Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 11, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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paok mm.
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ASIIhNI), Nov 10 Tim "Hoiiu"
I.eiKiilc, mic( Irinillv kllOWIl MM (lid
'Hiiutlii'iii Oii'Ktui Nittiirnl Attraction
nmni'lalloii, met hcio TiM'tiilny nlitlit
Among i'Ii'mmI'h priiHuiit worn ('. II.
dittos mill Hon Hlmliliiii of Mmlfordl
AVIII (I Slucl, Huporlulotutoiit of llm
(.'in I or Ulio National park; v P.
Uulnluw, MntiliiO of llin Grants I'iihh
('ouunuri'liil iiluh.. Mr. Wool Ih pros
lilsnt or llm MiHM'liiiliiii. Loral clil
sens lui'Mitil weio Unit Orcor, (' II.
.Wnison, II. O. I'mbm-h, (I, W. Sua
iter, mill W, K. Niiwcotiiliti, l ho latter
llollIK M'lTI'llliy. A MIIOHIt f'OUMll
1 1 it to it Hint by-laws of llm iiiKiiiilrii
IUhi Hi'io ri'tnl inn) adopted. Thnro a nuinlier of liifiiriiiiil talks rn
km nl I n h tin mope (if Dm woik of llin
nesoclHtluii; llm iiliin of wlilrli U (o
limiit llm (trelilc ulllllctlotlH of Jack
sou, .IomiiiImm iiihI Klamath counties,
Thin lili'u whm flit luoiulied at a
meeting lirlil al Medford luHt Feb
iiiiii). mill tint i tu ti wuh norfecloil at
Klamath Falls In .Inly, Tho chief
effort at tln ArIiIiiiiiI meeting wait ill.
itxi'li'il at iIhsIhIiik wiijit ami means
forflimueliig advance projecta In he
liiilf of nxplnltlng the work In guner
nl, details tn hi) taken up later on,
Tho authoring adjourned Id uioul next
ut Muilforil on rail of tho chairman.
i ,M. I.own wired from Portland
Ttu-ailny, that In behalf of Howie
river valley oililliltnrH, he liinl been
nvMirttuil woeitakos oh agricultural
dlnjtlay In Koimrnl. Ami further
nun n (lint ho hail alto raptured flvn
Ilmt iHiil four second premiums on
Npufllflr hniilculturni atot agricultural
It. M Hedge announced himself,
Tuesday as a candidate for rlty re.
chiiIihI, Hint will at onto enter upon
mii art h H (Tiiivam of tho iiiiitilcllml
field. Hi U well ijunllfloil for tho
4 -
TucmImv wax n lii'iinlil'iil ilay ntnl
eveiy one who rinilil wont to till'
io)l I" ccieio tho riulit of frun-
i'lliie. TIll'IO WflH H gool I III limit ill'
flu women, Motiio of tlii'iu coiiiiiiK lor
h long iIitMitcc.
Mr. Willil of IVmUl brought n
lint f nii'i' niili'i. In the election
hnanl ami nil worn very iipircriulit'
of thrm.
Mm. .Cliarl WWior mul Mi""
Wlnnio Mtnl Miilvii Walker i'iit Tiion
tiny it i NoImiii NoV.
Itoliril (loiilim wmil to Ivliiiiinlli
Mrt:'r.v KrDlim spt'iit Snliinhiy
nitflit at Mr. U'iiiPHiilV
Imm 'IVil MannliiK linn In'On iH
iiir frH'iitl m l'iimicii. Slio I'liini'
lioMit Miniilny.
Alind Clum Cnlnr l nhiyiiift with
Mi"". Mii;ifinil.
A If nil (loiilou i-Hiiiii over ftotn
l'l. ICIainalli IiihI wii'l; mul look liin
uliililu'ii, Tomxio mul I.i'hIi'I', Iioiiu
1 1 1 1 liim to piiiil tho winter.
Mr. and. Mr. VhIIm- mul two In
lit'M rmui llio powi'r plniil went In
(own Sot unlay.
Sfvci'iil ui'iitli'iui'ii fioni .MciU'niil
Tiinii' up In tin' powor ilaut in a oar
oiio ilny In! woi'li.
.laitii'i (Iricvo of I'loopi'nl limit 11m'
liallot Ihiih u town 'riiiiiiilay mul
loturiKil Kiiiliiy.
'I'lio liouiil of olci'lor nmi Hit'
niglit tit tho polU, iih it look tlii'iu
tluil Ioiik to I'iiiirth tlii'ir woik. A
pnulhor i'iiiiio nml Mireiiini'il nciir Ihc
feulinolhoiixti uhoro lui,V wciii lluil
Jli'itlin ffolili'y I? vfnilinf; Iut
liiolhnr, l'l ii 1 1 1; DitHwoilh. MK Coli
ley Hpoul lioui Snlnnliiy to Moiuluy
wilh his wil'e.
