Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 04, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    707 Secroitt Siren
Medford Mail Tribune
t'nnelHctl, probably i-Ih
.Mux. If); Jllii. 27.
HP"- y
Korlvrmirlh Vntr
flnllv Ninth Your
Central News Dispatch Says Great
Numlitrs of Prisoners Drought Into
Lwlz Flhlliiilri Poland Docs Not
Check Russian. Operations Aunlnst
Ciarnw and Silesia.
LONDON, Doc. I. f.::i2 p. til In a
illniioli from I'otrncrud (tut cones
pointful (if Hid Central News says:
"Tho lutt In of Lodr. has ended In
initrtKHi fur Hut ItiiHHliiu troops, III'
tonllHg' to Hi" I In ii rim (layette, which
adds Hint groat iiiinihora of Herman
piUoui'ra, caution mill iiuii'liliiit t;nni
are lining brought Into I.01U "
Docs Nut Slop lliisKlmiH
LONDON. )m. I Tim fighting
III HuhkIuii I'oIhihI, In tho opinion of
llrli txli observers, itiitnr to bao In
hum Iniil no effect on I ho l(iftiiiii
iiii'iNtlinm iiKrtliiHt (,'rnenw, to Mop
wlili li hn botui tint intiln objed of
tlni Hermann. In tin) pohhchhIimi of
holnhU wit hln threw or four inllcii of
Hip oiili'r fortn of tho former ruiltul
of I'oliuiil, tint Itiisidnus appear to
hao tlic Cracow fortnmn tit their
morey. Tho ory fact Unit tho Man
I'ovltiMi havo boon able to got to f ncli
cIdmh ipinrtorn Hcctnu to Indicate Hint
tlm kiiiik nf Cracow aro tint mi for
mlduhlo nn linn boon cominonl)' ro
porlcil, If this rlty falls. It Ih anticipated
Hint It mII huto an Immediate ef
fort on Hio campaign In Poland, It
being iirKiitnl Hint tho Hermann
would ho limn forced to double back
to Htoin tho Invasion of Hllosla which
would Iil tlit Jiumodlato ciiicl to tint
IttiMlau captnro of Cnirow".
Now llulllo Hotting
HttriiiNtiy In reported lo havo
suind tint offmiHlvo In Poland.
t li on Kit authenticated reports
Al. pie-
tilled tho Munition only In agnont
oiilllno. It wiih tipparout Hint tho
Ooriimnn, who only a fow dnyti ago,
wore flKhtltiR desperately to avoid n
ouhtmlloiis defeat, aro now renewing
tltolr offortii to swoop hack tho enemy
A urw halllo Iimn deM'loped Kouthwont
of sut, where tho (iernmiiH havo
formed another lino iiml aro iikiiIii
tittmiiptlnx to ii)ito tho ltundan ecu.
tor. Tho force of Kmpuror Willlain
IhtiH aro oirattiiK nt a comparatlvo
advantat;o at tho hiKlnnluK of tholr
third nmtmtlt. Tholr firm IiiviihIoii or
I'olaud, Mlileli took thoni almoKt to
Wjirmiw, wiih followi'd hy a retreat
to (leriiinu territory. Tho heroud
inovoiuenl wan checked near I.udz,
hilt on HiIh Oceanian (hoy nuccoeded
In holdliiK their main pntiHInmi, ho
that now tho attempt at a forward
moti'iiicut h Initiated hy forcoH al
remb firmly fixed on UumkIiiii mill.
SAI.I'.M, Or., Dee. !.- I'roiiiitiiii'inir
(leoi! X. Fntiin, n Portlauil altor
ne.v, nnil tint1 nl' tin repulilii'mi fundi
iliiles I'o i" nllotney nenertil nt tlio IiihI
iiiiiiiiry oleelion, Riiillv f willful tlo
ooil mill iniMitnntluol, the Oregon hu
ircino coiiit toiliiy tlihliaireil him
J'l'om praotico in nil Oreuou courlH.
, AiiuoHlin lo cliutnert irefened
,nj,'uiiiHt Kanin, ho enlleeteil $100
.from llio W'eyeihnetiHer l.anil eom-nnj-
for Ah in and .1. Smith of
Mui'Mlil'iclil, Or., hy iiiilorHlii- their
llllUICH lo l'lle(.'l(H Wiillllllt tlu'll' I.UOWl-
WASHINGTON, Dee. I.-Tlm of.
lino of illieclor of Mm rcohimulloii
Hlirvlmt will ho abolished Dccciuhcr 10.
