Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 27, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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mmmmn) MArr; Titmrwj, mrovohi), ouwiox, iwmw. xovrcMnr,R 27, 101
1 ..,-... ... . - li 1 11 -ii r 1 - 1 1 1 1
II. I I .
....,.,., ,n iiHMinip.rnr ,., lH i,,,,,, m, lrllt of ,
11.. ftf-i 11 I iilon, ul..niloit Hi., ron-ji,,,,,! K,, ,nf fiin.l. ('imlrlh.i-
.7."'".. " " "r,,,,n," "f "", ""' UIomii umi,.,! Ill tl... wny Of .HP-
IMiIImhI on Tuomln), Willi tilP,H( ,, ,,,, nlW(1 ,,, ,, ,
MXooplliiti of I'ioh lit Carlton, whoj01UlunH my ,, ,ft ,a ,,, ,,,,.
ilnui iim-i- nt .Mi-dfoi.l in vlnll u,,,irtors )r.,l fnilla mill clothing
hiii lior. ttiofimHiitH lonclitMl Antilutifl tnrn u.y I1CCI(I,,H Tll0 ,,,
UmliiHiilav 1.(1.11111X111111 ilnrliiK 11 lirlff.,.1,11,1,,,,, IU0 ,,,,, ,,,, , ,.
"lay wo... Iiu(I.hI up low,. Hi n.iloM iurnrrollf ror th.,.o .lostlttil ...people.
'""V"' ,wl "" ; '"" ""'"H Tin. school ,(.,, , Lo,.,, (01.
" ,' """ ""' ""TJ'H'iB
hh rou... to in. in MiHtii nun, mi.
inirwih iiiiii'ims nro miming 1111 ux
tendon Imir of lliwcoiiHl snellon mill
0M'ini.l tin. iirlvnii. ear "Mormi
:. II: (JHiint, MfiHMUl iumiuxtr, iiinl
II. K llnilKi', nimUluiit (if Hit) Pinlflr
(llvlfllon, Hnu IVhiicIrui. uio of t lift
putty, neeupylng tlm pilvalo rnr
"tClqull !." NkvkihiiIi CiuIIoii, tlm
nnw president of tin. oiirpointliin, Ih
mi iintlurii mini 'mill has IihIi) ilm (r
flCM ilnr hmt 'April, when Ik. mm.
rowloU Tlii-oiloi.. N. Villi, n promt
limit (lurn In Wtwtftn Union nffnltM
for yfors punt. During their Ntot'
li.'r.i tin. visitor I Im riolputs
of rour.lHM f 1 ini tin. fiiiuiii.m'hil
' Aiming tlm hnppy TIiiiiiIirkIWmk ro
unions I1.110 vwu a iioinlilo on.i In Oio
family of .Mr, mill Mim Hugom. Will
mil. Tlii'li daughter Anglo, of Sow
m.i 1, win. Iinm Iik.iii h.iro for soma linn,
past nlll. nil) III hi tin. (IrnnlUi (iy
hospltal, liM. no fur tiinviili'in(i t It it f
sin. wii liroiiKlu liiinix lo participant
In thn ln.ll.lHy ik'ciihIhii whoro th.
KroMtlnM lM-tw."ii iliuiNhtor mill pnr
t'liU mill 11 liont of olln.r ihttM
wit r.K'Ipn.rul
Hum Holt ninl Chub Mills thi whH
INIlVftl tllHlr ll.Tll of koiiIh fllllll III'.'
mimiiKir HrailiiK xorllou In Kcono
crHk territory to nlnli.r iiinrli-r on
lliu Holt iiiurli ncroiM llmir Crcol;,
north of hlmnl.
AntlclputliiK l."ii(, inninliDrx of Hid
Voitnn' Wo.ln.Niilnv MrlilKu Wlilnt
flub hmn fornworn cnnl lniiK for
tho tr'iont. Ilovxevor, limtoml of
immliiK lliolr entlro tlmn In fmttliiK
ml prHyr, ihoy tire tie vol Iiik eli;ht
liouni to their utninl nvoi'itlloiiH, ekhl
to rofroMhmontM mnl bleep, mnl eight
in k.wIiik liiilimtrloinily for tho ilontt
Into llolnlniiH.
Tho ThmikKKMni; holhlny i en
N.Mit fully a Muon of nodal reunion
mnl gnlety. Thero worn fmnlly K'th
oilnK untore, ulo thentn pnrtleii
niitl other ilhomloim. Tho cilliiinv of
tho iliiy'n fetllll wan tho hull mnl
hKiiiiiit Nt KlkH' Toinplo. Tho feoil
won it turhfy ropuit, nlthoiiKh tho
turlioy tint wuh Imrreil from tho for
mal limit' pronrmii. Hrhoolri, hunk,
lore mnl niot of tho diutrhon woro
eloMil whllo the llil on the poMtofflro
wm ormi mor tlmn tlnhtly clnnpoil, mol llirmiKli hero with Mr. mnl
Ik.Iiik rlvetfil ilown. t)n tlm I'liiru II. Mm. .1 T. Ciirpoiilor of Mmlfonl.
