Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 28, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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rATirc mvn
III Wilting In tilt Ntitlntllll (leiij(iilillli'
nlclv "I' I his rilVf (' Tmvnliiy-Kill-
llllU MI,m llml I llflll IlltllUIII.V !h lllllll
lliu plnne til' rural Kiiglnml, "Phys
ically "lie linn ii liciuilv till Iter nun,"
It Willi, mill llii'ii ((iiilliiiii'H :
I'lim, lu untile inniiiiilieetice ui'
lliKiitfU'li (mIiiIc In mil icpinilitcctl,
llHlj llU'le i II pi'lll'l Iff Mil' III llM
r.Upll llll'lllM'll, lljlltciei liyiMlnllll.
HnvVr iiml Itfillleiiiehi, wltlili Initiw
Niirumn Kiiglniinil itpiuceinlilv ncnicr.
,lii1e Mill) lllllltsllC, I'll'llllull- III'
jllllV' llll'llill'l'lllllll Ili'MiilV, tllCIC Milt
i Mi f. Iml llif llui'tiro, lln St'f'iiMii ml
llWl Mlll'lllll MmuHhIi tVpl' which
iilMih, -Irnnyi'ly cihhikIi, nr (lulliii',
liitily rt'iitfii'iil llii' iii'liii'M'iiii'iil".
Tin liiirmiiitl spleiulnr of tin nlil
lnmir r Hie iniiiiinli me firl pnl
linrrlihl iiml llii'ii wiuiilerfiil,"
llnwiiii nf Sweet Aiiliiini
'Mtitrnl lliitigui'v In Mill llii' ilri'iim
of fit her iIiinm, tin- iiiiihiiI, Mill lilc
U'lltlfll llMHlll'll j lll Iclllll-SIIIM'C
pialuroM ninl hmm mil umler llio
nn,w il' WiiNliiimifin Irving' Iniieli
riil, nlliu-iiitf nml cnstintj (In1 re
nftivi' jjiriinif nf iiiiiiiiiiii('i-viiinii II
inighlv Nin. 'SwiKl Anlium' Unit
urn 'iiiKMnir nliW climes nestle
nlmvil every plufiil tulley ir tlii."
"Ill It i 'All'tlllil!, lllHllC III till'
liiipjfv,' ninl lirrw i Ilt I'fiii'M prim
eval'. IllMH UI'O AllM llll'HilnWH
trt'tilitil to I h' caViwitnf mnl pic
ture In llni'litt without hiiiiilii'i,'
"When lite Iniul Is miow IhimiiiI,
wil( liv tin keen, (tixtr, inlil mi nf
lli Hliilf imrUij mill the limit wuilci
lil(lll Hill, jrint Wood flrrtH rl'ili'Ui'
on llir tunc llcarUiUlinies; cliililnii
ftnil nlil full; hint to I In fpiiiiiliitr of
mil: tin' -i'IiooU Inkc lliMr Iml, nml
virile cncigicMi ore given over I" lm
ktft HmvfiiK, recti plaiting mnl vvniiil
ennriitir. jnt n when llm-ntiii- kept
the luiilije liv tin yi'llfiw Tiber."
MnM llnilliilili Itni'tf
"A musical, winc-lnvinir, Impll
mIiIc nice, win in, ui'iiciiiiiH mnl cuni-
llNtiw; liili lllll) llili; lilnuil lllntluT
in li'ttiiMTiiiiii'iit to tin' lniiulMvi ('fit;
ilowerinl liku It i ii with llio i-iirc nf
l(riiltti, villi ii-tntiil liifiipiicilv to
will if mi uiwmI Iwiiick mnl tin1 Miior
to fiulit mi hii.v miit Iml Iiih 'iirii, lint
nikhI tin (,'!! in it'iiiiiiirli nf iiiini:
ilmturliml hII Mtc, lint fniimli'il
ltinKiiti it irili Min'W wliii'li cnn
Mill -it nml tlilnk. run inmiiii il un
In n tuir tii"Mnt, i'ii 1 1 InlLlnl" l''ini
iiiK rrtMuy m il luirp or pn'liiii' pm't
Mnnn-i n ilolumto iiniiniiiMlimi with
liiwftlilpfix iltvil; it rniT whlt'li oiiiu
liiiH' tin1 MiulilliiM nipl')ii to ni'liiui
with I In- Ci'llic iliMini-t nf nHiiihlli(ill ;
iniirniiliiil, iiknIii. it Hit Cilt; It -iftli,
imivfly lini tnl il tlit iiiiiiiIcv
nf tin1 Mrftiiiifi", hiiili, wllli llii- Imr
liMiittii InM uf uli'ifiirn tn llic i'.vi',
HffiiMlivtf tn ilt. imiHMt I'hmiU tn iti'ii
tlriiifiw in-iiiMtp, I'liiMiliif, Inv
iililo, ilnwinv iHCii nf liiluliMx; lln
true Aximi nivwii'iy.
