MTODFOItl) MATT TltlBUNW, MEPFOIIP, OKIWOX, MONDAY, XOVMArilKR 23, 10M X'AGR FIVJC . ;, m- BELGIUM NNOCENT BYSTANDERS AMONG WARRING AN WASIMNflTOS', ), (', nx, 2 IVlliiii nit oilier ingiiiiiziiluni In tin Culled Nlulim t keeping in Mttrli eliine lotieli with tliti jco in pity nl' III)' Klll'iiieilll XX'tlf IIH (III) .VlllllMllll (li'll- milur mirlHfy of Wnahluiilim, While It Ih rilllHlllllK genirilihli'.ii iliitt daily lii tli pii', it In il-i'ir iceeix lllg II XXI'llltll uf xeugnillil! Illllleiinl Xxilll I tl I'l 'IMM til (III t'OUIltril'H lit wnr, their people., ( lu't r eutiiii, their iinliinlrii' mill tMt ifciiuinplili' ItUlnry. In a euuuuiiiiifiiliiiii on "llt'lUIIIIII." till' llllllll'l'llt IJ.VMtlllllll'l-," W'llliiiin .luxi'pli tflinwnller It'll tin1 llltll'0 (Illlll ,1(111,01111 IMCIIllll'IM nl' tin mteuy : "Tlii IIi'IhIiiiii iI' Iml.ix Iiiim mi ein In limn iiiiiufmiilli im men! it .Mi- xluxtppi, rt nl tilt nlilhleilk nl till' pii'M'iil wilr iu imputation xvn four linn'' no In mo iih Hint nl ,Miiippi. Twiiily-vo mill n liult' enuutricw like Iti'yinin imiiiIiI ho t ui'Ufil uxvuv in n Male lllii' Tn.vnn, n ml llutlr iiuri'tfnlu pupnlnliiMi xxmilil ln mini' llimi lliul u lii- I'nilcil Mule ninl (liMMinii.v tojtellier.'' Sex en Minimis ir lli-liIi'iiU Within lti'ltiiiiii' i,.ir.i Kiiimc mil'" ol' ti'iril'in. mnullcr limn .Mn miii'Iimxi lt Dint Ciiiini'i'lii'tit. with n P'ipiiliitiiiii hi' T,."i7ll,IMit), ilii'in IImiI h! lite iinlbii'iik nf tin win itenrly .1,(11)0.111111 l'l.-lll'll-p.'lll,IIIK WilllmUlx xtlm I'liiiimt talk with it hi,' iiiiinliir ir till II rlllllMll lillt I'lfllllxll ipi'Hklllg Fleming. In t lift r Ititlnt nt' iniiiil ninl ini'tliiiilk r vniniiiK n liM'lilitioil tlii'.v differ N Wiely U tilt Kllgllkll Illlll tint l-'imit'h, lint tho ImhiiI of rellninn Intk liniiiiil tlii'iu together I'ur ueitertt lion-, wldi ni'M'i- n ft til nr iilul war in their iiinili'in hl-inr,. Tin llelginii I'linxtltiitnni, l'niini'l in tS'tO li it euiixeultnii nf llelgiiinx, KiiHi'iiiilit'o tii'i'iliini uf emixeieuee, n I'tliii'iitinii ninl i'puv-s, ninl tlir uslit nf peiieeful Hi'iiililiii'. Tin' king tti n lilli'il hx xiieeeiuit. There in II nihlllti, n M'liilti' mill ii liini"' ill leplexflllllllXex. A illtlil't pti, IV- ittKi l.alilt ih it initv xi't'in, i it fri'i' pM" dm I lie intlmitd without n 1 1 -lnr nf Hfttinl Milnry. A n'liroeiitii In i' geU a Irov t in- mill .st)il u jeur. Snffinui Ijixxs liiti'it'sllng Tim kMfrinpi' Itux nii iuloretinjr. A llulyimi pel" miti xnte whim In nni'lo ihu na' of 5".. If, nt lite age f ''" ln im,. i? I in laxe mill i innr. lii'il nr n unloutir with legitimate nhililii'ii. lie nets n -1'itinil volt. If he H it curtmn iiiimiint r ln.r or hnliU n uiiiii'iilv iliiilimin ho U i'ii litlril t tn mlililioiiiil Mite- n.vmipt thill in im i'Ue iiiiiv ii limn ertt litnl e t Iih ii thnr Mil-, In M-lcWiH inpre nentitliMx, pitrlii' mnl imt ini'it nie vnli'il fni, mnl t'Ht'h imrtv del" u i'p- IUt'lllMtlnll ill pliipnHlilll In lln olill MlrriiKlh. The llrltfttui nm fin' I'nimui'. Tlie utttt hi( i'ftr :I7 liu-lml" nf u'linil to llu iieie ulifin no gr l"i; .Ml of'V to mil' '.'I; '11'-' InihlielM of pnliiltii'n to oiii1 till. Itt'lltiiilii Iiiih heen a In ml of lnv iik' ninl I'ln'tip In inc. Mniiy nfllii' pii(pll' wllit I'Mrillinll llllf l'Mlllitl lll'l- ylmi In '. i't onH $." n '', mnl lln' itveiiiK unMe-eiiiiiei'H iiieinne i only iihonl $l(i" H sun', lliit Willi till tlinl, thy lleluimt Iiiimhi;w ife, mi itrti-t in iiinhinK " li'tle ' it Iiiii wny, hit lei I liur fitniilx well mnl elollunl tlii'iu uoinfoi Inhl v. .n MIIKiiten In IIi'IhIiiiii TliouMveiu no inilkiiien in lloluiiini, for the nomi'ii ili'ove the ilnjtr intiU Hint i!oiiktiliiliil tin nntiniiV mill. ujiMoiiN. I!trv milk emi hml In hliiue, evei'v tlmj hml In litivt lininenN to lit him, n Iniul for hit iliinkiiiK hitler mnl n em pel or liu to lie ilnwn on uhi'ii lin'il. No