Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 01, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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r T
Henry Cullnehnn, o'ninr of Ui Si
Allmim (,-rouii of dalnis In the ulue
t.mlKO dltitrlet oxpecta to lenvo noM
week for thut tllatrlcl to rfiiinlu the
retd of the winter.
(Jel It nt Do Voo'u.
Tli Southern Pnclflr has Installed
ii rejjulnr Block service -between
Klninnth Palla and Portland. The
train will rim on Thursday, and will
pick . U)i carload or larger conslmi
iiiciiIh of stock nt way Btnttonp. This
itorvleo will allow the stockmen to
handle small shipments quicker tlmn
"Insurance" means "Holtnca'' And
"Holmes" means "lnsuianco." Sco
Holmes ''Tho Insurance Man."
11. U. .HIlKoy of (Ira 11 If Pass sjient
Monday-lu this city attending to bus
incus matter.
Tho finest equipment In Oregon for
printing fruit labels. Mcdford Prlut
Iuk Co.
The Irrigation project launched at
Grants Pass recently Is tnklnp form,
the Horuo Klver Public Service cor
poration placing surveyors In the
field Monday,
"Uudd" left New York yesterday.
Thero uro two Krnnk Turner's In
thin city. One Is a Imrber nt the Cot
bkc shop. Tho other, a transient
wan sentenced to 30 days In the coun
ty Jail Mondny for stealing noodB
from tho P. K. Deuel store. They
arc In no way connected, nnd should
not ho confused.
Now Thought Circle, 504 S. Oak
dale. Saturday 2:30 to 5.
Sergeant Pat Mego who has been
111 at his home tho last thrco weeks d
on tho road to recovery being able
to Fit up Monday nil day.
Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes
ton's Camero Shop. Over Isln Thea
ter. James Green of Lnkevlcw, is spend
ing n few days In tho city attending
to business matters. (
W'ntch the store windows for tho
Swedish kids Friday 2 p. m. at tho
Mrs. K. W. Porter left Monday on
a visit to friends nnd relatives In
northern California and the middle
"Iludd" lcrt Now York yesterday.
Mr. v. T. Grieve of Jacksonville
visited with friends and relatives lu
thts city Monday afternoon.
Sweet elder at Do Voe's.
Tho last batch of London papers re
ceived In this city, deal editorially
with tho recent naval losses of tho
Kngllsh, and condemn In red hot
languago tho Inclination of the joung
lUrn to piny football Instead of on
listing. The Chronicle has c three
column editorial dcnjlng tho allega
tion that this Is any sign thut lirlt
IhIi omplro Is decadent. Tho tenor of
tho articles tend to cheer up tho Eng
lish people, from the gloom, caused l
recent naval disasters.
Tho woekly prizes In the big piano
contest nro given each week to the
person having the highest number of
votes at each store. 21 C
Chicken coops on llio outskirts of
tho city have suffered tho last week
from raids, presumably by tramps.
Help tho HoouevoW school buy n
pluno. Tho Page, 3 p. m. Friday.
Walter Conley of Union creek spent
Mondny in .Mod ford attending to bus
iness matters.
"Uudd" left New York yesterday.
31m, i-ouls Ulrica of Jacksonville
opont Monday afternoon visiting
frlonds nnd relatives In this city.
OoVoo is going to sell COO pounds
of chocolato creams at thirty cents
per pound. Get a pound today, tf
The mouth Just closed has been
quiet In pollco circles, thero being
fowur arrests and violations of city
ordinances than usual.
Hwcdes coming. Friday 3 p. m. at
Page Theater.
I.. Stanley of Ashland Is spending
a few days In the city nttoudlng to
business matters.
"Hudd" loft Now York yestorday.
Miss Mildred Thompson returned
Monday afternoon fiom a vlblt with
friends and lejatlvoa In Grnuts Push.
Do you want to tnku a trip uroiind'
tho world? Come to tho Methodist
church at 0:30 Wednesday evening,
tho ladles will show "you tha, wa.
"So will purchase n ticket which will
Include supper. Hvurjbody welcome
J. T. Buckley of the Applegate at
tended to business matters In tho
city .Mondu).
J. O. Uorklng, tho best all around
Photographer iu southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made any.
m. Thurs-
whoro, tlmo or place. Studio 22R
Mtitu St. Phono 320-J.
