Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 24, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Knlr tontahjt ami Wcdne.
day Mux. fW lin. na.
forty-fourth Yr.
Dolly -Ninth Yi.r,
NO. 211
Von Hliidenbitro's Army Checked
Near Lodz In Second Invasion of
nusslan Territory Evacuation o(
Five Towns Forced Third Attack
Inn Column South of the Warta.
PKTUOOHAI), Nov. 2-1, vin Ixin
iliui. Tim IttiNHiiiiis, according Id de
pendable news jeitehing Pctrngrad,
appealed l lutvo halted tlin advanc
ing (It'iiniiii right wiiii; ulong a lino
slictching t'loiit a point a IV w miles lo
the notlhwcHt of liOilr. to the Huntli
Mi-it of (hat rily, at Ihls same tint
forcing llin evacuation of five tow'nft
hi this locality.
In ailililion to Iho lull lie fronts ftl
rnitly cstiiblishcd, our to I lut nnrtli
of tin Vistula river ami tin oilier be
tween iIim Vistula ntnl tin- Win In, tlu
Hermans urn developing n tliinl at
tacking column to lliu south of the
WVita. Aloiif thin buttle front thoy
me advancing from the direction of
Viilioiin, It is iiiiMififiil)lt (o estimate
lit strength of Ilit-Mt three, (let-limn
columns for tlu reason that behind
llin (lormuii frontinr ami a short dis
Innco from the rear of these forces
there in a constant shifting of troops
over lite railroad running north ami
Koutli between Thoni ami t'nicow.
Silent Ahlitt Crnrotv
The lluHNinn general staff Is silent
us to the rcMiitc! surrounding of
Cracow ami the coimncnccnient of the
bombardment of that position. Theie
am no repot t here showing (hat the
Russians have iipproitehcil nearer
than twenty mile to ( rncovv or Hint
they hare hail Hiil'ficiciit success Ijo-
tn-fcn ('rucuw and (Vcnstochovvu lo
umbo it pDwililrt lii.rnvelop llin city
1 1 inn that Hi ilc.
While Ihu extent ami the complete
nehs of thn (lennnii defeat was not
Known here, Iho very fact that (len
enil oii Hindcnbttrg hail hcen check
eil mm hy far tho bigget feature of
today' war new. The same ilis
patches that tell of hw reverses,
however, say that the (Icnnnn rem
foteeincnU wore being brought up ho
that another grout buttle is likely to
develop on a line near to the frontier
ol Pnsen, where the (Icrtnuns will
have the samn chimces of icueiving n
vigotous offensive as hml the Kits
sinus in tint present instance.
Winning lit Tin key
Uenotnl Von Hiudcnhiiig hits nhotit
100,000 iuoii. but If the reports can
he accepted, they liuvo been separat
ed, badly cut tip nnd thousand, taken
prisoners, ho these fleniiun forecH will
icipiire icfotinntiou.
In tho war with Turkey also, Hub.
sia chtiniH tho advantage. The forces
wliich pushed down through the rati
casus into Turkey, which Polrogrnd
admitted a few days ngo, had been
compelled to retreat, ate now said to
have resumed thn offensive and to
be pushing on toward Km-rutn, a
Turkish city near tint eastern cud of
the Illuck Hen. A lurkish column
vviih there put to rout, the general
staff of the army of tho Caucasus
aiiuntiuccH, It Mules also that tho
Turks were defeated in two oiigngo
ineutH in northern Prussia.