ilnvr in lUlKimn, I'M'cpl Ihnxe of Hie lii'h, eM'iipeil heiiriiiK hi hhnie of the Inniilv Imr- tll'IIN, The peniile nf llelinnl ueie the AStuhlV KieuleM hcer tlrinkeiii helnie Hie oiilhienk of the piexenl wnr, with I&8 prtilloiiiH pr 1'npiln per .riir, nn iiimiiiiiii'il with the (leinimi eniiMiinin lion nf ''(.;i unllniiH, On the other Iniiiil Hie lltilimt iixeil only one callon of wine im itonipiueil with the Kreiieh iiiiui'm lliiily-l'iuir IIoiih. Knilwny furen wen xery low. A tlonhle ilnlly joiirnev of 'JO miles eoM IirXj renin a week; of milen, .Ml eenU n week, l.verv peivou enter ing n iiiiliniiil Ktalimi liini In pity I drill for thai privilege, mnl the rev enne theieloi' unitnilileil To .f.MI.ODll 11 yenr. Ili'luliiiiiH lorelun iniKiinh with Inili''. Tlm-i' woniliifnl lillln enxlnex llyil tliil xiii'h uni'il work nt I'mimiin weie 1,11'iii'iiiinli', mnl mi tMiinple nl IlltiullllllV lUlinll". The eoilllllvV r)tln litnl' wit" u 1 enter Hutu I lull of'lill Hnnlli Ami rieu injtelliei'. If the l.'llilinl Mnlix iinpniliil iKiuii'li per itlllilln 10. Hi'Ikiiiiii, il iinpoilti txniiltl loinl hwl.e hllliuii ilnllni a xeaii il WO'ekpailnl a- Itiueh pel inpilii our expnll hiiKiniN.. wmilil miioiiiil o Im lnlioii ii'JlnH 11 iin r. NEWS FROM COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS ASHLAND Ai VIW At nil uillouiucil 1 ici'lni!' nl the elly coiuiell In-t Frn'iij niht a re-n-lilllnil uiih itilrniliii'iil nimitliii for I fie lewinjf of 11 peeinl tux, not e eeeiliiiK oiii'. huh' 11 win, ,M. puhlnily pnipiiM's in KHii'i-al. Tlii nxilulioii will i'iiimi' up nr il'iHiio-nl nl 11 int'i'l llltf In ht'lit'lil im Ihr'JIth IIIkI. I.tilitl wtiM nrilcii',1 to ,y jniirhineil einiipiiiir mii-mimuh, a move uuitiiteil lor tinie luiie ml, mnl miuli nt'eex Niiy h,x the liih nl Imti'l iiii(i here. Tim trueln in niic-tion ure lo eatt'tl 011 Water hiit uml in area I'liihrni-e ahniit Hie eipiiviileul of Iwo onliniirx ii'il lot. Spiiee for 1111 milomohile rump i- ulxo lii'iu ciiiixiil. eieil on an upptT imitiiiu of Hie pnik ite. The ollieitil fount of the xnln of Hie I'hailrr iimeniluii'iil Hpvuinl eleelion hiiui'i l )nUi fr (he muiiMiire mnl 'JUI niiilm., l.'itviiiK a innjiiillx nf II7II, mi iui'tvnxc of three oit pu'xiiuiH I'Miiimlt'H, The rahieH settle m hlill with m, ami Ihu eitv nl toiney Ik iliawim; tip 11 ni'w nnli nmiee, mini. i'fri'i. than exer in il pi ox Inline", iiiaxiuueh iih hvxunil mih pieiotlK lli'tlll' t'ltniliiM inn Mill ut Imi', uml H jx ileuaioil hext In he on the hii I'' utile. 'fill' lilfium lill'llily hill xhn'k oil liiiinl for Hijiltl io.eii liinnm., iimti-ail f Jtieivlv HIIIMI iiiilixiiluul hWi'i'pi't'x if iiieoiiei'Hx ii'piiilil itmnti (hi-xc item iieeittly. The ipiivnh'iit ol HUM) iloreii, or nppinxitimli'h MI,Mi hriiuiii., will k the fiiftoi v huv tor iiiniitliH to i'oiiiii. The Int'til foothull xipiml, although a Irille the xvorxe for xxear ilmiiiK tint hlll'IIIIOIIn rxpi'licnoi) nf Hit, ins( f.xv iIii.Vh, a ii- m-rene 111 the euiixclniiMie of haxliitc l'aitly xvou the I'liiimpum- xlnp of xnutlieni Oregon 111 11 nenei o kiiuiih winch have not lieen iiuineil hy a xiiiKle napleifnntiieH. The fiintl tiiiKle nl .Metllonl Saturilav x,'iih a ".mnl, haiil i;iiliie, mnl wan wnn hy AkIiIiiiiiI in praelleallv the fiixt half. The xtmiiluiK at present leaxex Axil Ininl xit'tor of oxery gtune pln.xeil this ni'iiMiii, xxhether foticht oiuhmae KroiiniU or in other terntorx. Fur Hiennnre, the loenl team Iiiih nut Ihtu M'oreil aj-ainxt in a M'ugle in-tuitee HtiK m'umiii, A Tiianki:lviiiir iiame will he pluyeil at The Dalle, the team leaxiiij,' lor the inn III 011 TiipmIh.v. The chier Mieinl ex nit of the xea him will he Hie aiimial TliRnkxiiiving Jinll Tlitiril,i niKht hj the KIU, for mal proRniuiH eiiiirorninjf xvhieh will fonii ho inxiinl, .Miifeie will he inipnit. til frniu (IiiiiiIk Pas, in the I'nrm of an iimivalleil oiehextra of mx pieee.. A