' v. ; WEDFORT) TWIT; TRTBTIKE, MEDFORD, OKRflON, MONDAY, NOVISAIMKR 30, 3014 P50E THRllB J Ll vv l E IN SMALL TOWN I'AltlH, Nov. 30, .Va-I a. m. A rimrcMmttitlvu of thu Ilimm Acoiicy, loKothrr with n party of Paris howh paper men, linn been received by (Ion crnl Joffro at IiIm hcmliinrtoiM. Tlilii In (tin fir tit time hlnco tho outbreak of tho nnr llml llio commnndor la chief linn connnntod to hod thu promt, In riiNcrlhiiK tho lienitipinrtorn titul whnt ho wiw thoro, thn llnvitH cor rcfiimndont iwyn: "Tho offlco from which tho Ron ernln direct operation In In n public nchool In nnmll quiet town. Thero In no undue tlr or btiNtlo In thn htrrfitii niid n HtrmiRor would never ntiiipect thn proKonco In thin inoilottt (ilncn of tho bond of tho allied nrnili'M. Without Itecomtlotut "floncrnl Joffro'n prlvnto offlco In on I he first floor. Thn correnpond- ciit worn nt olio nliown In nnd nn tho) entered tho (Joucrnl roMi from hln desk and stood In tho middle of tho room. Ilo wan In uiidrewi uni form with top bootn an tunic, but worn no dccorntlonn. "Ilo wan Jnnt nn nil Frenchmen picture him. Hln feature reflect tho clinrncler of tho mini In every line, nhowlnn n comblnntlon of ener Ky and kooiIiionii, Kentlniienn nud limi ne. Tho formidable enren nnd nnx Ittlen of tho Innt four montliH of war hnxit not nurd hln countennnce, Hln holo ixTftounllty hrenthen physical and moral ljtor In tho hlKhent tie Krce. '''I nm happy to welcoino you, r.cntlemeti,' ho nnld. 'Your tour will, I liopo enable you to rorrect cer tain error which tho (lermnnn nro bunlly dlHomuntliiR In tho public mind. You will carry back with you, I do not doubt, a Reed lmprrlou from your vlnlt to tho nriulen,' llixorntlonH .Vol Vnlueil "Wo began to conKrntulnto him re. npectfully on the mllltnry mednl con ferred on him by I'renldont I'olncnro. Ilo Interrupted hnntlty. " 'That In or no Imporlaiico nt nil. What .mnttnrn nboto ocitliln la to k.ivc thu country.' "Tho general pronounced theso Innt wordn lth nurh an accent that rnrh of un In hln own mind added: 'And ho will novo It "' AS nOllDIJAlIX, Nov. 30. -How to find komethlnR for tho (Icrmnn prln onern of war to do, In n intention which In prnoccupylnK tho Trench rtovcrnmont. There nro now about 100,000 men Interned In vnr loun townn In nouthcru and Western Franco. Many of thorn boloiiR to koiiio nkllled trade, but to employ thorn at their own craft would nRKra. vale tho Mtunllon of Trench unom pin) m and rIvo tIko to protrntn from trade unlonn. It ban boon decided to iiko a largo number of prisoners an dock labor its In varloun porta, loading and un loading ahlpn of co ni mo no, In ptaco of lical men nerving with tho army. After the cot of their keep ban been deducted, they will bo Riven whnt thoy earn to buy tobacco nnd other miiiuII comforts. I CONTINUES STEADY I'OIITLANU, Nov. 30. Hccolptn for tho week havo lieen, Cattle, nOOj culvcfl, 31; hogs, 79U1; aheep, HlGti. Cattol market continues ntendy In ail Hues with light rucclptH., steorn havo not uhown qultu the quality that wiiK ahown tho provloun week, though aonio very good steers went at $ 7 . 