Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 14, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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& lpnl ' & SB3gj54i!ariTi?pi
BDQjnr- i
All coiniiiiiiilntlluus iiIkmiIiI bo In
liy Krlilny. Atlilromt unduly ndllor,
01 Phono "!i.
t l.iiht 1'ilility xmiiiIiik h ptctly "im-
llllllll" IIIIIHll'lll H'dllll M(H Chl'll lit
Hi. Mnry' arniluni). Dw-mallniiH or
initiiitiii Iuuvoh, chiHUiilhuiiitimM iiihI
other (nil flowem lout tlm henuly of
out-door iiutiiiiui (In) it to tin Miiihlc
loom whom tln vvIiiiiIiih cliHiiiiH of
childhood mill llin grnt'iifiil lovullneMi
ol iihhIi'mI girlhood united io merit Urn
admiration of an npprei latlvo iiinll
eueo. TIioiihIi mom of Ilic pin) Kin
woro hor,lunei kiiIiiIiih In a flrnl pub
lic iippcaianeo HeliK'tlilni: of llio com-
pOMIM UIMdlllllltl lO Mtll'tUMIlful wnrlt In
biter i'ii i ii, tho plnvliiK allowed I tin
effeil or oxcullunt liiiililiiK mill thor
ough iin)ioiiMtinoM on dm pint or
tlm poplin, Tlueo xii nl iiuiuburH and
two violin hiiIoh vailed thu piano
ntiiiiherit inonl pliiiulnrly. Minn Itulli
('niupholl'tf ptii)liiK or imloclloni from
II Trovnloro win or exceptional iihtII.
Mix KiltlHTllIK Mllrpll) NRIIK DellCIIHO
trotn .Intel) n In h)r nminl excellent
iitnniior iiml .Minn Mi-liiilur rondoiuil
"Purfucl Uii" liy Mm Cnrrlo JiuoIjh
iionii, wiiii mooii irrct. or u diffor-
'lit I'llHIIM'lt'r llllt IIOIIll till' llM pll'll-
ItiK Io (lit mullein o wn rivo-jenr-old
.MiudT Holier! t'luttry'rt "(ioodnlKht
Koiik." Till' Innocent, confident nil
or tint llltlo aliiKiir mill tho clillillxlt
iiccii i uc or HtHitnrn woro Irn'Hliilllilc.
Ho wn itiioiupaiileil nt the pliino liy
Winifred CIiiiif)'. Tho iiimluinv or
uli'trttiu pln)'il l.iiCnprlcliiiiM) liy Par
low very effectively. Purhap the
limit beautiful iiiiinlr Man tlm chor
u. "KotiKof the MoriualiU," liy the
Senior Choral Club. Thorn who took
part In llio nvt'iilnK'M pronriiui woro;
lone l'l nil. Hone Sullivan, Kuthorlm
Murphy, Juan Steele, Nina Hamiielti,
Itiith Campbell, Winifred Chine),
Helen Distil), l.nrllu Koontx, Helen
Hiirhiirt. Miihl Seudder, Knlhrlii
KIllK. Helen Kim;, Alfml.t klllK, Fern
U'tiu:, (llnil)N Pulton. Mnry Drown,
Mllilicil DtiKitii, Helen Duxnn, 1 lor
Iiiiiho Thoinpiion, Anna llulitfniiK.
Itnbcil Clnncy, Crnce Drier Klltnhcth
.Vldliola. I'lorunto Itr.lil) Vloln llo
Man, Until Kcliulcr, Arikw Drier, l.u
rln KIiik anil MpIhmta llacon.
Til.. Initial proKratn or tin oar
priiiitiiil on Moniln), Nooiuhfr 'i,
uiiilnr tho ufflcli'iit nint illnciiiiiliint
liiK liNiilornhlp or Mm. Iiono llainp
ton liMinrn an clialrinan or tho iiuih
leal (lopHrtini'iit or tho (Srontur Mcil
ronl dull a a lirllllunt ami worthy
IiokIiiiiIiik (or tho riuo woik which
thin iiurtiiunt will uiuloiihiuilly no
roiiiplliih IhU roiiiluK ar.
