207 SkwhI S)tt Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Full Max, 18 Mln, ,13. SECOND EDITION S rnrtyfourlh Yr. Dally Nlnlli Yrar, "rr" HOLDING FAST Russia Claims Successes nml Forcing ... -of German Rlnht Germany's Na val Base nt Zcchrurjrjc Destroyed hy Shells From Allies' Warships German Advance In Bclfiium. PKTROflRAl), Nov. 25. via Lon don. 1 ; 45 i, in. Thn ItiiNnlim dofonnn against llm (lermnn loft U holding fiiht, according to trustworthy Infor mation reaching retrogrurf today, rtirlhormoiu the Ituanlnun nro as suming the offensive In tlio Gorman rlnht. Tlu Gorman advance from WIclun, ninth of tho Wartn, Iin been checked lifter SOVoro fighting. Tho flcrmnuA nro stild to ho receiv ing heavy reinforcements between the Vistula and tho Wnrta, N'nvnl Huso Destroyed LONDON, Nov. 2C Tho destruc lion of Germany's rudimentary naval h;ih at Zeelirugr.o hy shell flro from lit lllfih and French warships, together with Germany' rcrlut preparations for her remitted nttcmptn to crush n wiiy 'through tho allied lino to tho French rouhl, woro tho most slgnlfl- cant features In today' now, from tho western nrenn of tho war. In tho oust Ilio situation n regards tho ItiiHNlnn and firman armies In Poland remains n llttlo obscuro. Tho Germans, on tho other hnnd, aro not denying that Ho advunco of General von Hlndt'iihurK hrni been checked, whllo tin Russian war offlco, al though not issuing nn oxtoiidcd state ment, claim a doclvu victory. -riidcr-H"eu1mlil Not 1-Vnrvd With tho smashing of thu auburn rlni'H which tho Germans had been i.o laboriously nwoiuhllnit nt Zco brugge, tho allied fleet bus not moved from Hint point on the roaiil. It In now felt thoro Ih lltllo danger of an tindcr-scu raid and an additional news dispatches aro received from the oilier side of tho clmnni'l, It Im apparent that thu damage Inflicted hy tho flr nf ilio warship nt Zcehruggo wiih far mine effective than wan nt first imp- pOSCll, Home roporln received In London not foi th Ihut tho Gorman already l.nvo Marled anolhor attack upon the allied front In Flanders which will ho more Intense ami formldahlo than any hitherto tindortnken. It Ih ap parent that tlm (lermniiK havo rare; fully boon uroparlnn for this move for Home dayi pait. Russia Claim Victory Whllo tlm (Iqrninn military authorl (log HtnlPd previously that advance towdard Warsaw had boon chcckml by tho arrival of Ituaalnn relnforcementH thero wnH no Indication In today'H ntutnmnt Hint nny doclnlvo rogults had been attained by rlllior of tho oppoHim; forces. Tho official Btatomont apaka con fidently of tho Oerman oporntlona In tho oant, aaylui; that a counter offen lvo llUKHlan movomont botweon tho Vlntuln and Wartu rlvera. the aceno of tho main action, had failed. To tho north, In Kaat ITuhmIu, It Ih said, all UuHHlan attacka woro ropnUod whllo almllar rosulta are reported to have ttonded Iho offorta of tho enemy to tho aouth in tlm movement hki" Cracow and tho SllMlnn frontier of Oermany. Kervlana WJn Victory According to advices from Nlalt, tlm Auntrlana liuvo met with a defeat In their Invanlon of Bervla, Auatrlan forcea In t)m northwoatorn part of tho country nro reported to hnyo been ropuleod with heavy lassos. I'ortUKal'a decision to nend military forcea to tho aid of tho allies when, In tho opinion of tho oxocutlvo, auch action Is necessary, haH been rocelvod with enllnlNlnsm throuuliout country. tho RESTRICTIONS LIFTED E Clllf'AtlO.Kov W. The minimum price TChtrh'lli'M n pniclicplly nil idncU Irnili'il hi on Ih" Chiciigo Monk oxcliiingo wiih reunited Imliiy. IM niiiK iwU Kil'hiy Iiii'Iiiik ' '"' without (Mice, icrflilcliuii exci'p! I'll SIII'll heClllllJl'K ih die iil lll''l '"' llm New Yojk iwIiuhkh "''! 