Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 03, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    - uirinW'
Medford Mail Tribune
Kiln tonight nutl tomorrow
Max. 12) Miti, an,
Kortv-fniirth Yr,
Dnllv Ninth Ymr.
NO. 218
.J-1 jr..
Extent of Damage Has Not Been As
ctrlaliictl Operations on Largo
Scnlo Reported In Progress In
France and Belgium No Important
Dnttlcs Revealed hy Reports.
LONDON, Ore. .1, 2; .15 p. in. A
illHpulcli (n tltn Exchange Telegraph
lonipiiny (rout Tim llnguo quotes n
ninxruKi) from llcrlln to tho effect
(lint Iho Krupp factory nt Ksson, Oer
many, wiui bombarded yesterday by
mi aeronaut. It Is said that bombs
were dropped from the tho aeroplane
on tho buildings devoted to thu limn-ufnt-turo
of cannon, Tint nlrinnn es
caped uninjured ami ttio extent of thu
daumgo has not boon ascertained.
No Fighting In r.clgliim
Although thu opinion In expressed
li foreign military critic that oper
ations on a largo Kcalu nru In pro
gress In Franru ami llclglum, today's
nfflclnl announcements from Paris
anil Merlin (ell of no Important tint-
ties, TIm, fighting In. thu cant like
wise has diminished In Intensity.
Thu (iiTiimn war of fro statement
roportM that nuthliiK ot Importancu
had occurred, west or rant. Thu
French announcement speaks of vio
lent arllli'ry tiro near thu North Hen
at Nlouport, In thu vicinity of Ypres;
anil between thu Hlvcrs l.ya ami
Homme. (Surman forced persist fn
their Infantry attacks In thu Argonuo
icrIoii hut so far au hni boon dis
closed, Imvo mmlo llttlo progress.
Thu barrier of water which helped
allies to chock thu German ailvnnco
toward tho French connt h a it been ox
tenilcil, further territory having boon
Inundated to tho itouth ot Dlxmudc.
Ilerllii .Most Confident
Discussing thu campaign an a
whole-, a well known llerlln military
critic maintains thai thu long resist
unco atul tho unexpected rocupora
thu powers of thu Austrlans, coupled
with Hh loses In Poland, havo do
prlved Russia of such a largo por-
lion of lier (Iritt lino troops that her
nficimlvo power has lioon Irrltvlably
Impalrt'il. On thu other hand, oh
nenoiH In I'ctrograd express tliu op
posite view, and they niu cunfldent
that (Irand Duko Nicholas wilt prove
himself uioro than a match for thu
admitted resourcefulness of General
mmi Hlndouhorg.
Russian forces aru now rejiortod to
be within ton miles of Cracow, whllo
thu nltiiatlon of Przomysl, thu only
AttNtrlati stronghold left In Uallcla In
declared to ho desperate.
Tho anxiety In England over con
dltloiiK In Botith Africa has been
Kionlly relloved by thu reported cap
Hire of thu olittlvo du Wot, thu most
rormldiihlu among thu lenders of thu
miuth Afilcan rebellion.
LONDON, Oct' 3, 1. 10 p. in. Thu
Itomo correspondent of tho Exchungo
Tologrnph company reports that nt
tho opening of tho Italian parlliunont
today, Proinlor Holnndrn utatod that
thoru wiih no now- factor In thu sit
uation In thu coti mo of duvolopmont
nt present which would prompt Italy
to allor hor polloy of noiitrallty.
LONDON, Dec, .'I, a50,1 p. m.
"Aiihlniliu mid New .oahuid eon
liiiKClilH havo been dlsciuhurhod in
Kg)'d," iii'itiiidlug: io an iiiiiioiinee
liujiii of Iho ol'l'liiliil Inn can, "Io iim
sll In llm ili'feiiHii of t lift t I'oiinhy
mid mniiileu (heir IhiIiiIiik llii'ie.
"When lllis IrullliliK' in iioiupli'led
Ihey will o diici'l Io llm lioui In
Jiulit Willi Ihe idhiT linluli liuiiim in
ImiiujU'" j
rUHWflH VUltU AntUrrUttffl:
Only One Dlsscntln;i Vote, That of a
Socialist, Against Measure Many
Members Appear In Army Uniforms
Chancellor Declares Qelglum Is
Guilty of Surrendering Neutrality.
