t(i PAGE TWO OTDFOUI) MAlli TIJllUINIt;. MMDKOM), OUMIOX. TlirUSOAY. NOVKMHI'.R l. I!) A 1 OCAL AND PERSONAL Owney Heddy of OrAnth lns spent Wednesday In Medford vlsltlnp friends, Trimmed lints, one-half price. Ahrens, Trod Heed nnd Lester Vnn Dyke of Talent Hiicnt Wednesdoy ovcnliiR In Medford on business. Ladles, don't forget the fashion show at Mann's Friday. Tw6 wanderers are held In the cltj Jail on a eharge of usIiik profane and obseeno language, and resisting nil officer when arrested. , Oct It at Do Voe's. Tho M, 13. rhurch Home Mission ary noolety has changed Us meeting nlnro from Mrs. Forrest Kdmendes to Mrs. Clarence Meeker's residence for iioxt Friday afternoon. $12.00 trimmed hats now $6.00; Jfi.OO trimmed hats now $3.00. Ahrens. ltoger llennett Is attending to bus Incss matters In Douglas county this week. If you want your suit or coat hand tailored to our figure by an expert ladles' tailor, see the tailor at M ami's Friday. , Manager Huhbard of the high school folthnll team Is making ar rangements for tho name with Ash land In that city next Saturday, and has secured through Agent Hosen lmuin, a -social train, with n round trip fare of 35 cents. It Is expected that tho entire high school, ns one Mr rooting body, will mako the trip. Tho Interest In tho two games Is 1 keen, and they want to retrieve the slinging defeats of . previous years administered by their old time foes. Plan your dinner party for Satur day evening, November 21, at St. Mark's hall. f It. 1). Skinner of Derby spent Wednesday in .Medford attending to business matters. Forty Inch satin finish crepe do chine guaranteed, J 1.50 at Moo's dry goods storo. 203 Henry Ames of IJutto Falls is In tho city for a few days on business matters. Tho very latest styles will be show:, at tho'fashlon show at Mann's storo Friday this week.' Glenn Heffncr or the Dead Indian country scnt tho first of tho week Jn Medford on business. Tho finest equipment in Oregon for printing fruit labels. Medford Print ing Co. Autoists still contlnuo to ignore tho ordinanco regulating tho leaving of nutos on tho south side of Main street beforo tho Page Theater, and legal action will bo taken, number of tho machines being secured last night. Forty inch satin finish crepe do chine guaranteed, $1.50 at Moo's dry goods store. 203 Mies Helen Williamson of Grants Pass Is visiting friends and relatives In this city for a fow days. Ladles have a fit. Have yoor gar ments tailored to your form by an expert ladles' tailor nt Mann's store Friday. A. Halley of Koguo Hlver spent Wednesday In this city transacting legal matters. Kodak finishing tho lcst. at Wes ton's Comoro Shop. Over IsU Thea ter. ' F. H. Hauptman of Central Point district wns a Medford visitor Thurs day. Useful and pretty things for every memlwr of tho family will bo on sale at the St. Mark's bazaar. It. 13. Wilson of Oregon City. Oro Is among tho out of town visitors In tho city this week. Kodak finishing and supplies at Wcston'8 Camera Shop. Ovor Isis Theater, Tho high school vaudeville team Is making arrangements for an addi tional act. Jnmus Vanra will prob ably enlist as n magician nnd come dian. A chicken dinner will bo given by tho Guild, in St. Mark's hall Satar duy evening, November 21. W. II. Wlllett of Eaglo Point spent Wednesday in Medford and Jackson ville on business. 