Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 11, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    TMdri iKim
MEPfloftij ' litth rnratiNE, jMedforo, okeook wrciftfissmy. NtivutfuEK li mm
',:. i,
nmhtmmn kvkut 'ArTRttNooN
Offlca Mull Tribuno nulldlmr, S5-J7-1I
North Kir strest; tQlcphnns 76.
Ths Dttnocratlo Tlntra, Ths Mtdford
MM1, Tils Medrord Tribune, Thn 8out6
rn Oregonlsn, Ths Ashland Tribun.
oro rrar.' by " , Tf
Onn month, tiy twii ,o
Pet month, delivered by carrier In
Medford. JncknonvllU and Ca
ml Point. a. .to
Mturdfty only, by tnmii, per year S.oo
Weekly, per year ,,..,. ,. 1.(0
OiNI3 of tho'lnnnorous loaturoa of tho recent political
emiipsiigii was the frequent literary outbursts of the
republican county committee spluttering masterpieces ol
learning ami logic and calamity crying that materially
aided in swelling the Chamberlain andSmilh majorities.
Official Vtptt of tha Cliy of MadforiL
"rnciai rnper or jncxeon county.
Kntered ai BCcond-eUe matter at
Medford. Orecon, under Ua aet at
March l 1IT.
inginei. namneriainanattnnm ma.i
Although the election apparently ended the need of
tuese pathetic appeals tor the restoration to power ol priv
ilege, plutocracy and plunder, the splendiferous literary
output still continues a veritable spouting geyser qf pol
itics. A recent emulation harks back to the days of slavery
and secession to label the party of Penrose and' Cannon the
pai'ty of love ami' virtue and the party of Woodrow Wilson
the party of hate!
Not cqnteht with smell political baby talk, another and
later eruption comments joyqusly upon the recent election
as having "fluX-ed'the republicans into "fine steel of a
reunited and' revitalized partv, cleansed and purified."
This "htjcinir," tW "cleansimr.M this "nurification"
Tlio directors of the Trl-Stntes
Oiiud Itontls ns.-ioclatlon (ln conform,
lty of-dutea not conflicting with other
events lo bo held In the contention
hall of Uu Pananin-Pnciric cxposl
tlQii havo Selected August 2nd and
3rd. 1911, for their third annual con-
Secretary George K. Uoob Is In
receipt of tho following letter front
tho Pannum-Paclflc expositien:
"I tako pleasuro to Inform you that
the Department of Special Events Jias
as per yoilr association's resolution,
dtwlgnated August, 2nd. 1P1. ns "Trj.
States Hood Honda Association Pay'
TruslInB thai this may nickel with
your approval, 'and assuring you of
our prompt and hearty co-operation
in nil jour plans, I am. very sincerely
your, James A. IJarr, director of con
gresses." .Mr. Hoos has again started tho
1915 campaign and with the assured
support nnd co-operation of all tho
directors of tho association and tho
2000 members, predicts that by the
date of the 1813 meeting tho associa
tion will bo tho strongest and most
useful organixatlon on tho coast.
Tho California branch office is lo
cated in San Francisco at tho Lon
wcrshlm Hotel, where Mr. Uoos will
shortly proceed to perfect arrange
ments for tho work In hand.
Tho association is now negotiating
with the exposition to accept ob th
date of tho third annual convention
August 2nd. tho membership cards
for entrance in tho exposition
grounds. This will bo an inducement
to both the exposition and the mem
bers of tho association.
Among tho dates of social events
over 100 ussoclations, Iqdgcs, socie
ties anil councils have selected their
date. It is the purpose of the expo
sition to have each day selected for
the convention as "special event day."
Thews dates uindo known
shortly. l
ol the republican party consisted in the re-election of Pen
rose, ot Cannon, qf jsinbot, of Gallinirer. of others of the
old guard that have always stood for privilege and pluto
cracy. It consisted in the defeat of the real progressive
element oftbe party. The party stands "cleansed" and
"purified" pf Roosevelt, of La Pullet te and sincere pro
gressivesis nOw openly and above-bqard the party of
toryism, reaction and stalid-patism.