Tho nl'limt of illieclor mill chief ell-1-hH'iir
will ho iioiikolhlalcil wllh Clilcf
JiiHlucci' A. ! I'iiUh hi 1'hiii'Ki'' !"
iciiloi I''. II. Nivv tll will hcriiiiiD con
NllllliiK Kiiuiui'or, A nc v nl licit, Hiicf
of iiiilinliiiellim, will hn lillcil hy Ihi
npjinliiliiH nl of Jl Willininniii, mi 'ii
fiinir pioiiiHiuil in hiiihluiu Ihc I'u
l llll: lllt'vlOII of till i'llllllHHI llllllll
KANKAK (MTV, .Mo., Dee. I.
Win I, inrii began twluy to
I'm in n new mouth fur Hit' Kim
wis nvrr. Si'Si'ii iii'H'h of t'liilh,
llMl lllliiVi the Witter level, in In
In- icllinH'd mii tlml when tin'.
IIM'I' risen again It will flow
into tin1 Missouri through n
ehnnni'l iiImhihI H0I1 Ci'i'i wiilc,
unit will not moot tli hirgei
slioiini nt light angina. Tim
purpose ii' IIik ohitngo in to pie-
"'III llllOll.
WArilMNOTOV, lice. !. Aio-lro-llti'iKitrimi
hiiece-m'i nloiiK tin t'litiro
line in Sen in, which luixe driven the
Setlm from the liiinkx of the Caluliarn
rier, anil it mii'cohhI'uI hoiIio from
(he forlrch of Premynl were re
ported in Vicnnii iiffioinl i1iimtehc
today lo the Autro-lluucariaii cm
liiiHiy. The dispaleli Hitid: "In Ser
via llio tinny rcliii nil of iU forer
on the tiver Cnliiliam ami hjidii, af
tor n iiionI iloitinato filit on the
whole lint, was licateii. Tho enemy
retired with coiiiilornli!o Iokhch.
"Since the bi'inuiii" of lunt offen
nio we have eaplnrcil 1(1,000, The
front in went (laliein ami HusMiui
I'olatiil wjih generally quiet yehtenlay.
On the I'ioiiI I ie fore 1'reinyHl (hu en
emy, toiiM; to iipproaeh from tho
north oft llio foilreKi, was icpulM-il
hy n eouuter attnel; of the HnrriHiin.
"Coiiituanilerh of tho filth ntmy
Hi'iit the empeinr a Icloguini of limn
iic, iiuiioiiueiiiir tho oeoupatiiin of
lleltMnde li the Au-tio-lliinnarian
troops An attack of the Kiihsiuiih W'llhrou was repuNcil. Other
wio relatiM' calm."
Ni:V YOIIK, Dee I - Moro than
100 idckpocketN, unalilo to mako n
llvliiK hy following their vocation,
havo turned temporarily honcHt with
in tho piiKt two moutliK ami havo
Hiiuuht work, nccordlm; to recordH
miido puhltr today hy tho department
of roriei'tlon.
"Old Hmo pIckpocketH tell iih,"
Haiti Deputy CommlHHiouur I.owIh,
"that hy rlflliiK GO or CO pocketii n
tiny they can mako only Stri or so a
week. They lined to ho ahlo to retire
for a month after pIckliiK halt a dozen
pockvlH, FoIkH haven't boon carry
Iiik money In tholr clothttH recently.
"Home of tho pickpockets havo
turned kiiuiiioii. This may account
In part for tho no-called crtmo wavo.
IT tho Hltuatlon coutlutioR, nil tho
pIckpocketH In tho city unmanly will
Ko out of IiuhIuchh."
NACO, Ail., Dec. I, SulpoiH In
tho tienchcH of tho Mexican combat
antH aeriiBrt tho lutornntlnnal lino
fired neroHH tho lluo Into American
territory lust ulKht and today, lillllnu
n M ox lea n and wdiiutlluK an American
Holdlcr, Tho man killed, wiih Antonio
llriii'omniiteo, u (ouniMor tilmt
IhioiiKli llio heart whllo at woik In
float of llio 1'nltcil Htaloii pout offlco
hopi. I'rlvato John .Miller, of tho
Tenth cuwilry, wiih nhot In tho HilKh
while n camp.
