.V V '.. i jr." vv PAGE FOUR r fEDFC-RD MATL TRIBUNE, OTDFORD, ORKOON. TrRSOAY, NOVTCMItPJU 17, 10M h; B MEDFORft MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDHt'ICNPICNT NEWR!'Atnn I'UUMHinCl) KVKHT AI-TICItNOON KXCKI'T HUNOAT I1T TUB MUDFOHU P1UNT1NO CO, Offlcn Mnll Tftbun Itulldlnir, 15-17.11 Nnrth Kir street; telophono 76. Him i ir i ii i- ii - i Ths Dunocrntta Tlmca. Thn Urdford Mull. Tho Mndfnrd Tribune, The South, rn Oresonlan, Th Ashland Tribune. OBICKrTTXOK HATXI Oce jrsnr, by r.iall .00 One month, by mall .,, .. .(0 Per month, Oellvcred by rnrrler In Hertford, Jacksonville and Cen rn Point , .80 Xalurdny only, by mail, per ycar S.00 Weekly, wr year..,.., t.tO Official lnper of the City Of Medford. Official Paper of Jackson County. Hntnred m second-clans matter at Mftdford. Orcpoii, under Ue act of March 3, 1979. AN ILLINOIS VIEW OF OUR BALLOT IN MR EFFORTS TO A NEUHR T A.MSTKItDAM. in London. Nov 17. H:'J() n. in. The Telegram's cor re-nondont at Slut-. The Xethorlnnd minis ntu renewing their oltoit to cro'-s tlio Yfor near Nivuport. Tho weather is improving. Dixinmle, incluilitiL' the villages in it, environ lm been entirely de stroyed. On Sunday windows at SluU wore shaken by explosion beyond tile border, where, it was reported yos terdny, bridges are again being blown up. Captain Xyssen. n fninotiH lklpnu horseman, who with fifty laneers covered tlio retreat of the liclcjiin army and btood off the attack of n big force of Germans until ho wat terriblv wounded, is recovering in Dutch territory, where he was carried by his men. nnllK COURINlMIKKALn of Urbanu. UK, ropimls (ho Oregon ballot ns a great curiosity, and after coinuuMit iiifr upon tho twenty-nine various measures submitted to the people for approval or rojoetjon. remarks: Tlio unintelligent ballot Is worse than none, and who Is there to say that tho great mass of tho voters ot nn, state will lw properly prepared to pass liitoUlKently on such a hodpo podKo list of legislation In tho three, minutes time allowed tho voter to mark his ballot? In other words, the (Viur'er-llerald, along with other ro'ietiomirios, thinks the people haven') the capacity to pass intelligently upon the measures and candidates sub mitted and need guardians to act for them. .It requires no great amount of intellect to vote intelli gently upon the measures submitted. Nine of the twenty- nine measures were rei erred iwo veal's ago oy tlio legisla ture, giving two years' time for their study. The other twenty measures were filed hist dune, giving over four months' time for their consideration. Ju August the state printed an officia'l pamphlet which was mailed oaeh registeied voter in the state, which con tained the measures proposed, and arguments pro and con, so that every voter could study these' measures at his leis ure. In addition, the newspapers were filled with data and advertisements concerning the bills and devoted columns to editorial explanation and gave advice regarding action at the polls. Sample ballots were provided a week before hand, so every voter could study and mark his ballot, at leisure. states that nrlillerv firo was again , um.; ""1' "' ' nuMH-ium? measures passed Hie midibic yeordny and that tho tier- others being defeated. Those four comprised statewide prohibition, abolition ol capital punishment, restriction of citizenship among aliens and permitting merger of cities. Some meritorious measures were defeated along with rad ical legislation, indicating the disapproval by the electorate of the initiative except for important changes. Repeated defeats of so-called freak legislation tends to restrict the number of measures offered at- succeeding elections. f the general electorate, after four months' considera tion, is not qualified to pass upon twenty-nine