V r VXOW SIX MEDFOTJT) TSrVTT. TRTr.VNR. MF.OKORD, LUJJ.ll!J...n l.JB S5UI. 11 ' I1 Ull W 'iJ ' JL -HI orwiox, Monday, novkmiwr u mir LORD OF R AM Y DEAD PNEUMONM LONDON', N'ov. 1C Field Mnr Minl ICnrl Roberts died Saturday nlRlit In Franco rram pneumonia. A tclcgrnm from Field Mnrstml Sir John French, commnndor of tlio Drltlsh expeditionary furccH on tlm continent, npprlned Knrl Kltrhnnur, secretary of blnto for wnr of tho death of KriR Innd's great poldler. Tho teleRrnm rend: "I deeply regret to tell you that Lord llobertB died at S o'clock this (Saturday) evening." Field Marshal ltoborts, who was colonel In chief of the Indian troops had gono to Franco to glvo them his ' Erodings. Soon after Ills arrival he liacamo seriously III. Hn suffered from a chill on Thursday and pnou monla rapidly developed, ills great age, S2 years, militated ngalnst his recovery, tho crisis In tho dlsenue coming quickly. Tho news of tho death of Lord Roberts enmo as on ontlro surprlso to Kngland. Tho veterans' devotion to tho Interests of tho army, his hard work In this connection and his seem ing good health had been tho subject of comment since tho beginning of tho war. He was the most popular military figure in Great Britain and a Iiuuuuiii Jii'iu milium, ntui iu utu ) nfrectlons of tho people. j Despite his years, he had never J censed hard work since his nominal retirement, and as ho had often re marked, he lived a rigidly abstemious life that ho might prcservo his strength for tho service of his country. Ho was prominent la th Uocr war and Indian affairs. hold no hope that these expenditures wero likely to no ulmlnlslioil. Tlio present measure carries provisions! to March 31, which would not onlyt Isnllsfy tho calculations based on c- I'porlonco but would le.ivo In hand a icasonahle margin, Walter Long, unionist, congratu lated the premier on tlm evident de termination of tho government to carry through tho great war and leave nothing undone to mnko the issue successful. Tho government could count on the widest latitude and nn absolutely freo hand, Mr. Long said, so long nri tlm country was satisfied that It would prosecute the war with vigor and determination. The house of commons voted unan imously for tho addition war credit of 225,000,000 ($1,128,000,000) nsked by Premier Asiiuith. Tho measuro Introduced by the government last week for an nddl- 00 MM RUSSIANS TO NVADE PRUSSIA lM-rnjOGHAl). Nov. 1(1. ia Lon don, U::iO ! til. The ,Uuinn ml xiinee iu KnM l'ruin, nmmlinjr to lulvioei reeeived here from the Front, N beinj; nMMi'tl materially hv eoltl u outlier, wlnolt enables the troops to moe more rapidly. A tall of miow during llie lii'-t two ilwys? is roiHirted, lint not to a suf ficient extent to hinder seriously the movement of the troops. I M-'ltl.lN. Nov. 1(1, bv wirolooN o t I.... l.i.- ... i: I l.uumm, I...I.) p. in. - IMXiiriUM louehiiig here by vn of Coti-tanli-noplo sol forth thnt llio llrilish sen port of Aden, iu Arabia, at tlio south ern eulriiiioe to the Ked sen, is iu dan- cor lieenue (lie louder of llio local Hedoiiiiw in eilliu on his people to itae mid Htiei'ittu the eountn liom the British joke. The ltrili-li possewioiH around Aden, in addition to llio ea J poll itolf, I'onipnse an .ue.i of nliout j eight j HUiuic miles. " i. iii'um.nnai'inf. n i.i. i i j" .... i.u "i'l1 'H'l1. :.?