IHi'ls nf I'li'i'ilnlll
"Tliix lini, iwlii'iil, t'liiliirinir Ml.
Into mir ilx iiirn liiit'l; In iIh mii'iiint
rri'Ulldlll. It llllM HIIHK, III till HUI'I'I
mntlii'i' (oiikiiii Hint lint Inr il Inul
llitll InilK Inrpiilli'll, nf lliu tiliilinll"
ilmnl mnl llii Miii'ki'ii Tii'lili nf infill
ii1im cimlirliHiil in woiului I'ul lure, of
)niw nml nf ri'Kivt; novm' nf ilfupuir.
Fur it lilt uillinl Hint Imfi'li nf linnim
whifli timu Iml n MitiiViir fniilil hi
fiuwly Iiiivc iloTriliftl iim Mhn tmiiln
lii'twi'ini li'tuv.'
"I'iiMiuiiI lliniis'iiiy Iiiik ri'iiluii'H
nil ll- own. II Mifii'Iio ni'iiioH lliu
iMn nf llii1 mcnl it it i ii in llii' ii'ttiim
n' HnllnlillKV. 'rilt'ln I'lMfrt lilt' p'll-
dim', i Ijiinnl .Miikviii', tlic (Vntuiir
Mi'iiii, wlm, lil.f lii fill's nf nlil,
llml iiikIu'i! AIumu'iiIi'I' mi I lie plain
nf Suillaiiii, liiliw lil.c n ilcil uf tlic
Iwililtlit; i'iiM, iliinkM nml hlct'iw mi
IiIn Niiiull, liiflooM I'ltni-Kfi', mnl clinhi'M
wild pine fll'liullt in InM nf lilf mnl
iiiMi nl mini."
AMKTi:itl)A.M, via l.nnlmi, Nov, SR.
- H tin nmiiiiiifi', MiiiihIioiIo imtillMltfif
a lliirlln liiloKnim i;IvIiik (Iio lutcM
wonl riniii tliit Iii'hi'kjiI fU)''i( i;iu
iiijhI, In (liillclii. II wait niculvml In
Vltfiinu I'rliluy liy IMkooii pohI, ami
"Wo uiu tlnliiK voiy wull. Dn mil
lio lllWJIlllHll."
IHttiiliifinii .Vnllii',
KolU'O 1m liiiiiiljjr ulvuii llilil 11m
Aim Ulvur Hiiiin Inn iIImoIvihI pint
UWvJilli. II. 11. Wml & Hoi HMiil U'
111 )JHJiig, nl) lilllu tlilu Mini ni)iililit
uiiUju iif)w luniiukUnWDiH.
JlilMl Nuvtmilwi U. 101 1
U II WHHT a 10,
v. a wiimiAN.
Tlllllll.M!J;r illlV pilh-lll M'l.V
ipilflly Iti'ic, NVmlv itvt-fy min lnok
llii1 ilny nil, mnl in tin' cwiiIiik Kiiini
nf llii' .smiiiK l'nll; tniili in lliu ilmicc
nl lli'lllc.
With Myiiini i iiinpci'liiiv nl Sim
(Inli'li, in 1 1 1 Apiilcyiiti' illMi'iel,
Slmili'V l.yilinnl mnl MMfr, Mihh
(Iriiff, Marlfil Wviliif'Htliiy ninriiln
fur I'fixiM, liiii tlii'V Mill xpfml
I iuiiikMtf ivliiff ilny with lliiiit- Mt"r,
Sin', wlm h li'iii'liinir in Hint iliMni'l.
Inllll 'llirl'lll ill ,IiiI'ImiiiimIi' Npcnl
Kiimlny lii'i'i' iilinif n'hiliVfN,
Tim liiikf.v i nip in iIiIh I'liiiiimin
ity Iiiim mil lii'fii nml I. i'ii il, lint il will
Ik lit'lil for llii' ClniM'iiiiiH iaili.
Inliii Ni'iilmi, Clnildi CnlliiiH nml
11 Viiifi'iil nlli'iiili'il (fit fiinlliiill
Kiiini' at MciU'iiiil Hiilni'lity.
Ilnliuiil I'liinty, wlm it ntli'mliiiK
hiuh xi'linnl in Ci'iilnil I'ninl, wiin ii
vixititr hi Tnlilf llnnk InM Hiiliinliiy
I'M'llillK, -
('ml !!( hi' nf Amid' ttiuihm'li'il
Iim-IiMt in Tnlilc Itnclc inn1 ilny InM
Wltllc n ini'i'linix wiih lieinc lii'ltl in
lite Mi'liniilliiiiikti Tttfilny nivilil In nr
rmijii Hume plmi fur M'liilin a
'riiiiiil(Httiviii( iiflVriiiK tn Hie Huy'
ami (IiiU Aiil cto'icly, tmiuenne iptii'l
ly M'limvfil n liuu" liiihey (jnlilili'r
fimn Hie ffliee, uliern lie Inul taken
up (punier Inr Hie inylil.
