Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 24, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Mob Fotrh
arE,yFORr math trtrtotc, irnrForci, oircnow TrrooAY. notcm mm 2.1, mi
l! i
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i -
Off left Malt Trlbunn nutMIng, I5-K-JI
North Mr utrect) leltuihoii 76.,
i ii i i i ii
The. DtmocrnUo Tim, Th Mcdford
Mflll. Th Mpdfonl Tribune, Thn South
rn OregonlMi, The Ashland Tribune
fHcwnntei jsaxj
f - I... M.ll
Ove month, hr mmll
Par tnrmlh, detirersd bjr crrlr la
Medford. JackianvlllQ ana Cn
tnl Point.
fltlurdny only, br mall, per rr . 100
Woklr, Pr year -.. ... . . 1.50
OfflbIM rapr of the City of Mtdfort
Official I'nper of Jftcknon County.
RateroS aa cond-cla tnattar at
Medford, Oregon, under th act of
Mureh i, 1ITI,
PORTLAND, NoV. 34. James
Knight wnn Indicted by the Federal
grand Jury In November, charged
with having given a bottle of whiskey
to Albert Clhlefjuln: - Chlloquln Is an
Indian, and n ward of tho govern
ment. H In charged that tho crlmo
was committed at Mudfard, Oregon,
on October 1C, 1914.
Knight, In a statement to District
Attorney Itcanics, saya that ho was In
Medford but a abort time prior to
the commission ot the crime; that he
was formerly n cook, working for tho
Pacirtc Mall Stoamihlp company, and
that he was also formerly a roldlcr
In Company "1" of the Fifth Infantry
of tho Philippines. On Monday he
entered a plea of guilty to tho indict
ment, nnd was sentenced to serve n
term of three monthB in tho county
Jail, and to pay a flno ot $100, and
costs. Ho will bo required to re
main in jail an extra months unless
ho pays the fine.
O'llrlcu Admits Guilt
William O'llrlen was also indicted
by the same grand Jury. It Is
charged that on October 16th, lie gave
to Albert Chitoqntu, an Indtau nnd a
word of the government, a bottle of
whiskey, at Mcdford, Oregon
O'llrlen 1$ alo n transient, lie en
tered u plea of gulity, nnd was sent
enced to nerve a term of three months
in tho county Jail, and pay u flno of
$100. Ho will also be required to
servo an cxtnTBioutu unlcai ho pays
tho fine.
Kd. Lcary was indicted by tho same
Brand Jury, charged with giving
whiskey to Indians at Med ford in
October, 1914; he entered a plea ot
not guilty and will be tried next
Charles McLean was indicted by tho
same grand Jury, charged with hav
ing given a bottlo ot whiskey to an
Indian In Mcdford, Oregon, on Octo
ber 8, 1014. Ho entered a plea ot
guilty, and was sentenced to servo a
term of three months in tho county
Jail, and pay n fine ot $100. Ho will
also have to serve an extra month in
Jail unless the fine Is paid.
llrldge Plead Guilty
Yi D. Urldges was Indicted by tho
fianie grand Jury, charged with hav
lag given a bottle whiskey to tho In
dians. The defendant was formerly
hi the employ of tho Talent Orchard
coBipauy. Ho entered a plea of
guilty and was. sentenced to servo a
term of three months id tho county
Jiul, and to pay a fine of $100, unlctm
tho fine Is paid, he will havo to servo
an extra month.
