Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 08, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    ftrMWM Mtftt
207 SttoHHl fr
Medford Mail Tribune
OlTAslotinl mill tonight RHtl
Tuctday Mat. 42 Mln. UI.
rorty-fourth Yr.
iinnymiuii Tr,
t l."
Honest Business Has Nothlno to Fear
From Trust anil Currency Laws
Counsels Against Undue Excite
ment With "World Afire With War"
Descries MakltvV Armed Camp."
WASHINGTON', Dee. 8. President
Wilson departed from tlio prepared
tct Of IliH lllllllllll llllllllVH to congress
today, which was devoted principally
In answering those who contend that
tin- Failed Hlntes in unprepared for
notional defense, to po notice to the
business world that the legislative
)n omiiiii of liU administration, iih it
iiII'ccIn regulation of business, was
prni'tii'iilly completed. Hr Miid it had
ieultcd in n clear road for business
to tmvvl to "unclouded KiirccsH."
Honest busbies mm, tho president
declared, need have nothing to fear
hi treading tho way outlined in tlio
1 1 nut mill currency bills. While the
premdent dwelt briefly upon the h1j
jeet, liin woiiIh wero interpreted ah
mi nsHiiriinou that no further iuipoit
nut business legislation wiih eontein
plated. Hihcom Ahead
Tlio president's rcmnrkH in full with
relation to business legislation worn
US follows;
"Our program of legislation with
regard to tlm regulation of business
i- now irinully eoinpletp. It has been
put forth', iih wn intoiided, nx n whole
and leaves no conjecture ns to what
in to follow. The road at lust licH
elear and firm lirforu business. It
jh n road which it ran travel without
fear or oinbnrnisMiioiit. It U the
load to Uligrildgfd, Imeloiideil Hie
re. In it every holiest man, every
iiiMii who believes that the public in-
tore I is pait of IiIh own interest, may
walk with perfect confidence."
In tho text of IiIh address, which
touched upon the administration leg
islative program for the session, urg
ing passage of hills for I'liilippiuu in
depedejier, government owned 'iner
ehaiil inariue, and sonic other pro
jeetH begun hut unfinished at tho last
session, lh president devoted most
tunc to disoub&lng the (piestion of
national dctciiHC, deploring n policy
of mililuryism hut endorsed a devol
opinent of tho National (luanl ami a
niililary training for citizens.
The democratic hide of both house
and senate greeted with applause and
laughter his declaration Hint "spine
AmerieniiH aro iktvouh and exiiited,"
and "that we shall not turn into a
military oninp."
"And specially when half of the
world is on fire," Haiti the president,
"we shall ho oarefnl to make our
moral insurance ngniiiHt the spread of
the conl'lugriitioii very definite and
certain mid adequate indeed,"
Thin Heiitiineut was favorahly re.
eeived on liotli HideK of tho ohnmher.
The preHlik'iil'H nddross, tho long-.
cl Im had yet delivered to congress,
oeeupied nliout forty minutes in tlio
I ending.
The president entered the chamber
exactly at 12:110 n'elook, greeted liv
npplauKo and oheorH iih ho shook
IiiiiiiIh witlt tho hpeukcr and tlio vice
president. A moment later lie began
vending IiIh nddrcHH.
Tho democratic; hIiIo of the chum
her applauded' loudly when Hit) presi
dent, in discussing national defense,
declared that tlio country never would
(Continued on Page Four.)
" T"1 y i
noillieiist gale which tore up (ho At
lantic eoiihl for tlio last Ihreo dnyn
was whisking out to sea eastward of
Capo Cod today, loin lug behind u ret),
onl of wiinU unit IiIkIi wnlur,
Aiiolhcr sioiiii of miirkril iuteiihily
In off the Not Ih hicirln coiinI, Oter
ensl, uuitullleil weather piewilU oei
iiiu'tieully all iui uf tlv count if.