Kits Oltenliaeln'i' nf Applemile inn
tnreil ner .Mnnitny evemm; nml xpfitl
Hie mull! nt Hie Ityrtmi limn', letinii
ini Tnci(iy ni'iiniiii, iieeniiipmiifil
liv Mm, KillliiiiTnli,k wlm lll pinl
Hie winter vlilinn relnthi in Hint
Wh llllf I('lll1ll(4 clillMiliTtlllle enlll-
plaint iilmiit miti)iiinli1(i" IrHVflinx
UiiimikIi lliene pailn nflfr ilnil, wit li
mit liitlilt.
'I'lie eliililien me eiijniii; a weeln
Mti'iilinn wlille I'lufeoxnr .Inlinxnn if
iitlcinlinu teiielierrt' iiiMitntu nl
Tliiffi wlm fiiMir A. Ii. Vincent fur
i mnl Niiprmfir me eirctilntiiit: hi"
pi'tilinii, wltifli is lieinc miifially
Myncil tlirniiylinnt Hie iliMiiel. Mr.
Vineent ii well ipinhrieil fur the posi
tion, liavimr HH'iit scvrrnl yearn with
I'. (I, I'crlimn, Hie well-l.nonn eon
tiaetnr, wlmre lie iliil imieli eoiiftriie
linn work, inelinlitiir mini nml lirnlue
liniltliiitf. In fuel, lie wiih I Vrlniiii's
tinlit'luuiil man on seM'ial linyi' eon
IhicIh nf tliis kiln! nf woik, ami it
highly ifi'iiiniiiemli'il liv liim.
Co'lmifl Wimlilinni mnl ). W.'Cml
tnn iittfinlfil (lie irr!i;iiHoii inert inc in
.Mcilfortl last Satiinlay.
At Hie lilM ini't'tiiiK of Hit Arrow
lieitiU Hie Milip't't for ilvliate wnv,
"llenlvi'il, Hint Hoiffvolt i a urealer
ftlnliwiniiii limn WIImiii." Tlte nffirin-
Cost of State Printing
Stain Capitol, Kali'iii, Or., Nn. 'JO,
To the I'nhlic:
0in to llio iinnfiiinn which c
itK In tlm initial of the pnlilie in icfcr
fiten to the coM of Mate prnitiiif. the
following M.iteiiienl Iiiih Iiicii prepar
eil with a view of nIiowiii jnM what
has hueti cvpcmlt'tl during the past
two liiunninl ieriinls:
Con! of piinlinp, IIH 1-12:
Printing, inline:, ttinalint,
pnuir, iite, (piintiiii;
fiintl) .flOL,,U,-"rr
I'lintinc nml liintliiiK nii-
prtinc court report . rj,(!(l().tll)
Printing paid for hv tle-
paitini'iits (apprnxi-
male) .. ..... '2r,,i)7.l
Total .... 110,0110.00
Piintinir, iiilini;, liimlin,
paper, etc. (printing
I nml) - . $ -K l.limi.'Jfi
I'linliii nm himlinp: bit-
prcnui court icpoiti . 7, 1'.'.'i.OO
Printing t he paid for hy
ilepailinents (appioi-
inate) . . IllJ-.'i.T'J
Total . l'J:i,(ll)ll.0O
AIiIioiikIi Hie iliinnmlh iimiii the
slate pnnlitiK ilcpiiitmciit nro in
I'l'i'iifini; from year to ,cnr, it will he
m'cii that the (ipcmlilniTK for piint
liijr tlnricifT tlm IIHII-IIH'I hiemiial per
iol will In' .f 17.0110.(10 K-ns than for
The rciliielion of epi'iiililiiH's for
Hit) picxfiit hiemiial peiitnl ix tine to
the iresenl ksi'iii of hanilliiiK Male
prinliiifr. The ivcoiiIk show n fiiv
iiitf of over .f.'IO.OOO.OO to have hecii
imule din inj,' the past vear as a ifsiilt
of Hie cliaiiKC, In other wnnls hail
the old h.vM'ciii rcniaineil in effecl, the
nxpcmliliiie for this liieniiinl periinl
woiilil have hecii al least .KIO.OOO in
cxci'HM of Hie iiiiioiinl sol foilh in Hie
nhovn Inlilc,
The stntii print Iiik lioatil will have
on liiiml In the m'lieinl fnml at llu
I'iiM nf Hut year sniiielliiiiy: over i'.W,
1100, This nmiiev i heinp paid In llie
pilnliiiK' ilcpailiiu'iil he llio ililfiiii'iit
iI'IIIIII'Im of Mule mnl Iim llllllllllll
I liielii.le.l in lliu tilaive lOlil-IIM I
i'iiM liihln. On Inn In mi me is in lil in
din II itiK lliu Invi, mi millmiilv '"
tiit en Iim Imim) lo ni' (lii'i'i' IiiimIi,
mnl il wu ilitivfuitt ililwi) Id nlt lliu
.Mim Piuillne lllm'H nt rlvoil froni
Salem the firm or lliu weok on a vUlt
to Imr min, W, II. .IoIiiikoii.
