Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 24, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    WWDJroUD MAIi;
L. ' . - I'
i" "
4 . . .1 ,4.
iind Mm, Then. (Ilium worn
tniilliiK In MiMiroiil .Monday.
V. (J, ('Iiiiiniiuii mill mill, Claude,
wt'ii! Mfiilfunl vlnllniH Miniiliiy,
.Mr. ItnliliiNiin uf M'Hlfotil In vhilt
I11K 11I lln son's ranch near llnngln.
TI10 waliltiiilii of Itoiul Dhililcl No,
II! Iiflvri fotllloiin mil fur (wo eiindl-
', itllllia IIK Mlllll NttlMirVlKlir. Tliu COUII
. () ClimilllStlnillllH oiihIiI to lllvn till)
,', off Imi la lint iiiiiii Hull In bunt iiuiill
fli'il lo 'fill. It regit id loss of miI Itlcn
11 or Hie sftltlbtf Hint ho II von In, Tho
' tlmi)H coining when Hki tiuuilhliilmt
y, fill' I III Officii Will llllVII 10 pllHN II
board or osninlnlng KiiKlnt'orn bnforo
h mil gl ll mill Hum Hie html iiiiiii
' lor llio work will not llio office.
Wlllliini mill Ditto Cottrlll, stock
man of thn .MhiuIowm miction, passed
t lit on Kit our liurK Thursday on Hiolr
way lo Hut viilloy.
Tom (Imlfroy In building n porch
,' for (fin ilnnvu hull nl llcuglo.
Frank Waterman of tho Motion
orclimtla was a rallnr nt thn V, C,
Cliiipiniwi iniicIi Hiiintiiy.
lokn .MynrH of Ctmttnl I'olnt wan
vlilllmrwlih Ills ulster, Mm, Flunmcn
Wnlkur, Momlny.
I). ItiiKttnll In moving hi family
to Medford,
Jtoy Htnoy molort'il lo C7ititrnl I'olnt
limit pit IIoiinIiiii of Long llntnoli Ik
visiting with IiIh lnii:li(nr, Mm. .Ins
pr ItoilKtrs, of llcuule,
I). Itnmnlt hint nTitucl liU Iloagln
lancli to a Mr. Wren win ennui to
tho Millny recently frtmi tin- llooil
rlvor country.
W. W. Nnrrlsnn nml family U ls
ItliiR with hi mm, linl, at Hiu Wlilto
much south of Mini font.
Mr. Mini Mm. Hwect of llcnglo wr
visiting In Control I'olnt Wcdncs
dny. Mr. MOiVmiRht of Agnto In haiilliu;
wHKl fiom tint Hcott ranch nt An
t limit.
Jaipur Hodaors, thn llcnglo mer
chant, was iraillni: In thy valley
town Wednesday.
John Mitchell of tho MuniloWH
passed through Iltmglu Wednesday
on hi wny honin front tho valley.
Mr. Mi-fnilKhl ami run Lloyd
iHoloitnl to Mi'ilforl Tuoiilny morn
liilt. William ln fluid of Central I'olnt
unit In tho Antluch ryimtry Wcdncs
tiny looking atttir Ids cattln on tin
,tiiriJ.lpfQ ICnittlilon of Tnleiit Iujh
been inli' poorly of Inlt', it miffotur
. 1'nmi hi'iirl trimblc.
Alrw. Williom CurloM of IMioonis
lutil llio nitrtfitiinnt' tu ct' no nly
I.H-k tin llii ! Iillo (nuikiitir iii'f
HHtn, 'Tlio MUJltlli'llI 0itlUlfi in Mnl-
fonl Sntiirilny iiTlifhiiioii. Dr. T. II.
MaliiiKMo win nciir hv nml ilr't'il
Hut wniuiil.
Kiilpli KoIhtih Un I'hopiiiN Siinilny
ioniinf lo viii IrwniU in Caliroriiin
nml ii'iliMi nnmii tin1 winter.
Mr. ami .Mm. II. O. Itcnxf nin iei.i.
ilmlH of Ilitnilirn'ik, Cnl., tlii roll,
where .Mr. cni' i rmi'iiian on Hie
Initlgn wotli on Hip I'mit'ic liiKlnvn.v.
Thirty-1 tvu HrMoiiN w'iil on tln
inti-riiiliMii our Ironi 'I'nlfnl nml
1'lioini.v tin flil trip Hiitorilny inorii
iiiK, nifil n'likii iinnilmr in llm iil'ti'i
iiooii, Tho liijr kiiIivm nml rootlmll
BninW In Mi'iirniil tltt'W lurj,'' ciowtln
fiom ovory ml l' llm vnlli-.v.
