PAOK TWO U'i MJSDJb'OJil) MAlli TKI1U1NI0, M10DFOUM), OKIWON. I'M! I DAY, DKCMM' tl"" IOCAL AND L' PERSONAL MIrb Clyde I.oIh Schott, who 1ms Just nrrivcil from Ban KrnnrlHco for llio Hebo Society Voudollle, has liroURht -a 1th her tlic very latest DoiiRinn Crnno Rteim, ontJ next Mon day evening will show thorn to the uullonce (it tho l-am next Monday mid Tuendny. Anion; them arc tho Aviation Hesitation Wnlti, the Uroad way Clllde, n.nd the Connecticut Glide These will ho Riven In addition to nomo of hor Inimitable tinpcrsonn? tlons. Horn and hoard nt 143 South Ivy. Mrn. C. I-. Ornnt. 243 ConBldcrahle of a crowd fathered In the nlley back of the It Theater ThUMday night to hear an argument between the entire force of the Don Carlos doR show, and tho mannerj of the theater. The arRiiment waxed so warm that Officer Crawford was rnlled. which did not lesson the pilch of the otcrfl. Charges and counter charRcs were hurled back and fourth. The debate seemed to be hvor tho renlnclni; of a curtnln. Is'o nrrcsts wore made. The manager of tho theater maintained that Hon Car los struck him twice In the faco with out cause or provocation. nudd loaves for Portland, Oregon, today. Tho nnnual city election will be held at Horuo nivcr next Tuesday. Threo counclmen will be elected. Get It at Do Voo'n. Attorney Porter J. Ncff will deliver address' at tho Ashland Elks lodge of sorrow Sunday afternoon Twenty to 33 per cent saved on everything at Diamond's Jewelry Store. 220 It. n. Mlntcr of Knglo Point spent Thursday In IhU city attending to business matters. "Insurance" means "Holmes' and "Holmes" means "Insurance." See Holmes "Tho Insurance Man." A meeting for tho purpose of re viving Interest In tho Boy Scouts wilt bo held at tho Armory In tho Nata- torlum tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Tho finest equipment In Oregon for printing fruit labels. Mcdrord Print ing Co. J. M". Kllporo of Rogue River Is spending tho day in Med ford visiting friends and relatives. lludd leaves for Portland, Oregon, today. K. R. Hnnloy and F. II. Madden re turned Friday from Seattle where they purchased equipment for their new Alaska cannery. Eighteenth episode of the Million Dollar Mystery, "Trapped by the Flames," at the It Theater tonight. R. II. Whitehead and daughter Graco will leave In a couplo of days for California to spend the remainder of tho winter. Twentv to 33 ner cent saved onia"ango games with Ashland, everything at Diamond's Jewelry Store. 220 Charles Fry of the lllue Ledge dis trict is spending n few clays in tho city attending to business. liudd leaves for Portland, Oregon, today. Prof. Reddle of tho University of Oregon, well knpwn in this valley for his literary Interpretations Is ill, necessitating tho postponement of a number of his public engagements. Eighteenth oplsodo of the Million Dollar Mystery, "Trapped by the Flames," at tho It Theater tonight. letter developments In tho caso of Carl Tengwald, provo that ho was a hero instead of a violator of the law Thursday noon when halted for speeding. Tengwald was placed be tween tho choice of breaking tho law, or running over a boy, and ho broke tho law. No legal action was taken against Tengwald, Now Thought Circle, 504 S. Oak- dale, Saturday 2:30 to G. ' Qits Poppas Is spending tho week visiting friends in northern Califor nia. Eighteenth episode of ho Million Dollar Mystery, "Trapped by tho Flames," at the It Theater tonight. "Jaywalkers" aro ugaln bothering the police, a woman pushing a baby buggy across Main street diagonally Thursday uftcruoon, escaping by inches by a motorcycle that dodged suddenly from behind the street car. Company 7, C. A. C.