K. W. Wlrthlngtou was Indicted by
tho same grand Jury, charged with
having- gives a bottle ot whiskey to
ijaviu bolomon, ati Indian aud a
ward of tbo government. He entered
a plea of guilty, and was sentenced
to servo a term ot three months in
the county Jail, aud to pay a fine of
$100, Ho will have to serve an extra
mouth In Jail unless the fine Is paid,
ItccoiiiMendwl Leniency
All of tho defendants wero tran
sients, nnd It nppenrcd in the Inves
tigation before the grand Jury that
this, wan tho first offense committed
by thoni, Each of' tho dufeudunttt
claim that they had no notice or
ldiowledgo of tho warnings Issued by
tho United States attorney to the ef
fect tltat all p'erVoiiHKlvluk liquor to
Indians nt Moil ford would be severe
ly dealt with. The grand Jury wont
Into the mutter very carefully for the
purpose of attempting to establish
that the defendants did know of tho
warnings issued by the Medrord pap
er, but could pro euro no evidence of
auch knowledgu on the part of the
defendants. On this account tho
I'ultod Btatcs attorney recommended
leniency In each case.
These rases are of Interest lo peo
ple at Mod fold Uccatmo the delivery
of tho wlilsUny to JihIIuiih was mude
ut th October term of the Kederal
court In Medfpnl,
All, ufjthY. above liuye already been
In Jn oyr'r Mintk wiling trial.
Mr JiicksoM of Mcdford ploud
HHly 10 roiiliu I'trJiiry find
jw4Mi'w Jt IK month,
NOW Ilia! Onvonior WVsPs tonn is nonvly over and lio
is slut ring his olTii-e with his successor and will soon
retire from public life, partisan newspapers ought at least
to give him a square deal, but the habit of misrepresenta
tion is so strong that even with no incentive they continue
to repeat (he same old lies. The iMedford Sun, for instance,
Governor West nlwnya suffered from boardltls. When tho excitement
of his office sulmlded nnd there wasn't oven a barroom to raid, his favorite
diversion was to name a now board.
As a result, thcro are more boards and committees nnd suh-commltteos
In Salem than thcro are Inmates In the asylum and the asylum, it may hu
stated. In crammed to tho window sashes.
This mav be sniart-AlecUv, but even a child knows that
tho governor of Oregon has no power to create boards or
commissions, that all ol our manv boards and commissions
were created by the legislature, many of them in spite of
the governor s protest- and over his veto, and that most ot
them were created before he became governor.
Governor West wrote many messages to the legisla
ture protesting the creation of llew boards. He caused to
be introduced several bills providing for consolidations ot
existing boards, lie fathered initiative measures on the
recent ballot Avith this end in view. His annual messages
pleaded economy, his hundred-odd veto messages reiter
ated it. lie was the first to call attention to necessity of
simplifying by consolidation the vk of the various
health, "animal husbandry, laud, water and engineering
boards. To protect the appropriations for these useless
and ornamental boards the legislature included them with
the really necessary appropriations and passed them over
the governor s veto.
The recognition the governor gets for four years' battle
with legislatures against extravagance and board creation
from an unfair press is to be blamed for the sins of his pol
itical enemies.
Another type of persistent maligncr of the governor
arc the Pharisees of the press, the holier-than-thou
niasqueraders, such as the Portland Telegram, who
nnctiously preaching humanity, morality and the sanctity
of the home, have been secretly leagued with the devil and
fought every real reform.
The Portland Telegram, with its customary breadth of
vision, calls it sintul to take a drink, and would, it it could,
make it a crime to eat meat and feed us all on cabbages,
but it had no compunctions in falsifying for four long
veal's Governor "West s really humanitarian efforts at
prison reform, and even went so far as to call the governor
a thief because surplus bricks made by the convicts were
sold and the proceeds used ill the needed purchase of land
to enlarge the brickyard.
"When the governor closed the notorious roadhouses and
dives about Portland, which lived by preying vpon young
girls; when he closed gambling dens at Copperficld and
elsewhere: when he enforced the red-light abatement law
in Pertland: in brief, in his every effort at' real reform aud
human betterment, this goody-goody .journalistic hypo
crite, like a senseless snarling canine, has been viciously
snapping at his heels.
