Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 28, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Ml I MM Mi.i
" IT
It Ik inidirntooij tliitl nt Hip close
of niornlnft itcrvtco nt tro Utiiitlat
cluirch t6morro, tlmt the nnnn of
Hfif, .Mr. CnrHtcfti. it rormor lmslor,
will bo lii-ought Up for consideration,
n r to the fihJhnl)llll.V of rnllltiR lihn
to nRnlli inkii li() the work In (tiia
WlnndfB or w'okl) prices In hlfc
lilono rontl'flts mo! Ada Uliikrl), nt
Mann's; Mnrlo Seely. at SrhletfeH(';
Kreda Hrlvlh, til Kldd's? l-'lo Thdjnl
son nt At. !'. &'U. Co."
The IrpMl)jtorlan I'ltrlstmng hn
xanr wu Vj hold Frldny nnd Sntttr
ilay, riecb'mVr A rind ft,. A sr.c luifch
will fio s'urved Snttirdny noon nhd a
t-hlrkcn Jile dinner Saturday evonliiR.
1). II. KuKsell was a recent .Medford
vlFltor. i
Some ood looking young lady
wants your ote., If you trade at
Manu'B, Klld'fl, .Schloffclln's Al. P. &
H. Co., and they are working hard
and arc deserving of n piano. Ask
the clerks for the voteR they some
times forget to give them.
A. S. Hosenliaum has returned from
Sams Valley where ho spent Thanks
giving day with .Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Get It nt Dc VoVs.
The first snow of the season fell
on the nearby foothills last night and
this morning and the "beautiful ap
pearel for a short tlmo on the north
alopo of Iloxy Ann. Very little snow
fell on thq east foothills, but on tho
west from Mt. Wagner io beyond the
curve on tho north. The air was
crisp and tho sky cloudy, and tho
prediction Is for more rain.
Tho finest equipment In Oregon tor
printing fruit labels. Medford Print
ing Co.
Ed Andrews lias returned from a
trip to Eureka, Humboldt county,
Cal., where ho Is Interested In oil
Now Thought Circlo, 504 S. Oak
dale, Saturday 2:30 to C. ' "
It. W. Iluhl of the Morning Sun Is
confined to his homo by n sovore
Kodak finishing tho best, at Wes
ton's Camero Shop. Over IsIs Thea
ter. .
Fred 1'elouze of Eagle Point has
returned from a trip to Klamath
Palls will tthe High school football
team . The football and vaudeville
teams returned home last night.
8weet elder at Do Voo'a.
I'.obort Hordon who has been on
a ranch in tho eastern part of the
county the last four months returned
to Medford Friday for a few days
Walter Merrick loft Friday on a
buslnoss trip to Portland and Wil
lamette valley points. Ho will re
turn Tuesday.
E. S. Tumy writes all forms of In
surance. Excellent companies, good
local service, 210 Garnet-Corey
nidg. '
Workmen hare begun Iho Installa
tion of flro escapns on tho new Bar
naul Hotel in compliance with state
and city laws covering the same.
Mrs. Hertha Snyder returned
Thursday ovenlng from a three weoks
visit with friends and relatives at
San Itafael, Cal.
DoVoo Is going to sell COO pounds
of chocolate creams at thirty cents
per pound. Get a pound today, tf
The Elks Teniplo on North Central
avenue 1h fast, ncnrjng completion.
The middle of the week the heat was
turned on In tho heating plant for
the first' time. Tho lodge expects
to hold Its momorlnl services in the
Temple tho first Sunday Jn Decem
ber. C. M. Waterman of, Grants Pass
spent Frldny In Medrord unending
to bUHlnoRs matters.
J. O. Gerklng. tho best all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made any
where, tlmo or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phone 320-J.
Fruitgrowers of the valley aro mak
Ing preparations for sending Itoguo
Itlvor apples to eastern niarkts by
jiarctls post for the Christmas trade.
