1 ' PAGE TWELVE MEDFOftD MAIL TKMBCNtf, MIODFORD, ORKGOX. FlUDAY, NOVUM ni'iu 20, mil EAST IN GRASP II COLD WAVE DELAYS BATTLE BELGIAN FRONT TO CROSS FLOODED T W W FRENCH AHA GERMAN N VERDUN REPULSED PRESEN SEASON ASSERTS BERLN LAND BELGIUM WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. Tho coty ttavo, with Foino nnow, which hna swept rnjiUIly down from the northwest nnd spread over the south Atlantic stntes from Virginia to Flo rida, today hna forced temperatures to tho lowest record In November In 40 yenrs. Weather bureau officials predicted killing frost and freezing temperatures would extend as far south on tho coast as Palm Beach. Tho cold also extends northwest from Florida through tho Ohio valloy and over tho plains states. Tho wavo hns moved southeasterly and will dis sipated In a few days. A storm originating off tho Caro lina const Wednesday morning has extended to New England and caused gales and rnln on tho coast there nnd heavy snow In tho Interior of New England and northern New York. Snow is predicted to continue in New England and along tho Great Lakes tonight. Cold wavo warnings havo been fssued for Mississippi, Alabama, Geor gia, the Carollnas, Virginia and Cen tral Florida. CANAL COMPANY TIE EXTENDED 6ALEM, Or., Nov. 20. At tie meeting- of the stnte wntcr board yes terday afternoon the adjudication of Trout creek, in Crook county, nnd Ilunit river, in Dakcr county, was or dered. Among tho extensions of lime granted was one of three years to the Hogno River Valley Cnunl company, Avjlhiii whieh to complete the rcser Vjlrs and diversion works for its 3o, 000 acre project in Jackson county. It was stnted by the company's attorney that litigation held up the develop ment of the project to Mich nn extent that threo yenrs would be required for its completion. Superintendent Cliinnoek of water division No. 1 will move his office from Mcdfunl to the cnpitol buildiuj; next month. lWHlS, Nov. 'JO. 2:10 p. m. -The French official communication, is sued this afternoon, says that yotor day there were hardly any infantry attacks on the part of the enemy and that their arlillery activity also was largely reduced. The text of the communication fol lows : "The day of November 10 wis mnrked by the almost total absence of infantry attacks on the part of the enemy: nt the same time their artil lery fire was much hs violent than on the afternoon of November If. "To the north the weather hns been very bad and snow has fallen. All the region of the Yser canal, to the east of Uixmude, is invaded by the waters. "In front of Ilnuwenpello we linve withdrawn from the water two six teen and a half centimeter mortars abandoned by the Germans. There has been n very fnirly intense artil lery fire to the south of Yprc. "On the center there hnve been no important actions to report. In the Argonno three vigorous attack- on the part of the enemy's infantry have been repulsed. "On our right wing the German have rcoccupied tho destroyed section of Cuhuvoncourt. Farther to the east we have mnde some progress." $1200 PER MONTH E NEW YOKK, Nov. 20. The bur eau of standards of the board of es timate, which fixes all salaries In municipal departments, has decided that $1200 a year Is tho living wage in New York City. In a report to the board of aldermen the bureau stated that tho $1200 a year salary Is taken as the basis for what Is termed higher nud lower grades of work. I0 It ToOnj Resolve to smoko Gov. Johnson cl- fars, tho best, and tncroDy patronize homo Industry. HF.IIUN. Nov. 20, by wireless to London, 3:10 p. in. Tho German troops have repulsed n French at tack in the neighborhood of Verdun in France, and tho llussihii retreat in no.." .'stern Poland continues, nc cording to an official communication issued today by the German general army headtpmrters. 'file text of. the official statement reads: "In West Flanders nud in northern France no appreciable change in the situation has taken olnec. "Heavy rains nnd snows which first soaked and then partly froze the ground, have made our movement dif ficult. A French nttack nt Combre, to the southwest of Verdun, was re pulsed. "The situation on the east Prussian frontier remains unchanged. Kast of the plain of the Mnzuriun lakes the Ilus-ians captured on unoccupied fort in which were some old obsolete caiiuon. The flight of tho enemy throuch Lipno nnd Nenwaml contin ues. Our attack has made progress to the south of Pluck. "No decision yet hns been reached in the fighting around Lodz and to the cast of Czenstochown.'' PICE VON BEULOW IS SENI 10 ITALY l'AKIS, Nov. 20. A dispatch from Home to the Fournler Agency states that Prlnco Von Iluelow has been appointed German ambnssadoi to Italy. lllM'tiKS, llelgiuiu, Thursday, No-.. 