-O. N. 0. will )io!tl a meeting next Wednesday night to elect a succesKor to Captain A. W. Douno, resigned. Capt. R. W, Col lins U. S, A-, will havo charge of the election, Kodak finishing tho best, nt Wes ton's Caiiiuro, Shop, Over Isls Thea ter. Court Hnll rrf.urnod Thursday night teP'U PqrMuud wjmro ho went to purcliiwo n new Cadllluc bus for his auto service. Ilildd (eaves for Portland, Oregon, today, K, . Diillls has returned to the Merlluy Hlltlw ner ttpi'H'HiiK u voitpiu of tiny In Uf city uttrtidlng to Inixl lit letters. n jwai w. a t. v. win iiii (Mr FfW Wl)n Thursday, J'o twwfcw lii, nt 3.30 u lliu pubjlii . Vmy, U Milwitf uim uikmI to iw Fred WllllnniR or Omiit.i spout Thursday In this city uud sonvlllo attending to liuflnons tcis. t Sweet elder at Do Voe's. The party of San, Francisco Const League bnsebnll ilaors who haye been spending the last six weeks nt the Hot mine In the Blue Ledge district wilt depart for their homes in the morning, arriving from their lodgo this evening by unto. Eighteenth episode of the .Million Dollar MyMery, "Trapped by the Flames," nt the It Theater tonlpht. Walter Merrick returned Thurs- du from a mvk'a bin Mess trip i- Portland and ojhar northern points. George Watson who was Injured In a Toll from a scaffold nt the the Elks' temple Inst Monday morning, Is tible to be on tho streets. Nudd leaveS for Portland, Oregon, today, Count Assessor W. T. Grlcvo of Jacksonville was a business visitor In tho city Thursday afternoon. Help the Roosevelt school buy a piano. Tho Page. 3 p. in. Friday. Tho school census which Is being taken by A. S. Hilton Is expected to bo completed the first of uet week. J. O. Gerklng. tho best all around photographer in southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives mado any where, time or place. Studio 22$ Main St. Phono 320-J. Emmet Dot-sou of Talent was n business visitor In the city Thursda afternoon. Twenty to 33 per cent saved on everything nt Diamond's Jewelry Store. 220 II. I). Gndscn of Ilosehurg Is among the town visitors In the city today. Get Governor Johnson and Mt. Pitt cigars in Christmas boxes. Home made and the best. Rogue river turkeys tiro in brisk demand throughout northern Califor nia, and buyers are securing the local birds for Christmas shipments. This j ear will see the heaviest shipments of poultry In tho history of the county. Engraved Christmas cards and booklets nt Haskins' drug store. The police edict against nutos brought fruit, and produced the hoped for effect. Mnny nutolsts who heretofore never thought of lighting their lamps did so Thursday evening. Some were so anxious to obey the law that they lighted up before the sun was down. nudd leaves for Portland, Oregon, today. Tho regular end of tho week visit of cripples is now on. several citizens with their arms in slings calling with Mthetfc cards at business houses this morning. The police will order tho nlms seekers out of town. Posters In the store -window illus trating the games by different grades in tho Roosevelt school. Page 3 p. m. Friday. The high school basketball team Is drilling nightly, and Is tring to Klam ath Falls, Central Point, and Grants Pass. If they win the championship of southern Oregon thoy will mako an extensive trip lirough the north ern part of tho state. Nothing, nicer for Christmas than Governor Johnson and Mt. Pitt ci gars in Christmas boxes. Chief of Police HIttson has re ceived from tho, Portland police, tho revolver stolen recently from the homo or Marlon Lance. Tho youth who stole the gun and committed other petty robberies in Medford, was an escapo from tho California re formatory and has been sent back. Watch tho storo windows for tho Swedish kids Friday 3 p, m. at the Page. Ripe raspberries In December. John Beltz has on oxhlblt at tho ex hibit building, a largo cluster or rasp berries In all stages of growth, from blossom to ripe berries, a remnrkablo showing for this season