Will lliiiimi vitiB In from ItU i:vnn
ereek raiieli tliln wink, ItitvliiR
liroiiKlit a loud or (nrkeH to market,
(In) Murium ami family, k, . WH.
hoii, Aim. WIIhoii nml W, II. Hlm;tar
wi'io tlie KneHtn.ror 'i'liiuikHKlvliiK illn.
nor of lrank Coleinan of .Medforil.
HeorKu Wniiilt ling ruttinieil lionto
ufler a coiipl or cilrM aliHi'iite Hiniut
In KitHtern Oii'Kon nml Callfnrnla,
Mr. nml Mim. Prank Hmltli at
tcmleil din rootknll canin at Moilfonl
limt Hut in tiny.
MIkn VmiltA Hamilton or MeilfoM
mih a ii'finiL vlHltor nt tliu liotiitf or
Mr. II. M. Col II mi.
Tllo lioiilenf .lolin Wllnon wiim com
pletely ilmiiollHheil by flro Tnexilny
Tmmilay oviiiiIiik aliout 7 o'elonk. No
omi wnx ul lionio ami Hie Itmlile wan
(iiitlp'ly liitrm.'il liefon tlm flro wiih
A pretty wciIitliiK took place.
TliaiiliHKlvinn ilny at tlm Dniifnril
inni'li Miutli or .llllkHOIIVlllo Wlteti
Minn rinmlo Dmifortl wun milted In
imirrliiKo to Waller eldlor. Jiml
the Immeillatij family were pionenl
ami a few clone frleiiiln, lt'v. I'aal
H. Ililmly iHTformcil Hit eermnoiiy.
Mr. ami Mm. I.ihsIh Dlrlili enter
tained Mr. mid Mm. CliniltM Niinan
ami llr, ami Mm. (loltlmi at illiimr
'I'lianhfiKlvliiK ilny.
A. Ii. Cornell, Hie lnnnrance man,
tn a liiihliiiitH caller Friday.
The Friday Afternoon chili held a
lilffiFunl meeting at tin home or Mm.
May WIIkoii of Mudford thin week.
I'oMmnMor Itnlplt Woodford and
family were ciientx of Mr, nml Mm.
F. .1. Pick Tlianl.McUlnK.
ntive speal.erM were Itotmevell mlimr-ei-H
nml wni i Hie ilelinte tlirontili Pie
(jreat prfparation thev hail imule ami
the vim thee i,nt in their talk.
A. I,. .Sfiihionl; ami Wine I'limlle
ton are t'etliiiir their winter's Miunly
of wooil from the I'clcr-nn liotne
The eoiiiinittit' of yniiii; hnlief up
pointi'il to holioit for. Hip Hoys' nml
(lirlh' Aid Mteiety met with coiimiUt
ahle Hiieeess.
Malcolm Carlloit of New York City
Mnppcil orf on his wnv tlirnuuli the
alley nml hpfiit " few hmirx with hi
hrothrr, K. W. Carlton, of this place.
After the eonmletion of Hut nro-
pram it L the next meeting of the Lit
erary hocietj, Deeciiilier , lnnoli
Imskfls prepared liv the Indies will
ho Milil to Hie highest liidiler, Hie
proeecilK to (-o lownril liuyini; play-
14 ii i u ml eipiipinent nml other neciieil
thniKH for t lio school.
I'liicrKi'iu'.v Imaril for nuthority. While
it appears, fheroforc, mi the face of
the ivconl that there will he a ile
fieiuney to inert on January 1, it iimM
he reiiu'inhi'rcil that there will he am
ple fnmls on hand to cover this tle
liciency, ami that its existence Is due
only to the lack of nuthority nil the
part of the lioaul lo wipe it out.
Oswald West, finwinnr.
Hen W. Oolotl, seeietiiry tf stnle.
Thoians II. Kay, stnte treasurer.
, ...
I.ON'OON, Nov. US, 3:a.ri n. in.
The London pajiora print for the first
tttuu full nrooniits concernlnK tho ro
ported vlttli to Horlln recently of Sir
Honor CnMCiucut, a leader In tho Irish
national volunteer nioveuient. A
uow'H dlHpntch on November 22 said
thai Sir ltOKer Interviewed tho (lor
man foreign office relative, to (ler
ninuy'R attltndo toward Irolanl.