.... i.i JP..F.. . "- ,.:,..: .: ii- ... ... ' . .l . .'. ....'. v i i
Berlin Reports Decry Truth of French
Victory In Arponne Russian
Flight From Lodz Being Closely
Pursued, Germans Are Told No
Decisive Result Obtained.
IIKHUK, Dee. 8 by wircltHH to
London, U p, in, The official Mali."
meat issued by the German Iteadipiar-
torn today myn:
"On the count of MaudciK the bad
eouditiou of tho roads, made worse
by the recent torrential rains, is cutm
inc great difficulty to the movement
of our troops.
"To tho north of Arran wo have
made Home nlight progress.
"Tho war hospital at Usslo wah
burned yesterday. This Ih Tobably
n case of arson. There were, bow
over, no lives lost.
"Tho statement made by tho French
regarding mi advance in the forest ofi
Argouue in not in accordance with the
facts, For a long time past no
French attacks whatever have taken
plnca there. On tho contrary, wo are
continual'- gainiii" ground slowly.
"Tho dav bofoio yesterday a
French position nt Mulincotirt, east of
Vnrennes, was captured. The greater
part of the garrison fell on tliiK oe
caHion. Tho remainder, two officer?
and about lfiO men, were (nkeu as
"A French attack on our jtosillonH
to tho north of Nancy wiih repulsed
"No npecial rciorts uro nt limit!
from tho hast Prussian frontier.
"In northern Poland the German
troops am closely purHuitn- the re
trofit of the enemy to the cast mid
to the south of J.od.. Itesiden the
extraordinanh' largo and sanguinary
losseH reportetl vesterd tho Kus-
sinus have lost up to the present
about l.'iOO prisoners and sixteen
cannon with ammunition carts.
"In southern Poland nothing sh
eial has happened."
HAM3.M, Ore, Dee. 8. Hobcrl O.
(IrnvcR, nn attorney of Mnrshfloltl,
who was recently dUbarretl by tlio
Oregon mi promo court for participat
ing with n mob In tleportliiR threo
luttuHtrlut Workers ot tho World from
Cooh comity Inst yonr, wn today ro-
Instuted by tho court, and tho flu
Inflicted on lilm remitted.
Tho court lnHt week dlubnrrod
Oruves for threo months. .Saturday
ho appeared boforo tho court nutl
apologized. Ho declared tbnt bin
father had been a noldlor In tho Civil
war mid that lio himself bud Rccn
xorvlco In tlio Siianlitli-Amortcaii war.
Tlio American flag to him wna dear,
ho declared, and when the threo In
duntrlal Wtirkora IiihuHoiI tt by call
ing It a "dirty rus" bo uuablo
to rebtraln lilmuolt. This apolouy,
and it potltlou for ro-conBldorotlon
from Oovomor "Wont Induced tho
court to rovoko Hh judRmoiit.
BHATTI.K, WaHh., Dee 8. Foity
tineuiployed HorvliiK ternu In tho city
Jull for outing nienlH at rontuurnntH
and roftiNliiK to pay tho bllU muaHlied
130 worth of uIuun In tlio wIiiiIowh of
tho Jull today mid uiiiik liidiutrlal
Worker of (bo world voins throiiKh
Ihu brokoii vIiiiIowm to a Umo trowel
of peofdo (hit Ktliueil In tlio ticut,
The pollru tfUiroivil ItlV t0Hl'
Petrorjad Still Silent On Battle
Germans Dominate Situation and
Railroad to Warsaw Allies in
West Met With New Offensive
Insignificant Skirmishes.
LONDON, Dec, 8, 1:28 p. in.
