Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 11, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford mail Tribune
Partly Cliiody, pmiibly rain
Mux. ni; .Mln. ,
forty-fourth Yrnr.
lnllvNliilti Yrnr
French Official Statement Says Al
lies Generally Successful In Main
tnlnlnit Front, Out That Enemy
Sclcd Possession of Contested
Town Allies Elsewhere Pronress.
PARIS, Nov. 11. Tlii. offi-iul
French Ntnlcmcnt this uftrnnoii Hint
the fUfhtlng was renew ml with vcrv
jjrrnl severity between Nieupnrt and
lln Lyn. Tim Fifiii'h forces goiicr-
Hlly WUlU HIICCOHSful ill IlltllllllllllillV
I lift t- ftmil, Inil it in ntlmitti'tl that tho
(Irimniiii toward tint mil uf tin1 iluy
Mteeci'llcil ill taking MiMH04hluil of
Miunudo. Thf British troops me dc
fijliml iiH linutig repulsed llu enemy
nt sov'nrnl points.
At oilier point on the lino the
Flllllh i'IhIiii lllt piogietm.
Tim tc( of Hie statement follows;
"(In mir left wini; lln fighting was
iiiiimil y-tenlny morning between
Nii'iiioil ami tint Lyw, Villi u very
kimiI tlntfii'i' of severity, (lenernllv
"peakltujr, 'our front was muSnltiiucd
in Miiilo of tln violence ninl Ilia
Mit'iiRth of tin1 (liirnian attacks (litis-led
nuiiiiiMl I'i'rtiiiii of our point"
of MHppuil."
"To tint north of Nleupotl wo won
cvtm uliln to rcnocupy LomhncrtzMlc
nml advance beyond this town, lint
toward the end oT the day tho Ger
man wucfccdoil in taking possession
of Dlxiiiiulc. "i' Hlill hold our pni
tioiiM on I he approaches to this town,
nlonif tin canal from Nicnnnrt I
YMirf, uliicli Iiiim hen firmly oecu
piixl. Tim fighting wan vcrv hot at
tlllHl pUltPM.
"Tlii' llritixh troops, attacked n'o
M KOVTllTll point, succeeded every
where hi atnpplng tin enemy.
"On tho rest of (ho front llu gcu
itiiI altiinlinu shown no change, uilli
I lit o.xocplinii of slight progress hy
our fnices to the ninth of Snisniis
nml in thu ration to tin west of Vail.
I, on J lie riitlit hank of tin Aisnc.
OuUid'of IIii'h point, tin' t.ali of
tin' wcalht'i' pi'nailti'il only minor en-
UHgClllPnl", wllil'll ICMlltl'lt SIICCCHS-
I'ully for iim, Particularly at Coin
ronrl, thico kiloint Iim north of the
fori't of Panoy, wo routed a de
Inchmeal of I ho enciu,."
few mm
VKXICi:, Italy, Nm. 11,la Paris,
2 p. in.- According to tlio Cornore
Delhi Sera of Milan, tVw ttoops an1
left in T.Mol, Soino UlKKI troops,
mostly Hutiiantan, tiro pini'iUiii; tin
nioiinlain fnnitii'r to prevent llm
pitHMiiKii of ih'Hi'ili'r.s. Kovorlhi'lt'hs,
ih'hci lions oontinno daily. Many oon.
vali'Mccnt wnniiili'il arc fleeing into
Italy IiimIciuI of rejoining the An'
tiian army.
When tho deserters arc minors, the
Austrian aiithorilich visit the par
cnls, the paper Nays, ami inquire
whether they are jjlail their miiis have
ocapetl. If the answer is "yes," the
parcnU are immetliately arresleil. If
tho reply in "no," they are reipiiied to
hin (Iociiiih'iiIh demandini; the Hal
iniirt nciul their hods hack to Auslriu,
YY"i'lc on thu fortifieatlaim in tie
inomilainy alon the frontier in pro
eeediiif,' aelively and tho paKsea are
heinc eloHed. Fuw h t i 1 1 remain open.
iiiii;ui-h Jor tfeppeliim are liolnj? con
Mructod in Trent and Innshruek.
AMSTKKDAM, Nov. 11, via I.on
don, lilBp. m. - The Nclliorlandw
milltnry aiilhorltieH havo IkhiiimI or
dern tl'ial all l'nra newHiapei' eor
leHiiondei'itH leave t!.o provineu of
The Nolhorluudrt provlnuo of Koo.
land is directly north of Antuwer,).
TIiioiikIi it I'Iowh llm Wvor Seho'dt
i'ruiu Antwerp ly thu ucu.
1 1.- Tim cliurr.eH or inurtler
jiKiilnm 'lctor I linen nml liU
wlfo lr for tho iiIIpk1
S- ilentlm of Ml km llcatrlco NelniN !
nml Mri. Dlolnc NelniH DciiiiIh,
: MlNtem, of Atlanta, (IcorKl", l
i- -will lie iIIniiiIhm'iI Munilay, I)Ih
trlcl Altnrney l.lnili'ii an-
nounci'd In rottrt today.