II. A- Thlorolf returned Sunday
fiom h business trip to Portland.
Tho Christian Kudvavar society
nt tlie Christian church will give u
"xiihoo) kid" nodal nt tint church
"Wednesday, lloccliibiir 2 at 7::i0. All
KndimvoicDt nnd their fronds In
ilttid livery one It Hkil to hrluii
their lunch Ju n tin dinner pall.
rWinim puruuker of Ahland upeiit
Monday In thin (it) attending to bus
Jim uiuHcrK.
Kor KimrHHtwid 10b per cont puru,
mkry milk, protopt delivery, call
Cot, It. C Washburn of Table Uock
was n btiattiess visitor lit Iho city for
a few hours 'Mondny afternoon.
The Interurban Autocar Co. offers
n permanent fare of CO rents tho
round trip to Ashland. Still lower
rates by buying tickets. Frequent,
tfepemlnblc service, large, comforlnblo
cars. Cut time cards of ilrUers or nt
waiting roonm. llnsklns drug ctoro
nnd Medford Hotel. 220
Dr. It. C. Kotsoy Of Gold ittlt spent
the ftrst of tho week In Mcdford on
"Uudd" left New York yesterday.
Fred llnlch has returned from n
business trip to Klaumth Falls and
northern California points.
Do you want to take a trip around
tho world? Come to the Methodist
church nt 6:30 Wednesday evening,
tho ladles will show you the way.
25e will purchase n ticket which will
Include supper. Kerybody welcome.
It. 13. Nenl and wife of thts city are
spending tho week visiting friends
nnd rclntlves In Portland.
See "Dough nnd Dynamite" at the
It Theater tonight only.
Fred Pelouae has returned to hi
home at Eagle Point after spuudtug
a few days In this ctly.
There will be election of officers
of the W, H. C. at the lledmnn hall
at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday, the 2nd
of December. Lot every member be
A team belonging to Henry Marsh
ran away on Front nventio Monun
afternoon narrowly missing a buggy
driven by the Misses Luclle, Mnrshall
and Ituth Merrick.
Tho F.lks Memorial service will be
held Sunday, December 6. at 2:30
o'clock p. in. Tho public Is Invited.
Tho regular first of the month
iiH-etlng of tho rlty council will be
htjld nt. tho city hall tonight
bwetfisii paraue nt s p,
The condition of George Watson,
the pnluter, who fell from a scaffold
In the Elks building Mondny .morn
ing Is Improving.
Kodak finishing and supplies st
Weston's Camera Shop. Over Isis
Dears are reported to be quite
plentiful In the foothills, being easily
tracked ln4the light snow of the lost
few days. They are fat now prepara
tory to going Into their holes for the
winter. The present wenthor is ex
pected to bring out the ducks and
"Uudd" loft New York yesterday.
Glenn Dowers of Holland spent
Monday in Medford attending to busi
ness matters.
Posters In the store windowb illus
trating the games by different grado
In tho Roosevelt school. Page 3 p.
m. Friday.
Ralph Lincoln and family expect
to leave In n few weeks for their old
homo In Massachusetts.
Holmes "The Insuranco Man" Is
the authorized agent of tho Aetna In
surance Co.
The high school vaudeville team re
turned homo Sunday from. their trip
to Klamath Falls. Their next ap
pearance will be In Ashland ubout the
mlddlo of tho month.
Look out for Tuxedo Day at the
Medford Cigar Store. Dave.
Did you buy ono of thoso "sale
suits V Tho kind you try on when
you get home. Well if It don't fit
you come to tho Mcdford Cleaners &
Tailors nud wq will make It fit.
Phono G7. 21G
Walter Merrick returned today
from a buslnets trip to Portland nnd
Willamette valley points.
Tho first practise game of the
basketball season was held by tho
high school Monday afternoon. Tho
prospects point to the best team In
the history of tho high school.
There will bo election of officers of
tho W. It. C. nt tho Itedman hall at
2:30 o'clock Wedncsdny, the 2nd of
December. Let every member be
A wanderer appeared on die streets
Monday night asking for food and
sholtor, who claimed ho was a refu
gee from Belgium. Before tho po
lice could locate him he had disap
peared. Don't forgot to go to the Page Fri
day 3 p. in. Hoosevelt school enter
tainment. A warm wind swept over the val
ley Monday night after a cold and
blustery day, melting much of
snow In tho foothills.