8i nliuoNt int Miilt'l m on n wcok ility. j'riiuy ltnl heen out to Mr. CninilnU'H
Tho only oxdloimnil for tho two iIih
etnllnn Nov. 2il wiih tho fact Hint tho
ltyeonl rat lie out on It 1I11I0 of pnli
llMtlon, while tho TIiIIiiku uutlclpnt
eil thiil even! lt 21 honrx, to which
might l.o hiIiI.mI n piutcrlpt to tho
offget (hut tho onnl ninl lilllliinl nn-
iitiiMw to th Coniiimrclnl oluh iooiiih
woro workeil oertlmo ilnrliiK Hmt
.Mm. A. HlUhy, i-oaliUiiK
North Mnlut nitwit, l ulowly rorov
oilnx from" tho Hovoio offeetH of full
ItiK iloun Htiilm Init Hnturiluy, mi no
cjjont whlih etiino noitr provhiK ner-
joint A. Ilimoj, foimorly ennhlor
of tho CIlWou'H Imuk or HiIh olty, mnl
Who 1 01110 veil to Southern Cnllfoinln
Home Hino Ki, him rereutly orKixn
lil tho CUImiii'h I'ominorclnl unit
ShvIiihh Hunk of 8ntu Ann, Onl., of
whloh ho In lco pioMhleul mnl n
illroclor. Thin now Inmliutlon opeii
01I up for hiiPlnonH In Heptoiuher.
Moittit Ann l Iho rhlnf town In
OituiKo coiintj, 0110 of Iho rlolumt
hucHouh or Hint iokIoii.
Tho Oroitoiilnii coiroMponilont men
tlonml locently Hint K. J. Knlwir wns
In lino of hiiciohmIoii im pohtiniiHlor "t
Artjilaml. mnl Hint tho iimuoM of It.
II, Noll mnl U l I'hlPim woro ttlo
Imlni; monllonoil In thn ciimo lonnee
tjpn. To whlih nilKlit lio mliloil Hint
V, 10. Nowi'oinho Ih nlmi n emulhlnto
fi.V tho poHltlon, whli-li l.econu'ii vu
0I111I hy llmltiitloii Miucli I, HUT..
vlioii J. It. CiiHiiy, tho pri'Minl luruin
liunt, hlopH ilown mnl out. Mr. Vawy
him Hiirvod two tumiH. Mr. Nowroinho
Ih tho loenl inmuiKor of U10 Woaluiu
Union offlco horo, nml Ih n lnotlutr-lu-lnw
of I-. I.. Mullt, Nntlniiul Imuk
i.Mimliii.r. All thi'Ho t'linitlilutcH huvo
loeilMiil iiul.Hliinllnl l.iioklim,' Iinm
iiuinh u thw ro iloinncrtH fiotu wny
hurl.. Knlnor'H frloiulH eontoiiil Hint
ho .miilii Him html ohmiro or ImnlliiK
Urn uppoliitnmiit. "Ah wo ko lo
pniM," II llnwloy Ih minlhor nppll
unit. Il In from HHml wlnuo omo
nil it Hum h. rillml poDlnmiilorHlilP
illlilfi Clmelniiil
Al tun union TlmnlmMhlim wrlJ
HIillMllnii iliurrh. 'hmiUiMlliiK iniirii.
!.. Hi., lliu. On MIM Mil fill III HI A
11(01 ' l
Hioalifiorliiii, 11 lltiplM roiiil
llm mlpuiHi '"l 'M"'ul"11 ','" '""' I " II Uifliiil, who liu hi'iui iii
ilnii piiHiluniHllop nml u Mi.lhmllt kii.'i In ImlhlluK 11 ta'himl Iioiih i.. piu)' MliiMlm mu by llionir li'oiiil, huN Ulilhti U job
wiiiViymi'ii vihldi mMilv Hit flbli) mul nluiiiiu' lo III bomw ui vmvU
Unit wlili "Ainoilcn," iih n NtlliiK
puMtlitdn lo Hie imhlollc service. Wry
!iiii()ii'iiloly (hit offi'ilng wiih (
vol UmI lo llolghui lollef,
'I'llll U.K. I ..III 1 1. .. it... I) .!.. I
' !' PIK'IIHJ III llll V lllllflll'l UKII
tiil. HhtiliiK n tulnt of nltout la.'in,
I n flw (11W , InH, ynr TMi ;
hIioo him mi DiirollniDiil of 17,
Tho Hi. in.. I.niiinlry Ik ItintiillliiK
nnv tit It It tew In tho wn of n Htimni
prow, mi cioiiIv iniiWiliio whlgh
nowitilaM li u ii'iiilillo In np-to'ilatn
TuuMiliiy nlt;ht tho lociil lU.homih
IoiImi. of Oihl rolloAxlilp fnlily out-
lllll ItlKlIf III II HDltllll wit). Tlm IlKHII-
liornlilp wiim oiil In fonr. Tlm onlor
In wKiikmIiiic n HiiliNtmitliil Krowlh
ilnrliiK tin. ctoHliiK wiikn of tho pkm.
