"IT " T" ym six Mwwmi) TiiAiii 'rRirrTF,, w.nFornx cmi:noT, iwtdav. nrcoMMHiw 101 T i'j h ARTILLERY rat BEL IAN LI ONLY ACTIVITY PAWS, Doc. I. 2 '.40 ). in. Tho Kronen official ntntnincnt given out UiIh nflcmoon In Paris roads m fol fel fol eows: "In HcIrIuiu tlioro Iins Itcen nn In lerinlttent liut fairly spirited can imnndliiK between the rnllrond from Yprcs to Honlors and tho highway between llccolaero and Pass Chen dale, where the Infantry of tho enemy nndrnvored to Rain ground but qulto without SUCCC8R. "At Kvcrmcllcs wo are continuing tho work of organizing the positions taken from tho enemy. "From tho Soinmo to tho Argonno region there Is quiet along tho en tire front. "In tho Argonno there have been several attackn on tho part of Ger man Infantry but were repulsed by our troops, particularly at La Cornc, to tho northwest of tho forest of (Initio. "There has been some artillery fir ing In tho Wocvrc district and In Lorraine. "Thcro Is nothing to report In Alsace." RELIE c era i IU STARVING PEOPLE MICHAEL STROGOFF' AT 'THE PAGE TONIGHT AMD SATURDAY LABRADOR 0 SCHOOL SUBJECTS OF STODY Tlie Social Hygiene department of tho Greater Medford club will hold a study hour at tho home of Mrs. Chas. Hansen, S19 North Central, Satur day, December 5th at 3 o'clock. The subject for discussion will bo tho High School Hoys. Three teachers will hare charge of tho program, Miss Aim Hansen, Miss Julia Fielder and Miss Anna Jeffrey. Tho Parent-Teachers association and all mothers of boys arc cordially Invited to be present. ST JOHN'S. N, F.. le A Uelkf for the destitute Inhabitants of tho barren Labrador region has boon mi dcrtnken by tho New Fouudlnud gow eminent and the steamer Kyle Is now ploughing her way through tho Ice laden waters off the Iibrador coast. The Kyle Is carrying a car-j go of provisions to Sandwich Hay, about 100 miles north of Uattlc Har bor where Or. Wilfred T. Grenfeld, maintains his mission station and hospital received from Dr. Grenfell and others of tho serious conditions prevailing In Labrador. Ilecauso tho coast wbb choked with Ice as late as August 1, with resultant low temper atures on land, the cod and other large fish wcro too torpid to mesh In tho nets or take bait, tho smaller fish held far off shore, potato plants did not appear above the ground and the berry crop was practically n falure. Tho people had nothing to live on but bread and tea. There was a month of good fishing, then winter set In again. To add to tho suffering a severe epidemic of Influenza Is raging. Tho relief measures instituted by the Newfoundland goerument will ease the situation komewhat and will tide the jxople over until next summer. COMMITTEE TO ACT FOR A DRY NATION strong and Interesting list of nttrtio tlvi pliotoplajn. The atnr theater In ij popular pla limiso and Is showing pletuies Unit have boon personally selected by Mm mauagemeul who hiih nil vlitto KlnVo and sensational picturoK will he elim inated from this house In the future, and nothing will be boohed but good, cliMiii, moral and educational subjects KpltltunllM .Meeting. Kalunlar evening 7 !I0, at .Mm. Ply- lunlo'H residence, 51 HI B. Central avenue. A noted lecturer will