I'lmil, mul (Iiim DilHWoith, Mr. mul
Mr. Coliloy mul Violnl Vaulm went
lo I'lONpi'ft Siuuliiv.
'I'lio V. I'. T. I. lii'M n juliilwt
, niretinj; Saturday ut tin homo of
Mrx. (. K. I'eylon. Tho i-li-i'lion
iiowrt wiih i ciiil mul i1ii'iisMtl with
iiiiieh iileiiHine. II was ileeiiU'il to
liavo a praise ineetiiiK. ilinui'i' ami
pioyniiu on ThankMiiu) day lo ful
fill llio iliiulilo pinpfwc of ohscmuir
TlimikxttivliiK mid i'1'li'li in tin; tho
(violory of Oi'ffton ,,oiii(,' dry. After
Jtlio iiieetiiiK Mis. DawHon mul MUh
lVylou koim'iI dinner. It wiih oiui of
' IViihIh wliero "lie lil)lo kioiiii
M under tlio weight of K""d IhiiiK"."
Tliero went uliout thirty pri'M'ut. The
inldo WIIH M't llio ji'tilh of two
jjonuih. Ono of llio Drowning nloiien
of llio dinui'l' Woro tho Iii(ko plAllfts
ht li'iulor venison nleuk,
It. . M. I'eylnn look u pieluro of (lie
(liowil, whiiih will lui fi'iil lo Mt'H,
llorron, mid llio dinuor wiih imilly In
liei' honor, us it wiih her hirthdiiy.
Mr. Kclxoo lias lii'cn eliiinnint; Hi"
lelephnuc lino uiul wo now huvo iniioh
hot I or horVii'o.
Kminotli IjiHkiiio Hponl Snlilrdiiv
liud Sunday iHltintr hin friend,
(li'(iid llonryi mul wife, ncnr Mol.ood
, hriilni).
' --- in'
A Hlmilfloant (net of tho roroijt
loctloiiH wiih tho proniliiQiitxi of In
diiHlrk'p. ,
- .
Front (ilayoil havoc with llm tonui
to VlllOH,
Theoiloro I'IhIi 'upout Kiiuilny with
IiIh HlHtcr, Mm. V. A, TIioiiiihoii,
A iitiiiihnr of our yomiK people
Hpont n vnry ploaioiut ovenlm; al tho
con homo of Moluirl W'IIhoii TncMilay,
Mr. ami Mm. .1, K. Iliilloy, father
mill iimllier or Mm. W, Ii, Clarke,
Who liavo humi vIhIIIiik hum for wiv
oral iluyN lotiirnnil to Iholr hoimi In
I'oroHt (Inivii .Monday.
I'ai'liluK applPn Ih mulorwiiy al tho
KuiiHel, Ciiirkor .lack ami Uoiilah or
cIiiuiIh. Tho , Pi null) lei lau choir ami fileniln
mot at tho homo of .MIhh .McNiiumt,
Mr. ami Mrx. Mllen liavo ilepurlcil
for California for llm winter inoiithn,
I). V. Hlmio ami wlfo, ahio Mr. ami
.Mim, W. A. ThmiipHon worn illmior
KiiimtH of Mm. Mi Nbimor Woilunmliiy.
'I'lio Parcilt-T'iicherM cltlh niet with
Mrn. T, (!, Law Hnliinlny, Notouihor
7 Tho pilnclplo topic for iIUciinhIoii
I wiih "Tho TralnliiK of ouiir tllrlH
In l)oini'ntlo Hclcnco." Pinna w'ro
P"rfei;leil fur the miuunt Chrlntuiax
Iron nml program.
Itoy IhivliUou nml fninlly moved to
Iholr old homo on I'nclflc hltchwny
Momlny ami .Mr, DuvIh Iiuh taken ui
IiIh nliodo on tho plum Jimt opionlto
.Mm It. W. Illilen will kUo a ton
cent ftnrlal pu I'rlday ufli-rtioon, No
venilier I .Tl)i, at which ottaiilon all
ImlliM Intereiloil u helping to huy a
liuielmll outfit for tho lioyu of Wil
low HprlfiKH school, ii ro cordially In
tlloil. Wllllnm Ailnum linn mocil on the
.McK ranch for (ho pnrpoMj of tak
liiK cliurKo of tho dairy department.
Mm, W, l).('larl.o entertained on
Wednendiiy afloruoou In honor of
Mr. Clurl.V mother. Mm. I). I).