The Iowa society sociul will
held tonight at St. Mark'H hall.
I 1
i IN WAR 10
PA1US. Dec. I. -Lovers of dogs j TOKIO, Dec,. 1. lu an tutlclo mi-,-will
be gratified to know that ro tin-., titled "Jiipnii ,iunl tho Kurupenu A im
posing an orgnnliatton ns tho tutl- umeiMhlon," iju utHUlKnnliU Okuuiit,,
tute of Jtuologlenl P-. choto& re-, the Prime Minister, writing lit, tho
ports that the (logs that nccompun
the French nmbiilnncoH are behaving,
well under rlre. The director of this
Institute, testifies: "All reports are
most encouraging. Soino of the de
tails of their Instructions may be open
to question.. It Is probably bnd tlit
they should be taught to bring In
thu cap and handkerchiefs of wound
ed soldiers, biiu our dogs of war nro
performing noteworthy service nnd
It Is a pity that we havo not many
more of them.''
The leader of ono section of tho
ambulance dogs sns: "The bet dog
glwn to me nt flrit pulled so hard
on the lensh Hint he tired me eut:
ho would not always return on tho
first call. ntrlck thnt would be un
fortunate under flrer ho was terri
fied even by distant artillery and It
appeared us If he would be useless
lu action. But In n week that dog
was valuable beyond words. I have
today returned with him from recov
ering wounded soldiers almost lu the
enemy's trenches with Incessant din
.lapuu .Mannxtuo, nUutt Ui war, san
some forceful, thiiiHK about .tapiin's
relation to tho west.
"It ulll b our one ambition at
this lime." ho wilic. "to show tho
west what U lu believe, thill
wo can work'hnrinonlmislv with great I
occidental powers to support nnd pro
tect the litjtibt UlenU of etvtllintlop,
ecu to thu extent oi djIiiK for them.
Not otil) In tho fur .ant but anywhere
else that may tae wreMAry, Japan Is
:eml to .lnyf tU)n her llfo to. the
principle thttU-Jhe forutnot nations
will die for. It )s to bo In Hue with
these nations thnt she is at till time
opposing and flghtine wht she bo-llove-s
to be opposed to tlit'int urtiiul
Tlie Pfoiulor ceiiUnu:
"She oiitertd the .lllnnre with
Great Britain to stand, .foV and die for
what Anglo-StCviiK nrp ' ovtiryw'liero
rendj to defend un(o death. It
Is Japan's aim and ambition to par
ticipate . In "nil world-movetnentH
toward noble dl,dotnn6v, Intur-nn-
all around him. Tonight Just before jtlonnl relations and the principle of
equal opportunity ami pence, ami to
prevent py ono proper mean the out
break ur contlnunnre of bloodshed be
tween nations. Japan's relation to
the present conflict Is as n dnfeudar
of Ihc things' that make for higher
civilization and a more porninuent
pence." "
Count Okuinn devotes u rouslder
nble space to a historical resume of
the causes of the present - Interna
tional wnr. Speaking genernlly, ho
thinks that the war I alwas due to
an une ven ess of advancement in the
progress of civilization, which like
water must find Its level. When Its
forci' Ik obstructed thorn will be vlo-'
lenee nnd bloodshed. Wnr also Is at
reault of thc,iresure offered In re-1
slitnuce to Hie growth of cIMlizntlon I
Speaking In, particular, the Premier
U Inclined to find the root of tho
present war In the wpuknoas of the
Balkan renlniula I .lie China.' he
affirms. ' II U J ftlifng crater In
the woilil's. Jlu,luii'ac).
the nmbulaucos were o roturn 1
took him out for one last Inspection,
in n half-hour ho found fhrvo sold
iers who otherwise might have died
of exposure. Moreover, ho ueer
touched one of them but ran back
and forth till 1 came up to him."
A writer In l. Matin claims that
the Germans have 37,000 dogs mostly
purchased In France that are now be
ing trained to go with the ambu
lances. A French society hns been
formed to train dogs for this work
and nlready many dogs are "at
school. "' The Amlcnl club of Van
glrard haa offered Its grounds, and
many prominent phslclans. state
men and savants are encouraging the
work. ,
Joiuli I'Yitnl'lin t'rnii'p, n pioneer
"of tliH'UtM'h enmity, ilied ul In home
on the Little ADplejinle .Motiilny evi'n
ItiKi November 110, of heurt failure.