Tho Daily News characterize!! tho
iinuouucuiuent liy the (lerimiu foreiKti
office that Cjctniany never will In
vade fielniid as "an Impiideut men-
naKo of kooiI will." Ilotlt the Dally
Newa and tho Dally Mall pilnt u rol
limit account of Kir KoKor'n VIhII aa
tnlvcn from the NordduutHCho Allge
meino ZultuiiR, the Mall chnrncterlx
Ini; It as a "remarkable oplttode." Tho
Dully Newt) hiih that "trememlouH
Interest In hclni; taken In Ireland In
Casement's reported vIMt."
rIALH.M, Ore., Nov' 28 (Jovemor-
elect Janieti With) combo announced
lute today tho Hchu'tlou of (leoritu
I'almnr I'titnani to ho nerietary to the
Koveruor. Mr I'litmun U editor of a
uowHpiiper at Demi, Oreumi, and ul
HioiikIi hut tvveiity-uliiht yeurn old
luu M'tved two teiniH uh mayor of
Hint tin, ImihIiIdn wiIHiik two IiuoIih
ami iniitilliulliiH; niiiiieioiin ailltleii
In eiutern imiKiuliua. I In U n mil
of J HUImp I'liliimii pnblUlier, of
Now Ymk ami London, llu vaimi to
OruKiitl veveii )in um
WH . Medforil HuUti U ftleilfmtl niudu
At the Churches j
Hoiith Oakdnlft ntr-nue,
ITrnt imiHfi nt 8; 00 n. in.
Hecoml ManN'fit lo.'10 n. m,
KvciiIiik Bcrvflcei at 7:U0 p, m.
.foil l.iilfnimi
Horvlcex nt Zlon f.uthftriin! V.
Fourth Kt., will hn condticlcd In (ler
uinn nl 1 1 a, m.
HHtlii xclinol, KiikIIMi, at 10 a, in.
No 'VeiiliiK Horvhe. 0. Wllkcr,
SI. Maik'f Ifplscopnl
Holy comiuunloii h ii m,
Hutiday mliool 10 n. in,
MomliiK prayer ami kitiikhi 1 1 n.
HvenliiK prayer ninl m-niion 7:30 p.
in. Win. II. Hamilton, vicar.
Pice .McIIiimIM
Corner Tunth nml Ivy.
Sunday nchoo) 10 n. in.
PremliliiK II a. in, and 7:30 . in.
.lld-weok prayer iiicetlui; Thiirn
dti) 7.'I0 ji. in.
Come nml Wflioine. .1. K. Itradley,
Seventli-Diiy Adwiillst Climrli.
NorJli Itlvernlde nvenue.
I'riaihliiK nervlce Sundny evening
at 7:30, Hubject, "What does tho
lllblc nay will ho the outcome or thin
Krent war,"
Conn; nml hear thin timely, MlrrliiR
mlli rim by Paotor Thuuili-r, n'iciitly
fioin llaltlinore, Maryland. Koiik
fiervlce and Nfieclal iiiumIc,
I topi IM
Mornlm; service, 11 o'clock. The
I'p-eneMi of Christ' Salvation. Itev.
II. (). Nordwlck.
The pulpit cuiuiiiKtifi reriuoHtx ull
luemtiem to he prenent an matters or
Importance are to ionic before the
church. '"
lllblo hcIiooI 94. n, m. The Trag
edy ot the (Jrey'MIII. V. W. Meurs,
n. v.i'. u. 7 p. m.
Oakilalc Avenup .MetliiMlKt
Corner or Oakilalc nml Main St.
Sunday nchool nt 10 n. in.
1'renchliiK nt 11 a. in. nnd sacra
inentul hcrvlce.
Itev. II. II. Mowre, preMdlnp elder,
will lie here ami preach ut 7:30 p. in.
Kpworth League nt G:30 p. m.
Pra)er and Hlble study Thursday
All are welcome to our services. II.
M. Uranhnni, pastor.
Mtslfnnl Ctiilsilnii Assembly
SiiiIHi'h hall, (irapu street.
MomlnR worship 10:30 n. m.
I'ralse, testimony nnd preaching 3
P. m.
KvnnKellstlc meeting 7.30 p. in.
Organization of Sunday school
planned for this Sunday will be post
poned till further announcement. Mr.
Dodge will have charge of the Sun
day borvlces this week. The public
Is most cordially Invited.
ITrst Church of Christ Scientist
Sundny service at 1 1 o'clock. Sub
ject "Ancient nnd Modern Necrom
ancy, alius Mesmerism and Hypno
tism, denounced."
Wednesdny evening tchtlmonlal
meeting nt 7:30. All arc cordially In
vited. Sundny school at 10 o'clock. All
under the ago or 20 are wolcoufe.
Reading room In church edifice,
212 North Oakdnle, open from 1:30
to -1:30 dally except Sundns nnd
Sundny school ii:45 a. in.
Preaching servlco 11 n. nt. Sub
Ject, "Heroic Achievements."
Ant hem hy choir, "For (lod So
Loved the World," by Stnlner.
Junior League, 3 p. in. Leader,
Miss Clara Wines.