('InrKo of Portland, a very enjoy
nlilu hour wiih had, declplierliin a roil
tent on ilri'muuakliiK, alno In uiukliiK
iiihltti ('lirUtmiiH Klftx. l.nKt hut
not leant didlcloim rcfreHhiiiitiitH worn
mirt'd. Tho Indien iiremint woro;
.McmlaiiK'H Will DaWdiion, W. Park
er. Mm. Wolrh, .Mcilferd: I). I).
Clark, Portland, K McK.-o, Wallnco
Clden, Mc.N'aioier, Illrkholz, .1. W. CI
don, Hatfield, Xorcroiw, and tho
.MIhkom Jolinon and Plcknrd.
Tho Momlnuii'ii J. 8. Norwood nml
I'. IC. Illnckhuru of .Miuunnlto were
hontcHni'ii tn n dellRlitful afternoon
.Monday, November Mil. CanU and
newlm: worn ludiilKod In until a Into
hour, when nu clnhornto luncheon
wiih pracefiilly M'nuil to tho follow
InK Kiicxtn; .McudnnieH, It. I), Moke,
T. MhKcc, ltitlpli Hldcn, HiikIi Storey
Itoliert Paxtfiu, Anna hanc, C. S.
fainter, .IoIiiimiii, John (Irnnt, Frank
t'ploti, I). .MuNuhmt and the .Mlnnp.i
Plckard and McNnnHer.
Mr. nml Mi-x. Wyland of tho Mead
ow pnxhi'il through our hurt,' U'cd
noxday itioiuiiiK on their wav to .Med
ford. Mr. Miirdock is hauling hay front
tho John lliuluuii rmieh.
Mr. Mct'rciejit nml suns of lli'itlu
hold two wnpin IoiiiIh of full! tin keys
to tho (Vutial Point uiuikct,
Mr. mill Mi. Snyder or Medford
uio moving tlii'ir hottseliold pIoiIk to
llm Scot I ranch mid will make il their
liouio thin winter,
Mm. W. ('. Clfiipiuiiu is mIuu; at
tho hninonf Iter oii, I'eny, on thu
llnlh much.
Mr. mul Mm. II. Itoduors worn
1 1 ailing in Central Point Momlay.
I'eiey Chapniau i helpiit); Mr.
Chaxo hiiilil it dain ut the head of tho
Tulilo Hock in inn I in;; dileli.
Mr. mul Mm. Murdoek woio visiting
in Meill'ni'il .Sunday.
Moxt of tho fitniierrf mo Ihroitlt
with Howiiif; their full jjrniu mul nro
rciiilv for tho inllis nml winter
.Ianpcr Itodnom, tho katlo liter
chant, is huihliiii; it lutrii and Mnlilo
near tho Blote.
Mr. mul iMrn. .Jesuit tllasn vqio
trmlitiK iu Cent in I Point Saturday
Mr. mul Arm. Collcrill of (ho Mead
own piw-ieil tlnoiili our hull; Sun
day on their wpy (o tho valloy.
Itnlio Moore has ouo to tho Auto-
lopo coiintp' lo look lifter his cattle,
Tho nii'iiihorn of tho Htitto creek
soliool hold an eloelion hint Wednes
day, Noveiiihor 1, llio following
aineiKlnicnls on trying: Tho ntuoiid
uieiil reipiitiiij; votOm to ho citizens
of thu United States, tho mtioudiuciit
for tho normal schools at Acdilund
nml WohIoii, tho atnoildiiient prohih
Itiiitf Hid sale of liipiors, tho miictuU
incut almlihhinj,' death penalty, tho.
(cutixtrv lull mid tho mmmdim'ut
loiiKllieninK tho tetin of tho County
offieoiH. Tho ropuhlienn officiliH ro
ooivod tho IniWHt tlninhor of vntcH,
I ho laiko crook Holtool hotuil, Jjih.
trlet Ko. II), put it W'utoihii'v heiit
iiiK h.vhIcIii into lllcir hcIiiio) liotiho
hint wobk.
Heed mid Clans Clnttley hotlt litem. J
Iicih of the nliilli ntndi1, were out of
ni.'IiooI helping Iheir piiicnlH , a-t
MIhm .MniK'nrCf Schell wiih ii plcax
iiut cnHcr ul the Unite nook hcIiooI
hint Thurmlny, wlicic lior.fnlhcr is
The ninth rridf pupilH of the Hullo
creel; hcIiooI had n dchalc on Ihc
Hlihjccl iif which wiih Ihc greatest
Ihc Knypllmi'cfupiro or Ihc Axxyrimi
ilnhy Ionian empire, There arc five
Hcholum iu Ihc ninth f;rmlc; one was
Julian Mini Ihc others took xiilcx. The
AHsyiiaii-lliihyloiiian empire won.
