Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 12, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    M SUW J '
Medford Mail Tribune
CTIody, probnblo rnln far.
B(S .At In. 1M.
rnrty-fourlli Your.
Dully - tJllilll Yimr
NO. 201
207 Sxnrt
A(jtins Callentes Convciillon Sends
Lender at Hcnd of a Lnryo Col
umn l Troops to Attack Carranza
Foices Under General Gonzales
Ulnncu Placed Under Arrest.
WASHINGTON', Nov. l2.-(lcin'rul
Villn, at tint head dl' n largo column
of hoops, has begun marching niiiiIIi
rimii Agnus CnlicnlcH In nltni'l; tin
('iinaimi forces under (leiiernl (Inn
nilo, at (Jut'iuliiro. Official uilvic'cH
Imliiy Miiy the Aginm ("nUint con-
j ' U'liutMijprih'ii'rt iIih movement.
jiiicrfil Jlluiiuii, xvho liiul iinuouno
j'( llHluWttlon of remaining loyal to
uv mjuaaSfHu Minimi mr .xtcxico
' InrSlirtlLll ...Ml. I. .1111.1 lit' III ll.UUL.
' Inir'wfifl aire-ded at Silun liy (Icni-riil
lllill', (ll'OI-JtH ('. Clllotlll'll",
AiiH'iii'iiii ci'iihiilnr agent, h'imiiIciI
Hull lie wiit iiri'iiiiiiKiii.WNK Vdln on
In iiinn-li hiMilli,
(iilli'riT. Tnkci) Of fit o
WASIIIN'dTON', N'ov. ll. I r-
Inintv iiilcil iimiiIii loiluy in the .Mexi
can Mllltllioll.
Uencrnl Ktilulin (Juliet ier. Iiiih Ink-
I'll till' Oil t It llf ofl'll'l' IIH IIOViN0llll
iiiiili'nt of I ho AmniN Cnlienlen con
xonlioit, xxhich ttiiiiiiltaiU'ointly dcolur
i'il firiii'iiil I'nrriina, lutlicito fitst
chief nf tin (inuMilutiniptlut army, as
being in icbcllion. Many gcncniU,
who Mvnrc llii'ir allegiance lo tin
ronvuntioii, mi' leaning to Citrruimi,
while hoiiik of bin nio-l loyal follow
ers a to preparing (o ilenert liiin.
'Itiis wan tlm Icnor of flit official
dispatches (inlay fiuiii American
Cniiatil Silliinaii at .Mexico City, anil
1 n Cuiiovn, Npeoinl iikciiI at Akiiiih
( 'Mlii'iiti'u. In llw niiaiitiiiu President
Wilful ami Scomtury ltrynn iwrc
nwiiitlng fnrtlii'i' word from .Mexico
linfoiii annonaeini; llic ilate of (lie
cx'nctintioii of Vent Cut.
Itjiniors of I'lghllng
('nrranri in mI ill at ronlolia ami
limy nunc to Vera I'm, to eclclmitc
llic depuiluro of llic Aiiieiieiin forces.
The iionvenlioii i still in Niwinii at
Aiiiih CalienteH aiiil there are ruiii
urn of lighting in llic xieinily. Car
ninru Iiiih iuxitcd (liilicnc. to nice!
him in conference, in tin effoil to
iwii'li an agreement, (lulierie. tie
i'IIiumI. Cuttuimi Hiilnnittcil a new
listif condition innlcr which lie
xvoulil retire, hul these won? icjeolctl.
(IciieralK Obrepon ami Vilhireal did
not ictiiru to the eonventioii fmtn
their vlil lo Carranra nl Cordoba,
am tlm belief In Agnus CnlicnlcH is
Hint thev will remain loyal to Cnr
liuia. lU'iilxiules xvns the oiilv mem
her of Iho coinnnHhion who relumed.
While Iho leailhiK kciipmIh tiro xva
veriiif;, tclijjniuiHjiic punning in plots
ami uoiintoriilolri.
The point at which Iho first inipor
taut cluh in linhlo lo eoimi is in the
xiciaitx of Qiicrctaro, where (leneial
I'ahlo nuiiznlcw, loyal to ('airiinxa, ix
htationeil with heveral iIhumuh)
troopn, riKhtliiK "' l,con, Koutli ol!
Annas Calicntes, hIho xvas icpoilcil,
Inil no ilelaiU have arriveil.