'I'lic ttdnriionu wmt In rliarun or
MIhm Voulln lliiinllton Tho pror.rain
opi'iiml with tliii't h) MoNKowHld with
,MrM. lnn.KH iiml MIm llmiilllou at tho
iilano. Tliolr romlllloii or IhU rav-
orlto roiupoiiltlou :m inaiKoil li por-
r.t t iiuiKii.
Tlm Miioiul iiuinlii'r -iiihIhIiik of
two koiirh dy MIhm Curalilliio TIioIhk
nan a moat ilollKlitful onu. Until ho
lnutloiiH anil I'Hpmiully tlm Italian
Mini; "I. on IIiikui'iioIh" illHplayoil MIrh
ThoUn' put liy of tonow ami careful
execution. MIm lliiinlltoii'rt flno pto
iliulliin or "Tho Kit Klin," wim fol
lowi'il by Mr. Wnltm'H iiuiuhor.
Too niiiiili cmiuot ho ralil of Mrn.
W'IIhiiii'h I'oiililhutlou to tho after
iioou'h ('iijiiyiiii'iit. Hit romlliiK or
Clinch Anion to tho piano accompani
ment of MInh Hamilton, wuh of rnro
mtlutlo Inturpiolatlou ami of touch
ItiKly cnnvliicliiK power. Mm. Ihhiich
mid MIhh Hamilton uonclmleil tliltt ox
cullont promam hy n hrllllmit execu
tion of I, hit. HiniKmlmi IthapNOily No.
Willi ho choice mi nflernoon an an
Inspiration, tho Hint Momlny of each
mii'i'ouilliiR monlli promlHUH to ho it
roil-lottur day to' tho iiiuhIu Iovoih of
M ml to nl.
Mr, and Mm! M, J. Wimior, who
have npunt tho paHt month In thu
city, loft Wtidni'Hday iiftornoon for
tlielr linmu In Appluton, WUcoiiblu.
MI.ih Mauil Nichols returned homo
thin wenl; from a month'8 vlnlt In
I'orllmid mid with hot- her ulHter In
Haymond, Oroi'on.
Mr, and Mm. .1. 11. .Touch of Cen
tral l'olnt and Mr. Jaincn Drown of
rhattnnooKit, Tonn., woro ontortaluod
Sunday hy Mr. nnd MrH. II. T, Drown.
Mr, and Mrn, J. W, Riihlor nro on
JoyltiK n vlMlt fronv Mm, Snldcr'a
coiihIii, Mm. Motz, of Cluclimntll, O,
HorIiuiUI If. l'arBona of Hlllcroat
orchard hnu ruturuod from it IiubIiiobh
(tip Io Senlllo.
Tho WiiHliliiKton clrtlo of thu I'nr
out Ti'itrliiTH1 iiMHoi'lnllou of Mndfoid
met In tho m-hool holme, I'rldny iif
toiuooii ut II o'clock. Mr. CoIIIiih
Mind nil thu prliU'lpulH mid IfiirheiH of
our ward nrliool woro pioent hy hio
cliil Invllatlon,
Thu pupllH of Mlmi Cliiyvlllf'H room
llH'HKCll IIH HypHllK, (tllVO II iRMlUllflll
I till I IK tor HOIIK.
The HtihJi'cl for tho afternoon "I)c
inirliiieiital Worh," wiim then tiikon
up hy Mm. ('. O. Power. Her paper
Kio tho wholo Htilijuct In a nnt-HliolI
nint iiiado departmental wink plain
to iur one,
MUh rurr.UHoii rollnweil with a
IIMMt ItlteruHtlllK tnlli oil thu Hlll'Jeet
fiom a teiicliei'ii Ntamlpoliit, aliewliit:
iik hmv a leather could piupiiro hur
nelr mi miirli heller, and piovldu her
eU with thu Intent hookn on one or
two HUliJoctH when hIiu ioiiIiI not on
nix or olKlit. Ho ovory toachur
would lieionif a upeclnllnt In thu
ntiidleM hIio taui;ht and our chlldrvii
would reap thu ImnelllH,
The iIIhcuhnIoii wan taken tip Mr.
Collln, Mr. Kern, .Mr. D.ill). Mr.