13. S, Tumy writes nil forms of In surance. Excellent companies, good local scrvJco, 210 Garnot-Corey Illdg. Attornoy George Roberts attended to professional matters In the county soat Wednesday afternoon. J. O, Gorklug, tho best nil around photographer Jn southern Oregon. Always rellublo. Negatives mado any where, timo or placo. Studio 228 Main St. Phono 320-J. Mrs. J. A. Westorlund sustained a painful Injury to her right oyo on Wednesday evening, whllo driving her nuto on Hast Main street. A pro jecting Unity of a treo was struck by the windshield of tho machlno whip ping a twlij across Mrs. Westerlund's face. Tho Injury was treated by Dr, J, J, Kuuuoiib. Plan to do some of your Christmas chopping at tho St, Mark's bazaar. Albert Dean pf Hilt, Cal is spending n few days in tho city on Iniuliu), George I). Carpenter nnd .lark Mer rill left Wednesday on a week's bus iness trip to San Francisco. Holmes "Tho Insurance Man" Is the nuthorltcd agent of tho Aetna In surance Co. , i .Hal W. .Ulnghnm leaves Saturday to spend the winter nt Santa Uar- hnra. 1 will offer a choice oung beef at Stnlt No. 14 at the public market, Saturday. Porterhouse, 18c; loin, 10c; round, 12c, and other cuts In proportion. 202 M. N. llutler of Grants Pasi Is spending the day In Medford attend ing to business matters. l)e'oo Is going to fell 500 pounds of chocolate creams nt thirty cents per pound. Get a pound today, tf Old grnds of Hit l of O. and O. A. C. In this city nnd valley are mani festing Interest ,ln the annual foot hall clash between tho two schools on the football field a week from Saturday, and several lively argu ments have arisen over the respectho merits of two tennis. Neutral sport ing writers hold that O. A. C. has tho best chance the Kugene team be ing weakened by Injuries. Tho Ag gies base their holies on the btrong showing made by Their team against the V. of W. Take the Interurbnn Autocar to Central olnt or Phoenix, round trip 25 conts. 202 I will offer n choice young beef nt Stall No. 14 at tho public market. Saturday. Porterhouse, lSc; loin, 10c: round, 12c, ami other cuts in proportion. 202 Arguments In the suit or the California-Oregon Power company against tho city will be heard before a mis tress In chancery, named by tho fed eral court, Tuesday, December S. Tho stenographic reports of tho evi dence will bo submitted to Judge Wolverton for a decision. For guaranteed 100 per cent pure, sanitary milk, prompt delivery, call 5S2-W. 217 The Pennsylvania' state club at their annual meeting at the Presby terian church Wednesday afternoon elected the following officers for tho year: Dr. J, J. Kmmons, president; II. D. Corlles, vice-president, and Mrs. D. W. Luke, secretnry and treasurer. Alter the business session, a social hour was held. Remember the dates tor tho St. Mark's bazaar arc Friday and Satur day, Nov. 20-21. 1 will offer a choice young beef at Stall No. 14 at the public market, Saturday. Porterhouse, lSc; loin, lGc, round, 12c, ana other cuts in proportion. 202 Elmer T. Foss, city recorder,. Is at tending to military matters at Eu gene, among other things studying range finding on coast defense guns. NOTICE Send all your magazine subscriptions and renewals to C. A. Do Voe, Pub. Agent, 418 W. Main, Medford. A gang of seven I. W. W.'s who mako n speciality of whipping pollen officers, who attempt to subdue them are headed this way, their last point of attack bolng Itlddle. A warm re ception is promised them upon ar rival by the local authorities. Potatoes, non-Irrigated, corn 100 lbs, or by the tone. Phono C91-H. 205 Arthur Henry of North Yakima, Wash., Is a business visitor In this city and valley this week. Now Thought Circle, 504 S. Oak- date. Saturday 2:30 to 5, Pat Young of tho Steamboat dis trict Is attending to business matters lu this cty this week. Sweot elder at Do Voe's. Thord waa not a drunk or a sleopor Quartered in the city Jail Wednesday, for the first time since September 25. "Insurance" means "Holmes'' and Holmes" means "Insurance." See Holmes "Tho Insuranco Man." Sheriff Slngler haso returned from an official trip to Salem and Port land. Hemstitching and pleating dono and models mado at Mrs. Hanoy's dressmaking parlors, Moe's store. 