 134 N: Front St. t t f t T T T f T : t f f t t ? T ? T T i &&fyWjtofr&&&tvfcW v y-A 4 ,,'!. f v v