The word "non-partisan" is almost as opprobious to
this irridesccnt purifier ol politics as is the word democrat
witness the following ouetation: "AYlionnvor m snmnili
rnscAt is to be "boosted into office, or a shadv scheme or
"policy, is fq be? put pvcr. this non-partisan dope appears'
Mprc political Ijaby talk! The man who votes in a state
or local election with no national issues involved, because
oi party label, is mentally unfit to be trusted with the bal
lot. k !NVn-partisanship never elected a crook they all go
in on the "vote" ?er straight" cry so loudlv shouted bv
tiny Hrjnii tuiiuniiHTil todnv nllcr a
conference with Count Von lloni
storl'f, tlte Dei limit uinbn.iidnr, that
thcio luul been no chungc in tho plan
oi initially approved liv tlu (lenniiu
government Tor (lie trnii-poilution of
lolief stipdiiw to Helejiitn.
Tho Iti'lginii minister. .Mr. Iliivcnilh,
is in Now York luiungtti): for tlio sail
hiji of.ttyo Mippiy hlrips lioin nultit
ted fur llclgistiis h tlio various roliof
ooiiiniitloos in this count r.. ti (Toils
now are liciup; nfmlo, Avith suecesw, to
i;ot ooiiOilnitioiii'lli' (ho form of sn.
plie.s, ami vvoik is umlor way in .Min-
neapnlis In piovitlo an ontiio cargo
ot Hour from that oitv.
'flioro soi'in- to lie no disposition in
tiffioial circles hole to olijcct to tlio
demand ot Goiuian nulitat.v autliori-tie-
in Belgium (hat iiihaliitants veck
inir rt'Hcf o lo wink, il able to do mi.
Clllt'AUO. Nov. II. Spioad or
foot ami iiiuutli ili'HMo ainoiii; tlio
Slltt ptiro ilairv cattle iimlor ipiimiu
tiuc at tlio t'liioapt union stocl.twmls
assuaioil such alai minr pi'opoi tions
today dial it was feu rod (he infection
could not lie pi evented liom hpivad
iii to every aiiiuial in the lionl. Tlio
callle am valued at W.."IHUHH1.
I'lTTSIU (1, a Nov. ll.-fou-ditioas
Inonfilit alioul li.v tlio cpnli'iiii.
of foot and uiotilli diM'ti-o liooaute
distinctly voie todav when it was
tiiiiioiiucod that JUKI cows, one of the
finest dair(v IiohIh hi Wo-.tiaoiolainl
oouiilv. had developed the disease and
seven diur.v hotiU in otln r paits ot'
western IVuiisvlvaiiia were uinlei
Mispioioii, Sonic ajiiiichension lor
the milk supply of l'ltlslnu-, was lilt
1'AKIS. Nov. 11, 0 IS i in Tho
l'rtrograd I'orroapomtcut of tlio .Mntlu
telcRraphs the following'
"It l reported tlint nfter n council
of war presided over bj the Knlaer.
tlio crown prince wan appointed coin,
mnnder-ln-chlcf of all tho (icrmnn
ami Austrian nrmli operating
nK.-vlnet Hussla, with Clouoral Von
HIiulenbiirR conuuninllnK the loft
wins and Ucnorul Pankl the rlKht."
IlOISn, Idaho, Nov. ll.-r-WJicthpr
tho rcimbllcan parry will be In con
trol of tho houao of representatives
of tho Idalio lcKlblaturo or t)ie ono
proKioFbivo member will hold tho
ualance of power will bo decided by
tho drawing of IoIb when tho tnto board meets hero No
vember 2-1. This situation Is brouidit
about ns a result of a tio voto for
representative In Latah county.
where tho republican and democratic
candidates each received 1H45 votes..
The ntule law provides that In cades
of tlo votes, the state cnnvasslnu
hoard shall decide the couteM by tho
cnutlut; of llts. f (ho republicans
gain the Latah county member they
will have 31 members of tho house
fo 2S democrats and one proKresslve.
If, however, tho soat Is accorded to
the douiocratle candidate, the re
publicans will have 30 moinbers and
the democrats 2U, jjlvlnt; tW lone
iiupiraino me uiimiito oi piiwer in
lie shutdUR of k'Klslatlon.
i v
this commit teo, but waited unoli an intelligent eleetdrate.
,vjaL can ius nine remnant oi reacuonaryism. re
elected to coiiguess. tlis )urified and sanctit'icd'bunch of
stantl-jjahei-s dq? They are helpless to restore Hannaisin
and Cannomsm. They cannot revive the reign of preda
tory interests. They cannot revise the tariff upward to aid
the trusts nor smash the currency measure to benefit Wall
street, nor undo the anti-ti;ust' legislation, nor' restore
Alaska to the looters, nor revive the reign of the ltbby.