201 Guino Wardens nro taking steps to prevent killing of deer out of season. Reports of several violations of the game laws have been received from outlying districts. Make your coats, suits and dresses at Kelsters' Ladles' Tailoring Col- logo, room 42C, M, F. & II. build Ing. 2U5 For the benefit of my patrons and tho insuring public who have been confused and .misled by vaguo adver tising Involving tho word "Aetna" I wish It known that I nm not the uuthorlzed agent of tho Aetna FJro Insurance company; but, I am tho ex clusive agent of the Aetna LIfo and Aetna Accident and Liability Insur anco companion writing the follow ing lines of insurance: LIfo, person al, accident, health, disability, em- Lployers liability, public liability, gen eral liability, compensation Insurance, automobile liability, automobllo col lision and property damage, teams liability, elevator liability, plate glass nnd burglary Insurance, and fidelity and surety bonds, "Get Actnalzcd" with It, 11. McCurdy, Insurance Any Kind, Sparta Ilulldlng, Telephone number one-two-threo. 201 LOCAL CANNERY 1 PUT UP AND SOLD jj 35,000 CANS FRUIT The K. D. Hoke eauner), estab lished on a ro'Operatlxo plan last spring enmuM 8f,000 cans of lloguo river valley fruit nnd produce In a short season with a small crop, ac cording to reports filed at it direc tors' meeting Irtt night. The can nery will pay Its nl per cant divi dend. The first year the Pu.witlup cannery the model cannery of tho west operated, the output was dumped Into Puget Sound. The directors were highly pleaded with the showing nnd broader plans will bo adopted for next year. To date the rannory has sold $.1004. 4S wotth of the output and now has about $500 worth of stock on hand. For produce $71,4.07 was paid, and for labor $1)21.20. One grower C. S. Elchen realized $:U0.S.i for his tomatoes grown oif two and a Tractlonnl acres. All the pears canned hato been "sold, nnd there Is now a brisk demand for them, which cannot be supplied owing to a smnll output. Next jeur the output and business will lie Increased twelvo fold according to Manager Hoke. Tho success of the cannery this j ear, means that In 1915 the acre age in tomatoes, beans and loganber ries will be quadrupled. A eampnlgu will be launched to impres upon growers the advantage of planting loganberries for canning, eastern and middle west dealers being unable to supply the demand from their custo mers for this fruit, canned or fresh. JACKSON IY EXHBt IS f LAND SHOW GET PRIZES Additional honors for the fruit mid produce of tho Hogne rlur valley were accordtjd by Hie Northwest Land Show held In Vorllnnd the Inst two weeks. First was vooetveil on tho tiHi n mini in uiniMii iui lilt' piuir, ThU Is the exhibit that will be shown at the annum exhibition. The sweep stakes for tho best all around dis play wns won by this section. First prizes were ' accorded on plates of NuwtowiH, Spltxeubergs and Winter Ilananas. In box dliudnys firsts were received on Cornice, llosc nnd Nellls pears. Second prizes were won on 20 box lots of Newtown and D'AnJous, and five box lot of New tow UH. TO MEET ON FRIDAY i , i . i Tho Parent-Teachers association or the Washington school will meet at the school house Friday afternoon at II o'clock, After listening to a song by tho school and a rending by Miss llertha ElUaheth Carklus, the subject for tho j afternoon, DopnrlmJnl Work, will ho 'taken up. J All teachers and pnientH of tho ; city tire urged to attend. DRIVES AWAY HEADACHE IN ONE MINUTE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN-COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH Slop Nmly Dltclmrui', Clear. Stuffed Hand, llenU InlUmml Air Paitni:t nnd Ymi llrotli l'ltti'ly. Try "l.ly'n ('renin Halm." (let u small bottle nii.wwiy, Just t try It -'Apply a Utile In the iiimtrlN mid liutliiutly jour doggiM 1100 and Httipped-up ulr pnxfttgeN of tho head will epen: you will breathe