Ah. S. .SIniii'lilTt' uiivtt n tlin
nor Siniiliiv in honor of her Iiiih
linmrN liiithilay. Only nn'inlii'i-.-. of
llittir own fiiinilio weio inviU'tl,
(jnilt) n niimlinr uf oiit-ol'-towii
inoilii ntliinili'il llio o 1 if in uivon nt
Tnlitiit liy Awlilmiil (nlont. All svotn
eil plmiHCil with tin' ivciiint;'N t'ntvr-
Tim lilll.' town .of Talent wiih
nhoi'lit'il nml siit'f-htricht'ii Knlinilny
when AIm. .My inn Tryor hinlilt'iily
AiMKtt nwny, li'iuin;,' n lit lie linlio
only 11 few days old, The cum' mtiii
eil In he n rnthor ieenlinr one, ns no
fever or lilnml-poisonin hymptonm
went pitiM'iit, lint nil n I' lection of the
fcpinnl nerve, mi I Imvy lieen infnrinoil.
Anioiiy; lliokit win were in .Meill'ortl
Siitiinlny were Dr. nml Alrn, Alnliu
Kidii, Mr, nml Airs. V. Harnnni, Air.
iilul .Mix. (', ('amy, Air. nml Aim. V.
K. Ainleotiin, Air, nml Airs. John
flniffiM, Mm. CorleMH, Mm. I'toM,
.Mm. Sleailnimi, M F.lvln W'nller,
I. Iv. Ituheilx, Itoy Coffiiinn, Air.
Ilenn, V. K. SliinelUT, Tnle IMwiiiiIk,
Kulpli KohiirlH, AIm, i, ,), Itinehiul,
Mm. CiimIui', AIm. Hliorl, AIm. Kinj;.
Not Ire In lierohy nlven that thn tin
iIomIkihiiI will apply to tho city conn
nil of (ho city of Moilforil, Orei;on, at
Itw next toKHlur imotlni; Doroinhar 1,
IUII, for n llroiiHii to noil np'iltuoiiH,
vlnoiiii unil mall lliiioin' In ipimitl
Hum I ww Ihmi a iiallon, nt their plnm
of liuilniM mi Hoiilli Kr Hreet, lo
miluil on lulu 10, II mu( I'i, hlook
-0 or llio nilliinlliiwiiiili'( In mtlil
ully, for it imiloil of tU iiioiillm.
I )ii In of flMl puhlliNillmt Noyvnihor
mil, iuii.
A(r. nml .Mm, IliKinliolliiiin wcic
iloin MlioppinK' In (Viilrnl I'oint on
Woril IhiU'Ih'cii n.'i'i'iM'il privnlely
tlint Air, nml Mm, I'i null would nr
ilvii hniiio Iiiiiii IViheo in n few iliiyn,
at whieh pliiee Air. I'minell Iiiih Ihtii
in tliu lionpidil for Hiiinn lime, Iml Iiiih
nii fully leriivnieil nt In hn nhle to
i ft tit it home,
AIUm Cnpiloln Kwinden nf Aleilfnnl
eiiine ilinvn on Hnn'dny lo upend n few
dnyw with ftimiiN nml ndn liven.
H(li'lnll llniH., who have koI ipiilo
hi wood-i'iillinc eontniel on Snnline
ereeli, npenl Hiinday with lionie folk-.
Iloiiue tV l.i'nin weie Hull City lins viNJIorM ntie ilnv reeenlly,
Alel'lionehin Ac HinU Mpi-nl Knt
nrilny in Cent nil Point nl'ler winter
-oipplii'H, The ! - iiiteml to do h.iii
mining 1 1 i - winter.
ICiiiim'h Ciei'lf liiiHincMM viillorM to
Hold Mill thix week; Air, nml .Mm.
I.ewin, .IntiieM l.nwiciii'o, (Jeorun Alnr
ilon, 1'ieil Slrniilii', Alike I'nloy, Air.
nipl .Mm. lltiiiKuhnliler, AIm. Shitmp,
.Mr. nml AIm. Iliniuliolliiun, AIm. I'o-
ley, .Mm. IIouuIh nml Weather
I'n.pliel Toiler.
Weather I'rnphtil Ku.tei'H fi,ieeal
PmliU'ii eliiiny mnl wnimer
wen I her.
All Ihooe reporleil on (ho iel; list
liml week me roiiVnluxiTiil.
Air, l.ewin has lurmil funning into
mining n very wic einieliiHion, nml
we whi him iireeH.
livery hoilv i pri'pnring fur
TlitiiikMisit mr. ii nnlv n few rmre
tlayM lire li-ll in whieh to pet icmly.
