Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 03, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I- ' ..7.
Mudford, On-,, I)(ic. 'i, toil.
To tint Ihlltor.
Ihilow i(nH(t find ropy of it wrltn
up t tin 1 will nppcur In Hi" iKitt mil
lion of (lio I'nunmu I'nclflo l'xnsl
tloti Fact Hook,
Inasmuch, mi tlm npitcit was limited
to onn nml iiic-luiir Innlii's, (IiIh roiilil
nnt Ixi Haborntvd upon as w ulioiilii
llkiul to liuvo Imil II, nml Urn lusor-
t Id n oT sanii' In thin iiuhllrutluii wiih
liroiiulit iilioiit iluoiii'.li Mm Hfforts of
Mr, (loo. 12, llooti, tti'crtittiry of Mm
Trl-Blatn (looil Itomlit association,
Hiipportcil li)' tlm offlcrs of tliln com
puny, l liuvliu; coino to our uollro
t lint thU locality wan not Ih'Iiik kIvoii
tlm propor ri'pri'siuitaMon In thin nub.
llntMon, nml I would bo Kind to linvo
jou initio) intuition of sanm In sumo of
oiir current Issui-s,
Ia iu not oilook mi opportunity
to brliiK I hi fore Hut WNllorit of thlit
imposition, nil of tlm wnudurs of
southern Oitiuon,
With klndcnt rt'Kards, I nm,
Yoiim very truly,
Ily II. I,. WAl.TIII.'lt,
Mtinral HuiiiTliitt'iidfiit,
Koultirrti Oti'Kon
TIiomi tritvulliiK tin northern routti
I'ltlitT romlni; or n'turnlnp la I'ort
land, OrvKon, or Ht'attli', Wnshlur.toii,
of tlui HbiMyoiiH, noted for IIh lumlth
Klvlni? niliiitiiil HprliiKH, Ik iiiiiihik tint
iittnictloiiH, Tlui OniKon Cuvch now
uiiilnr tliij National J'nrli Hysliini, mid
rciicliiMl fioin Hio Hoiitliorn Oii'ijon
polutH via (iriinlH I'iihk, 'I'Iicmo ciiviw
mo vliiltml liy iimny nuuliorH of
iiiituro'H wonduis.
Bpurlnl rut oh to all Hicho polutH nrn
offoroil, I'nr particulars iiUiIiohh tlm
Coimiiorclfil clubs of ollhor city.
Kiiii rinli'iiiltiil of Hi-linols ,. Ferny
WiIIh has M'tit nut tlm following to
I In ti'iii'licru of Oregen:
"Tin foiirleenlli niiniiiil m'shIou of
tli wi'Mlern diinloi) of tin- Oregon
Sluli' 'IVimlii'iV utioi'jiiliiiM will riieel
jointly wild Dm riuuuiil Iciirlicru' in
stitute fur l.iiim eoutity at Kuui'iie,
Monthly, I) mlier 12 1 - JIM I, nt 0
oVIock a. in., and will remain in wh
simi for linen iluys. Tlm forenoons
of Mouiluy nml Tuesiluy ainl (lie nf
tri'iioon of W'eilin'Hiluv will lie given
lo general iiHwiiiltly work, ami tlm uf
temooiiK of Mouiliiv nml TtieHilay nml
tlm forenoon of Weilnemlny to ile
imiliuentiil wo 1 1;. Si'shIoum will In
field in tlm t'liiverxity huihliiu'H.
"I'W general iihM'IiiIiIv Work '('
have Heetireil iih tlic iiirieiiial mwiiI.-
i-nt I'ri'rfiilent I'. I. Ilryan of Colgate
univer-ity, Hiiuiiltmi, X. V., and Dr.
('. K. Ituu'li, prnfexxor of eiliieutiou,
I'nivcrtllv of Cnlil'nrnin. Willi Hie
tlioniHelvcH oro itanblo to do no; liutj
(ho altiiinpt Ik I'ltiilnly nmrllorlous
mid -ileditrvfK to he largoly patronized
will coiiin over the KIhUIjou inotin- JMipiiort of thi'si' two leailem of t'llu-
tnliiK. the lioundary of tlm slate of Icntionnl thought finui nutmilf of the
California mid Ori'Kon, over which the
I'aeltle hli;hway Is constructed. The
trip can he iniule by automobile ofor
thU highway with comfort and easo.