measures, how can we expect intelligent action upon -1000 measures in forty days by a legislature f As a matter of fact, the people of Oregon have proven far more intelligent in the making of laws than the legislatures of Oregon. The chief benefits of the initiative and referendum are to give the people a chance to enact needed legislation and undo vjcious legislation when betrayed by representatives, and to familiarize and educate the people in the science of government and the duties of citizenship. Concluding, the Courier-Herald remarks: The old stand pat representative gorerumont of tho fathers is good enough for Tito Courier-Herald. Of course it is good enough for a state like Illinois whoso every legislative session breeds a scandal and whose political leaders are the Sulhvans and AicDernionts in one party, and the Lorimers, Shermans and Cannons in the other. Of course, it is good enough for politicians whoso leadership depends upon corruption, partisanship and ignorance, and whoso doom will have sounded when tho electorate of Illinois becomes intelligent enough to demand the initiative and referendum destroyer of special legis lation, political bosses and restorer of government to the people. Of course it is good enough for the corrupt and contented who lazily drift along, content to bo plundered and pilfered by those representatives whose political ideals comprise the gospel of graft and whose aims arc the res toration and perpetuation of the era of privilege. But it is not good enough for Oregon nor will it be in ji few more years for Illinois when her people awake. Water Supply on Grazing Land Farmers' Uullelin olH.', recently published by tlio doimilnieiil of agrU culture, gives some vor.v iiilerc-ling iufoMutitiou as to llu means by which practically uoithle-s range may bo improved by the development' til' -Mock watering places. Ultimo cattle veipiiic limn eisjhl to leu gallons of wnler a day, and sheep need from ono-lmlf to (wo gallons per day. This is u vital necessity. No matter how good the forage tuny be, If there is not a Mill'ieienl and permanent -apply ot water near at hand, the -lock will uol thrive. I'pou tho national forests the p.tv erumeut has developed watciing places in .evenil wuv-. The How from ordinary spring and scops has been iucicwd by dnivmir them out and curbing the Hide- with cement, and then carrying the water throtuih pipe- to some convenient trough, Swuuinv spot- have liceii utilised U cutting an open channel from sonic sprina in their niiiUl ami drawing tho water to the trough. Hit t llood-wa tor rooroir have been couMiiu ted to ,s(ore tho wnler and thus supple infill I ho natural supply. I'miow have been tun diagonally across -Hopes to collect tho rainfall or Incit ing snow waters mul cairy Ihein to the slorago reservoir. In oases vvheic the natural supply is (illy feel be low Hie sui lace, well have been drilled. In this noil; oil I lie itiuge to tin I prove the water facilities, a tolal of tl"tl project h have been developed on the national foicsls, ;'JU ol' which were developed b users of the range theni-clves, l?J through eo-oporullon between the lores! service and 'the user-, ami l". bv the service alone. Of these (l"(i improvement projects, I7S aic spiiugs mill nccm. and 'Hti tire reservoirs, while the balance me wells, trails mul the like. In Oio gon and Wmdiinglou, till of these water improvements have been re potted up lo .lauuarv, MM I. Copies of I'armcr-' Itulleliu MV1 may lie had upon lotiuent of the Incul eongii SMiumi or bv purchase (" ecnl-i liom the siiperitiiciident ol public doi'iiuicnls, Washington, I). ('. F IN T- Guy de Mauspassant on War VISITS ASIA MINOR PAIMS, Xov. 17, 'J-.l.