..ttaM 'SatS MEDPORD MAIL TRIBUNE M SECOND EDITION WEATHER Cloudy mill wnrnicr Prob ably rnlu Mux, M) Mln. SM. CiMy.finirth Yar. Dully Nlnlti Yfitr MIODFORD. OMWON, PRIDAV, NOVUM MM 20, 10M. NO. 208 GREAT BATTLES ALONG EAST R WAIN W R . RUSSIAN F it INVADERS EACH RECEIVE SEVERE CHECK German Ailvnncc Alonu Vistula Malt, rd, as Is rtuislan Progress In East Prussia Dallies Nan,lr,;i at Two Points Cracow Invrstril Upon Three SliU's. LONDON', Nov. 121), 1 .20 p. in limit in l.oinliin mill llotlin Ihn pies ml hiio of (In cumpmgii in (diMHiuii I'nlntiil i iiKiiiili,il mh luplily liiiiir tnnt; (lonnuu.x'M inlxiiiii-i1 ill tln WmiIm-VimIiiIu country Is being xviilchi'tl Willi inti'imc inti'ii'Nl, petrn grinl, lioui'MT, xxltiht of iMiiiri', Mini Iv coin't'iiit'il, hmiiiih in In' unly itnlil IVieiilly lnlt'ii'li'il. Aitnj luiiiliiiiwli'r in 1'clingiinl niiiuMiiii'itH Hint two grout biillli'H lmi developed lilting tin 'iitirn front, unit in the lino Itnlxveou Cen liii'lmwii mill t'rtii'oxx', tiwt rcn 1 1 ex tending along tin railroad between lhe0 txn point, mill thi (.('('(illil in tin1 Yitfln-Vitiilu region, hut Ku iun iilixi'i'M'ii don't niMitr In ntliu'li much Mjsnlftemioo to thu nntuuniu in lln latter region. luxaMon Checked A goiiornl Miirvov nf tin roporlrt ro. rmynl hero from nil ipmrlorH i-iiiivow tin tinptominu Hint tin' (Iitiinnn ml vttneo on tin' Yintnln lint met nt lenst with it (I'lnpnrnry oheek, xxhtln tin ItiiHHimi lux union of Hunt I'niMtiu Iiiih Hiiffnrril u Iiko fnto near Angotburg, xxhero tlio (Irrnuin defences mint ing chiefly of who uiilmiglcuieuU, an ii-piirlcil to In Mtrnng. Ilorlln doflhuo Hint n ooueenlrie ntlnel; U being inmli' on tho IIiimuiiii center, tlio Hernial) minion coining i'rnm tlio went mill tlio itnithxveM, xxhile Autiiu Id untiling u fiueo ninth I'ioiii lliu ('meow lotcion. Potio,nnl, Irnxxexcr, Hlnlr tlmt tin' iifl'iiisiM' in xxcMoiu Oulii'iit is t ill niiilcr xxiiy nml t li t Cmi'inx1 in holioxed In In- invent oil on three nIiIoi, lonxing only nno lino of null mill rommiitiii'iition open Wliiloi- lltillN 1'litMhig Tlio coming of winter liuxing inter .riiptcil the fighting nlnng llio North Men count, (Ii'iinnny i making mi of. foil to pieit'ii tlio line of the allies nt nitntlior point. Tint I'lonoh xxnr of I'ii'o nnniniiioi'il toilnv Hint in the le gion of tlio Argonuo, forest, xxhoio no oro ciigiigcinentH linvo lii'i'ii in prog riNin for tlio lust fow ilnys, three ig (irotm nttnnkH hml been innilo liv (Iiuiiiiiii infantry. These assaults, it is Mini, xxoro n'ptilNi'il. Tlio iinpoilmu'i) of this battle, for eign inililnry oiilit'H ovplnin, lies in (lie fuel Hint if tlio fleinimiK shonlil Hiii'i'oril in pnihiiiK buck tlio nllii'H they wonhl Ini nlilo In join foiees with their troops, whioh further to the east hnvo tliniMt n Hhnrp weilpi into the lino. Siieh a jnnotion of foreen woulil result in thu Hiirroniiilin of the htroiiK fnilivurt of Veriliin, whieh tho (lernimi oinwiupiinen nttiu'Keil in vnin iluiiiiK llio 1'iiilior ilnyH of Hie wnr. (Jiilel lteluns hi IlelKhim Tho reply of tho allies to lhitf ohnl loiiKo wiih mi nttnek on the flernimH in Hid lieililioihoml of Verdun, An nffieinl (leiinnn hlntenieiit u'wi'n out toilny Hiiiil Hint this iiltnel: hud hci'ii lepiiihi'd. In lleliiim the diiiiiiinlion ot'ncliv Ity Iiiih lieoomi) still inoro pronomioeil. Thorn wiih almost a tntnl nhxenco of