These reforms are accomplished and the people have
sustained the administration by giving it control of both
branches of congress for another two years in order that
Woodrow Wilson may finish his half-completed work. And
when it is finished the country will npver vote to go back
to the days of Camwni and Aldrich, ot" tariff robbery and
jobbery and pilfering privilege.
The nation faces an unprecedented period of prosper
ity. Business in all lines is reviving. Opportunity for
coipiucrcial world supremacy is knocking at America '3
doors. Peace and progress arc bringing their rewards. The
ri'iini ol iirivjitfirc! is over ana run ovn or poimi nnnnrrnnmnu rh m-rt tr.rt ,.- frtt. .
and-nghtcous laws and government for the people at hand 'nt varieties to piani. Thousands
and the confidmmo of tlio nooiilo in tho tin. of cutting wero distributed.
The ''cleiuised and purified" band of reactionaries in
congress can 'do little but cry "calamity!" in an era of
plenty. T.'hey can point a'inoral and adorn a tale a remin
der of governmental evils of the past and a warning for
the avoidance of similaq perils in, the future.
The Med ford llote society ester
day bpent the eutlru day In distrlhut
InR roso cuttings to the children In
tho public schools of this city. The
distributing of tho ciitlliiRs followedJ
a splendid lecture on llofo Culture
and Caro by Professor !'. C. Iloluier
of the experiment station at Talent.
Professor Uclmcr by reipiebt of the
Med ford Kot-o society devoted tho day
Instructing tho -pupils how to plant
Ousting Tammany in New York
plot mm
(From the New York World.)
Last jenr Muqiliyism Ijrokp iho
back of tlio democratic party in Nevr
Vork City.
'rbLs year Miiq)liiiin ha broker,
the hack of th5 ijemoeratio party of
New Vork jtute.
The people of New Vork will jpi
IpnKcr tolerate Tniinmny hall jiov
emment at Albany. They have Anlil
it iu the icnt voto polled for Mr.
Whitman. They have miIi! it hlil
tuoie emphatically in the vote polled
for William' Sulzer. Discredited '"d
disgraced, a bankrupt in reiilatioti
114 vvxdi iih in character, Ktilrer lias
aain proved himself the political
Nemesis of tho bosr, who impunolud
him and removed him from the 'A''
crnoivhip, not because he pock
eted euinpnl;.'!) eontnbutions, but be
cause he had refitted longer lo take
oiders fiont Churl? P. Murphy.
A sorrv implement of political jti.
tiee, perhurt,-hut AVilliniu Iiiih
niiverlljelligi))ilf )i)p Work and iIoikj
it offeolivclj. WJicnt'iis ol Ihoii
niimlH of voter A-ize.ijppnVMifih an
instrumenl of political relributiou, in
what utter detestation miisl ihey hold
(lovenior (il.viin in the victim of
conditions which In.- did not cicate,
but which, iiiifortuuatcly be had
taken no strong measure to icmedy
He is not a member of Tammany ball,
lie Iiiin never been idciititied with
Tammany politics; but on the other
hand, he has never identified himself
conspicuously . with Iho militant de
mocracy that is irrevocably opposed
to .Murphyisin. The uovernorV. polit
ical del cat is thejncvitable i t of
trying to bo friendly eiioiigli to Tam
many to gain its support and inde
pendent enough of Tammany to win
Iho support of the anli-Tamiiiauy
The democrath of Nt'w Voik have
been beaten lecause thoy toleiatcd
(ha lies I .Muipliv as the boss of
(heir party orj;ania(ion. They learn
ed nothing from (he disastrous defeat
that tjiey sustained iu the city last
fall. Will they learn nothing fiom
the iliiitwtioiiH defeat that they sus
tained .in the stale this fall
That tliu work of the .Medford Kov)
society Is belnc appreciated Is little
questioned. Already the rural school
districts are asklm; for cuttings and
business men of tho city aro sending
letters of praise to the ladles In
charge. The pupils themselves aro
much Interested and have expressed a
desire to make .Medford the most
beautiful city In tho west.
