fr ' I' I, 1 -,l. 'V l' " MEDFOftT) MATL TRTBTJNTC, MKDFORD, OREGON, PRiDAY. NOVEMBER. 27, 101 f PAT.1S FIV?! ' f IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Million hitv .M)Hlry nt It (lion tor toilKht, 1 7th iilmtn "Tim llnt tl. of Wltn," Court Hull Ion von Htinilnj' uvoiiIiik fur Portland to clomi nimiiKfliiiimta for nn oIkIiI cylinder four t eon jma noiiKup' CaiIIIImc, TIiu hotly In apno tiily ilrnlKiirtl, for hoth atllillUiT nml wjnior iiho, Tim acuta uio'coiilfnr liihln ami dimly upholittproit, Thin vn will bo iiHotl niOHlly In tho Moil foijd'Anhlnml Auto lino anrvlco hut lii,tiiorKoiK')' will hit iimiiI on tint Cfatnr l.nkn Maun lino. Doll very of thtA Hr rnu not ho iiimlu until I'oh runry inili. Uotlt nt Do Voo'h. l V, Tnncoy of Mt-ilford In rcK liit'-ctul nt Itotol Ili'iiKou, I'ortlnml, oV'Kon, Tho wnlor iloimrtniout hit nboul toiiiiloUil tho ropnlrliiK of tho tw IjliOlin llni'H to tho city Intnlio, ko they -jll ho In tip top fthnpo Jn curio of oiiiorincy. Tim fluent oijHlimcnl In Oroi;on for prliiUuR fruit label. Moilfonl Print. Ini; Co. ."Tho nuxllllnry flrtt truck recently pori'liUKoil hy tho city li now In run iilnR onlor ready for norvlco, nml waa kIvou run nrouiul tho bunlnrna did trlct'Thundny nftoriioou, 'Tho fro dopnrtnirnt waa cnllod out njjout 6 o'clock Thurmlay nftornoon, on account of n liurnliiK Hun on Hon th Central, No iliitnw, Now Thought Circle, COt H. Oak ditto, Saturday 2; 30 to 0. ' According to n letter rocolvod hy frlMidn In (III city Dlcli Donnlil, for Hht manager of Hud AuiUtkoii, In now aMM'tnt nian.iR.or of one of I ho InrKCHt iiioWiii; plcturo liounon In l.on A'nRolon, ' llnnknthnll team, imo hoou or iinulrod nuning tho Io)h nml Klrlr. of tjio lilph ncliool mid tho nluiuul. All nri lontomplntliiR trip tn northern California ilnrlnu tho ClirlRtinaa hol. aa. . Kodnk Hnlnhlnrs tho lent, nt We ton'n Cnmoro Hhop. Ovor lulu TIiob tor. John Vouiir of C'rrM'oiit City U n iMinlnciin lKtor In tho city tliU wuk Prank Hbio of Jncknonvlllo npont Thiirmlny In thin city nttoudlnK to hUNlni'NH matter, , Minn l.ucllo l)nl of (Irnntn I'naa In Npcndluc tln TlmnUmthliiK ara jtlmi nn tho houn uucmI of Ml Ituth Morrlck. Hwoot cldor at D Voo'i. Turkey tihlpiuonln out of thin vnl loy butweoii now mikI ClirliitiiinH will ho tho liintont In tlio hlxlory of tho vnllny, nmny ordorn nlroiuly IioIiik In from iiorthorn Cnllfornlu poliilM, tho uinlii h'Hirco of Hiipply for (IiIh iIIm Irlcl. l.nrKO HhlpiiioutH of (ho droiiHod ll i lu wwtt) mint to DiiiiHiiiuIr, ltod dliiKi Wood, Yrokn nml Monliunio for tho TliiinkHKlvliiK trmlo, ltot;uo i Ivor upplon nro IioIiik nliliMul dully hy pnr col pont to thin noctlon. TIiIm opoun up now trndo fh'ld for thin city, iKiiorod In tho punt, i:, H. 