RERUN, Dec, 2, via London, Doc.
3, 11 u, m. A muinenteous war so
Mon of thu Rclchstog wan held today
and was marked hy tho unanimity of
fooling. A now war credit of fi.OUO,
000,000 niurlm (1,2&0,U00,000 wan
voted with but on dlHRontliit; voice,
that of ilerr I.luhknecht, Korlallnt,
and nolablu Hpuechen were madu by
thu luiKrla chancellor, Dr. vou lleth-niaitn-llollwcK,
and JohauucH Kaempf
tho nM'iiker. After thu credit wan
voted, thu ItolclmtaK adjourned until
March 2.
Field Filiform Worn
AlmoNt all thu iiieiuborH were prox
ent, when the body wan culled to or
der, and at leant a tenth of them woro
thu uray field uniform. On thu neat
of Dr. LiiiIwIk Frank, thu norlal
demo who fell an n volunteer, In hl
first fight, n larKu laurel wreath re
PommI, Kpeaker Kaempf, In his opening
npeorh, announced that Hlxty-nltiu
memhurn of thu Itolchstng wcro per
formliiK active norvlce. Moro than
2,000,000 men, ho said, had offered
their service ok volunteers, hut only
n small part of this number had thou
far boon called to thu colors.
DurliiR llerr Kauinpf'a s)ch tho
stormy enthusiasm of thn first days
ot war was chaiiKod Into a less noisy
but moro deep and serious fcolltiK.
Thu enthusiasm was greatest when
tho upeaker mentioned thu triumph
of thu cruiser Kniden and (ierninny'a
Clintirollor SMaUH
When Dr. von Ilethmaun-ilollwcR,
thu Imperial chancellor, appeared, liu
s polio seriously and slowly, rcadliiR
his prepared spinich with careful em
basis. To utiloKlted tho (Soruiany
military successes, said that much re
mained to be done, but that (Jennany
would resist to her Inst breath In this
war which wos forced upon tho Her
man nation.
Ouo of thu most Important part
of Dr. von nUthmann-llollncR'a ad
dresN wan his declaration ot Del
kIuiu'h Kiillt In surrendering; her neu
trality, ot which written proof, ho
said had slncu coino to llKht. Theso
weru not nt (lerniany's disposal on
AuriisI I, hu declared, although well
known to llrltlsh utatonmen. Tho
final portion of thu chnncollor'n
speech was devoted to an Indictment
of llrltlsh policy as beliiR morally re
sponsible for tho war, although Hub
sla was responstblo directly, thu
chancellor said, by driving through n
getieral uiohllUatlon. Long con
tinued npplaiiHo followed thu clone ot
his speech,
Portland Livestock Market
I'OIIThANI), Dee. Il.-l'nttlo, ro
I'eijds 7tl; hleuily. Jlojrt, reeeiplH
Mill; i!0 to ,,:o lower, l'rimu lijjht
.f(I.U0-7.O:5 medium lUI.VO.SO; miiooIIi
heavy $(l.:i,ri-(l,r0; rough heavy $0.03
'"'1' '?!!! "''''jl1 1-1 ' Hleuily.
NKW YORK, Dee. 3. -Punic, duo
to distrust of banks, Iiiih been relu
giiled to thu museum of antiquities by
Iho new rcbervu liaiikine; hystcm, in
tho opinion of ('. H. Hamlin, eovernor
of (hu federal reserve board, voiced
this afternoon in a speech before the
New. York chamber of oonunciee.
"Tho federal rosorvo system will
relegato to its proper place Iho mu
seum of antiquities, (hu puiiio Ri'iier
nt cil hy distrust in our bunking sys
tem, lending to u utrugglu of self'
preservation between bunk and bunk
mid Individual mid individual, mid ul
timate houiilimr by the people," Mr.
Ilmuliii nsbi'ili'il, "Kiicli hoaidiii
- iimiiiIIv himidiug: hv the banks mid
linen mil lucei'dii II. If lioimlnnf hy
luniks nIioiiIiI ei'iim liiiniiliiiK hv III
dividuuU would tieii'i-(ii'iuir, mid hulh
I Inlinu vt ill bv ivIukuM w tbMiu
Envcloplnn Russian Forces Thrown
Back Failure of Rcnnenkampff to
Close Up Ring About Kaiser's
Army Permits Escape Germans
Entrenched and Holding Positions.