.Miller In llio Hlh Mil.llcr lo bit hit
by Mexican IhiIIoIm, Kltshlimu Amur
luitiiM mill '4U Mt-khuiiH on hU Hliln or
tlm bonier liu to been killed ur
Wiilllldeil dliiitt I bo riUllllllH Hi Nino,
riuiinia, bcKuu,
Vivid Description of Flanders Battle
Line Hundreds of Thousands of
Dclllfjctcnts Concealed Within Sight
of Each Other Reserves and Cav
alry Ready for Dash at Signal.
1'I.ANDKIIS, Dee. I, in IriH.
A lo tho 1 1 ouches of the Kieneh
in I'liindei-M li it 'ii tcMiiiiiiiNiit of the
AsHoeialeil J'iohh miller the iiiispieoN
ol the I reiit'h ueneiiil hImIT, ix lieie
SlmiiliiiK in tin1 Nhellor of u won-
tli'il'ullv inuenioiiH ami il iluu
lii'iicli on what iimlouhli'illv is the
IiIooiIiohI haltle liclil in I'moiieaii h'n
tol' the tlml ami ino-t milahle im
pri'Miou of an uliorvor in one of til
ler Hiirpiino nt the nlHenee of move
uit'iit ami Hie Inel; of noise. Within
one's raiio of iion, with n hIpum:
held yii-M then1 mo iiioliahlv eon
eealcil 1(10,(1(111 mill, et exeenl for
the few l'lmifh Holilien with nllcx m
their lintnK hlandiuir or knecliin; in
the immeihulo ieinitv ami keenly
peering over the Hat hunt toward the
ponitioiiH known to he held hy the
Herman, no human picxfiicc was no
ticeable. Midden I'ioiiI Sluht
A htaff officer supplieil the infor
mation that hchiml n xlicht slope
some .'100 ynids uwnv many (leiinan
HiiiiH were hidden from sijjlit, hut only
mi oeeasionul burst of JlanieH and a
Mharp whirring hoiiihI eomin; from
un imlefinito point told of the pies
once of this uitillery.
A Iittlo forcKt to the loft is believ
ed to he bristling with machine kuiih, infantry in rifle pith mid
covered IrcnehcK, I lie approach to
HiCM' positions Iiiih been made ulmot
impossible from the standpoint of un
infantry atlncl; by barbed wire eu
tnuKleiueutH nlrewii with brush and
branches- of tree.
HoM'rws In ItcaiUucss
Hchiml the advanced line of the nl
liei, which thus fur haw Mieeoedod in
hohlinj' hack the strong l'orwnnl
movements of the (leniiau troops, nro
Inrge hinlicK of fresh reserves, ready
to pvo their help iu stopp'mg any nt
tempted nish of the (ioniums for tho
channel ports.
Troops of cavalrymen stand at tho
bonds of their charges iu ncixhborinj;
villages, icndv to jump into tho sad
dle nt u moment's call. Other cav
alry rcRitnenlH, owing to tho small
extent to which horsemen may be
used iu thin burrowing campaign,
havo been supplied with rifle.s ami
bayonets ami nro Inking their turn
in tho trenches. In many instances
they have proved their vorsatilito anil
displayed great iIiihIi. The nrtillery
inen, who often hnvo sufl'cicd soven
ly from tho destructive tiro of shell
nnil shrapnel, have learned to seek
proper covert und .conceal their po
sitinuH ko that hostile airmen raicly
can discern them.
Cl.KVKLAN'l), O.. Dee. 1. -All no-
gotiutionH townrd n Kcttlcmcnt of tho
eonl minors striko iu eastern Ohio
whoro 15,000 men havo been out since
April h wero broken off todny when
tho joint ctinfetvnco of minors and
operators adjourned without having
ronchiNl u settlement of tho wago dis.
XHW VOIHC, Dee. t Governor
Kloct Charles H, Whitman, It wiih
reported today bail offered tho ponl
Hun of district attorney of tho county,
which ho vacates nox tmoulli to be
couiti kuv oritur, to (lenrKo W. Wicker
hIiiiiii, formor ulturiiey Kenernl at tho
HiiIIihI rltuioH Mr. Wlckornhain Is
now oiiMUHod In private praellco, n
piirliior nf IIoiid W Tafl. Ilo U
know n In havo u lieon lnteic In pub.