Tho ladles In chargo have worked
In selecting tho variolic best suited
for this locality and preparing them
for distribution. Tho enterprise nnd
enthusiasm dlsplard by tho ladles of
.Medford In this matter of roso cul
ture Is lommendlng. and tho Sun
knows better than uiuiiy that their
efforts aro being appreciated, A few
years of them unceasing effortu and
Medford will truly bo the roxo ilty
of the Pacific toast.
LONDON, Nov 11, 11, m
Tim Central News has received n dis
patch from Us correspondent at Mel
bourne sa)lng that tho gunner) of
the dcrmaii crulcr Kuidcu was good
In the begluiiluK of her fighting off
('ocom Island with the Australian
cruiser S)dne, but deteriorated later,
Tho (icrmnn boat had two funnels
shot away ami caught fire astern
within an hour after tho beginning of
the engagement. She Is now ashore
and continues to burn.
A lnndlng part) fiom the Hindoo
previous to tho beginning of the fight
hnd comiiinudccrcd two mouths' sup.
plies from the Cocoa Islanders, but
the people were well treated.
Hauler's Telegram company has
received a dispatch from Its Peklu
correspondent who says It Is reported
then; that the K mil on was driven
ashore on tho rocks and severe!) dam
aged and that she has broken up.
LONDON, Nov. II, 'Jsll p. 111."
Captaiu ou Miiller of Ihn (lenuiiii
cutiser Kiudcii, which was attacked
h,v the Australian ciuiscr N.wluey and
ill i en ashore in the Cocos island,
wlimo she biiiued, ami I'liiice Putiir.
Joseph of llohcurollcjiit ono of his
olficcr, iih' doth piitumcix of war,
and neither is wounded, at idiui; to
an iiuiiouuccmciit bv (he iiilmiral!)
Hum iilteiiionu.
The itilmiialtv adds llnil (he losses
on the Kitulcu ate uiiol'lieiiilly icpott
cd ns '.Mill Killed mid liiiil.v wounded.
No I ill t hoi details have lift n iceeived.
The adiuiuitlv has given iluei'lions
thai all honors o war be iiteoided to
the sat v iv ois of the I'mdeii and that
the ciptalii and III- iiilieers ate not
to be ill pin ed of (heir hvuihIh,.
Sage Tea and Sal-
that nobody can tell.
Don't stay uravl
phur darkens hair so naturally
To the Rescue
in Blood Diseases
Yon can turn gray, faded hair lsu
tlfiilly dark nnd liutrous aliitont owr
nlitht If you'll pel a M ernt U.ltlo of
"Vyclh'SngPnndSul)liiir Hair ltni(ly"
nt uny druj; store. AIiIIIoim of bottlr of
lid old, famous Hijs, Ten ltccl iro iIJ
Miniully, mj a wvll-Unown dniggist
lirrr, israiun it iinrkrns tno iiair o
naturally tuid uvenly that no ouo can
tell It lias Un Riillod.
lliovj rliuM lnlr U turning gmy, b
coming faded, dry, utagjly nnd thin
have a surprUe avraltlng thrm, U-caiim
nfter ono or two nppllmtlon Din pjiiy
lmlr vnnldirs and jour lH'k tnnijo
luxuriantly dark am) Wailful all dan
dniir giM, kmI ilclilug ami falling hair
'llda I tlio agr of youth. (Iray litirt,
unattrnctlve foRs aren't vrankd around,
ro gt liiwy with Wyi'lh'a Sftn anil Su.
plair to night nnd vou'll Ui dolllitl
with ynitr drk, lianifiMiiiMi hair nnd your
yuutMul apivanuira within a few daja.
The 11svvci' Is li'oiiiul In (lie MliMluhl.
fin wind Slnlenieul of u jMik.
Minvllle Iteslileut
Wo havo huvn leudluK week after
week Iu the local pieM of Mmifoid
cltleiis who have beoii rid or dls
Ucsslng kldne) and IjluiliUr tnjuhles
h Doau's Kidney Pills, and n hsv
often wondered vvliflher Ihn wsui
high opinion of this medlcliiu Is to bu
round Iu our uelghhoilni; townii. This
flank and eainevt HtiiteniMit by a woll
known and respected resident of .Jack
sonville will set this doubt at rest.
Aiiittow Cautrall, ('allforuU Ht..