LONDON. Dec. 3.--For tho first
tlitm since the Cennuni woro checked
In their advaucu on Warsaw, It was
possible today to gain a fairly clear
Idea of tho military situation In ltus-
slnn Poland In Its broader aspect.
Advices from both Merlin and Fclro
grad Indicated that thu Oermann had
succeeded In throwing back thu en
veloping Husslaii forcon and woro
maintaining their positions west of
liwlcz. Furthermore, It Is said,
that thu UormuiiH aru again under
taking an energetlr offensive,
lUiiiieiiknliiiff the Hunt
The domplutcness of change In thu
situation, ascribed variously to the
failure of tho Russian general, Hen
uenknmpff, to closu up thu ring about
thu Hermans and to tho brilliant
strategy of thu dermaii leaders, is In
dicated by a report telegraphed from
I'utrograd by an English correspond
ent, who previously had announced
that thu Russians had won an oyer
whelming victory. Ho now BUtes
that tho Hermans aru holding their
portions and that tho situation "re
mains extremely hazardous." The
latest official announcement from I'e
trograd states that the fighting has
becojngjess howecr.
A Herman critic estimates that the
Itusslan losses In killed, wounded,
prisoners mid death from sickness
amounts to fully 1,100,000, or one
third ot thu nation's best troops.
(Jul I li Confuse!
In Hnllcla tho situation is still
(Contlnuod on pago two.)
HALTlMOltB. Mil., Dec .l.Canll
ual Olhbonu received today a cable
gram from Sir Hllbort Parker, tho
distinguished F.ugllsli novelist at
Maastrilht, Holland, appealing to tho
cardinal to assist tho American com-
mlslson for Belgian relict In their
"staggering task."
"Hero I watch penniless, homeless
HelglanH fleeing front their naked
land," tho messago adds. ".Many
towim and cities nro absolutely de
stroyed. Countless homes aru stones
and ashes. Hundreds of thousands
lack food and clothes. Thoy at); for
bread and salt no moro, as It Is not
forthcoming, Tho commission asks
for half of a soldiers' ration tor each
starving Hclgliui.
"In your land ot plenty thoro aro
millions, who would glvu It thoy knew.
Will your omlnenco not help to mako
them knew: In tho nanio ot Chris.
tlanlty and huniano compassion I
mako tills appeal,"
ily under Iho federal i-cservo system."
.Mr. Hamlin did not think that nil
panics would bu ddno nwnv with of
neeessity by the now system.
"If, in the future, business expands
unduly under tho spirit of uneeuhition
tho dv of reekouhnr will surely eomo
in tho future, hh it Iiiih in thu past,"
ho said, ".Much speculation ovists us
to thu iiuthorshin of thu federal re
serve lift. I can say with confidence
lluit no selfish interests assisted at
lis biitli. I can sa- further that he
youd tlioso M'iiiinrilv responsiblu for
lis i)inllons Mr, Oliiss and others
of the house, Hiimlor Owen mid oth
eis uf the senate, mid Hie Niiuielurv
of (lie Itviisiirv iiiit looms up one
limire inure iulillid Io Hie nedil fm
lis ioiioiis llimi M' of Hie olii'l,
Ihti mmi imiiianl' iikMnii)he- 'je.
idem Wlyn "
f f
i .
IIO.MK, Dee. I). At the open
ing of parliament, when Prem
ier Bulinulrn Jtljuiled to what he
termed the junt npirnliuns of
Italy, llm whole extreme lelt
ii rose, (ryintff "Viva Trent, Vivn
Trieste." The hpectntorH in the
trihuuex joined in the demon
titrutioii. Ah the hPh.sii'il was nbotil io
adjourn, Deputy Foinuiidini
Niiid Unit he wished to usk the
eliamber to icu'il 'rcctingK to
"lieroie and unfortunate Ilel
iuin." The w"hole chamber, iu
elutliiii; tlie pruHident, the minis
terH and the people in the trib
unes, arose mid fchouted. "Hur
rah, Hclgium!''