It Ib planned to ship some of the
Trult to England and France
Comt Hall leaven today for Port
land to purrhaBo a now taxlcab for
hervlco between this city and Ash
land and for use on tho Crater Lake
run In the summer time.
For guaranteed 100 per cent puro,
sanitary milk, prompt delivery, call
DSil-W. 217
Village cut up who for several
weeks hnvu been tampering with
nutos left standing In front of the
Puge- theutro, resumed operations
utfaln I.l nlBht, stealing several
buttery keys. Auto owulth aro ad
vised by the police that It Is a good
policy to keep this Importunt ndjuuet
to their cars In their pocketH.
"Insurance" means "Holmes'' and
'Holmes" means "Insursnco." Boo
Holmes "Tho Insurance Man."
flay Parker of Dutte Falls, a
sho (vachtir of that district Is spend
lug tho Thanksgiving wicutluu lit the
r(- visiting frleids
KNdHk flulstilUK anil supplies at
WttMttX' Cement Hhup, Over Ills
rumttr. V
MIk'o Elisabeth King or Ashland Ir
YlMtlng friends and relntives In this
city for a few dnjs.
Attorney (Urn Newbury attended, to
legal matters In Jacksonville Friday
Holmes "The limiranco Man" Is
the authorized ngent oftlio Aetna In
surance Co.
The charter drafting revision com
mittee held Its regular meeting In
the council chambers Friday night,
with, the largest attendance of mem
Ijcrs'to dnte. Tho committee went
Into the detnlls of tho charter with
greater rare than usual, and thresh
ed out several Important points. Tho
next meeting of the committee will bo
Hold next Monday night.
George Lance of Gold Hill tqiont
Frlda. In this cltj attending to bus
iness matters.
Did you buy one of those "sale
suits?" The kind you try on when
you get home. Well If It don't fit
you come to the Medford Cleaners &
Tnllors nnd we will mako It fit.
Phone 57. 21C
A Jury In Justlco Taylor's court
Friday afternoon gave C. Adams a
verdict of $12T. for tho death ot a
horse, alleged to hove been killed
when under the care ot Logan Wool
rldge, both of tho Little Applegate.
The liorso was tied to a tree, accord
ing to the testimony, nnd during the
night, horses In the coral left loose,
ran Into the rope breaking the neck
ot tho Adam's horse. This was al
leged to bo negligence on the part
ot Woolrldge nnd the Jury sustained
the contention.
Tho regular first of tho month
meeting of the city council will be
held next Tuesday. At this time the
matter of reducing the police to one
man by day, and two by night v ill bo
discussed. The nntl-clgaretto ordl
nanco applicable to boys under age
will also be threshed out, and its
strict enrorcement considered. The
law when passed was observed but
vlgllanco In Its observance has bten
relaxed, until youths smoke every
place but under the nose of the po
Jl. II. Jones of Etna Mills. Cal., Is
spending a few days In the city at
tending to business matters.
Joe Kelly of the Griffin Creek dis
trict Is a business visitor in the city
today. '
Earl Itodgers and Jim King, the
two negros who attempted to terror terrer
ize: the Tit J. Palmer home Thanks
giving night, after they had been
fed, were given a hearing In Justice
Taylor's court this morning, and
bound over to tho grand Jury under
$500 bonds, which they could not
furnish. Tho two negroes said they
were drunk nnd did not know what
they were doing.
A squad of ablo bodied beggars
swooped down on the city Friday
dfcd taking up stands at prominent
corners and on side streets, began
to beg. There were eight or ten of
them, and they were reaping a ncn
harvst, until the pollco dispersed
them. One of tho gang who collect
ed aims on the street was afterwards
found spending his easy money In a
Front avenue saloon.
Bert 11. Greer, editor of tho Ash
land Tidings spent Saturday In Med
ford nttcndnlg to business matters.
C. C. Jerome of Yrcka. Cal., spent
Thanksgiving In Medford visiting his
mother and friends.
