"'l Tt: MMIWOItl) MAIIJ TltmilNPJ, MTODFOItP, OlctfOOX, FIUIUY, DKCVMBKU I, 101! PAGE RTiVTJiY t v ASHLAND AND VICINITY 1 f "M Ml ttii' tiau Iti, Hi town lmv,t 1 1 1 1 wnr lux ittuiiipii, iiIhh t lit ilniilhuni Pacific. Tim (hit MiMithorii Pacific The lonil piiidofflrK iIoih nut Itniidlo llH'iii jci, CiimIiIim1 limit li. or the Clllsoiii ImiiliM, HMMtlliiK iin fnr iim hi Institution U I'oiitoiiHiil, toiyn ho wImIhw Hint tint Mittiffl(!ii handled iiiiiii V('lnlvn, Inimiiiiich iin It U iniiiit In Hint it'iiii'tin-iii' lino lit iii..imin The stump 'mo lit diinonl iiimiiihih fium inni-lmlf cent to 25 ii'MIn iiurh. hitru IihIiiiikIiik to Hnlph W. I.ooiimhI who .ivaldna on Null) str('l iin hurnitdjto Hip Mroiind TiiMMilnv' ninir. I'lrii U miitposud to luivo bce ii rntiKeil by spuulauinius minima Him MhnrtHuno, who committed mil elite TlltKtlluy (ifll)l 1101)11, mi tint ircin lies iif HI brolhni"-lii-lw, Frank l)iin liMin, ono mid a half iiiIIon went id ThIhiI. wa a single limn. hIuhii :tft win-, or line. IIIh IhiIihi- llu'h at HloUX l-'llll. NOUlll I)H(IIH HukllloM hit. alwtor, .Mi. On ii lift tn . Iki i-NMin tun alatur living In Avitlmnl. (inn of (lien hoi hk Atr. Onomo ItnbliiHon hihI tlio otlmr .Mm. hvti Turner- IIUIHO WU M UllOIIUI Hllll IKMIMloimr (if the KimiiiIhIi wttr anil nt mo tlniu win. h iwtuibiir of tliu Knlnhta of I' HiUU ImlMK In Mil (lly. II U fun-nil uiih Imlil mi Tliuradny, Inter ment being In tlio Tiiliint I'oni'ttiry. . Emery Smith n( Hmi FrancUm. of i ic Hiiilth-Euinry loriMirutliinv, nil- Irihunl tho citizens of Ashland Tiiim- iln hIiitihiiiii In the Common lal club rooms mi multnm pertaining to tin iiiIiiithI sprlnga project. 1 1 In talk wia Klvi'ii al Kit Instnuc of tho aptlugri ItllllllllaftlOil Mr mill ,Mn. H. M. l.o ami it.iui'iilcr. tinsel, of Vnlly View r.incli, nurtli of louii, went at homo Trnmliiy In n lUMiilmr of Irlcudn. The II t iiiPlmloil John M. Htolt. general ist-tiRM' iiml ticket iiKiiiil of Urn SonihtTii I'ftrHIr; Annul H(tciibaum il Medford, Again Kramer of Anil Imi.l, (NnII Perrlugtou of HcvtiMopol, 'l . hiiiI Fred Mefutchi'iiu of ,Niim, ('mi Tlio t'lillforiilmm an engaged lu whIoun liultmirlM lu ibi'lr nutlwi htnif uiul art' iiuiKIiik a tour of lunticc tlon of mHilbrii (irnKiin. The rail Hat offli'lalH were IliM-ullKatlllK (Oil itlllniiM lu K"iinral. but ni(in imrllcu Inrlv (lir fruat iirolil'i'in lu tbnt xurtlini of IIih valb) whuro .Mr. I.owi-'m trroa Mini cniM ihmiiii to In Illumine from thtt iarwK' u lilclt prowill eluevt liore do thi' iii'imIihi of tbU Ult, the KUrkU wrIoii)( of ll MIlliHlillltllll ulil fahlonmI fjuin iIIiiiht In .Hie proji nitlniiiif whloli tb tnlcttta of .Mrn. Uiwo ar prnviirliliillr rocoftultitil an bliiK f tho akllirul onler. Ilaiigliiiinn'a cloiblux ntnre. at 1 1 1 i iltMit. waa broken Into TiimmU) iiIkIu and rutilHhl of k11"'' apiiroxluiatliiK fxr.il lu saluv. No eliKi to tlio thbiviNi. II tl. I'rohbHoli, fruit iirocoaaor ol tlilx ill), MvtitiiiuiiiliHl Ueoriie V. Illiitnl of I'oitluml on it trip In Sun I'MUi-Uio earl) III the week oil bll nia ro ruied ml with exhibit at tin ojMt( Ion. Mr. Il land la illrwlor of OruKon'a tllapla) lu lw tuHilo there. TIm Loval Order of Mooae, ruprn auled hwro by AmIiImiu) lluu l.otlKo, No. Ilia, la ttxhlbltliiK more antlv II lea ibMti any otliur frmernal orKiin luillou lu town jiiNt nt ptentMit. It IimIiI a lil uinelliiK and linniiie .Moii day iilHht, atlemltvii by over a t(.'oro from .M ml ford. A bunch of candi date are btiliiK Initialed. Tuumln IilHht theie wan a danro, Ita denrvc loom niiea to Yrelni