The (Inure at the South Untie hall
h'iim altemlcd hy a lari,'o crowd from
nil over I lie round v, Clay Marker mul
wife, Dean Terrill mid xislcr, Iteeil
Charley, Moyd StHiiley, (llenn Terrill,
Atnllev Meyer mid Olio Meyer went,
from Mrowiixhoro mid llio Hitriomid
injf country. The people who went
from the Antelope country were:
Mixh W'nlrli nml xiHter, Kusxell Winn,
.loi! Chthc, t'nifl hhil Ucot"!' IliNc and
Ai(hir Tnttlc.
A iimiiher of the people went to
I'iikIc Point IViday to e their
Movpco fcitilircr, iiiiion tln-in lrinj;
llenrv J oun, K. A. reck, llenrv
Meyer, I'ddie mul lleimuu Meyer, Jr.,
Mr, Tyncl ami Clmrlcx Klinulc
Hy A. C. Ilowlttt
Mm, llenj. Iliophy wi(h in our town
laxt Satiiiday.
Fred Peloitc, one of our pio;rroH
xivijjfarmem, wits iu town after u
loild of eouiincrcial fcililm'r. lie
tried the cumpouml on his alfalfa last
xcaiou mid lotiml Hint lux sirld wiih
uliout doubled. I noticed that quite
a uitpihcr of our farmeix are hauling
it out lo put mi (he himlf mid they
expect tine crops next year, as the
result. While the soil iu the-e parts
is generally jfiioil, Hie reader mux
rciiie,inher that it real deal of the
laud has lieeu iu ciilliviitiou for the
past thirty to filly years, and in
iiiaiiy instances no rotation of crop,
hut instead it would ho planted to
wheat or oats and the product cut for
hay, ami then perhaps loft to voliiu
teer nml apiiit cut for hay, mi Hint
uliout all of the hiihhtancc of the soil
is cxtiacted and nolhiiie; put hack
And iu tunny instances the old-fah-ioiteil
fanners would throw the mau'
nre gut of the Malilo and let it sfatid
thorn until it would rot it way Ihe su)6
of (ho huihliu iiixteail of putting
Miuib of it hack onto the laud, mid tho
result is that coimidernhlo mmiv of
tho fa nns need ret ami rclimldiiif:
up. Hut with new men and new
ideas that antiipiated method in he-
in;; done away with, and xooit our
soil will ho rctorcd to its original
fJeorjto M. Childrrlh or Medford, a
hrothcr of our lilnek-inilh, came out
ami ienl tho day with his In other,
W. I.., ami family.
I). .1. Singleton, who is a part
owner with his xixter mid hrothcr iu
the Singleton form, wits iu town Silt-
iirday and I think look out a lot of
fcitilir.iii compound.
K. It. Peter-on, one of tho rural
school xttponi-om, wits it j;tiet with
us IiihI Saturday, lie hits heett i-
iliiiL' the schools iu the Hit; jtutto
country mid was on his way to
Mr. and Mrn. Qiiankouhtish wore
doine; littxiucsx wiih our uu'rcliJintH
Saliiidiiy, mul so was P. W. Ilnlov,
tho Ilittlo crook homi rui-er.
Itov WXIIits, ho who lor four oars
had tho colttrael for catryiufr tin)
mail fiom hero to Por-i-t and a pint
of the limit to Piopcct, ami during
nil that thno never failed Id tfeliver
llio uiaiU. has jus! tot uracil front a
(tip to Aluskit. ilo repot Ik that ho
hud n vorv pleasant lime, and saw a
bij country, as well as a fine rido
on tho Pacific. Ho reports that bus
iness up there is very dull; that while
mere inav no occasionally it jolt tiutt
there nre four men ready to take it:
that tho KnpliMi capilali-ls liayc
larj;o Iuvelments iu the copper
mines; that when Ihe Kuropeuit war
broke out that they all shut down and
loft thousands of men put of em
ployment. Hut ho speaks iu liiyh
tonus of tho country ami thinks that
iu llio coin so of two yearn Hint Inisi
iifis, will ho so urranf-ed thai nno can
do well in that country, that this year
thoy liavo raised a fipo crop of iio-
tatoes, hut (hero is no inurkc't for
thoiii, hut he t'ci'ls Well siuistiod with
his trip and feels that il Is money well
Miss Lore! I a Cliildreth, who has
been up in tho t'liiutillu country, re
turned cm (ho sumo ear with Mtv
Willits from Portland, although Ihey
neither know that thu other was on
llio ear until Ihey almost reached
i understand that tho niovini,' plo
tttro show hero last Saturday niht
was a fitto oNltihition mul that those
who enjoy such t.por( indulged in a
social ilinieo. Spi'itkiut of tho mov
ing pieturo shows brings up to my
mind amdhor thought and thai is
the continual cry of hard tlmeH. Whilo
1 was in Portland mid would gut lived
walking around I would ooouxionullv
drop Into ouo of tioso places, and al
most always found the room well
tilled, and httll tho very ones who
attend will eoimueil that wo h:t o hard times nml tltltl uuiiioy is ho
Hcmco thai it is hard o buy a pon
tage stamp, Uiul just slum! mount!
any olMltc tlifiitcrs in I'fiitlninl, and
cvcil In Medfod, mid hcc the ctowdH
(Hal go nlulit a ) lee nighl, mul then
lillk about hard liim. It Is nil lt mis.
take. There may be some that have
hard lilnofl, but it Im not of that class.