Mrs. J. G. Ooblo has returned from
a. trln to Klamath Falls where she
has been visiting the Inst two months
Miss Myrtle Mulr of Ashland. Is
vlsltlnc friends nnd relatives In this
J. F. Mundy left Friday morning
on a business trip to Putto Falls.
County fruit Inspectors Inspected
conditions In the Eagle Point dis
trict Friday afternoon.
Harry Porter and wlfo of Gold
Hill are visiting friends and relatives
in this city.
It inly Scholtze, well known Med-
fonl boy, who is attcfidlng Santa
Clara college has been picked by tho
San Francisco Chronicle as a member
of the All Star American rugby team,
being slated for half, tho most vital
position on th eteam. Uelng picked
for tho All Star team Is an honor
eagerly sought, and highly valued.
Scholtzo was tho star of tho Santa
Clara team all season.
Tho Pouoil Auto Co, yosterday n
celved a telegram stating that Harney
Oldfetld driving a Maxwell racer fin
ished third In the load race nt Corona
Cal.. Tliunkiiglvlng day. Tho tlmo
for tlie'aoo uillo riu-o was :::20-::2
and Oldflold's wiih 3:2a:rii.
Oldfleld was tho only driver who did
not have to slop at leat oncn at tho
pits on account of tiro tioublo or for
fnel or oil. Ho had ouo of the light
est curs in the iaio and cumo In Just
thrco minutes nnd 20 seconds Inter
than Pollen who mod tho race In his
Murcor. Oldfleld defeated three HtuU,
two other Mercers, two Puegeots,
two Sunbeams, ouo Mnrmoii and oth
ers. Why Not
Get tho lost smoke, (lor, Johnson,
suit alto putronlto ho in a. '
LssssPV"S A issssssssssPB '1Tq I ?5
vliB I V jJlB fsV ssssssssT '"'IfS "ft
" lBaj IBBBBBBBBtjIi KT SlSSSSSSlb .T J jvI issssTS aatjMCgtV
EHrssu jikiiiM,-jBisHBBBBB) flP" ' '
RN53. -i. . 4 ' dSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPavw W BflW AnBBBBsjHBBBBBflBBHBBl i ' 9lt
MpP jBiBBBBBBBBBlJ'Jw'Mft"' ir''-?SlL9 f
BBBflPj357n 97. j ,i ioRvBJBjbfC aSBBBJiJsbBBHBJBK i H
BP.555 v'"-" ' -ill, IvSS'v'tWvL' WHMHliBBBBBBBBvillllflBBBBBBLSBBBl
(Continued from l'ugo 1.)
county we e.xpeoted to enry off the
honors in the eom project, for it will
lie ivnioinlietvil Hint Int 'ir Krnii-ei-
Winn of Wellen took the fir.t
juixe on coin nmun the hoys of the
itnte. Thi- year wo wore not sur
prised when five of the ten jinse- on
corn mine to .luokMin county, ini'lud
inp the eupitnl prire of n free trip to
the Pnunmn exposition next your, lint
we well' surprised nt the record nt
flints fhnrlev's prize patch of coin
e.-iKeiiillv durinir tun iitiu-itnl
of drouth nnd the re-uls lieinp oil-
tnineil without irrigation. Tollowiu;:
i u Mtintuiirv of costs nnd profits mi
the one-eitjlttli acre nnd bused on cojt
per acre nt the xiiiiii1 rute:
Cost of Com t'rop
Hoeing, one hour - $ !"
Plowing, liurrowinj;, etc., !
hours- . . . .!'0
Plnntinp, 1 hour Mti
ftiltivntin. Vs liour .10
Harvest inp, ." hours .. .50
Two loads of immure nt $'2
er lend - -l-AO
Kent ut ."i per neie .OU's
Cost of seed .!
Tom! cost . ? li.'ri'
Yield anil ProGts mi. common com in :'"
1HT tin. ? .-'
8 bti. seed corn nt fJl.i'O per
bn '8.00
Totnl value
. twaw.
