j&Tsirfrz?i$-fFrr , f o PAOE SIX MTWFOKP MAIL TRITONR. MrcOFOTtD, OftKOpy. FR1TUV, XOmmflB 27, 10M -r-rTTT r-- DONATION L mu CLAIMS STILL HELD BY JOSEPH JEF.-SOH IN "RIP VAN WINKLE " AT THE PAGE THEATER TONIGHT AND SATURDAY ENIRYMEN (By Wlliurn Il0('Mu.) lly retiesl of (ho chnirnmii of Hie Irrigation eoininilleo, 1 liuvo prepared tlii latti hrnriiiR on tlio early urign lion nml its effects on tho early nml peromiicnt sett lenient of (his valley. My hourcp of infonmitiim is Knpineor I. b. Howard's library, n storehouse or exact liistorioal data. Tho valley lands were nearly nil (liken from the government nntler the (lunation land claim law, n law fath ered by Senator Thomas II. Hcnton of Mixsoun. The object of thN law was to Kcourp Amerirnn settlement of tho Oregon territory and hold it to tho United States against Knglaiiri. Under that lnw each mnn or woman coming into the Oregon territory prior to tho year 18."l) was given 320 acres of land for Nettling on it. A man and wife got 0-40 nere, the wife getting the improved portion of the clnim. In 1850 the mm? of the chums were re duced olio-half, a man and wife pel ting 320 acres. Kiffht OlO Acre Claims The records In Air. Howurd's offica show there were right tilO-ncrc claims and tlfit) or reduced acreage claims taken in this valley. Of the IMS donalion land claims, about fifty had some wnter for irri gation. Of the eight (MO-nore cfaims two had some water. From the best information I can get 1 bclievo there nro portions of about thirty of these 238 donation laud claims Mill held by tho entrymen or their heirs. It. V. Bcnll of Central Point is, I believe, the only one of them now owning and living on his clnim, W. F. Songer and John S. llcrrin of Ashland being the only "other living claimants. Several wives of claimnnts arc yet living. Of tho thirty claims, portions of which arc still held in the families of the original owners, twenty-three Imvo irrigation and seven arc not ir rigated. Irrigated Tracts Kept Of the cignt OJO-ncrc claims, the two having irrigation, the Colvcr claims at Phoenix are the only onus any portion of which i- held by the families taking them. In every claim held in the family it is the irrigation or bottom or sub-irrigated portion that is retained. In every instance of the thirt .ii -ilies holding their donation land claims thev were livestock men. The prime value and ne of water was and is the production of forage for livestock. Nearly every bank in the valley hue n number of soma one of thoe fam ilies on its board 'of directors or uuloiig its stockholders. I Mibmit these facts without comment. I believe tho Klamath river basin is tho logical source of supply of wa ter for tho fall irrigation of this val ley. Names of Claim Owners The names of tho thirty claimants, btill holding their claims arc: Eli K. Anderson (equity only), Robert V. Heall, Thomas F. Beall, Hugh Ft Barron, John Beeson, Henry t'hnpmun, Samuel Culver (Phoenix), N. C. Dean, Patrick J. Dunn, Kmeron K. Gore, llobert B. llargadiuc, Abel I). Ilelmitu (City of Ashland), James Hamlin, T. L'mkswilcr, John Jlurphy, W. Cortes Slyer, John O'Brien, J. J. Fryor (Eagle Point), John Bobison, William F. Songer, David K. Stearns, Wilfred Spencer, Samuel G. Van D.ike, Minus Walker, Gilt-, Wells, Nicholas Young, Tlirndoriu Cnmeron. Fred Barucburg. Jacob Ish, John 8, llcrrcu (their claiuiK wero taken by their brothers and are not in the record in their names.) Gwin S. Butler (by his father). Sir. Butler was perha)s the first child hoiu on a farm in this valley. The first born wero in Jaekxuivillo. Nearly All Sloe Men ("uiiieron, llcsscn and Butler traded (heir dry claims for untried lauds that they yet own. The above names have never been off the tax rolls of Jackson county. Thciv nro a finy tht!i) also. Add about the Mime nuuihcr o names of first piircluiners and you will Imvo nearly all the old uaiiics of the valley and nearly aj the irrigated and hub-Irrigated land?', and a list also of tho stockmen of the valley: Byhee, llanley, -Polton, ('homer, Cantrell, Clinebamnier, I'liipp, Sfc Andruw, Ikdiiis, Gordon, I'aukuv, Jackson, Farnham, Lynch, Kincaul, Ciukaid, N'lchols, Itupi), AU'onl. Tlioimis Jefiervoii in "Kip Null id with the lather ol Thomn Jet fcr- Wiukle" is the attraction at the Pac s" Thomns .let'ti rsoii. when tin theater on .Vox ember 27 and 'JS. This Rrent lrtdurlion was stagctl. The ,.,... . ,; scene ot the story is hud m the heau photo play is founded upon Joseph ,fH, CnlknK Uu, ,,,,,,, hM, ((Mir. JeftersonV oIiwmc of the same nniue.ist associate with the mythical char- Uu son ol ,ioeph dcllon-on, 1 lioinns , ,...,. r is,, Van Y1nHt - . -. . .. i ----, Jelleion, the Mar, made the tulapta tion. The story of "Bin .Van Winkle" is as standard as that of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," so is rent interest at taches to this picturir.utiou of the Iowa .Meet big. The Iowa society will meet Tues day evening, December 1, at St. Mark's ball. Supper "will l- sorveil Jefferson classic. The cast which at C;30 by tho members ot tho socle supported Thomas Jcffeoon in "Hip Van Winkle' is a. strong one. Shiny f the players in the photo play npicnr- ty. We want every ouo from Iowa to attend. If you can not conic In time for supper conic latoK INSURANCE FIRMS 10 PAY WAR IAX SAI.UM, Or,, Nov, 2T According to a bulletin Issued hv Inniuuurft CommlfHloner ForttitHun, tho Insur ance companies and not the Insured must pay the war ta provided for on tiro Inuuraneo premiums by an net of congios. The law provides for tho levying of u tn. of ouo-luilf cent on onrh dollar or fraction there of ot flro IiiHitrnifce premiums, and It becomes effoctlvo December 1. The coiutulMlonor's bulletin on tho sub ject follews: "There Is a specific provision In ttio Oregon law which rcipilros that the policy Issued l flro Insurance companies In this state shall contain a trim and correct statement ot tho consideration for which such policy Is Issued, and that the assured shall pay and the agent collect tho full n mount of such consideration. In my opinion this ta Is no part or such consideration and Its pa incut may not bo enforced upon the nsstr- oil Slnco our agento ate forbidden I to jrrimt any valuahlo cousldeiatlou t.) the insured other than Is specified In fie lusurauco contract, they may not le vouulied to pay nuch ta. ' t Is liu'iimhout upon u cents to mttx add cancel the stamps reipilred l this law nud I uoiild recommend that tl.o amount of such slumps ns nr".(d to accepted policies he ehnrg ol to tho companies In which such policies are Issued and credit bo tak en for this amount In sniuo maiiuor as other proper credits." 