Ht f HM t
1AIMS, Dee. 3, 2X0 p. m. The
French official ropoit given out in
I'nrin this afternoon Miys that yes
terday there was a rather lively nr
ttllury exchange at jCicuporl nnd to
the south of Yprcs jtul that n, heavy
liombardment tok 'pStco to tho vicsi
of Lens-. In tho Arpmue Keveral
Ocnuan nttnvks weru repuUed. Oth
erwise tliu hituatlun bliows little
Thu text of thu communication fol
lows :
"In llelgium tliere was a rather
lively nrtillery firo directed against
Nieuport nnd to tho south of Ypres.
"The inundations have extended to
the south of Dixmude.
"From tho I,yn to the Sommc there
Iuik been n violent homhnrdment, par-
tieularlv nt Aix-Noulctte, to thu wct
of Lens.
''There was (tiiet ulon;; the entire
front from thu Sommc to the Aisne
mid in Champagne.
"In tho Argonue several attacks on
tho part of the enemy were repulsed
nnd wo mado slight progress.
"In tho Wocvro district the flcnuan
nrlillery evidenced a certain activity,
but with insignificant results.
"In Lorraine nnd in thu Vogcs
there is nothing importuut to report."
I'AItIS, Dec. 3, 1 45 o. in. Dr. Al
bo rt Colmotte, tho eminent scientist
nnd director of thu Pasteur Institute
at Lille, who has been acting as one
ot tho chiefs of tho medical service
ot tho army, has been missing some
time. It Is now reported that hu
Is n prisoner of war nt Munstcr,
Dr. Calmctto Is a brother ot tho
lato editor of tho Figaro, Gaston
Calmctto who was shot nnd killed
by Mmo. Calllaux, wlfo of tho well
known French statesman.
WASlllNOTON', Dec. 3. Chainmiii
Tillman of the senate naval affairs
commit toe will so President Wilson
Monday Io discuss tho niiwtl pro
gramme, After conferences with Rep
icscnlntive (laidiicr, who wants u
congressional luvesllgiilion of Hie
country's military prcimrcdiiuns, mid
Jleiiliieciiliiluc hhcilcy, who lieinls (hu
NidVimmmillcc making iiiii'niniiioiis
for llm I'oilificalioiiK, Mr, Wilmi c
(lecls n dismiss Hie iiiitioii of iiu
ttoiiul ih'fVuiT with idhiT i'oiiii'
)unu luuili'in,
David Lamar Found Guilty of Imper
sonate Congressmen to Secure
Money Fraudulently Represented
Himself as Agent of Speaker Clark
and Others to Hold Up Steel Trust
NKW YORK, Dee. 3. Dnvid Lumiir
today was found guilty of iutiierioii-nling-
ItcprcMontiiKTo A. Mitchell
Palmer, of Pennsylvania for the pur
pose of defrauding J. P. Morgan &
Company, and the Tinted States Steel
corporation. He wns immediately
sentenced to oro two enrs in the
federal H'iiitentiiirv nt Atlanta, Gn.
The jury deliberated on the evi
dence for I.") minutes. Lamar was
convicted on two counts of the sec
ond of the three indictments against
him. His eouiie announced that an
appeal would be taken to thu Tinted
Slates btiprcmc court on writs of
After counsel had interposed mo
tions for a writ of error and permis
sion to file n bill of exception, Iimnr
was admitted to . 10,UOO bail pending
an appeal.
Is I tii iv Offeirso
The crime of which Lumiir nick
named by broker, "The Wolf of Wall
Street" was convicted, was onu sel
dom entered on the records of fed
eral court here.
The pivenimeut charged that La
mar and his friend, Kdwanl Lautcr
hach, a lawyer, entered into-.n, con
spiracy to obtain money from the
United States Steel coqwrntion nnd
the Morgan firm by representine
themselves as the agents of Speaker
Clark mid other men high in congress.
To further this conspiracy it was
churgvd Lamar telephoned Lewis
Cass, Ledyard and others, represent
ed himself over the telephone to be
Representative Palmer of Pennsyl
vania, said that he was acting' with
the knowledge and sanction of
Sjicaker Clark, and sought to have
Mr. licdyard obtain employment for
Lnutcrhnch with the Morgan firm or
the Steel corporation.
Tlircu Indictments Found
Tho telephone conversations, it was
testified, lasted for several days be
fore Mr. Ledyard telephoned to the
real Representative Palmer nnd found
that ho had been talking therefore
with mi impostor. In the meantime
Mr. Ledyard had seen Lnutcrhnch,
ami Laulothach, Mr. Ledyard said,
had demanded money for his services.