White tho allied tirmlen In tho went
Kropo their way forward caution!)',
Krappllng with tho UermaiiH hero and
there for nllgbt ud van tope, the great
ittrugglo on laud coutliiueH, with tlio
Hermann for tho tlnio bidng appar
ently scoring the most points. Hiik
nla hns not )et fully conceded tho oc
cupation of Lodr, but In View of the
rrpented Oerinnn claltnn and the ItUN
nlnn admlnslou of tho reformation ot
nor battle lino there, It would uoem
that tho Gorman center ban achieved
thin goal, lipitottlng what for a time
wait hulled da a dcclilvn Ituitnlan vic
tory. Tho capture of Lodz, If in
deed accomplished, will threaten tho
Itunnluit Hue of communication with
Wnmaw; that Ih to nay, tho Kreal
arterial railway which runs diagonal
ly acrokH Poland from Czonitochowa
to the PolUh capital. Details or tho
battle, aro still lacking, however, and
It remains to bo seen whether, the
Germans will bo able to nniko a fur
ther advance.
This qunlltlcntlon Is mado even In
Merlin where It is pointed out editor
ially that tho (iormans must follow
the folreatlng Kusulans relent lesaly if
they would relievo tho pressure
arpund Cracow and on the Kast Prus
sian frontier.
Tlio Orman armies have answered
the challenge of tho allies, who re
cently Assumed tho offensive, by
undertaking a sharp counter attack.
In Dolglum along tho Yser canal nnd
In tho roglon of Ynren tho (Inrnunit
havo become more active. Today's
official French btutcntent saya that
theso attacks were answered with
success. Tho announcements from
tho Paris and llcrlln war offices aro
In sharp conflict an to tho outcome
ot tlio struggle now progressing with
renewed force. Tho French com
munication states tho allies have
sslnod further ground in tho Argonuc.
This It) dcnlod flatly at Dcrllu whoro
It was said that thero havo been no
French attacks for sometime past.
To tho contrary, tt Is tsuld that tho
Germans continue to gain grouud
thero slowly. It Is also asserted that
a French attack nenr Nancy wnH re
pulsed nnd that tho Germans havo
mndu an advance north of Arms.
The lierlln war office rays that tho
German forces in tho cast aro pursu
ing tho retreating HubsIriib vast and
south or tho Polish city of Ixdz, cap
turo of which by tho Germans was
roportud recently nt llcrlln. An of
ficial Husslan statement, whlto not
admitting tho fall ot Lodz, hays that
Its defense Is no longer a matter or
prlmo Importance nnd adds that ow
ing to recent developments It will bo
necessary to form tho Russian forces
In that vicinity on now lines.
TAl'OMA WhUi., Dee. 8.-I)uV,
cussing piling lor poiyor-lnrnj, notiv
ities) .on Piigi't .Sinintl in'nlUin Uritish
Columbia waters - diirinfr the San
Francisco oxposiion and cuii-siilcring
nearly every pliaso of boat ruttiiifr,
delegates from Washington, Oregon
and Ilrilihh Columbia met today nt
the Taconia Commercial oluli for the
annual convention of tlio I'acifio In
tei'iiiitional Power Doat association.
Coinmndoro S, A. IVikiiib of Iho as.
socliilion wan in-elected. Tlio execii
live council awarded to P, P. Jacobs
of Tiiuoma, owner of tho power
cruMr Coisuir, fiisl place In. tlm Do.
iiwiii cup rnco from Kcattle to Ta
coma; May 110, 111 1, on Jacobs' pro
lest Hint Hie courec had been chaiiu-
I'd uiul Hie Co re a l r wim io ivvn
I'll'I'Uf VI?Ull
OltlMOtf, Tt'KSDAY, DKCMOMBKlfc 8, 1914
Kaiser III at Berlin From Bronchial
Catarrh and Fever Able to Carry
on Butchery Plans With Staff-
German Aviators Drop Bombs
From Air on Stricken Rhelms.
Hl'ltLIN, Dec. ft mu Amsterdam
ami London. (Jilfi.'p. tit. Jt was of
ficially announced thi afternoon that
r'niMjror William is ill. Tlio nn
liotincement states that he is buffer
ing; from u fccri"h bionebial catarrh
anil has been obliged to Histpone for
home days his return to the front,
which had been nriauged fur today.
Despite his indisposition, it U said lie
is abb to ic attention to reports of
the war situation from the chief of
tlio general staff.