Diil Vint eer notlre Hint nil the tur
key h ii.i.xl IokIi ni"( hi'foie TIiiihUh-
Air. nml AIm, James Vermillion nf
Ohio, whiliuvi heen MlayiiiK near tlie
llyhee Htirinp, rotnriu'il In their t.ltl
home. .Mm. Vermillion is n ni-ler of
theUev. Wharton of (lohl Mill.
.Mm. II. II. Smith nf Motto Falls,
who was vinitinj; nt llie home of her
father, Ifnnxom Caiter, has pine
AIm. Ilerl Yolaiin nml lister, AUnm
llnlila I'nyne, were the kiicmIm nf Dr.
nml .Mm. .Miller.
.Mm, Smn Itieharitxon vixiteil with
her ilanjihleiN, Kdnn nu, lather, who
are nllendin Mhonl at Uonne l.'iver.
I'ine flrnve l.iternrv oeiety was
rmniiuiixeil nml will rieet every Sal
unlay iiIkIiI nt the tuhnnl lnnihe. S.
It roller was i-lucleil iirvsiilunl.
Alihtt Amies Sen(t mnl little eoiiin, f
D.illie Ittirkhart. snent the week's end
n! the homo of .Mr. nml .Mm. Alnttl
II. I'ntillo, vim wns vKitiii(- at
(Inints I'iims, Iiiih reliirni'il to hi
rnneli on the upper Kviiiim crock.
Williniii Van (locllioiu ami ami, Al
lien, were Kiikiui llivcr visitors Snl
iirdny. Air. mill AIm. I Veil Homier of Sun
nyMJile moloivil to Axhlmiil mnl viiil
oil the vnlloy towns en route. Tlioy
"topped nt Hie home of .1. II. Unil ami
S. I,. Potter.
William llillis unit John Owinys
were Inisines viNJtoM nt Hold Hill
J. li. Smithpetcr, our local incrch
ant, was lining hu.iiiens nt OninlH
Pass iih week,
.Miss Alililictl AppK'uiilo spent the
week's end at her home in A-hlnnd.
Air. mnl .Mm. I). II. Stenil uic the
happy parents of u fine hoy horn nu
Sunday, November Si-.
AIm. A. A. F.lliolt is taking the
school census for Foots creek school.
F. K. Wahl took mi iincspcctctl
hath in thn river Thursday while nt
teiupting to row iicions in his boat.
(Icoi'cu mnl Harold Jacobs mid
.Mist. Hciiha Woolvcilou iittcutlvd the
dance in Hold Hill Suturdny ovening.
Airs, Aluiilc, it iiiii'm) of Alcdford, is
u( the D. II. Stend liomo this week.
Joe Maker U tloing coiihidcrnblc
Irappine; this winter, Ho bus n mink,
th ice coyotes mid several skunks,
V, J, Selmumburi; mid (1 M. Aldcn
were up in Sains Vnlloy Sunday look
ing for seed vvheat,
II. D, Jones ih Imviiig the ore haul
ed from his Golden F.ngln omul,
mine to the Mcemmi stamp mill nu
Sordino creek. W. W. I Utile 's doing
the work.
Air. Porter, the new foreman of the
Cliiiiiiplain niclmid, moved his family
out from Alcdford one day last week,
The Five Hundred club met nl the
homo of Air. mid Alts, P, J. Scliaum
burg Saturday ovcnlug, Thrco ta
bles of U'ogrohivo "ri0ll"wero play
ed. Light rol'ronliiiii'iitH wore scrvctl
mid nil rcpoil n line time,
Airs, F. I-:, Wahl entertained llio In
dies of tho Menrciilniii club TluiMifiiy
iil'leinooii, All niembers were pics
cut. Alter llio tegular biisiucaM meet
ing Mm. (Iuy of Ali'dl'oiil favored the
nb'b Willi it piuiiii solo. Mm. .Miller
mid Mm, A Men aim gave mhiic plinio
.I'lnclioiiH, Mix. Poller unve u very
Inleiiwliiiv lull, on Aiislrnllii, A mol
dclicbiiis lunch vwim kciviuI by Mm
U'iiIiI, Mi ll.iipii uiilliiit'il llio
course of study for llie nuxl ten mrel
lll(?M. A few of I ho UivuMiilu IihIIch ulcl
ThiiMiluy mnl preparcil the nifini for
the nclldinrliood 'i'luiiilixiviiiK din
lier. All will meet ns ono liii; fiimlly
At tho cluhhoiisu on Itlvnrsiilu drive.