Ilaiiti), MIkh llmixen, MIhm Coif In ami
Mix HnidliiK. These were alt mil of
luturiwl mid helpful to every one
proHent- Altogether It wiim olio of
our liext iiieelliiKH, ami we wuu to
thank Mr. CoIIIiih mid nil the piln
clpalh ami teni'lium for co-operatlnt;
with IIH.
m m
Ml Alfrettn tlarreltoii enterlnlii
ed'wllli a dclli'htful hlrlhdny pnrty
terilny afternoon for her little
nliiu. Mini Thelinn McCoy, at the
CnrrcttNon home at r.lU South Central
avenue. Thu dainty manner In which
tho refronliinent weio nenei howed
tho foretlioiiKht Minn Cairettnon had
Klven to thu entertainment or hor
nk'ce'H KiieilH. A most enjoyable tliuu
wn hnd by thoHo present. Tho fol
lowing are Incliidud In thore ;iruent;
MIhn Kleauor Orth. ixirothy Urth,
(ilml)u Murphy, (icrtrudu HanklnH.
Hehii Clnrla HaitkliiH, Mari;aretto
l.miiiHparb, Jean llrant, Juan Orr,
Nina lllnkeley nnd l'arkor ltiuiKer.
Mr Hurt Otr, Mr. Itlchnrd (rey and
Mlim I'loreucu Saver ittilnU'd Mli
Mm. I). W. DilNkell ol SO U. Main
entertained the munibem of her Hun
day school clam, thu .Standard Hear-
em, Satiinlny nfternoon. Thu mom
wild prettily decorated with yellow
ChryMitithemuiiiH. Tlm afternoon
wit Hpent In pew I it u', umbrolderliiK
mid rhorhetliiK. MIhh Marin Heeley
nave a ilelUhtful remlliiR, nnd mimlo
also hulpeil lo mako tho afternoon
ouo to romeiubor.
Dainty refietihnii'ntH cloted a
very enjoyable afternoon. Thou
present were MIhuck Caroline Lend-
em, Mai Io Seeley, Akiium Hobluxoii,
Helen mid l.llllnu l'leroe, Mnry linn-
nun and Alice Hchlelchert.
Tho lllhlo Stiiilent.s clas or thu
Clirlhthtu church or which It. V. Mill
koy I le.iclier, met for n k"'iI hoclal
time TueKilay oxoiiIiir with Mr. nnd
Mrn. Mil I key. Thoovoiilnj; wn npont
In pl.iyliiK KnmoH, nnd n Kuueinl no
dal r.ood time w;ih enjoyed. A lend
liiK ;hen by Mm, C.rabam wan great
ly uppreclatud. Mr. Mull.ey then
Kiiu n short talk on tho work and
help they should aim to kIo, Tho
i'Iiihh colom, toil and Kobl, weru uuoil
for ilecuratliiK. After dollRhtful ru
freHlimenlH al loft feollui; that (buy
had tho most utirccusful oIukh party
yot kIvoii.
Thu Kokiio Itlvor Valley Donnsyl
vnnla hocloly niut WedncHduy, Nov,
12, nl tho I'lcHhyterlnn church for
llielr minual "I'ow-wow." About 10
iiiemlieiH weio pretutut. A few ishoit
HpeecheH woro enjoyed.
i:ery I'oiuiHylvanlau IiIh
banket ami u Hiiclal kooiI tlmo wuh en-
Joyed, uh well iih mi oxccllent lunch.
Dr, J, J, Kmmoim wiiB elected preH-
Idunt; II. I). CoHIoh, vlce-prosldont,
nnd Mm. 1), V, l,uUo, Rucretary-lroaH.
iner. Dr, KnimoiiH mid Mrs, l.uko
wore ro-elected.
Mm. V. f. Iliee, 7111 WeM Kiev
until hlreit, enterliiiiied her Suudn.v
heliool eliihs Friday ineniug. (lumen
weru enjoyed uuil it jolly good time
for nil. Jim. Itieii served lofiesh
nienlK, itHMhlfil hy Mis Cairio M.01-
riH. Thohu present woro; JlisM'h
Holla Whipple, F.tliel WhippK', Kitntro
llruudon, lla.el Kirk, I laze) Dyi',
Morillu Dyer, Thehna Dyer, Dehsio
Allen, Georgia fiwun nnd Fern Devvvy.