J'HKIN'U, Nov. 12.A Jnpnnoan
military roport received In Poking
until forth that tho cauunlttoB to tho
.lapauom) army hoforu Tnlnt; Tint num.
horod moro than 1,500, Hut accord
ing to roportH front TbIiik Tint ltnolf,
received In 1'oIiIiik hoforo tho Clor
mitu wlroloHs ceased oporntliiK, thin
nuntbor iloeu not roprcHont tho cor
rect total. Tho llrltBlt lost twolvo
men killed and ulMy 0110 uion wound,
Tho Japancso iccltitl ludlcatoa (hut
thu Herman Ioroos wore munll for tho
reiiHou that tho Herman garrlfton uur
i'ondered aa noon an tho Japainflo In
fantry stormed tho trenches, No (to
talled report of tho TbIiik Van cum
pnlKit frnin tho Horinait uliiudpolnt
Iiiih been received here,
Russian Successes Divide Space With
Accounts of ncklndlcd Activity
Upon Part of Germans in West
Flanders, Who Arc Attciniillnn to
Break Throtiijli Allies' Lines.
LONDON, Nov. 1L, 12:30 p. in.
Tlm Ilniultin nticccmicn In tlm eust,
which for a time, woro a predomi
nant fonturo of tlm war iiowh, iiiiihI
iil'.iiln illxldii niuce with the nrcoiintM
of roOdndlcil nrtlvlly on the pnrt of
Iho (InrmuiiH In WnI Klamlerii where
tlm fnmm of i:micror Wlllliim liuxo
illniirovcit the nmlontlon of the nl
IIcm Hint their attumpt to force their
vny to Dunkirk or ('nlnU hml f (nutty
With Dlxmtiile In their pomirNHlon,
tlm Inx'mlnrri tmlny were Icnh I linn r,0
iiiIIoh from Cnlals ami much nearer
Dunkirk, nml the flKht they have
til-en ptitlliiK up In tlm fare of tre
uii'iiiloiiH loHitotf, M'auih to hear nut
what lint! iiIho lieen Hiilil Hint they
will not aliiiuilou thin xtrui;Rlu to
renrh the conm uiiIcbm they are ut
terly vriiNheil. Tint JIiikIUIi ami
French theory h Hint the IioIiIIiik of
Dlfiiiuitu In only temporary; Hint It
hlntnry will he much tho uimio iih thai
of other toxvint which have licon taken
ntul H'-tukiMi In the flKhtltiK on Hut
In certain placuii north of Dlxmuile
tho (lermniiM nro at lenut on tho left
hniik of the Ycr, that In, on tho nhlo
ueuri'Ht the 1'reiich coiift towim anil
their attnek liiMtenil of ronccutrnt
Iiik to the Miuthwanl holoxv Ypreg,
apparently have bwn mmiowuiI almoxi
on the t-oaut line. Hero they ilrovo
tho allien fiom l.ouihaeriltjeyde, only
In turn to ho driven out tlicmfohcH.
Tho official nnnounromont r.lvcn
out hy I'arlt thin aftoriioon tayu Hint
tho (iermniiH nKiilu nro trylni: lo tnlio
l.omhnerdtxyde, which Ik to tho north
of N'ictiport mid within a utone'n
thtow of the nca. How I hey can
operate In thin locality If llrltlxli and
French wnrahlpn mill' nro ntaudliiK
Ktinrd off the Hhoro, In not ipilto clear
to their olmervern. I'or koiiio time
pant Ihcro hint heen no mention of
naxnl acllvt on HiIh coant, hut It hna
Ikmui aiuiuuied that tliln xviih explained
hy tho repotted Oermnn retirement
from the ctmnt of Franco and Del
i; I n m and the newa that they were
deltverliiK their attitckH further to
tho koulh.
HMKLIN, Nov. 'J, via London, 2
p. in. -The lVnnkfiirler Zeitunt: has
leceiveil iho following ilispalelt iv
Kiiritiiij; tho rcort of tho defeat of
the KussiaiiN near (Vcniowilz, cnpilnl
of the Aiihtriau province of Ituko-
xviiiii :
''The AiHliiuns niailo an tinex
pceteil inovciuont eroshiiiK the Prut, it
few liilomctcis uorthwanl of Czorno-wit-,
nml hiulilenly ntlaekcil tho Kim
hian riht xviiiK. Tho Huhsiana xvere
completely tnirprihod ami it short te
hihtaueo decided to full hack upon
their hitse, which ficemeil free. How
ever, (hoy xvere then taken under fire
hy Austrian artillery, xvltich onuscd
terrihle Ioshoh autoiiK Iho Ititssiau do
tnelimcnt. Tho hattlefiehl xvas cov
ered with corpses.