happy prelutle to the ilmieiug ex cut will h (he nppmirmiee. of the lltinhar ipiaitet nt the Viiiinv Weilueilay exe uim;, aUn nmler aifpiite- of the Kike, n a leiiiliiit attiaelinu in the Ix count eoiiixe or eilli'ltailimcilt-. W. II. Newcnmhe, mmiMKer nf the loenl We-terit I'iiimi oft ice. Iclt Sun iltty for I'oitlmnl nu 11 linini'.H trip. An iiliiimlmiei of iliinkiii; faeili tie. water, of eoin.e -iluiinu lite pal hiiniini'f. Iiiih ili'mnntiatcil the wii!niti nf the inoliillnliiiu of a or mine huhhlliu; fntintniiw all oxer town, Tlie-11 are iieliil iin xvell n oiuuuieiital, mnl iheir ilelrinilinu Iiiih linen Mich mh In fiiii.iiiiiiiin.tiiln .Limit u. i ' " 11. .".'i eliiuelii'H, .cliiioU, lihrarx, hopital mnl other eenteix. I'lixalc imlixnl ttaU have uUo inlallei .cxentl, nnt ahle aminiK them heiuje the Caller iinnintial loiiutmn mi the I'larit. a work of ait. Another ornate one U Hint loeateil at the ('itireii.' hunk eoriier. The film of l.nnmi Nel miii haw one in front of their ktote on A Micrt, ami the lino nnxv Kmler' hlntil; i xuuilaily epiippel. TIiiimi eieeleil hy tliu eiiv are very ilumhlc, fnnliloni'il in roiifih roek or eonerelo ami iixi'iat,'" in cnt alnnit ir'J.'i each. The Chtireh of the Na.tuene is the firxt in the I'tclil thix seaxnii in Iciul in; the lexival innvciiient, hpeejal f-cr- xieex haviiij,' hcen hegun Sunilay, letl hy Jlrx. Stella ('mo!;, xxho i axNt etl hy ,MiH IMilh While-itle of Imul, hnllt iiinmiiii'iillv identified xvith Hie exauiielihtie work. Mr. ami .Mix. (', II. l.niukin ami I.I. Id hainkiu hnxe letuiueil from hiiulh ein Califoruiu, in which xeelion they vi-itt'tl neat lv xl weeks, While fdown near the iuterualioiial liiiiia- ilary they uinde a xhorl incursion into .Mexican terriloi.x. Their tour hnllt cnmiii,' mnl K"l'iW was made in the family uutniunhilc mnl wax witliout delay or inixhap. lid llnghex, former lc-nlcul, now rnueher near llollmtil, 111 loxcphiue eouitly, xvax in loxvu Simlay on hi way home ftnin a hiixiuos tup to xiuilheiu California territory, An unity of 117 holmes xveie piixxiug Ihroiiuh Ashhiuil Saliiiday iiiuht, xloppiiiix In iot lv to find out that I'tco xoiip wax a thing o' Ihc past in tin-, locality, I'raelieally all weie uoing Honih, The lilwh h'IiiioI miiiiveoarv pla.x Ik hejng xIiikihI, liniin'li tl appear alien Iiiih hern ilelayeil until ilcr Hie TliaukxKlxliii; linliln.v. In the pin iliielion, which will he a pinndy on "The .Meielimil nl Venice." Ill xu ih'iilx will upjicai In ii i-ti. I HIhIu (Iiiiiiv Vi'uiiU'ii I'mli'y w'i ln'ie for a hiief time Htnuhiv in enu Hiillnllnii xx iih Cliuiifi Uiinlen Huh linnl. .Mr. I'mley wan 011 hl letnui Iti I'dillmiil Itoui an eiiMli'in (up, whieh emhiuei'il a oml pmlitui of the Atlantie xeahoanl, e.xtfiiilin xvn.v up inln New KiikIhiiiI iri itfiry.' At WnxhiUKlun In uttemleil Hie Nn'tlomil Amm.ciiiIIiiii of (Imne Wanlciix, nUo the Aiiieijfmi rixhinj; focitity, ami eoiiiMilletl with the ti'ilcral hiiilnifal Ktirxe.y emu'enliii rn-npi'iatixc xvnl wild Hie Oregon hoanl aloii Himilar line, lie alxo iitlentli'il a i-oiixerxa. linn iiieeliiii; ut New' Orleium. ThioiiKhoiit hin c.xlt'i)Hlxi. irin lie i'. hihilt'tl a HuiioK nl'inoxiujf pjeturoN re lallnjf iiiainly In Hut yniuc roiini-rxn. lion luoxoiuenl, xvhit-h imiovalioim xveie I'omiiteiilt'il upon nni-l raxoialilv hy tint cahii'iu I'hmapionK of -imU alii'hl, EAGLE POINT EAGLETS I lly A. ('. T ; 1 I oinitii'ii , hlaln in my liiHt that .Mr. mnl Mr. W. I'. I).. Witt ol A-li- mini xvi-re ln-n' xxilh Iuh i'oii.iii uml IhiiiiI.v, Mr. ami Mr. Allien M. ', k-er, mnl llii'ii- ilmiKhler, .Mixs Snrali Kniiiia Walker, of lli'ililimr. (VI.. uml 1'nele .Inhii .Mi'Alixler of ,nb Ciock, him .Moiitlii.x. .Mr. Walker ami lain, ily eaini up (, xisii r. )( "Jt t A-lihiiul ami xtarte.l to iiiolor up to .Mr. ,Me.llfr h 011 lit' north fork of I. title Hull.', hut fntiuil ihal the mail pint nhotit llrowiirhoro hml lic.'ii ic eeally raxi'llnl, si phuiifil to him to m.'i't thi'in nt Itroxx-iiittioro, anil llnti Ihi'v all mi't ami Inn I. tinnier to p'lher at the SiiiiiimiI. Tin vixttori were ilelihteil xvith the Honc liner valley. .Mr. ami .Mj.. J. T. farponlir of Mill I'm (1 came out Tne-tlny ami xxili met nt Ihu ilepnt hy W 11. (Yamhill. "'"' '""toritl out to hi' Imute faun, mii'M' iney xpeni a Jew iiuvx xery plea-mitly with .Mr. (.'