All pitroutH having ehllilrou In tho
high school nro roiiuusted to moot nt
tho high school Titobdny nftornoon
at 3 o'clock, whoa Mrs. UhBhor will
organize u l'nront-TeachorH' iibsocIii
Hon, Tho pitrontH of tho Lincoln school
chlldron nro roquosted to moot In
their sehool building Friday, Novem
ber UO, nt 3 p, m, to oritnuUo a
Pnrnnt'Tonoliom nsKnrlntlon,
.Mm. .1. i;, Klewnil uuil .Mi.hh Helen
Ihtlil I'lnlav nlleriiouii
lor .Mi", Miiiliuru l.uxli ol' Itidille, who
Ik iciiilnijf the week eml nl llnii
lioine on WiHt Tenth nliee. AUei
pllllnllill ol ll ilelieiiiiiH luiielieiiit the
iruiNlH Hpent (he iiHi'iuoon in illliinc
mid hewing. TIiohu pieent weii':
.Musiliinii'N W. II. .Meflownn, A. Dull',
W. T. Votk, II. .1. Trovlniile, I,. It.
Mi own, U", II, Klcwnrf, ',. S. Ciniii.
Iii'll, I!. M. WiIhoii, II. D. I'liller-oii
iiml Mm, I.umIi, Thu I loner umil ip
Hie ileeornlioiiH were ellow nnd In,
emler elii.VMuiilliemuum nml luiiri I. A
M'ly (li'liulitl'iil ul'teriioou wax spent
by nil who were priHent.
.Mm. .1, I). Slewmt euterliiini'd nl
II lliree-eoume hriilK lUliebeoll on
NViIiiohiImv uHernooii for Mixlntne
A, 1,. I.ooinin, I'. J,, Jap An
iIivwn, V. T. Voile, (J.T. Colliim, II.
A. Thieroir, Wnilimn limine, M. i:.
Smith, .M. I'linlin, John llauiiliiiru',
II. I'. llurKi'iie iiml -Mix (lerlimle
WeeliK, Mm. Tluiir Iiml the liij-hct
riri' nnd Mm. limine won the jiuxl
hilii'hl. The Intimu wuh beiiiilifull.
ileeornleil in lainel nml elirmillie-
The liieeliuj: ol' Hie Mieial llieie
ileparliiii'iil of the (Irenter Meillnnl
elub, Mm, HmiM lloline", elinmiimi,
met nt Ihe lihmrv Momluy iitteiiioon.
The mibjeet with "AiiniHtiiieiit." Mm.
Mcur f:ue n talk in wlneli iiiuonn
oilier IhiiiKH the mihjeet of moving
pletllieH wim liioiiclit lip. Seernl
illflViiiit oiii'm Hpnke of the ueeil ol
pictllich, which hlioulil he of it hih
iiioiiil lone, iih well iik pleasing unit
uixtitictive I'nr the cliildicii. It v.ns
ileeuleil lo nk the l'urfiit-Tenelii'm'
einle nml Ihe VeiliieMln .Slmly elub
to net in conjunction with (lie
(Irenter MoiII'omI elub, in thu form ol
u eiilllllllttee of three, lo mu ihe milli
liter of the Pnyc nml ik him to pro.
iltiee n picture hhow of the kimt want
eil. onee u uioiitli. Mr. Horn then
pie n paper on "I'lny for the Hiuh
Sehool IJoy." Thu iilen wiu htouuht
out that loolhull should nut he ill--eotirnceil
nml that the parents
should nttetiil Ihe Kiuues more ottin.
An enjoyable iUsimihiIou follow eil.
Monthly ewiuiii).', Novi'inber 1(1, the
locul K. of P. loiljse will entcHain
their menihem ami i-iliii(4 hrothem.