Thrco indictments were found bj
the grand jury. Two of them charg
ed Lamar with representing' himself
ns an officer of the I'nited States
government; the third charged Lamar
and Lnutcrbaeli with conspiracy. Tho
indictment against Lmtterbtieh, Dis
trict Attorney Marshall said, will be
pressed ut au early date.
To guard against treo repair fakers,
or quack treo surgeons, tho Massa
chusetts forestry association will In
sK3Ct tho shade trees bolouglng to Its
members, treo of charge.
DKKYEIt, Dec. 3. Former Seuii
tor Thomas M. Patterson, who de
scribed himself us n small mino
owner, bkelehed (he history of Colo
rado labor (roubles huforo the fed
eral industrial relations vommittcu
beginning with the Leudvillu strike of
Seuutor Patterson said the picscnt
striku seemed a continuation of the
strike in thu northern field, which be
gan in 11)10,
"Tho strike upload (u the southern
district, 1 have no doubt tho miners
sought to install union men in thu
southern fields.
"Trouble, hi the southern district
heguu liniiU'diulelv upon the opcriit
Dm i closing o accede Io llic iliiiininU
of I Int union, tfliiki'biciikois wen
(nought in. (liiniiii'u wciu iuioi'iu,
Tlicv HKiiiilui'd llit-ir I'liliniioc hy
khoolHJjf u mid killing u l liking
Uniform Laws for All Western States
Proposed and Code Discussed by
Special Committee Visitors Taken
Over Pacific Highway Demon
stration in Pruning.
Unification of tb,o horticultural
laws of Oregon, Washington ami Cali
fornia occupied the attention of the
state horticultural society at Its ses
sions In tho Xatatorium this morn
ing, nnd is still the subject of spir
ited discussions this afternoon. It Is
highly probable that a night session
of the society will be held to conclude
the work. The society is endeavor
ing to frame a bill to bo presented
this winter at the sessions of tho leg
islatures ot three states, with the
same fundamental pi:nclpals, cover
ing spraying, shipping, nursery, and
other important side Issues.
Dr. A. J. Cook, commissioner of
horticulture for California, read a bill
outlining tho main Issues. This wits'
then turned over for consideration to
a committee composed of A. C. Allen,
A. C. Thomas and County Patholog
ist Henderson and S. V. Ileckwlth.
This afternoon Chairman Washburn
will add tho names of II. K. Gale ot
Merlin, and County Commissioner W.
C. Lecvcr of Central Point. The
committee will prune the bill to
meet statu and local conditions. It is
desired to have tho horticultural con
vention npproveilio bill, the blll.Uiua
going to the legislatures with the
barking ot the horticultural societies
of tho thrco states.
Taken Over Illgtiivay
Thls afternoon visiting delegates
will bo taken over tho Pacific high
way in autos, stopping at the orchard
of Chris Gottlieb nenr tho southern
city limits for a demonstrations on
pruning by Prof. V. K. Gardner ot the
Oregon Stato College at Corvallis. At
noon a luncheon was served tho menu
including pumpkin pies mado from
products of tho Hoke cannery and
applo elder prepared by tho llagley
cannery at Talent.
A pnixjr on "Hy-Products" wrlteen
by J. F. Hatchelder of Hood River,
was read at tho morning session.
A feature ot tho meetings to date
has been the large attendance, prac
tically nil of tho lending orchardlsts
of tho valley being In attendance, and
tho amount ot healthy Interest mani
fested In every subject called to their
The proram for tomorrow, the dos
ing session is as follews:
Tomorrow 's Session
Work ot the Krtenslon Department
ot tho O. A. C. It. D. Hotzel. Direc
tor of Extension Division. Discus
Filbert Growing In Oregon Geo.
A. Dorrlti, Springfield, Oregon. Dis
cussion. The ftxperluent Station nnd thu
Fruit Industry A. H. Cordley, Dean
nnd Director O. A. C. Discussion,
Standard Hox Containers J. 11.
(Continued on pare I.)
miner, Gerald Liupiat, nt Trinidad.