Profit per iiere
fluiis Chai ley's Own Story
flniK Charley's own story of
planting mid cniim: lor the uron is
here upiKinded:
"After mmiurinp the ground I
plowed it lis boon ns it wiis in gooil
shajK', which was Mnrch 17, letting
it lay ui rou?h for uliout three
weeks. ThU wiis nfter u ruin, nnd I
worked it down with n spike tooth
harrow. In nliout ten 1n I renejt
cd the example with n dise harrow,
mid nliout four days before nlnnting
I nin over it with a pulvonrcr, which
left the ioil in lino hhnpe for n seed
"I nlnnted the corn April 'In with u
two-row hori-e com plnntcr, plmilinp
it nliout three inches deep with about
threo grain to the hill.
'I ngnin used the hanow alio;if n
week nfter plnnliii? Io lo'-scn no .c
packed places mode liv the p'l-nt r
nnd also to hold the wcids in ch.-k
unfit tin. com w:i luriiO i umi-'ii ti
cultivnte. After til 1 used u twij
horso hoe cultivutor, ciiltiviitiug it
Muy 18 and June 1, each tlmo n few
davK nfter a rain, so im to prevent
cnpillnry evniiorntioii. Then I put the
final finish mid touch on it with the
old hoe .June 10, cutting lli wciiIk
mid now iiml then breaking 'ff "
sucker." Honor Winner
Audley Jfeyer won more individual
honor than most of the o,h in tho
work this vear, for he won u prie on
both corn iiiuid polnloei, he being one
of the Jew boy who completed two
projects. His one-eighth iicre of po
tiitocH i tlm part of tho work, how
ever, that will cniihlo him to see the
I'miiiinii I'lieilic exposition next year
free of ehnrge. The hind Juia been
cultivated or thirty years, altlioiivjli
much of tho time in alfalfa nnd pic
ture. Audley plowed, hnrrowed and
cultivated and irrigated the land him
self nnd wttK so anxious that the work
should lie nil lii own t)mt on one oc
casion when Iiih grandmother stinted
to pull ii weed out of hit patch In
stopped her fiom doing ho, on the
giouiid that the work must nil he ii
own. He did the work on Hntnrd.i.v
when school wit not in Howion.
The uroiiud wnii plowed nliout the
first of .May, douhlc ilUkud ami Imr
lowcd and tho seed wiih planted the
hiiiiic wMck, It is noticeable that the
urouiid wn plowed aluiol twelve
iiiclie. deep and tho 'il w llanlHl
neep, niere wa one iuucc, iwu cu
in a picee, phuitud IK iiicIicm h pit it in
I he hilU mid lliree feet uimU m ""'
ro. The iiotntoi" were liocd Iw n-r,
unlimited twice and nru"l'''l Hi'
limes, Jlu phiiiliU Uj jiuumlu ut
cid wlmli he lioitgH iroin his father
nt "0 cents ier luiiulrcdwcuht. The
total yield of marketable potatoes on
his otio-eialith liero wiis llttll pounds,
which, at the nrtlent iiuirket price of
P2 dents nor iiluind, linMuilif ."fim.-M.
The cost, including labor, puuiu him
sell wages, was 1 1. This lcner it
pmtit on Ids frnT?Milh acre ! of
?I7.!S. This uieitiis.n total vlivld NT
acre or itiurkctitlde pololocs gf i.l"
bushels, nnd incllMliift the small ones,
of nenilv (illO IiiisheN. Tin' to'ul
iitofit on an nem at tlitit into is
sIlSII.HI. There lile lew funnels ill
the world that oaii ?.iow' this kind of'
h net pint it. nltliougli, of coui'scthe
high prices or tutntocs has fuvured
Audley this i enr.