A eoiumitlee lias been :ipioiliteil lllrtl
is Iiiikv prcpaiint; a program ofiuusie
nml epeciat stunts whieli Hie. chum
will eolip-u nil former ellorts. A
feed with unique menu is promi-eil
by one who is hcin,' hiHil under heavy
IioiuIh for the fulfillment of hi- prom
ise to furnish snmelliiiix "iu-Ii, rare
nml r.iey." The Knights of Tuli-iniiii
lodj;e leeenll.v rutiowed Meilford's
eluim to piiblieitv on Ihe limp by pie
seiitiinr Hm' ho.M's of ehoiee apples to
the delegates ns-cmblcd in ruiid
IoiIku nt I'ortliiml.
The oeouoinie- ilepaitnunt of the
(lleuter Mctll'iilil elub will meet IH'.xt
Moiidn, uftfiiioon, Noveinher Hi, nl
fl o'eloek, nt the liliiur,. Siihp'et.
"The lldiienliouul Viilue of I'letiiies.'
Mm, Huriy l.iiuNay, uu in list of ie
pute, bus kimll.v eon-enlcd lo di-iplav
her piiiulinus, Theie will aNo he u
sliott pror.uu lis follow
I'iuno solo, Mm. -J. V, ("oft in; ocnl
solo, Mm. II. ,. Thierolf. Follow me
tho promnm, lefu'sliiueuts will be
served. I'vetv one i invited.
The l,vtliiuu Sislois will hold their
refjulur moiitlilv soeinl next W'ednes.
day evening ut the K. of I', hull. Tin
eiiinmittee in eliino ure: Mr. mil
Mm. A. ('. Iluhliitid, Mr. mid Mm.
Knii'st MeKee, Mm. John Duller, Mm,
I. H. Ilumilloii, Misii venitu lluiuil
ton, Miss Suilie Vnn Dvke, Mm. W.
II. .McHiiwnn ami Hurry l.iu.
Nut Tiii'mIhv the l.ndii'x' Aid so
oiely of Ihe 'ri'!hyteriiiii ehiueh will
meet in the ehupel of the chinch for
uu nll-iluy m'mou to work for their
I'liriMmus sale, vvhieh will he held the
I'irM week in Ileceinher. Lunch will
ho mm ed it t noon.
Mihs Dora Stillivuti left Tm-wlay
iiioruin for the north mi a viit of
hovvinl wuukf, Shu will txit at Se
ntlli', Spokane and Cueur d'Aleae,
Idaho, before rotinuing,
Mrs, D. I). Smith returned homo
Monday nftornoon from Hoguo 111 or
where who hnH been Rpomllng a fow
days visiting hor daughter, Mrs. John
Holmes of Hint placo.
Mr. mid Mrs, ,1. S. Miner, who
lived in Medford some thiee yearn
ago, have returned nnd expect to lo
cate he iv peimuni'ntlv.
The l.udicV Aid Miuioty of thu
Pivshyteiinn church met in the chapel
of the chinch last Tuesday nflernoon.
Mm. (lore win- hnslc-s,
The Wednesday Slmly eluli will
mocl at Ihe pnhliu library not Wed
pi'sdny afternoon al 2:!10 oVIoek.
l.Rt Tliiimday nflernoon HI
Mink' (lullil held Km tegular ui'iel
Inic tit thu home or Mm. Wm. DuiIku
At thu piuvloiui tiicutliiK Mm Honkel
had ruHlKiii'd Iim offlcu ax trt-nminir
of thu (Itilld nml nt thU ineeiltiK Mm,
Doner Dennett wn ulecleil to rill thu
wiennt office. I'lniiH for thu Mer
rhmitK' AKMoilatlon dinner to bo
i; I veil by 'ho laillm of Ht Mark h on
Monday ulttht, Noumber Hi, and for
thu hfininr and ihlikeu dinner Inter
In tho week weio fllMfiifitofl and pur
fei'luil. At the cIom ol the bunlnc"
iiHi'tliiH ii pluiiMini hoi Inl hour wn j
enjoyed mid dalutv tefreshimntH j
nerved by the 'oiiimlHee In chnrKu I
Father amlltoii then In a few will
rJinnen wordH exiireHicd the dliiccru
ri'KietH or thu entire (Itilbl that Mr.
HuMketl In lenvInK Medford, mid n
n token or nppreildtlon of her nctlv'o .
ini'iiriMi in inu fiuiri'ii, uu prt'Keiiien
her In thu name of the (iulld with a
prully Hoiivutilr.