freely, dullncw niiit headache disappear H.v morning I the mtni-rli, enuMu-liead or catarrhal sure throat will Itemnie, Kiiil such luNiry now1 Grt tln hum 1 1 bottle of "l.ly' (letiin llilm" nt nny drug store. Tins mh. fragrant bnlm didxea by the hint of the lamlrlls! ponetniten and IioaIn tlie liilliiiiicil, swollen membrane ulilili Hue (he num.. In nil mid throat 1 clcnri the air iixmhi'h: Hdiim lutxly dim bulge mid a linllug of I'lcniiNlmt, S'loihliig relief uuiu'S lm mediately. , Don't lay iiwnke lo-nlnJit Htrmc gllug for ureal h. Willi head Ptiilrml: noxlrll rlimed, ImwI.lUK timl blowing. I 'atari b or a mid, with im runulaic noe, ful mucu dropping luto llm throat, mid raw limit- I tlWttent lo but duly iii'-dhx. Phi your fnlth -Jimt euro- In "P.'n n mini Unliii" iiiul ymir.iiild or iiilarrh will mirely ilbtni pear, K11I1 ami ' CHARTER DA NORMAL VOTE IN JACKSON .Musteiiilo tin Forehead Temples A headache remedy without the' dangers of "hendache medicine " Kollovcs headache and that miserable I feeling from cold or congestion. And 1 It nets nt once! MCSTKIIOM: Is n' 'clean, white ointment made with oil 'of miistnrd. Metier than a mustard plaster and done not blister. IVcil I only externally, ami In no way can affect the stomach ami heait, an some I Internal medlclucn do. 1 llest for Sore Throat, llronchltls, Croup. Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, , Congestion, Pleurisy, ItheiiniatlNin, The charter drafting committee Lumbago, nil Pains and Aches or tho held n meeting last night devoted to Hack or Joints, Sprnlim. Sunt Muscles, a general revision and brushing up of jllrulses. Chilblains. Frosted F-et, the completed first drnft. Special at- Isolds of the Chest (It often prevents MEETING tHtfiO Great l isplrntion 1 l stories 0 will nuke tent Ion Is being gWteno Itrdluiiuu tendon Is helng glien o the provi sions on administration nnd elections. The plan proposed puts the city on fi" $2. fit) Pneumonia). At your druggist's, In 25c nnd 50e Jnrs, and a special large hospital slro (Continued from ago 1) JS3:l; no :iS'i:i: :uns, M70, 'J077; plurality nnint, HI. Prohibition ,e- ."I7.", no plurality for, ,J(i4,. Aiiti-liiinuiiiL' bill Ve- -1020, 2DIW: plurnlily for. 10.-.7. (irntitmtcil extra tn.x Ve '27'2'2, 110 H.V.IS: plurality npnint, S7II. Conolidntin corporiition Inireaiw Ye- 2lfi.", no :M47; pliirulity npain-t, JIS2. l)enti-try bill Ye n4."i7, tin plurality niin'.t. ."(till. ' County term inerente Yes no .1.")!I.S; jdurality ngain.t, -ItlO. Tux code t'nmmiM'on Ye. no -w-i ; iiiurniity natni, .u.n. Aholihinjr Inml board Yes 1110, no 40'.l.'l; ilurality nnlnt, .TJ'i.'l. Proportional repre-enlation Yes lC'JII, no I.Vi:i; plunilitv niiinst, H070. Aholi-hin stale senate Yes nO'JfJ, no .'1440; plurality npiin-t, 411. Creating Iinliiiry board Y" 2."il0, no 2820; plurnliiv nnitist, l.'llO. Primary dclcgntc hill Yes 1110, 110 ."247; lilunilitv uguiimt, HK17. tIIOO tux exemption Yes 1010, no 1413; plurnlily npiiiist, :i."i0.1. Stock nt Inr'e Griffin Creek, yes 4.", no 87; plurality upiiiixt 42. Mound, ves 7(1, no ."id; plurality for, 20. a strictly business baslt with full power lu the hnndH of nn elected board, to so administer the city's nf fairs that economy and retrenchment ran be enforced all along the line. No salaries nro fixed leaving the j board free to secure the best possible ' sen Ice to the city at least expense. The committee meets again Friday night and plans to hold frequent meetings till their work Is completed. llu.sure you get the Renulno MUS- TKIIUI.K. Ilefuso Imitations- get what you nsk for. The Musterole Company, Clowlnnd, Ohio Ad. M P eYOUTH'S COMPANION Better Than Ever in 1915 Then the Family Porc, n rare Hdliorliil Puo, Boys' Piirc, Girls' Pace, Doctor's Advice, and " a ion of fun," Articles or Travel, Science, liducailon. Prom