he present. Public tire Invited. "JiiO a I upon "Mlrlinnl Srninff " rnnnlilrtvil iliiillim linn Inn n t'oiium'nted Jules Verne's strongest novel has l every one who has had the onnoi- ... ..... tunlty of reviewing this pMure. One ueen aunpieu lor wie scrcvu ami juu- ........... iiif the most o.pllclt pictures ever ducml by the Popular Plays and Play-! ,J0W ,,0M,et,nK tu, GrU(.ira tho crs company, with tho eminent actor, j jnn, ,,( u,u cinr tl tu. curlier days Jacob P. Adlcr. playing tho title role, j can he seen In "Michael Strogofr." It Is in flvo parts, and shows the. This Is one of tho strongest dramas burning of the rlty of Moscow, and the Klver of Fire. The minuteness ever written around the history or tho Tartars of ltussla. This photo- This photo- of detail that was observed by Lloyd tho Tatars of ltussla N. Carleton tho director. In this pro- Saturday, December fttft and 0th. IT THEATRE TODAY ,M.VI'IM-:i AND KVK.VINU .MILLION DOLLAIt .MVSTIHtV Svilc IH. TiapptMl Ity Hie Humes .MflVAI. WKKUI.Y WAU NI5WS .NDKHOW I'ADHS Thanhousor DAUNYAHD H.IKTATIUX Keystone Comedy llesl Plituiv Pnigram of the Season, anil Only .". ami 10 Cent. CO.MIMSI Till: (JIIK.VT ITALIAN' CONCL'UT HAND On Western Tone, Will 0Hii San Diego Hit." I'nlr. TliN I u Hare Treat. Willi l'Ue lUi Pictures III mill 15 (Vuts, ALICEJOYCE AT WASHINGTON. Dee. 4. The liouac ruler, commit lee will meet De cember 12 to net on ilie Uobon reo- lution for iintiou-wide prohibition by constitutional amendment. "It will not be neec-Mirv to hold lienringV' -aid Chairman Henry. "A, the committee nrobublv will take no tion with the information before it." Friday and Saturday, Miss Alice Joyce, and a large company will ap pear at the Star theater In one or Ka lem's masterpieces "The Old Army Coat," a photoplay In two parts. Mlss Naomi Chillier. Darwin Karr, and n j strong supporting company will up-, pear In a Yitugrnph coined , '"The Wrong Fiat," In one part. Frank MeOIInn, and Mabel Dwliclit. In Kill- son s ".Man in tho Dark In one imrt.i An nnlnuil nlrttiro liv tVllc. "Tint I.nv. ' alty of J n in lm" with Jumbo IiIium'U a Illograph, "The Oulillnit Fuu" ami a Hearst Sellg Weeklx ronrludtti a 10 PREM FAMINE UL'ULIN, Dec, 4. by wireless. German military authorities have taken measures to prevent famino among the inhabitants of the parts of Russian Poland occupied by the German army, according to news given out by tho press bureau today. Another announcement from the same source Is that reports received from Constantinopto say England In tends sending Portuguese troops into Egypt, and that Mohammedan sold iers In Tunis are being embarked for scrvlco In Europe. Luna Trouble Yieiuea to This Medicine If you nru 4!Triii;j w.Mi h-t.uUii lunR ir.nililr. it will pii t fu'.W in eiiiKi(e K"ki'iuii' it-i.imc. a rented)' which ii.m iu-l mniiv r covorlip Our follutt't - Mt3 (ilrnrd Air, I'lilln.. I'o. Mlirnllcmpiii In Ihr winter nf l!?a I bnU tou nllnrlt nt (.rlppr, fnl limed it; rurumnnln. ami Inlrr !y I.iihk Trnnl.lr. In the itlnlrr t i:rai 1 uai u CiXisli. als'x ml". ; (rrr nnd rrlxrd atinntlllrH of nirfiil- luoklrs ntnT, nu.t Inter I l.ail in.my hrmurri-ruev. at.inr 1 1 nlo Ihrrr In ' three