1 T . (lood finality cowh going nt ftl, A npcclully uood bunch of feeder HleurH Hirung thu market and uold at 10.75. Thin wouk wuh a banner one In point of rocolptH, 8000 coming for ward donplto tho fact that thoru wan no market Thursday. The market cloned today ntoudy to strong at 17.30. Another light week In tho sheep Hheds, barely enough good killing nhoop coming to supply (ho demand of killcrM, Market lu utrong, QUEEN ELIZABETH OF BELGIUM REPORTED ILL IIO'lTKIIDAM, Nov. UP, tin l.mi. dun, KliilO i Tim iiiiWHpiiimr, fiiiiNbodo led niw Unit Qiu'i'ii ICIuii' liulli of lelliiin In ill nml omil'lnn) (o lier lit'il, llt'l' iIIiiohn In (Inn In uW'l wofis n Hip IIiiI l'rtf mutici OFFICES COWRY SCHOOL PRISONERS Don CnrloM nml Howard Fogn'H T Hrnwoti nt 10 nml 15 eenlH. E GENERAL EXECUTEDFORSALE OF PK1CIN, Nov, 30. WmiB Chill HnliiR, the ex-prefect of Hhuntlcnfu, tho iiielropolllun dlntrlct In which PokIii la nltunted, Iiiin been executed by nhootliiR becnuno of bribery nud corruption- for ncllIng offlcen under him nud accepting 'Hqucor.o." Wang ChllcllKlnR held tho military rank of lieutenant general. Tho en so ban cutmed great excite ment In political circles lu China, es pecially an (icucrnl Wang wnn u per nonal friend or Yuan Khl Kal. It In reported that tho president sent an emlmiory to thu family of tho gcnernl, Informing them of ills regret nt hav ing to fulfill tho law In order to stamp out corruption, and of hln In tention to provldo for tho mnlutvn anco of tho family. .Many minor offlcJnln nlso hnxc lost their Then becnuno of dishonesty nud opium imokern continue to die nt the hnndn of the noldlern. Tho gov ernor of the Important province of Kansu linn been dismissed from of fice bucaueo ho did not bollno In tho sincerity of tho president, when, k ccntly ordern woro irnued that tho time honored custom of tending rich gifts to tho emperor on tho nnnlver rry or hln birthday about to bo fol lowed In tho enso of president. BY SHE LONDON, Nov 30, 7.19 a. in. A dispatch to llontor'n Telegram com pany from Hyndney, N. K. , ntnten that a strike In tho dork yards hnn delayed thn departure of thn Antarc tic ship Aurora, which In to carry a section of Sir Krnest fihncklcton'n Antarctic expedition, nnd that tho In. illcntlonn nro that Shackletnn will not start on hln trausArctlc journey until next year. Sir Krncat Shacklnton with n nee- tlon of hln expedition, left Mucsno3 Ayron for tho Antnrtlc region on tho ship i:ndurnnco, October SG lasU CHINES APPOINTMENTS DOCKYARD Rheumatism Sprains Lumbago Sciatica Why grin and bear all these ills when Sloan's Liniment kills pain? SLOANS LINIMENT All U.Ur. 2Sc SnJ four cod In Umpi for fr TKIAL HOITLE. DK EARL S. SLOAN, Inc., I'l.iUtMpl.U, I. D.pt. u AT IT THEATEfl WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHTS mined Allium! Cinmim, dogn, monke.VH PRUSSIAN FRONT PirritOMtAI), via London, Nov. 30, 1 1 :27 n, m. "Tlghtlng on tho Itiisno. Prussian front In turning advan tageously for our Bide," telegraphs u correspondent of thn Armv Mesnen ger. "Our cnvnlry has dispersed the enemy, who, In retiring In abandon ing hln munitions of war. The ener getic pursuit of our forces pruwnt tho (lermnnn from taking up tho po sitions which they had prepared for u. r use ... w.e oveni ot n reircai. .-..-... h ,o ...u uiKTimuiia . uo- lloln Mill (l-hll) (unH,i,i. ,i,i.i I ..., ,..u .,..,, ...i-.i.vuh.