Kpwoitlt League, CMS p. in. Lend
er, Orn Wollain. Subject, "llulld
em of Methodism, William Tnjlor.
l'atlitlnder on Threo Continents."
Kvenlng service, 7:30. Subject,
"Seeing Jesus," Anthem by choir "O
Taste ami See," by Marston,
Preaching at 1 1 a. in., subject,
"Tho farts of Life."
Solo, Mrs. F. 11. Koborta.
Violin solo, Alleen Perl.
Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Subject,
"Tho (Sospel In Mb Kohitlon to Ore
gon." Violin solo, ltuth Campbell.
Old Familiar Hymns for song ser
vice. Sunday niiool at 10 a. m.
Y. P. S. C. U. at 0:30 p. m. Sub
ject, "Missionary Heroes ami Hero
Kindergarten at 1 1 n, in.
Pi ajeuncclliiK Thursday at 7 30 p.
FliM CtiiMUu Cliuifli
Coiner Ninth uud Oakdnlo,
Wu Invite the publlo lo our trr
Vices uml tiiiM lliut u KootJy iiuiuher
will olli'inl hiilli innrtiliiK unit even-
)'0(llllllI sen Inn u 0 10 u Ml
Hmiiimi, 'lliu Tine Vino''
Preaching service evening 7 30
Kermonle on somu popular theme
Sunday school at ft: l" n, nt, Tlm
school Is growliiK nnd with yotir aid
we can make It what It ought to he.
C. K, society meets nt 0:30 p. in.
Wo have had many attend for the
last month or to.
Mid-week prayer ni'etlng Thursday
ovenlnf? 7:1)0, Harry K, Tucker, min
ister. Hoported by Jftckion County At
trnct Cd Sixth and Fir Sti.
.lames Owens vs W F. Owlngs.
Answer. Sheriff's return of siiminons.
James Shields vs Mary Cokes el nl,
Sherlfr'fl return of summons.
State or Oregon vs. F, A. Hyde, A.
S. Demurrer.
Titos. P. Knhler vs. K. J.Kahler,
Order of publication.
Hurl H. ltohtor vs. Angellne Iio))
ler. Answer to amended complaint.
L'stato of T, .1. Trlplett. Admin
istrator's additional bond, required on
application to sell real property.
The Funeral services or Mrs, Sarah
T. Wolverton were conducted by Itev.
J. 1C. Hawkins, from the Methodist
Kpiscopul church Sunday, November
22, at 3 p. tn. She wag horn near
Lexington, Kentucky, In 1H42, nnd
tied nt Mudford, Oregon, November
20, IUH. Her maiden name was Lo
Veaque. She was married to Mr. Thomas
Kcrijuson In the fall of 16C7. To
this union were lorn two 'children,
one sou nnd daughter. After four
yenrs dt-ath Invaded the home, and In
less than three weekn removed father
and children.
In 1.S7I she wan married to John
Wolverton, and moved to tlreensburg,
Ind. To this union three children
were born, one son, dying In Infancy,
nml two daughter, Mrs. II, H. Kcrby
and Mrs. F. C. Kdmeads. Mr. Wol
verton died October 11, 1001, In
190S Mrs. Wolverton moved front In
diana to Medford, Oregon.
Sho united with the Christian
church In childhood, and remained In
that relation until Inter in life when
sho united with the M. L church.
Through her life she has been a loyal
and devout christian. As soor as
she canto to Mtdford to live she trans,
ferred her church membership to the
Medford M. K. church, nnd nt once
entered Into Itn activities. She wns
greatly loved by nil who knew her and
will be greatly missed.
Her depnrtttre wns qnc of triumph.
Almost to tho last she retained con
sciousness. Among tho last things
Mie said was, "Thy rod and thy staff
they comfort me."
"Life's labor done, as sinks the clay,
Light front Its load the spirit flics.
While heaven and earth comblno to
' say.
How blest tho righteous when lie
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned will apply to tho city coun
cil of the city of Medford, Oregon, at
its next rejtnlar meeting December 1,
1911, for a license to sell spirituous,
vinous and malt liquors in quanti
ties less than a gallon, at their placo
of business on South Kir street, lo
cated on lots 10, 11 and 12, block
45, of tho original townslte, in said
city, for a period of ttx mouths.
Onto af first publication November
19th. 1914.
-- - - - - - -- - - -
FOR UKNT Light housekeeping
rooms, iteut reiibouablo, lis Mis
tletoe St. 21
FOK HUNT Throe room furnished
flat. 322 S. Central. 21ti
FOR HKNT Housekeeping rooms,
light and water furnished, $1.00
per week each. 1 13 S. Front,
Phono 93U-K. 21&
itOOM ""AND" iiOAHD At 1 4 5 South
Ivy. Mrs. C. L. Orntit. 2 IS
Uoguo River Valley Fruit Lands.
Dairy, Btock, poultry ranches nnd
Timber. Colonization Tracts. Beat
nll-tho-year-rouud climate on coast.