10 I LONDON, Nov 'J7. S 13 p, in. The Ilundesiatli of (lermany tias ih clded, jays a Keillor's dispatch from Amsterdam, to tumUli flitauclul and medlrnl asltnnco to women at tho time ot child birth- This stop was taken to alleviate tho anxiety of hus bands nl tho front and to protect tho oomlnr; generation tirr Quality Not Premiums Yl pi its III l'cf V k Aw..-SSf mnr UJMBhI UlljfFIIHBKj in 20 for 10c i CIGARETTES No Premiums with Camels ROGUE RIVER PEAR PRICES REACH HIGH-WATER MARK Blue Triangle, .. Bed Triangle .... & $2.03 1.10 -tr.s H-is $2.01' mis C Tier i.r.3 Tu's li.m HirrritN hhcks on nose rooii Nirr to (JuowKit, .vi.ii chaugics having iu;k tn:in;(ru:i Stnndnrtt ltoves 4 AM f:.oa& ?'.'.toH ...... 1.40 1.10 Itnlf IIoxch ::& -tos Blue TrlaiiBlo $1.49 1. 1 7 Gem'rnl average all grades anil slcs, net to grower HKTUItX PJUCIS O.V HOWKI.Ii 1'KAU POOIi XICT TO GHOWKB, AMi CMAItGI-S HAVING IIKK.V HKDCGTIID 4 4t 5 SIS CTIor Blue Triangle .. $1.34 $1.SS fl.00 $1.SI Bed Triangle 1.43 1.37 1.19 1.10 1.40 General Average all grade?, mid size, net to Kroner Sl.dH UKTl'K.V l'KICICS O.V t'OIICK PHAIt POOIi " xtrr to GHowi:n, ai.i chaugics having hkbx dkdi'cti:!) StaiuIarU Doves 4 4; Dluo Triangle $1.33 $1.10 ncd Triangle .' 1.00 1.03 Half Uoes 35s 40s 15s Uluo TrlanBle $1.27 $1.27 $,2.27 Rod Triangle 1.33 1.2S 1.32 General average, all grade uiiil -lzes, net to grower Total, 10.000 boxes. - Fo,' io Sick Room i $1.40 .OS 60s ' $2.27 1.21 3 .94 uSs 1.1 CTIer .90 60s .lC, ...SI.O.l . 3V lllfl W i' '1 I rj' CwvVtll W8& I ( n it yH &&&m& Tea Garden Syrup the children's delight. Pure, hcalthfal, nutritious. Wc it for hot cakes for schocl lunches and for candy. Your Grocer Has It Fiinn riu:si:iivi:si savc corroxs Name. city. Grocer' Name. Pave the eou pon above and when you h t n, take, thftn to your irootr with an .order for a gallon can of Tra narden Byrup, and tin will give you a Jar of Tea Garden Pre erven absolutely ritKE. Pacific Coast Syrup Co. Porll nd Oregon f, MII s"r 17 (let Your Noxt Hult of LOTHES .MA UK MV L E I N jiuci:h wi.oti i.i Ah Clwulii)f, iHrMlii mid Altcrim tW (I. Mmh, I jlr YOU'LL SOON BE THINKING of a tvay (o jdcasu I'utlicc ami .Mother mid friends at CHRISTMAS TIME Tlicro Is nothing nioio ajipm luliilo than photograiilis ami )oiir ilctiii', us oii tiro (odny, u III jdcaso llieiu all. lluvo Hie sitting niudo lllik ticeh If )on aio gohiK I" scud any of llic iddiiicM aitay. Wo me mifii In tin. oioiiliig, anil on Ktimhi)' fj ini '' to ft o'rluoh. -"J'J Uc.t .Mum SWEM STUDIOS "On the (iioiind 1 loot ' Ali'ilfoiil When warmth is urgent, the PERFkriON OILH EATER gives it, instantly and cheaply. Juisily car ried from room to room. Needs but little attention. Al ways ready. For best results use Pearl Oil. Dealer everywhere Wrlfftr htall.t. "Watmlt, ' in Cold Ctrnttt." Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) Tortland wgmsm Mad e in A menca T By the Largest Silver Factory In the World This i tho first silver-plated pattern, to he made same size and same weight as a Sterling Pattern. This is Gorham Co. Silver, guaranteed to bo tho best silver manufactured. MARTIN J. REDDY THE JEWELER New Location, 212 E. Main st. CASH CASH CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY AW liiiv! a cash buyer- for a nice, up-io-datc house, with or without furniture, six to oitfhl rooms. Also a jjood sioek ranch with water for irrigation and some distance out from .Medford. Tho amount of money which you have in the property ouIk nrt figure. Tho proposi-iioi- is, 'Can you offer them for what they are actually worth (o the man with chii ,See us at once, Page -Dressier Company MU KiihI .Miilu KlrcH. II .mnrjrn fm vBasts tlS li '"' u. 