Ao)s IIiikI Woil.rrs
Until Audleulecr mid t'laos
Cluirlev aro the kind of hoys who
work hard to help their Mircuts, mid
the work done in Ihrir own fluids has
hceu done in the spare moment. 1Mb
look care of neatly two ncivs of corn
or potatoes of their own this year,
and while the yield in the whole Hold
wits not no great, et they were ex
ceptionally good, mid every hit of
work was their own. There ure many
other hoyx in the county who worked j
.icatl.v as hard anil will he in the nicej
again next year, Others reporting i
fplondid yields in norn ate the ltiigs-
dale hoys of l,:ike Creek, Verne Ow
ens of Wellen mid I.ulnnd Cuutrell of
Hitch, hut their reports of yields are
not at nicscnt nt hand.
One hoy in the garden project work i
who should he especially mentioned is
(leorge Caldwell ut .AaIiIiiihI, who got!
100 per cent oinhts project' report and 1
who ami a urMtir,o,o'i" on ins ni.iii
garden in Ashlaml. '
Of itoitrsp, thenr wj-rv mtvernl ho.vs
who deserve midnls on Hair rccoids
in pig feedimr. hut there wn one
whom we expectrd to stand a good
elimicu for a trip to the I'aunma I'a
eific exposition. In fact, lie did re
ceive tho priae for keepipg the liot
record of any hoy in the mid
his pi showed more careful fiediag
and faster gitins tlihu ; any in tho
state. It was oalv tho luck of mar
ketable (pmlitic oTtlie pig that harr-!
ed him from piling the trip. It wdl
lie remembered that ho is the hoy who I
took a pig weighing ' pounds the
Kith of .March nnd liv caicfnl daily
feeding made it weijih Jftripintiids on
tho first of September. Wilbur Hod
love, tho prize pig IVclleV of the stnfe
was ouo of the two fios who won the
trip to the sl.ite rnir at Saleid this
fall. Wilbur's own' account of iho
tiip follew:
My Tiip to the , Stale Pair
".Mr. Peterson, Cluus Charley and
I left Mcdfoid ut 8 o'clock Friday
morning, .Sejitember 27, nnd anived
in Salem, 8:10 Friday evening. We
s(tnycd at tin- Leonard hotel until
Sunday evening, then Chum mid I
went to the h"V-' ciitiip, which was on
the fair ground. The boys' camn wiih
Ii. I'. Hoot I Olt II ('. Kcntuer
(nimantccil I'rcSh and Mnilo From
Kelertisl, VnMlcl Applet.
The Kiliool of
Modern .Met hods.
kr'1 -.KZDy
College niilldlug,
Uay and Night Hchool -Now
lliiklneMB, HliOrliiniKl anil uugilHii t'oumeu
Night School SPSSM
Wo me iiicuHed to annoiinco that wo havo oponml up a now IiiibI
mwB at iho i onior r Houlh Itlvofkldo and Kth Ht., with np-to-ilato
inauhliioi for the iiianiifactiiro of uutomobllo IioiIIch, unto wIicoIh
mid fojedoom, all iliielof wagon and currlago ii-pulrliig; alfo nib
bur tiring
with the Hiildleis, Tlieie were nhout
twoutv tents in nil. The hoys oooib
pied' live nhd the "idlieis wuf1 (ie.en
pied by Hie soldier. Tlioio vtri'.tilj
four ho,s iu.'cmup Huil i'ililnf
hut h,V .MoiiUny ovoni'ug Iheie wfro
over thiity of; us. W we to futuish
cd with uiiifiiims, which iidmillcd us
to an tiling on the lair ground. We
spent, the gieuter pit it ot our tune
looking over the displas n' latin
pibditets, livestock, poultry tinil dtl
fereiit itiaeliitierv ewhihiK. Thcic
was a silver cup given to a ho lor
judgiitir chickiins. Tliey hrought ut
ten dtfietPiit breeds mid ou weio to
wnlc the uniiie of cucli, mid the bi
tlmt got them nil corioct won tin s I
ut i up. Theie were many inleii -.1
tni nnd instructive tlnn mmi, oi
all tunes of the da, On Tluir-d.v
we vlstled the state enpitol and "'iu
tentmrv. It was rainy tbo last two
or three dns mid we upent nawt oi
our tune in tho teuli, where we tt
around the file uud told stoties, Mr
Wells, (.'huts and I left for Ijume
uliout 10 o'clock p. in., October .1,
and ariivcil In .Mcdfoid the next d i
nliout 1 o'clock P. m. 1 hud a li'ic
time mid feel that I was well niul
for whnt 1 did to win tin trip."