infiinlry iiUiioUh in tho iiorthwoHt, nml oven tho aitillorv firo wliieh 10 oeiitly hurt hi'un Hiixero, wiih Iuhm'iii'iI. UNDER ARREST ..,! !! HIIIIKVI'JI'OItT, I.H., Nov. 20. Aloxiunlor I'. Howell, nui to ho n fiilhhlooiloil (,'lioi'law IiiiIIiiii, (minor. )y iiiniiilmr of coiihiokh from Olila. Iininii, vmih liiollKhl In Hluovoport to. ilay to niiHtwir I Iiko ImllilmimlM iihiuitluK Inilifiiunnulloii or n k'ivoiii liiiml offhur Mini tlnliilhiK tho uw wliluli huhlilH mi) pninoii ni'llilK n "I loiimy in1 iiHimt In liuflun iliilni lor I jloi olllinill IiiiWiib ohluliiml v,uv- DiitlllMllI l'UliVll. BRITISH GUNNERS FIRING SIXTY POUNDERS AGAINST A GERMAN POSITION IN FRANCE. 11IUTI3H OUNNEnS AT WOIIK WITH TI, OO-PItS. IN THE VINEVAHD DISTRICT OF FRANCK "I Mm.in nv skw voith iikkau co.J. Tlio nliiixe draw Ins tiy (Mirlntonlii'r Clnrk, upcclnl nrtlit for tliN iii'xmj'm Mio Now V.rU llc.ilil .! tu.' lniiiuti i . 010 f h- a ai.l h , i r batiorlf la u tlm liflpliiK to i-iiMT n HmiiKHik iiHixi'iiii'iit HKiiliMt the ji'nn:in poiltlon, wlilili I 7,WJ ynntu nuni on ihi illil Mro to tin- iti.trc if tn- il-C w I'ri" 0 Vlw are imrnl'iK 'rr the t.ornun Hum. tlie whttu pnffn of kliiriiticl miiot. InuiKloK In thu mill nlr. The I'rencli foree, with liatlerlei uf 7." mm pH'N ure n.' 'ill the left. In tho i '' l nu e im Im- t:i llrltNh rierw ai'xnn. msr. anil nmr.; ti tin iIkIi! tlx ' ieriiHHi hr.ipiil mi lie ki'ii I'liritlnu ninny yard short of the UrilWli luitiory 'J !"' hltf i im of I.irk eanh a i J .. ' i 1! .ito w ii,--i- the it -tonn V2 in shi'tlt are bursllns. la the laiiiii Unite fort'Croiiml t a buttery of llrltlnh COpr rrcotl riiiih. The one mi the left !mi jut ihm-ii fin it ami tin- run t . K n ! k. ..I r.itlli- I lie titi ,ilu rllt U Ju' In the net of .i it k ! ioi. it tin iffl or W look I up tlirmiKh the Nlsht nami tlio x Ineynnls to tin ( rinnn i i".lluii. T eio nilomlll sunn Inixo n V o -ii i n u .1 i taagv of ine t' t .nj ftn- zu of ihe uu iit In hiilinud fioni thu faet tluit ulcUt licuvy draft honci haxu to pull a fixe Ion limit Ik Mint HfVa. A tnsixy hnlliry iim-.Is:s nf f. ur .f the uu SEVEN Mil BELGIUM NED ILIET QUARANTINE T OF AMERKANS IS LIVESTOCK A T DISEASE NIJW YOUK Nov. 20 -The ChrlH tlan Herald, xxhltli ent n carKO of HiipplloH from l.omlon to llulKlmn, Iiiik rocotvoil n cahto from Its ropro hontattx'o nt Itottenlain, xvlio Biipor Intemleil tho dlntrllmtlon ot food nnd I'lnthes, which Hald that It an tho flml carK of American mippllos to ruaeli tho HelKlaiiH, "Tell our poonlo," tlio roprosonta live cahlus, "It Ik hut a drop in tho ourktit. Toll Ilium to rIvo and thou Klro aRaln. It Ih rnowlni; lioro, )ot woman nnd rlilldren refngeon In Thu IhiKtto stand hi lino for clotliea and (hero are hdvou million ot them In need In IIuIkIuiu." WASH I KOTOS, Xox. 20.-The ipiuruutini' iiKmiiht uattlo hlnpinents from Cnnniln to the I'mteil Slaliw im poki'il heenuho nf the foot and month ilihense, xvns lifteil today y the ile piiilment of nKiieulluio. Thu (piarautiuo nKut Cnnailiun onttlo was not plneed heemise of in feet ion in the Dominion, hut to pre. xeut (ho return of iufeeteil eattle earn tn tho United States. The raisinir of the Cmiailiau tpiumutinn xvm. Miid hy offieialrt to ho mi mlilml ovidrneo Hint the epideinio ih lieinj,' htouht under control. E ON AUSTRALIAN WOOL WASIIINdTOX, Nov. 20. The em liiir'o on Australian xvool has hecu