"Tho KiiKsiaiiH xvere hcalen yesler
ilay in Mast (lalieia, liuiue; repulsed
in un notion between Hosniow ami
TOKIO, Nov, 12. Meyer Wnldeck,
xvho connunndod tho (Ionium forces
at TflliiB Tan, according to tx dispatch
from Tslng Tun to tho Asnhl, has
sent a telegram to Kmporor William
HnyliiR that ho xvua compelled to sur
reudor on necount of lack of ammu
nition mid tho heavy ditmngo Inflict
ed by tho enemy on his forts,
Filjlitluji on Allies' Left Winy Contln
lies With Violence Willi Alternate
Advances and Retirements, Without
Importance Battle Front Not
Varied Greatly for Two Days.
I'AltIK, Nov. 12, 2: 0, p. in. The
French official Htntenient I ven out
In I'aili HiIh nflernoou nayx that tho
fluhtlni: on tho left wIiik couHiiuoh
with vlolmiio -iiud htm heen clmrac-
torlscil with altorunto advaticen and
retirement!!, without liupnitnnce.
Cenerall)' HpeiikliiK. Iho rtntouicul do.
clareii, the liiittle front hIiowk no Im
portaut chantti'M h I nee the tenth of
The text of the communication fol
low :
"On our left wIiik the Halting idlll
contluiioH with violence mid Iiiih htt'ti
conducted with alternate advances
ami retirement,, without Importance.
KpenkliiK broadly, tho buttle front hnn
not varied greatly nlnro tint tenth of
November. In tho evcnliiK of yeatcr
day It extended nlotiK the line be
tween I.ombnertzyde and NIeiiiort;
tho Nlcuport canal to Yprca; the ap
lironchoH of Ypres, In tho iukIou of
.onnehocko, and to tho cant of Ar
menHereH. "Theio hnn heen no cbaiiKe In the
pOMltloiiH held by the llrltlnh army,
which reputed tho attackM of the
enemy, and particularly an offensive
movement undertaken by a detach
ment of the I'rutolau guard.
"From the canal of l.a Haimon nn
tar iih and up to tho Itlver OIhc, there
luixo been minor eiiRiiKi'iiuiUn.
"In the reitlou of tho Ilfver,
In the neighborhood of Vallley, wu
retained our position aualnst a count
er attack, and we Htrenglhcued uur
ponltlonR In the territory previously
conquered hy iih,
"In (ho region of Craonne and on
the lleurtlbU farm, our nrttllery suc
ceeded In reducing to Mlonco tho can
nun of the etieiny. Severnl of their
pieces xxero even deslro)d. Wo also
mndo come ptogres In the vicinity of
"In tho Argonno, In tho Woevro
dint i let, In Lorraine and tho
the ri'KM'ctlvo pohIHous bhow no
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.--Foot
and mouth dlHcaso now raging among
rattlo In 14 Mates Is communicable
to humans, tho department of agri
culture announced today, hut Its ef
fect rarely Is serious. Tho depart
ment urged, however, that humans
keep away from diseased cattle to
avoid Hpreadnig tho Infection and
recommended tho uso of pasturlzed
HAST ST. 1.0U1S, 111., Nov. 12.
Tho St, Louis National Stockyards
xvere re-oponed today for tho recolpt
of native cattlo and hogs, after Uav
Ing been closed slnco last Saturday
ipiarantliio order resulting from the
spread of tho root and mouth dis
ease, OIllCAfiO, Nov. 12. Ftvo moro
packing houses doing business out
side tho Chicago stock yards have
couiplotod disinfection against tho
root and mouth disease, and1 tonight
wll make formal application to buvo
tho quarantine lifted.
HAIriMOnU, Md Nov. 12. Tl)0
llaltttnoro union stock yards xvoro
qunrantlnoil today by tho stato live
stock snnltnry hoard to prevent tho
spread of tho foot and mouth disease,
discovered In flvo bonis at tho yards.
Portland Livestock Market
POHTIjANI), Or., Nov. l'J.-Caltlo
receipts IL'O, steady.