boforu Ioiik to oviiuiptiry tliu work there. Alpha Chapter, No. I, Order of the IftiKerii .Star, olected the followliiK officer Tuoaday ovonlnic Worthy mat ron. .Mm. Itobortu Kvertun; anno (thtie iiiatron, Mih. i:hde Chundnnan; patron, II. K. Whlled; coudiiclniMH, Mm. Malndlo Jordan; iihnocIoIo oii duel rem. MrM. (Since Turner; U'eaH urer, Mian l.ydlu .Mil'all; M'cielary, Mra. I. vail Caldvell. Ah Ita iiaiuo In dlmiliw. Alpha wiih tho flint cliaptcr to bo oiKiiulred In Oiecon, liuvlm; buiiu (ihartored I'elii'iiaiy -I, 1KS0. On Ita iiieuiburahlp router ma be found Hut iiiiiucM of three piiHt Kraud uiutioiiH, Tho proxent lueiubiirHlilp Ih nearly yfiil. Mra. Caldwell, whto tarv ro-elcfl, i:ih filled that potiltion Hlnce I HUN, Tho now offlcvru will bo liiBtullud tho flrnt nieotliiK lu Janu ary. ,'. KoljowliiK tho example, of tho ln tenulmii laxl line, u local vorvlro ban litMin liuuimii-aled by I,, o, Van Wo nun, vhn -wllh hU car nialiotT" i'-'K-itlur (jhediilo biitwcdii bIvuji tiniulu nla oi I ho paved area, Tho faro Ih lliu uniiilnal olio oT five coiiIh. ' Tho liluh Hclionl annlverHiiry play will bit aliiKed lu Hie Kymu IIiIh year Oil Krlduy nveuliiiri Decouibnr -I. Tho iiUiliiillou vill bo an "iip-lo-dalo" 0mlon of tliu "Moichanl of Venire,' Willi lUliinu aliiddiilN lu thu iiiKt. An (jillililaliiiiienlii on tho Hide will bo u ulnjiiiH nf fill) ol(H. Thn AhIiIiiiiiI blkli wliool waa (ho Hitcouil I ll Hi It II llCtl of ll kluil In b ONlnhlluhi'il lu flfOMOH. "d lt ninaiilwilliiii dale f 1(11)1 II iUHrlei of a cent ill nun. Wuilfuid Oilil KkIIiium Hi Iim iiuiu lur 11 (ui'Ul) 'I" iroin llouiin Mitel UUUUIOJiiilil, Ulie.l I'llul Ilinh iii IMIIIll)(ll, IlK liii.il oMiililirulloii mi lledl) iw-ulllK llild iiaalNlHil In III Ulalii.ie II). imididulea lium 101. tl ii ... i . ni i, clnlty. Tho ilccrco work wait follow dd by a liMiiuiiel and norlal leuuloii AlleKorlcul phiiKt'ii of (ho-ritual were dolliienled by tlio nlurcoptlcou man Ipilllited Ii) W. W, ItKMlier, ono of Hut tiiltlaloM (in Ilia nrciiNluu. Tho I'olytiicliiilc vchool rcopmiH on Monday, Duceiuber 7, under direction of I'rofoxiior Hardy, who foruiorly coudiiutuil tho Inidltutloii. Ho will be UHUlHtcil by a alKirlbaud limttuctoi' from oiililmnl, Cal. 1'icnldvut (lib Hon of thfi kuiiiu city will back tliu liiNiltutloii. Tho new iiiitiiiiKtimcnt will limtall a iiIkIiI xchool tliren evo iiIiikh per week. UukIuiiIiik with Wttdutwday, nil tropliloa won by .liicknuu count) miichera and liorllciilturUta ulnce Itinp. a olk-ciiil ami nrraiiucd by 1 1. Al liwe, loKcthnr with IiIh hull- vIiIuhI awartlH, will bo on illnpluy at tint exhibit biilldliiK at Medford tlur Iiik tho neaalouK of tho Hiui'i Horti cultural micli'ly. Alter tliu micltity adJouriiH on thu Ith Itmt. they will be removed to Anhland and illpluyid lu tliu hIiow wIlldoWM of lleelje H. Klll tiey'a htoie on the I'la.a, ltwc iiIho arriiiiKi'd f''i pound of itralim and ItraiMW'H from Ihla vlidnlty whlvli liu toolc to Medford tu oxhlblt for tho edlMcatlon of vIhIIoi'm al tho horticul tural meet. TABLE ROCK TABLETS 1'iof. JuIiiinou rilurii( from Cor alllx laht Huuilny moruliiK. .loo Colly who wiu Inudojed nt tho Conner ranch mimo two uni hko uiul ronlKiiud hla position to ;o to J'orllaud Iiiih ruturiKid and Ih em ployed at the former place. The Table Hock Kuuday acliool In Indebted to Harry N'ealon for tho do nation of a Her of tine fllu wood.' .1. C. Pendleton inadit a huitnuim trip to Mudltiid one day but wenk. 1. C CuIIIiih and Ui and daunh tor, MUi Clara, woro IiuhIiiom via Horn lu Central I'ulut and