'mu CMS DEFENSE ON BAHLE UNE CHICAGO XCHANGE BLEASE GIVES PAH 10 75 CONVICTS AS I 4 4 COH'MIUA, K. C, Nov. an. flnvornor Coin HIciiho of Houlli Carolina nnnounecd today that lu would give Mvi-nly-fivi state I'OllviclH pillules or patdnns II h Thnnksgiviiig day presents. Rec ords in tin' secretary of slate's office hIiimv Governor Wonse lint commuted tho sentences, par doned or pniulcd more tluiii MOO prisoners in Ilio past four years. TURKEY ASKED TO EXPLAI OF CODE CABLES WASHINGTON, Nov. 'J.l.-Tlie rutted Ktulefi is inquiring of Turkey about (ho reported nelion of tho porle in refiiHiu trnnNinissioii to rode li patcheH lu'tween neutral diplomat! in ConHnntiuoite ami llieir home of ficeii. Kurh an notion would prevent AmbnfcMiilor Mnrcenthmt front com inunieatiii with Washington in tlio hlnte depaitmeut code. Nowh of Turkey'H reported action cornea through tho enble eoinpaiiicH, ami no far there Ikih been no official notice nerved upon th Htnte depart inrnl hv nny nuthnrized ngrntH of Hie Turkinti uovemment. The 1'nited Ktates will itinist upon tin right of free eommiinicntioii with its diplo- iiiutio repieseulativeH oh Ion;,' nn tel- egmphio nml enble lines are oM'ii to geiiemt line or iu fuel workable. There is always the implied underntnndine; tluit hitch messages i-ltiil t be Ktiietly tteutrul ami not be the menus of con veying any information of military value. Nothing tins been heard today from Ambassador .Morgcnlhnu in response to a rciiioHl for a detuiled account of Hie eireuniHtauces attending the fir ing upon the cruiser Tennessee's launch by Turkish foils at Smyrna on November 1", nml it is supposed that he haw been delayed by difficulty iu eommuiiieation with Consul (leu- ernl Morton at Smvriiu. I II I 'AIMS, Nov. r, l;lll p. m. A Servian victory in the fighting with tlm Austrian invaders is reported in n dispatch today to Ihe Ilavas ngeney from Nisli. It is said that (he Aus trian columns, which on the night of November 22 crossed Iho Kolubnni river in northwestern Scrvin, were put to rout by tlio Serviuns, with large losses. The battle continues, it is said, on n line from I.asarevnU to Mionitzn, where the attacks of tho Servians caused the AustriaiiH to fall hack. , Tho Austrinus are said to havo lost r00 prisoners and three innehino guns. NEW YOKK, Nov. 2.'. flreat prosperity for a time awaits the United States, in tlio opinion of Sir fleorgo l'nish, advisor to tho Hritish treasury, who milled today for I.iv errrool. Sit fleorgo had been in this country for Huvornl weeks at Iho in vitation of President Wilson, conferr ing with bankers nml treasury offio ials to clarify the financial problems that have arisen between tho United Stales and (licat Hriluiu since the beginning of Iho European war. "During Iho war Iho United Slates will havo great prosperity," Sir fleorgo nsscilcil, ''Your misfortune rill come IuUt, No misfoiliuio that falls upon a great number of people can benefit nny olher people fur nny great Icuglh of lime, The woild is now conmiiiiliig )l seed coin, mill t Id inciiiiH iiohiii(( hut Iosm, The siiflci' )HH Hill lust it dci'iide, piinnlbl) il gci cralmii. "AfltT lb wur KhIuhJ wit Lm t N REFUSAL GREAT PROSPERITY FOR AMERICA MEDFORD, RIOTING MOBS LOOTING STORES CITY OF MEXICO Serious Disorders ncnorted When Troops Leave for Battle Shootina Rencrtcd. But Casualties Few Pawn Shops and Gun Stores Rob bedMob Parades Capital. MIJXICO CITY, Nov. 2R. ricrloiin disorders occurred In tlm capital last night, when u mob gathered In front of tho national palace, Lnlor they marched to store where arms and nmmiinrtlnn were kept but tered down tlm doom and sacked the p'nres of their contents, Vhero wns shooting but thus far, uncording to reports, the casualties aro 'ew, Tl u l ollce were powerlesa as the fow t coining to guard tho city were stripped of their arm by the mob. Later In the evening tho mob, which had bcn constantly growing, broke up Into smaller bodies and tlm looting of pawn shops and other es tablishments In various sections of tlm city was begun. Trolley Truffle SiiNpendod Tho trouble begnn at i o'clock In the