-. a. in. An Athens dispatch to tho llavas agency says: "Tho American wur.hip Tennessee lias arrived at the jmrt of Vurla, Asia Elinor, and Iuik put a stop to ill treatment of llritisb, French and ItusMiin residents. The authorities of Smyrna, fearing a botubanliiient, liavo left for the interior. "Tho garrison at Smyrna at pies-, cut cottsistK of "13,000 Turkith sol dicrV' MILLION DOLLAR GRAIN FIRE AT GALVESTON When I but consider tho word wnrlfor the welfare of those one dlreets I fool n shock, as If oao spoke to me Whoever governs has Just as inurh of witchcraft. Inquisition, somo dead power to avert war as the captain of ami distant thing, aliomlanble, uiou-ia ship has to save his vessel rroiu strous, unnatural. When wo hear of Ishlpwierk. When a captain loses his tho cannibal wo smile with pride, mull vest-el h,. U ronileinucd If ho Is found proclaim our superiority over thoso to bo guilty of negligence or lurn- iiivagvs. What aio savages real paclty. Why should governments not savages thoso who fight to cat the be Judged after each declaration of victims, or thoso who fight to kill, war? merely to kill? These youthful fcohllors of the lino speeding along ondcr are dcstlueil to denth, Just as WAHlllNdTOX, Nov. 1 . To i.s sisl ill pievciillou of Jlle spicad of the fool ami iiioulh disease, the into ivlnlo conuucice couinii-sion announced In day it would "contribute uhutevor il eiiu lowatd affording relief ill ' the present jiincluie," ApplicalioiiH had beep mndu for ic. lief liiipi the uHsesHiucut oT demur rugc chart o on oiHlmiiiocd shipments of livestock, hay Hiul uliaw, hold by tiuloi- of the ugiieullunil ilciuiilincul. DALLAS. Tow, Nov. 17. The re discount talcs or lliu federal leserve haul, of the eleventh diittricl weie nn nouiiccd today n .' H-r cent foi thiri.v dnvs mid (1 K'r cent for longei peiiodi. This was oue-hiilf per cent lower than the late ilcsigualcd Tor this district b.v the iesctve htniul at Washington. OALVKSTON, Tex., Xov. 17 Nearly one iiiilliou dollar).' ilamagc was ilonu mid seven firemen wen' in jured when tho Southern Pacific grain elevator was practically de stroyed by fire here today. Six firemen jumped fiftv feet into lifo liets, but were injured. COMMUNICATIONS To the Kditer: lu its issue, of Xovenihcr 12 the Central Point Herald drops mi ink hhiapuel shell on the ".Medfonl peo ple who like their beer and toddies so much that they are negotiating for u tiact uf laud in tho Sis;i.ous, where on they will cstuhliuh a road house," or words to (hut ul'IVct. You have undoubtedly heard the tcuii "puppy luvaf and 1 will now in. troduce auothor term, somewhiit akin n ngiitds tho prefix, "puppv joar iiali'in." Jt i my cmuot and sound conviction that the Central 1'oint Hit-Id is a victim of, or rather an ex pound of ."puppy journalism." If a big isfttnt, a big thought, ever got within striking distance of tho ('. l' II it mast jiavo, like the German dir iiblcs, pinned in the night. Again ((noting from the ( . 1. II.; "People ure yet fniniliur with tho iioiiiriniis llarbary Coasl roadhnii-e June San l'raneico thai was wiped tod. I know of no madhouse near San Frnpci.scn licensed under the name "Hatbary Coast madhouse." lint 1 picsiiuiii that through tliu ull pcoing eye of tho editor of aforesaid C, I', II., anything ho may lmvo seen is construed in such a manner. Of Course tho king cun do no wrong, but ov'on kings me human. Undoubtedly the editor has reference to that por tion of San KrauciscQ (a purt of the oily iiof) vrhuro the segregated dis trict is located. This district is pop ularly known nh the "Ilaiburv Const," Life and Pack nud Judge have no corner on the wit pud 111111101' abroad ip the land. Tho Q. V. II. Is well nippcd in this respect, although quio of its humorous nttempts or ef forts are more, painful tlinn funny, Yours for deliveranee, ' A IlKAUKU x.'CWdiirolMt,Nov,H BETTER TIMES HERE LETTISH