Hu sen liu und K Is ai ho would Hkp
In Hcrt'id Hm ilUlilit ulloinulilii If
imiliiiiiliKKrouiiii'iilnhiwei)ii iiii.I,M tho mini-of liu uiIh U un
jeelf mid Mr Tall iuud hu vuwd,
Berlin Reports French Assaults in
Flanders RepulsedAdvance in
Alsace Also Beaten Back French
Official Statement Makes No Ref
erence, But Reports Quiet.
LONDON, Den. t -Tho flmt offl
rlnl word to Indicate that tho predict
ed arxuult of tint nlllen on tho flcr-
iiiiiii lliit'H In IIoIkIuui mny havo ho-
Klin came today. Tho Herman war
offlco statement h.ik that the
French havo made repeated attacks
In I'lnnilerx. wlllch wero iopiili;d.
This brief reference doen not nmko
11 clear how extensive Hie movement
Ih. For several day It has "been re
ported unofficially that the allien had
determined on on assault which
would lo one of tho greatest
KtniKi'.'fM of tho war, with the object
of breaking tho German lluo In the
northwest anil If ponslhlo forcing a
general retreat.
In Alnaee, too the French apparent
ly havo mndo a now attack. The
Herman roportH that an attempted ad
vance northwest of Altklrch, upper
Alnaee, wan beaten hack with consid
erable Ioihch for the French.
Farln and Ixindon are curlounly
concerned an to there reports. An
related In dlpatclicn from those cit
ies, no events of great Importance arc
untley way .
It appears lo ho established that In
recent artillery duels the allies have
found tholr licavygunn capable of
overbearing Him nrtlllery of the
enemy. This bus been emphasized
In many of tho re&.a dispatches of
(ienoral Joffrc. commander in chief
nt I Iu, I'rennh fnri'en. I
Tho official statement given out
today In Farls makes no reference to
French attacks In Delctum or Alsace.
It said that Herman Infantry assaults
In IIcIkIuiii and the- Argonne went
repulsed and that there was uothlnR
to report In Alsace,
XHW YORK, Dee. I. Tho plea in
abatement, made by William Rocke
feller nnil seven others of the twenty
one directors and fonner directors of
(ho New Haven railroad to indict
ments charging them with criminal
violation of the law, havo been dis
missed nml pleas' of not guilty were
entered instead todnv.
In addition to Sir. Rockefeller,
Robert W. Tuft, nml Charles F.
Mrooker, Frederick R Ilrewster, 1).
Newton Harney, Henry 1. Meltarg,
A. lleatou Robertson and James S.
Ilciinngwuy, weio tho defendants who
entered pleas of not guiltv.
The new pleadings wero made nec
essary by the dismissal of the pleas
in nbutemeiit, which contended that
tho indictments were improperly
William Skinner, James S. Kllon
and George 1 Maker entered pleas of
immunity, on the ground that they
had testified lieforo tho iuteistuto
commerce commission at Washing
ton. Tluve pleas and tho ones al
ready filed bv John R. Ilillnrd, K. 1).
Robbius und T. Hewitt Cyler will be
argued before Jutlgo Rudkin on Mon
NIJW YORK, Dec, i. -An luvolun.
tury petition In bankruptcy wiih filed
this afternoon uKutust tlm I.leblor
company, theatrical producer, by
Hurry Asliln of ('IiIuiku nml two other
credlloiH or llil rliy, Tlm pellllnii
t'llinulen llio firm' llublllllt' ut
uppriuliimleiv MDO.Oon nd nlutn
Telegram From John D., Jr., Intro
duced at Probe of Colorado Strike
Urged as Stockholder That Rec
ognition of Union Be Withheld in
Strike Settlement.
IIKNVKII, Colo., Dee. !. John R.
I.iiwsoti, Colorado member of the ex
ecutive committee of the United
.Mine Workers of Amotion, announced
todnv that John Mel.ennaii, president
of District No. l"i, who has been
summoned as n witties before the in
dustrial relations eo-,u liltee, would
introduce a telegram from John I,
Rockefeller, Jr., civil" minute in
structions legurding the eomluct of
tho ojterators toward Hie eoal miners'
strike. The tclegrnm follow-.:
"New York. Anril :, 1914. J. F.
Wellborn, L. M. Rowers, Coolmdo
Fuel Si lion Coinoany, Boston build
ing. Denver, Colo.
"Referring to uiv telejjrnm of this
morning, repenting telegrams to and
from Dr. Foster, the letter of Oovor
nor Amnions of November '17 to the
operators and miners shows that nt
Hint time the only obstncle to n set
tlement wits recognition of the union.