-' l j. violence nnd liersonnl ambitious, has 'side, It will try to meet tlm Junt do passed forever. mauds of nil tho Inhabitants of tlio "In Iho Bniiio democratic form nud 1. IohkI witling iiwervlng fioin voicing tho Konlliiiont or the ruvolif l'uforiiianco or Its iIuIIkh. Ilonary and tefonultig majority, tho I Itelatlons With IWtlenl .,,.. v., ..n la ,i,iii...i,,,. n. .,..!, in "in atiiioiiueiiig io tour i'.ri rormiilatlng the ment which in iHtrntlun must comply with and lhn!io rnnK Hympatlil.-H which Iho rororms. which nto to bo brought .lionornwo prohiiieiit or jour repiiniii' ouiiuuiug us worn m " j piogram or govern-jh'iie) 'h government (ho oHtubllnhinoiit y provisional admln-'t mw i'ltl In Mexico, I lely on II Kelief societies in Potiw-iid nnd tlonal army or 1,000.000 men aso ;0tlitr ltti.itui cutios arc boiuliinr tfi was adopted unanimously. j Orfort to collect woolen ganuenls. j Dummies- clothed with the uniforms of captured (lotuuuis mo placed about to attract attention. Hero and l there on the .streets small tables are ! set up for the receipt of contribution nud the distribution of war litcmtuic. Dispatches to IVtrogrnd papers in dicate thnt ho (Ioniums me making i -low mwioss alontr the KinV. which WASHINGTON, Nov. 1C Charge ( vstVMu from the river War tho across Ilarclay of tho llrilish embassy and t the Vistula to the southern frontier Counsellor Lansing of tho stato de-'f Knst I'mssia, fiftv miles west of inorn. I lie new Iront o.vtonds over a distnnee of IIUO miles fioin the Wurthe to the extreme northeastern E L the I or ASK FOR BILLION DOLLARS (Continued from Page 1) divo Into the future or speculato on what commitments It might be neces sary for Grent Brltlan to Incur later but up to last Saturday the actual ad ditional expenditure falling upon the exchequer amounted to between 900,00 and 1.000.000 a day. Hav ing regard for tho enormous scalo of tho operations and other considera tions tbl sum, the premier said, did not exceed tlio estimates of expendi ture that might reasonably have been expected. The premier said he could J pnrtment conferred today on Drltlsh embargo on exportation wool from Australia. Indications are that an arrange ment may be mnde whereby Austra lian wools In excess of the Drltlsh home requirement will bo allowed to 1m exported to the United States for manufacture under a pledge that the wool will not be re-exported to Ger many or Austria. The arrangement, however, has not been perfected. Portland Livestock Market TOUTLAND. Or.. Nov. JO. Cuttle Receipts "lb; 'Xi cents higher. Prime light steers, ;?7.-t0(7..')0; prime heavy steers, . T.-"( .Xi : good, $"(" 7.25; medium, .o7."(?r7; prime cow., .fo.DOG.'-'o; medium, :?.'i..,(Wf).7.'; enmmo,n SiVJoffiWlO; bulls, .s4((r 4.o0; prime light veal, .(J.."0(o 7: prime light veal. $0.5(1(1(7; prime heavy veal, $5.7,)($io7J.'i. Hogs Receipts 17:11; J0 cents higher. Prime light, :?7.'2."(i7.-10; medium, $7.10(fT7.'J."i: smooth heuvv, .0.7"(C7.0."; rough homy, .0. I0(if 0.fi.'i. ' Sheep Receipts (51!); stonily. Wethers, $."i.'r(o "i.lilt; SAX FRANCISCO. C.il.. Nov. 111. I'noeiiiiioniously'iho federal re servo bank for tho twe'flh district swung open its doors in lBiuwirurv quarter at tho npihiiuleil hour lo da. Shortlv flervil tin re was uVHiited $l,:no,(HMl previously con signed through express companies by member luniks throughout the dis trict. About $10,000,00(1 is expected Io bo ' ilaced on deposit bv tho member banks iu tho course of the week. forward to accomplish the ends of the revolutionary movement. It will also appoint the day on which o I no tions will bo hold to designate (he constitutional powers or the republic, Itcopcct