10. via Slips and London, N'ov. 20, 10:22 a. in." -Large bodies of 0'tiuiui engineers hnt been seen passing toward the front, according to in formation received here, nud it is be lieved the Gcrnintw tuc planning to eros the inundated country by scien tific engineering methods. In the meantime the western storm continues and the waters of the North sea are sweeping inland through the six big locks nt Nieuport. It i learned here that the Germans on November 18 attempted a raid on these locks, built in a semi-circle. Their attack, conducted in a number of muted automobiles, was repulsed. The fortifications which have been constructed all through West Flan ders for use in case of an eventual German retreat, ewilcutly now are completed, for the troop employed in their construction have all gone to the front. The snow in Flanders continues. There is much illness among tho men in the trenches and the past few days have seen little fighting. Itecent dispatches from Koine have Indicated that llerr Von t'lotlw, the German ambassador there, was about to retire. Prlnco Ilernhard Von Huelow, formerly chancellor of tho German empire, who usually resides In Home and who went through his Italian marriage, has great influonco in Italian society, was mentioned as likely to take tho post In view of Its tf( importance at this crisis. PETITIONS FOR SELF CHANTS PASS. Nov. 20 Peti tions are being circulated, and gen erally signed among the fruit grow ers and others In tho district, ask ing that A. II. Carnon. horticultural commissioner, bo retained In office. Petitions recently filed with tho state commission by Jnckson county people asked that Mr. Carson bo removed, and tho board seemed about to fol low the wishes of the disgruntled few of that region. Mr. Carson ap peared before tho hoard, however, and made a strong defense of his po sition, and tho governor, who Is n member of the commission, has since stated that petitions representing tho other side of the controversy would bo given full consideration. These petitions will go In Friday, and thero is no doubt they will more than off set the one frofu Jackson county, leaving the hoard free to exercise Its unbiased Judgment. m Experienced Smokers "Roll Their Own" When a man gets smokc-wisc by experience, his taste craves a deep satisfaction that only the cigarettes he makes for himself, to suit his own taste, can fully gratify. Me learns to roll his own fresh, fra grant cigarettes from ripe, mellow ,,13ull" Durham tobacco. "Rolling his own" becomes n second nature with him. He takes the keenest pleasure in fashioning his own cigarettes with his own hands, to his own liking, and is proud of his skill. He is no longer a novice, but n thirty-third degree smoke veteran in the eyes of men the world over. GENUINE "Bull Durham SMOKING TOBACCO (Enough for forty hand-made cigarettes in each 5-cenf $ach) Cigarettes hand-made from "Bull" Durham have a rich (ravranct and smooth, mellow flavor wonderfully comforting and satisfying. This good, pure tobacco gives complete, healthful and lasting enjoyment to more millions ot men than all other high-grade smoking tobaccos combines. Get a 5c sack of "Bull" today "roll your own" and enjoy the most satisfying luxury in the world. 'paxr' W 5K ,"J&VCo FREE and a Book of cigarette papers, will both be mailed . ... .. 1 . . A.M.... "IImIH in you, jrtt, on piniui igijuvu. duuim .i. Durham, Durham, N. C. An Illustrated Ilnolclct, showing correct .Iff. ., - fi .. AV - way to Koii lour ciwn iarcucs, THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY K I GREATEST STORE FOB WOMEN -J jM5JMfM8 THE DAYLIGHT STORE" MANNSIRED FIGURESALE MANNS CENTRAL 'AVENUE NNAIIPOR'IOTIjTOH IX" Good, Clean Up-to-date Merchandise ON SALE AT LOWER PRICES THAN YOU PAY FOR OLD SHOP WORN GOODS AT FAKE SALES We don't have to close our doors to mark goods up and then mark them down but aim to give you reliable merch andise at right prices all the year around. Be convinced of this by getting our prices first, it will pay you. NEW WINTER COATS AND SUITS At Great Reductions 25 brand now Winter Touts, in misses' mid women's sizes, void $9.00 values, (jf4 QQ this side Pt. 7 O 25 Women's Heavy Winter Coats, all new styles, up to $14.00 values, this (IjjQ QO sale only w0 Women's Wint or Suits, all new styles, $20.00 values, now $14 Women's Winter Suits, the very latest styles, $10,000 values, now at dtll fi only D Id L D U Not an old Suit in stock 'An odd lot of Children's Winter Coats, s'r.cs 0 to 1J, go hi this sale, each, D1" nt D4 Great Reductions in DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT 2000 yds of all-wool Serges, Shepherd Checks and Fancy Plaids, values up to 7i3e, I Op this sale, a yard TtO'-' Kenmants of Silks and Dress Goods go in this sale at and below cost. Great reductions on all Heavy Coatings. 2.530 qualities now, yard $1.08 $1.00 qualities now, yard $2.48 $.1.50 qualities now, yard $2.08 DRESS PRINTS 5000 ynruY. in lighl and dark styles,, for this sale only, yard 4c GREAT REDUCTIONS IN LIN ENS AND DOMESTICS lilcached 9c Dcst Colored Oilcloth, this sale, "J Q yard... JL Jj Guest Toweling, 50c values, now, 'IQp yard J Dleaehcd Outing FJau "el, 121fco Q value, yard Jj 72-inch All-Linen Da mask, $1.25 grade, yard mask, $1.25 QQ Fxtrn large 1 luck Tow els, 15c 1 I r grade, each Clark's 0. K. T. Spool Cotton at 7for25c Soft, Finish Muslin, per yard Good Cot Ion special, each, at Towels, 4c GREAT SALE OF GOOD UNDERWEAR Vests and 25c Women's Cnion Suits, 75c values, AQs now, a suit TcO-' 1 Joys' Gray Lined Union Suits, a suit . Fleeced 65c 50e Table Damask, now per yard, IQ i.Fl r Children's Fants, 15o values, each. Women's extra fine Union Suits, cheap at $1.2.), now, a suit 98c at ,j. Full sizblBeVfyveads, 4l.251ugs, QDp each .;.;,;:-.,70t 72xi)0 Sheets, (0c, val ues, now, 'IQr each O J Colgate's and Sanitol Talcum Pow- j fp dcr, can ... . LDj CORSET DAY TM Warner's Jftist- Proof Corsets, new model, at per pair 11 Heavy Coutil Corsets, 75c value, A 0 ..to- now, pair. Woipen's Cape Gloves, cheap at $1.25, QQ now, pair O GLOVE SALE Women's Leatherette Gloves, all cola's, very special at, a pair Sanitol Tooth hhlc, 19cl 25c package, each 48c i FREE-Save Your Saleslips and Get Wm. Rogers Triple Plated Guaranteed Silverwarc-FREE Sanitol Tooth BrusheH nnd Tooth Powder. 25c values, 1 Qr t each Jl -" X t T t T i T J r T l V 1 Jm4m$$