About oilltl oYloek'lto went th', tile
Inlrii to do tlie t'Xniihig I'lnMOK Wlffn
lie'fnileil lo reluth l -upper lime hlx
will' -ent one ii f ii.4tiiin.u Hirtl; t'dl'
liim. The elitlil ivluitiil mill-niit:'
"Pupa U iqleap, mill Iuhii'I wu'.-e luiu
up." Neuihlioix were Mimitumutl lunl
it iloelur enlleil, bill HIV wrt. evtiliet.
DiH-ttuot'il wii luolliei'-lit-lnw of
.loliii S. thlli, miNhior ol the .Medl'onl
N'utiounl lunik, wlio left thin mottling
lor tlie ttiekeii home. The I'uni'iel
iiri'iiiigement will he miiioniievd later.
Mr. t'ninip' w'hw horn in .Miieuiiiuu
eouiity. 111., Oelober 'J7, (Ht. mnl
whs ,M eari, I unuith niiil II .tln"
old nt the time of hw iU"ith. Yhiu
twrt irs nli hit imtenU ciiiytnitetl
to tliin state, mnl after u few month"
in Hie Willamette nllev eitine to
Jiifkwnn pimiitv, loentiiiK on h reiiith
lour inih.". nimtli of Jiteksonvill.
When M- Crump wii 17 eni of njie
hi- fitthw ilied, nml he then in-Mimed
the iliitii" nT earing mill ii'oiiliug tor
the Inrtro family.
When 'Jl venet of nee Mr. (iuiiim
eiwnijtetl in milling h( the Kteiliuy
mine nml fur thirteen yoni followed
thi luirxitil, weveriiix li eonueetioim
there iu LSUD. u then purchased n
rttneli mi thu Little AnplctrHlo where
lie liii ttiuee made Iiih liome.
In 1SIKI Ir. t'ruii" wns urn tried to
Miss Corn 11. Ankeny. Jle i xur
ivcd hv thre cliililt'ii Vniun, n
Mudent in the Mvdf rd eliuoU and
loliii nml Harold.
.Mr. Crump n one of the liet
known nnd ooniilur men iu Jiiek-oii
eountv mid hi"lil" esteemed lie n wide
circle of friend.
NHW YOHK, Dei .1. Dltiiug the
bury setiwii lust of lr.0ut miiii
en wuraora lu this cll, stum rneoliuil
Km Hum tri.M) ii wtwk for wnaoa m
cOrillnH to Howard' II, Wnolalon, ill
loetor'or the wimu liiVMtltloii of
thu atntV faatury Inveatlantlng eum
iiilsslon, who today utiimid lip th
ftiulliigH on wngtH lit New Yoik'city,
at the flrat of the preliminary hear
ing Of the lomtiiliMlou to bo held
"Half Ota wage enrnera IhniiiKlioiit
the atHto liiMMtlgatwl by thu Mtnle
factory eotnmlMloii get loa thnii $
a week." aaid Mr. Woulatou. "Out
of a total or tnl.ouo H'roti, one
olahtli ohiii Ipsm than $A, one third
lea Uiu n 17. two-ililrda ieee-ed u
or les and, out) m-alttt innk floj
or mom.
"It la dlfTlcull to urn how a alrl
iiiaiiageK to lite pmperly uti J or JT
a wreok. A typical weukly budget
alioux how nwnr thu lugged edg
mail) elf Clolhwi, Jl.r0; renin,
2: food, fit .'.ii: ear fine, :to cent;
luildutiila, 2i cents.
"Our flanres how that at n mature
age mid artei n of eperleneo In
the bimfneigt, half thu women dou I
attain J 10, nor do the majority or
men reach Jl.s."
1'Olt sXLir-CheiipoimVewe'vro-V
Will lm fnah December lath !'