times are close at hand in spite of all tho at tempts of the calamity crowd to frighten business and impede prosporitv. .From the belligerent nations of, Kur- opo immense orders for manufactured goods and food sup plies lor tho huge armies have tloodod the lactones 111 certain lines of industry and is crowding them to the ex treme limit ot their capacity. The opening of the Panama canal and the engagement of more American ships in the coastwise triple is another lactor contributing to the betterment or business condi tions, and now comes the now federal banking system, the financial tonic which should restore financial conditions to the normal and prevent a recurrence of the money stringency so fatal to prosperity. Politics, that blight to American business, may now bo shelved for two years, and in the interim there is an op portunity to si'cure the world's trade and an era of pros perity and industry for the country undreamed of. No country ever had a givator opportunity than America now has. AVith its record-breaking crops, its vast and varied resources and its greatest competitors bankrupt and in the throes of a miglitv war, America should find plenty to' I do in the world's work without supinely sitting down and crying ol calamity and democratic hard times. The government is in safe hands, it has never boon more honestly, wisely or humanely administered, and if busi ness will get busy with .just half the intelligence, sincerity and honesty of the Wilson administration, it wjlj find no time for calamity crying. XACO. An., Nov. 17. Until the Muvtoienn and Hill fur-ts resumed tho flocks of sheep tlriveu along tho , ririJ. t,,v t(l(X H(1 , tMt.,, roads by the butcher. They oro ynK over the Aiuericmi border, unea to tan on u piaiu. tneir iK'uus-Mnu.K Mrs Ai ,. Kum u.v , cleft by a stroke from a sword or , Southern Pacitic railroad ofticial, in their breasts plorced by a bullet. And tu, H.lt), The wound is net serums, these are young men who could work, produce, bo useful. Their fathers arc' old and pour; their mothers, who dur ing twenty years have loved and wor shipped thorn, ns mothers can wor ship, will learn lu six months or per haps n year that tho son, tho child, tho big child, brought up with so much trouble, with so much money, ! with so much love, was thrown Into a hole like n dead dog, after his body. riddled by a bullet, had been trampled I . A '!'. I rrallr one of our bcl an crushed Into n pulp by tlio chnrgo MlnmnuVtUm o"Mn?rtloM In "danger of -avair. liy lmvo they Killed Jieri;""' Place. OXtO.O.OOOOOOOftOOaOOOOOOOOOC Don't Merely "Stop" a Cough .stop hr Thtnjr thai f'anata It unit Ihr Cuuxh tolll Stop ll.rlf ?o?swo'cooo:o:cfao:cfocKow Lime Starvation Causes Tuberculosis I'hr VloUU'itl llri'iiiil I "Ww V.rUt uf Mrrriiilur IN ll'l". riinlnln n iiillrti' mi I ! TrrulMU'iil if fill Iiimiiiio I'lilii-riuloils, llnril nil Hit Vs.iinil Hon Jlml ttir IHrlrllc I'mi., itt III," Ill-iSir Is I lliu- SliirMlloii," ll Dr. .Ill I'M I, Itllis. II, till" SHal Thr i-iHiilUlini lill I" rrnmnUril ns ri oilms llii- Mi-lln iP'Vilniiiuriil ill liilirii'illusls III llii mllilt Hi 1, J lie rii.iNlili'rrtl Cs ilui- In llmr srniliin. ' Vmi-iiH liinrmii'li' slilKlnnrc llinr .ull- iiciirMr lu In- of sen Inl l.l,SliHl, Ml lMilirtlllll'i- Inn fr 11. snlls nr I In urniiiili' i',.iiiIiiiiHIii It Is illlHi'till In miiMwi llml III,- rlN run niiiiiirliili llirnl Inr fwiiJ." Vii ( iil -err ! 'l- I iiiUrin ns 10 tlii' l-Hf tlmt tit" mirco ( lii'kmnii'i .llriM id immi f iml monrv tiili,rriilnils l'iiiiliii'tlui j Hit rliri.nlr IIiiomI Mini Srnnrlii l I'rt.Ul'U- l- iImo in turtf in, until In It rnlini f l'm. cnmnimsl with iiibnr liiKrt'll'iits n l ) mI np 111. I'l 4I1' I l' Hi 'll I ,. ii.tt.-. 1 lux in. 1 hn.l Hue h to tin with II i-tiill ,ililniiiril in m.tiiv ran. uf lhr. -Uf lloi'-. Mint It ni peer .t- . 