Madam Wlnterroth, palmist, clnlr
vovnnt and trance modluiu.
Now lointed In our city Is creating
HniiHiilloiiN by her true predictions.
She has engaged n patronage of Iho
very licit people of our city. Kho
roads vou as mt omii book, paM, pres
ent and future, uud sctu ott on tho
j right rond to health, wealth and hap
piness. All those in uoiiul clou t tall
to see this gifted woman an she Is linre
for a few days only. Office Colonial
Flats, .South Itlvorslde. 14
Used in a
Million Homes
Every Day
for light, whole
some food.
Get Your Next Bull of
A. MAIli: ItV
puiCi-s yja.M) vi'
Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering
VM V Main, t'ltstalrs
"Dairy Brand"
The White Velvet Ice
Cream and Butter Co.
VI South Cential, Medford, Oregon,
SI North (Irnpo Kt.
PupllH May Knter at any Tlmo
IbbK. bb
' v MlVo.ttt in. long, H In 111--. Ii . ir in, deep.
Fitted !wl(u eiisfN, hninll's and 'bin-; -i lid, Tlii"
cIiihIh me undo r t'l'ilm' mil 'c luteiitlod to Im
covered. lOvi-rv liomo niuxU olid or imiio uf Oieiu.
Thh la Mint oppot'tunllv to m-t o'io ilnti Vo of
fer I hem in $"..7
Pacific Furniture
Hit i)l TH
ii ii i ii i i i ii i ii .in-! - ! m imiMi fi y tf III !.
, , $m5
mm "ti
Tiinnkful anil Confident ..
The mail or wom.m who uwaiili or h-r iimmv wnl
proa i ll itcne lbi It In a iitr im- lit "if I tlMiukfrl ror , vt
cfrmtH pud lookn foi wind to fio umro with iimflili n e
Alt ncuiiitil wUli tho ,ltti kiioii County Hunk itd'lod t n.v
r uhir dcio Iih wlll)vo)oti fliinnelitl nii'.'iir.lli,
I'. Inti nil 1-uld mt Kavln'H AccimmiIr . ,
oven cc vcaod UNDtn owe manaocmi;nt
You Will Need Fence
During the Fall Fencing Season
Page Fence Gives Greatest Protection
3. eiiiwW'- , p. - P-Mi"t j
I, cbii mi j ? I ' Zy
- . J i ' - i -T 44-'
St)lfKUa-A (lonsilestrcnglh 1.VW0 lbs.)
Nu(i dost- !,!,liiiiu r,iic-inp!t itmkin an ii'lliiL pig,
hug and slork ft-ncq.
Yoiu ItillnrsK railhci' when you huy PA Q12 Ji'eniu,
Wo tlflivL'r to your nhipping jMihif.
1IM Noi-IIi Iiioi'i(lo Ave. Mctlfunl
im. &LrP& his
LJr. t wnlsk. . iwsii av
T W-ViXA TUtirtVr.
7 II V.
a v
Tho higfjest autoinoliils value
ever offered for less thnn $1000
A powerful, faBf, ful! grown, S-pnii'
terser, renily beautiful iind fully
equipped automobile; a car with
a veal liift'i tension magruito, nlidintf
'gear tranemleaion, left luuul drivo
center control, antiskid tires on
A en? that haa pracllcftlly ovcry hfgli
priced feature of high priced cars.
g a Holds tlic rcQ J at 50 mile3 an liour. i
I PlirCli P. O. IJ, I3BTROI r 1
A K..
fi Fixture Factory
M".'.VJS5" orvM,
nm !" x ..
j- ?--!'
LSfii,-ifti; jrm
n B' "X ' W-a
M ,