of tho ear. Tho Interurban Autocar Co. offers a permanent fare of GO cents tho round trip to Ashland. Still lower rates by buying tickets. Frequent, dependable service, large, comfortable cars. Get time cards of drivers or at waiting rooms. Haskins' drug store nnd Medford Hotel, 220 Miss Murlan Dole of Genovn street who wus urrehted for driving without lights Wednesday evening was driving alone In her cur at tho time, and not with Mr. Campbell, proprietor of the "Eats" nlso arrested, us stated through a typographical error, tin drppplng of an s, which made It ap pear that "they had no lights on their machine," InMcud of tholr mu- chlllOH, The Elks' Momorlal horvlco will bo held Sunday, December l! at 2:30 o'clock p. m. The public Is Invited. Huudlsh parade ut .'! p. in. Thurs day, Kodak finUhlng and supplies nt Weston's Caiuoru Shop. Over IhIh Theater, DoVou is going to soil C00 pounds of chocolate creum at thirty cents per pound, Get u pound today. If Hwrdcm coming, Friday 3 p. in at I'Bgo Theater. 10 VMHHWt, -SlW. LATEST OUNCES AT SOCIETY Dunne Hie I'nimui m-oiio ut the l-nj-e mwt Momlu, illustration' will lie ien of nil tho Inte: ooeirt.v tnni'o-. Anions the imneinl iliiiie-or-i tuv Mi"H Kdnn Wiirncir and llitf liert S. Deuel, 'iio Will "lane the t'n-tle t-iixotte; .Mr, mul Mr, iluniil ton Pulton, in the Huttertlv hesita tion wait; Mi- Mi-lie Ktfcrt hiii! Wait Mi'iriek in the Lulu 1'ndo. mid the Unllin the.lnek fov trot : Mi- .lo vphino Hoot mid V.i Tumv in the -mil Id-, he-itntion units; MUs Dor othy t'lniner mill II. t'hmi-ller Kpnuj in the t th pelkn: Mr. nml Mr. A. Coiuo Kiero in the l.e l'oiviier. mul .Mr. mul Mi-. Kirn mul Mi Su-nn Dmiet mid llillv Mnrynn in the M ie. Speeinl iiiumo mul onhi-tmtiou-liuve been -eeuieil for tli-o ilmiee mul they will ho iuot iiiti'ic-tiin to nil win eitjov the model n ilnueiut:. DIED I Word linn been reculved of th death of Dr M .S. llurgess nt Wno W. V. Dr. UurgQss Is iv foriuor real dent of Modfoul wheie ho has u bout of friends, lie won u montber of thi local .Masonic lodge. Baldy Breezerb Calendar Don't forget to ro to the Pae Fri day S p. in. Rooevelt school entertainment. Died, at his late residence In Knglo l.'olnt, llfouiber Hrd, Lludsoy (llvnn, ugod SS yars. Natlyo of Imlluun. lie wns ninrrloil to MiirHui l.lppard No 17th, IS.:"", ami Umes five chil dren lo mourn 1i1h loss, Mnr. It. Car- ..... .f Vl.l..,. VII.,.. Otnltll lli.lii. Wl Ul .imituiiut tilMU iniimi, ...r.,i- . brook, mt., May .Morrlun or tori .lotiex, (Iriu'i! Mollo, ,Foit Jones, Mill' nl tiUnu of Engtu Point and Calvin (!li :ui. Lewlston. Cut., and George A., (ihsu or EhkIo Point. Funeral ser vlecs will In hold at theInto rosl-i deuce Silturdav. Deeomber .th at 10 n. in. Rev. Simmons officiating. In. termmit In Central Point ceniDteo. ) , ) ni37' U Portland Livestock I'tll.'TLANMl, Dee. !. futile. ie- eeipt- I ."ill; Meudv. Hog- Keeeipt- I 'JO I. 10e lower. I'nnio Imht, ?(i.S0 to ?tl.Ml(n 7.00; medium, -il.."0(u li.7." ; -mootli Iti'itx,, -ll.'J.'iii'ti. 10, louah liex, -(U" li.l'i. Sheep lieioipl-i 110. -teadx-. ARROW COLLARS WHITBY, ATLANTA, l'i in. high 2H in. high Nj EW styles first' introduced in the Ar row Line in London. Particlarly adaptable for wear with pleated and soft shirts. 2 for 25 cts. CLUETT. PEABODY 6- CO. Inc.. JS$ Mlrri of Arrow Shim TROY. N. Y. "RICH AND POOR TRAVEL THE SAME ROAD TO HEAVEN AND TRUTH AND HONESTY ARE THE ONLY PASSPORTS." Oregon Cashmere Suits $11.75 MeuV OroKou Catduuoro Sultn, In Bruin, browiiH and mlxtuiot ,ioKUlar ly priced everywhere at 115 0 now J 1 1 75. Anothar lot of Worxtedrt and Caih meres equally an Reed Milium to clone at $ti.7R. Our hlch Krndu "IIIkIi Art" lino of mou'K fine hand tailored nultn cut from ItS.OO mid $20.00 to fit '.'.' and IK.'