11M11I I" " .' .li, ritlitf ,V ti 1 unt m m iiilNtM, nurrntli s (.1 h iltit 1 i-i hi tiit 11 in f.t" In ir, ', 1 Orni nl.i Mill i.r.li r It for v oil I 1 1 4n nvil.l ill I I llrsiunii l.iilinrnliir), I'lillnitt lilil. Price $1 nud $C n hoille. Mnko that Cake Lighter, Knd more Tender with' 'nn1llAH n kmJPr-pY(Jl U11I coil" e. 'I licri'tnre, wlivn Jim gi-t 11 h don't pris-ccd In dncc Jinirnlf !... 1.. ..,., , ... 1 . . ... I .""i .;ii . iiriaiTtl in tllipr ") "-t noi'ic mi.v, our oniy noiu, xvttfi a lot of drugs tlmt merely "stop" (in- rimsii ii;iiiMiru tlirojt iicrvi-it. Tie inllainrd ineiiiliruiii's, llrrc Is n itnt tli her pride, her life?, She cannot tell. , ' " fonah teuiMirarilv by iliiidi-iiliiu tlm ,V. ,....- V,., T fl,.l.M T ' "Wl.TlflS lllMIl uinrniiiu IICIII u ...o, "..,. .,...., .w .,., ... slaughter! To niaysacro men! And today. In our times', with our civiliza tion, wlirn wo ImnKlno that human genius has advanced so far In knowl edge and so high in philosophy, we have schools whorf they learn to kill, lo kill at a distance, with the utmost nccurac), mini) people at a time, to kill poor Inuoiont wretches, burd ened with a family. And most stupe h lining. . . ... . ... .1 iiiiiim reinmy muiurls rlulit nl tlieciiiiM? ami will mnwc 1111 nliitlu.itn cniiali vnmsli more ipilikly than vmi ever thought ss. sllile. Put 2'& omircn of I'iiiev (.',() cnU Miirth) la a pint In.ttto and till tlm IhiuIo with plain gruiiulati'il Hiigur svriip. This gives vim 11 full pint of the 11101 pteuMiit. and clffctivu coinili rcuii'ilv ou i-vnr iil. at a cost of oiilv T4 ri'iitx. N'o bother to prepare, run illrirtloiiK witb I'iiiev. It hcnl the Infliiinril iniMiilimni'S so grntlv und pruiiiitlv tlmt yon uondor how It does It. Ainu Ioom-iis ii tlrv. Imarso fylng of all Is tho fact that people do or tight rough nnd hlopn tlm fnrmstlon of . , , . ., . plili'gm in the tliroat inn krone ilsl tu bw. not rlso up against Iho governments. , llms ending the jK'mUlent hiiso cough. WLSON FAVORS IMPORTINGBELGIANS ii WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Presi dent Wilson learned today that ef forts are being nuido to bring groups of llelglan refugees to tho United States to establish settlements, es pecially In tho south, Ifo docs not think thy Immigration Iqws prevent ing likely public charges from cuter lug tho United States would Inter fere Assurances could be given, ho said, that (ho IlolglaiiH would bo carod for utter tMr lUTtvnl, LO WEATHER What difference Is there, then he tvveen monarchies and republics'.' Tho most stupefying thing Is that society does not revolt lu a body at the very word war. .Me.i of war nro the scourges of the earth. Wo fight against nature, Ignorance, obstacles of all kinds, to mnko our miserable lifo less hard. .Men benefactors and learned men spend thotr lives lu working and searching for whit might aid, succor, and rojiovn their brethren. Passionately devoted to their useful tunk they uccunimulutu illscovory upon discovery, olovato tho humun spirit, furthering knowledge, adding dall to tho prosperity, com. fort and strength of their country. War breaks out. lu six months gen erals have destroyed tho efforts, tho patience mul the genius of 20 years. Well, since governments have this power of life and death over tho 1'ilirx Is 11 Ml'IiIv rnnrcnf rnli.,1 rn in pound of Nnrunv pine cUrart, rich In inmhirol, mul is fniiioim the world over for Its healing cflWt on the membrane. To nvnhl dl'npriolntmoiit. imk vour drmmlut for "2U ounces of Plnet," nud ilnn t urcept unvllilmr cMc. A gtmrantiii uf nliHoliitn K.itlliictlon, or money prom it. Iv rrfiimlcil. goeii vilth this pri'iurutlon. The Plnex Co., Ft. Vuw,;nil. it is Just Natural To Admire Babies O'jr Mirtiftlc it rr I ,,. Jn.o fur tlio -oelni: Infant. And u tlm nnn tlmu the s 11 Ii J v n I ot 1 A. JK44k7ff niollHilioriU u 1 ver iH-foio u . To Icnnw wh.it to do th.it will niM In tlio iiIijhI, al I'Klllfolt Of OXiM'dlllll ni.ihrili "nl U a nh Jo:t tlirfl liarf Intur ostm) moiit vvorni'ii of nil Union. Uiin of s W.i His icnl In-lpiul IIIMH" I .III , 'A, ,111111 iil'domlrmt nnrillrntlon sold In most iW!r- ??5rf neonle. It Is not astoiilshliiK that tlio I drug storm umli-r tlm nume of ".Miitliern , ,, .111. . 