owning and at n Into hour still continued. All the street traffic was stopped except tho red cross service which was taking care of dead and wounded brought In fro the fight ing around Tacubaya. At 8 o'clock bodies of civilians and forer federal soldiers wcro formed. They paraded tho prlnlcpal street and marched to police headquarters nnd the nmllan legation where they wuro armed. Iteports of unrestrained rioting In tho MOxleau capital Indicate that all of the organized constitutionalist fortes havo left the city, either to meet tho forces of flencr.il Villa, com ing from llm north, or those of (Jen oral Zapatn, which have been theat vnlng the capital from tho south. Zutatn In roAscWIn Tho mention of fighting nt Tacu baya, flvo miles southwest of Mexico City, wottld mako It appear that tho Zapata forces are virtually at tho doors of tho capital. (enoral lllanro nnd a force of sev eral thousand men composed tho last orgnuUed force thnt Into reports said loiiinliio.l In Mexico City, nil other armed forcea having left last week. With them went all tho national, fed eral and district and city officials. It seems likely, Judging from tho re portH of thu rioting, that fleneral Ulnnco left with his troops to take part In tho flghtlug lthcr to tho north or tho south. Lntcr word ennio thnt tlm telegraph liml been interrupted south of Juorer., thereby outline; off communication between Washington and American Consutnr Agents Canovn nt Aguas Cnlienles nnd George 0. Carothers, who is with fleneral Villa. Flro at C o'clock this morning de stroyed tho home of Charles Uobblns nt "ir. 'Attlilunii avenue, entailing a losa of $1200, covered by $700 Insur ance. $400 on tho house, and $300 on tho contents. Tho origin of the flro Is unknown, but supposedly start d form a defective fluo. Tho build Ing and contents wero a total loss. nblo to reduce her expenses for do fenso and will snvo iu a few years moro than the war will hnvo cost tm. No peace can ho nuulo until there is assurnnco thnt mililurism is crushed forever. Prior to the war our ex penses for defense were $ 100,000,000 a year; after its close they will ho cut in'hnlf." Sir fleorgo expressed tho npinini Hint no troublo would result fiom the reopening; next Saturday of the New York block exchange for ivsriced trailing In bonds, lie though (hut Hie Loudon exchange would reopen soon, Hy Hie fitst of the venr, he said, con fiilciii'ii vwiiild he gcncNilly icsloicd nml llm business of llm Ktnck cx chniiucM would he coiidilclcd without any great liquidation ami Ju u icg. iilnr iiiiiniicr. Henry II DavnUnuof .1 P. Mnigiin k Co. sillied wllh Hir (Icoign In ills cHiK with KTiglMi Miiiuirlcl ami llcasHiv offlcliiU Hie waller lasiu Ml by Mir Umw U ihW vumjli, Ql50g ' AVIODNESDA Y, G OF BY SITE BOARD 4 4 HALK.r, Or., Nov. '.-. The state board of, horticulture this morning vofril to reniovo A. II. ('ui'Kon. horticultural commis sioner for tlieJionthern Oregon district, for "good of the ser- vice," nnd Ins successor will be decided upon nt a future meet ing of the board; following- thor ough investigation of the con dition and need of the district. -f -f 4- AUSTWANS SUFFER UTTER DEFEAT AT LEMIJHUO, flallcla, Nov. 2.', via London, 4;11 p. in. -The sound of firing which woa, said to be the result of n clash between) the Hermans and Austrlans composing the garrison of I'rzemysl was reported by refugees ar riving here today from tho vicinity of the Austrlans fortress. The sound came from fortifications on tho In terior line and was audible two miles. It was further reported that tho Germans had hanged the commandant of the fortress because he proposed to surrender tno citadel. The Aus trlans arc ram" lo have opposed the measures put Into effect by tlio fScr man which-rcsultsl'ln A bailie. In the streets. Wounded AuBtrlans returning from the Carpathians and from tho south of Lembvrg report that tho Austrlans nro retreating In utter defeat. Their losses nro said to havo been heavy and to have Included C000 prisoners and all tho supplies. Toward Cracow the reteat is said to havo been made In better order. ROOSEVELT fflS" CHANGE OF VENUE FOR LIBEL SUII A&DAN'Y. N. Y., Nov. 2C Tho ap pellate division today reversed the ruling of Supreme Court Justice Ches ter, which refused a change of venue for the trial or tho $50,000 libel suit brought by William Itarnes against Colonel Theodore Hoosovelt. Colonel Itoosuvelt sought tho change. Tho court ordered tho Irlal to be hold In Onondaga Instead of Albany. 