'l r rtwm (SFs - m YOU gf I mo" tlio yoor money' wnttli when yoo luy Cutif h, 20 lor It) crnti. 'riiAt'i why yoo won't Unci prrniUintt or coupon. The cut ot the tobacco pcohlbilt their uu. Camel ore ro gfxxl hi (Uvor, ki linootli and even, tint mooey CAn't )oy a more delightful curette. 'I'lu-y CAn't bite yoor tongue or f'Jtcli yetir throat dtul do nut Icavc tliAt tipitttty ,wt. It ytutriUalft rnn'tlurphr", unti Oc for n iHirhagf r ft OOlvrtitmilssnttfUniHiti" .i)TUOai.l(l.i),-.,if m r'rioWi. Atlfr imahlnw I fmiAiifr. If v Jon'l (imt tlAMt IS lriifili, r.. turn A iiA.r nlnr $nthg4t, intliiituHtliiliin'lyuutmmity, R.J. llEYKOUISTOnACCOCO. VhiU3.S,m, H. C. UTILITY BOXES Him, HO In lout:, IS hi. hh;h, HI In. iloco. I'lUi'il with I'.istin. hiunltcM nml lihuv'il llil. 'i'honn rhoxtii nro nuolo of ci'ilnr nml nro Intomlcit to to lovcrrtl. Uviry homo iiI'oiIh one or uioro of thotn. Thin lit onr oorttinlty to i;ol ouo rluiip. Wo ot for them at $::.7.i. Pacific Furniture 6 Fixture Factory ii:t south iiot.iiY arumrr. Mr. Diogones with his lantern may not have been able to find an honest man but YOU can find lots of good Lumber cheap at MEDFORD LUMBER CO. Fir anil Third Streets Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Car Kfftctlro from August 1, 1014, to August 1, 11)1 C, nml Ruarnn.ecd ngalnit nny reduction durliiK ht tlme: Touring Cur - .............J loo lliiiinliout ..... -1 10 . Toivn Cnr nut! V. O. I). Detroit. All enm fully equipped. (In tho Unltoil Stntcn or Amorlc.i Only.) Kurthor, wo will ho nolo to obtain tho innxlnium efficiency tn our factory production, nml tho minimum cost in our purchnntnK nml .ilc depurtmrntii If wo can ronch nn output of 300,000 cars bc twoon tho nhovo dnton. And nhoiild wo reach tliln production wo nrco to pny ni tlio tiuyor'a ehnro from HO ta fCO per car (on or about AiikiuI 1, 1015) to every retail huyor who purchaica u now Kord car liotwcen AuriibI 1, 1911, mid August t, i3l&, l'nr further particular:! reRArdliu; theno low prices mid profltstinr Inn plan, ecu tho nenrost Kord Uranch or Dealer. Ford Motor Car Company G. E. GATES, Agent niann iiiiiiiiiiiK . .tirnioro, i;rrun, i y THREE GOOD REASONS Tor imiik tho OGDEN ROITE EAST (l) It H tho shortest nml quickest route J'niiii Han Kriiiii'lsco to nil tint ujm'iiiil mtii'H fast, Denver, ICatihan City, Oiuuhn, ChieiiKo, WiiHhiutoii, lloxloii nml New Yiirk. ' CJ) Tluee eluileo IihIiih with lioiurnl'lfi nml ooiiviuiiuneert for nil elnuhi-rt of Irnv- (llll)'H, III) Von etui vixit Iho raiiiiina-l'acllle In- teiiiiillonal Kxioitiou nl Sun I'niii- , . I'Ueo on the wny eiiHt lu Ihu SOUTHERN PACIFIC-UNION PACIFIC All Iniimt I'roiu I'oilluml n hkh'I nl Hun I'ViimiUun with Imliib vlu tin? Ojitlmi Koulo, kjm I 'nil iiiiliiiiihii'tf! fmiiM .vlu fill mule, do--eiiiliwi lili-nmiii', lexirviilloiiM flint i'iii,y r the "Null Kiij.ii Cui Dl'l" Imukli't I mm nny hkiuiI of Ihu Southern Pacific John M r it fi'ii J'. --i'j,-r AjfiM ),'ill'uinl, Uiku A ir tmlf ---- w ''''mmmmmmmmmmmammtmmafmmtmmmmiminmmtmfmmmim w mmmmmmmmmmfm'mmmrm