1 1'rlinil,'- Wc Imvc kii peojile sometlui-s assume tho right of life and death over the governments. They defend thiuii-elves. They are right. No one lias ubkolutu right to govern others One can do it only John A. Perl UNDERTAKE Lady Assistant HH. HAIlTIiETCT I'hone M. 47 n 47-JB A mhubtnna ttr(r lUratr CkirOmmw own so iniiny ehii'U uibtta-ru, who In llmlr yoilnm r iliyn relied uiwrtlilH ruiiK'ily. mm wli'i ri'coin ineti'l It to tlivir own iluushteru lluit It (irtiilnly muni po what Us iunn bull uili'ji. Tlioy luvu luuil It for Its illruct liillueucc ukiii tho musclos, conlH, IIku incnts and Icinliion im It ulins tn nffonl relief from tho stmlu and mln so often timicci'MKirlly suviru duilng tlio period ot cxtHTtuiiry, 4 A lllllu book inrillcil by llrudflold JUwi lalnr Co., 3US Iiniur llldg., Atliiatu. (J.i., refers to muny llilnus that women llko tu read about. It it-fcrs not only to tlm relief from tnurcla strain duo to their cxpnnnlnn but ultm t" nnuxcu, murnliig elcknciiii, caking of brciutu mid muny, other illntrtsBcs. THROUGHOUT EAST WASHINGTON, Nov, 37. With the temperature below zero from northern Minnesota to tho .Moutnim line, und a very general falling of the mercury from the plains ntiitcs east ward to the Atlantic and houtlnvurd to tho gulf of Mexico, weather bu reau expdi Ik today predicted warmer weather toward tho end of tho week lu the oust mid in the interior valleys on Tliiiiwlny. SALESPEOPLE WANTED R K. DEUEL & CO. Store Is Closed. Apply at Rear Door. J Theatre TODAY Our Mutual Girl No. 30 Like Father, Like Son Two Pail Aiiu'rhan The Warning Cry ilNjc!c Her First Lesson PrlnofM Comedy l!c vvas I Or To Know Where to Im) Is as Important In Glasses as nnvthluK clue. We hope our name l all the guide vou need. It menus the best of ever) thing optical, DR. IUCKERT lke Mghl SK'iliilll H. ."i II. (Iiccn Trading .Stamps Given Ski ii(Ki::M ozsassp "Nc.irrnt to p8J;' CwrylhlnK" HOTEL MANX Powii!! St., nt OTorrcll San Trcnclsro In the heart of Uic business, slionnink' nnti theatre district, i Runnint; distilled icujfj water In every room. Our coinmudiotis lol)by,flnescrv!r.c,niuJ Momi'lilie rcstaurwit will attract you. Curopcan Plan tales $1.50 up. Mini wnt Oi itr W. Kfii-y "Meet Ah at M jie juaux" wmasBi IIICAK TIIK LAIUiB I'AGE THKATIU-: ORCHID IRA 'I lie lllggit Sliow'l.'vef Offered for Iho .Money .Mnlluces ll.'lll I'vcnlog-, 7 I'. .M. Lower I'Iimic l,ic llalcoiiy lllo (tilldtcu Mir Cntiie t'tmuge of Piogcaui Weilucs. day mid Thin-iliiy PAGEI!iS!!S MONDAY AND TUESDAY BOYD AND OGLE'S CIRCUS The Cli us ,Mnniii:i-iiiiut Will Put on Their Whole Hhow These Last Two Da) a SEVEN ANIMAL ACTS Performing Dogs, Pontes, Goats, etc. These Wonderful (louts llnvo Played and lleen llcnilllucrs of tho Or- phmim Circuit Cntlre ( h;in.. of Plilurea , Special Vitagraph Feature ' And Beloved A(h enturer STARI!ts A WSSL3BfBM iiSBSR IterriiTi M fill ' 1 y,?!!l i ' MONDAY AND TUESDAY Mary Pickfoad IV The Gold Necklace The Real Agatha Two arl Kssanny from tlio Novel by Kdlth lluntliuttoii .Mason The Living Dead Ninth Story of "Tho Man Who l)l appeared" A Close Call VltiiKraph I'oaturluK Mlllau Walker The Peace Maker It's ii Vltaiuuph Comedy Cniiilnn Wednesday and Thursday .Vovciubcr IN nud 10 The Billionaire Klaw and Krlnimor Peiituio lu Tlih'o I'llt'lH A i k