He then smrgostcd n solution cover
ing nil iHiints except recognition, and
the operntors accepted his sugges
tion invited their einnloees who hud
not been guiltv of disorder nml other
unlawful nets to return on the terms
mentioned bv him, nml nssurcd him
nml tbeir former cmuloves that they
would conform in ood faith to all of
his suggestions.
John V. Jr.'s Instnictloiw
"It seems to us that the operators
should call Dr. Foster's attention to
tlic-o facts and reiterate their will
ingness to accent this settlement. Hy
so doing, they will place themselves
in n very stronc jMiMtinn before the
public iu that it would be evident that
nil disorder since November '27 has
boon duo to the refusal of the union
to ncccpt the settlement which was
then proposed b" the governor nnd
accented by tho overntors. but re
jected by the miners. Unless, in the
meantime, there has been nn impor
tant change in the situation, ns stock
holders nnd directors we stronaly
urce that the oiwrntors make reply to
Dr. Foster nlon these lines. (Signed)
100 Oltiurds In Militia
Former United States Senator
Thomas SL Patterson, resuming his
testimony, declared that "tome 400
mine guards have been recruited into
the reorganized stnte militia since the
federal troons entered the Colorado
strike field."
Ho expressed the opinion that
should the federal troops bo recalled
nnil tho militia re-entered tho field,
"il would bo a jreat blot on tho
Sir. Patterson said, "Srr. Osgood
(of tho Victor-American Fuel com
pany) would block any attempt nt
federal mediation."
"Would tho United State; then ho
justified in taking over the prop
ertyf" asked Commissioner Slein
slock. "Yes, I think il would," said Pat
terson. No Attempt to Ann
John SrcLennan, president of dis
trict No. 15, United Mine Workers of
America, and of tho Colorado State
(Continued on Page Four)
XHW YOltK, Dec. I A report
that tho Herman cruUor KarUritho
bad left South Amorlcnn waters and
was cruUliiK near tho Bteamsblp lanu
In the North Atlantic, on a bunt for
ships fl)IUK flans of Hio alllo. was
hrounlit horo by officers of tho
Mourner .ueupu In today from Ja
maica. On Tiiemlny of lust week,
whllo off Port Antonio, Jumalru, the
offlreis sultl, (hi) wireless oporulur
uf tho '.ueupa iccelvcd u liumano
fioiii llio stmiiiihlp lluimn of Hm
HHimt line. ronlaliiliiK Ihu liifoinulloii
Hint Hm KMilniuhe, lioiunl iiorlli, bod
Irtit'U nfilhUiI,
f MHH -
HORDKAl'X, via Paris, De
cember 4, 4 p. in. The .'100,000
youths of eighteen years iu
France, who nonnnlly would be
gin service iu the nnuv in Oeto-
ber of lf)i.",, are bv government "
fll'pri'ft tft lin .ntlfift In
thcmsclvcH for examination be
ginning December 120, Their
military training jiroliab'" will
begin next .March.
ll T Mf
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. -Official
advices of the proclamation by Tur
key of n holy war ngninst Smiu nnd
her allies were received at the stnto
department today from .Minister Vo-
pieka at Huchnrest, Roumnniu, who
received his information from the
Servian minister in the Roumanian
capital. The Servian government has
announced that nil treaties between
Turkey nnd Servia are inoperative.
Ambassador Srorgcnthnu nt Con
stantinople reported unrest nmong
foreigners in Turkev and the expul
sion of about 100 French nationals
from the interior country. The refu
gees are now reassembled nt Heinit,
Trcbion and Smyrna, without means,
but will be nitled by the American dip
lomatic mid consular offices. Sir.
Slorgcntliuu added Hint other French
refugees were arriving nt tboe three
cities thinly mid from that, state de
partment officials infer that a gen
eral expulsion of tho French has been
undertaken. Sir. Srorgcntbnu's dis
patch did not mention like action
against nationals of other belliger
LONDON, Dec. 4, 4:12 p. m.
Scores of employes of the Drapers
Chamber of Commerce are engaged
today in unpacking and iu arranging
for distribution the consignment of
toys, clothing and sweets sent hy the
population of the United States to
the orphaned children of Hritish nnd
Helginu soldiers. These are tho gifts
that came over on the United Stales
collier Jason.