'Tho Roosevelt attorneys claimed that Mr. Uarnes, formor chairman of tho republican state committee, dom inated tho politics of Albany county and that consequently a fair trial could not bo had horo. Tho nppol lanto court held that "nolther party Bltould bo copelled to try tho action In tho county In which tho other nartv resides." Statements attributed to Colonel HooBflvcR to tho effect that Mr. Homes' activities In politics rcaultod from nn alliance botween crooked polltfcs and crooked business," and that "thoro was a bi-partisan combi nation between Uarnes and Murphy," wero tho basis for tho llbol suit. GENERAL VON DER GOLTZ WOUNDED IN THE FACE BERLIN, Nov. 25, via The Hague and London, 10:55 n. m. Tho cor respondent of it Murhurg lunvnpnper, who rcceully united General von tier floltr, governor of occupied territory In Belgium, mis that while Iho gen eral was visiting the trenches lately he was wounded in the fare. NO MAIL TRIIUNE THANKSQIVIN0 DAY In iicciinhiiicii with npniil rii. Hun, Hide will Im no lliii of Ihe Mull Tubulin Iimiiiirow SERVICE HANDS OF RUSSIANS yOVEMniSll 25, 3014 SOUTH AM E DF Britain and France Appeal to United States to Use Good Offices to Force Columbia and Ecuador to Observe Requirements of Neutral ityWireless Operated. LONDON, Nov. 2r,, Great Britain and France have appealed to tho United States to exercise Its good of fices to compel Colombia to observe inoro strictly tho requirements of neu- i rainy, utnerwiso tne antes. It was announced in tho houso of commons today, may be compelled In self de fense to tuko whatever measures they deem necessary for the protection of their Interests. Charles Roberts, under secretary of the Colonial department, speaking on behalf of the foreign office, made this announcement In tho house of com mons. Ho said that Information In possession of the government ldlcatcd that governments of Colombia and Kcuador had fulled In certain respects to observe an attitude of strict neu trality, and that thejr failure to do so was likely to bo detrimental to the Interests of Kngland. WTrclcsH Causes Trouble Tho particular cause of complaint against Colombia has reference to a high power wireless stntlon. The British charge d'affaires en deavored repeatedly, said Mr. Roberts, to Induce tho government to remove the staff of Germans at tho wireless station, and institute strict control in order to prevent the transmission of messages to . belligerent merchant ships lying In Colombian portST'Fall Ing In this, the charge sought to have thn station closed. Tho report re ceived from tho charge leaves it In doubt whether steps taken by the Co lombian government are of au ef fective nature. Mr. Roberts added that tho Brit ish naval attache at Washington, who was cent to Colombia to Investigate conditions there, found that tho-wireless station nominally was being oper ated under censorship, but that In reality it was ontlroly under German influence. He considered it of 1m IKjrtanco to suppress tho operation of tho station. He also reported that German steamers In ports of Colom bia wero continuing to use their wireless equipment, although ostensi bly dismantled. Ivcuador Also In Troublo Mr. Roberts went on to say that a similar communication had been sent to Washington with respect to Kcua dor, whoso foreign minister "had him self