'finny wrlton nil foritiR of In ntirnuco, KxcMllcnt compnnlon, i;ood local norvlco, 210 (liirnot-C'oroy IlldK. Tho IXiulinr (iinrtotto. tho hocoiiiI nuinhcr of llio Moilfonl Kntortnln mont Courno, nliponrcd at tho Nntn toiluui Thiirmlny ovonltiK heforo n IniKo crowd. Tho oiitorlnlniuont wnn IiIkIiI) IntorontliiK nnd nhovo tho inoniKo In iiutrlt, iiovoo in iteini: to no 000 Hounds of chocnlnto crontnn .nt thirty couta por pound, (lot n pound todny, tf A, J. Dunltip of Hnlom npont WduoNdny In thin city nnd Jacknon villi) nttondlim to huiluonn muttorn. J, O. (Icrklnn, tho hent all nround photoKrnphor In nouthcrn Oroson. Alwnyn rollnhlo, NcRntlvcn tundo any- whore, tlnio or plnco. Ktudlo 228 Mnln Ht. 1'hono 320-J. Mlin Ornco Whltolirnd will hao tho flrnt of tho wrk to upend tho holiday xonnnn with frlondn nnd rein. the n noOthrrn Cnllfornlu. For nunrnnteod 100 pit com pure, -tanlUry milk, prompt delivery, call 582-W. 217 Wnr nrKiimontn which liax h'on nt low i'lib tho Inijl nix wtxikn hroku Inono with ronom'd fury with tho non Hint lln Itimnlnnn hml ncorod mil' of tho nioHt dcclnlvu dofrnta of hlntor)n or tholr Teutonic foen. Ono nrntorlnl ni'tlo hecnuio o loud Tlnirit dny nftornoon Hint It n noconnnry for tho pollco to put on tho nuft pcdnl, 'lmuranco" monnn "llolmon" nnd "llolmca" tnrnna "Inauranco." Bva llolmrn "Tho Inauranco Man." Laxity of niitolMn In obnorvlni ttm city roKulntlou repnrdliiK turiilnK nround In tho inlddlo of tho block hnn boon reported to tho police. Tho nnmo Infraction of the Inw hnn nindo hy (cinutcni, Kodak flnlnliliiK and nuppllna at Wcaton'H Cnmora Shop. Ovor lata Thontor, ,, Auilrow Jetdni'M will return to hln mliiliiK rlnluiN In the UIiik lodRO dla trlct tho flrnt of next wcok. Joo II WIIhoii of Tnlcul vlallod rrloudn In thin city Thurndny nftcr noon. Tjio ptiplln of tho ItooHovoll nehool will kIvo nu ntortnliiiiiont I'rlilny, Dociphor -! Tim prococdn will ho dm 6 1 ci I lotynrilii icciirliin n plnuo for tlio nehool, II, I,, Kllon nnd wife of Hiiiii'h vnl loy HjMiut Wodnonilfiy In Medfoid vIm Itlnu frlondn mid rolntlvov, llolmon "Tlio Inaurnnco Man" la tho nuthorlzod nitniit of tho Aotnn In Hurnuco Co. Tho dobnting nocloty of tho hitch nehool limned Itohort I'olouro .Mllen (Iniumll, nnd Minn llmn Cornoll an (hen rrniiKemont coiiimlttee at n meet I ill! hold Wodnendny nftornoon. Tho kocloty wlil liold Kowrnl dobnton dur I UK tho winter. Did you buy ono of thoao "rnlo HtillH?" Tim' kind you try on when ytnii not home. Well If It don't tit )aii conio to tho Medford Clennora & Tnllorn nnd we, will inn It o It fit Phono &7. 21C llownrd Cnrllou loft Wodnendny nftornoon to vlalt frlondn nnd roa tlvcn In Knleih tho remainder of Ho; week, Krni-nt Tucker, n ntudent nt thej Jncknon school, tmA two of hlu fin-! gorn broken whllo playlnp footlmll i Wednonday afternoon. During n mix up nonie ono ntpped on yoiiiiR Tuck or'n hniul. W. T, llovcrldKO, who hnn been In clinrRo of n nurveylnK crew doInK work noAr Hornbrook, Cnl., returned to thlx clfy Wednonday to npend n few dna with hi family. Mr. Hvorldf(o will not toll anything about hln work. Cecil Ilrowri hnn completely rocov rred from hln recent lllnenn, and li nhlo to bo nround ngnln. OeorRe II. Cnrponter nnd Jnrk Nlor rill of fiold Hill have returned from a ten dn)a bunlncnx trip to Han Prnn clnco. Fred Kelh of tho ApplcKnto la nietidlnK n few dan In the ell) n-! Itlim frlonda nnd relntlven nud