Hog Heociplrt f80; fi cents high
er, l'riiuo light, ii7.10(i7.'-,0; medi
um, $U.80(ii,7.00; Hinoollt heaxy, iKt.15
(tfOJo; rough heavy, .fll.20((ii(l.lO,
Shoeji lteeeipts 225; easy,
Wilson Offended hy Talk of Trotter
of Boston, Who Heads Dele
gation Protesting. Against Serjrega-
lion of Employes in GcvcrnmenM
Offices. $
NOTON, Nov. 12.
dent WiUoitVrn'hile receiviiii, n ili.i"n
'iv r-- ra
tion of nenie- toilnx who cume to
(he white house lo protect
segregating the iiici-h in ovenimciil
jeclcil to the lone
ir fpokcxinau, W. AI.
uilopted hv Ih
Trotter, ol' Ihmlon. ami told the com
mittee that if it culled on him acniii
it would have. 'o (.(! a new ehaiuimii.
The president inldeit that he had nof
heen ndilict-!-cil in Mich a manner
since he cnlcicd the while hou-c.
The ileclation eluirged that Secre
tary .MeAdoo and Couiptrollrr Will
iittriM in Hie treasury, nml I'oNltnax
ler flcneral Ituilcson had euforecd
M'gregntion rulas in their offie-H.
No HIscHiiiliiutlon Kbowii
President Wllwin replied Hint he
hint invcHtiKiile, the iptetiou and ittid
heen fixsurcil there had been no dis
crimination in the comfoiti and sur
roundings civentto the ncjrroec. He
r ,-""
added he hud heen infor
iiiN that the xfcntin
htnrted to nxoidlfriclioj
mltlcil he hud hequ infonncd hv offic-
iott had been
in between the
races ami not w-j:h the object of in-
j tin nt; the ncerod"
The president
interested in Hi
-aid he wits deeply
negro race and
b irogivs. He de
o he sought hv the
eotnplele independ-
BTcatly admired i
dared Hie thin
iiero people wiih
cuee of white pfb'plo titul thru he felt
the white nice was willing to do ev
erything pos-ihle to tlfsist (hoiii.
1 rotter ami other member-; at once
took issues with the pre-idenl, dcelnr-
in I he negro people did not seek
charity or iisihnnee, hut thai they
took the position that the negroes
had eipuil rights with whites nml that
thoo rights should he respected. Thev
denied there had been any friction be
tween the two ntee.s before the segre
gation xvas begun.
DNittloMtl Hy 1'rvddcnt
President Wilson listened to xvhat
they had to -ay ami then told the del.
egatiou thai Trotter was losing con
trol of his temper and that he (the
president) would not, discuss the
matter further with him.
After leaxing the presidents pri
vate office, Troller, Main ice V. Spen
cer and others of the delegation de
clared their talk hail been' thor
oughly disappointing." They declar
ed they would hold it mass meeting in
Washington Sunday to ili-cii-s the
Sir. Wilson is understood to have
lold Hie committee the question xvas
not u political one and that he would
not take it up on political grounds.
ItKltl.lN, Nov. l'J, via London, 0 p.
in. Oeminn general lioudipiarters is
sued the following-:
''Tho enemy udvnnecd from Nieu
port as fur as I.otubaertj;yile, hut xvas
driven across the Yser. The eastern
hank of the Vser, ns far as the sea,
is now elear of tho enemy.
"Our attack across tho Vser eannl
to South DiMiiudo is progressing-.
"In Iho region east of Ypres xvo
have advanced unit enplured -100
I'Yench troous and threo machine
LONDON, Nov. 12, 7:10 n. in. An
Amsterdam dispateh to thu Central
News snys:
"The kaiser hits ordered that nil
Srohnmmcdinis captured from tho al
lied armies ho sent lo Constantinople
to servo in tho Turkish army.
"A lelegram front Hucharest, Itu
mania, says (lint Haiti! Hey, undo of
Kuvor Hey, the lender of tho Young
Turks, has arrived thero on n special
mission in helml! 0 Turkey,"
Entrance to New Million Dollar Bronx
Courthouse Blown Up. Three
Girls Slifjhtly Injured Explosion
First ThoiiQht Prompted hy Venj
ance Upon County Judge.
Ni:V YOltK, Nov. 12. One bun
dred detectives Hprcad n drag-net over
New York City In their iptest for the
men who wrecked the entrance to the
new llronx county courthouse and the
city marshal's office by powerful
bombs Inst night.
The detectives followed the theory
that the bombs were exploded by a
band of trafflkcrs In women, seven of
whom had been sentenced to long
prison terms. More than a score of
letters bad boon received by County
Judge Louis D. Glbbs, who senctenced
them, warning him of vengeance,
some of them threatening him vlth
'the death King Huinbort received."