My impression was that there -was no
justification for that killinsr. Vio
lence licgnu. Tho miners attributed
it to tliu 'gunmen' mid thu operators
to the instigation of the national of
ficers of tho union."
Senator Patterson told of a series
of conferences' with Governor Am
nions ami with representatives of th
miueowiicrn mid Iho Lulled Mine
workers separately, llo said tho on
orators llatly refused to meet the
union officer in a conference, al
though thu nresidciit of tho ort.'un
Uiilioii, John P. White, had intimated
(hut if such a conference were grant
ed Iho strike would he settled
" huliotu Unit if the imcuilor hit.
ugici'd to ini'ol (he Illinois the sinkn
would hum boon ended," lie said,
"TIim icanoukihilllv fur Iho woleiec,
I think, rc rihl Ihoic, m tli ic
fllbUl Io itivrl lliu MIUVJ"
Capitalists Acree to Build Factory,
Provided Sufficient Acreage Is Un
der Irrigation Mass Meeting of
Farmers Called for Tuesday to
Consider Matter.
Step towards securing the,, In
stallation of a beet sugar factory In
the Hogue river valley, In ttmo to
handle the 191S crop, were taken this
morning by Manager J. T. Sullvan ot
the Itoguclands company, who agrees
to supply Irrigation, upon contracts,
revocablo with the passago of the dis
trict Irrigation. This means that
from nine months to a year will bo
gained In securing the factory and
establishing a payroll in the valley
Outside capitalists, whose names
are withheld by Mr. Sullivan, doslra
to build a beet factory in this valley
provided acreago can be secured, and
Irrigation guaranteed, as Icrtalnty of
water, without dependence on nature,
Is the key arch ot the business. Tlmy
wilt bo in this city next Monday and
Tuesday, and a mass meeting ot tho
Ian owners and farmers of the valley
will bo catted for Tuesday to con
sider tho matter. Tho company de
sires an acreage of S000 acres, ac
cepting less than this for tho first
year, though desiring an assurance ot
5000 ucrcs or more after tho first
Contract for Acreage
Tho contract ottered by the. Rogue,
lands company for beet sugar aero
ago Is as follews:
"It is expressly understood by and
between tho parties to the contract
hereto attached, tho company on tho
ono part and tho purchaser on tho
other, that In caso, within
months from tho date hereof, an lr
gation district shall bo formed under
tho laws of tho state ot Oregon, In
tho Roguo river valley, comprising
within its boundaries tho land de
scribed In the contract hereto at
tached and said district shall vote to
issuo Its bonds for tho construction
of an irrigation s)'Btom to cover said
lands, this contract shall thereupon
becomo null and void.
To (JUo Payroll
"This contract," said Mr. Sullivan
this morning," simply assures tiio
building of the factory and tho tilling
ot additional acres in tho valley, c.t
onco, Instead of waiting for tho
passago ot tho district plan. Our
only object In offering It Is to hasten
the work, and give tho valley a pay.
roll. It Is too big a proposition, and
this section needs diversified Indus
tries too badly to lot It pass. Tho
men behind the proposition will bo
hero next Monday and Tuosdny, when
tho entire matter will be threshed
Tho establishment of tho beet sugar
factory would mean steady employ
ment for a couple ot hundred, not to
meutlou tho additional tillable acre
age. It Is Intended to havo tho Com
mercial club and other organizations
got behind tho movement to bring It
to a successful conclusion.
SAI.F.M, Or., Dec. 3. Clmiging
that Dr. J. II. Thompson, us superin
tendent of tho stato instituto for
fet'lilc-miuded, has been incompetent,
Stuto Treasurer Kay ut a meeting of
thu statu board of control, made it
plain that hu favored a ehiiugo, mid
it is believed that Dr. Thompson's re
inovul will follow shoiy uftcr Dover-iior-elcel
Witliyeoinbo assumes office
und becomes a member of tho bourd,
Possibly, it is ifiiid, Dr, Thompson
miiv he removed befoiti thou, hut it is
hcllovi-fi tliut ho will ht cohIIhuviJ U
offiuu null) the iicir mhuhiMnubw U
Ushered in, thu hoard lie t lug dshifd
to defer all )iitlloi)u hpiiitlwMs
until Mor thu Di(L thu mr Ut
oi dor bu llm mw HHUf my um'
lU'ijwtu lu )HUty ibw,