nt tendlni; to hunluena mntterH. One of the henvlcnt foRn In the his tory of tlio vnlley rented ovor tho city j Wodnendny nlRht, nnd wnn ho doimo thnt Htrorl llghta nnd other objectn ' were cnnnldernbly dimmed. Tho weather condition wan moro In tho nature of an Oregon mint than a fog. ' Todn tho nky In cloudy, nnd the weather prodlctlonn nro for rnln, j Al Pankcy of Central Point npont , riiurnday In Medford on bunlniBH. Carl Mcllbrtmnor roturnod Wcdnon dny from n ton dqy'n biinlucot trip to S'nn Franclaco. Mr. llellbronncr will oKn hln now gontn furnishing ntoro About December 10th. Martin J, Iteddy, who hnn boon 111 for tho last eight luonthn wat able to bo down town Wodnendny nftor noon, greeting old frlondn. Wlllliiiu Vnwter Jr. n aluuVul "t i ,m vrtlh HillMiulm.ile.l imhIoIh, mid the I'nlvonlty of Oregon nt IJugeno, I n, ;, ,mt t,lnt. fought rrot wi h In npondlnx tlio Tliniiki.glvliig tiuntlon IL.,r hMI1Kti, with frlendn mid lelntlven In thin city, SPAIN NOT INJURED i BY EUROPEAN WAR NEGROES TERRORIZE D RO M E .MADItJI). Nov. '21.- Sjuiin him not Mil'ferril imliHlriiillv frnai tlio wnr, lioouine while eerluiii militaries, liko i rnw iiiulcriiiN nnd other, linvc limt I their uxmil mnrkclK, koiiio bninclics Iiiiu- hIiowii nu ituprovetncni to of fuel ' tlioe ilisiidvmitngec. The ill effect lure liniiled to u tetnwfir, ilinturb- mice of rntcK of exoliiinge, duo to n ecMnntion of rccciptH from Houth Aiuerien. Von Oof Hie net Tboro In when yoii'nmok (Jot. Joun ion clgnrn and patronize hnron Indus rie CHICHESTER S PILLS l'iuav ihiiihi AihTMrnnffiiiMj aSm M k.ur HIM4llnii4 LAdlm Till In H4 "I UI4 l"fi.lll TvJltnifi, iii ith rttii munji. h mm ainrp. nil r im, i;rA,;!iBAvrAiNTi.ftOTS rtnkMwiitiBm.(nl.AItnilHll SOlDBYDRtMISTStVRMff V ft Bald Breezer's Calendar Used in a Million Homes Every Day for light, whole some food. 25c i&3& wmusyi Lb. Tmo buck iic'KrooH, ll.irl linden- m;d fun King, iitteiiipti'd to tirron.i' nml rob the 11. J. 1'nlini r homo mi Honth i Holly Mrect, Tliur-iii nijlit tlinuivli , li liigli-hmiiliil bit of eriiiimiil dotiUj ry. Ilolli were Inmbil m Hie eity juil by Policemen t'nnicK nnd Ciuly nftor' li M niggle, mid will he given n pre ' litiiiiuiry Iirnrinj,' tins uHeruooii be fore .hiKtii'o of tin' I'caee Tnylor. 1 One nf tho iiegioc eullid nt the' Puliiier home nml it-keil for food,1 whieli wnn given linn. He ntv hinj iiiiu I nml went uwo). In u Hhorl time lie ntunietl to tin- front door, tunl foicing Iaif-4. wnvinto the hull, de manded tilt right to sriireh Hie up-' hlnlr. for JiU pin tuor. Mr. I'.ihniri nml hi in phew, willi some difficulty, j forced tho block ,mnn out of doom. The ntgro rcfuhi'il to leno the liiue. While thih wnn go:ug on, ho iwirt-j nor of the impudent visitor cut nwny( the screen to tho hncl; door nnd ntole1 nu otercont nml an unto hlunkit. Tim j police were Onlica nml tney lounu me two ncgrno'i goiii" down the ruilrnnd truck. They renin cd nml were sub dued. The police ilro of the opiiion Hint llm pnir ore the miuio two who m I pv y Wp;ir (?lflQ!PQ? ini.uths ago were found in Hie mil-, UU