The Telegram never omits an opportunity to slur (lie
governor and his sincere efforts at reform, even in news
items, as witness the follewing:
Twlco made "honor mnn" by Governor West, Arlle J. Townscnd was
trapped by agonts of the Department of Public Safety for Young Women last
week at the Dlackstone Hotel, when ho tried to entlco a girl to his room
a crime similar to that which he attempted, and for which he was originally
sentenced two years ago to serve from two to 20 years.
Tho minimum period had elapsod when Townscnd wbb liberated a few
weeks ago by Governor West. He went to Aumsvllle and became Involved
with a girl, it was found that ho was attempting a fraud, and ho was re
turned to the penitentiary. Ho petitioned for his release that ho might go
to Aumsrlllo and marry a girl there. Ho was liberated by Governor West
for this purpose, and. after being married came to Portland.
Townsejid was sent up from Jackson county for forg
ery, not for ruining girls. lie never was an "honor" man,
but was paroled by the prison board when his minimum
term expired. Pending parole, he wronged a young
woman, and discovering it, Governor "West compelled him
to marry her, ailowiug him his liberty on condition that he
would live with her and provide a home. He has been
rearrested aud, under the prison rules, must serve out his
maximum sentence.
Why did not the Telegram tell the truth? Because the
occasion seemed to offer opportunity to slam Governor
West through a few distortions and lies nothing at all out
of the way for this pious fraud of .journalism.
WASHINGTON, Nov, a I A bomb
from a German ntrshlp fell In trout
of the American ctmsututo nt War
saw early today, bieaklug the win
dows ot the consulate, but injuring
no one within, according to a telo
gram dated today from Amurlcau
Ambassador Mnryo nt Petrognul.
Several persona In tho stnt't In
front ot the consulate were killed
and wounded, but none of them wore
The Incident was regarded hero as
Indlcvating tho prolmlt of tho Gor
man iwhanco guard to Warsaw,
American consuls received Instruc
tions early In tho war to leave tho
r.oncs of great danger whenever lu-
vauing iorces arrived in incir Meln
Ity. It Is expected here that If War
saw becomes i battle ground of tho
German nnd Russian nrmlc3, tho
American consul an dhls staff will
withdraw to n place of safety.
( WASHINGTON, Nov a I. -The fir
ing of Turkish Torts nt Smyrna upon
tho cruiser Tennessee's launch lust
week will not bo considered a closed
Incident until further reports are
roeelwd, but Piesldent Wilson told
Inquirers today ho considered t tin t
Ambassador Morgenthnu's report of
an oNUlnmUlou hy two mouthers of
the Turkish cabinet "evidently clears
up tlm facts."
lie did not say whether hu consid
ered tho Informal opliuintloti as nut
Isfactory. Ilo said thcro was much
difficulty lit communicating with
Tito president today said he wna
pleased to learn of press reports from
Pctrogrud saving Russlit was expect
ing ueotlntluitH for a new commercial
treaty with the t'ulted States to be
in mwii, The president Indicated tho
uegotlntlon of a new treaty will be
welcomed buMnadq no further comment.
for Valparaiso, trans-shipped her mil
cargo ot coal and provisions to a Ger
man vessel within the territorial wat
era ot tho Island Mas a Kucra.
Thero is considerable public feel-
ling here on tho assumption that the
IcGrmanR have repeatedly violated tho
nutrallty of Chile, and tho govern
ment Iiuh decided that It will take
energetic measures to preserve Its
VALPARAISO. Chile, Nov. 21,
The Chilean training ship, General
Ilaquedano, has been sent by the gov
ernment to tho Juan Fernandez
Inlands to make an Investigation Into
the charges that the Germans havo
established a base of operations, on
tho Island of Mas n I' tier a, one of this
The Trench here has lodged
n protest with the Chilean govern
ment that tho French bnrlc Valen
tino was sunk hy the Germans within
the territorial waters of this Island.
Furthermore an Invitation Is be
ing mude us to the statement that the
American sliamer ,S;tcruiiiento, for
merly tho German tcniuor Alexan
dria, from H.m I'runcliteoj October It,
John A. Perl
Udy AMl"UBt' ,
Used in a
Million Homes
Every Day
for light, whole
some food.