. anil hix'xixterl. (I. W. .MeAhxIer of ltulti KhIIx eaiin out on Hit I. A K. and wax met at the depot hy Dr. V. p. Holt xvith hix auto mnl taken to the Sutuiyxide tor medieal treatmeiit. Hix trouhle .opciiH to he no old ehronie eoinplaiut ol' the kidney x. Jle nx aide lo return home again Thm-day nun uiug. (limine Waiilen lluhhard ami two other men eaiiie ntit Tuexilnv mid lirought lluve eoatrixuiieuK to he placed in an inigating diteh to pie xenl the fixh It nut going into the ditch mnl licing witxhed out onto the land, to plaee Hiem in a tlileh hen .. 1..... . I . .. . ax an lapiTiment mid Ijir the otvuurx of lint dill'cicnl dilehex to xeleet the kiml (hey prefer to huv to put in their tlileh. II. C. Marker of lli-own-linm xva in town the first of the xveek, mid while Iti'te gttxe me hix xtthxcriptjon to Hut Daily Mail Tritium, mid William Niishtrom xvnx hmi licte and renewed Ins niother'x siih-eription to the Weekly AHiil Trihune. Senator II. V ler llellen wax in town leccivin;. eongratulatioiix fnun hix iiiiinv friemlx oxer his xueeexx in the late ck'itliint. loe and Hunter Stickle of (l,.ld Hill weie hen' the pax) ueel; xixiting u.lo'n dmigltlur, Mrx. .laeuh jmuts. .1. M. Corlien, foroniau on the Ali Vixla oreliaiil, wax in town Wiulnex. day and reptntx Hint Ihey hnxe all of Iheir Siul xcnhtiiv apiilex imel.e! ami hlupped ami me ready In hegiu on their .Wmlouux, Thev liatl a fine lot of fruit thix year and no iriigatinu. (Juile a uuiiilier nf the nieathoix of the 1. 0. (). P. lodge lime made a vixit tn Jnxpcr Ilmiiiah, who ix on the "el; ltxt, .1. P. l-'imxtor nl" Weed, c., ,vnrt hero thix xveek Iryinj; lo oi-guuixe n elaxx in pcauianxhip, l.iixl Wetlnexiluy tin Ludiex For eign Mixxiouary hoeietv met at the hoine of Mt. Prank Nielmlx and had one of Ihoxe pleaxunt times Hint ure mi eomiuou in Kagle Point. There xvere fourlecn of the ineiuhers piex enl. The exercixex xvern ojiened hx lending a Scripture lesxnn, xinging and prayer, mid after a t'exv pivluti inaries weie gone tli rough, Mix. Ueorge xou tier llellen, our primary teaeher, wax introdueetl, anil xh'e gaxe an aeeouiit of her experience in the Philippine islands ax a teachei mining the, natives, ami a xhiirf ae eouiit ilf tlm inirtsioijary xvorklu that field. She xaid that they had to traxel for five dayi mlo the interior ami during Hie trip encountered homo ot the mns griii'siune xighlK imauin aide, among xvhieh wtix a eoinpauy of head liuuterx that xveie in search of their victims. She miiil Hint the schools xveie dixided and that the pupils were latight ax far ax the loiirlh grade in the primary ilcpait men! mnl then they vxeie turned nvci to her tlepnrl inrut. She gave a hrief jicciiuiil of the xvoik of (lie inisxinu aiiex in Hint cniuitiy, xiating thai Hit 11101 of tliem weie of lite Catholic liiilh, hut Hml they xveiv lining gnntl wnil, muting them. Light lefiexluiieiiU wejn erveil ami a elmrge of III cent wits nnnle, Hie umiiev goiuu into Hie Inic.y l"t xlnllalX Iniul. wlllcll mnnillllcil In 1.1111. .Mi, J. V, Uiou'r iiiiiI Iter ).i!i(;li- ler, Verla, ftvorl (hem with a houh aiiilAliHH Lorelta I luhlietli eiileilain etl tliem hy ankinj: (wuu- ami mv ln ilioHtt prccont aiiixxer hy a tpio lation I'ioiii Hie Ililili', Tlioxe wlio xveie iIutu repot I that they hail a very lim time ami that .Mr, von iler llellni'i talk wan vxt rn line, I xxiiN iniiilile to iitleml, mi hml o kcI my pollilt tf'ifi xomeoiifi em, mnl 'oneiienlly Hie accniint m wry meagre. TlioiuiiK Venial, foreman