IM.TKOOKAD, Nov, 2.--An ofd
elul communication lusuod by tho gon
oral Htiiff ot tho Uutalnu urmy In Cau
ciihuh uuinr dato ot November lis,
"In thi) direction ot Mrzoium tho
ndvani'o Kiianl of tho Hunalnu army
routlnueil to drlvo back tho enemy,
atlor liavlut; thrown In disorder a
Tiii'MhIi columii urlni; which cuUhohu
and ammunition trnlim wore cupturcd
"J'ioiii KniaklllBHO to AIiihIikoiiI
valley sluio (ii)i:iiRoiiient toolc pluco
with rcfliills flvnrohlo to iih,
"In tho Pumlaii provlnco ot Aror
liiiljun tho TiukcH worn dafoiitcd In
' I tit ihkIoii of Kliuiiimur I'uwh, iiiiiI
a I ho In Ihu puMiicM lenilliiK fioni l)ll
iiiiiii in tho direction of Kotur, In
thine eiiKHKUiiieiilii tho Jtutuduit ttoopu
iiiiitiiicd neniy Turldih itillllury,"
4 4
WAHIIINdTON, Nov. 111. -
r President Wilson said loilay he
had icceivcd reassuring ndviccH
T ol comliliouH in Mexico and was
cont"ident iiothiiiL' serlottH would
result to American intetestM in
the present conl mvursy umong
I lie Mexican ueitcrnls.
" The president thinks condi-
T lliillil III fillf)ft will flflllCf tlllll
" improve. liuinliieH by thn Hrit-
islt, French ami Spanish nmbiiH-
sudor as to the safety of their
4 unlilDfilu IimVii uril luiftti iimlfiklu 4
,,..,.. rl ,
in any sene.
NT.W VOHIC. S'ov. !.- Per Osl-
berf,', special inesscnKer of the kin of
hwcilen, reached New ork this art
erttoon on the steamship llclli Olnv
from Christiiinia beariuir a messapt
from King flitstav to the Swedish
embassy at Washington, which he
said was too impoitnnt to tntst
either lo the mails or the cables. He
left at once for Washington.
Thn mctisi'iiRcr disclaimed knowl
edge of the contents of the packet he
carried. Ho said that it had been
sealed ersounlly bv tho king and
was entrusted to him but n few hours
bcroro the steamer sailed. He had
only a few minutes to spare when lie
hoarded tho vessel ut Chriliaiisaud.
Mr. Ostbcrg thought that tho Mes
sage did not deal with Sweden's neu
trality Hiatus.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2 4. Karlh
nunko shocks were recorded today on
tho selmogniphH ot Ocorcctowu Uni
versity lieiitunlng at 7:20 n. in., and
continuing nn hour and six minutes.
Tho center of tho dlsttirlmuca won
calculated to ho about 1200 Miles
from Washington nnd tho obrcrvors
believed It to ho within tho United
PITTSIUUtcm, Nov. 24. Directors
of tho Pittsburgh stock exchange
voted today to open tho exchange De
cember 2 for unrestricted trading in
Htockrt which closed under $1C July
30. Trading In other stocks will ho
restricted to tho prices of July 30,
less ono dividend.
LITTLE HOCK, Ark., Nov. 21.
Haiti that began falling in southwes
tern Arkansas, portions of Oklahoma
and Louisiana, has checked tho great
forest fires that prevailed in thoHo
dislriols. Today it was believed tho
greatest damage from tho fires ex
cept around Littlo Hock, was over.
In Littlo Hook, however, the great
est apprehension for tho safety of
Iho city prevailed, Tho forest fires
in this vicinity had npptiuiched In
within four miles of the biisines.s dis
trict today. CilizettH' pntrolH cov
ered tho residence district, uleii lest
wiud-diivcu sparks kindle it disas
Irons fire,
Kivcr troffio a( Helena still is said
lo bo endangered by the smoke pulls
which overhang (ho livei'. Tito
steamer Kate Adams, (he largest boat
on the MIsslwNiimi. vcnnrlcd lost in
Iho fog caily last niglil, reached Hel
ena lout teen hours behind schcdulo.
LITThll IIOCJIC, Ark., Nov. 2(.
Forest fires today contltiiliid Hielr do
(uliiiiilvo sweep tliroimh the lumber
Eventual Victory Expected, Out De
layed by Arrival of Russian Rein
forcements Austrlans Abandon
Passes in Carpathians Battle
Front Extends Over 400 Miles.