NACO, Nov. 21. Governor Mny
toreuu of Sonora delivered a night ut
tack upon the Carrauxa defenses of
Naco last night, but General Uenjn
mlu Hilt, the garrison commander,
turned searchlights upon the attack
ers aud In the ensuing buttle, lasting i
15 minutes, mowed them down with I
machine guns. Tho attack was. dltect-)
cd against the Hill tmicrio.H In the t
southeast and MnMoreua'a men xsuroj
within 300 yards of the defense when
Hill's !carchllghts sot Into play ami
enabled his machine guns to come
Into action.
At daylight todn Hill's opened a
lively artillery fire ujKn the Mnyfo
rena besiegers aud forced a further
Von Gvr tlm neat
Thcro is when you smok Gov. Joiiti
ion cigars and tutrouli home lnduv
Lime Treatment
in Tuberculosis
Im ! SIh -., IUI3. l.aiir of Ihr
Journal uf the .Inirrlrnii llrillrnl -wlnllon
upiirurcl HiU Inlrmrnt
rwnrrrnlitic rnlHiim IIIimf) KlrlliM
lluit In tlip trriilmrnl i,r pulmonary
tuNrrntiMiN lrinntiniif Imm)
Tmlrr tin- jlrxnll., 4'ntlnnril
anil itrrlMnit rrulnn- ,ir rnlcliiiii
M.-linltntlon, Vnii, hn ncrii a
nilmlirr ,il l,U .tlntl liuirn.r, mi.
ilrrKit n rtliilnllon or iinrtlnt rnn
kollilNttim In I lit- liinir, uhlrli thru rr.
ol.lMt; i.milil iiirhr to it.nirlliotp
lo Ihr milllllt hit nml rlunlUK of thr
lelH. Ilnml In tiHttit . If I. ilil
rourp of rtrn(. Iltr aiiiilmti clrttrn.
li i uf tnhrrrlp tinrllll. uhlili llunll?
iUuiiMr, nml h imtlrnl nrr ill,
rlmrunl tilth hralpil iiiliiioiinr) III
liprpuloaN.' VtMlnl iiir.tusl Jour-mil mililurii
Nfiouk mi iiomtivulv ntmtit it rnni-dlal
KMt. trt tlllt tl'DtltnonV I'dllM-KlHll
with Hint from ninny omhiiiiiiUvi
wliu h.isc urt'tiK'il HKp risulti
IhrnitKlt I tin iiirnf K K mil IT ,liir
tlr Km fHlrliim U ii roimtllurnl of
iiiik miiii'oy ror iiiinnnnary iuinrrti-
in n -ii l ii
lixiln nml niltiMl II
nml liroiu'lihtl
arrppiions. it iivHlnirt puvvr mny in
omr mor.Miru iitirlliiilwl In lir
inn n 'i rr In nli.h Kilo plrmrnt In mi
combined wltli othr ingf MJtrnU aa
lo bp nilx Hfc4lntkitrtl u Hip HVir
see prriun ami II tr niit Irrlliilu
tllO M"IO'll
iMkiiiuiiH Alinrutlxp piiftlntii!! no
up.nlPK. imientlcx ki Imlill-ftirmliiK'
itrurfa. no it I nf to try. ir tour
ilruaKlpt im out uf it ak hi in to
ort'pr. or" pml dlrppt In
llrkiunn luiliorntor, t'hllmlrlpliln.
l'rire ,l nml $2 n hot He.
. .TT,tT.'-
' baaQ iaKaMaLBBBiBaBakkiilLBaLLH V
You'll say this
maple cake is great
Try the recipe below nlso
use Log Cttbin Syrup on
your puddings nnd desserts
as well us with pancakes,
fried mush and its many
similar uses.
Make Home, "Swtt" Horn; Indttd
Is a three limes n ilay favorite in
millions of hemes why not yours?
lis purity is absolute its flavor
without an ciunl. Always sold
in the lor; -cabin -shaped can.