Washington, Dec. 8. Kheinis was
visited todny by u German aviator,
who dropped threo bombs upon the
city, dcxtroying property, but wound
ing no one, according to dispatches to
tlio French euibiih-y from the foreign
office today.
Tho communication duplicated to
day's war office statement and add
ed: "An aviator dropM-d three bomb-,
on the city of lieini. destroying cer
tain property, blit causing no further
damage. "
DLNVKW, ( olo., Dee. 8. -Iy L.
Lee, executive n.Mstiint of Hie Penn
hylvunia railroad, woh the nuthor of
"FactH in Colorado's tjtrugglo for In
dustrial Freedom," according to the
htntcnicnt of .1. F. Wclborn, president
of the Colorado Fuel & Iron compnuv,
nt today's session of tho industrial
relations commission's investigation
of tho coal millers' strike.
Mr. Wclborn, who previous bntl
protested against revealing the name
of the nuthor of the pamphlet issued
by the Colorado Fuel & Iron com
pany, read a telegram from Lee, re
louHiiig the company from its pledgu
to keep bis identity hecret. Tho tel
egram gave the information that Leo
had been employed by John D. Rock
efeller, Jr.
In bis telegram Leo briefly outlined
that Rockefeller had been impressed
with what be alleged was inaccurate
information of published statements
of the strike and asked him to pre
pare, a statement of tlio facts. Ho
deplored the mystery which had been
mado of his identity. Rockefeller
Itatl bad nothing to do with prepara
tion of the matter used. Leo congrat
ulated Wclborn on whnt ho said wero
tho few inaccuracies in minor details
that bad been shown liv tho federal
commission ou industrial relations at
its bearing.
Ennllsh Wool Cheerful
SYDNHY, N S. , Dec. S. via Loll
don. American and Japnneso compo-
llUnn against Yorkshire Imparted a
mora cheerful touu to tho wool sales
today and prices ruled In sellers'
TOKIO, Dec 7. (Correspondence
of tho Associated Press) lltg busi
ness Interests of Japan no mo of which
havo opposed from thu Hturt tho par
ticipation of Japan In tho war, aro
wonderiiiK bow Japan will bo able to
lionow noeded money from now ou.
"Tho war tuny bo necessary for Jiipnn
from ii political mid ethical stand,
point," said u prominent bunkor to
tho correspondent of tho Associated
Press, "hut I wonder If It will bo a
good thing for hiislnoss. Moi'inrvcr,
I think It will bo Imposslhlo for Ja
pan lo borrow money In ISuropo with
in thu IHO or sewn years followluv
lliv tiosvof (bo war '
Von Bcrnstorff, German Envoy, Ac
cuses Winchester Company of
Manufacturing Munitions of Bar
barity Allegations Refuted De
tailed Statement Issued.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. An offic
ial statement ou tho fiubcct issued
today by the German embassy says:
"New proofs of violation of the
rules of international law by British
troop-, have been found by tlio Ger
man gevernment:
"1 Soft-nosed cartridges have
been delivered by a wounded soldier
of the fighly-eighth Connuuuht rang
eri' regiment on hi- return from
France. They were given to that reg
iment before the battle of .Mons, mix
ed with regular infantry ammunition.
"Other diiin-dimi bullets were given
to the Dukt- of Wclliivton's infantry
corps ou August 8. Other kinds of
dam dtim bullets wero made by Hley
Ilros., No. 'J.j1 Cray's Inn road, Lon
don. i.i Tlm Urilish government lias
ordered with the Winchester Relent
ing Arms coiupnn' 20,000 riot guns
with .'0,000,000 of buckshot cart
ridges.' The 'buckshot cartridge'
contains nine bullets. Tho use of
thcu.,weaponK and this uuununition
has hitherto been unknown in civil
ized warfare.
": The L'nion .Metallic Cartridge
company, Hridgcport, Conn., on Oc
tober 'JO, seeuretl through Frank O.