II. Chttiuborlnlii, Talent, Ore., m
miles southwest of Phoenix. 1 1 v
i'liOie V,o. 'ollilii Sfn (iiM'il Uw Con.
lieslloii mnl ('oldi iim .Milhlmil
Dill the olil-riishloned mitittiird
phiHter binned nnd bllHtereil while II
neted. You win now gel the' i lief
nnd hell Hint inuntAnt pliiniiitM gi'e,
without tlie planter aiid withniil Ihu
bllntel', ( (
MUKTUItni.lj! diiiiu II. la ii
elertil, while nliilnieiit, made with oil
of mustard. It Is kfieutlMritlly pie
pured, so Unit It woilia woiiilei-a, nml
et dues lint blister tho tHlulouwt
,lul miiaauge Ml'STHItOLia lu with
the fliiKft' tlH gfiitl.t, Man bow quick-
It lirlaga rellur- -how apeeltll) tba
palu dhnippeiira,
Ami theiu In nothing like MI'M
TKKOLM fur fore Tin nau Uroiifllillla,
TouhtllllH, Cliinti, Stiff Neck. Aalliiim.
N'eiiralRla, HoMilnehis. ('oligestloii,
PI'Mirl-y, IthiiimtUam, LiimbiiKo.
1'atnt mid Achetr of Hack (ir Joints,
Rptiilns, tkiro Mitanle, llrula, Chll
hhiliiM, Froiteil Fnt, Colda (if the
Cheat (II often prevwiu pgiiimoulii.i
At mm dnigalsla, In 2ae nml rule
lata, mnl a upei lal large biwgttal alae
for V Mi
He stile yon rt tli Kenttlno Ml'rt
TI.'KOI I.'. Item-.,. Imliiiiloii'v a-t
wltnt ion ii"l (oi Tho Musterole
Comi'ino. Clei Inii'l. Oblo Vdv
Baby of Future
is Considered
Murh Pift'ieM i
Ji-nrn to I In- il! '
I., i i ,i. M ht"
tf Ii
t .-it ira i.-r.- m,i
I Willi I'Hhj.
,. . tit.- nut
A Few of Our Prices
Hi IIin. bent siignr . l '"
Coffee, jior lb. 20
!i0c bulk Ion, per ih a.u 10
1'lr can (IhlrariUllf'n Cmn in
Pt. enna Log Cabin ayi-Mft.........
(t. ran Lug Cabin at run.
(lal. rnua l.g Cabin ayrwp
'rvr.UHl emia i.og ("uni. ay i'H. .i..,
i.iKr ii,ut ifrf,jue on for
.,!:;:B,. ,.L $X2:im, h Atmrngt.i
rrorerrmt JitoeK, iioyai uiuu
and 'll.Mlanr.i Tmato, it
.5 ii
1. 86
CHIIISTINA, Dec. 1 Aroused
hv tho nubllshed imputation thnt (
Norway is engaged In smuggling pe
troleum Into Germany, the govern
ment census bureau has prepared
figures showing that tho Imports of
this commodity during August and
September of this ear fell far below
corresponding month's In other onrs.
According to this statement tho
imports of petroleum during August
and September wore C172 tons against
25, GOO for the sumo months In 1013,
13.S00 tons In 1910U, 20,500 tons In'
1111 and 7,700 tons iu 1910.
Tho marked falling off In Imports
during August nnd September woa ex
plained by tho fnct that heavier im
ports during tho first seven months
had left tho country with n good
supply on hand, with a slackening ilo
mnnd upon the approach of winter.
DEBTS OF 70-71
otiii nwm mi
NKV YOICK, Dee. 1. A n.iM'I
-Hike in which tuiili - inii-i-0 the
incite begun here today with the re-
"idt thut leu thiiiiouiid ilt- iln"
idle nml J .Ml lii)t eonli'olli-i! hv thr
. ( iiilili'in'- Ciiiiiiii.tiir- n-.irii'i inii.
iMiipn-cil i, I J uiinlii'i - who -iiitrni't
lor milking tqi itanueiiti. In niuiiiiine-
tureis nri idtt.ijd
1 "Tfie eWhig ofitVr wa- ilei-hired to
force tlyf jjiiiniifwalnier to withdraw
I a rvdheuo'ti ill priena wiiieh llifv pill
(ill-. 1 iii (.union, niiii i-JTeet pome iIiivh u-'h fin- the
I . ..4 .... . .
ii. Iii. Ainniilc lint Ii -.iilue't- i Diiikiinr iii) ol rirni"iil. ami it lloie-
tip lo'lhe nge if.."( aim ure till in lore vlitHiillv u lrikf.
Hrti'.-fU, tin ' Amterdam iriiMM-j A ftalewaiit by the iiMieiitiiiii
lilad tii.i, have hum interne) iu ni-n.v-. that iu the priwcnt eoiidltion !
miliiury eonerntrnlion cjiiiio. ' 'the Inide it wohIiJ 'ie out of tlto que-.