on the Will ley oichnrtl. li.t-. hcen hhippni'; liitte n lot of fine iln -mh! turkey to Hut Portland inarkil, TT.... r 4. APPLEGATE POSTERS I Tito llo)3 and (iltli Imltmtrlnl club ImH keen busy the pant week col li otlng VDKetnblcH, fruit and clothing for the llovtt ami (ilrlx Alii hoi let)' of Portlund. KiioukIi maivrlnl xvhr collertod to fill tlir') Iioxch nntl con Minted or IS quartx of (finned fruit, tun' box of applet), to iioiiiium of dry lien tin, four pound) of rice, '20 pound) of oalotiH, Z' poumlH of putatoen, ID pntimlK of popcorn, hetddcH mimoih ami variant article! of clotltliiK- Mr. ami Mm, Vhci;ler brought the boxen - to Mpilford Krldny nlgbl ami the railroad company make, no rlinrgu for carrying them lo Portland, Tlio Ptirent-TentherH circle hitrf nrratiged an cntertnlnuient for tfnt tirtlny iiIkIU, Deeember Sth, at the now toclnllitt hall. Koine excellent help Iniu btten xocnrcil Imlutllng .MIhh llc'rllmt CatkliiH or Anhlund. Tim prngrnui will coiiiIkl of drntuutlL' reatllngM, coiulu minim and ruellutloiiR with roBtiimi.'H. It xxlll bo outlroly for cnteitalnmeitt, IIioko wlHhlng In Ktructlon Hhould not come. The hall mmniuKemcnt will glxc a ilttnco after the program. Watch lor further an nouncement. On WtdtiL'BiIny or thin wool; Mr. Ituft'l) and George Harriott went to (J rants I'nsn and iiurcbnued a uaxv littier piano for the oclaii hall illicit Ih now completed- Mr. NeUon of WHIIaaiH creek 1ibc bin hnullng grain from the O'Drlcn rnncli. A collection of .". wag taken up I'rlday among the nchool children for the purporx of getting u volley ball. With thU addition of play ground equipment wc will then hnxe fixxliigii, tcaters, athletic rltigu, horizontal bam and banket ball. Mr. and Mm. Karl Stanley ot Oak land, C'al., niu visiting with rolntlxes here. Mr. Stroud has returned hero from Oranln Pax.. Ik Ih expecting to upend the next week hunting In the Steamboat district in company with Mr. ChrlHilan and Klmo Throckmor ton. .Mm. Stroud will remain ut the Itonn hotiiu. Mrn. Arniprluitt of Pot cut creek xiHlted with friend and relatives here IriM week. Slt'im Itaxe been taken to orKanlic a bon mid girls basket ball team. Tito xoclallat hall hug been uccitied and It In hoped that a number of games can be arranged with the different schools during the winter montliH. Count) School Superintendent J. P. WcIIk visited this school Thurs day. While here ho Introduced n number ot new gaiueu xvhieh made unite a lilt with the pupils. A. I.. Ilatea of tho Valle Pride Creamer), la expected hoiitu Friday. Mr. Hates Iiiih been Jnv(Jrnnta PaH for Hie laHftlirco wecka. Henfy Perntdl ami a party of friends -ota Hrnnlu PatH were hunt ing duckit on the river of thin x (du ll) Tttehdti). They returned in tho excnliiB, BUTTE FALLS BUBBLES Mr. Netherlands, a former citizen of tits place, was hero Monday, lie seut tho night with Mr. and Mrs. IMtiiondsoii. Mrs. Uroi enjoxod Saturday and Sunday xxlth Mrs, McDonald. Soitiu of the )otiug glrlH and ladles of llutto Palls surprised Miss Anna Pattern xxith a xltoxvor at tho homo of her parents Wednebday night. Jack Tungnle went to Medlord Tuesday returning Thursday. A t-ciiool eitiertalnmeut will be held at the school hotuu Woduesday night, F.xeixono Invited. Mrs. Cadzoti has been Hpondlug the week In Medfoid. O. II. Morris and wlfo went to Purt land Thursda) expecting to be gone a week. Kny Spenier and Mr. Mahoney xvent to Port Klamath Trursday. , Mr. and Mrs. John Qlarlc who llvo about two miles down tho creok wero In llutto Palls Wednesday. Mr. Hart ijul family xvbo llx'o on the Deal place are moving to P.aglo Point todti.x, xoTitji:. Notice U heieby given that tho un dersigned xxlll apply to the city conn- ell of tho city ot Mudford, Oregon, ut Its next regular meeting December 1, I OH, for a Hi emu to, sell spirituous, villous mid malt liquors In n.iinnl. ties less than a gallon,, nl llndr plate of business 011 Hoiith Pr street, In rated on lots 10. 