Iiik rem-.
ItnpoitN from tho TlinnkMKlvlim
foothiill 1:111110 nt Tho Dnlli'M Imlliuto
Hint the IiIkIi mIiooI hoyii of the AmIi
IiiihI mimiit met ilnfeut. Tlm yrorex
were iiKiiliiMt thotri 1." lo I) III tho
flrnl Imlf mnl r.K lo 0 In tho intconil.
The team In ol"'ct'il honm Hiiturilny.
Tlm nimiy filomlrt of V. S'oMell
WilKht, lliket cluili ul tin. H. I', tl.t
pot will KwiipHltilro with him mnl IiIh
wlf.i In the Iomm of their Infant iIuukIi
tor who wan horn hint Momliiy nn.t
died iiilti unililmily on ThnnluKMiiK
lly A. ". How Id t.
.1. K. And, one of tho Trull inor
i-lmiim, mill hotel hooper, ninl Mrn.
.Murk AppleRttti ro nt tho Kiinii)'-
mIiIu for illmier IiihI I'rlilny. Mr. Anil
telM til., that ho Ih imikhkciI In haul
'dm ut iiimflk from tho lliuunnl
initio lor lOilpinont mnl Hint tho rod;
In natnplliiK ory woll. Mrs. Apple
kii mm her ny, with her little
ilmiKhter up to tho mliii'H to nponil
it whllo wllli her hnnhmnl who I tho
foieinun of tin. mine.
i: H Wolfer hnit renled hid fnrnt
Jiui uhoo town, to 11 mnn l.y thn
nmno of Hurt mnl Iiiih inoveil hl
Iioiim.IioIiI ;ooiU to his fntlmrlnluw'n.
lumen Jonlnn, pluco, mnl ho nxpecU
to mart for low n In tin. near futuro
lint hlw fmnlly will not ko for fome
tltno. lie him nn offer of 11 Hltuatlon
H i.ltinilior mnl think Hint ho
v.lll ho nhlo to Improvo It In flnunclnl
fltimtlon l.y the rluuiKv-
W. II. Crnnilull vn nmoiiK our
lititliieiHi men liint week mnl ho nlno
to Hpotnl 11 few ilttyH mnl whllo thero
worn looktiiR oor on onhnnl )
IoiikIhk to 'IiI brother. Jmlxo Car
pentor oitnto. ,
. K. Hmiimotiil, one of our pro
perflotiM farmer mnl xlorl; men, wnst
ilollwirliiK wonil to W. C, 'lotneittti
I'rl'liluy mnl lrhlny nlnlit took In tho
hiovIiik plrturo kIiow mnl ilnnro
IKiiliiriliiy nlkht, Novemhor 1.1,
'rompnny K""o n movlnj; plcturo hIiow
hut ftoumthluK wont wreni: with tho
uiiu'liluo ho thoy niUorllni'il to i;lvo
n fieo liow mnl ilmictt liivt Hnturduy
nUht, hut I wnH itnul.lo to nttoml nl
thoiiKh I ilttl utloitil tho hIiow tho Hat.
tiiilny nlKht lieforo mnl whnt thoy ex
hll.llvil hofoio tho mnrhluo ko( croaH
wit wn very (fond. Thoy hooiii to
ho tloliw itilto wvll mnl furnish
muuHoiuont for tho ynuiiK folks.
It. I.. lllllHcy nml ThomaH Konnoy
of l.itko ereek nml Mr. IIiikIioh, 0110
of tho llutto 1'iiIIh iiiorrhnntii, wuu
with uh Krhliiy nlitht,
Mr. Uol.liiHon nml n yount; mnn l.y
Iho imiiio of Wollon of Hoi by woro
horo Kitturiln) nlKht. t
l.nnt Ruturilny Wultcr Wonil
uhlppoil !8 heiul of porkora Hint Teto
mul Pi nil Stouol hiul been fooilliiK
for Mr. Ilunllc nml W'ooil. Tho US
pIhh wolidioit -!it.:ir. poiiiiiU mul (ho
Slow el hrothoiH I1111I put on iibout one
hnir or Hint amount with ubout tiuO
hiiHhelH of eon) mnl mihl their pmt
nt ni'veii eoutii per pouuil to tho own
ei'H of tho hwIiio,
Dloil, nt tho fmnlly reHlilenro near
llrovvuHl.oio, Nov. 20, 19H, Mr. I.owIh
John llcHHlor, iikiiiI til. yonrfl, r. montliH
mul t iIujh. Tho wiih u
native of Autrlu nml ciimo to this
country In IiIh Infmiry. rnmo to
Oiottou lit 'US mul hnti lUeit on llutto
iMiit'k (ho moHt of tho Hmo hluro IiIh
nn nl. Ho wiih mini loil to Mih.