One of the bombs was intended for
him, detectives believe. (
Three girls xvere slightly injured
by tho explosion and thousands of
persons swarmed into the streets
from their homes. For blocks in
every direction windows wero shat
tered and houses were rocked.
Amidst the ruin wrought hv a pow.
erful bomb exploded last night at the
entrance to Hron.v count' nexv
it, 000,000 courthouse, detectives to
day found xvhat they consider strong
evidence that the outrage xvas perpe
trated hy anarchists xvho had in mind
the Uitymarket riots in Chicago more
Hutu twenty yenrs ago.
I)etectixsxxh, had-he)jovc( Hint
the explosion had heen prompted hy
vengeance upon County Judge Louis
1). Gibbs for heavy sentences imposed
recently hy hini on seven tmffickers
in xvnincn, turned front their theory
to folloxv the fresh clue.
Anion; the fragments of metal
clipped from the door easing and
eoinices of Hie courthouse, they
found the tatters of n pamphlet
printed in Spanish and headed: "Los
inortiies de Chicago" (Jho martyrs
of Chicago.)
LONDON, X0X 12, 3:10 a. m.
The Amsterdam correspondent of
Iteuter'8 Telegram company tele
graphs the follewing:
"Sluls advices indicate that tho
Germans contlntto to blow up bridges
and that among tho structures so de
stroyed Is the bridgo near lloyst, in
West Flanders. Sentries aro guard
ing tho railways from Druges to
Ghent, from Cottrtrai to Ostend and
so forth.
"Tho allies continue to occupy
Ypyres, but shells falling in town yes
terday killed four children. Aero
planes aro reportod to havo dropped
bombs which damaged church and
town hall an set firo to several other
"Tho Katsor, In Journeying through
Flanders, visited Cottrtrai and ex
pressed his satisfaction to tho muni
cipal authorities for tho manner in
which tho Germau troops aro quart
ered. "From tho Nlouport ono only fee
ble gun firing xvas heard on Wednes
day. "Trnlnloads of xvoundod aro con
tinuously being transported front tho
battlo lino."
Passengers who arrived horo today
by tho llnor Ventura, which loft Syd
noy Octobor 21, reported that a, few
days beforo sailing 25,000 Australian
troops xvoro embarked in 23 trans
ports, convoyed by 11 cruisers, and
sailed under cover of night for a dos-
tlttatlou rumorod to bo L'uypt.
National Association Goes on Record
as Opposed to Attacks Upon Pol
itical Parties Congressional Un
ion Rebuked Opposition Permitted
to Individuals.
NASMVILLH, Tenn.. Nov. 12. Hy
a decisive vote the cxecutlx'o council
of the National Woman Suffrage as
sociation at the opening of the forty
sixth annual convention here today
declared Its political non-partisan-ship
and went on record as opposed to
attacks upon any political party.
This action xvas considered a pre
liminary victory for the so-called ad
ministration torces against the cle
ment in opposition and generally
supposed to look nlth favor upon tho
congressional union.
Tho resolution defining tho policy
occasioned spirited debate. It as
serted "that our non-partisan policy
requires that tho attitude of tho na
tional association toward an individ
ual member of congress or a candi
date therefor, shall be determined by
his individual attitude or record on
woman suffrage and not by the at
titude or record of tho party to which
he may belong."
Debate In favor of this resolution
was led by Mrs. Medlll McCormlck
of Chicago, chairman of tho congres
sional committee of tho national as
sociation. Mrs. Harriet Stanton
lllatch of New York, headed the op
position which took exceptions to the
so-called "black-list" sent out by tho
congressional committee and contain
ing tho names of nlno senators and
nine represetatives who opposed suf
rragc In congress.
Mrs. McCormlck explained that it
xvas tho policy of tho comralttco to
let the record of tho legislators speak
for themselves but she disapproved
attacks upon any political party.
Tho resolution xvas adopted by a
voto of 42 to 15.
LONDON, Nov. 12, 2HC p. m.
Jarvis E. Bell, of New York, tho first
member of tho American commission
for roller In Uelglum to return from
Ilelglum since the distribution of re
lief began, states that instead or
hampering tho efforts to relieve the
starving population tho German au
thorities are doing their utmost to
assist tho commission In its work.
In Uelglum tho shipments ot food
stuffs consigned to tho American min
ister, lira ml Whltlock, and In caro
of tho commission, nro permitted to
proceed xvltlt minimum delay.