11 and 11!, block Iti, of tho oilKlnal lownwlie, In nulil elly, lor a period of six tuonthi. IIOTI.I, M)Olli: Ditln of first piiblii'Mihni No ember IHlli, 1VII. ' " 1'" l',"'VJ-- IBII UK A. NTH PAHS, Nor. 23 Tho (Otinty court, with .IiiiIrc Olllelto and Conimliwloncr I.lnd and Savage pre sent, met Kntitrtlay and Issued a pro clamation of prohibition under tho local option law for tho city of (IraiiU PntMJ, tho proclamation to be offecilvo January 1, Tito uctlon of tlm court Is In accord with tho state law, xvhieh prdvides that mail pro clamation shall bo Issued within ten dnya nftor the offldal announcement of tho outtonio of tho local option election. Tho budgot was al.o dlscussud by tho board, but no changos were made except to authorl-.- tho Increaso of tho Item for widow's pensions from M.-.00 to $1000. The budget will bo further considered and finally deter mined upon at tho regular December meeting. Receipts for the week have been cattle 1203, calves 1.1; hogs C7D0; sheep .'ln:i. This wek marked a more encour aging outlook for cattle that showed Mtiallt). Top steers went at $7.r.0, very few sold boloxv $7.00 Cows did not show quality except occasion ally good sturr bringing as high as 1 0.2. -1. Hog rcrelpts continued both liberal In quantity nnd strong in prlr. Tops udvniKi'd from ?7.4U Monday to $7.55 Krlda. Martlet closed In excellent shape, prlcoH higher than at some caitern markets. Continued short receipts and strong prlcMfj characterized the full weeks sheep mnrket. Lambs told as sigh as $0 0. ewes $4.55 and all other lines on Urn same price level. WILSON A PEDESTRIAN ON STREETS OF CAPITAL WASHINGTON', N'nv. .!. Presi dent WiNnii walked abroad through the huxiuoHrt xeelion of the city today nnd, uudi-turiied by a xery enltl wind, left hix nutniiiohile behind. He did smite banking and other pcr.-nnal business uml aekuowledged fnipient greetings Irom ieiU-triaiix hy mix ing his Imt. Tic Game lor U. of 0.-0. A. C. COHVAM.IS. Ore., Nov. 23.After making a forward pass that ncttctl tnotn 40 yards, Oregon scored a place kick In the fourth period and tied the score In the annual struggle with Ore gon Agricultural college on the lat ter's field here. Klnnl score 3 to 3. Roported by Jackson County Ab tract Co., Sixth and Fir Sts. Ileal Iv-talti Transfers Joxcph A. NVxvell et til to C. C. TxeliUKt et al, Inml in see. :i:i-:it!.iw, . . ('limit's Kibhe et tt.x to o:i,tiM) M. I.. .luhiisnii, nt in Ashland Int l Whipple et tt.x to .In- hanna M. Whipple, lot li, It Ik. I, Park Add., Metlfor.l ... P. P, Oallagher et .u to .1. K. Hallorau, land in .sec. ."i-.l- JW. . C. W. Ilaxyo to "m. Trimhle, Inml in M''. .U-.I7--1W. ami in see. (l-.'18-IW. W. Trimhle et nv to Oscar M. Ktiov, smite its ahoxe IM) JO FOIl ItE.Vr HOUSKKKEPI.Vfl ROOMS KOU RENT -Three room furnished flat. 222 South Central. 211 KOU RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, una, wood heaters. 331 Hast Uth. 213 FOR RENT BOARD AM) ROOMS ROOM AND" llOAltl)-A4 tT Soiith Ivy. Mrs. C. L. Grant. 21S l-Oll SAI.U OR UXCHAXGE Rogue River Valloy Fruit Lands, Dairy, stock, poultry ranches and Timber. Colonization Tracts, Best ixll-tlie-yoar-round climate on coast. Health Resort. Wonderful Medici nal Springs. Heaver Realty Co., Axhluiid. Oregon. WHY? I am making deals for a larger per cent of my customers than at any tluio sluro 1 started business, 1 want )our proposition. I am making up a Ileal Estate Exchange Hook, 1 xxlll not list piopertles at Inflated values either for sale or trade so In limiting prim of property, glvo lowest cuili valuation. 'JO I Flint .National Hunk Building Phone l'-Nlsl J. C. BARNES COURT HOUSE NEWS FOK HRNT MOfHn? koif UBVrNrw ""tip-to-dalV" "nlno room house, rlote In. Phono (03 1(2. 212 POU HUNT Six room modern bun galow, east front, flno shade, rongo connected. Phono 030-X. 210 POIt ItKNT -Modern 7 rochi house loratcd nt 1C laurel St. Iminetl lato poRiemilon given. W. J. War iter. Phono DOr.