TIiIn IiIkIiw ny linn mi eniiy grnilu of
not eXCeiMlhiK mU per cent, mid ttffonlH
tireiiery not nurpuriKed In any country,
Southern Oregon Iiiin wonderful at
UnctloN which are United by tlioun
iiihIh of tourlntm niuoiiK them, the
Crater l.nke In tlm Outer l.nkn Na
tlonnl I'nrk, which linn mi elevation
of oer nix Ibuuitniid feet. Thn Inko
Iiiin h depth of 2000 feel, (lood hotel
nrroiiimodntlonn nre In the park,
KlidilriK mid rowliic on tliU lako Ik
great uport,
Tlm trip Ik niauide from tlm city
of Meilford, OreKon, mm of the nioxt
prnKremiho cltleN on tlm coriHt, with n
population of 12,000 doiiIk, lornted
In thn fmnuta ItoKtui rhvr valley.
Anhlrtntli tlm firm city on the north
Mute, mul with the xplemlul prnetienl
ii"igi(ims nrepireil hv the hemli of
the hi'einl iloparluieutN, we fee) mife
In irninlsing tlic teaelieis of Weleni
Oregon u verv vnluahle henxion.
"It ih euiue-lly lioieil Hint (i r-,
ruiigemeiilM will he rondo in nil Helmut
of weteui Oregon for holiday vaca
tion to eoiiiuieuee Deeemher -1, in ol
der to Kie teiielieiN nil oimortunity lo
atteiul iIiik meeting.
"The iihuiiI leilueei rale-i on (he
eerlifieate iilau will lie grauteil hv
trniixiiurtaliiiii eointiaiiieN to he in ef-
feet for going trip Deeeniher 17, ami
relutuiii" imt later than l)i mher -5,
Hoy Seoul Attention,
Tliero will ho a ineetliiK of all
linyn between thn nRen of 12 and 15 '
wb would like to Join tlm Hoy ScoutH
at tho Armory Crldny evening, Do-,
combor i, at 7:30, 2IS
It Ih Immaterial whether tlm pro
nonunion or tho HwoiIIhIi I'olk-r.nnien
nt tlm Page Thontcr on I'rldny after
noon U duo to tho Irifliienni of Mm
KwedlHh people In tlm valley, tho kooiI
JuilKiimnt of tlm principal of lloorw
volt hcIiooI, or tlm great intririHic
rnorlti) of tlm playn. llollcaiiKo Mm
reproduction of all mich npectnren
ir bound to bring to dayllKlil rioino
fuHhlonlng polntn of ancient culturn
TIiIh Ik trim In regard to all conn
trleM. hut especially trim In rogaril to
tlm folk-gami-K and noriK-gameK of
Hwedeii. In U-auty they rlvul the
(Jreclan i',niim and KiirpaHH them In
vlKor, anil prnctlcnlly outnumber all
tho other Kuropean a muse men In of
Hint kind in their great vnrlatloiiM.
Tlm Itouiidheadfl of KuKland, tlm
I'urltarm In America, the I'letlntH In
(lormany, Mm revolution In French,
mid Mm poltlcal anarchy In Italy
Kwept away many Innocent formn of
nmiiHeiiiontM. Not any of the ra-
lamltlei to art, UHually Mm renult of
faiuitlmit of oim form or auotheer,
lenchcd .Sweden until tlm firm purl
of tlm nineteenth century. Ily that
time practical rationalism had naod
mul codified a larKe iortlon of the
peoHant' plnyw, gatlmred from every
nook and corner of the kingdom. j
Critic have nlnce pronounced MieM;
KauieK ninHter pleren of children's dra-
malic Ingenuity and often adopted
from the occupation of Mm older
peopliL Consequently, the plii)n are'
nut mere niuiiKementH to U laiiKlmd !
toiday afternoon that the project lia
been completed, and that the prewnt
anpllcntlons for, Mm purchavi of
Inndn In ll Indicated that the lauds
would be all sold by HprliiK.