H11111I1 .liino Willtlit In I1KI7 Hr
lonvnH n vifo, u uloi'o mul imphow In
Ohio nun n noplmw In Culirornlu mul
11 hunt or filiui. Ik In tho llutto nook
coiiulry. Tho ioiiiiiIiih wnm In
leneil In (ho llinuiinhoiii I'lMiiolory
on Huiiiliiy ufliuiioon. Tho rnllKl'iua
yonleoH mum. h) Itoi. I., li
.Mm Jolip IMhiill of I'hiiuuU en mo
;in(.r lint Hutunlu) lo mm hnr ;n J ml
Itoportcd by JnckRon County Ab
tract Co., fllxlli mid Kir Hta.
.MmiliiKi MieiiH.i
Cecil Itnyiuoiiil H111III1 mul .Mnl)d
Allen Houtliiinl.
Itenl Olillo 'I'lini'.felH
A. I; (llllott el ux to Centrnl
I'tilul Htato Hunk, lot' '!, hlk.
2 mul lot :i, blk. .'ID, olty or
Control Point, W. I) Hi
Amly .loiiultiKH nl ux lo .1 union
HiltKou el ux, lol 4 In hlk,
17, rlly of Cold Hill, W", 1). 1
irultoil Htiilim to W'lllliim m'.
Ilodn.'tt, NV ' of Nt-0. H,
twp. III! t), It, 2 K., pittont
Alfroil A. (Illlott nt ux to A.
P. (Illlott et ux, Int. In
lol :i hlk. :i!l, Ciintnil Polnl
W, I). 1
K, K. Krnloy lo Tnblo Hook
DKch Co , 11 Htrlp of land
0110 rod In width In 3tN2 W.
rluhl of wny ikoil 1
J. V HIchiirilHou ul ux to M.
Anilomou 01 ux, loU 1 mul
!i In hlk. 7, liupvrlul Add
to .Meiirord, W. I) A I
Curl Itlmlon to Mm, IIohu ItU
don, NK of NIC hoc, HJ-ar.-2
U C. I) 1
V. (i Kntep ot nl to II. P.
HoiiHtoii t nl. itr.-ir. ncrrni In .
Koctloii 2i! (owiiHhlp -'IS H.
It. 1 V, V. I) 40.000
loliii M.viue mnl wile Mitrtl MciN
fonl 0 no iluy IiinI wenh.
Mm, A. D. .MeKee mul -.on, Hcrt,
M-ito.l Mim, ,, M. Di.ttH of .InekMoti
Vllle Iiih mi ell.
,Iih Liieile HiiUiOr ..I' Aylilnml linn
niiiNlieil her (cim ol' nl I'uU
iner ereek.
Mollis P111I. i mul riurciieo Huek
lire hnek in the iiiouutmim nolliefiiiK
their .'Utile.
Mr. S. A. Moore nml Mm. .1. ('.
Iliirton of Slur (lulrh mnde n Irij. to
Idii'li reeenlly.
.Mm. X. Lewis hits been very ill,
but 11 iiniroiiiK.
Tho nuntinl mcctlnc or tho Oregon
SporlNinoii'B IcnRiio will bo hold In
Portland, Doc. Uth ami 7th.
On tho former date, Pec, fith, tho
Portluud Hun rluh and tho Multno
mah AiiKlom' club huvo Joined In nr
rntiKliiK a ntnto dhoot nnd stnto fly
mul bait caiitlni: conictu. .Suitable
prizes huvo been offered tor tho var
Iouh events.
Moudny, Dec. 7th, the dclcKatca
will KUllnir In tho convention hall or
the Portland Commercial club to con-
Hldor tho neodft mul donlro or the
MportMnien or tho vitrloiiH Hoctlona of
tho stnto. A concerted lino of action
In mattum of HmIi and fiiutio IcrIhIq-
Hon will bo dutormlucil upon. This
coitvontlou coming an It docn Just
pi lor to thu seshlon or the state legis
lature Ih or Kreat Importance to all
tho uportHiiioti or thu state.