Health Resort. Wonderful Medici
nal Springs.
Heaver Realty Co., Ashland. Oregon.
I nm maklnu deals for a lariror ner
cent ot iny customers than at any
time blnro 1 started business,
I wuut our proposition. I am
making up a Ileal L'stato ICxchuiiKu
Hook, I will not lint properties at
luflutud values cither for sale or trade
no In (liiotliii! price of property, give
lowed cuvh vuluutlon,
SMI! I'll t Nsllouul lUuk HuildlHtf
I'Jnmt VMi-J
von nt;M j-Kouau?
KoirilKNT--Four room1" "htingnhiw
nnd bam. Call 3S-.I3. 214
FOR HUNT -Furnished four rftoiu
house, close In strictly modern
and elenn. Phone nO'i-.f or 7H-R,
or call nt 24., N. Holly St.
FOR UKNT New nine room modern
house, close In. Phono 403-R2.
FOR HKNT Modern furn'slled house
Cheap rent. Inquire F. W. Menfs,
ngont, F. k F. Iinnk Hldg. 211
FOR Ilt:NT -Nice 5 room -modern
cottnge. Ons, lawn, enst front,
cloie In, 1 10.10 Hnqtilro 30 Cot
tage St. 214
FOR RBNT Modern, partly fur
nished five room bungnlow on cast
side. Phono CftO.
FOR "ilKST '" Onty h o 1 I In" to vvn "at
1000, 40 rooms hirnlshed, Ad
dress (J., caro Mnll Tribune.
FOR RKNT Oarnge or storo room
$3 per month. Inquire 240 So.
Riverside or phono 570-1 1. "
FOR SALK-1 ncres "of deep black
lonm soli, seeded to nlfalfa, fenced
with Page wire fence, on a good
county road one mile from city
limits on south. Terms to suit
purchaser. See owner, room 33,
over Jackson County Hank. Phone
3fi.-,-J or 78-R.
FOR SALE 120 ncres fine bottom
Innd, (suitable for alfalfa or clover
at $0 por acre, will subdivide to
suit purchaser. Seo owner, R. IL
ToR, room 33, over Jackson Coun
ty Rank.
FOR SALE A 20 aero farm with
rich deep free roll, suitable for nl
falfa or general farming only two
miles front Medford. Good five
room house, two large barns, new
silo, other outbuildings. Total
price only $4r,00. Payable $150t
cash, balance any time within nine
years. Excellent dairy ranch. E
S. Tumy, 210 aarnett-Cory Hldg.
FOR "SALE Wyown Place, threw
miles north of Eagle Point, So aero
farm and orchard, 47 acres fine
fruit trees, 3 to 12 crs old. J
T. Carpenter. 3IG& North Hart
lett St., Medford. 217
FOR S A LE Wea ncd Du roc pigs- I
R. Wilson, R. F. D. 1. 213
FOR SALE Registered thorough
bred Duroc Jersey boars, sultablo
for fall service; also registered
pigs nnd Kilts Just weaned. Phone
Central Point, Gray Crags or
chard, szs
FOR SALE Cheap, work horses and
saddle horses, will trade for cattle.
Walsh's ranch, mile out N. Roose
velt. 22 4
FOR SALE Jersey cows, Duroc
brood sows and nigs, Lironze turk
eys and White Wyandotte fowls.
choice breeding stock. J. II. Ful
ler, Oaktuont Farm, Talent.
FOR SALE Corn, -35.00 per ton at
J. M. Lofland'u ranch ZY tulles
southwest of town. Phone 1-F4.
FOR SALE Indian Runner and
Pekln ducks, calves and pigs; also
Tubular seperator. Phone 403-112.
FOR SALE Fancy dressed shoat,
ten cents a pound. WIH deliver.
Phone or write W. II. Crandall,
Kaglo Point. 214
FOR SALE Fancy dressed ahoat,
ten cents a pound. Will deliver.
Phono or write. W. H. Crandall,
Eagle Point. 214
FOR SALE Dry wood under cover,
$2.00 per tier and up. Full meas
urement guaranteed. II. Weln
Itard's, phono Gl.
WANTED Position as housekeeper,
small wages am) a winter home
profcrable. lnqulro at Snoll room
lug house. 21 Genessee St. 211
WANTED Hy young married ninn,
no children, foremunahlp or work,
orchard or ranch, uuderstanda
stock, five years experience in or
chard. 11. Snell. G. 11., Central
Point. Oregon. 21 4
WANTED Women Soil guaranteed
hoslory to friends, neighbors and
general wearer; 70 por cent pro
fit; make ? 10 dally; experience un
necessary, international Mills,
West Philadelphia, Pa.
WANTED - To bell a large electric
heater with all attachments, n
good one ull for ?4o0, Call phono
35S-J. 214
WANTED utoinobiles to Moie at
2.00 per month. Dyer's garage,
North Central Ave., Phono 590-X.