Mish Hula I Instm nml a Mmn White
went out on the Kitglo Point nml Per
sist ,htiigo Jlo'liday for the William
I !iih!n farm, just below Trail, on the
Itogue river. There was aiiolher Imlv
on the HlagCf but I did not Irani her
name. Hoy Willils also (ook piiHsae
on Ilia Mlage with Mr. Trusty, the
new coiilraclor,
C'haiuicy I-'lorey, our county n-colder-elect,
wiih out .Saturday night
with bis wife ami dmiKhlcr slinking
lunula with his diuiocr.itic friends
who helped o clfd bun.
LIMA, Peru, Nov. 11. -A toIeKrnm
from Tnltnl, Chll", nayH that n Ktcatn
or nrrlvliiK thero r'mrtH that when
off CVuiiillnho, Chile, filio glghted
four (icrnian warnlilpn Ftenutlng
Coipilinh bt'nbout ZOO in llm oii(h
of Tnltnl and Allowing for tho Hind
of tho nteiirricr's jiitfiiiaKc Ix'tween thn
ttvd iori, tltf'c,wnmhln may liav
licfn xei'it on Hnttirilay or Sunday,
Co'iiilmlju i nhoitt 1 r. 0 mile north
of Coronel, off which the naval en
Kngcment of November 1 wn fouttht
Hejiorted y Jrfckaon County Ab
tract Co,, 8litu and KJr Eli.' -
Flmt ChrlHtlan church v. C. Ilolib
tnd VV. A. forrfb. Modoii for now
I Cart i:, Helty vli. Mary I. Whitney.
Ktlpulfitlon to dlmln.
W. A. I'olnton.ct ux v. W. P. Sal
lonser et al. Cost bill.
F. I.. Cnmps vh, C. h. Hnymond.
Men on nutomobllc.
MnrRitret Head v. Win. A. Altkcit.
K. I). HrlKKfl vh. Montreal and Ore
Kon Cold MlnerF. JudKiitcnt, nftl
davit of com. i
Marriage Uroiim
Arthur Win. HtelnmcU nnd Lydla
A. Heals.
IMwnrd W. Flackus nnd Mildred
M. Unlley.
(cargo II. Croy nnd Mnnn (larrlcou
Ileal Ivstnto TrxmsfeM
iW..V. Caldwoll H ix to Chnm
plou T. Puyno et ux, lot on
llotilevurd, Ashlnnd, W. I). .
C. N. Tuttlo et ux toWm. M.
Tetherow et at, Iff acres In
1). 1,. C. CC twp. .17 II 2 W.
W. 0
W. 11. Walker to It. II. Toft,
N, i of Si: and S. M of
NK S. 31 T. .14 U. 2.W.,
V. I)
K. M. Frnsler et ux to John A.
Taylor, land on Oak St., Ash
land, W. I) .
I ii.i
W'hen your child suffers from a
cold don't wait; ;'Io tho llttlo stom
ach, liver and bowols n gentle, thor
ough cleiiUflug at onco. When cross
peevish, Hstlcstf, pate, doesn't sleep,
eat or act mutually; If breath Is had,
stomach sour, give n teaapoouful of
'Cnllfornia Syrup of Figs." and In
a (W hours all tho c'logged-tip, con-'
stlpated waste, sour bllo nnd undi
gested food will gently movo out of
tho bowels), mid you hnvo a well,
playful child again.
, It your child coughs, snuffles and
has caught cold or Is feverish or has
u soro throat glvo a good doso of
"California Syrup of Figs" to ovnett
ato tho bowels no , dlffcrenco what
other treatment Is given.
Sick children needn't bo coaxed to
take this harmless "fruit Inxntlvo."
.Millions of mothers keep It handy
boeauso they know its action on tho
stomach, Hi or nml bowels Is prompt
nnd stlro. Thoy dfso know a llttlo
given today bhvoa n sick child to
morrow. Ask your dniggUt for u GO-cent
bottlo of "California Syrup of Figs,"
which cnhtalns directions for babies,
children of alt nges nnd for grown
ups plainly on tho bottle, Howaio of
counterfeits sold here, (lot thd gnoii
Ino, u'lfldo hy "Cfillfordia Fig S"yrttp
Coinpnii" (Ad.Vi
i i
t t
MADISON, Win, Nov. 11 Tho
fooling of tho nower weMern stnto
that federal control of natural re
nour cod plnccfl the in at n dlimlvant
no with old Mates received vtxor
oiih oxpreioilon hero today tliroiiKh
(Jovornor Wllllnm Spry of I'tah, who
nddreRHOd (ho govcrnorH conferonro.