Hoaglnnd, a patent for a 'mushroom
"It tins been nsocrJained from re
liable sources that since October
8,000,000 cartridges mado according
to this patent were sent by the ubove
mentioned firm to Canada for use in
the Hritisii army. No outside sign
distinguishes theso bullets from ordi
nary ammunition, so that the soldier
who uses them does not know that ho
is using ilum-dum bullets.
"F.ven if the bullets mentioned un
der two nnd threo wero not destined
for tho Kuropenn war- which, how
ever, seems unlikely, on account of
tlio large number of cartridges or
dered but for use iu Rritish colon
ies, this would all tho samo represent
a barbarous method of wurfnro.
"The above-mentioned facts have
been brought to the knowledge of the
United States department of state,
with photographs and original cart
ridges, also with photographs of the
wounds caused by these bullets.
NEW IIAVF.N, Conn., Dee. 8. The
following statement wus given by tho
Winchester Anns company teday:
"Tho charge made by tho German
ambassador that tho Winchester com
pnny had received nn order for 20,-
000 riot guns and f.0,000,000 buck
shot cartridges, is absolutely without
foundation. Tins company has not
received miv such order from tho
F.nglish government or any agent ot
it or from any of tho other govern
ments involved in tho European war.
In fact, no such order for riot guns
or buckshot cartridges has been 10-
ceived from nnyone uiul none is
expected' i .- '
UOZr.MAN, Mont., Dec. 6 - Mold
lug that the compunv bus no stand
ing in court because, ot questionable
busluess methods, Federal Judge
George M. Uourqulu today dismissed
thu suit of tho Nutlonul Mercantile
company of Vancouver, Cunadu,
against Htuto Auditor William Keut
lug, Tho suit sought to enjoin the
enforcement of Montunu's blue sky
Iu dismissing Iho suit, JiiiIku Hour
i) ii I a hold tliHt tho documents of tho
company submltlvd In evlilnnco lur
liiy thy Uiul, '(viideil lo lvclv '
Abandonment of Lodz Now Consid
ered, Since "Strategic Value" Lost
Rearrange Lines to Remove Ab
normal Contour Expect Lull in
Conflict Alono Vistula.
cial statement given out today by tho
general staff of the Russian army In
dicated that the Russians wore con
sidering tho abandonment ot Lodz.
This statement says:
"During the fighting In tho second
half of the month of November, Lodz
acquired" great military Importance,
but tho German offensive on the
Lodz-I-owcz line having failed, the
question of the defense of Lodz lost
Its urgency. Tho defenso of this
largo city presents many difficulties
from tho military point of view-, and
gives to our front nn abnormal con
tour which Is embarrassing to our
communications with tho rear. It
may therefore be expected that with
tho setting In of a lull on tho loft
bank of tho Vistula, tho Russian lines
in tho region of Lodz will bo re
formed." HER LIN, Dec. 7, by wireless to
Sayvillc, I. L, Dee. 8. An official of
the general staff btates that tho re
port from Rome that the French near
YprcH, Helgium, had enptnred a whole
corps of German aviutors is absolute
ly unfounded. Denial is also made of
tho London report Hint nviutors be
longing to the allies bad thrown
bombs on Hie Kmpp factory at Es
sen. Tho Russian statement contained
in the official communication of No
vember -I) that the German ntluek
nenr Czcnstochown had failed with
heavy losses is declared to bo untrue.
Ou tho contrary, it is said the seven
teenth Russian army corps, which
wns met iu this attnek, was defeated
November 29 and suffered extremely
henvy losses. The Rus.-iuns, it is de
clared, left n largo uumbcr of killed
and wounded on the buttle field.
The situation in tho western battle
field shows litlo change, it is .stated.
Tho allies arc said to havo mado a
few attacks, but these hnvo been re
pulsed. News of decisive results iu the east
is expected here. Tho latest reports
from hendnuarters assert that every
thing; is nroecedimr nceordintr to pro
gram and 'this is taken here to menu
that the ocrntious thus far have
been successful.