A tuhli) sciitlntr llie entire iiumhcr,
twi'iiiy-fonr, will he improviseil, I ho
lo.vnl hirils will he liiouulil in, roust
ed lo it turn ami nil am uulielpit(iii
it very pli'iiMint day lordlier,
.Mm, II, D, Jones was down from
thn OolnYii Ivnle mine ThiiMiluy eull
in on friends mid spent a day with
her sou, Hcrl Jones, on Fools creek,
Air. Juliet Iiiih u-rentlv imprnveil m
lieullh in the lat nionlli or two.
Koportod by JnvkHou County Ab
trnct Co., Hlxth and Fir Hti.
Ktato of OieKon vs. F A. llydo mnl
A. K. Iluldwill. Ainondud eomplalnt
T. II. (looilimwtiiro vn. II. J. Taylor
ct al. I'nldlMier's affidavit flhid.
Marry J. .MIIIIkiui vh. Klrctrlo Hold
DredliiK Co., ot al. Default ami de
cree, Hhoriuan Kiitcll vh. S. C, Carroll
el al. Amended complaint.
Btato of Oregon vh, W. J. Canton.
Nolk'i; of appeal nml rertlflcntn of
piohalili) caiike.
U. I', lli.'luix v. Ilnlu'it I'lnno
llouite el at. .Affldnvll filed,
TIioh. P. Knliliir vs. U. J. Kahler.
Affhlnvlt of piilillcnttun of miiiiiiioiih.
.John Pales vs. Hatinnli M. I'aten.
Affidavit of piihllcntlon of Rtimmons.
Wllllnin I". OwIiikk h. James
Owens et al. Amended romplalnt
mid order.
W. K. PhlpiiK vii. John Itocho. Or
der dlmnUblni;.
, I.. P. Ilulihard v. Win. Scott. Or
der withdrawing demurrer,
(). .M. CornltltiN vs. J. Merlin Athcr
el al. Certificate of levy.
(hineva W. Allen admlninlrntrlx of
ctntt! of P. C. Allen vh. Harry Silver
et nl. Suit tn foreclose it mortgage.
In thn matter of tho eBtatn of John
Al. Frlnk, deceased. UndcrtakliiK
miiLoath of of lice filed.
hi the matter nf the eHtnte of Tan
nl M. Port, tleccaHcd. I'lnnl ac
count filed.
In tho matter of llio estate of K. C.
Ilocck deconFod. Petition filed,
In the matter of tho estate of John
I). Whitehead deceased. ' Affidavit of
piihllcntlon of order to show cause.
Itc.Tl llstalo Tiniikfcrs
KolinrtnvilHon ot tut to V. T.
Wllkon, lot 12. Iilk, o, Parle
Add. Mcdfortl, Y. D
Carl T. Hkyrman to Kintiin
Hkyrmnn, K. of KW and
s. m si-: a. i t. :t:: it. i !:,.
W. D ..
h. C. holy et al In (I. K. HII
Blnger. at.r.O acres nml (lie
ncron In T. :tS It. I V., W. I).
V, 8. to James T. White. 80 n.
In nee. III! T. a It. 4 V pntent
H. H. tn Northern Pacific Hall
road Co., 74G7.7& acres In
Oregon, pnrt In Jackson Co.
LONDON, Nnv. Si I. Ofheiul re
ports of the government show that
unemployment among men is now
uliinit 1 per cent Ics than it wits nt
tho opening of the war. These fig
ures are somewhat surprising in view
Could .Vol Do Housework for l'unt
II) of Three. Vino! In it Short
Time .Matin lice a Silting Well
Fort IMwnrd, N. Y "I was In ft
run-down condition, nervous, weak
and dizzy, no that In doing the Iiquho
work for my little family of three,
I wjjuld he nil oxliuustud. I tried cod
liver oil oiuululona. and throo or. four
other iiiodlclnoa without henoflt.
Finally n friend told mo about Yltiol
nml 1 tried it, 1 soon folt hotter and
now It has built up my strength, I
hnvu no mora nervous or dizzy spells,
and can do nil my housework with
out getting ull tired out," Mrs,
Kliuer (Hidden, Fori Ktward, N. Y.
Women are so nctlvu nowadays,
and so iiictih Is expected of thorn,
that tlioy constantly overdo and Buf
fer front hottdnehoH, bneknebo, ner
voiiHUOHH'iiiid kindred Ills, Vlnol Is n
inoHt offlvleiit Htrouutli creator for
hiicIi women.
II Is tho medicinal elements of the,
cods liver, aided by tho blood making
mid streiiKthonlug piopoitloti of tonic
Iron which makes ll so far superior
lo nil oilier toulcH.
If you are In this condition try
Vlnol on our Kiiaimilcn to return
on r money ir It, falls, Moilforil
Pliainiiicy, Mmlfnnl, OlojtOli.