In fact tho day van not nxldo for con
aldorntlon of "utato control of nnturnl
roHourccH," nnd this part of the pro
gram tfftg Interrupted onjy hy A
luncheon nt I.athrop Hill, CiilverHlty
of Wlnconiiln.
Federal control, tho wemern kov
ornor nsucrted, wnK Inimical to the
growth of weMern (oiiimunltlck, an he
anld It dlncouraKed Individual enter
prise. Tint privately owned resources
of older ntntea, ho pointed out as aft
InntnnO, paid large tnxen lo the
KtateK In which they He, but under
thu federnl IcssIiir pyatcm tho mates
were deprived o thla rcvonttc.
"Supjioiie the 1'nltcd Statna Rovern
tnent leases the mineral, conl and oil
InndM and water power hUck, nnd re
malnH fo rever vented of tltlti," aald
the upcakcr, 'who can estimate the
IoIih of revenue from taxation which
will be nuffered by the mateg wherein
these valuable refource.i are located,
which revenue hnvo for years Iweh
accruing to the older mates, and will
continue for ever to accrue because
their r'KOilrces huvc been vested In
private ownership and are subject to
taxation hy thu state a thing which
It Appears will be utterly Impossible
under the leasing aystcin, so long as
tho government holds title, since the
Koverdhient lands cannot, under the
constitution, be subjected to tnxn
tldh." XOJICK.
I C. j. Allen has bought Joe Can
key's blacksmith business as his very
poor health necessitated a change of
climate anil he'dcslred to go 'to Ari
zona. 1 will bo pleased to retain all
of tho shop's old customers. On So.
Dartlett, opposite Union Darn. 202
Notice Is hereby given that the un-
dorslgned will apply to tho city coun
cil of the city of Medford, Oregon,
at the! next regular meeting on
Nov. 17, 191-t, for a license to sell
spirituous, vinous and malt liquors
nt retnll at his place of business at
No. 2, North Front street, In bald
city, for a period of six months.
Dated November C, 19H. ,
In the county court for Jackson
county, slate of Oregon.
In tho matter, of the estate of Allan
S"mlth, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been by order of the
above entitled court, dated October
31, A. D. 191-1, duly appointed exe.
ctttor of tho estate of Allan Smith,
deceased, and all persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present tho same to mo
with proper vouchers attached there
to, ut tho office of Colvlg & Roberts,
In the Medford National Dank Uttlld-
lug, Medford, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, this
.list day of October, A. I). 19 H.
Executor of thu Estate of Allan
Smith, deceased.
a. m. nonEivrs,
Attorney for the Estate.
Fmt?HENT Modcrii fiirnUlied
rooms. Tho Cottage. 004 W. 10th.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms. Gas, wood lienters.
234 East 9th. 312
ROOMADPDAliBAt 145 South
Ivy. Mrs. C L. Grant. 218
, jr , j .
Rocuo River Valloy Fruit Lands
Dairy, utock, poultry ranches and
Timber. Colonization Tracts, Best
all-the-yenr-rouud climate on coast
Health Resort. Wouderful Medici
nal Springs.
Heaver Keally Co., Ashland, Orcsjoa.
I am making donls for a larger per
cont of my customers than at any
ilmo slnco I started business.
1 want your proposition. I am
making up a Real Estate Exchange
Book. I will' not list properties at
luflr.ted values elthor for aalo or trade
so In quoting prlco of property, give
iowest casii valuation.
SOI First NatJoual Tlaok nulldlaaj
Phone 1UO-J
foh iu:.n TnoL'.ira
FOIl ItHNT-rModorn, partly fur
nished five room hifnKrifmfr On erixl
side. I'hohfl (180 .
j . i i 1 1 t i i nn
VOll niiNT November i, flvo room
modern bungalow, ahsde;.ilnn lawrt,
water paid, good location, Jl4 per
month. HO Wett Uth St. 200
FOR UKNT--2 room futnlshed houe
In hloo nolgnborhftod; rlty wntor
nml fclddtrlft lllitn: cloo fn. C, A.
FOIl KENT Hit room modern buri
gnlow, east front, fine shade, rango
connected, I'hortd 9.10-X, 203
FOIl HALF: Cheap, cash or terms,
inc.i acres In tracts to suit., II.