.T. per milt. The Wardrobe 1 S, llr.imlon, .ItiiniiKor I'r'-I'I n ' iu ' nm I4ATK I'DII KKNT Hlx room iiimloni lun Cttlf-w. cIoku Iu fine uhiuUt, rnnm M. r t T f T T v ? r t ? T r y y y y y y y y y T y x y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y T '"""' THE GREATEST of all SALES Tailored Suits, Coats and Trimmed Hats One-Half Price "T J 1 t J LJ n ,UU1 uiiicsiiicieu uiuiuu ui our entire stock of Tailored Ciilfo cmA oil Pn-i-o nil- d2A 1133 ou"' a,,u a" waw a: ju I jinrJ nvpr pvorv Trimmpfl Hat at exactly ONE-HALF PRICE $47.50 Tailored Suits and Coat3 $23.75 $45.00 Tailored Suits and Coats $22.50 $35.00 Tailored Suits and Coats $17.50 $30.00 Tailored Suit3 and Coats $15.00 $25.00 Tailored Suits and Coats $12.50 $29.50, $27.50 and $25.00 Coats $15.00 Others Coats at $7.95, $9.85 and $11.05 Wool and Silk Dresses $6.95 Oik full viwk of Drosses in serges, ratines, velvet .oinhiimtion, taffeta .silk, niessaline and poplins, not a dress on the rack that is worth less than $12.30 up to 0.00 sale price at , $0.95 Un trimmed Shapes Reduced One-Fourth, Ono-Half and moro. Alany of the season's best shapes to choose from iu velvets, vel ours, hatter's plush, as low as $1.19, $1.98 up. Children's Hals, values to $.'1.50, now only 98 One full table of Children's Hats in plush and felt, black and colors.. ..98 t r y t r r ? WOOL WAISTS $1.00 One full table of Wool Waists in mohair, nun's veiling, plaids and stripe vorsted, also an assort ment of piques mid dam ask, actual values to $."i.75, sale price ..$1.00 Do your Xmas Shopping here. Ihiy useful gifts, always most appreciat ed, and gel them at money - saving prices. Your choice from our complete line of Ifui'H at rcdiiclioiiH 10 to -10. WASH DRESSES and KOVER-ALL APRONS Specially Priced $2.25 Wash Dresses for ..$1.89 $1.50 Wash Dresses, . for $1.19 Kover-All Aprons at !, 591 uii(lG!Jt. Gotham Gold Stripe Silk Host! $hiiil$l,M) -ra S Cloves, All Qualities Ami Prices y t v Y y "i y v y y y y y y V y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 4. y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y .. '1Wfc!lkK i WW ?m: WE'RE SPECIALISTS AT SHOEING CHILDREN Wn'vo iiiuiUi It a Htmly mul wo nut onh liiivc tlin rtKlit noit of nluiuH, lilit wo iv Hint I'Vory llttli riiol In ('oiii'iii'lulil,! mul niriocllv ilitiul. Nil lllMlllllllllimMllH wliim Ini) in our Imllmmotiililu ()xiU) nii.l 'l'cl-'rll'rii or our ulill-lH'ii mill liovn' mIiihw, No nlrn l()Uir tllllll OIII'M Wllllll tllH lMIrt Hid llrl 1X0(1(1, J2efVfi "Gooa w HCJ .S Sio- Sloro BAGLEY'S APPLE JUICE A iM'tttlhfut liotiuliolil lict't'ii ,(', '.iti'iiili'((l mitt )ut up In winl tary f.iiiH ij new jinuom Mimi1h(I fii-o fioni n riw Clmxr luilo Jillco fioin toiliiil i It un iiiM'l ll'iv It h I ln (Mhi nr ran; ul na n B(t mul .ii "li. A drink for nil llr 'nimh an- mnntli In th'i ivnt. BAGLEY'S APPLE BUTTER llns iirlt, ritiMirmiil iirlto to roroininriiit It for our imr h mhi X'lih'iit, tiiHt., cililo lU'llrii'). Ak 'our kiou'T. THE BAGLKY CANNING CO. T.l.i:.ST, OKKtfO.V. Poultry Wanted PATRONIZE A HOME INDUSTRY Where you can got the highest market ciish prices for Poultry of all kinds and for any qiinn- il'.j j. I days in the week. Medford Poultry & Egg Co. Phone 583 The Money Raising Sale Is still uoiiitf mi at Diamond's .Ievelr Stme 20- TO 33s SAVED ON EVERYTHING WATCHES AT COST 2.V(' off on our lare and complete line of Cut (I lass. Rogers' 18-17 Knives and Forks . $3.85 J. W. DIAMOND I Of) HAST .I A IX We call attention to BARRINGTON HALL COFFEE The steel-cut granules of Harrington Hull Coffee yield I heir flavor evenly and then settle like clean sand al (ho hoi toil) of the pol, The result is a cup of Coffee singularly pure and delicious. Marriuglou Hall comes iu one'' and two-pound (ins, MARSH & BENNETT Hecoinl door ciihI of .'ml Nat, fUiijlf. l'hoiic'jr2 N A St