The ntnto Iiiih Imh'ii unable
to imtublliili Hut fact of tho
Ncltim lAtra dentil ami
Ar tliereforo would not under-
take trial.
UKItl.lN, Nov, 11 The Turku
a ro inei'tltiK with rounUlernliln mic
ci-fH In their operations In thu t'au
rniniH ami on the Ki;yptlnn frontier,
nrrorilltu; to offlrlnl iiilnouiiremint
uiudc by the TurMkh government ami
Klvcii out lu llerlln.
They hnvii ocruiiled Hholliinr fort
at Kl ArlNh, KKypt. nml taken four
field :unn I nun the enemy. Tho Hug
"limn In the Cnucnitim havo ticen
forced to retlru to their ticcond linen
of defno.
Kl AiIhIi In on the Meilltcrrnnenn
near the huumlury of Ii:yt and l'nl
eitlne. It In of Importauci) as a
point of water mipply.
TOKIO, Nov. 11, 'J p. m. Official
announcement is made that torpedo
hoal No. .'Ill of the .laimucM' navy wuk
Mini; liy a mine early iodav at the
mouth of Km Chow hav while dra
xiiiK f'r iiiiiieK. A majority of the
crew uiih icscited.
Many of the men alumni thu Her
man eiuikci' Kimleii, which was
hcachcil ami linrneil on Coeos island,
in the Indian ocean, alter a li;ht
with the Australian cruiser Sydney,
were killed or wounded ill the buttle,
i ccordinj; to an aniioiiueeiiu'iit made
here today.
VAUIS. Nov. 11, 2:fi0 p. m. A
Ho van Afieney dltinutch from IV'tro
lirnd uayit:
"It Is Kald lieio that durlarf the
recent fltthtlu In KnHt l'nmsla thu
Oermnnu Iohi 70 per rent of their of
flccm. From October 23 to Novem
ber G thu total HiiHMan captures
amounted to 323 officers, 21,750
Holillcni, four niortnrH, r2 cqnnon, r2
iuickflrorH and a larKo nniount of
miinltloiiK or war, Including a quant
ity of provisions."
LONDON, Nov. 11, 1 :38 p. m. Tho
hundredth day of llm war, which en
gagcll virtually half tho world both
in respect to land area nml popula
tion, finds llm Teulonio allies prac
tically on tho defensive, aecordjng to
opinions expressed today by Knglish
Hliiilcnts of tho situation, nt least
temporarily, in both tho main areas
of hostilities,
This rolo is perhaps inoro nro
nouuecil in the eastern field of oper
ation, where tho Germans havo been
thrown well hack behind their own
frontier lines at several points in
Fast Prussia and Poseu, thnu in tho
western field, whore, although tho
successes of tho last two" weeks havo
enabled tho forces of Great Hrilain,
Franco and Hclgium to inaugurate a
vigoi'oim offensive, tho Germans aro
still disputing overy foot of ground
with bloody hand-to-hand fighting,
which ia proving mora deadly than
has any previous phase of this meal
Pctroyrad Reports Brilliant Success
Followed by Crosslnu of German
FrontierCossacks Attacking Cra
cow and Przcmysl Reinvested In
fantry Dominant Force.
LONDON, Nov. 11, 10 a. m. Co
incident with the news that everv
flcnnan bohlier Iiiih been swept from
Ituhsinn noil comes a whiMM" of
peace negotiations in the report fiom
l'ltrograd that Ilerliu Iiiih approach
ed ltusMa M'ilh overtures looking to
ward a ccMsutiuu of hostilities.
Contrary to the (lenmiti icport that
the Itussians had been cheeked on the
frontier of eait Pnissia, 1'etrogiad
declares that a brilliant success in
that legion has been succeeded by an
actual invasion of Herman territory.
An eiiiial triumph is repotted from
the other end of the long Russian
battle line. With Cossacks raiding
within twenty ftulcH of Cracow, the
cotnmamlniit of that fortress hns or
dered the civilian population of the
city to lcnc. Przcmysl is naid to be
fully invested again ami its rediie'iun
is likely to nreeode. any further ad
vance by the itussians' left wing.
Contrary to practice, infantry and
not artillery has been the dominant
force used bv the Kussiuns along
their western battle front in pushing
the invaders hack across tin. border.
Showing disregard of the Oeiinan
batteries, superior foiees of Itussmi
infantry time after time have ad
nnced and won positions b, tic use
of cold hteel.
From Moscow coined a repoit that
during the fighting near Acrodr., on
the river Warthe, the Kiissinns w
tared flcneral Von Afnkengc, coin
mauder of the seventeenth fleiman
army corps, together with members
of his staff. It is reported also that
General Von I.iehcrt, in command at
I.odr. when the Ocimans occupied
that city, has been captured lo th
Itomf icports that the Austrian
army id abandoning entirely its posi
tions in. western Oalieia ami will win
ter nt the foot of tin: Carpathians,
renewing tho war from that baso in
the spring. Hut the stubborn de
determination to defend Craeoe hard
ly confirm this ieort.