M. Bcott, owner, 1-45 N, fvy St.
FOR SALE A 2ff0 ttcre tract of land
within one mile of Tnlent, Oregon,
for only $37.00 per ncro. Total
price $8."00. Owner forced to sell.
This Is tho best land bargain on
life market. E. S, Turriy, 21(1 dar-nctt-Corey
FOH SALE A 275 acre stock ranch
with 100 acres now In hay. Good
new house, barn, and otttbulldlns'.
Orily $1000 cash required, balance
easy payments. A bargain. E. S.
Ttlmy, 210 Oarnett-Corcy Illdg.
FOK SALE Twelve acres of fine al
falfa land. Dcdr creek bottom soil.
Small house and outbuilding. Lo
cated closn In Only $1200 cash
required, balance twd years, tlmd.
A real bargain. Total prlcn $2700.
E. S. Tdmy 210 Oarnett-Corcy
FOH SALE By owner, 26 acres of
8-year-old p-ars, standard varle
tles, with buildings, 3 miles
southwest of Medford, at $450 per
acre. Terms. M. I. Mlnedr, Med
ford, 213
FOH SALE Cheap, work horses and
saddle horses, will trade for cattle.
Walsh's ranch, mile out N. Hoosc
velt. 224
FOH SALE -Young plrs.
Stono. Phorie. 201-J-J.
FOH SALE Jersey cows. Duratf
brood sows nnd pigs, Hronze turk
eys mid White Wyandotte fowls,
choice breeding stock. J. II. Ful
ler, Oakmont Farm, Talent.
FOH SALE Family driving
Call 424-J.
FOH SALE C grade Newto?vns, 15c
per box. No. 1 Spitz small sizes.
2Sc per box rit Producers Frntt
company's packing hbtlse. 202
FOH SALEIUgh grade Delglan hare,
breeding docs and Utibks. 135 Al
mond street. 204
FOH SALE Corn, phono 597-R2 203
FOR SALE Clean, sound. Newtown
and Spltzcnberg apples, 50c per
box delivered. Phone 25-R2. 201
FOR SALE Poland China pigs.
Polk Hull, Griffin creek. 201
FOH SALE Corn, $25.00 tier torn
threo miles west of Med lord. P.
D. I.ofland, Jacksonville.
FOR SALE Dry wood Under rover,
all kinds and lengths, $2.00 per
tier and up. Valley Fuel Company,
phorie 7C. 88
WANTED Pruning consciously done
by contract or by the hour. We
prune and believe slashing Is a
sacrillge. C. W. Munson, P. O.
, box 336. 201
WANTED Dressmaking nnd Altera
tions. Mae Burnett, 14-i So. Ccn
tral. Phone 479-M. 212
WANTED Experienced working or
chard foreman. able to
show results, near Mcilford. Statd
salary wanted and give full par
ticular?. Address X. Y., care Malt
WANTED Women Sell guaranteed
hoslory to friends, neighbors and
goneral weilrer; 70 per oerit pro
fit; make $10 drilly; espeHonco un
hecefisary, Interdatiunal Mills,
West Philadelphia. Pa.
WANTED .Tq buy a young, fresh
cow; price must, bo reasonable.
Phono 4J7-X. 201
WANTED Poland Chtnn brood sows.
Also a pure bred Poland China
boar pig. Jhono R-13W. 202
WANTED To trade cows for hogs.
Phono 500-U2. 202
WANTED Two good mltcli cows. C.
A, Bennett, route 3, Medford, Ore
gon. 205
WANTED To buy girl's Juvetlltd
bicycle. 423 Ueatty St. 301
WANTED -To rent ranch and to
trndu 40 acres of land for stock
nnd machinery on same. Address
40G N, Applo St. 201
WANTED Several fresh milk cows,
heifer calves, orily gbbd qows con
sidered. Sleepy Hollow Farm,
Gold Hill. 310
EXCHANQE Want to Soil or bay
anything U G Rader, Hi N.
Front St. Phone 125, Nuff Sed.
WANTED Sonifi Improvod iledford
city property In. exchange for 120
afcrcs of f Ino land in southern California,-
valued at $12,000. Will
(ako tail or itact in trado. E. 8,
Tuniy, 210 Gnrnett-Coroy Bdb'. ,
FOR "EXCHANGE $50(10 PortlalTd
resldeiicts Cor" property hero. Clark
Realty Co, 202
FOH nENTr-Smnll. ranch, Ui ;ll
frdrri TnWitti Call ifli't Medford,
'. , Jlf .,yii" " jTLjftruawteB
LOSTA box c!6ntnlnlhg1 tt lUdles'
drcsj, betweeri Ashland nnd Mod
ford Octobdr 21. HoKmrn', LoKVe,
at Mail TrlbUno. 2U(i
',:-,r: f.'jj-."JiiJLia-ld.-wtiKr. -:."' rn
nuftiN'HAs blKwJroiix-
AHto hnppties
6A11EH AUTd 8PRl(i CO.W
re operating ihe -Ursesti oldBt
and best equipped. plant la the Pa
clflo northwest. Uio '6iir. springs
when othors fall. S6ld tinder iuar-
ante. 26 North Flfteflfltk at.,
Portland,, Ore.