-.,., ,.., SALKM, Or,, Dee. .'(.---Tilt, ofneinl
HAI.KM, Ore,, Dec 3 -Olaf l,niir- , ., ,. . ,,,,,,
,'eount ol the votex euM nt the election, project enlr.eer for Mm Tu- Koxember .'I lor Atale offi.:er nml in
malo Irrigation project, officially ad- itintiir menuies Ihih hren eompleteil
vised the state desert land hoard es- by Keeretnry of Htnte Olrott. The
oflieml vote ns ilevuloned e the final
count follows;
For iepreientntiv in corigrenK,
fint ilinlriet f'urlii I'. (Vie, K)(flr;
W. ('. Huwley, fil.'JIIfl; Frederick Hoi-
linler. .T'liMfli Fred W. MenrM. l7;il
"There are 22.50 acren of Irrl-jW-. 8. HirlmriN, T-llfi.
Kithle lands In the project" said Kngl- I F)r r,.l)reH(.n,ntivt. in vonl!r,.HHl flre.
ncer LaurKaard In announcing Mial((m ,hlril.t-.(ienrjlP L. conv,.r, Ifi,.
tlm work had been completed, "and ,(!8:). Hnm Kvn ,., N- j .,.
C000 acres hrvn been contracted for. 0jj .j j-
Tlm balaiic has b.-en thrown open for j ,.,:' 'rt.p,',.hentiitive in congress
entry by the board, and I have rcjllir1 (,lMril.,A. K n o)( j,.,cn7.
celved between &00 and COO Inquiries A w Uttertv 10(,j,0. r N. ,M(.Ar.
from prospective settlers. Most of ! .,,, fl3fl Art,lr , M1t0 ---
them Indicate thot they Intend to i . , i,,.,:.- .moi
For I'niteil .Stales senator in con
greis. A. llonlli, 88,'J(7; (leorge
H. Cluimherluin, 111,718; William
Ilnnley, 'J(J,2'J0; H. F. Hnnip, 10,fi(!fl;
II. K. Stine, 8010.
I'or governor F. M. Oill, 0120; W.
i:. Purily, l.-.l.-; C. J. Smith, IM.GIM;
W. .1. Smitli, 1131; W. S. l"en, 10,
I'.l.'l; .Inmert Withyeomhe, ll!l,():i".
For Mnte treasurer- Thotnus 11.
Kay, i:i2,'J.ri'J; II. Lee I'aget, 7.),0.'il;
. J. Sloop, 18,121.
For jus iee of the supremo court
Henry J. Mean, 128,.r74: Henry L.
(Henson, 12.',100; Lawrence T. Harris,
,113,170; Thomas A. Mcllride, HU,
257; T. II. Crawford, 61,007; William
lOnllnwny, 7(l.:i()8; Wllirim Jl. Knm-
.ey, f,(i.882; W. T. Sinter, I7,:i91; C.
Inttantly Cloari Air l'aic You
Urestlie Frrely, Nstty Uucharza
Slop!, Head Coldl and Dull Head
ache Vanlth,
vUlt the project with tlm view of ac
quiring tlm lands In the sprlriK. and
I expect n rush for the lands then.
The lands are being sold In 40-acre
tracts nt HO an acre. One-tenth of
this must be paid down, and Mm
balance can he paid In 10 Install
Incuts. Interest ut thn rate of C per
cent will be exacted on these Installments.
Get n stnnll Isiltlo nnruny, Juit to
try It Apply n III tit tu the nostrils
mid Instantly your eloggl nose mid
Moppcihup air possnKcs of tho licittl
will open; you will brentlie freely;
ilUlltitsH and heudnche dlipK-ar. Ily
niornliiKS the nitnrrli, cold-lii-head
or cntarrhnl sote throat will begone.