Medfurd Weinedus. Harry Carlton, the Ceatial Point butcher pnaat'tl tliroiiKh lier Tucn day on hla ay to tbo Pulton ranch lu Huiuti Volley to welKh it car load of Iiorn ho had purchatHid there. Colonel Wnidihurit npeiit Monday nfternoon In Medford. il. M. N'ealon attended Hut funeral of tho Into MrM. Jennie Nlcholn at Ceutrul Point Wedueailny, Tablo Kock'H hcIiooI tearherH re luriied to their i-evoral kuIiooIn Hun day alter aKiitlliiK a few daK vaca tion tlurluu ThitukaKlvliiK wind;. Cleiiu May, with hla motorcycle, wan try Iiik tho mountain road lu tho ilulully of PuiklnLjluht weuk. Htiinley l.vdlnrd butchered novural fine porkerri Tumdny. Noff and Ititlmy, who wero ciiltliu: wood for H. M. N'ealon on tlio north able of lower Tablo Itoclc wero aenred out by tho Minw of Saturday iilultt and moved hack to Central Point Sunday. Tho commltteo Nppolntvd to nollclt for a ThnukaKUluK offering for the lloya anil HlrW Aid Sooluty al Port laud met with much aticceHa couiddor liiK the hhort time they had to work In. Noorly ocry oiio svuiuud to coiiMlder it tholr duty to contribute HoinethliiK toward tho support of Hiinmi liomeliiKN little children who are not lenpiiiiHlhle (heuiHehcK for their helm; here. The total welKht of iim provUloitN clolhliiK, etc., wan nlmonl 1000 Ibri. and (he ennh value IncludliiK money contributed wuh be tween llfi.no and $ro.oo. TIiomi who bud churKu of tho work woro Mlaa Clnra CoIIIiih, MU Mario N'ealon, MIhn Dulclo Calon and MIhh Flora AtkltiM. J. C. Poudletou doni) tho iacklii( and inurkliiKllud took tho of fering to tho train. At a incutlui; at (ho school Inst Monday night It wn decided to liavo a Christmas troo on tho night boforn ChrlftniQH and tho varlotia commit. leeH woro appolntod to tako charKO of tho work. Wo were iiMhauiod of tho wonlhor man lat weok when ho pulled tint curtain down over tho valley durliiR tho vInIi of weatoni union official and pnrtlrulnrly no for holdliiK tluo tlitlit over our community whllo tho head official Mr. Nowrolm Carlton, wnH vIhIUiik IiIh brothor K. V. Carl tun and tryliiR to hcu Kllmpuo of our bcnutlfiil ImulHcnpo. Thero will ho an entortalninont and box hocIiiI at thu hcluiol Iioiihu next Saturday nli;ht for the benoflt of tho acliool, the proKinin will ho furnlidiml partly by tho literary noclety mid imrtly by the hcIiooI. A co nl I ul Invitation In extended to every ono mid tho IiuIIoh wllh thu liiloiOHt of tho uvhool at heart Hhoiild brliiK w(dl filled lunch bauketH, .Votli'o Heventlt Coiupauy Tho 7tli Co. C. A. Cv.(. N, (j. will iiHutiinblo at tho Armory Wednomhiy, Deiomher 1Kb, ID 1 1, at K:00 p. in. to ideel a captain to Hiicoeod (!apt. A. W, I'eaiio, rvuluiivil. ICvery ineiuher of the company nniat bo priwent an no oxoiimim for alntiinco will bo ntToplnd. Cupl. II, W. Collin,, f. n. a., Iiihii lind. 3. A. II. will ho thu imicuior of dmdliin. Hyiiidui f 001,, HAMMOND Ullimr T. I'utM, ld l.loul. (t A IV (niiiliiiindliiKHini'iHb Compiin) nt, Mful ,ru, Mi'dfl.ld lilltilu COURTHOUSE NEWS Itoportod by JnrkHun (Jounty Ab trnct Co,, Klxth and Kir HU, Circuit TIioiiiiik I', KithtiT v. J',. ,J. Kulilcr, iidurn of MuniuiiiiiM, Al. ,M. Hliclilon vm. T. (I. .Sweden nlit, Hlill lo roiei'loae lieu. M. A.U'nMi vs. Koiilliern I'aellif Co., umlerliiltinir. notiec, pcliliou lor lemovali older. I. I' lliiin-oii va. A, ll, HohliiuH. or der. I'loicnce llolTmmi vm, OimIiiiiii llofrinmi, icIiiiii ol' aummtui, xuil for ilivuice. O. II. lll'llllK Vf, llllll I'illllO llllllM'. Hlipllllllillll. L II, llr.Mvu el nl va. P. (looiN iiiiiii, reluiti of aumuioii, ault