informed tho British charge and his French colleagues that German warships had converted certain Islands belonging to Ecuador Into naval basos." Mr. Roberts said that tho government of Ecuador had failed to comply with tho request of Great Britain and Franco to exerclso pro per control of wireless apparatus The British government being of tho opinion that tho iurther diplomatic protests to Ecuador would bo useless, and not being prepared to disregard Ecuador's obligations In respect to neutrality Judged it oxpedleut to com municate with tho government of tho United States. Tho latter had con sented to communicato with Colom bia and Ecuador but Great Britain was not yet awaro what result hod been attained. LONDON, Nov. 25, I p. m. Eng land is preparing rapidly to repel any possible invasion hy flermauy, Along the east and south coasts of Kijglaiul these preparations, begun some time ngo, nro being pushed forwnnl as speedily us possible. Tho work is chiefly iu thu hands of civilians. Emergency couuiiiltco, of promi nent citleiis have been formed in several of Iho large lowns. The piin idpal mciisiircH already planned look In Ihe safe withdrawal of women nml cliildit'ii final Ihe iiiciu which may ho lliicntcned, mid nUo llm removal of livedock nml pmvwoii which would lie useful In mi inviiding army, llm de Hrni'Hoii of gniin mill olher coiu IihmIiIIi'U which cmiiml Im irnuni'd mid Ihi Mocking of iimN mn dn slrucUwi of biHtffi A M VIOLATOR n ran ENGLAND PREPARES FOR INVASION K"l MINE 10 DIG SOLDIERS I f-f-t- -ff-f-f4-ftf-f CHICAGO, Nov. 2.V- Ma chines to dig graves for Euro pean war victims have been iwr- " feeled hy n Chicago concern, it " become known todnv. Work has been started on thirteen of the mechanical luirierx which hnvc " been ordered by two of the nl- lied nations. On days when there hns been "no eontnet," the mnchine, it wns said, may be "" used for digging trenches. L MYSTERY PUZZLES NEW YORK, Nov. 23. The nssns fiinntion of Unmet Ilaff, character ized hy Coroner Fcinbcrg as tho cul mination of tho greatest conspiracy since the murder of Herman Rosen thal, placed a real murder mystery in central office today for solution. The victim, n well-to-do independ ent poultry dealer, was lured to his (loath by a decoy message given him at 0 o'clock Inst night hy n young man who entered his place o busi ness in Washington market. Two shots fired in the pjreet killed him. Two men darted to nn automobile waiting nearby and mndo of. Detectives learned thnt Raff had been threatened several times with violent death since he testified for the state iu n trial that sent numbers of New York City's poultry trust to prison several years ago. In the relentless campaign waged by his enemies, fires had been lighted, bombs exploded, his horses poisoned, his son attacked mid his chain of stores robbed. One of his neighbors was killed by a gunman in mistake, it wns believed, for Ilaff. Ilaff him self had been scarred for life by an assault made on him hy n thus armed with a bottle. Inspector Fnnrot announced today that detectives wero working on the theory that gunmen had been hired to murder Raff as in the Rosenthal case. TO BERLIN, Nov. 25, via Tho Hague nnd London. Tho roiehstng has re ceived a draft of tlio second supple mentary imperial budget for tho year 11)1-1. This empowers tho imperial chan cellor, for tho purpose of meeting ex traordinary expenses, ngain to raise 5,000,000,000 marks ($1,150,000, 000). Furthermore, the chancellor is empowered to issuo tho treasury notes up to 400,000,000 murks ($100,000,000) above' tho amount prescribed by tho budget for tho tern pornry strengthening of tho ordinary workiug capital of the imperial treas ury. Riflo clubs arc being organized. Tho war office lias decided to recog nize these clubs, many of which are now drilling, lheir badges will con sist of a red nnulet bearing the let ters "(1. II," Only those who lire