NOTK. - You run gel Vlnol ut llio
lending drnit nloro III neiy town
whole Hil paper I'licululcn.-Adv.
of tbn fact thai neaily one million
men brtvo voluntecrcil llieir cervices
mid urn under I raining in (h,. imnv.
Men vvllo buvn not ciiterml I be
tinny find little fumble now In find
ing work, notwithstanding llio fuel
I lint, llioiiHiiiiiU of places vacated by
IMh bnvc been filled ,v women. The
govcriimOiil lias liunied forwnrd u
eontriicl for the construction of it
now postufhrc lube, which will give
employment lo tho.iHiid of men for
u yeur or More.
netici: oi in;itif; ok oiuisc.
In tho count v court of tho stnto of
Oreitoii, for Hm county of Juckson.
In llio matter of thn ontuto of Wil
liam llrldKos Webb, derenHcd.
Notlco In hereby given tltnt the un
doMlgnod has fllr-d bin final ntoount
In tho filmvn entitled estate, and tho,
court bus npiiolnted Thursday, the
17th dny of December, 1!HI. In the
county court room it l JnrkFonvllIo, at
10 a, in. or that day, as tho time and
tilnco for the bearlm; of objections,
If tiny, to said final account and tho
iictthimmit thereof
Dated November 17. IBM.
Pimm Kimit,
Administrator with tint will annexed
of the oMnto of William Drldges
Webb, tlcceaed.
In tho count v court for Jackson
county, statu of Oregon.
In tho matter of the entnto of Allan
Smith, deceiiHcd.
Notice Is hereby Kvjn that tho un
derslRned has been by order of the
nbovo entitled court, dntcd October
.11, A. D. 1014, duly appointed exe
cutor of the rtat of Allan Smith,
deceased, nnd nil pemons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to prenent the same to me
with proper vourhors attached there
to, at tho offl'-e of CoIvIr & Roberts,
In the .Med ford National Jlnnlc llulld
I UK, Medford, Oicroii, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dnted nt Aledford, Orei?on. this
31st day of Oetolwr, A. D. 1914.
Kxecutor of the Kstato of Allan
Smllli, ilcrcaxcd.
(I. M. Itoni:ilTS,
Attorney for tho Kstuto.
notu;i: ov siikmii-vk s.ii,u u.v. uxKcrnox ix rom:.
J. P. Hansen. I'Inlntlff, vs. A. D.
ltobblus, Defendant.
lty virtue or au execution nnd an
order of sale duly Issued out and un
der tho seal or the circuit court of
the stale of OrcKon, In and for tho
county of Jackson, tinted tho ICtli day
of November, A. I). 1UH, In a cer
tnln (nunc therein, wherein, J. P.
Hnnseu, on the 11th dny of Novem
ber, A. I). 11H, recovered n Judgment
nnd decrco against A. II. Mobbing In
the sum or l!i;,7Si:.0i) with Interest
thereon from the 11th dny of Xovem
her. A. D. I HI I, nt tho ruto of 0 per
cent per annum and the further sum
of SK4.40'osts ami accruing costs or
rale. Which judgment and decree
wns enrolled ami docketed In the
clerk's office of snld court In snld
county on the 11 Hi tiny of November,
Id 14, and Is recorded In voluuio -
of tho circuit court Journal,
I am commanded Uysntd execution
nnd onlcx-XJfWUu to. make sale of tliu
horolilHftor (lescrlbetjcnl property to
satlsfyihe judgment nnd decree In
favor of the plaintiff Jf P. Hansen
nnd 'i&uliiiil the defendant A. II.
MoUldns, I will therefore? on Friday
HioV'lSth day of December. A. I).
1'JM', at the hour of 10 o'clock n. in.
