,.mm1firr pxaiD six rrrtee TODFOKP MATL TKTBUND, MFJKKT), OKKflON", TUESDAY, "NOVttMTIEtt 21, PUBLIC HEARING FORTRACKCROSSING SOUGHT BY BULLIS Public liotvriiiKH will prolinbly bo held In thin city ntatt month liv'lho Blnto rnilwny Jpoinmissfon ujmii 1110 npplicntion o tho Southern Orem Traction company to cross the tracks of tho Southern l'tirlfio at Main Mreot, thin city. Tim chief mutters to como before tho commission will bo tho ndjuRtmcnt of crndo rights nud tho cMtnbliKlimcnt of protection. It is not expected that tho Southern Pji cifio will offer nny strenuous objec tions, except of a technical nature. In tho ordinary course of business it takes tho rnilwny commission n month to six weeks to make n find ing, ho it will likely bo tho middle of February before nny work on the new extension down Main street is begun. Tho city council at their last meet ing granted tho Bulliq interests until Juno 30 to fulfill their franchise pro vision calling for tho completion of two miles of track in the city within two yenrs. OWENSSUESOWINGS Fi OR $3000 SLANDER WELSH ASKS $3000 FOR IT IN CAR M. A. Welsh, a cattleman, has brought suit against the Southern Pacific railway for $5000 damages alleged to hnvo been caused when the engineer "did recklessly and careless ly back, with violence nnd force," a string of cars into a cabooso in which Welsh was seated last May. Welsh alleges in his grounds for suit that ho was hurled against a sta tionary phono, cutting his lip nud knocking out teeth, and also thrown ngainst a desk, causing injury to lib olicst on tho left Bide. Welsh nt the time was in a caboose for tho purpose of attending a ship ment of hops to San Francisco, nnd alleges that ns a result of bis being uiiablo to make tho trip an inex perienced man named Bowers waf pent and the hogs lost nn average of six pounds each thereby. Tho suit is filed bv Attorneys Sfulkey nnd Cherry . j I.nst Soptcmr tlie "noine or James Owens near IIoriiq lllver wns lo strojod by flro. In a complaint filed Tuesday against W. V. Owlngs, In which Judgment for $3Q00 Is asked, It Is nllcKcd, that tho latter spread rumors' that Owens burned tho house. The chief grounds fot tho suit aru based upon statements OwIiirs is al leged to have made tho morning after tho fire, to Joshua .N'eatlinnimer, ?. D. IlrownsvTorth and Cecil .Manning, in a conversation in which it is averred that he said that Owens had planned to burn his homo "before going to Washington." Ono of tho listeners In nn affidavit said ho told Owlngs to be more certain of his al legations, hut the latter Insisted upou them. noth the defendnnt and tho plain tiff are well known in tho ltoguo River district, and the suit is at tracting considerable interest. Mul key and Cherry are attorneys for Owens. "" j CANNONADE ONLY mm SIGN OF ACTIVITY mph dlluihm mum TON U-U-M ; i & Mr. Henri llnriko Tho now uianaiiement of the Star theater, has engaged Mr. llaicke, as musical director. Mr. llarcko, stud led in Iterlln, for a number of jears and has been musical director, at the Hnipress theater, Tacotna, for the past two season, and previous to his going to Tacoma, was in vaudeville and traveling musical attractions. M WILSON AT SHOT SHOW The Rose society Is congratulating itself on its success in persuading Mrs. George T. Wilson to give one of her delightful sketches at tho Society Vaudeville- December 7-8. For tho benefit of the few who may not be familiar with Mrs. Wilson's artistic ability and achievements, It may be well ro stnto that she is a graduate of the Northwestern School of Oratory of Evanston, HI., and since her graduation she has not only been an instructor in tho department of pub. He speaking, of Toledo, Ohio, but Is recognized as one of the best public entertainers in tho middle west, hav ing achieved distinction In Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kentucky and was the reader with the Imperial Male Quartette of Iowa for a season. Her hearers at the Roso Society Vaudeville will particularly enjoy her selection, which will be from "The Lane That Hath No Turn ing," by Sir Gilbert Parker. DIED KDWAHHS-At her home nt Wat kins, Ore., Minnie It. EdwnnU, No vcmber 22, aged 27 venrs, from hem orrhages. She hnd been n resident of Jackson county nil her life. She leaves her husband, Frank Kdwardx, and three voting sous. Frances, Clar ence nnd Edgar. Burial at Jackson ville cemetery, November 2o, at 'J p. in. 1'AHIH, Nov. a I, 1:17 p. in. -Tim oflieial HlaliMiient given out in Palis this nt'tenionn my that, generally speaking, the situation on November "JJ showed no changes of importance. The text of the communication fol lows ; 'Speaking generally, it may be sitid that the situation during the Ony of November i?'t bus showed no impor tant changes. "Along the greater part of the front the enemy manifested his no fixity imrticulurly bv an intermittent eannoiuide, which was, however, less spirited than on the preceding day. Neveitheles.se there were hero nnd there some infantry attacks, all of which were repulsed. Those attacks were particularly violent in the Ar- gonne, where we gained some terri tory, and in the region of Four de Paris. "The sanitary conditions of the troops nre favorable." Why Not Get tho best smoke, Gor. Johnson, tnd also patronize homo 3C 3C :nc 3C 1L t COME men are awful anxious to fight as long as somebody's holain 'em. But turnin' 'em loose takes all the fight out of 'em as completely as agein' takes the bite out o' VELVET. $& wttfr 11 What is " bite " in tobacco ? It's a harsh ness that comes usually of insufficient cur ing and ageing. Good tobacco mught to have strength in it and ageing turns that strength into mellow smoothnew. That's the simple truth about VELVET, Kentucky's Burley de Luxe, which has two years' ageing. 10c tins and 5c metal-lined bags. Jjttyfd ipi -irr 3C It I X X Y Y X Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y t i t ? ? t Y X X X Y i PAGE THEATRE TONIGHT Special - VAUDEVILLE - Special Adams Southern Shows By Spocial Arrangement tho Adams Shows will givo thoir Vaiulovillo Acta at t his thoator tonight. Comprising Aerial and Acrobatic Acts Horizontal Bar Acts Lady of The Flying Rings Miss Florence Grace, Contortionist Lula Adams, with Teeth of Iron Will Hang by Her Teeth From a Strap Ten Minutes Great Rolling Globe Act. Slack Wiro. Chair Balancing. Aorial Ladder Work'. Snake Charming Act. Dancing Skoloton. Illustrated Song. ONE BIG ANIMAL ACT I Texas, the Educated M' X" t Y Y Y Y Y y Y Trick Elephant k With this groat variety of Vaudovillo, special ono-rool Photoplays botwoon acts. Hear the Large Page Theatre Orchestra Seven Pieces i ? Y !jv , TWO BIG SHOWS, 7 and 9 o'Clock Remember, One Night Only -Tuesday, Novombor 24. ADMISSION, 10c, 15c, 25c igMgHjMgMgMg c I GOOD THINGS DONT LAST FOREVER ! '4 The Entire Stock of the F. K. DEUEL & CO. STORE i :r'-V -k M ' r Will Be Cut and Slashed Day After Day ii' The Walls of this Big Store Will Be Stripped i ' V j & Everything Will Be Sold Everything Is Going "I "hitfk' Greater and Bigger Reductions for Tomorrow Com6 t NOTICE: Merchants are invited to come to this sale. We will make special prices, on J .-1J A t 1 t , It . s. V. jjooas, soia ar wnoiesaie to au parties. Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y m X x X Y ? X X Y Y Y X J X Y Y ? Y O ! Y tMMMw