I OU YT tldl jldbbebf Many Recoveries FrtiR Lung Trouble i'ckman'a Alterative Man restored 10 hraltti many surrerrrs from Iuiik trouble. Ilad what It did In tbla cane, W'llmlnKlun, Drl. -drntlrmrni In Jnnuarr. ItMtH, I Hti taken wim arruarrkasm u( tar luNft-a. Mr phyalrlaa. a Iradlaa: prar lltlonrr, aalal that It a IliaK tronhlr. I cut rr nrak. V. .. Npplarutt. ut l.lpnlaroira Depart nml ntprr, llmtitaton. Ilrl reramMradrd (hn"a'a AllrralUr that had done ureal tcoud. I liesaa taklax It at oar. 1 continued falth-fullj-. ukIrk no other rrniedf, nad nnallr nutleed the elearlnc uf the lunca. I uuir have I rnu hi r villli my Itinn-a. I Brmlr hellete lmu' Alterative aar4 r life.' ( vlatM.) I mdaIO Jl. MjrillKH. I.'ckman'a Alteram e ! moil elllca clous In oronchlnl catnrrh and se vere tltront and lunn nrfectlona and Ui-liuildlnK the system Contains no harmful or ItntiU-formlnr druRn. Accept no subitum" Small slxe. 11 regular slse. 13 Hold iy lead In druftnlals. '.U.e tor booklet of rrcoverlvs .... lekman Laboratory, I'hlladelphla. Price 1 nml 2 n hoi tie in sin' &"" "A 'GINK IS A FELLOW THAT GETS CAUGHT AT THE SAME TRICK TWICE." Men's Shoes Men'i b Dress Shoos i?3.50 Mimi'h Dj'ohs WhoeK $4.00 Clou's Dress Shoi'H $4.50 Men's Dress Shoos $5.00 Men's Waterproof Dress Shoes $5.50 Work Shoes, $3.00, $3.50. $4.00, $-1.50 and $5.00 High Top Shoes $5.50 lo $8.00. 1 II'' SO arc ou satisfied that they havo been fitted to jourcjes In a correct and proper manner? IIAVi: TIll.V HIVK.V VOUH I-KS that rcllof -which you expected they would? aim: vorit kvi: siusclks follow. Inc their natural laws na they should do with correctly fitted Ktassen? Ulltlill IIIL lilll. .Ill IIII.1IM.1. I will kIvc it to j on willingly. MY SYSTILM of Eyesight Testing has no superior. my in visit's k.i'kiiu:nck is be- per cent during a sale hind this a)stom. I . . .,- n . i UK. KIUKLRl K)0 Slftlit Sivrcinlist Suite 1-2 Over Dcucl'a S. & II. Green Trading Stamps Given SPECIAL SALE ON MEN'S SUITS Wc have put our $2000 stoek of Men's Suits on sale for tan days. Jf you want a good suit, all wool and hand tailored from our "High Art" line of clothing, or Capps' One Hun dred Per Cent Pure Wool Suits, don't miss these prh'es. We would have you know right here, after paying freight, pressing and advertising, there is no profit for us. One lot of Suit', regular .$12.50 and up, now $9.75 One lot of Suits, regular $lu.00 and up, now $11.75 All-Wool Heavy Blue Serges, regular $15.00 and $17.00 ollltSj HOW ...Jf Ao.wi Beautiful Suits, "High Art" make .woi-steds and Tartan plaids, now $14.25 All $20.00 High Art Suits, every detail perfect $16.25 Fine quality Blue Serge High Art make, $20 grade.$16.25 We do not mark goods so as to he ahle to reduce prices 300 Come and see us. THE WARDROBE Brandon & Whitney, Proprietors. j2 Money Saving Sale of Cloaks, Suits, Millinery, Furs, Skirts, Furnishings . ENTIRE STOCK ON SALE AT REDUCTIONS OF 10 TO 50 PER CENT AND MORE ENTIRE STOCK of TAILORED SUITS At Reductions of 20 to 50 $l7..r() Tailored Suits $34.50 $15.1)0 and $J2.50 Uaudsome Tailored Suits jn broadcloths and gabardines, in black, navy and plum, Stylo Craft piodels, money-saving sale ..." $29.50 Tailored Suits of men's wear serge, chev iots, gabardines, etc., some of these strit't I,v tailored models, others are IJodingotes, $:i0.00, $27.f)0 and $25.00 values ., $19.50 Others at. ,.