WANTED To rent modern furnished
bungalow, 4 or 5 rooms, for adults
only, Hox 8., caro Mall Tribune
WANTED DaucorB a wind-up
Thanksgiving dunce given by I))or's
nrrhCktrti nt Oith Hull, JaeUon
vllle, Oiti., Sattirdu) evening. No
vember '.'N, 1014. Tickets slxhlts.
WANTED Hoverr.l Ironh milk cows,
heifer calves, only good cows con
sldt'ied Weepy Hollow Farm,
Gold Mill. 3 lb
f WKWwfaif fpsf Nrf
KXOHANOrlWitni to mil or but
uythliiHT U U Hud it, 114 N,
Frimi Hi, I'hou W. Hull M''
fSl. f h WOHftj
FOR RRKNT-Modorn fUrnUlied
rooms'. Tho Cotttigo. 601 W. lllth..
4ar-j !i l.' "l. v-uaarf
Anto finpptiM
aro oporntlng lh lnritst, oldest
arid beat eqtilppod fdfliit In the Pa
cific northwest. Use our nprlnifd
when others fall. Bold under Knar
anteo. 20 North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Ore.
Notary 1'nblle
HELEN N. YOOKEY Notary imb
ue. Hrlng your work to me at thti
sln of tho Matt Tribune
orflco 42 North Front 8t Pnont
316. Prices right. Servlca guar
tnteed. AWttTtejH
Atlornoys-at-Lnw, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Hank bids.
Corey bide.
Wm. M. Colvlg. Geotgo M. Roberta
Medford National Hank Iltilldlnt.
Altornoys at Law. Jackson Coun
ty Bank Building,
NEWTON W. UORDEN Attorney al
law, room 7, Sparta building; Med
ford, Oregon.
i ' .. . n r
DR. A. II. HEDGES, Dr. Louise K.
Hedges Mechano-Therapltts, Chiro
practors, apondylotheraplsts. Tliesa
systems, Including dietetics, cura
tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy,
etc., prodaco results In both acute
and chronic dlseasee. Consulta
tion free. Over Deuel ft Co., cor
ner Main and Bartle'.t. Hours 9
a. m. to X) p. nt. Other hours by
appointment. Phone 170.
DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,. Chiropractor,
ncrvo specialist Rooms 203-204-20&
Garnett-Corey bldg Vapor
hatha and scientific maseage glreaf
noodle spray, head and shoulder
shower In connection; advice la
dietetics, medical gymnastics,
hydroptberapy. Lady attendant.
Phone, office 643, meldeaee Ull-K.
EatpIoyBMai AKacy
We are here to help people set re
liable, competent help. We fur
nish help tn almost all line ot
business. We make a specialty ot
competent men and wives fey
ranches. We solicit your patre
age. Blttner's Real Estate aad
Employment Bureau, Rooms 6 aid
7 Palm Bulldlnr. Medford. FboM
858. Mrs. Byrd Caster, Manager,
Garnett-Corey Bids., suite tit
Medford, Ore. Phone 8S6.
GARBAGE Get your premises
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on the city garbage waijons for
good service. Phono 274-L. l
Y. Allen.
Instruction In Muslo
Laurel. Fred Alton Halght Piano,
Mrs. Florence Halltday Halght,
voice. Telephone 17C-R. ,
SHOE REPAIRING First class shea
repairing, on modern electrte
machines while you wait. E. N.
Blden, located In Kldd'a Shoe Store,
Phone 313J.
From J2.G0 and up, by Dick San
ders. Phono 344-M, residence Gil
N. Fir. Estimates given, all
around man, honest dealings, good
materials used absolutely.
PhyeMclaua ana Burgeon
MAINS CAnLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 41C-417 Garuett-Corey
hldg., phono 103G-L. Residence
2G South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey
building. Phone 904-M.
DR. J, J. EMM ENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tosted and glasses sup
plied. Office 228 East Mala St,
Hours 8:30 a, m, to 8 p. aa.
B. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlee Jack
sou County Bank hldg. Office
phono 43-R; resldenco phone 68-K,
cian and surgeon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, I to 4. Phone 110-J.
DR It Tv oLaNOY Pbyslclau ana
surgeon. Phones, office 30, real
donee 724-J. Office hours 10 te
12, a to G,
DR. B. A. LOCKWOOD Physiclaa
nud Burgeou.
Practice limited to disease ef
women. Offices 'in K. Mala.
Phoufts, reklduucfl, K14-J2; office
It, J, CONHOY, M. I). PkyslviaH aula
Murgtiou. Ovur HutehtsoH b Luim4w
dsu, 2 IB M. Mulu Ml. Pwe 77,
KWtSWiWjUr,. x i,S . -V-.Vi3W
PrlMtws hi vu)Uhi
bvu 4Hlpi4 oriKlMfg mmm
miuikuH wrs4twi m wi
4 VvtiUm wUm, l
rf P , rv