innilo uliHolute, uceonliuK to mix ices wliieh teacheil WnHhiiiKton today, IN censes for tho opnitulioii nf any of llio pioiluet o Ihe I'nited Slates hux in; lieen revoked. F I.OS ANOKLKS, Cnl., Nov. 20. Fixo forest fires, which seenifd to hnvo Hlnrtcil himultuueouhly in thu wooded ureas of San JUnnardmo, Sanla llaiharn, Ornni;e mid Los An Ki'loa counties, 'htill tcM-'tcil today tho eftorta ot 1 1 mi diet Is of men to emu them. In the Santa Ann mountain the firo line slreteheil txventv miles. Jr- CALM IN 1ST ACTIVITY IN EAST A 1 BHFTLEUWS BELGANS MAM J.O.N'DON, NOV. I!0, 12.30 p. in. Tlio HolKlnu coiuiuIhhIoii of huulry Into aliened rttiimnii violation of tho Iiixsh mid (MiHtuuiM uf xxar lints IhhuuiI miother leiiiilhy loporl, which In puli. IIhIioiI today by tho HrllUli offlnlal liiiuau. It co win what U denci Until mh tho "imimmcro nt TamliicH," "tho mick of Oliiuul," mid "thu on I rim cm In tho irovlncn of lloluluil hiikoiulimiiK." Tlio ioinit my Hint iiiuin Hiaii HftO poiimiu txoin nhul hy llio (Im imiiiM In llio xIIIhko of TnihIiion. lloffciliiK In ilmull In IIiIh ulliiKinl iniimiit'io, Hid lopml iluncilhen how U lilUUp Uf hvlHH'J) H)) Hllll iitti IIIW! xxcro collected In front of thu cIIIuku church. Ah ulinothiK th'nm down with i If leu pi own! too tdoxv, (hiriuaii offlcei-H oriloiod up u inaeliliio nun and llioxo not killed hy thu hulhiln fioiu t It Ih weapon xxoru fliilnlied xxlth hiDoutit HirtiHtH. .VitoiiIIiik hi tho coiiuuUnIoii'h ro poll, iiioru than 7U0 uf thu luhahlt iintM uf Dliiniit worn Idllod. JJIuhty four of thi'Mo wnio Hhut hi dantli on I'iiiuiIiI Hipiuru and 60 oIIihim oiitnldu ii cli ii t ill fnnn uhli'li I hoy hud heiin ilrhon ll) thu Hhiiiimiim. Thu lopoit mIIuxm Hint tiioio lliwn 1000 ImllMi' I'koelilloiit imiciIIiih In Ihu ptutliuu of I.IUVIIllJUUlU, LONDON', Nov. 20. Comparative! calm in the uost and re-nwakenod activity In tlio cast arc taken by Lon don to indicate that tlio German mil itary chiefs have, decided to concen trate their cneglcs at tho present fitnno of tlio war toward dealing it possible, a crushing bloxv to Russia. Kuch frafiinentary reports as xvcro received today from tlio eastern ioiio ot flKhthiK showed that tlio German army was still pressing tlio Russians back through Russian Poland, over thu same battle fields across which tho Russians a fexv xxoeka ago xvero advancing victoriously. No clear ex planation has been niado of tho ro verbal In form ot tlio opposing artu leu, nlthougli it has been reported on soxeral occasions Hint tho Oernians xxero sending thousands of their fin est troops from Trauco and Delgtum to tho cast. Russian Adxanco Continues , Thu Russian war chiefs stato that their advanco In Kast rrusslu and Ca uda continues In splto ot their ad mitted retreat In tho center. Ger man strategists hcltovo that continued rovorses In Russian Poland would forco tho Rushl.ius to draw back their northern and bouthetn armies. German opinion admits ot no doubt as to tho outcome of tho xvar xxlth Russia. General Von llluden burg, Germany's popular lioro of thu fighting in thu oust, is quoted us saying that Get many nnd Austria will win, although outnumbered, .be ciuibo they have htronger iiurvoH and becaiibo their soldiers do their own thinking. lloslden tho posslblo withdrawal of German troops for uso against Rus sia, I hero is nuotlior reason for tho lull hi the fighting In