for in junction. Florence It, Pogter ve. Willimu I), Kotler, ortier of del'milt. ' ThentMi Itiine va. .Iniiiew T. ItnriiH, ilfd'uull. Aliuiru WiUoii va. (Jvoipi A. Wil- moii ul ul., final tlceico, Piobalo In t:uariliaiiliii of ller ,M. ,Me Hrlmtu, miawer of pianlinu ml litiim. INlule ol Alice I.voii Hiirlie, uder. IMate of llnrrixtiii 11. Tritlctl, eilation to lieira. INliile of l.ealer L. Wnlker, lioml. Ileal Hklulc Trims fern M. I-:. (liliHin 1 1 ux, lo Fred A. F.celcMiin el ii v, ld nu flrmi- ile alldl'l, AmIiIiiiiiI .. . $ I'J.'i .ltNltt ;. ('on et vir to .Mat I ! TIioiiiihoii, td in tl W. '-'(I, .Jiickeoinillc -. HKI .Ml K. Allvit el ux lo l'ie.1 A. ICcidithlou id ux, lot on tlrnn ile Mri'cl, AhIiIiiiiiI I'-'o II. I. MouHion et ul to W. I). Hubert, .'t.'i.li! nenM in Iwp. .'IH-IW. . 1 .loliii (I. .Miller el ux to S. K. Dudcer et ul, 5 uenw in ".ee. ii-:iti-ii-: j.r.oo . II. Toft id ux to .1. I. lied fortl, 80 ueifH in cc. III-JII-JV. . 10 Jniueti A. Keesf to Viniu No- hit, laud in fee. 10-:i(l-'JW. 1 T. It. Tanner et ux lo Fred (I. Aiiiler-un, lo in I'niiieii nil ililion, Meilfortl 1(1 T. It. Tinnier el u.v lo Krueit .1. Anderson, lot in Fraud ad dition, .Mciirotil . ... II) David Horn to K. I). Sciliuii Min, laud in xcc. K- lll-.'IW. 'J,IMHI Win. S. Crowell to ('oriel I). Wciltlel, loU iii ,aureliuit Aili!., .Meilionl' - .... . SOU Clyde A. Payne id al to C. S. .IoIiiimmi et UX, lot ill (laley Add., Aahlanil . ... 10 C. T. Skynnan, ndiiiini-trnlor of Chnrlei P. Toolhaker, do- . ccuhciI, (o John W. Hull, land in M-c. d-:i:i-iw. . .. . ;i)o J. II. McDnuict et ux to (leu. V. ltcavau, laud in oce. (! ;i7-IK. . fi.OOO i:. 1,. Italifurd it nl to Miv. t A. nickiiiMin, laud in xeen. 28 uiul '21-:m-2W. . . 1 City of AnIiIiuuI to Mix, Pltodui I. Weill-, lot in .Mountain View cemetery, Ashland 10 M. Smith ct u.x to .loliii .MilN, lot on Itiver-iido live., .Meilfortl . - . 1,000 rf. W. Smitleih to .1. F. While, lot 1.", Id);, .lo, .Medford '20 L. 1 l.tne et ii x to I,. Hatfield, JO nenw in mv. '2-:i"-'2W. Il,i:fl It. I. Neil el ux lo II. P. Holtne.i et nl., lot in Arditmul 10 F. I). O'Neal et ux to W. l Holme, lot in Fainiew Add., A-blnnd 10 H. V. Uul'fner et ux to It. H. OLD-TIME COLD CURE DRINK HOT TEA! i --ft. Oct n amall pneknc of llaialuirt; IlrcAt Ten, or n the German folk mil lt,"llninlmrKiT Hrimt 'lluv,"nt any plinnimry. Tnku a. tnlilfio.m(ul of tlio ica, put a cup ol ixiiiui- water iioit it, pour through a ioe and ilrlik a teacup full nt any tiuio during the day or before retiring. It la tlio inoit cuctlvo way to break a cold und euro grip, a it oiH'na tho iwrw of the akin. rciievuiK conecation. aio !ooeiu tuo ... - .. -.. .. bowels, thus breaking up a cold r... it i... .....i it.....' ...... ... Try it the next time you sulfer from i. t.iu tivti, d or thu grl n coin or tliu grip, it and entirely vegetable, It U inc.xpeiuUo lacrciuro vufo und harmlwa. E STIFF, ACHING JOINTS Rub Boreneu from JoIbU and musclta with n small trial bottle of old St. Jacobs Oil Rlop "dining" Illicuiimtiinit U'h pain oulyi nut ono raao In fifty require Inturuul treatment, Hub south ing, ixiictratiiig "tit. Jamb Oil" right on thu "tender unol," und by the tlniu ymi say .Ituk Hublnsoii out ruun-s tlio rlieiiiiiullit I'ltln. "fit. Jaroh'a Oil" U n linrialii4 iliciiiimlUin rure which never tllitjiiUiU and dik'tu'l burn the aklu, It iukiM pain, nui'iiim uiul t!lfiiisu front nillloir Jdiiils. imiMdea uiul luu' tei ulutlta, jiiinbagii, loikaidie, milialgiu, LlliiUr Up I (let a M cent but tin nf nlil lime, liunot '"' .Uedii, Oil" fitiiil