The government board is tho ens
todian of that portion of tho Jason's
cargo assigned to England and Bel
gium. Tho nclunl work of unloading nnd
shipping tho gifts was undertaken hy
the Hrapers' society. Already tho
gifts for Hclgian children still in Pel.
piuni havo been turned over to the
American relief committee, which is
pending them from over tho canals
leading from Holland into Hclgium.
Orent quantities of fruit and jam aro
included in these gifts. A large sup
ply of peanuts forms n part of this
Christmas offering from America nnd
will bo a pleasant surpriso to the
Hritish and Helginu children. Peanuts
nro comparatively raro in Kuropo.
A largo consignment will bo sent to
each town of 'J0,000 people.
LONDON, Dee. I, 7.V"! n in. A
dikpnlch lo ihc Cciitnil News from
Hriliu iiy that according lo mi of.
Iloinl niiiioiiiii'i'iiicul u number of
Iniiinpiul, oHtioiU'd hy llriluh and
I'leiieh wiihlin, huso touched Anil
vail, Hn M'lu ki'upoit of Slonleiii'Kio.
Tlm Autumn chip iliilHiig Him
t'mil (in mild In hunt H'uii'd beiuH
tllW HI.U'jmvi.
NO. 2 in
ip'i fffitm'itt t
mm owl
Table Rock Orchardlst Elected Presi
dent of State Horticulturists
Uniform Inspection Laws Acted
Upon Powers Discuss Irrigation
Practice Finish This Afternoon.
Colonel It. C. Washburn of Tablo
Rock wan unanimously elected presi
dent of tho Oregon State Horticult
ural society at tho cloning sesMon thin
afternoon of tho 29th annual con
vention. Tho honor Is a tribute to
tho Importance of tho Uoruo river
valley as n fruit district, ami a per
sonal honor to Colonel Washburn for
bin efforts nn chairman of the pr cli
ent convention. Last year tho presi
dency was bestowed upon C. K. Whls
ler of this city, whoso bunlnesa In
terests compelled his leaving before
tin term was started. Three trus
tees, a secretary nnd a meeting plnco
for next year will bo decided upon
this afternoon.
Deforo adjournment this afternoon
the convention will voto upon the
uniform horticultural law for Oregon,
Washington and California, which
has been under consideration. A
committee report on Its acceptance
will be read, and tho matter definite
ly decided. There in llttlo opposl
tldn to the bill, though several
changes will be recommended by the
committee, Including homo rulo In
tho matter of selecting county Inspec
tors. Tho committee on resolutions
filed resolutions thanking Governor
Hiram Johnson of California for per
mitting State Horticultural Commis
sion A. J. Cook to bo at the meeting,
thanking tho press of Medford and
tho state for the publicity given hor
ticultural matters, thanking tho civic
organizations of this city for their
labors in making the convention a
success, and tho committee on ar
rangements and Mrs. W. F. Isaacs,
Mrs. Bert Anderson, and Mrs. "Wilson
for Instrumental and reading num
bers. Tho morning session was devoted
to an address by Prof. W. L. Powers
of tho O. A. C. on "Irrigation Prac
tise," a particularly Interesting sub
ject to this valley at this time, and
nn address by R. D. Haortzcl, direc
tor of tho extension department of the
stato college
The convention from tho standpoint
of interest and attendance has been
tho most successful In tho history of
the horticultural society.
Most of the delegates will leavo on
tho evening trains for tho north,
BERGEN, Norway, Dec. 4, via
London, 2:20 p. m. Tho North Ger
man Lloyd liner Prlnz Frederick
Wilholm, which has boon lying in
this port for some time, drifted
ashoro In a gale today. She Is now
fast on a sand bank.
Tho Prlnz Frlodorlch Wllhelm, a
vessel of DS 10 tons was engaged be
fore tho war In tho regular service
of the North German Lloyd lino, be
tween. Bremen and New York. After
the outbreak of hostilities she was
uuablo to mako a German port and
has boon at Bergen and the neighbor
ing port of Odde.
LONDON, Dee. I, 7:W a. w, Tl
egriiphing from Cwire, Xgyd, the eer
respondent of Rwtftr'n TIffrM
company Hiiy IlrilWi lriih,w kvi
been milking ciHtHt ffiH IftMy
over Ihu KihiiI hIhH'1 mh4 fkt
I hern 1m do h'kb of ik mmft
Tlm lk4HJM wl 4M a M
lie) a forHl(U m, Hut mtmmmA
vhI 'oHh, iwlr4 m MWMp4
JMW Jmi MM iM jff