IIKItUN, Nov. -!l, by win-less to
Sayvillc -The following information
was given out today by the official
press bureau:
"While mi eventual victory for the
Teutonic allies in the eastern theater
of the war is exK'c(ed nu confidently
im ever, official reports from the
(lennnii ami Austrian military head
ipuuters make it apjicar that a decii
ion will not bo i cached us soon us
had been expected. The final result
has been delayed by the advance of
new Hnssian forces from Warsaw.
"The Austrinns announce that they
have abandoned to superior forces
several asses in the Carpathians.
The Itussinn troops, which arc invest
ing I'rzcmysl. have been driven hack
by a sortie ami ate not within range
of tho cannon of the fotts.
WnrMilps Again Iluny
"Hritish wnndiipi again appeared
off the Ilelgian coast yesterday and
bombarded I.ombnertzyde and Zee
brtigge. Our troops suffered hut
slight damnge from this bombard
ment, hut a number of Ilelgian villag
ers were killed and injurol. O.licr
wise no actual changes have occurred
in the west.
"In the eastern war theater the
situation has not yet been decided.
In cast Prussia our troops are bidd
ing their own to the northeast of the
Plain of the Montr hakes.
'JlUJtorUiREH . I'olnml llm fierce
fighting which has been Inking place
still has been without result.
"hi southern Poland the battle in
tho region of CzeiiHlochovva has come
to a standstill. -
"On our southern wing lo the
northeast of Cracow our attack is
progressing. . i
lOO .Mile lUtllo I.lttn
"Tho HiiKsiiint, who crossed the
lower Dunajeo tiro not able to pro
ceed farther.
"Tho tremendous extent of tho
hrUtlcH now raging in the east is ap
parent from tho fact that contests
are now in progress along tho front
extending ovor -100 miles between tho
positions on tho extreme north nnd
"No Important reports have- been
received . recently from Renin from
tho Hceno of tho Turkish operations
or from tho western theater of the
"Thcro was a slight snowfall in
Ilorlin early Ibis morning and the
temperature full below rero, centi
CAMimtboi:, mbus., not. 2h
Two earth shocks wcro recorded on
tho seismograph at Harvard College
today, thoTitrst at 7:11 a. in. and tho
second at 7:17. Tito origin ot tho
earthquakes was estimated ut 270
miles from Cambridge. '
regions or thrco states in tho south
west. Thoro was no Indication o( tho
chocking ot tho fires at any point and
reports from towns In Arkansas,
southwestern Oklahoma nnd north
wcutorn Louisiana told ot enormous
losses through tho burning ot stand
ing timber. Thousands ot (armors
havo lost fonccs and out buildings,
while many miles o( telegraph and
tolophono wires havo been put out of
Although tho fires In tho forests
or Oniric county, Ark., havo been
burning for several days, only within
tho last day or two havo they as
sutuod serious proportions. Yester
day thoy hud spreud to such an ex
tent that from nearly every part of
tho state camo reports or destruction
or property and uppeuls to tho stato
authorities tor aid.
Hot HprliiBH In wckt central Arkan
sas appealed to bo In danger from
(Ires on tho mountain sloped to tho
south. IIuIcmvIIIo in north Arkansas,
Wynne n Iho ust and MukiioIIu In
Iho southwest repotted (lies In the
timber district,
VKHA CMJZNov. 21. The
"" constitutionalist j roups, winch
enmo into Vera Cruz yesterday
on the departure of the Ameti-
can forces of ordination under
(leneral Kunstoit, continued to-
day to maintain older. There
4 Itiivii liiiiiii un illtlftlt lifitliifiu ti llin
city. Mexican flags me flying
..... . ..- .r
ovci' all the public buildings and
T the various government officials T
named by tho constitutionalists
have begun their labors. More
troops entered Iho city. Wlien
(leneral Carninzii will arrive is
not vet known.
4 4
DUNLIN, Nor. 24. The Dundes
rntli today Issued a decree fixing tho
prlco which growers aru to rharge
for potatoes tliroughout tho empire.