HlglitN or Country "In tho nionuwhllo and whllo pro visional prvslilouoy lati, I will stilvo to adopt tho policy or tho government to tho needs or tho country. ivHpoet tho legitimate rights or tho nationals, set up the iciortUH that tho revolu tion demands and scrupulously guar antor the lite and pioporty of for eigners who have como under tho protection of our hospitality and laws, to co-oporato with us In tho aggrandizement or tho nation. "Tho now government In my charge will movo to Mexico City and achlovo tho complete pacification or Iho country; tor besides having rea son, right and public opinion on Its has nlvvnvti idiowu to tho Mexican people nud their Institutions, and I rind gratification Iu hoping that the good rolntloiiH that linvo united UK ''. . 'I ' 'IL'l -. . ..' J- '"1 - I with tho powerful and civlllred Amurl can nation will mihslHt In tho future, and thnt Iho forms mr your govern ment will noun bo withdrawn front our port of Vera Ciuxi thou will our tolntloiiH bo again completely cordial and cIoho us they aro 10 bo desliod between adjoining people that are biothoiH by olvllltullou and common IdealH." Tho inessngo wait tiannuiltteil to the ptoNlduiit through Hecretnry llryau fiout American CotiHtilnr Agent Cuiinva at Agiiim CallotileN. 4.50; lambs, $-l.o0((7.-..-)0. isi..')0(i( (i.: ewe-, .,s4( !."; venrhng, soclion of Kast Prussia. The (ler uinii right wing now appears to ho fooling its way. Tlio center of the line is stubbornly resisting the deter mined advance of the Russians; The left wing is protected to some extent by tho broken character of tho oouu tiy and by eompliontod nrtifioinl fortifications. In this region the chief German relinnce nppears to-be heavy artillery, since iu siicli a coun try enxiilrv operations arc almost impossible. GOVERNOR OF WASHINGTON LOSES TIDE LANDS CASES PEACE TO REIGN IN MEXICO (Continued from 1.) be WASHINGTON', Nov. ltk The ap peal of he governor of Oregon from the decision of tiie Oregon supreme court upholding the legL-lative grant of marsh and tidclamls in Benton county to the Willamette Vnlley A: Coast Railroad compnny in 1874, was dismissed today by the supreme court for want of jurisdiction. Io It Toon Rcsolvo to smoke Gov. JohnJcn ct Ittrs, tho best, and tboroby patronize homo Industry. tf all the militant factions should represented. "After several conferences between tho various chlofs It was agreed to designate the city or Aguns t'allentos as tho meeting place, and on October 10 last tho military convention or Aguas CnllentoK met with representa tives of all tho revolutionaries. Assembly Sovereign "Subsequently the awwinbly de clared Itself to bo the sovorolgn pow er of tho republic as being tho repro sentatlves of the people in arms that liml fought to ro-constltuto tho nn- ( tlonnllty. In virtue thereof tho con vention proceeded to elect tho pro visional president of tho republic, and I wns designated by a majority of the oto.i to bold tho office. In so proceeding tho convention tins given expression to tho purposed of tho re volution and endenvored to demon strate that no government ran sub sist In Mexico unUsn It emanates from tho will of tho people. For tlio time of dictatorships, born of URIC ACID IN M CLOGS THE KIDNEYS Tko a glass of Saltt if y6ur Back hurt or Bladder bothers you Drink moro water. If you must Iiavp jour meat errrr dsy, cat It, but lliuli vour kiduryu vvitli ttlt ocMnIonnlly, mj a noted authority who t'IU us Umt iiieitt form urio acid which utmost paralyrrs the khlnoy in tli'lr ef fort to ctpfl it from tlio" blood. 