nd flic front door of the court bouse
ItlJnckHonvllle, Jackson county, Ore
gon, offer for sale and will sell to
the highest bidder for cash, subject
to redemption its Is by law provided,
nil tho right, tttlo, Interest nnd claim
of tho defendant A. It. Mobblns, In
nnd to the following described real
property, situated, l)lng and being In
Jitckton county, stnto of Oregon, and
more particularly described as fol
lows, to-wlt:
Ileglnnlng nt tho southeast corner
of tho Win. Wright Donation Land
Claim No. 4, In township .17 south of
rango 1, west of tho Willamette .Meri
dian, and running tiiciue north 0 do
grecs nnd S minutes, oast SM'J.ri feet,
thence north 73 degrees and 37 min
utes cast 071L0 feet to tho Oregon nnd
California railroad rlgbt-of-wny;
thouco south 35 degrees and 8 min
utes, east .1710 foot, nlong tho west
lino of said right-of-way, to tho south
Hue of the Charles F. Jones Donntlou
hand Claim No. 40 in township 37,
south of rango 1, west of tho Wil
lameteo Meridian ; thouco north 89
degrees ami 4 1 minutes, west 1311-00
feet, along tho south lino of said Do
nation Land Claim No. 40; thence
north 22 degrees and Gfi minutes,
west 01:3. n root to the north line or
snld Donation Laud Claim No, 40;
tbonce north 89 degrees nnd 57 min
utes, oast 0.1.0 foot to tho plnco of be
ginning, containing 32.90 acres, In
Jackson county, Oregon,
All of tho said nbqvo described real
property will bo sold at said time and
place nnd In the manner piovlded for
snlo of real property under execution
upon foreclosure, to satisfy snld Judg
ment and docreo in fnvor of tho
plaintiff J, P. Hansen and agnlnst
the defendant A. 11. Mobblns.
Dated nt tho office ot tho sheriff
Roguo Mlvor Vnlloy Fruit Lands.
Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and
Timber. Colonltatlon Tracts, llest
all-tho-ycar-round cltmato on const.
Health Mesort. Wonderful Medici
nal Springs.
Denver Mcalty Co., Ashland. Oregon.
I am. making deolsfor u larger per
cent of my customers than at any
time sluco I started business.
I want your proposition. 1 nm
making up a. Monl lCstatu Kxchunga
Hook. I will not Hit properties nt
Inflated values either for snlo or trudo
so In ipiotlng prlco of property, ulvo
lowest cuih valuation.
UOI J'lMt N'Mlloual Hunk Mullilliig
Phono 110. J
In Jncksouvllle, .InrltHoii counly, Oio
Kon, this I7lh da) of November, A, D.
Hberlff of Jackson County, Drown.
FOM i I KNT Throo7oom " r u r n'lsli oil
flnt. 'AVi South Central. 211
FOM MKNT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms. Oas, wood beaters.
234 Hast 9th. 212
ssb ct i,ii iwii ic-irv '.! 'it ,i, ... i.a
Ivy. Mrn. C. L. Orant. 218
kom itn.N-r mouhh?
FOM HUNT Three room houso with
bath on pavement. Phone 730-M.
FOM MKNT New up-to-date nlno
room house, (lose In. Phono 403
M2. 212
FOM MKNT-i-.Modern, .partly fur
nished flvo room bungalow on east
side. Phono 080.
F?jVMlKNT--Oniy Vwtcriown 'of
1000, 40, rooms furnished. Ad
dress O., care Mnll Trlbuiw.
FOM HUNT Oarage or store room
$3 per month. Inquire 24G Ho.
Mlversldo or phono 570-H.
FOIt"fLLK Ciieap, 1 30 ucrcsTon
mlle from .Medrord. Tracts and
terms to suit. W. J. Scott, sales
ngent. 113
FOM SALIC Hy owner, 2.1 acres of
8-yenr-old pears; standard varie
ties, with buildings. 3V4 miles
southwest or Medrord, nt MOO per
acre. Terms. M. 1. Mincnr, Med
ford. 213
femVali: j!
M. Wilson. M. F. D. 1, 213
FOM KALIS Moglstercd thorough
bred I) u roc Jersey boars, suitable
for fall servlco; alro registered
Pigs nml gilts Just weaned. Phone
Central Point, Uray Crags or
chard. 228
FOM BALK Cheap, work horses and
snddlo horses, will trade for csttlo.
Walsh's ranch, mile out N. Roose
velt. 224
FOM SALK Jersey cows, Duroc
brood sows and pigs, llronze turk
eys nnd whlta Wynndotte fowls,
choice breeding stock. J. II. Ful
ler, Oakmont Farm, TalonL
FOlt SAIilv
FOM SALK 13 tier split body fir
wood, ?20.00; l fresh Jersey hcir
er, 1 Ironh 4-gallon Jersey cow, 1
registered P. C. boat, 18 months,
registered P. C, weaned pigs.
12.fi0, prize winning strain
shipped from state fair. Write J.
J. OsenbruKgo, Much, Ore. -211
FOM SALK Celery cheap. Win.
Main. W. Clark St., phono G27-X.
FOM SALK Dry wood under cover,
$2.00 per tier and up. Full meas
urement guaranteed. II. AVeln
hnrd's, phone 31.
FOFM SALK Mammoth Poulouso
geese. The big kind, both old and
young. C. W. Isaacs. 213
FOM SALK 30 or 40 wagon loads
of manure. F. Y. Allen, phono
274-L. 212
FOM SALK Mhodo Island Med year
ling hens and pullets. Phone Er
nest Webb, 247 Central Point. 212
FOM SALK Corn. $25.00 per ton,
three miles west of Mejlford. P.