Tor purposes of classification the
country' bus been divided Into tour
Another measure adopted by the
Dtindesrath was to prolong by 30 days
tho time tor protest on Mils or ex
change In Alsace, Lorraine. Ka.U
Prussia and, a few cities In West
Prussia. Tho regular time ot pro
tent, taken with thlnsxtetislon gives
at prcMMit a protesu 1 riod ot ISO
The Uundesraih Uecrecd nlsq that
every attcmptjto' buy or sell tlto,golil
coins ot tho' empire at prices nl(ovo
their normal rnluc, or tho aiding. In
such transactions would be punished
by Iprisomneut tor ono year and a
maximum fine of K00O marks, 11250.
At tho sam'o tltito tho coins destined
for such (ransnctlons will be confis
cated. A decreo.has been Issued ior tho
city of llerlln and tho proviuco or
Drnndenburg, which sets forth that
It Is the duty of everybody to super
vise with care tho ttso ot wheat Hour.
LONDON, Nov. 24. The first
graduate of nn American college to
bo n victim of tho war, is Lieutenant
fleorgo Williamson, who belongs to
the Duko of Wellington's regiment.
Mr. Williamson's name appears in to
day's casualty list ns among those
dying from tho result of wounds. He
was graduated from Harvard in the
class of 1005.
HOCKFORD, III., Nov. 2L Four
year in tho penitentiary was the
punishment ininised on Mrs. Mar
garet Snyder, for conspiracy to ob
tain the estate of John W. Huberts, n
wealthy recluse, who died near Ta
coma, Wash. Mrs. Snyder claimed
to bo n granddaughter of Hobcrts, hut
witnesses testified he never married.
WASHINGTON, Nov, 24. Presl
dent Wilson does not consider tltut
enough ships havo taken out Aitiorh
can registry since tho beglnnlug of
Iho In Interfere with his plan for n
goverumetit'owned merchant murine,
Ills reporls show that foreign or
ders for roltoti Kteally exreed tho
number or hlim nvallublo for carry
Ink tbv t'urtsut'S,
Coasting Steamer Hanalel Pounded
to Pieces on Duxbury Reef, Nine
Miles South of San Francisco
Thirty Towed Ashore by Lifelines
Revenue Cutter Rescues Others.
only three persons unaccounted for.
of the sixty-two cast into tho boiling
surf when the wrecked steamer Hnn
alci broke up on Duxbury reef at
'I'JiU a. m. today, nine miles north
of here, the list of dead, mihsing and
living stood as follews:
Hcseued, -II; perLhcd, IS; missing,
II. This list does not include three
life-savers from the I'ort Point (San
Francisco) station, who aro still
Of those rescued, seventefn were
members of the crew and twenty-four
passengers. The Hannlei carried a
crew of twenty-six. Tho high per
centage of saved among the crew vns
not to their discredit, according to
the jKissengcrs, however, for there
was no question of crowding to the
boats, nnd only four of the crew
could swim.
Officers of the revenue cutter Mc
('ttlloch. which picked up thirteen of
the survivors and fifteen of the
dead, reported that under the beams
of their searchlights they 'saw the
wooden timbers of the doomed ves
sel bulge ojM-n, close, open again nnd
then burst liku n watermelon struck
with ft sledge.
Kvcnhody on board was thrown
into the sea. Some clung to wreck
age, some floundered ashore, some
were towed in by lifelines shot out to
them bv the life.saver. nnd some
were picked up by the small boaf of
the McCitlloch.
Had It not been (or tho fact that
tho fuel tanks of the splintered ves
sel wero smashed open, flooding tho
sea with oil. the loss of llfo would
be comparatively small. A majority
ot those brought In dead by tho Mc
Citlloch had swallowed petroleum
and could not bo resusltatcd.
One llttto boy ot seven was washed
safe nshoro, and his mother cast up
shortly after, both uninjured. Anoth
er infant ot four months died In Its
Mother's arms.