The Women' ('oIIck- club held
their third meetliiK of tlio year, thin
afternoon, nt I'hoenlx. nt thu home of
Mm. MnlniKren. The topic of the day
"New liloag In Diulneallrin" wag well
presented by Mm O D. f)avldon.
Thu Krent proitre made nloiij; udu
latlonnl linen wni well outlined by
MIkh Coryull nnd Mm. I'eubleg. The
ilepnrtiuontal work, which Ih now- be
lli K imeiLjiuereimfiilly In ninny of tho
Krnmmar hrhool, w.ih only onu of
the ninny now Idea In education, Hint
wrm pieccnted nnd dlciiied by every
muiuber prcHunt.
Thu illHrttHHloii wn followed by r
rretihinentH. The follow Iuk commit
tee wn In chnrK- Clinlrman, Mr.
Torney; MednnuH Dennett, Milton
Jnne. Neff, AniHplKer, MlHr'H Cnr
pentur mid Hoard. A very pleasant
time wan enjoyed by alt.
MIkh Dthel Guthrie, onu of thu
I 'J 1.1 KradtintoH of thu Medford high
M'hool, nnd In thin year attending
school at tho l.un AnKcles Normal,
hnH Jut been elected to thu editorial
staff of tho school paper, which I
quite mi honor for n freuhman.
MIkh Guthrie Is taking the full nor
mal course iih well an thu mimic
course HiIh year.
Mm. Wilbur June left Tuesday
mornliiK for her new home in Klam
ath Kails. Mm. Jones was accompa
nied by hor sister, Mm. K. J. Tnylor
who will spond the winter in Klam
ath Palls.
The Voting l.tidlcV Sodality will
entertain with n danru nt the Parish
linll. South OnTiy7ili, Krlilny evenliii;,
Novoiubcr 2o HnzcltlRK music.
Mr. nnd Mm. Oeorpe D. Carpen
ter entertnlned at brlilKO Tuesday
night In honor of Alfred and Ltonard
Mm. Stiects eiiteitiiiucd the Di'ulse
elub Friduv iifternoon.
J4! h!
- i
Siilomy .lane nt thu I'hko tlieatre
this uftet'liiKiti and IoiiIkIiI- ANo
Doyle mill Ogle's obi time one-rlnK
1 In us, 11 bin ling ami Kiiiy slum.
Tin. t-reni ohoto-nlnv 'Kaloniv .lanu'
from thu novel of Drct Hart, prnsunt
ed at the i'agu theatre last night, Is
one of the best photoplays ever seen
In Medford. Thu beautiful scenes
from thu red woods of California weru
a delight to the large nuillunco. Thu
btago conch, vigilantes, hold-ups wura
tplcnl of 'Mil" dnys.
Thu horse, King Phnronh, proved
to bo a source or wonder to every one.
Tills home has been shown in Madison
Hrjuaro garden nnd many other plnces
throughout the t'ulted Htntes nnd ex.
nmlned by scientists from all over tho
country, and nil who have Keen him
marvel nt his ability to add. Bill)
tract, multiply and divide. Any
In the audience is nt liberty to
the wonderful powers of this horse,
This program will be repentod tuts
afternoon mid tonight.
Tlm Ladies' Aid or the Presbyterian
church will meet Tuesday at 9 a. 111.
In all day cession to work for tho
Christmas sale, which will be held
Friday and Saturday, Dec. 4 anil "
Mrs. George Millar and son have
returned from no extended visit
with friends and relatives In Canton,
Dinner nt St. .Mnrk'.s.
Saturday evening, November
Ht. Mark's Guild will give another of
Its popular chicken dinner. The din
ner will bo Mcrved from 5. to 8 In St.
Mnrk'H hull. The following is the
Dakod Salmon Smothered Chicken
Macliod Potatoes Diced Ucets
Hot Ulsculu Jelly
lco Cream Cako
Price TiOc
With Medford trndo is Medford mado
Electric Signs
VWvvy nti'i'cliaiit owes it (o his city and to his shoot anil
io nis bnsinoss to hang out an electric sigu.
It stands for more and better business and un-todale,
business methods.
It has no place for hard thno talk.