Jacksonville, Orenou, suh: "When
I Vviih Hii(ferliii; from liackMeh and
other kltluc) alltiiciits, Dopii'u Kid
no) Pills en me to my aid uml stoiib'd
the tiouhles, Tho public nudorsw
nieiit I gave (hem fcnterul yr t
still hold good."
Price fiOc, at all dnulers. Don't
sl;uply auk (or a kldtui) 'reineJy jf(
Doau's Kidney IMIln thw smut (hut
Mr Cftiltiall had I'o.iUr-Mllburn
Co!. Piops. llutralu, N V -Adr.
IT Theatre
Miitliiec, l.'ieulny
THir-i rBBT
A jCamping Expedition
LONDON., Nov. U. 130-1 p. m A
dispatch 1 to the l&xcunngo Telegraph
company from Athens says:
"It Islearnc'd that a conspiracy Ijas
broken out at Constantlnoplo agalust
tie (lermans and Young Turks. Tlt'e
Ojilof conspirators wore arrested and
KJIQt. 1 1 1 . i
' "Tho ,p,9Pliatn Ql Me fljtma
capital, becniln vep; ejtclted as a
result of' the Turkish defeats orr Sun
day, visited resatinent on a number
of (leriiian iinn-cqininlsslonod uffl
taeri Vwi IJwy uHflcKw),'
ThreV'ycars ago TTast September jit wbb a homesteader clearing up Jils
o'OJends "apd ilfybelf' went out onM0"- wo never thought any thing
to.i'lt t't i' t- imnr-A olmiil l until ! n I !. nri,M
a tSmilnc OM'iedltlon. Our Inten-"""'" i'""- "l , "" "
l.nrv tf nt ' jr k, u'ri linn liltli(il niinii nnM unrn -.n-
4ionswerotobe8oniihoutaw-eek.l,nB MUJ)J)or wl0u & foreHt ranger
Jiariy one iuonuay iuomiiiK uirodn Into our eainn and rtiorloil
e J 1- ' -- ..-i .
started on our 3Q mllo Journey, each 1 that a bad flro had broken out, abou
. '..r..'-' ..'.. .' ji.ti..,.1 A r'thrnA mllM frntn nur Minn Tl.
UJllJJIlH a. liuii ut a, lioJmB )iuiv. iv
T. ,i- ,., I.. I ri'' 1 I ,
tijok a pack horse along wHhf us to
carry our tcu, bedding, grub stako
and other miscellaneous notions. Af
ter keening up a steady walk like
wo did, one can Imagine how we felt
when night overtook us.
It was almost- dark when we
pitched camp an1 it was just good
davllghL fwhen we. started on our
way next morning.
Vo arrly.ed at qur, destination about
'I o'clock In (he afternoon. Hut bo
fore we got there wo noticed that It
was getting awful smoky. Wo dls
e.uused tlio muftor mid decided that
ho would be back fur us oarly In the
Vo did not llku liut very well for
we knew that thorn were plenty of
men besides us In 'the neighborhood
that would like to get the Job, Wo
realized that If w'oj stayed our food
supply would be exhausted, when tho
flro was put out so next morning
by da) light wo were on oar way In
search of a new camping pinto out
of that part of the country.
IJy Ili;i:i' CIIAItM'Y,
Ninth tirade liutto Creek School,
Just the Help Needed to Over-
come Wont Trouble.
lumber industry output at all Ore
gon seaports Is Inrioasjng
Fin nlu glTta Im cavpoa ! tirWrora
Ultra ti M,MU.Uaom4dtiAi. Hlf
ok .IpfiailumjojhiM. MUitoui
I- Udltt.
.Parker & Stancliffe m
l E. Mtla SI., MtU.ri Of tin
threo mllea from our camp. Ho
wound up his story by wanting to
know If ho could got lis to fight flro
for a few days. Wo all looked at
one another for a few seconds which
seemed to mo like an hour, but fin
ally one of the boys said, ."I guess
so' and then I felt better.
The ranger rodo away saying that
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant
FfaOBM M. 47 B
Aiubulafto SrrU lia(y Outomt
I wish to announce to the former
patrons of tho L'ast Sldo Dairy routo
and othors who are Interested that I
havo purchased tho roufo unci eiiulp-
ment and am ready to furnish pure,
fresh nillk and cream from my own
hord of cholco Jeisey cow.
Mr. V. V,. Omun Is In chargo of tho
deliveries and will deljyer both morn
ing and evening,
Kvor) thing sanitary.