TOPEICA, ICan., Nov. 24. A large
shipment of Kansas (lour for tho re
lict or tho people of Delgtum was
started tor Its destination and by
Christmas 100,000 barrels will havo
boon contributed by tho citizens ot
tho state, Members ot tho committee
accumulating the supplies said today.
Thousands ot Kansans havo notified
relatives nnd friends that they will
refrain from Christmas giving this
year that they may uso the usual gltt
money for tho Dclglum fund. Many
Thanksgiving dinners have been
abandoned with tho samo purpose In
DENVER, Nov. 24. Governor E.
M. Amnions, democrat and Governor
elect George A. Carlson, republican,
today Joined lu a request that tho pro
posed Investigation or the tedoral In
dustrial relations commission Into
the Colorado coal miners' strike- bo
postponed. Tho request was ntado
lu a telegram to. President Wilson
und Prank P. Walsh, chairman ot tho
Tho telegram addressed to Mr.
Walsh follews:
"Wo havo had within the past year
itioro than a scoro ot InvestlKatlona
or ludustrlul conditions in our coal
fields, including ono by a special con
gressional committee und others by
tho federal bureau of labor. Wo
seriously question whether un In ves
ication conducted by you ut thn pres
ent (Into can bring out any now In-
"Wo "re working hi harmony and
In thn luttircktM of law, urdvr sml
LONDON, Nov. 24. Dttr- 4
4 Ing the sitting of tho llulgar- 4
4 Ian parliament today, says a 4
4 dispatch to tho Central News 4
4 Agency trom Hofla, tho lend-
4 crs of the Agrarian, National 4
4 and Liberal parties delivered 4
4 speeches In which thoy called 4
4 for the formation of a genulno 4
4 national ministry. The depu- 4
4 ties also urged the occupation
4 by Ilitlgarla of Macedonia, 4
4 which It was urged, could bo
4 carried out In agreement with 4
4 the triple entento powers. 4
LONDON, Nov. 24. Lists of sub
scriptions to the greatest war loan
in history, amounting to 3."0,000,000
pounds sterling (.l,7."0,00O,000), or
rather more than half the total of the
Hritish nationnl debt, were closed this
afternoon nnd tho loan, it is freely
stuted in tho city, will be n great suc
cess, nlthottgli no official figures as
yet arc available.
Coining at n time when tho London
stock exchange is closed and imme
diately after $.100,000,000 of fresh
taxation had been intoscd, the result
is considered rcmnrkably indicative
of the determination, of the country
to enable the government to prosecute
Jlintwar to a sucecs.sf urond. - V
The subscriptions poured in from
the provincerf nnd from insurance
houses and banks, colonial as well as
from the United Kingdom. Tito offer
ings ranged frqm a modest 03 inwnda
sterling, the issue price, to tho big
gest insurance company's subscrip
tions of i?l,000,000.
Tho enormous number of applica
tions created considerable pressure at
tho Dank of England and some days
must clnpso before it is possible to
announce the allotments. The appli
cation in money of 'J pounds sterling
jor hundred will temporarily take off
tho market some millions of pounds
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. Tho
Itov. Newell Dwlght Hlllls, in on ad
dress today beforo tho "World's Tllblo
Conrcrenco declared the world had
wanderel tar front the teachings of
Christ and that the strugglo in Eu
rope was an evidence or tho failure or
modern times to appreciate Chris
tlonalty. "Today when progress rides for
ward In powder carts throuyhout Eu
rope" said Dr. Hlllls, "wo havo not
yet Tound out what tho teachlnfa or
Jesus Mean."
poaco with an earnest deslro to have
no further expenso or blood shed lu
Colorado. We havo a feeling ot good
will toward all, but a (lxed determina
tion to prcsorvo tho present status o(
peace in this state.
"Tho cntranco Into Colorado of
your csttmlablo body at about tho
tlmo ot tho withdrawal of tho tedoral
troops and approximately at tho dtito
fixed for tho prostmt administration
to rottro and tho incoming ndmlulstra.