It dodges no issues, but talks business from morning
until morning.
Jt stands in the open, has nothing to conceal.
It is as essential as voting to put good men in office.
It is as essential as careful buying of merchandise, for
if the merchandise isn't moved off the shelves it is a loss
at whatever the pmvlutsc price.
It rounds out store front publicity.
Our flat rate for electric signs or window lights is the
cheapest and best advertising.
One of the largest electric signs in Medford is bqing .
operated every day from sundown to It o'clock
FOR $2.80 PER MONTH ; .
California-Oregon Power Co.
Phone 1GS Medford, Oregon
XAKHVILMI, Twin., Nov. II.
Delegnli'H lo the eouveiilioti here of
fhe Nnlionnl W'oninii Suffriwu nsso
emtinn begun their activities toduv
with n pruniirv for the nomhintioii of
officii". l'etitioim of pnndiiln'ei
were tiled with the elucliotiH eommit-
tee l.i-t night, hut under the riileH
I nomiiiatirniH may 11 No be made direct
in the primary. On thu lists filed
with the committee, Dr. Anna Howard
Slntvv of New Vork hud no oposi
ttou for re-elcelion n priidcnt.
A petition promulgated by mem
bers of the initi-iiilminiHtnition ele
ment n few days- ntru nnd iiskin Pr.
Shuw to neeept the piHitiun of primt -
dent fiiierilnt of the ussoeintion wuh
! Iicinc eireiiluled. The result of the
primary will lie made known tonight.
Mish Kute M. Gordon ot New Or
IcniiH, in present inu to the convention
greetings from tlio peuthen: Htnten
wonimi suffrage eonference today
declared Koiithern women wore in
clined to hold to thu HlaleV rights
idea in their efforts to gain the IkiI
lot. She asserted her belief that if the
democratic pcirtv could he induced to
insert a Hiiffrnge plank in its next
national platform "votes for women''
soon would bo an accomplished, fa-t
in the south.
The provisions on bonds, contracts
and assessments received their final
revision by the charter commission
nt Its meeting last night. Another
meeting will be held Monday next.
The statement that the committee
had Just completed the "first draft"
might bo misleading. Kach section
of tho charter was first drafted by
the members to whom assigned,
brought before tho committee for dls-
jcusslon and correction, re-written and
again brought before tho committee
for further discussion and Improve
ment, nnd again re-wrlltcn for the
present complete draft, which ia re
ceiving a final close scrutiny.
' v.
Dracil-t- A.l.'IIMirf.Trnil
IlIAllllllf iiujinu 1'1LI...IW
UJI.ll Uj.irumlfl.lWi
hl-cUlrrUUm4Ur4 '
I'lIU U Kc4 ! 1U r.niluAV
Intrt. Kite) IC 4 Pllix.V
fn t vjj
Restored To Health by Lydi
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Montpcllor, VU "Wo hnvo (rrrnt
fnlth In your remedies. I wm very Ir
regular and was
tired nnd sleepy nil
the time, would Imvo
cold chill, nnd my
hands nnd feet would
bloat. My stomach
bothered mc, I hnd
pnln In mysldo nnd
a bod hrntlnchc most
of the time. I.ydia
E. rinkhnm's Vege
table Compound Ims
done ma lots of Reed
nnd I now feel fine.
I nm regular, my
stomach is better nnd my iinlun hnvo nil
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liko. I am nroud of what your rcmo
l dies have done for mo."- Mrs. MAUY
s tiAUTitiEK, zi utURoai., aiontpeiicr, vu
An Honest DopenilnDloiMcdleliiO
It must bo admitted by every fair
minded, Intelllfjunt person, thnt n medi
cine could not live and grow in popularity
for nearly forty years, and to-day hold
a record for thousands upon thousands
of actual cures, as has Lydin E, Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, without
pofscsslnff great virtuo and actual
worth. Such medicines must bo looked
upon and termed both standard and
dependable by every thinking ponton.
If yoti Imvo tlio Hllglitcst doubt
lll holpyoti, write
(confidential) Lynn, Mu.sH.,forn(N
vice. Your letter will bo opened,
rend nnd nnswercd bymvonuui,
and held In strict confidence
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