in eligible for service as regular soldiers of territorials may belong to such or ganisations. Members nro reipiircd to furnish their own equipment. Tho city of Hull, according to llm Daily .Mail, luu hecn divided into six districts. In each tlUlrlct H n cian millee of 200 prominent men, which will conpciali) with Ihe police, Nim lnr I'umiiiiltee iuu been formed In Deal, KiiiiiucIi, Folkestone mnl S'V cnil oilier lownw, (hu inayoM inuully lu'Huir i clmiiHii'fit Hiryi'lUU nm niilimiobilisU win mhhMm'A ow Hum vgii fvr iUtAr Jiit f H wwk E MURDER GOTHAM POLICE NO. 212 fe- Conflicting Reports From Mexico City Blanco Reported to Have Left With His Army and Zapata to Have Taken Possession Arrival ef VIHa Awaited with Interest. WASIIINOTON, Nov. 2.',.-Con-fltctinj; atlviceg nnd uncertain com munication with Mexico City caused doubt nnd apprehension today over what nclually wns occurring in tho .Nfexicnn capital. A first official dispatch dated early yesterday said General Luico Blanco hnd abandoned tho citv ami that tho Zapata forces wero entering. 'lien a later dispatch dated 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon snid that whilo General Blanco was not to bo found, ho still wns reported to bo somewhere within tho capital, whero his troops, however, wcro evacuating and taking property as they left. Tho Zapata forces wcro then re ported on the outskirts of tho city, nnd it wns understood that they wcro in agreement with tho Villa forces not to enter the capital until the latter arrived. This, tho latest official dispatch pointed out, was uncertain, however, though the Brazilian minister had re ceived nssurances from tho Zapatista chiefs that they would preserve order and give every protection to foreign ers. Zapata In Possesion WASHINGTON, Nov, 25. General Blanco left Mexico City at 3 a. n. yesterday and the forces of Zapata Immediately took possession of the city. Blanco, after repeated assurances to the diplomatic corps that he would not ovacuato tho city, withdrew and immediately tho Zapata forces began their entry. Theso facts were reported today in official telegrams received by tho stato department. Although communication with Mex ico City Is difficult officials here wero ablo to get In touch with their representatives in the capital and no disturbances havo officially been re ported. Blanco took away with htm all the rolling Btock that could bo used In transporting troops. Mcst of tho wires connecting tho capital with tho outside world have been cut. Villa Is Awaited General Villa's troops aro reported a few miles north of Mexico City and officials here think a Joint occupa tion of tho capital with tho Zapata forces is likely as there Is a completo understanding between the two factions. The forces of Villa, according to official telegrams, aro closing In on Tamplco from San Luis Potosl nn? already havo reached tho oil fields In tho vicinity of Tamplco. Tho Villa advanco guard has given assurancea that tho foreign oil Interests will be protected. Recent reports from stato depart ment agents who havo been In touch with Zapaia. led officials hero to be lieve the southern chief would main tain order in the city. Tho dlspntchca which were tiled at noon yesterday made no mention of disturbances In the capital up to that hour. LONDON, Nov, 25, 10; 25 a. W. Tho French steamer Amlral Qa teaumo, which was sunk Ootobsr 20, whllo on hor way from CalaU l& Havre with u great throng of rfH gees aboard, was tho vletlm of a Gor man torpedo, ueeerdluK to an ad miralty statement ImiuihI My, Ah examination, It Is stated rvkM a fragment of the IsrNs Ih a llf tout, ThoiiKh crowded with 2090 rt: uiuuy ef whew wr WIHfl h4 WI dlH, (IHly 10 IIvm Wf4 ! Tlm tidwlrally lurUk4 pfft of Hi trH4 frftMwi, imWIw tat llila "Knt wM4f Mi UmV y wN4 irH bf timm mk- It w4 rUMMslr ifcMMtt UmM U 4MM(JJUMaglNlrfkUIM4M. -, ZAPAfpi OFCAPIfALllY nPPI Irtl" aT Al lift O ? i t