-r ivujn. "All of our operations lu (Jallcla are ending surconnfully for un. We continue to push the Austrian army lu tho direction of Cracow. In spite of Intense cold which In delaying our offensive, wo arc advancing victor ious "Several of our contingents al ready nro nbrentt of pracow, tho de fenders of which nro being turned on tho couth ride. Tho mornlo of our troops In excellent." WAR TAX BILL IN EFFECT TODAY WASHINGTON' Nov. :i(. The emergency war tax hill to rnit.o $100, 000,000 iii revenue went into full ef fect today. The imririoni of the meiiHtire liyiu luxes on tobacco, beer mid wine went into effect on De cember 1 and tin romniniug section heeniiio effective todnv. The hitler include luxes on hankers, pawn brok ers, hrokei?, "inru,tern of theater, iueludiiie motion nielure houses, own-ei-s of eireubc nud other shows, per fume, cosmetics-, ehewinjj gum nnd similar nrtielcK, commeieml piiwr of nil description steamship tickets, parlor enr Rcntn and slccoiiv our hcitltN nud telephone nud telegraph messages wheio the oliuvi exceeds 1,1 cents. Stumps in denominations of from 5 lo 1 cent nro to ho nf ucd to these articles. RUSSIANS CLAIM SUCCESSES ALONG " I havo used your Liniment anil can ay it is fine I liavo used It for noro throat, strained nhouldcr, nnd it noted likn a charm." Allen Dunn, Route I, Iiox8S,lHntValUv,Miti. " I nm it painter nnd pajcrhangcr by Irndc, consequently up nnd down lad ders. About two years ago my left kneo becamo lamo nnd sore. It pained mo at nightn nt ttmca till I could not rest, and I was contemplating giving up my trado on account of it whon I chanced to think of Sloan's Liniment. I had never tried it before, nnd I am glad to state that Ions than ona S.lo, bottla fixed mo up apparently as good na over." Charlct V. CamjiUll, Florence, Texas, &,. nud ponieH. Tlic bent hIiow of tho OUIET DAY ALONG BATTLE J'AItia. Nov. 30, 2:00 p. m. The Trench official communication Riven out In Tarln this afternoon In an fol lews: . "lu Holglum tho enemy Is remain ing on tho defensive. Tho nrtlllery flro has been feeble and wo liavo made progress nt certain points. In tho vicinity of Tny we hold securely the positions wo occupied November 28." "In tho region of Kolsnonn, thero 'has been an Intermittent artillery ,rr. dlrcclca nBa,nM tho town. ,.M )C ArBonnc vorn, nttnckn on ,.. ,. nf finrntnl i. vxr. rotiulitPit by our troops. "There has bee a very heavy fog on tho heights of the Mouse. "In tho Woovre district tho enemy bombarded the forest of Apremout but without result. "Thero Is nothing to report lu the Vosges." . ' FRENCH REPORT FRONT Interurban Autocar Service On Pacific Highway Between Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Medford and Central Point Time Table Effective Monday, November 30, 1914 A regular, reliable serviqe, with large comfortable Autocars will be operated between above points on the following schedule: LKAVK .MKDPOIID 4 . 8:'J0 n. in. except. S'unduy. 11 MO ii. in. " J Ml) p. III. " ftrlft p. in. " u II 10::!0 ii. in. ex. Sut. nnd Ejimduy 10M0 p.m. Saturday only 12:10 ii. m. Sat. nights only 10:00 n.m. 5:00 p. m. 9:30 p.m. t LEAVE ASHLAND 0:20 a, m. except Siin'duy 12:15 p.m. " 3:30 p.m. " 0:15 ii.ui. " i ii ii From Talent only 11:30 p. m. except Sat. nud Siui. 1:00 n.m. Sunday 'iuoruin ri 11:00 a.m. 0:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. BETWEEN MEDFORD AND CENTRAL POINT Leave Medford nt 10:20 u. in., 1:10 p. m. nnd 4:30 p. m. daily except Sunday. Also nt 7:40 p. m. nnd 11:30 p. m. on Saturdays. I0n 8uuduy8 leuvc Meilford nt 0.:10 n. n., 4:10 p. in. nnd 8:10 p. in. Leave (Yntrn,! Point nl 10:10 a. m., 2:05 p. m. and ImO p. m. daily oxcept Sunday. Alo at 8:00 p. m. nnd 11:50 p. m. on Saturday. , On Suu days lenvo Central Point nt 9:30 u. in., 4:30 p., in. nnd 9:00 p. in. , ' ,. Saturday evening eurs will stop only nt Main Street and Rivcr&ido in Medford and will not run west on Main. f" Either Way Uetwcen MEDFORD AND PHOENIX -MEDFORD AND TALENT .... MEDFORD AND ASHLAND MEDFORD AND CENTRAL ASHLAND AND TALENT .. ASHLAND AND PHOENIX TALENT AND PHOENIX .MCIH'OIID-Ilulrl Medford, IIu.kiiif Iliiiu Sli. ABIILANDwIlolel On'Kon, Kant Bldo Plmnniicy, PnleyW)nij( Plure, OKXTJlAh J'OIKT KiiBlimir Dmif Hlont. 