HELFiN rVOOKJ3YrNotary Pub
lic. urinK your worn iu mo i V"
slfn of the Mall Trlbuno.
,. i i i ..i j . , i i. ni i .
Offie 42 'North Front Hi'. I'hoh
sic. Prlcci right, servictf jtuar
tnteed. Attitnuffi
Attorneys-at-Law Rooms 8 at
9, Medford National Bank bldg.
Corey bldg.
Vfm. M. Colvlg. Oeotge it. Itotlartt
Medford National vBfak BalldlBtT.
fl. F. MULKEY k GEO. W. OltKRItY
Attdrneys at Lawt Jackson Cdnu
ty Bank Building.
NEWTON W. BORDEN Attornty at
law, room 7r Sparta bulldte.' MM
ford. Oregon.
DR. A. R HEDGES, Dt. Loti!?a B.
Hedges Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro
practors, SptradylbtnerapISti. Tbet
tysteeat; ineludlHg .dUUtlcs, cura
tive gymnastics1, nydro-tneraphy,
etc.. pr6du"c rcsUts Ih both acuta
and chronic diseases. CouiUlU
tlon trees Over Deuel & Co., cor
ner Main and Dartlett. Hours 9
aV mi to 6 p. ti. Other naiiri by
appointment, phone 170,
DIt.1l. J. LOCKWOOD,, Cttiropi'aeWr,
nerro specialist .Koeat 3O3:I04
206 .Garnett-Cerey bids;. Vapor
bath and scientific massage gives;
' needle" spray, head arid shoulder
bower la connection; advlee la
dletetlcsj asedlcal gynanattlee,
hydroptherapy. Lady atteadaat.
Pttoae. office 643, TmlAi'ci Wl-R,
AflesJe '
We are. here to nelhv people get re
liable, competent help. We tar
nlsh help la almost all Usee el
BuelBXe. We aaake a ipeeleJiy of
eompQtent.mea , aad wltee ,Ht
ranches'. We solicit year aa'trea
age. Blttner's Heal Kstate" aaal
Employiaeat Bureau, Xootai g aM
7 Palai-BBliaing, Medford. 'PlMe
8E8. Mrs. Byrd Oleter, IMaifer,
Oarnett-Corey Ml&g., aulte lit
Medford Ore. Phone ,858. ;
GARBAG&-Get your , premteee
eleahed up far the auttmer. Ceil
on the city garbage wagona for
good service. Phone 274-L. F.
Y. Allea.
Iastruet'loa i'la MrsIc
Laurel. Fred Alton Halght Plaso,
Mrs. Florence Halllday Halgbt,
i voice. Telephone 17C-R.
SHOE.REPAIRINO First class eke
repairing', bn modem electrle
macblaes While you wat E. N.
Blden, located Id kldd'a Shoe Store.
Phone 313J,
PhyestclaM tma intrgeoae
MAIN'S CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 41C-417 Gdthett-Coray
bldg., phone 103 8-L. Resldiace
36 South Laurel St.
DR. W. yfi liOvARb Osteopatlile
physicians, 303 . Oaraett-Cerey
building. Phone 804-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose" and throat. Eye: scien
tifically tested and glassea
piled. Office 239 East Mala 8U
Hour 8:30 a. to, to S p. .
B. D. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jk
Boa County Bank bldg. Offlee
phone 43-K; reslderica phoae 58-K.
cian and surgeon. Office Palsa
block, opposite. Nash Hotel. Hdura
10 to 13. 1 to 4. Phone HO-Jj
DR, It. W. CLANCY Physician a4
surgeou. Pboues. office 39, reel.
deuce ,724-J. office) hour 19 t
IB, 3 to 5.
DR. S. A, LOCKWOOD Phystda'
ad surgeon, , , n'
Prdctlce limited to disease of
wosaen. Offices 238 Jt, Ui.
! Phones, residence, 814-J2: offiee
814: '
It. J. CONROY, M. D Physician aaa
Surgeon. Oyer. UMtehleea ft Luie
$q&t. a 15 V. Mala 8L ? TJT
Priaters aaa ruUMNM
iwwv cMuipjieu tiriHiws 9 ! -J
Boutoem uregon; aoex mi
leee leat Udgrs, bIHlag st
,!. Portlaud grleaf. S7 Ut
fir kH. . i .