Order of your Rrocer today.
The Towlc Maple Products
Stln HtadqutrUn t
PpltCBoUdJe, ,
Rat lanrlat f
St. Paul. Mlnn.1 St. JabMltury, Vcrmoal
Sifl.'l trA.ipoonl).ikliip powder
Into 'J cmi of Hour nnd mix
thoroughly. Adtl SJ cks well
lcatcn,n iltiscrUipoon butter,
j cup sweet milk otul 1 cup
Lofr Cabin Synip. Mix thor
oughly nml then etlr In 1 cup
of cliopned robins and I cup of
cliopM-il walnuts. Ilakoludccp
iiu3 m a looucrau) orca.
We have : kIi buyer for a nine, up-to-date
house, with or without i'liniitiu'e,
six to eight rooms. Also a good stock
ranch with water Tor irrigation and
sonic distance out from .Mcdford. The
amount of money which you have in the
property cuts no figure. Tlm proposi
tion 5h, Can you offer them for what
they aro actually worth lo the man with
ciHdr Soouanl once.
Page-Dressier Company
20 KiihI Mnlii HI reel,
im n y
f Cigarettes i
'T'HE cost of the choice blend
Turkish and domestic; to
baccos in these cigarettes for
bids the giving of premiums or
No niAttcr what you pay, you cannot
buy a more lAtlsfylnc smoke than
Camels, 20 for 10 cents. They do
not have that cigurctty taste nor
parch your throat.
If jetr rfilr (i' ir'r t. t""l I0( '' (ls
r M.Cftfof a (trloa l If Bti 2QO OgtHtUn.
iUr fiirilJ. Mitt moling pi(. II im
1 1ln4 CAMtl J at HfiHHtttJ, ftM lft llf llm
f 4klf II 4 Hl'l t(t"t fC( !Mf,
WliwIaivSaUm. N. C
20 for I
10 cents I
it? :"W.. -yy s
11 1 Jrtllx. 1 Ivli
si:ns.tio ok Tin: shakes:
t i'
A. VI)
St-ij tho Chlnntown.
Sih) tliy tliininun.
Kit' tho t'nmhlliiK l)u.
Sco tho I'mlorworlil.
6 Reels TODAYS PROGRAM 6 Reels
otic mi ti ii;ii:i, mi. in
SIIMi: III l.l.H IIVKillirtt
IM.'AttH'K l'l.Tlll.ll KA
tiii: hii i.i. no
Tho l.nut n Two Itwl Thriller Kct p It on the rirln l.lnt- nnd hino
I oc VIjU S lite
Tlmt joit liiVtc a innrki'l wIhtc ! can k'I tli'1iol
of t'U'rylliint: to he lunl uluit uu want it, nml he
Min; ol' Nittiritt'tiiiii.
Tn ln nlilr In Mipply jour tM-ry want ami ji'i'T
untt'o to i!cii-o jnn.
lit iih ii'iniinl .joii In leavi your unli-r now for
Hint Turl,o, ('iu-I;jjii, Itin-I,, fiuou or Mat fur
III!' TllIMlii;Uis; illltr. Wo llit lot- of fhiui'o
Kvkho IUmt ltinl.1. i
Low Round Trip Fares
For TliiiiilifcX'vitijT Iy, Novi'inlinr 'JO, low
rciinl-lii)i tiitldilj will lie Rolil lictwci'ii nil
inintH;iiivOn,oii on tho Siniihoin J'ncifio,
Main Mno ami Jhiuiolii'w, Novonilii'r j,i nml
2(i. Fitiul rotiiin limit Xmcinlicr :i0,
Superior Train Service
FijjMMlitiv ii iu tmla mnimii, ijiiutirtu
rillll lUMUUli lUIHIlt uf-ilm '
John M, Scott, Qtt'itrnl IMurnyfr Aut'il, Purlluml, Orcpn