D. Lofland, Jacksonville. 213
FOM SALK Corn, phono 597-M2 203
FOM SALK Dry wood under cover,
nil kinds and lengths, J2.00 por
tlor and up. Valley Fuel Company,
phono 70. 88
room bungalow closo in would tako
team, wagon and harness and some
farming Implements and cows at
equal value. 20 S. Peach St.,
phono S71-J. 211
WANTKD Dressmaking nnd altera
tlons. Mao llurnctt, 144 So. Cen
tral. Pbouo479-M. 212
WANTKD liy young married mail,
no children, foronmnshlp or work,
orchard or ranch, understands
stock, fivo years experience In or
chard. 11. Snell, G. D-, Central
Point, Oregon. 21 4
WANTKD Women Soil guaranteed
hosiery to frlonds, neighbors and
gonoral wenrer: 70 per cent, pro pre
fit: mako $10 daily; experience uik
necessary. International Mills,
West Philadelphia, Pa.
WANTED A light runabout. Ad
dress M. 201, Albert block, Grants
Pass. 113
WANTED-To lonso a good placer
mliio near Medford. Address
Placer, caru Mall Tribune. 187
WANTED To exchange 100 acres lr
Northern Mlnnesotn froo from on
ounibrnnco. What huvo you? Ad
dress box one, care Mall Trlbuno
WANTED Sovoral frosb milk cows,
belfor calves, only good cows con
sldorud. Hloopy Hollow Farm,
Gold Hill. 210
rr-r " - x? - e -tmarv.- memnm
FOUND Taltoii up khoul, niurke.l V
slmpjid plum nut loll our, wolubl
lOfi Hm. Owinif uiuy buvo miiio
by imyltig for ml. Win, I'. I'oins,
Hii uillo vuul I'liuvtiU, Ull
FOM ltllBNT -Modorn furnlflhcd
rooms. Tho Cottngo, 004 W. 10th.
1" '"I ' ' ' ' in'-"-; m
EXCHANfin Want to soli or buy
nnythlng7 IJ 0 Under, 114 N.
Front St. Phono 12f Nuff Bnd.
m;H!.vr..s.s DIltnCrOMT
Auto ttopplies
sro oporatlng tho largest, oldest
nd best equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Use our sprlngi
when others fall. Sold under guar
snteo. 20 North Fifteenth St.
Portland, Oro.
Notary l'nblto
HELEN . YOC1CEY Notary pub
lic. Wring your work to mo at thi
slrn of the Mnll Trlbuno.
Offlco 42 North Front 8t. Phoni
31G, Prices right. Bervtco guar
1 . -..-..M
Attorneys-at-Law, rtooros 8 and
9, Medford National Dank bldg.
A. E. MEAME3, LAWYEM Garnetl
Corey bldg.
Wm. M. Colvlg, Ocorgo M". MoborU
Medford National Dank D'ulldlng
Attornoys at Lav. Jackson Coun
ty Dank Building.
NEWTON W. BOMDEN Attorney at
law, room 7, Sparta building, Med
ford. Oregon.
DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. I.Olllso K
Hedges Mecbano-Tberuplsts. Chiro
practors, Spondylothcraplsts. These
systems, Including dietetics, cura
ttTO gymnastics, hydro-theraphy,
etc., produce resnlts In both acutt
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion free. Ovor Deuel & Co. cor
ner Main and Bartle'.t. Hours
a. m to 5 p. tn. Other hours by
appointment. Phono 170.
DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor
norvo specialist Rooms 203-204-205.
Qarnett-Corey bldg. Vapoi
baths and scientific massage glvon;
needle spray, head and shouldoi
shower in connection; advice Id
dietetics, medical gymnastics,
hydroptberapy. Lady attendant
Phone, offlco 643, residence 511-R
' Employment Agency
Wo are hero to holt people get re
liable, competcut holp. We far
ntsh holp In almost all lines ot
business. We mako a specialty ol
comnotent men and wives (or
ranches. We solicit your patron
ace. Blttncr's Real Estate and
Employment Bureau, Rooms ff and
7 Palm Bulldlnir, Medford. Phoai
858. Mrs. Byrd Caster. Uantgor
Garnott-Corey Bldg., suite 8X0
Medford, Oro. Phono 85 C.
GARBAGE: Get your promise!
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good service. Phono 274-L. F.
Y. Allon.
' -
Instruction In Music
Laurel. Fred Alton Haight Piano,
Mrs. Florence Halllday Haight,
voice. Telephone 176-R.