All cluliH, whether nlrcmly mom
hern or the 1 on k tie or not, nro urfieif
to M'nd doloKntoH. Tho meeting will
conclude with u duck dinner given at
the Commercial club. Ncvr motion
picture tnkon by Stnto Qnmo Wnr
Jon Klnloy will bo shown.
l.xcuixlon rates will be granted to
all tlcli'KatcH I.) tho railroads or tho
The Lie success or tho F K Douel
mid company sale 1b duo In n Kreat
numsure to tho ability or II. V. CralK.
tho siiIoh mniuiKer 111 churKO lie has
been In tho business for twelve jenrs
nml durlUK Hint Hino sayn ho hns con
ducted ubout r.OU sales on the Pacific
const. Ho Is uu expert In IiIh lino, U
11 llvo-wlro ndvortlser nml certainly
KetH tho crowdH. TIiIh Ih the thliil
sale for tho sumo Morn conducted
by Mr, OiiiIk. Ho saytt ou JiihI nu
well try to coniluot n Huccessful sulo
without kooiIh uh without plenty of
iip-tiMluto udvoitlsliiK.
Tho mu linger or tho Douel vtorou
6ii)8 thoy nro better pleased this Hmo
than over with tho mile, and with Mr.
CrulK's methods mul hiiccokh In con
dm Hut: It.
Mr. Oralis lenves the Hrst of the
wcok for IiIh now locution In San
I'lnmiHco. I'm timid has been his
Notlco Ih hereby r.lven Hint tho till
ik'iHlKited will apply to tho city conn
ell of tho city of Medfonl, Oreitou, nt
lis next lemilur nicotinic December I,
IV 1 1, fur u lli'ouuo to sell uplrltuoim,
vinous mul mull Illinois In iiinut
Hum Iiim than 11 itnllou, nl Hiclr pluco
or on Mouth I'lr Klrcol, lo
cal ml on loU 10, II mul IS. block
U, of Iho oilKliml lowimlln, In buld
illy! for it I'frloil of U mmitlis,
innicu iD..iii
)lo of Hid Uibli'Ulloil NiiWliiber
Nini'tccji Inlllilrcil nml roniteeii, Hie
tlr.vcHt yenr in Iho lii-lo.v of noiilh
I'lii Oieoii, in nflii'linsf iho mining
iniliiMlrv. mul opeiHlni-. of plneer
mitten nro hoping lor n liom y lull ol'
riiu nml ftiimv. I -nullv nl Hun hcii
fm of the yenr Ihe Hoir nl tho .Slcr
ling mini' N 1xtv ini'lm per
Meeoml. liiHtmnf It i "jiimI n bubbling
brook," nei'onliiij' to H. K. Ilullis,
oimuiiter. An douu 11. ihe walfi in
rreimew, opcratfoiiN will he in lull
Hwiii ul Iho mine Hint wn nl one
time 01m of. Hie he-t 110I1I proiliieer
in the Mute. The Mulli iutirolH
huvo njiint tlioiiHNinU of ilollnm in
miproveuienlM nml otpcot ihi voimh
elenn-iip lo hrin I. el. niiie of the
iiionev expemli'il.
Mndmii Wliitorroth, palmlut, clnlr
voymil and t ratio medium.
Now located In our cltj Is creating
snatloiiH by her in"4 predictions.
Sim has .'iifcuwd n patronuKo of tho
very best peoltlo of our city. Sho
lends ou ns tin open book, past, pres
ent mul futiinv ami sets you on tho
rlKht roud to health, wealth nnd h'u
plnt'Mi. All lliosa In doubt don't fall
to see this Klfted woman ns she Is hero
for u few ilnys onl). Office Colonial
I'lats, K011H1 Itlvomlde. 2i:t
Thu KavliiKH Department of tho
American Hunkem association wls(i
InK to demouslruto to the American
people tho necessity of la) lot; aside u
purt of their earning, huvo co-operated
with the Vltnninph Co. In pro
ducing n photoplay of exceptional
iutPrcst under tho title or "The He
ward or Thrift," and this drama will
ho shown nt the Star Theater I'rlilny
and Saturday afternoon and ovonlng
mid this is a hotoplay that should be
seen by every man, woman am! child
In tho valley.
The picture has been approved by
bankers nil over the I'tilted Statis.
and In it number or the larger cities
the savings banks, have cone to groat
expenso to huvo their depositors at
tend the theaters where tho picture
was being sjtowti.
Too much. cnnnlfVbq said ns to
thn value of this picture to the
younger generation ami parents and
touchers tdiuuld urge thu children to
go and see It. .
Thero will bo sovoral other pictures
shown mid tho program will bo large
nnd varlcil.
We desire to express our hoarltclt
thanks to the many frlomU ror their
klndnoss and K)iupntliy .during our
mother's sickness and death and ror
the beautiful floral offerings.
Mil. and MltS IIUA'IKU KlltltV.
Mil. nnd MltS. KOItUKST HI)
Mother Tells llow'ller I.lttle Son
Was Mnilo 11 Strong, Healthy Hoy
by Vlool After a Severe Sickness.