tho west. Cold, xx ot xx oat her has numbed mid ex haiihted tho holdlurs so that great ph ideal effort Is uliuont out of tho question. Tho weather In Helghim Is (oinpaied xx llh a bleak, windy Decern- her day hi the Now KiikIuiiiI coast. Tlio dorm coiillniii's, and Dm walers of llio NiiiIIi Hen flow Ihroutiii Hut Imihii at Memmri whloli Ihu ullhrn opeiiod to Hood Hid lot land and hold built thu (JWWUU Hiivuutv), N MORE GRANGE REFUSES L MEN FOR BRITISH ! ENDORSENENT OF ARMYAUTHORIZED NATIONAL SUFFRAG E LONDON', Nov. 20, l:.-7 p. in. The houe of commons today fonn nlly passed tho voto for the .supple mentary army anil estimate which provides for mi additional nnuy of 1,000,000 men. This Is tho additional million men mentioned by Premier Asquith In tho Houfeo of Commons last Wednesday night. It is apart from tho territor ials, and Is additional to tlio 1,100, 000 men said already to be under arms. Referring to tho supplementary es timate, Harold J. Teunant, under sec- rotary ot stato for xvar, said tho offi cial loxv xx as that this further mil lion men ought to bo sufficient, so far as the government was ablo to boo at present, to croxvn lhitlsh anna with success. Ho declined to give tho actual numbers ot men enlisted but remarked that tho figures re cently given out by tlio prima minis ter, which were roughly In tlio neigh borhood of 1,100,000 wore beloxv rather than above tho actual total. Tho present Idea of tho war office, Mr, Tennant continued, xvns to du plicate tho territorial forco, making ono battalion for homo defense- and tlio other for foreign service. With regard to tho suggestions that Lord Kitchener's army of re cruits bhould ho treated unllko tlio professional soldiers, Mr, Tennant re marked: "Tho chief characteristic of Lord Kltchouer Is not sentiment, nor oven persuasive eloquence Those advocatos of differential treatment would make htm change his decision in n matter on which ho fools strongly." WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 20. Kauai suffrage was a topic ot earnest discussion by tlio national grange to day and while the commlttco report In favor of equal suffrago through amendment to tho federal contltu Hon was disapproved, the causo ot votes for women was enthusiastically endorsed. The commlttco reported adverse to the combining ot military instruction with general education was recited. The committee on Immigration niado n report favoring tho adoption by congress ot stringent Immigration laxvs for tho purpose of protecting American citizenship against deter- , lorating elements of old world cltl- I zenshlp. (KON FLEES CAPITAL AFTER DECLARING WAR Cnrranza's Chief In Command Leaves City of Mexico, After Declaring War Upon Villa-Capital In State of Unrest Railroad Communica tion Interrupted. NARROW ESCAPE KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Nov. 20. Y. A. Jones former bhenff of Juekfron county, hut noxv ranching near this eitj, had n narrow eseupo from death Hits week when n runnxvny team of draft hores collided with his auto at u crossing. Tho horses were hitched to ii heaxy truck and tho pole broke, the xvinil shield of Jones' (into tore the front sent out irom under Jones nml penetrated the rear i-out and tho guxoliuo tank. Jones xvns thrown to tho ground, tiiihuit. The polo misbctl him by hut a fexv incho. Ono of the ruiiuwiiy hmes suffeicd n broken leg mid wiih