any dnitf leit'. und in a iiuiiiiinl you'll l fnui Iiiiiii I'aiiK. alius an idlllfiieM I'wl'l KUlUfl Hub thvuiiia Dim w ItoiiM' el ux, li in Cutler Add,, AhIiIiiiiiI 10 .Mur.v I'riiclt ol nl ll;iyiiia Al. Mlowcrx, IoIh in WliiteV A(ld,, AhIiIiiiiiI 1 W. I), HoiIkmoii td nx lo A. W. Ilotloti, land in it, 7-.'l!l-!!;,, mid fi'ri. '21, 20 and -:i(l-lW, . ., 10 Herlliu V, llnliiy it u to Krvln Fiiul;, land in M". ll)-:7-IK 100 .1. I. Ilcdford to It; II. Toll, lot III, lliulilnnd Add., .Meilfortl I F. K. Mcrriclj el ux to .1. A. ItlinM, lilt ill (tH.' Ilotlll! Add,, Alt'dford I. 1(1 li-hsic W. Allies et vii to Mnc K. Mnllliy, lid ift.ldk. 8, I.mii- relliurxt Add., Alctlfoid 10 .Mr. A. It. I,liliiiO.lUlit . ' AlileK, hiiiiiu .i- . " . '.. 10 CiliciiH' tiink of AhIiI.uhI lo .1. W. Cnrxoii, lot ,iu AkIiIiiihI . 1 J. (I. (lolde ct Tijf to Clatnnett Fornaeicri, hdifjii llerryvnlc Add., .Medford - . ... 1 I.clalt .Ioiick id ux t ClinrliM Ij. Wiiuer, lol in Itnilroml Add., Ai-lilmul ... . . 10 A, K. (iiutinmi to C. I.. Dome hue, (and in hoc .'I-Wi-Hy. uiul xcc. :i.i-:iiiv .1(1(1 W. It. Hnmnlinch cj ux lo W. II. .Merrill, lot in ,1'nrk Add., Alctlford n.. - . '2.100 .lohii Arnell t( ux to I.. Kinina lliimplirev, land in xce. '21!-.'IH-1W. : , .. 10 II. .1. KloniKlio id ux to Ii, Kinina lliimplirev. 8 acrea in fee. i0-:i8-lW. - .. 10 Altx. A. It. PliipiH to Willimu S. Crowell, lot in l.nurel Imral Adtl., .Metlfotd .. . 10 W. 11. WuIhoii ct ux lo .liinum C. .Ion ec, :i aerc in Stewart Acre ..... 1,00(1 It. C. Ile AniKUid et al to II. I., lie Aniiond, lotn in CulleKc Hill Adtl.. .Meilfortl J K. A. CrippH el ux to II. I,. De Ariuouil, Iota in College Hill Add.. Medfojtl ...... 1 licit? of f. .1. I'll""'!, dweax ed to ('. I'. Pliin'ix, land in i'c. HI-.TT-IW. ...... - 1 W. C. Allawn-.it ux to Del hert IVhl, hind in ecc '2.'-:i7-2V. ' 1 Alice Stone lo Fred A. Keele-t-lun ct u , lot on (irmiito f-lrcel, Avlilnud V2.'i I F, Hog lliievos are Miding llio cn about AlcilfonlMiud ut i up to the fanners to be on lite lookout. . II. Hamlin of Oakdale uddition report m that on llit evenitifr of Novcmher '2.i thieves Ntolt; two of hit ho; out of hi corral, tluew tliein over the hih poto into uu iidjoinin altnll'ii field, thence oxer the fence into the next lield, where they were butchered and ilrv-M'd. No clue were lei I. The lion weighed alimit forty ioiuitls apiece. I-'OII KKXT il.SUKMiAXEOUH FOR RENT Oarage or store room $3 per month. Inquire. 24G So. Riverside or phone 570-II. WHY? I am making deals for & largor per cent of my customors than at any time elnco 1 started business. I want your proposition. I am making up a Real Estato Exchange nook. I will not list properties at Inflated values cither for snlo or trade so In quoting prlco of property, glvo lowest cash valuation. SOI Fimt National Rank Hulldleg Phono 120-J J. C. BARNES Medford -Ashland AUTO LINE LEAVE ASHLAND LEAVE MEDrOED Noitli Hound South Hound 7130 n. ui, 8130 a in. 9130 a. in. 10130 a. 111. 1130 i. m. lioo p, in. 4130 p. lit. 3130 p. to. 7I0O p. in, 0100 , in. 9100 p, 111, DIOO p, ui. 11145 p. 111. 11100 p. m. SUNDAYS SUHDAYS Zitixve Aililamt Lav Medford North Hound Kouth Hound 11)00 n. IU. 10)00 a. 111. 0)30 p. in. 1)30 p. in. a too p. m. oioo p. ui. Time Between Medford und Phoonlx, 12 minutes. Phoenix and Talent, 7 minutes. , Talent und Ashland, ID minutes. Furo One Way llctmvu Medford and Ashland 50a Medford and Phoenix 25c Medford and Talent 30c Ashland and Talent 25c Ashland and Phoenix 30c Phoenix and Tateiit 10o Medford slallouH! Hotel Medford, Hotel Nash unit Medford Pharmacy. Anhland slnlleiia: Cruwsoii'n Con. 