$10.00, $11.95 and $16.95 ENTIRE STOCK OP WINTER COATS At Reductions of 20 to 50 and Moro. More than 200 Coats to choose- from, all the season's newest novelties as well as well as staple styles. $15.00 Coats now $34.50 $,'5.00 Coats now $24.50 $25.00 Coats now ,' . .$17.50 Others at $7.95, $9.85, $11.95 One fuH'i'a'ok of Coats in Aslrakhans, Chinchillas, Pontiles, ctcr values iip to $!J5.0(), money-saving sale ..... $10.00 'mmmmmwmmtmmammm raiaia(aatwaiawaawatBarataiaraafawataratia.aBaaaaB?aarararawaBi aawarawrawtaiataraTaaaaBtaiaBrat?atMi cV ' CHILDREN'S COATS Xtjjfor tho little lot of two years up to the young miss of M years, zu to DUVr un TRIMMED HATS . ONE-HALF PRICE This season's newest Trimmed Hats at actually ojie-haif price. Moro than 120 Hats to choose from at exactly half price. CHILDREN'S HATS 98c One full table of Children's Hats in plush, velvet, felt and beaver, values to $3.50, sale price 98 &3&BX. CORSETS AT MONEY-SAVING SALE PRICES Entire stock on sale, not a few pnsso styles, but the newest Kobo Live Model Corsets and La Grecque Corsets. $b00 Corsets now $4.98 $4.00 Corsets now - .'.. $3.45 .4:3.50 Corsets now , $2.9S $11.00 Corsets now $2.49 $2.50 Corsets now '. '. ". $1.98 $2.00 Cm-sots now ;. $1.69 $1.25 Corsets now $1.10 Choose your favorite model. it I x , r X BARGAIN TABLE OP WOOL AND WASH WAISTS, $1.00 About 10 Waists in wool albatross, mohair and plaids; also satin ? stripe piquiv plain pique and damask Waists, values to $5.75, sale price $1.00 Entire stock of Waists rothiood ouo-I'ourlh, one-third, onehalf. 1 WASH DRESSES AND KOVER ALL APRONS At Great Savings $2.25 and $2.45 Dresses now $1.89 $1.50 and $1.75 Dresses now $1.19 JCovpf-AU Aprons at 49ft 591 nnd 69 RAIN COATS AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES $22.50 Gabardines now $17.50 Gabardines now $20.00 Rubberi.ed Coats now $10.50 Kubbori'.od Coats now $7.50 Hubbori.od Coats now Children's Capes now . ..$18.95 $15.00 . S14.05 ..$13.95 .$5.45 $2.49 i ji BBB.MgBaBHHBunJLBBBBBBBHH4kL ' rAA '" V ? V t T T f T ? ? V ? aTtTaTk ENTIRE STOCK OP PURS At Reductions of 10 to 40 Buy your Xmas Purs at the Money-Saving Sale. Stock is now more complete than you an ill find it later, and at these great sav ings to you. dap Mink Sets or Muffs, Nippon Mink, Russian AVolf, Black Pox, Rod Pox, Jap Fox, Black Marten, in separate Muffs, Stoles, Collars or Sets, all at a genuine saving ol 10 to Seo windows. Children's Fur Sets lilr 'iUfl. BATH ROBES AT GREAT SAVINGS Children's Hobos of Beacon Cloth, special Ladies' Hobos of Hoacon cloth, special Ladies' Robes of genuine Ueacon cloths, special $3.98, $4.69, $5.45 and $7.45. at ..$2.49 ..$2.08 $U.96, Vi "A I 3 1 '1 1 rsrffMJ Hosiery and Underwear SWEATERS M MSM j mS M W Reduced " ZSr REDUCED i V . MMfMMfMMf4f