SHOE REPAIRING First class shc
repairing, on modern electric
machines whllo you wait. E. N.
Blden, located in Kidd'a Shoe Store,
Phono 313J
Pltyeslclans una sargeoas
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 416-417 Uarnett-Corey
bldg., phono 1030-L. Residence
26 South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathlf
pnysicians, 303 uamett-uore)
building. Phono 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Prnctlce limited to oyo,
ear, noso and throat. Eyos scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Offlco 228 East Main St.
Hours 8:30 a, tu. to 8 p. in.
E. B. PICKED, M. D. Office Jack
son bounty name bldg. uiuec
phone 43-R; restdeuce phono C8-R.
cian and surgoon, Offlco Palm
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hour
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician nud
surgeon. Phones, offlco 36, rest
donee 721-J. Office hours 10 to
12, 2 to fj.
DR. 8. A. LOCICWOOD Physician
and surgeon.
Pructico limited to dlsousos ol
women. Offices 232 E, Main'
Phonos, roslduuco, 814-J2; offlc
M. J. CONUOY. M. D. Physician auo
Surgeon. Ovor Hutchison & Lows
don, 210 IJ, Main HI, Phono 77,
Printers nun rublUtioni
best uqulppAd prJiitliiK office ll
soutbviru Up'tsoui book MhUInk
louse louf lodgurs, billing ss4ums,
vie. Poftlsud prk'Kt. 27 Nurt
Fir Ut,
A Few of Our Prices
10 lbs. best sugar , ,.. f hOO
Fnney potntoos, 1D1 ltis ........... 1,30
Coffee, per lb '. ,. ,20
f0o bulk tea, por lb ,40
26c can Ghlrardolll's Cocon.. 20
Ft, can Log Cnbln symp.. 20
Qt. enns Log Cnbln nyrup .3(1
'.s Gal. cans Log Cahln syrup... .. .Cft
Gal cans Log Cnbln syrup....... . 1 2fi
Canned fruit, 30o cau ... ,15
20o can for 10
Largq can Asparagus .4. 25
I'ruforred Stock, Royal Club
and Rnllanco TomntocK, 2
rutin ... .,(). 4a r
Del Monto Tomnloes, can ...... .10
Aster, Holly and Marigold
milk, 3 cans ,25
3Co Importud canned Peas... 20
3 Be Imported Mushrooms ......... ,20
20ocnn BefltB 10
Pearl White, Crystal Wlilto and
A II Naptha iinip; 0 hnrs.... .25
10a sIko Fnlry Soap, 4 bar.... 25
35c Vanilla .. .25
35c Lemon Extract , .25
2Cc can Fancy Oystom ....., 20
45c can Fancy Oysters .35
Sweet Chutnoy Pickles, 35c slxo .15
25c bottle Catsup..........20c, two ,35
Dr. Prlcos Baking Powder, 1b... .35
Soda, 4 packages .................... .25
Campbells Soup any kind, Jo... 1,10
40c Crescent Cream Cotfeo, lb... ,30
Karo Syrup small ....... 15
Karo Syrup, medium .-,... .35
Karb Syrup, large ........ a.. ....... .05
None Such Mince Moat, per pkg, .10
Snldcrs Pork & Beans, small por
dozen ..,.......-.. .,..... .......... ,,&
Snldcrs Pork & Bans, medium
per doz... 1.45
Snldcrs Pork & Beans, largo, per
dozen 2.35
Swcot Potatoes, 10 lbs. for .25
Prunes, good pneft, 25 )bs... 1.00
Just Received a Car of
Notice Our Price
f 17MTTC?
nu-IO 80. Central Plicne &71
1 who bakes is fast coming to
recognize the many advantages
of a properly blended flour for
general baking purposes
Fisher's Blend Hour
Is superior to an ALL-HARD
bread, cake and paetty
Fisher's Blend Flour
is a better Sour than an ALL
FLOUR; it makes a better leaf
of bread with better flavor, bet
ter texture and of better cetor
than an all-hard wheat flour
Fisher's Blend Flour
is a better flour than an ALL
produces more and lorgerloaves
of better bread with
and of better texture
than an all-soft wheat
For uli by all grof
Manufactured By
Fisher Flouring Mills Co.
Seattle, Wash.
Oot Your Next Suit of v
Also Cleaning, Pressing mnl Altr!g
ItiH I.'. Main, UptMlr
' 1 hi 1 11 ini-i 1 in 1
CALL 645 Y
f.. F. It. nit nm 11, o, KuwlMsr
IwuhIii' IVfc tmt MM
Hvlmtwl, H'm4mn Ahm
1 !