Mr. Hell praises equally tho Dutch
officials for tbolr assistance in the
matter ot rood shipments. In the
case of the Coblenz, the tlrst Amer
ican roller ship to arrive, the offi
cials suspended tho law momentarily
and for tho first time In history a
ship xvns permitted to dlschargo her
cargo at a Dutch port on Sunday.
HUTTR, Mont., Nov. 12. Martini
litxx", xvltich has prex-niled in Hutto
since tho arrival of tho national
guard on September 1, xvas raised to
day xvhen tho soldiers departed front
tho city. Thero has been no disturb
nnco and tho troops took their de
parture from hero for Helena quietly,
mnrching to the depot in a hotly,
Tho governor's proclamation torm
inntini; martial htxv and ro-estnblih.
in; tho civil authorities and the
eourtrt xvent into effect without any
Lenders of tho miners' unions
whoso troubles brought about thu
prescneo of tho troop, said today
they hnvo no idea of taking nny stepa
which might causa any disturbance.
Official Count Shows Five Initiative
Measures Carried Two Normals,
Citizenship Bill, Prohibition and
Abolition of Capital Punishment,
and Town Merger Measures.
' "I
The most decisively defeated menu-,
ure nt the November election, no
eordinp; to the official Jackson coun
ty count, xx-ns tiio amendment that
bore the earmarks of standpatism,
entitled, the "primnry delegnlo elec
tion bill." Its htirpoHo xvns to auth
orize the naming of delegnteM lo nnnio
persons to be voted upon nt the prim
ary nominntinp; elections. Vetera
alighted upon it xvitlt both feet, it re
cciving the Taft vote of 1012. Tiro
county xvns 010 yes, G247 no n plu
rality of 4337. A sister nmendment
from the same source nlso fared
Six amendments carried in this
county tho AVdilnnd nml Wcslon
normal school bills, tho electoral dis
qualification bill and prohibition, tlm
toxx-n merger bill nnd tho abolishment
of capital punishment. Close major
ities xvoro returned against the dentis
try nnd eight-hour law for xx'omen
Tho Ashland normal received 0218
x-otes to 1393 against, n majority of
4923. Tho Weston normal pt filStl
for to 1911 against, n majority of
Prohibition carried by a. vote of
547."! to 2833, bavin; n majority of.
2042. The nntt-hangin; bill eeetired
4020 against 20(13, :t majority oC
Tho count, ns compiled by tho
county clerk's office upon tho nmeml-
meiils is ns follews:
Voters' qualification 'Yes 0203,
no 997; plurality for, 5208.
Creatin lieutenant governor
Yes 1849, no 4979; plurality ngainst,
Houndnry lino changes Yes 2393,
no 3117; plurality ngninst, 1024.
Stato roads bonding not Yes
2789, no 3031; plurality ngainst 1802.
Kqttnl tax bill Yes 2191, no 3003;
plurality ngainst, 1447.
lnx levy changes es 1903,
3SS0; plurality against, 1817.
Ashland iionnnl Yes 0218,
1393; plurality for, 4023.
Towns merger bill Yes 3 109,
2340; plurality for, 1009.
Weston Normal Yes 5180,
1911; plurality for, 3275.
Universal eight-hour laxx Yes
1030, no 5988; plurality ngainst 4352.
Femalo eighl-hour laxv Yes 3471,
no 3740; plurality against, 275.
Non-pitrtiMin judiciary Yes 285!),
no 3314; plurality ngainst 1455.
.1300 tux exemption Yes $2700,
no 4390; plurality ngainst, 1524,
Water-frout lease Yes 2931, no
3032; plurality against, 1881.
Municipal xvliarves Yes 2833, no
(Contlnuod on page two.)
mation of n $230,000 pool to buy
bonds and stocks that may be thrown
on tho market by puniu-strickou in
vestors nml thus insure the immediuto
opening of tho stock oxehnngo in this
country, xvas recommended by Chits.
11. Caldwell of Chicago, president of
the Investment Hankers' association
of America, in his address at tho op
ening session of tho nnitunl couven
tnm of tho orgnuUution in Ibis city
today. ,
Mr. Caldwell said:
''WJtnt could bo moro reassuring
than to hnvo American bunkers baml
together to purohaso nil American se
curities sent to us for snlo from Kur
openn investors, xvho, because of the
xvur, xvould certainly follow tho open
ing of our Mock exchange, UhW
some such pop I is formed mr stock
exchange? cannot open exeept in, a
limited -xvuy, nnd will do iu good i
the country at Jsr'for hwUU
aoaiii." .
- a