1'IIOWNIX I'liuwiU MeriuuiUli. (J.. TALENT LuU ConlVclloiiery BIoib. Our mi ri nt u iiumfoilulilt) mid eaby ildlngi ilrlvei hid tuneful nml iiccoiiimoilulii((, nml wo rcfcpeulfully ollcll your jwtlrwiaff, INTERURBAN AOTOCAR COMf ANY Pill kliip oil ulyiiul iiiirtlieiu. Jftp Hit liiuv tnlile fur leruinwlaler. BERLIN CLAIMS BAN LOSSES ALONG VISTULA llKllLIN, Nov. 30, by wlroicsn to London, 3 10 p, m. The following official statement wan given out at military headquarters tedny: "Thero In nothing of note to re port from the western theater of the wnr. "On the east I'runslnn frontier an attempt by strong Ilunslnn forces to make surprise attacks on the Oer mnn fortlflcntlunH east of Darkehtncn fallod with heavy losses to the enemy from whom we captured a few offi cers nnd GOO men. South of the Welchsol (Vistula river) tho counter attackn which we mentioned yesterday led to natlnfac tory results. High teen cannon and more than 4 000 prisoners fell into our hands. "Nothing of note has occurred In noutheru Poland." SOUTHBOUND BETWEEN i FATIMA J ' TMlTUSJCltM BLEND SSBt CIGARETTES H BBBB For distinctive Pi moments W LEAVE PHOENIX LEAVE TALENT 8m." n. m. except Sunday 8:lf a.m. except Sunday ' llH.r n.m. " " Hum n.m. " " 12:45 p. in. " " 2:55 p.m. " " 5::t0 p.m. " " 5:40 p.m. " " 10:15 p.m. except Sat. and Sun. 10:55 p.m. except Snt. and Sun. 10:15 p.m. Saturday only 10:55 p.m. to Talent only 12i'o n.m. Snt. nights only 12:35 n.m. Sat. nights only SUNDAYS ONLY 10:15 n.m. 10:25 n.m. 5:15 p. m. 5:25 p.m. 9:15 p.m. v 9:55 p. "in. NORTHBOUND BETWEEN ASHLAND AND MEDFORD LEAVE TALENT 0:10 n.m. except Sunday 1:05 p.m. 3 :f)0 p. m. 7:05 p. in. u ii ii it ii 1 1 :00 p. in. Saturday only 1 1 :50 p. m. except Snt. nnd Sun. 1 :20 ii. m. Sunday momin;; SUNDAYS ONLY 11:20 n.m. Ii;20 p.m. 10:50 p. iu. FARES ioixT. - WAITING WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE WORD "BUDD" For the Correct Answer PRIZE $5.00 IN GOLD Box $ Care Sun YOU'LL SOON BE THINKING BBK0BBSSSSaSSSSSSBSSSSSSSslLlSSSSM SWEM STUDIOS Wwt Main "On tho MEDFORD AND ASHLAND LEAVE PHOENIX 9:50 n.m. except Sunday 1:15 p. m. 4:00 p.m. 7:15 p. in. it ii ii ii it 11:10 p. m. Saturday only 12:00 midnight, ox. Snt., nnd 1 :30 n. m. Sunday morniiij; 11:30 n.m. 0:30 p. m. 11:00 p. in. Ono Way. Round Trip, $0.15' 0.25 .20 .35 .35 , .00 ' ,15 -,2 .15 .30 .20 .35 .10 ROOMS .. of a war to plev FttUwr aad Mother And friends at CHRISTMAS TIME Titer Is nothing morn appro prlata tlian photographs bd your picture, m you ro today, will please there nil. IIavo tl slttisic Kd thin ueok If you ro Rotas; to snd any of the picture away. We are open In the cycbIrx, nnd oa Humlay from 2 to S o'clock. Ground Floor" Mcdfont ARRIVE ASHLAND . . 9:10 n,m. 12:20 p.m. 3:20 p.m. (1:05 o. m. ".- 11:20 p.m. i 1:00 tt.ra. 10:50 a.m. rt uri0 p. m. 10:20 p.m. AltltlVE MEDFORD 10:05 a.m. ImO p. iu. 4:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 11:25 p. m. 12:15 a.m. 1:43 a.m. Sun. 11 :45 n. in. 'fi:j5 p.m. 11:15 p.m. K?v Ten TiokolH.' l.OOT 2.50 .'" '0 ,1.25 1.50 ;l 4 1 1 -n