New York City. "About flvo
years ugo my llttlo boy, then soven
)oiua old, was very 111 with gustrltls,
then he contMcted measles from thu
other children, pneumonia soon fol
lowed, and there scented no liopu of
tuning his lire. However, wo rought
ofr tho cllsense and ho recovered, but
was In a very weak and dollcnto con
dition. "Tho doctor pi escribed cod liver
oil, but his little stomach swelled up
like a drum, nml the doctor said there
wns no cure for lilun I decided to
try Vluol, as I had used It myself
with splendid results, ami It seemed
to ngieo with him. Thut bloated con
dition soon disappeared, nnd now ho
Is n strong, healthy boy, tliankn to
Vluol," Mrs. Thomas KlUgorald.
IPSO Park Ave , Now York City.
In all cases whoro tho healluK.
ourutlve, Hshiio building Influence of
cod liver oil, or tho strengtli-crentliiB,
blood-making propoitlos of tonic Iron
nro needed. Vluol glvos Immediate
benefit, for U Is easily iisslinUntoil
ami acceptable to tho weakest stom-
urli, because It contains no oil or
grenso. mul lusles iIuIIcIouh.- Med
fonl Phurnittc), Medfonl, Oie Adv.
NOW- You can get Vluol nt the
lending drug "toio In every town
whoro this paper clrculuto
saaewrt- -- .. ip mnwii
ilOOM ANlTTlOltl)-At H& Houth
Iw. Mis C I., llrnnt. 2IK
. .in ' 11 .'-
I" '"
rou hm.i: oit isxeiiANdi: ,
Horuu llher Valley ITult l.anili.
Dairy, klock poultry runrhes nnd
Timber d'loiilifiilloti TimU. Je
nil-Hie yeur louiiil lilmuls oh roust
llenllh llitDi'rl Woinloiliil Muiltrl
iml HpllMUD
IUmut llH (Sj.iIMiIhhI, iioh.
A A. V, & A, M,
V Work In 13. A. dcsi
r tonight, 8:00 p. m
A. N. HIIDi:illtAND, BflC.
i-'Oll' "" "VUKNT UihC Toum-iimopiiiB
rooms. Itent ronsounble, II. .Mis
tletoe St. 217
agg-u-j-. ' .1. mi- '... 11 t
von ihj.n
I'Olt ItKNT-Tlin-f room furnished
hoiis. with batli nn pavement.
Phono 730-11. 113
I'Olt UKKT Modern, partly fur-.
nisiioii 11 vo room nungaiow on east
sldo. Phono C80.
ion itK.vr siiht:i.M.A.rcouH
I'Olt HUNT -Only hotel In town of
1000, -to rooms furnlslmd. Ad
dress O., care Mall Tribune.
I'Olt It KNT Oarage or stnro room
:: por month. Iitfitilro 2 IS 80
ltlverslibj or phono 570-11. '
I'Olt HM Wyowa Plncc, thro,
iiill'-s north of Haglo Point, Ho aero
farm mid orchard, 17 acres fine
fruit trees, 3 to 12 years old. .1.
T. CariMntor, 315 "4 North Ilart-li-tt
St, Medford. 217
FOIt SAM: Cheap, 13C5 acres ten
miles from .Medfonl. Tracts and
terms to suit. W. J. .Scott, sales
agent. 11
l-'Olt HAI.K Hy owner, 2S acrcn of
8-ycar old pears, standard varie
ties, with buildings, 3', mllcn
southwest or Medfonl, at $450 per
acre 'terms. M. 1. Mlneur, Med
ford. 213
sucrsaa. jjjjg
roil SAUi Wcancii nuroc plus. 3,
It. Wilson, It. V. I). 1 2 If.
FOIt SAI.K -Iteglstered thorough
bred Duroe Jersey boars, suitable
for rail service; uiiu registered
pigs mid gllta Just weaned Phone
Central Point, Cray Crags or
chard. 22S
FOIt SAM. Cheap, work horses and
saddle horses, will trade for cattle,
Walsh's ranch, mile out N. Roose
velt. 224
FOIt SAMS Jersoy cons. Uuroc
brood sons and pics, llronzo turk
eys and White V)undotto fowls,
cuolco breeding stock. J. 11. Ful
lor, Oakmont Farm, Talent. '
FOIt 8AI.K Fancy dressed shoat,
ten cents a pound. Will deliver.
Phone or write W. 11. Craudall,
Kagle Point. 211
FOIt SAI.i: Fancy dressed shoot.
teii cents n pound. Will deliver.
Phono or write. W. II. Crandall.
Kagle Point. 211
FOIt SAI.K $35.00 gas range for
$12.00. TOG South Oakdale, fore
noons. , 213
FOR SAI.K Dry wood under cover,
$2.00 per tier and up. full meas
urement guaranteed. II. Weln
hard's, phone 51.
FOFIt SAI.K Mammoth Poulotise
geeso. The big kind, both old and
)oung. C. W. Isaacs. 21U
FOR SALK Corn. $25.00 per ton,
three miles west of Medford. - P.