Hon to taka up its now dullou might
greatly embarrass us lu tho adminis
tratis of our program or government
and tho hearings conducted 'by your
committee might serve to Indiana pas.
slous and endanger tho pouw main
tained by tho rtoops In tho pusf
"Wo thoroforo respectfully r.fiieit (
and urge that tho date of your J'ro
plied liivetl(fstlon bo postponed,"
Tho dato h which (ho Inquiry by
Iho Industrie relations loiiiiulttco U
to open has icch (lxed (or Ikneuibi'r
American Minister to Netherlands
Arrives From Amsterdam Hopes
to See America Take Lead In Re
storing Peace Standing of Nation
Better Than Ever In Europe,
2CEW YORK, Nov. 21. Henry
Van Dyke, American minister to Tho
Netherlands, reached here today from
The Hague aboard the steamship Rot
terdam. Tho migffCBtion, published
originally in Amsterdam, thai Iho limo
was ripe for the United Slates and
Tho Netherlands (o act in concert to
bring about pence in Europe, wa
brought to bis attention. He refused
to comment on it.
Ho was asked if the report wero
tntc that he was tho bearer of tho
suggestion looking toward such ac
tion from the government of Holland
to tho United States. To this also ho
declined to reply.
Mr. Van Dyke seemed lo be thor
oughly conversant, however, with thh
suggestion and tho report. Appar
ently ho anticipated being questioned
by reporters on this subject, for when
thoy boarded the ship at quarantine
nnd sought him out he had rendy for
them a statement which ho had pre
pared in advance. This statement
read ns follews:
Van Dyke's Statement
"An ambassador's first duty is to
his chief; and I am rompcllcd to re-,
sped my instructions not to tnlk. For
the past four months I have been
having a strenuous time. My eyes
have given way tinder the strain of
dny nnd night workT and IJmyp ob-
rnmelf a leave oTnbsencoT v- TjoTna"
home nnd seo my oculist. As soon ns
my eyes nre patched up I hope to re
turn to my post nnd continue work
ing for my country nnd for tho
cause of peace in the spirit of our
president's declarations."
Further he said:
"When tho madness that began
this war has spent itself, I hope that
America will have n great part to
play in the restoration of n lasting
peace, wherein nil tho people of tho
world, great nnd small, shall rejoice
together. Then tho nightmare of blood
will bo over and the palace of peaco
will havo its opportunity.
Holland Still Neutral
Tho position of Holland, Dr. Van
Dyke said, had been unchanged; it
was "still neutral, firm and friendly."
Holland's kindness to tho destitute of
Uelgiuui, he said, was beyond praise.
"What about tho standing of
America in the eyes of Europot" ho
was nsked.
"With all reasonable people, I be
lieve that it is better than over," ho
said. "Tho warring nations trust us
to bo fair, and they know that we will
bo generous to help in tho spirit of
humanity. The work that tho Ameri
can commission for relief in Belgium
is doing to snvo the women nnd chil
dren from fnmino is proof of this."
DULUTH, Minn,, Nov. 24. No
vcmbar 4, 1913, a (relght car con
taining moro than J100.000 -worth ot
Montana copper anode plates disap
peared In tho Northern Paclflo rail
road yards In Duluth. One day later
tho car ro-appeared In the yard
with 110,000 worth ot the plat
missing. Today tho plates were lo
cated In tho yard o( a local scrap Iroa
company and George IC. Robertson,
aged 30, and Joseph Itegall, 36 yearn
old, switchmen tor the Northers Pa
cific, wero arrested (or the theft.
SlRinund .alk, foreman of the
scrap company, says he hoitcMt 32 o(
the platee (rem the switchmen (er
300 wllhdut the knowledge of kk
employers, The MklpraMt wm (rem
the AHfteoHda Mining ? (er
PltjshuniH, Pa., via Duleih, Kail
road hh4 Hiker rieteeUtv have Vi
worklHg m the mm tot Ut Ut
' -V