-M. l'OU IlKNT Modern, partly fur nished five room bungalow 011 east side. Phono C80, KOI I ItKNT Hungntow on South Oram; $8,00 per month. W. II Kvcrhard. FOIl IlK.VrFUHMfllinil ItOOMH KOU ItitK.NT Modern fiirnisliPrt rooms. Tho Cottago, 004 W. 10th. 225 roil i;nt jiiKcr.MaNnous i-'Oll KK.NT-Ofily hotel In town" of 1000, 10 rooms furnished. Ad dress (!., earn Mail Tribune. FOIl IlKNT dnrago or store room $3 per month. Inquire 24C So Hlvcrside or phone G70-H, roii ham: m:,Ti estatk KOU HA1.K -Cheap. 13C5 acres ten miles from Mcdford. Tracts and terms to suit. W. J. Scott, sales agent. 113 KOU BAI.K Hy ownor. 25 acres of 8-year-old pears, standard varie ties, with buildings, Z miles southwest of Mcdford, nt $450 per acre. Terms. M. I. Mlncar, Med. ford. 213 FOlt 8AMJ MVKStOCK KOU SAIJ Weancii Duroc pigs." i. II. Wilton, II. P. D. 1. 215 KOU SAI.K Ueglstered thorough bred Duroc Jersey boars, suitable for fall service: al?o registered pigs nnd gilts just weaned. Phone Central Point, Gray Crags or chard. 22S KOU SALE Cheap, work horses and saddle horses, wilt trade for cattle. Walsh's ranch, mile out X. Iloosc- . velt. 224 FOU SAI.K Jersey cows, Duroc brood sows and pigs, lironzc turk c)s and White W)nndotto fowls, cholco breeding stock. J. U. Ful ler, Oakmont Kami, Talent. FOIl SALE MISCRliAXCOUS KOU SALE Kancy young turkeys, Tuesday at the public mnrket 210 KOU SAM: 1." Her split body fir wood. $20.00; 1 fresh Jersey heif er, 1 freih 4-gallon Jersey cow, 1 registered P. C. boat. IS months, rcglitered P. C. weaned pigs. $12.50. prize winning strain shlppod from btnte fair. Write J J. Osenbrugge, Uuch, Ore. 211 KOU SALE Celery Ualn, W. Clark St., cheap. Win. phone G27-X . 112 KOU SALE Dry wood under cover, $2.00 per tier and up. Full meas urement guaranteed. II. Wcln hard'tJ, phone 51. KOU SALE Turkeys corn fed pigs. P. Mcdford, Ore. and dressed O. box 422. .210 FOFIl SALE Mammoth Poulouso geese. Tho big kind, both old and young. C.W.Isaacs. 213 KOU SALE Manure delivered load. Phono 084-113. by 210 KOU SALE 30 or 40 wagon loads or manure. K. Y. Allen, phono 271-L. 212 KOU SALE Rhodn Island Red year ling hens and pullets. Phone Er nest Webb, 217 Central Point. 212 KOU SALE Corn. $23.00 per ton, three miles west of Medtord. P. D. Lofland, Jacksonville. 213 KOU SALE Corn, phono 507-U2 203 KOU SALE Dry xvood undor cover, all kinds nnd lengths, $2.00 per tier and up. Valley Fuel Company, phono 70. r S8 KOU SALE OR EXCHANGE Three room bungalow closo in would tako team, wai;on and harness and somo farming Implements and cows at equal value. 20 S. Peach St.. phone S71-J. 21 1 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Women Sell guaranteed hosiery to friends, neighbors and general xvearer; 70 per cont pro fit; maka $10 dally; experience un necessary. International Mills, West Philadelphia, Pa. . WANTED SnSCELLAXKOUS WANTED To lease a good placer mine near .Medford. Address Placer, eare Mall Tribune. 187 WANTED Team work, plowing, hauling, etc, Phone 0SI-R3. 210 WANTED To exchange IG0 acres la Northern .Minnesota free from en ettinbiance. What have you? Ad dress box 0110'. caro Mall Tribune 213 WANTED Several fresh milk cows, holfer calves, only good coxvs con sidered. Sleepy llolloxv Karm, Gold Hill. 2D T. LOST LOST Ft 0111 tho A. Corbln orchard, one Hpotted bird dog, auBwets to the inline of Mars. Iteport or re turn to J. S. Ouankeiilmsh Ktiglo Point. Die, and reeelxo reward 210 POUND FOUND -Taken up shoat, marked P shaped piece out leit ear. welgui I mi bs Oxxuer mitv have same iix paWim fni ml Wm I' renin, I'-i mill's vnt Phoenix ril WAAfTKl MTIIiXTIONH WANTED DroHsinnklng and ftlttlra- tlonH. Mac Ilurnott, 141 So. Con trnl. Phono 170-M. 312 KOU KXClfANiir. EXC?rANciE---WantU to "noli or buy anything? II 0 Ilndor, 111 N. Front St. Thono 125. Kuff Sod. - " nusiNHSH niitttOroitv Auto Hupplli-fl LAHEIl AUTO SPUINO CO. Wi aro operating tho largost, oldcil and best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Use- our springs when others fall. Bold under guar antor. 