'crllonoi), Oregon uiul Ashland I lutein. Talent Italian It, T. Luke's dm. fortlouury I'liiiitiiix siullmi: PlioeiilK Mer iwiiilllu Co. OjMiail lly lal 'lul Co, Medfoitl Pitkin MI I), II. Hontl At Hon, AkhlMHi PI.ohu u FOU ItfJ.Nr-rllH.HI-? I'Olt I HINT Mv buiiKnlow homo fur iiIhIipiI new A-1. Phono 1 IS-X, FOIt HKNTrurf7rMTcTlToiir'"roo"m hotiM!, cloud In. atrlctly modern mid clean. Phone ncr.-,! or 78-ft, or call at 21-, N Holly St. FOll HIJNTModenr, partly fur nlHhnd five room bungalow on cnAt iddo. Phono 080. flrrrriT-a. I'Olt HUNT- -'ci:nihiii:i ItOOMH FOll HUNT Slrtani linal, bath, etc., altiKlo room J2.r0 week, '-' In room 'H. 2 If H. Hlvfinddc, 000-M. tf FOll HUNT l-arRo, pleniiant room with hont ami bath, S2 und I2.LT, per weok. 15 X. drape, directly bock of FrultKrowers Hank. 220 a s-tr-.r5v sr ron iti:.vr iiorHi-itKi'i'i.va ItOOMH FO '""i Hi XT Fiirn i hod and ilKht lioimokoepInK room a rnaonable. (Jim and bath. .104 B, C. FOlt KKXT Ptirnlalwd lug rooniH, rcnKonable. Main. housekeep- 223 Went 220 FOll HUNT IlouBokecpIng roomw. light and water furnlNhed, 11.00 per week each. 4 lf S. Front, Phono aSC-K. 219 FOlt SAIjK KBAIj cstatb FOll HAJiB A .12" acre trac't'ofrlch free hoII, only two mlleg out of Medford, al under Irrigation ditch. Now four room plaatered house and good wc. Total price only $2500. K. 8. Tumy, 210 (Jarnett-1 Corey Hldg. 220 FOK SAI.B--Ninety acres of good land suitable for alfalfa or general farming with water right and all under private Irrigation ditch. On good county road. Totnl price Jtr.00. Kpahonnblc terms. K. S. Tinny, 210 (inrnott-Comy Illdg. 220 FOR SAI.B Ivi acres of deep black loam soli, seeded to alfalfa, fenced with Page wire fence, on a good rout.ty road one tulle from city lliulta on south. Terms to suit purchaser. See owner, room 2.1, over .InckHon County Hank. Phone 2C3-J or 78-K. FOK SALE 120 acres fine bottom land, suitable for alfalfa or clover at $50 per acre, will subdivide to suit purchaser. See owner, K. H. Tort, room 33, over Jackson Coun ty Hank. FOK SACK. LIVESTOCK FOK SALE Throughbred Poland China boar. Phone 201-J2, even Inga 220 FOK SALE Matched team norrels, wagon and harness; wood ot place, $2.00 per tier, at 907 S. Central. FOK SALE Weaned, full blooded Poland China pigs, from registered stock, largo litters, fine strain, $5 each, either sex. James Camp- boll, phono 311-K. 2: FOK SALE Fresh Jersey cow, excep tionally good. Phone 500-112. 222 FOR SALE Registered thorough bred Duroc Jersey boars, suitable for fall sorvlce: aUo registered pigs and gilts Just weaned. Phone Central Point, Ciray Crags or chard. 228 FOR SALIC' Cheap, work horses nnd saddlo horses, will trade for cattle, Walsh's ranch, utile out N. Roose velt. 224 FOR SALE Jersey cows, Duroc brood sows and pigs, Bronze turk eys and White Wyandotto towU, choice breeding stock. J. H. Ful ler, Oakmont Farm, Talent. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE R. I. Red Pullets. T. Petersen. Capital Hill, Medford. 121 FOR SALE Young pure bred Crys tal White Orpington cockerels, Kellanstrasso main, price $2.50 while they laM. Address S. P., Talent, Ore. 224 FOR SALE Cut glass, fine, mahog any, blrdnoye maple and oak furni ture, Kimball piano, player and music at a bargain. See it nt the New York Hair Dressing 1'arlorn, next to post office. FOR SALE Full blooded Harrod Ruck pullets and cockerels. Phono 3-F2. FOR SALE Corn, -25.00 per ton at J. M, Loflaud'8 ranch 3V milea southwest ot town. 225 WAXTKI SITUATIONS WANTED Work, woo ii cutting O. Box 302, Medford. P. M2 WANTED MISCELUrKOllS WANTED Piano to keep for stor age. Will pay moving charges. Care guaranteed. Phono I8U-R. 221 WANTED Automobiles to store ut $2.00 per mouth. Dyer's garaite, North Central Ave., Phono 590-N. 2IU FOK E.XCIlAMIh TolmDEttim bluck colt for trade for mule, about 1100 lbs. Address Iral Stewart, Central Point, Oregon. 