MUereanlve dj. Tlirre Jiliynl- elnno (renteil me. I warn iirtlete! to j the niuuntalno. but IIJ not rzi. I'rk- ' inr.n'x Mlerntlre nan reeninmenJeil 1 h" frlrml. After tnklnx n null I iiunnlltr I bnil the firm iiulet nllht leei for uffk, My lriirnemrnt ' vim innil:el rriim llir nrl. I KnMrii trmKtli anil urlsbt nuil npprtlte. I neter hnd nnnther lirmtirrhnee ond my eoucli smduallr leitxennl until rullrrly iriiur. I nm trr(retly nell." (Aliliretlated.) flldnlt AMi:iM.tlL'(SIIII . nckmnn'ii Alterative Is riot einni clout In dronehlal rnti-rh iiml ver throat anil luntr nffertlonn nnd Ui-billlcllnir I'll .tui i'onani no linrmful or lmlilt-f-rr.rnir ilrutr. ArrcDt no militltut. Hmnll Hire It reiculnr rlze. j;. Hold - lending ilruuKlHt. Write for liooklet of re coveries. Ikninn l.iilmriitory. I'lillailrlihln. Price SI and $2 a holllc. Rose Society Vaudeville at tin' PAGE THEATRE i Monday ancl Tuesday, Dec. 7 and 8 Tickets on salt at ('. VI. (Jnti-tj' ami ilott'l Nash. Holders of tickets may secure reserved seats 1'Vitlay liioniiiiij after 10 o'elofk. lietjnlai' seal sale begins Huturdav at 10 a. in. POPULAR PRICES 23, 33, 30 Cents. PAGE THEATRE Friday and Saturday Evonings. Saturday Matinco. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Another Great Alco Foaturo "Michael Strogoff " In Fivo Parts. From Jules Verne's Strongest Novel JACOB P. ALDER In tho titlo rolo A Wonderful Spectacular Photo Play 210 Mammoth Scones Burning of City of Moscow The River of Firo This is a story of romanco and adventure in tho land of tho Czar Selig Comedy Jimmy the Porter Lubin The Girl In the Tenement SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM Page Theatre Orchestra This Great Program Friday and Saturday Only Saturday Matinee 2 P. M. Admission 5c, 10c, 15c NOTE-Sunday matinoo and ovoning, "THE FIFTH MAN," a Selig Jungle-Zoo Special Featuro Drama, featuring Bessie Eyton and Charlos Clary. STAR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY licurst-Sclig News Hi'IIm'ii Jtinulo Drninu , Loyalty of Jumbo lliinntili Drainii Guiding Fate IMImiii Cornell) Driuuu Man In The Dark Unlein Drninu THE OLD ARMY COAT Willi MISS ALIGli JOYCE A VltiiKiHI'li t'omeily iirii The Wrong Flat" ( 'oiiiIiik JUDITH OF BETHULIA II v Tliomni AMilrlt llnlley on Your Xoit Hint of LOTHES .m.mh: IIV L E I N j I'HICIN W.-5.00 IT k 'Also ClennliiR, I'reaxliu; and AlturliiK IUH i:. .Mitln, L'lKialn. QUALITY In nninc menus nntliliii; tin leN we ImiiU Ilie iiuino with tlio uooils it id t M'rWre. We nre lrln to niiika (lie imiiie it renllly, TheQualit Dairy J. r. IIIiiimiIn, Pni. I'linno 7.".--4l MKHKX T ? I t ? I 5 I ! ? I ANOTHER SWEEPING REDUCTION IjA 1 Uxv-LAY tf tie MEN'S AND BOY'S SUITS At F. K. DEUEL & CO. .: j f( 1 vfa, mW ? r y t t t T ? V ? ? r t t t V ? I 2 V YOUR SIZE IS HERE, COME. Don't put this off until your size is gone. Be here Saturday. Sweep ing reductions on Men and Boy's Suits, Saturday. BIG SALE GOING ON ALL NEXT WEEK ALL OVER THE HOUSE r , Every Suit In This Big Stock Going Saturday ' Prices Going to be Lower on Men's and Boy's Suits. Going Men's Suits. Going Boy's Suits. GOING TO SLAUGHTER PRICES Saturday Entire Stock Going V itWWW$?W"KWW'WW