'Ihry IxTomo ibiMi nnd vvi-akcn, then you ttilfcr with u dull mliory in tho kblnrr region, slurp pain la tlio Uick or IV: head.iclie, dlulnrw, your stomach sour, tonjriio l coati-d and when tlw weutlicr i bad ynu hnvc rliciimntlo twinge. Tlio urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, tho channels often get oro and Irritated, obliging you to hvIc relief two or thrvo time during tho night. To ncutmllro thco Irritating acKli, to cleanta tho kidneys and lliuli olT thn lody's urinous waste get four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy here: tako a tnhlmpoonful in plan of water before breakfast for a few days nnd your kidneys will then act fine. Till famous salts is made from tho acid of papc and lemon Juice, combined with 1 1 thi a, and has U-on used for generation to (lush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, Uo to ncutrnllz.i the aclda in urine, so it no longer irritates, thus ending (ladder weaknem. fad Salts Is inexpensive; cannot in jar.', and mala n delightful (Cervnu-rnt I'na vatT drink UTILITY BOXES UUv, K In. long, IS In hl!h, )C In. deep. Fitted with cantors, handles and binned lid. Theso choatn mo uuiilu of cedar and aio Intended to bo covered livery homo iiecdti olio or moro or them. This Is your opportunity to got ono cheap. Wo ot ter them at $i:,7ft. Pacific Furniture 6 Fixture Factory IU HOI Til HOI.IiY HTUKKT. I1 'A Picture of Father and Mother1' How It would dellrjlit your children; how it would please your friends. It Is time you were havlnq the slttlnii nwile If you arc (olr to send sonic of the nhotofjraphs "hack cast." SWEM STUDIOS 222 West Main, Medford "On the pround floor" M$MMM$ t 3 VICTOR VICTROLAS SOMETHING SPECIAL FTTfa J?! I Ai I L Ui MmmUm' V ? Y i We have purchased the entire stock of Victor Victrolas, small goods and sheet music of P. D. McDonald and have moved same to our store 217 X West Main St. This line added to our very complete line makes our small goods department one of the finest in the state of Oregon. You will have 4 to see this wonderful display to appreciate the fact that you have at your command ONE OF THE FINEST MUSICAL EMPORIUMS IN. THE STATE. Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y We Sell the Victrolas On Easy Payments $200.00 Style, $25.00 first payment and $10.00 monthly; $150.00 Style, $20.00 first payment and $9.00 monthly; $100.00 Style, $15.00 first payment, $8.00 monthly; $75.00 Style, $10.00 first pay ment and $6.00 monthly; $50.00 Style, $10.00 first payment and $5.00 monthly; $40.00 Style, $5.0 0 first payment and $4.00 month ly; $25.00 Style, $1.00 down and $1.00 per week; $15.00 Style, $1.00 and 50 cents per week. Come in and hear these won derful instruments. KJt Jff SOHMER, VOSE, McPHAIL, STERLING, HUNTINGTON AND MENDELSSHON PIANOS APOLLO, VOSE, STERLING AND HAMILTON PLAYER PIANOS Sold for Cash or Easy Monthly Payments LARGEST STOCK OF PIANOS, PLAYER INSTRUMENTS AND SHEET MUSIC PIANOS, VICTROLAS, STRING IN SOUTHERN OREGON Mra-igCBBaBBSW I iaa nam qapsf SALESROOM 217 WEST MAIN STREET PHONE 549-R MEDFORD, OREGON .fev. -lW . . 1-. J )a I Atiklllii ' I ill 4 Y Y Y j Y Y Y t Everything in SHEET MUSIC Specialty, of Century and McKin ley Editions of 10c Sheet Music. nrrrmt . p r iran-u: ' r-nstr J" '!' fill Ill HW si m Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 5 Y Y Y Y t Y Y J I f Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y JL fl nrn i I i &tf&J&V!lV