220 FOR TRADE -Co it IwiryearH oliL t ratio for cow. Phono 778-J. 221 EXCHANGE, anything? Front Ht. n ' i 1 1 ' i -Want to sell or buy U 0 Ruder, 114 N. Punuu 125. Nuff Red. I'Olt HALE OK K.VCIIANHN IIokiio Hlvcr Valley Fruit Lauds. Dairy, slock, poultry randies and Timber. ColiinUiilloii Tracts, Jlct allllii) year round rllmulo on roust. Hciillh Kr.oit, Woudwrfill Medici 111 llprliiK. IIvuvit Ktnlfy Co., AkliltfHili Oregon, KOIl HUNT FUJt.M.SHnt) linOMR FOll KkTJntTi mierti furlil7h ed roomn. Tho Cottage, tlOl V,. 10th 225 nuHiXKHH nmncTroitv Auto Mtipitica i liAHRK AUTO ai'KIXO CO. W aro operating tho lnreent, oldest I nnd boil equipped plant In the Pa cific north wcat. Ue our uprlngi when other fall. Sold ttndor guar nutco. 2G North Fifteenth St. Portland, Oro. Notary Public IIEI.PJN n! YOCKKY Notary pub lie. Ilrlng your work to mo at tht nlfn ol thu Mall Trlhnn. rrrnnrr.rn BAD TKANHFRK & BTOKAOtt CO Office -J 2 Xorth Front St. Phoni 310. Prices right. Service guar tntnod. Attorneys POKTKR J. NBFF, WM. P. MRALB1 AttorneyH-at-Law, Kooms 8 and 9, Medford National Hank bldg. A. B. KBAMES, LAWYKK Oarnott Corey bldg. Wm. M. Colvlg, George M. Robert! COhVIO & KOUBKTH, JVWYBHS Medford National Hank Hulldlng D, F. MULKEY & dEO. W. CIIBIIKT Attorneys at Law, Jackson Coun ty Hank Hulldlng. NEWTON W. HOKDEN Attorney at law. room 7, Sparta building, Med ford. Oregon. Chiropractors DK. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso E Hedges Mcchano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Bpondylothernplsts. Thest systems, Including dletotlcs, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-thcraphj, etc., produce results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel & Co., cor ner Main and Uartlc'.t. Hours S a. m. to 6 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phono 170. DK. It. J. LOCKWOOD., Chiropractor nervo specialist Rooms 203-204-20?. Garnett-Corcy bldg. Vapoi baths nnd scientific mas3ago glvon, needle spray, head and sbouldei shower In connection; advice lc dietetics, medical gymnastic hydroptnerapy. Lady attendant Phono, offlco M3. rnsidonco Sll-K Employment Ageacy Wo are here to help people get re liable, competent help, we tar nish help In almost all lines of business. Wo make a specialty or competent men and wives fot ranches. We solicit your patron age. Dinner's Heal Estate and Employment Bureau, Rooms C and 7 Palm Building. Medford. Phoni 8CS. Mrs. Dyrd Caster, Uannger successor. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOU DR. O. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnott-Corey Bldg., suite Medford, Oro. Phono 856. S10 Garbage GARBAGE Out your premise cleaned up tor the summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons foi good service. Phono 274-L. V. Y. Allen. Instruction lu Muslo IIAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO 116 So. Laurel. Fred Alton Ualght Piano, Mrs. Florence Halllday Ilalgbt, volco. Telephone 170-R. Stecugrnpncrs SHOE REPAIRING First class she repairing, on modern electric machines whllo you wait. E. N. Didcn, located lu Kldd'a Shoo Store,' Phono 313J. Painting ROOMS TINTED OR PAPERED From $2.50 nnd up, by Dick San ders. Phono 544-M, resldenco 511 N. Fir. Estimates given, all around man, honest dealings, good materials used absolutely. Phyeslctans ana surgeons DR. P. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 41C-417 Gamett-Corej bldg., phono 103 U-U Resldonc 2C South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostoopathlt physicians, 303 Gnrnett-Corey building. Phono U04-M. DR. J. J. EM.MENS Physician ano Burgeon. Practlco limited to eye ear, uoso and throat. Eyes sclen tlfically tested and glasses sup plied. Office 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m, to 8 p, m Phono. B. D. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jock son County Bank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phono 58-R DR7MARTIN O. DARDER Physi clau and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Houn 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. K. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, offlco 3(1, rout' deuce 7 2 4-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 'J to C. DR. 8. A. LOCICWOOD PbyslclsB and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCICWOOD. M. D. Pructlcu limited to illumines ul women. Offices 232 E, Main Phones, rosldouco, 8H-J2; off let 814, It. J. CON HOY. M. I). Physician ano Hiirgeou. Oiur Hutchison it Lum dull, 210 E. Malu Ut, Phone 77. ate .-.--...;. :.. - , at I'rlutira and I'nblUlier ja gaaa -iaaMai MEHFOItl) PIHNTINO CO. has tht bl'lt otjulppad prlulllig offlloi III yiitbfii Oregoiii book blndliJK )ouu letif ImlHora, blllllie systems Kt. I'urtUud irk. ll Kwt I'lr m, LOOK A Few of Our Pricks 10 lbs. best Migor ,$1.00 Coffee, per lb 20 50c bulk tea, per lb. 40 25c can Ghlrnrdnlll's Cocoa '20 Pt. cans Log Cabin syrup 20 Ot. cans Log Cabin syrup.....,..,,, ,35 ',i Onl. cans Log Cabin syrup...... .05 Gal cana Log Cabin syrup 1.25 Canned fruit, 30c inn 15 20c can for ,10 Large enn Asparagus ........ 25 Preferred Stock, Royal Club ami Reliance Tomatoes, 2 cans .:. .25 Del Monte Tomatoen, can 10 Aster, Holly and Marigold milk, 3 cans 25 35c Imported canned Pens ... .20 35c Imported Mushrooms 20 20c can fleets 10 Pearl White, Crystal White and A B Naptha Hasp, 0 bnrs.... .25 10c she Fairy Soap, 4 bars 25 35c Vanilla . 25 35c Lemon Extract .25 26c can Fancy Oysters ............. .20 46c con Fancy Oysters 35 Sweet Chutney Pickles, 36c slio .15 25c bottle. Catsup. ...... ...20c, two .35 Dr. Prices Baking Powder, lb... .35 Soda, 4 packages .. ,25 Campbells Soup any kind, Joz... 1.10 40c Crescent Cream Coffee, lb... .30 Karo Syrup small 15 Knro Syrup, medium 35 Karo Syrup, largo C5 None Such Mince. Meat, per pkg. .10 Snldors Pork & Brans, small per ClOZOn ailtNHPININMHIINIHMHnM l Snldors Pork & Deans, medium Snlders Pork & Beans, large, per dozen - ...... 2.35 Sweet Potatoes, 10 lbs. for. 25 Prunes, good ones, 25 lbs........ 1.00 FANCY POTATOES $1.30 Per 100 Lbs. F0UTS GROCERY CO. :$M'J So. Central 1'hoBo 271 "Daisy Brand" Butter IF NOT WHY NOT? The White Velvet Ice Cream and Butter Go. 32 South Central, Mcdfordj Oregon. UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE PULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 South Riverside Phone 150 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK Proprietor. WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP 208 East Main Street Medford Tho Only Exclusive Commercial Photograph en in Southern Oregon Negatives Matlu any time or place by appointment PIjoiio M7-J W'll do tlit pftt X. 1). WJUTGM, ry( ; M iM -a V I -1 M m i n . ! i M vJI 'I 4 4