Jiie Quality Dairy
.1. !'. HIIOAIl.s!, 1II,9I,
I'lioiio H.TJ.V
In H H. K . Ilic fanidija liUxl tmrltlrr,
la llir siralret natural r-alr irrw known.
It In an anllilolq fur kthu, llmt mice kl
loCinr, triiill ltjr fatt llmt ilrflnllo il)
iin U apparriil irr nltlit. Anil jrt so
powerful I) I be InlliD'tire of 8. H, H, that
like a rait army It ircadi all llirointli
lli lilouil. elircki dUraii, iijieni tii all the
ralim vt euate ami thruwi out dlienc
Ihrnucli tbe IUok. klJueji, blaOiIer, boneli
anil akin.
"Do not become panic alrlckrn If a rath
or bulla or eruptions Inflame the akfn.
Nkture I Unlnic lier li-it tiut Nature l at
tbe 'same time falling for hflp, anil In
H. H. H, li Ju.t tho kind or tit-lp Ktture
drmamli, for It la a (Hire reti'tabl rrmftl;
with an action that vlirorouiljr 6llow tbe
blood clianni'U nuil dram and rrpalra ai
It coes alonir. In rrtrj roumunltjr are
people who know this tu he true. They
tare uird S. 8. H. and aro blood clean,
tnroueii ami tnroueii.
flet a bottlo ot X. H. K. todar at am
dniR' store. Prlre out ihuie i(-tructlrt
cermi that eanie skin eruptlom, aore throat,
swollen itianua, moo'i r ainea, nainrni rneu
malic Joint, chronic hronchltli. ami moat
all conditions of dlirate. Head the folder
amend Ihn bottle that telle about the (treat
work being done to aulit autTrrera. If ou
would know more about the Mood and Hi
treatment, write for special hook to Tlir
Kwlft Hpecioc Co., a nsriit I'mi!-, Atlanta
Tbo most economical, cleansing nnd
germicidal of all anllsQptlca It
A soluble Antkeptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed,
An a medicinal antiseptic for douches
In treating catarrh, Inllanunntlon or
ulceration ol none, throat, nnd that
caused by feminine Ills It linn no equal.
tor ten yearn tho Lydla K. rlnkham
Medicine Co, linn recommended 1'axtlno
In their prlvntn cnrrcniMindcnco wltli
woiiicn, which proves lis siiK'rIorl(y.
Women who hnvo been cured say
It U "worth Its weight In gold." At
druggists. COe. largo box. or by mall,
Tho Paxton Toilet Co.. lloitou, .Mass
The Musicians's
Itet'l Thnuhuuser
Maud I'ealy
The First Love's Best
Two Keel Kur lire Druma
Soldiers of Misfortune
Ko) stone Military Comes")'
wi: PAY
' it) it
Butter Fat
Fresh Eggs
.TJ Koulli Central
.Mi:i)l'Oltl, OltKilON
I'hoiio IH1
STAR Theatre
Wednesday and Thursday
Tho (icncral J'llm Co Presents Vita
tjraphs I'holoplHjr Muxtarnlect
The Riders
of Petersham
Iu Threo Puitri
Tho )oiiiik heir foils bin dishonest
Kiinrdliiu'n vllllanoiit plot to toh him
of his liilurltntico, Th illselosuros
mado li) an luttcpid editor brlue
about slluntloiis that are astounding.
Alter uiniiy tlirlllliu; eueouiilcrA (lit
desperato ".'li;hl llldsrs"' jru oTrr
comn and rlKht IriuiupliH over uileht.
Adiiilsdoii ." and Ide
208 East Main Strcot
Tho Only Exclusive
Cqnimorginl Pliotograpborjj
in Southern Oreg6n
Negatives Made any time ot
place by appointment
Phone 147-J.
We'll do tho rest
TB. D, WESTON, Prop. I1
Wednesday and Thursday
In Throe I'arts '
Do Not Foil k See the End of Tills Great Serial.
Two Pint I.ubln
4MV " "
Vomedy Powers
AJ'. i S
" v i i r.
y It -tl' tA' u HI.Krapl.
Fall qf j ti Muscle Bound Hieks
Tills Hplcndld J'liiaiuino Two Mulits Only
IOhpi I-'Ippj' Ifio llnlntiiy 10a 0))Ulrai