Kml hikIi misery now! Get the
stna'l bottle of "l"v's Crrnm llnlru"
nt miy drug store. This sweet,
fragrant htilm die Pes by the heat
of the nostrils; terie(rntc nml hcal.M
tho lullaiiied, swollen rneiubriine
which lines tho nose, head nml
throat; clears tho air pn8nu'es;stopM
nasty discharges and n feeling of
ctrnusliig, soothing relief ctimtit lm
lueilhitely Don't lay awnko to-night strus
glliri! for breath, with head stiitTnl;
iioatrlls c'ofcd, hnwUliic and blowlnc.
Catiirrh or n cold, with Its runiitiig
nose, foul mucous dropping Into the
throat, mid raw dryness In distress
ing but truly needle.
Put your faith Jim once In
'Tlj-g crtnin Halrn" nml your cold
or cntarrh will surely ilisappear.
to all progressive business men that payment by check Is
the safe, economic and convenient way to pay.
Your checking account, large or small, is cordially In
nt. as they usually represent a most, WASHINGTON'. Dec 3 - Tlm time jiri(.ht( 4QJ0M. A),(,ison (J ,,.,,
serious condition of n by-gone clvlll-1 Umltntion on the concessional com- i.iss- ih.2011: Charles II. Ottcn. 1(!.-
....... ... ... .. . ' ' r . '
xaiion. imissions or wnicn lormer aenaior -top. j)axj,j K,,monf 8,:t07.
Dr. Otto Salomon, president of Mm Jonathan llourim Is chairman expired i por nttoniev-gencrnl Oeor-gc M.
world fuiiious Industrial tralnlriK 'yesterdny, mid unless tho iwrlod Is ex- ( uroW1( 127,880; J. L. Hirncr, 10,
school nt .Vans, Sweden, claims that tended by congressional action, Sena- ,200; John A. Jeff rev. (Kl,701; William
Mm children nre tho real conrervn- j tor llourne's work for the govern- p. Jril, I." !l:i.
lives of a natien: that when Mm merit In regard to postal and good, Southern Oregon Normal seliou!
grown-up people In Sweden Imported j roads matters Is at an end. When i;iio veSf jj4((m . m no lODjMII.
foreign dnures. Mm joting folks ; congress convenes next Monday, Jler'iii"-of citie. 311 vc 1)0110'
stuck to their beloved folk-games, I Chairman Ilourno will submit a re- 'j,-, no 77,071.
which In morals and artistic beauty 'port on the railway mall pay and on j Prohibition constitutional amend-
lutclnss the modern hoptugs. Jgood roads, which probably will be ment :1!I2 ves, KM S42 .'KI.'I no 100-
It Is not to be expected Mint the made the basis for legislation. Mr';n;'j.-
children In Medford, thousands ot I llourne has served without compen- AboliMiiii" ilcuth iennltv H34 vc,
miles nwny and centurlcn removed nation and has paid his own exenscs , joo ,-,o. ;j;", Il0 100 '.ID.'i.
from the real scene, can properly re- 'during the time occupied by the work
produce tlm spirit of undent Swedish of the commlNslorfon which he has. The sawmill at Loon Lake, Coos
customs, the Swedlsh-Amerlcanis I been chairman. 'county. Is running.
Poultry Wanted
Where you can get the highest
market cash prices for Poultry
of all .kinds and for any quan
tity six dqys in the week.
Medford Poultry & Egg Co.
Phone 583
iHll$lllZZ ,JmmJmJ
The WILL H. WILSON big store will be closed all day tomorrow to ar-
i range the big stock for
The Biggest Price Slashing; Most Sensational Sale Ever Held In Medford
: The big store known all over Southern Oregon and Northern California as
I the cheapest store in the west, the store that does just as it advertises is loaded
with the biggest stock we have ever carried. Everything going, nothing held
I back. All departments will be cut deep.
1000 pairs of Shoes for Men, Women and Children will be ruthlessly slaughtered.
Watch tomorrow's papers for the cheapest shoe prices you have ever heard of, also full de
tails of the big sale.
500 BROOMS SOLD AT I Oc EACH Saturday between ten and eleven o'clock.
Now if you want a ten cent broom, be here at ten sharp.
The big sale will start Saturday, Dec. 5th at 10 a. m. Doors positively closed until that time.
f '