Tlie iiih.itiit'int of Autiiwerp, im- j tint; to ueeept a iduetioii, iHjS'i-ialh
cording I" H-it Mime puper, nie l-in the coulrnetora line ulnu'iilv in
lowed urn j niiri'-i'-. oi lihrnil pur .i-reii-41'il the wngen of their Inilor.
iipifu ilsiiM , 'now idle.
t - - ' . .' - ' - '
AMfiTKUDlil, I
:i:l.'i p. ii. Alnne
ni lh krwHl tmiav
i-l.n'illil t. tli writ-
l-i -n Iho t.J-'tUwit iHir "MHihofa
rrinul" l li 1 1 t ln-lp to oxiwclsiit
rinihrm 'riitv vxrU uf th wnn.lMfiit
lallcf. Imw It iiin-(l iu mIIhw Ihu
injcla U eainnd wllliut UihIiih strwlu
ntUI rtut u elnili Inlluriie.i It w on
mux nt-rwut iyMem. aiwii. iimim ni
".Molli- l-Ylriiil ' Mini h ir,MU-
klHJWlMlxe n tllrtil h.UM liuv a llHirul
lalltHmir uimii Inl.Kni of tliu luimo.
In h lit(l lHHk for aiM-li wuinoti (Imm
rAl.)U nrw tmr IbueniMliljr tiniuhl out
it! it copy will hn mll, to anron who
wMi rn.l ua their nmnr mt1 mlilrnM.
'.Miuhfr' tvinir It , In nil .true
iter mnl 1 1 In lily itHvHimttll rir li
iMMly iuHruliHa. lu .fi ninl the
rtnl bli It nrtords. .k lor II ut llw
two nml wtlta u for Hie Imok. lirnil
ntil UvtfuMtur Co., fit Lauur uiJc.,
AlUiiU. Oi.
I'loix'nre Itobeitn In Snpho Pleucew at
Florence Roberta tig "Supho" In
the great feat uro play delighted a
very uppreclutve audience nt the
Page laht night. Tliuie are 200 beau
tiful scenea, nud I6u peopln In the
cust. Jt m iirodiiiiid lu six pints nud
Dm picture even oxcelb the siaue pro
duction iih given (mil miiilo fumoiis by
Miss Olgu .Nethoraulo. lu addition
to this a splendid musical pio-
giiini wmh lemleied bj Hie Page Tlii-n-i t pulling with praeticul
(er Oriiestra This oiohuMra, uu- lion Jn the oreliilnl.
ler .Mr. Howell dintcllnn has l-w-l This is tlm tveok when we Iiuva ilm
l'AKIS, Dec. . Tt i-. ree.ilhd
thut nomo eitios nnd to'whK of hdIi-ii
depaitnicnts of Franee that were oc
cupied by (lie fiensiuiin in 1870-71 .ire
s,tilt under thv burden of debt iu
(lined to Mitify the ruqiiinitioiia oi
tiie Oeniintix.
The Hiime depailuu-bU mill-mmi
of the Mime town-' oceupied hv Her
umns during the picm-nt war liuve
incurred further burden. Since die
wnr i waged fur the prelection of nil
tho territory, u project i- under eon
sulenition to relieve ihein iu part If
dihtribuliii;,' the eliurgef. out the
whole tenitoi'.
i ii
(Oontlnued from pav 1.)
them lo be his giiesis ut the Page
Wednesday evcnlrfg. ' ' '
The entertainment committed as
sisted b tho Greater .Medford cluu
will sorvo U novel uud dainty liimh-
eon to, tho cuovenUoh delegates and
visitor ut the Natatorlum ThurKda
12 to' l:0." ,i
liniupillately following tho dtdegn
tlnn al wlio can will bo tnhnu in
nuton lo noma orchard wlioro Prof
Gaiduur will dollvnr n leituro on
Try this
French toast recape
s&idy bread is tHiiu;-;
formed into a delect
able treat, when you
make v rcncii toast
and serve with
MaktnHom; "Swctt" Home, Indeed
Clnl-t of i:cnthlttg In
.hwia al Tbla Store
llrcnd pudding is another
economicil (lisli thnt'a simply (Jc
llciou i when Lotf Cabin Syrup Is
used us dressing.