I). Loflnnd. Jacksonville. 213
WANTED Position as housekeeper,
small wages and a winter home
preferable. Inquire nt Sncll room
lug house, 21 Ocncsscu St, 214
WANTKD Hy young married man,
no children, foremanshlp or work,
orchard or ranch, understands
stopk, flvo ears experience in or
chard. II. Snell. O. I)., Central
Point, Oregon. 214
WANTKD Women Soil gunrnuteed
hosiery to friends, noltfhbora and
geueral wearer; 70 per cent pro
fit; mako $10 dally; oxporiouco un
uocossary. International Mills,
West Philadelphia, Pa.
WANTKD To ront modem furnished
bungalow, 4 or 5 rooms, for adults
only, llox S., caro Mall Tribune.
WANTKD Dnncera a wind-up
Thanksgiving danco given by Dyer's
orchestra 11 1 Otth Hall, Jackson
ville, Ore., Suturda) evening. No
vember 2S. 191 1. Tickets slX'blts.
WANTKD A light ruuubout. Aa-
dresa It. 201, Albort block, Urnnts
Pass. 113
WANTKD Several rresh milk cows,
heifer calves, only good cows con
sidered. Sleepy Hollow Farm,
Cold lllll. tti
anythtngT Front St.
Want to sell or buj
U O Ilader. 114 N.
Phono 125 Nuff Sod
I mil making iloula for u larcer per
cent of my customers than at any
Hmo sluco I blurted business,
I want our proposition. I am
mukliik' up u Ileal Kstito Kchttug
Hook. I Mill not list properties At
liiflulin! vului'S elllter for sulu or trade
so u giiotlnp price of property, ulv
lowest i'Mh valuation.
UUI Hit NmIIousI Huuk ilullillHtf
I'lmuo JW)J
I'Olt ItK.NT KUHM.tliril HOOMH
FOIt HHKNT Modern furnlshod
rooms. Tho Cottngn, CO I W. Iflth.
liUHl.M-SH iMitr.trroitT
Auto fiuppllcs
aro operating tho largest, oldest
snd best equipped plant In tho Pa
clflc northwest. Uso our springs
when others fall. Hold under guar
antee. 2C North FKlceatb St.
Portland, Ore.
N'otnry Public
lie. llrlng your work to mo'at tin
slfii of tho Mull Tribune.
Offlco 42 North Front St. Phoni
315. Prices right. Service guar
Attornoys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and
9, Medfonl Notional Uank bldg.
Corey bids.
Wm. M. Colvlg. Qcoigo M. Robert!
Medford National Dank Building
Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun
ty Dank Uulldlng.
law, room 7, Sparta building, Med
ford. Oregon.
- - - -
DR. A. It. IIKDQEH, Dr. Louise tt
Hedges Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro
practors, Spondylothcraplsts. Thcs
systems. Including dietetics, cura
tive gymnastics, hydro-thcrapby,
otc., produco results in both acute
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion free. Over Deuel St Co., cor
ner Main and Uartle'.t. Hours B
a. in. to C p. in. Other hours by
appointment. Phono 170.
DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD., Chiropractor
nervo specialist Rooms 203204
205. Oarnctt-Corcy bldg. Vapoi
baths and scientific massage given;
needle spray, head and sbouldei
shower In connection; advlco lo
dlototlca, medical gymnastics
hydroptherapy. Lady attendant
Phone, offlco 643, residence 511-R
Employment Agency
We aro here to help people get re
liable, competent help. We fur
nish help In almost all lines of
business. Wo mako a specialty ol
comnetcnt men and wives foi
ranches. Wo solicit your patron
age. Blttner's Real Estate ane
Employment Bureau, Rooms C and
7 Palm Building, Medford. Phoat
85 8. Mrs. Byrd Castor, Manager
Den LUUi
Qarnott-Coroy Bldg., suite 810
Medford, Ore. Phone 856.
OARHAOE Oct your premises
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons foi
good service. Phono 274-L. P.
Y. Allen.
Instruction In Music
Laurel. Fred Alton Ilalght Piano,
Mrs. Florence lialllday Halght,
volco. Telephone 17C-R.
SHOE RRPAIR1NG First class she
repairing, on modern electric
machines whllo you wait. E. N.
Biden, located In KIdd'a Shoe Store,
Phono 313J.
From $2 50 and up. ly Dick San
ders. Phone 544-M, residence 511
N. Fir. Estimates given, all
around man, honest deallugs, good
materials used absolutely,
Phycslclans una surgeons
MAINS CARLO W Ostoopathli
physicians, tlti-417 Garnett-Coro)
bldg., phono 1036-L. Residence
20 South Lauiel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic
physicians, 303 Garnett-Oore
building. Phono 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye
ear, uoso and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glussos sup
piled. Offlco 228 East Main St
Hours S:30 a, m. to 8 p, m
E. B. PICK1CL, M. D. Office Jaok
Eon County Bank bldg. OfHct
phono 43-R; residence phono 58-R
clan and Burgeon. Office Pain
block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hour
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phouu 110-J.
DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician unc
surccou. Phoues, office 30, rest
deuce 721-J. Office hours 10 tc
12, 2v(o 5.
DR. a. A. LOCICWOOD Physicist
mid surtcon.
Pructlco llmtteil to diseases ol
women. Offices 232 E. Main
Phones, residence, 81402; off let
It. J. COMtOY, M. ) Physician uno
Miirgeou. Over llulculsoa ft Lums
den, 215 E. Main rlt. Phone 77.
UM- -, . -i- x M-- i . . .-. . i.u. J
Pr lutein mii(1 J'ui.lUliir
MKDl'OIII) I'ltlNTIMI CO. bus (lit
bust wjuipiwd printing writ it
souiiioru ori'goiii book bludiun
luosw lu( Udlders bllllUK sysUNHi
Niii. puriNpa Hi(ii XT Nwit
Kir m,
A Few of Our Prices
10 Un. best BURjvr ,.,...,$1,00
Fancy potatoes, inn Ins .. ......... J.30
Coffee, per lb , .20
50c bulk tea, por lb 40
28c can Ohlrnrdnltl's Cocoa 20
Pt. cans Log Cabin syrup 20
Qt. cans Log Cabin syrup 35
't Gal. cans Log Cabin syrup .05
Gal cans Log Cnbtn nyrup 1,25
Canned fruit, 30c can ,15
20c can for 10
Largo can Asparagus 25
Preferred Stock, Roynl Club
nml Rellnnco Tomatoes, 2
cans '.... .25
Dol Monte Tomntoe.i, can 10
Aster, Holly ami Marigold
milk, 3 cans 25
.ir,e Imported canned Peas 20
35c Imported Mushrooms .20
20c can Beets 10
Pearl White, Crystal Whlto and
A B Naptlia iioap, r, bars 25
10c hIo Fairy Soap, 4 bars 25
35o Vanilla 25
35c Lemon Extract , .25
25c can Fancy Oysters 20
45c can Fancy Oysters 35
Sweet Chutney Pickles, 35c sho .15
25o bottle Catsup..,....i,.20c, two .35
Dr. Prices Baking Powder, lb... .35
Soda. 4 packages 25
Campbells Soup any kind, lox... 1.10
40c Crescent Cream Coffee, lb... .3d
Karo Syrup small 15
Kara Syrup, medium ., 35
Karo Syrup, largo ., .05
None Such .Mlnco Meat, por pkg. ,10
Snidera Pork & Heans, small per
dozen - .95
Snlders Pork & Beans, medium
per doz ......i.... 1.45
Snldcrs Pork & Beans, large, per
dozen .......... .i........ ..... 2..ii
Sweet Potatoes, 10 lbs. for 25
Prunes, good ones, 25 lbs .'.. 1.00
Just Received a Car of
Notice Our Price
:U1-K) So. Central Phono 271
If it Comes From This Dairy
It's the Best
The White Velvet Ice
Cream .4 Butter Co,
Phono -INI
Medford -Ashland
North Hound South ltotiml
7:30 o. in. 8:30 a. m.
9130 a. m. 10:30 . m.
i:so p. m. 1100 p. m.
4:30 p. m. 3:30 p. m.
7:00 p. ta. 0:00 p. la.
0:00 p. ni. a too p. m.
11M5 p. m. 11:00 p. m,
Z.taT Ashland Iitnv Vsdlord
North llouml South Bound
lltoo a. m. 10:00 a. is,
a:3o p. ni. uso p. m.
aioo p. a. 0:00 p. m.
Tlmo Itetvveen
Medford and Phoenix, 12 minutes.
Phoonlx nnd Talent, 7 minutes.
Talent und Ashland, 15 minutes.
Fnru Oho Wiy lletveeu
Medford and Ashland 50c
Medford nud Phoenix 25c
Medford mid Talent ,.30a
Ashland and Talent 25o
Asliluud nml Phoenix ., 20c
Phoenix and Talent lOo
Medfonl statiens: Hotel Medford, '
Hotel Nash and Medford Pharmacy.
Ashland stations; Crowaon'B Con
fectionery, Oregon and Ashlaud
Talent station:. It. T. Luke's Con
fectionery. Phoeulx statien: Phoenix Men.
cautllo Co,
Opentted By
Hull Tuxl Co., MiHlford Phono 100
li. D, (.'001I AiSoit, Ahliluml Phono 110
In name nit-mi nothing hh
i-kN no bulk Hie iiumo with;
Km kimhU niii st-rtlrv,
Wo mih liilng In Hik
lliu Hume u lenllly,
The Quality Dairy
J, I', Hi, Pi,
" IHuiiui MSUJ1 ' '