the best inliulH 10 the liest , minds, the best die world can produce For you and everyone in die home. I here is no aue limit 10 enthusiasm for The Youth's Companion. CUT THIS OUT ami Irtut ll (of imiiip of Mil. pnprr) wlili $2.00 fur Tho COMPANION f..t I'tv hint we will kiiiI I lLJi I'ANION li lU r.m.lnlm wku( IUM. PRFF THE COMPANION IIOMr. riCC CALENOAIt for IU15. klv l,ut of NIOH TUCM Th. B2 V, 111L.M TMUCOMPAN U.i I1IJ. 5 j Junes a Year not 12. Send to-day to The Youth's Com. panlon, lioaton, Mass., for TlllUX CIIUIII.NT ISblJI.S-l HIX SUHSCKIPTIONS ItliCniVHl) AT THIS OI'FICR m;h;h;;;;h ? i ! The Condition of the Country and the Practice or xLconomy I rf PHOTOGRAPHS WANTED BY COMMERCIAL CLUB Why Not Get tho best smoke, Gor. Johnson, and also putronUe homo. " The Commercial club wishes to se curo finite a numbor of plinto'.-niplu or southern Orcnn sccneiy, tlews of Interest also In agriculture, horticul ture, stock and poultry, taken iy our local professional mid nmutuor art ists. Sonio will ho used to mako en largements from to decorate tho southern Oregon exhibit at tho ex position In 101b, others fur a post card assortment for mailing purposes. If you havo an nttractlvo photo that will help advertise tho Koguo river valloy kindly lcavo with tho ntc retary of tho Commeiclal club, Mr. A. II. Miller, of tho Medford Hook Store, or I'rof. II. O. Krobuch, Ash- laud, Ore. WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. France and Great I triliiiri have warned Kipia dor nm Colombia in vigorous teiuiH that violation!-, of neutrality by tlio-io countries will nut he tolerated. Plant your roses early. TOO liATK TO OLAHHH'X. 1'OIt SAUK Household furnlturo at 23 Newtown St. It. C, Klnleysldo. 202 tfihtuytoMk(tyU41tu-'c:if. Parker & Stancliffe III E. Mtia St., MlfrJ, Oit. CHICHESTER S PILLS V W fW t ? T t r r t r f t r r r ? t t ? T t t T r r f t T ? t t r r r ? A ' Ml-" JO" 1 . Tillies arc j,'ool. True, iliey inilii lie hellei', bill neverllieless tlio entire eiiuntry as a whole is prosperous. And ilie heijlil of prosperily in Hie pan! will In; ovei'sluulowed ly the overwlielniiii prosperity simjii to ediue. lu( overynue slmiild study autl practice economy, whether times are good or not'. We do. In purchasing our merchandise wo tako advantage of ovory possible, discount, and in transferring it from our shelveu to you, we eliiuiuaLu fill iiniiecessaryexpeiise. Thus we save, money and can ijiioic lowest priees on rtur goods. Vou save money by purchasing them. ' Kverythiug is exactly as represented here we olTer no premium induce ments which are liable to influence yon to overbuy and piirchg.se goods you do not need. Such offers defeat eeonomv. What you buv bore is worth what you pay for it .sometimes more, but never less. ' - Pretty good place lo do your. shopping, isn't U'l . 'ft 4 New Handkerchiefs, Laces and ' Ribbons for Xmas .Surely there can be no more appreciated and acceptable gifts than IhoBO which are the handiwork of the giver. Vou will find the handsomest ami moat appropriate laces and ribbons the kinds that insure the suceess of your gift sawing. Purchase now and make the things while you can do ho without hav jug to hurry. , ti. j$tfM '. .tv & ' Laces 5; to $1.00 yard Ribbons 25, 35 and 50 yard Handkerchiefs 5 to $1.2I 40?inli Satin Finish Crepe do Ohine,a fpialit.y- we., absolutely guarantee will give satisfaction in wear and color our prjco, per yard, now $.1.50 Jioe&Vo: blb.UrllBaJIIriMlV T I'HU la Itrd 4 OoM infUlllcVVy I , (-, tiJ vlU, lilua KiUx,l. Y t Tab. mi. .Ik... Ilur nt vaup " I K9 z J- Medford 's' Exclusive DryfcCr00dstJ3tdre' ru.l.l. MiUtfUl-ClfEH.'fEHt DlAIHllNI. IIIIAN1. IMLLM. (uSb yil Kuvli Hen. lillr.t. Allr Htli.U- SOLD BY DRUGCISIS EyEftYHrHEKii w . t f X v V v t ? T ? ? t f t ? T f ? ? ? ? T f ? Y f f ? Y Y Y Y Y V t f X v