Order of your tcrocej whviij; aidd
In full incusur'oj'loijWablil-iilmitt-il
The TowleManle Products Co.
Itrfln.rl.ti Si. Paul. Minn.l
Si. Julllllbui)',
licit ono ckk In deep pbilc,
mid (inc-lmlf cup of milk, md
a jiIikIi of salt. Dlji hrcnll In
IlicwuUUiry iiihI fry tonnuldcii
brown In hot frjliiff lu". well
Krcnel with bhtlcr or drli
ila. Spnnd with butter
mid n;rvp hot, with Log pblu
ruji. j
coinw a un-ut drawlui; rurd for the
I'iimw t In lliu lnriieKt oiiiinatin
pliDliiK for pledinif in thu wtalu, ami
Unit u fit) of .MeiUoid populitifoii
cuii aiippoii aiivh up oiuiiiUutloii In
uvlilniice of It appruiiulloii Huplio
will only bvliofi lonllit
Oppottiliill) to lliilleute the oatoul oi
our luikpllallly which hu no iiinu
tliiida 4ieji limrpiiterlhllr of our (diy.
He ut the ttaliia mi hlch the dele
KHtea coiue, attend Ihu mfliiiua ut
the NatMtoiiiim Witdiiiday, Thiua
ila unit J'lidby
Iho hill'iul of
Modem .Melbmlx.
II. I, ,N(Jimm:u
-.cry y
Collea.- llullilllik, .11 North (liupn HI.
lui) mi.. i XIbIii b'bool-New Piiplla Miu Kntui ut any Tlmo
luliivav. Wliofl JtAi.'J mnl i;iiKlkrCouiao
NiBhl SchOtol R'af ftiffii $5.00
WrIU fqr
Oelltir Jeual
rvr-'TT' ' i'"""
(Jiiiirunlun Heivlco mid Quality
Marsh & Bennett
Second limn- P.'uit of riit Viit'l llimk
Phono U-VJ
I mm jj I JjTllflf fJXl 1
"Ncans tu
Every yuns"
Powell St., bt OTarrcll
San Frunchto
In the heart of tlie
lifivinpct. Khnnnlntr
jen and theatre district.
Running distilled ice
water in every room.
Our commodious
lobby Jinc&ervicciand f
riomoiikc restaurant
will ntlract yoit.
European Plan rele:
11.50 tip.
f '
i it i . i '(,
Hi. ' : '
Vf "M (I V u
U a 'J lie M'nti '
catia S
Det lliintu TomatoM, can 10
Aater. Holly nml MarlfNtk!
iiilllc, 3 cnua ..........
:ire Imporied eniimid I'stuw...-
lac linporlod lluabrtHiiiw
JOecnii llnet
Pearl White, CryaUtl VIH ami
A II NapthR hap, if ftnra....M
0c ti l-'alry Soap. I bnra. ......
jr.c Vanilla .......
36c l.emou Kxtmct - . .
SSo can I'nacy Uyauira ....
tr.B can Fancy Ujratera .... .
Hwert Chittuar Plelh. Ma alio
'.'.e bottla Cauitp .......lUn, two
Ur Prlcim liaklna" J'owrtar, lb...
Kodn. I paekaam .....
CaiiiiiWIU Koup any Ulnd. do..
lOr CrMevnt CtHHin doffeo, lb... .30
Karo Byrup aflialP .1 - .!
Knro 8rP. 'Udt)ini .3R
Kiiro Syrup, n . OR
None Mince .Maat, per pk. ,10
Hiildnra I'ork ft ltwju. awall (Mr
iloreu ' UR '
Holder Pork A lk-aia, uicdliini
per doa v .-. I-IR
Holder Pork & llcaua, lari', per
doxeti . . .' ( X.Sn
?.-el PotnloM. 10 Uta, for 36
Primer:, Reed otiea, ?5 Urn I.U0
S1.30 Pen 100 Lbs.
ltd. 10 Ho, Ccntlill
Phoni) U7I
208 East Main Street
' 3ro(Kord
TJio Only Klxel naive
Gonimoi'oial Vliotogripliorn
in ftoiilliin'n OrtiKOii
NogativoH Alndo any linio or
place by nppoIiiluuMit
I'liono LI7-J
WoMI' do tliu i-cuii
B. D. WKSTON, Prop,