AMSTERDAM, via Loudon. Dec. 8,
10:05 a. m. Tho JJerliner Tugeblatt.
iu commenting on the capture of
Lodz, Poland, by the Germans, con
siders that it may only positively be
called a victory if the Itussian retreat
is followed by a German pursuit.
If such pursuit is victorious, it
says, then tlio German center will be
strong enough to act forcibly against
the northern ami southern parts of a
broken Russian nrmy.
WASHINGTON, Dc. 8. "Mexico
City is miiut, orderly und well polic
ed' according to offiuiiit dispatches
dated last night received today by
thesjnto .department. Few political
arrests aro reported although five
well-known Moxicuns havo been exe
cuted by military order ou a charge
of counterfeiting.
The cabinet of Provisional Presi
dent Gutierrez has not been finally
completed, the portfolio of foreign re
lutions still bcinu' vacant-
Remove Bogota Wireless
I1O0 OTA, Dec. K, lu London, 5 :J0
p, iu. -Tlio minister of foreign uf-
fuir today oiicicd the icimnnl of
the hlli-powcr uiijU Million ill
NO. 222
French In Official Report Claim Cap
ture of Vcrmclles After Two
Months Little Along Entire Wes
tern Battle Front Artillery Duels
in South Gain Little for Either.
PARIS, Dec. S, 2:13 p. m. In
creased activity on tho part of the
Germans In UelBiunt was reported In
tho official statement given out hero
this afternoon. Tho statement Is as
follews: '
"During tho day of the seventh tho
enemy has been more active than tho
day before, In tho region of tho Yser,
and In tho neighborhood ot Yprcs.
Our artillery has answered back with
"In the roglon of Arras a very bril
liant attack tins given us possession,
as wo havo announced, of Vcrmoiles
and Rutolre. Vcrnielcs had been for
nearly two months tho scene of des
perate fighting. Tho enemy . had
takn footing thero on October 1C and
from October 21 to October 25 suc
ceeded In forcing us back from that
locality. From tho 25th ot October
sapping and mining operations
brought us back .until wo wero again
In close contact and on tho first off
December wo re-occupied tho park
and chateau ot Vcrmclles.
"In tho region ot tho Atsno and In
Champagne thero have bon somo ar
tillery engagements, and our heavy
artillery dispersed several gatherings
of the enemy.
"In tho Argonnc, forest ot Grurle,
and to the northwest of Pont-a-Mous-son.
forest ot Lcprotrc. wo havo
gained a little ground.
"Along the rest ot tho front thero
is uothing to report."
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Dec. 8. Tho
numo "Dorothy Arnold' written ou
the fly-leaf of a bible in possession of
a younj woman arrested hero lust
night, caused tlio police today to in
vestigate whether tho Uiblo hud any
connection with Dorothy Arnold, tho
long-missing New York girl. A slip
of paper bad been pasted over thu
Tlio yoiiiifr woman was tuken into
custody along with a man giving thu
numo of J. Fred IJeueon. Thoy worn
held in connection with nu investiga
tion of pawn tickets for stolen goods.
SALEM, Or., Dec. 8.- Governor
West today appointed Miss Kent
Hobbs, at present his private secre
tary, to bo a member of tho statu uu
ciileut commission. Shu succeeds C
I). Dabcock mid will iisbiimo office, in
January. Mies Hobbs won l'anio
when, as tho govonior'H representa
tive, she closed the saloons at Cop
perficitl, Or.
NEW YORK, Dec. 8.MuJor fli-n-era
William W. Woihorspoou, r)iml
as chief of stuff of tlio United BUtm
a I my hut inoiilh, wus not if M tdy
by Oovtiinni'.tdciit WMIwhh Hmt I
would bu appointed nUU wpittiM
dent uf public work". Mr. WWi
suid that nMrHl VrUuMptt9N kn4
wcccjHfU in Hyfmmmi