26 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oro, Notnry 1'nbllo HELDN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic, Drlnjr your work to me at tn sirn of tho Mall Trlbunn. Transfers EADS TIIAN8KKU & BTOIIAOK CO. Office 42 North Kront St. Phont 31G. Prices right. Bervlce guar tnteed. Attorcrer PORTEIl J. NEFK, WM. P. MHALBT Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms fl and 9, Mcdford National Uank bldg, A. E. UEAMEH, LAWYEIl Oarnotl Corcy bldg. Wm. M. Col?!. Oaorge M. Uoberti COLVIO & UODEUTH. LAWYEUS4 Medford National Bank Building. B. V. MULKEY & GEO. W. CIIEIIIIT Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Bank Building. NEWTON W. BOUDKN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta building, Mod ford, Oregon. Chiropractor DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise K. Hedges Mcchano-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, SnondylotberaplBts. Thc systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapby, etc., produce results in both acuta and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Douel & Co., cor ner Mala and Bartle'.t. Hours 0 a. m. la 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phono 170. DR. R. J. I.OCKWOOD,, Chiropractor, nervo specialist Rooms 203-204-205. Garnett-Corcy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage glvon; noodle spray, head and shoulder ehower In connection; advice In dietetics. medieal gymnasttcs, hydroptberapy. Lady attendant. Phone, office 543, rnaldonco CU-It, KtnploymcBt AjrcBcy Wo aro hero to hel people get re liable, competent help. We fur nish help In almost all lines of business. We make a specialty of competent mon and wives for ranches. Wo solicit your patron age. Blttner's Real Estate and Employment Bureau, Rooms C and 7 Palm Building, Medford. Phone 858. Mrs. Byrd Caster. Manager, successor. Dentist DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey Bldg., suite 310 Medtord, Oro. Phone 850. Garbage GARBAGE Get your promises cleaned up tor the slimmer. Call on tho city garbage wagons fot good service Phono 271-L. V, Y. Allen. I list ruction la Music HAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO 110 80. Laurel. Fred Alton Halght Piano, Mrs. Florence Halllday Ilalght, voice. Telephone 17C-R. Stenographer SHOE REPAIRING First class shea repairing, on modern elcctrio machines -xvhlle you wait. K. N, Blden, located In KIdd'a Snoe Store, Phone 313J. PhyeHtclnns uct nnrgeoaa DR. P. O. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopath! physicians, 410-417 Garuett-Corey bldg., phone 103 0-L, Resldonce 20 South Laurel St, DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physicians, 303 Garnott-Corey building. Phone 004-M. DR. J. J. EMMENB Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Kyos scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Offtco 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a, m, to 8 p. m. Phone. K. B. PICICEL, M. D. Offlco Jack on County Bank bldg. Office phono 43-R; residence phono C8-R. DR. MARTIN O. BARBKU Physi cian and surgeon. Ottlce Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12. 1 to I. Phone 110-J. DR, R W CLANCY Physlclau and surgeon. Phones, office 30, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLK S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Pructlco llmltod to dlsetaea of women. Offices 232 E. Main. Phone, residence, 814-J2; offlat 814. II. J. CONUOY, M D Phjslclan and Burgeon, Oxer Hutchison & Ltircr dou, 215 K. Main St. Pboua 77 Printers una ruliIUIniHi MEDFORD PRINTING CO, Um Die host e'iilpM)tl prlntlfl offtm k southern OrgoH book Mii4ig ioom tear liHixeri, bllrlug etc. PorlUNd twkHM. tl nr mu 1 !t