hlmt. WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. Ameri can Consul Sillimnn in n dispatch filed in Mexico City nt 8 o'clock Inst night, reported that General Ohrc gnn's troops wore entraining for Ori zaba ami moving the offices uf tho government with lliem. Consul Sillimnn mWcil that the chy wn in a slntn of decided unrest. Ho tin! not iudicnto whether the Ohrcgou troops xvere evneunling the city to leave it undefended before the troops approaching from the north, or whether his forces were to he replac ed with other Cnrrnnza troops moving doxvn from Queretnro under General Gonzalez, one of Cnrranza's chief supporters. Mr. Sillimnn milled that railroad communication nnrthxrnnl and also between the capital nml Vera Cruz xvns interrupted. Previous reports hnvo left it to ho understood that a sufficient gnrrison xvouhl remain in the capital to main tain order nnd prevent cntrnnco of the Zapata forces until Villa's forces were in the immediate vicinity ami ready to enter, when tho Carranza troops would withdraw. Acting Secretary.Lnn'ing conferr ed today wiih Acting Secretary Drcckcnriilgo of tho war department and Brigadier General Scott, chief of staff, over details of tho evacuation of Vera Cruz. It xvns decided that tho customs collected during tho per iod of occupation, supposed to nggro gato inoro than .f 1,000,000, would ho brought nxvay hy Major General Kun stou to he held in this country for delivery to tho government, which N finally recognized. Tho stato department received no tification that Genernl Obregon had declared war on Villa. Tho notifica tion stated Hint Obregon xvns going to Snlina Cruz. As that port is on tho Pacific side of tho isthmus of Tehu nntepec nnd fur from tho zono of tho threatened hostilities, officials could not understand it. Foreign Minister Fahela telegraph ed tho Carranza agency hero todav u. formal declaration that hostilities with Villa hnd broken out nnd telling of the appointment of military com manders for tho various states nml military districts. DECKER FAIL 10 DUNN INC N I Don't Forget I'n atlontl llio nuiKH iiu'pUiii; of land owners, fniit j'l'owoi'H and fiirniors at tho MinU'ord public library tSiiluriluy al'lenionii lo tlirwiiRn irrhrntioii and llio IhmI nioaiiK of wattTiiiu; lliu vulloy. Tlie i'timialloii ol' an irrigation dint riot and liow it can lio Ih'oiikIiI ahniif will bit o.vplainod, iih wall an llio pi'ivaloconliaol plan, M g WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. Captain Decker ot tho armored cruiser Ten nessee cabled the navy department from Chios, Greece, acknowledging rccolpt ot Secretary Daniols' dispatch directing him to tako no step with out Instructions from Washington. Ho gavo no further details ot the fir ing upon tho Tennessee's launch at Smyrna. This xvns the first won! from th Tennessee sinco Captain Decker's la conic dispatch Wednesday confirming nexxbpnper reports of tho Smyrna in cident. Secretary Daniels has nsketl for a full report, hut owing to the difficulty in communicating with Hint part of tho xx'mld, there is no saying xvheii U will arrive. RESUME OPERATIONS I'llAllIIU CHKKIC, Ark., Nov. W Under pmlciilloii of 1hIIwI KIIm I mops oiiernllon of ht Jtoekti.D. mini mining IiitorpMtf wore twww4 today In Ihirlfonl vnly hy Hwt-t)' ion lulmr. It Im AhhwA by tke reiver Kni'lnnlly Id mimA oinriln until Nvtru cf tlm witm wW U rm