IHJTTK, Mont., Nov. 11. Oppon
cntH of woman suffrago conceded to
day that tho equal suffrage amend
ment which was voted on in Montana
last Tuesday, had carried. Official
returns from twenty-nine countioK
out of thiity-niue in thu state and
unofficial figures from two additional
counties give equal suffrago a lead
of HOSl). Tho remaining counties to
ho heard from am expected to in
ercaso the suffrago lead. Tho coun
ties are not thickly populated.
nanguinnry wnr. Tho names of some
townk and villages occurring with
monotonous regularity day after day
in tho official reports show how stub.
horn has been tho st niggle in tho
country centering around Ypres-. Into
this laud tho opposing armies havo
burrowed until it has becomo u vcri
tnblo human rabbit warren.
Tho icport of renewed tentative
for peace on tho part of Germany,
which, however, has not boon con
firmed, with the purposo of detach
ing ihissia from tho other allies, us
Germany is behoved previously l
havo tried to detach France, is no
copied in Loudon as an indication
that Germany is becoming iiwnre of
tho difficulties of thu (ask she. has
unttorlaken in prosecuting nn offen
sive warfare against foes on two
fionlH, and tho supposed failure of
lhof.0 overtures, if nn.v havo actually
been made, is coupled with tho con
tinual movement- to tho cast of Ger
nuiu troopa from IH'Igiuui.
HONK KONG, Nov. 1 1. Tho
Aufttrallac crulncr Hyilnoy was
not damaged In her fight with
tho (lerman crulwr Kmdvn off
Coron Inland, according to
reports reaching here today.
Tho captain of the Hyilney,
according to these dlHpatches,
Kulit ho hai.een only .10 mir-
r vlvor of tho 300 men nun-
OH('d to liavn l-on on board
tho ttiiulen. The Oertnan
crulwr wan a veritable- itlium-
blcs. Four officers and 22
oilier men were ma prltio-
! ners.
IIONOLFLF, Xirt. 11. The Jap
nuese battleship lli.en and cruiser
Asama, which entered this port a lit
tle less than twenty-four hours ago
for coal and provisions, ieft Jiere
early today for an unknown destina
tion. ltumor Iiiih it in the Japanese col
ony that the warships will rendezvous
with a Japanese tlert now Hearing
the coast of Chile, whore it is sup
posed to seek the. German cruiser,
which defeated Hear Admiral Sir
Christopher Craiidoek's squadron.
Two Japanese inerchontmen nt Ililo
are due to clear shortly, but in view
of the sinking of the Linden and the
known preseneo of thu remniniler of
the German Pacific squadron off tho
coast of Sfllth America, it is not be
lieved that the Iluen and Asama will
be detailed to convoy them.
VIFNNA, Nov. 10, via Amsterdam
and London, Nov. 11.. 7:1T a. m. An
official communication issued bv
army headquarters today regarding
the fighting with the Servians, says:
"Severe fighting at the foot of a
mountain on the line from Shahats to
lA'snitza, continued till day yester
day. Some strongly fortified posi
tions were stormed.
"South of Phininn our troops fur-,
ther advanced ill tho district east of
LesuiUn, Kroupani and Ljubvoku.
Some heavy skirmishing took piace
with tho roar guard of the enemy,
which was repulsed nt nil points. Nu
merous prisoners and somo heavy
guns wero taken."
LONDON, Nov. 11, 10:20 a. m.
ToloKrnnhluK from Copenhagen, a
correspondent of tho Central News
"A dispatch received lioro from
Cologne affirms that tho opo shortly
will endeavor to tnttluto negotiations
f6r peace through tho medium of a
paBtoral letter.
"Tho German view ot this Is that
any such action by Ills Holiness would
raise tho question of tho Popo's tem
poral power and forco Italy Into tak
ing nn attitude against tho proposal."
TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 11, Aftor
19 hours deliberation thu jury In tho
casu ot Frank I.otz on trial In thu
fodorul court charged with using tho
mails to defraud In advertising his
"wot rag euro" so callod, failed to
ngroo and woro discharged by Judgo
CiiRhmun. I.otz Is tho publlshor of
tho Lowls County Nowu and conducted
his own easo,
Monarch Opens Parliament With
Medieval Pomp and Ceremony
Discusses Rupture With Turkey
and Says Moslem Subjects Remain
. Loyal Half Billion More Needed.
LONDON. Nov. 11, 2:28 p. m.
Londoners uho recently have been
deprived of all sjM'ctiuuilar incidents,
today thronged the route of the royal
procession to Westminster palace,
where King Gemge opened parliament
and a wave of patriotic cheering fol
lowed I he king and queen from the
start to tho finish of their drive.
Their majesties rode in u less con
spicuous state levee carriage, drawn
by six black horse-., instead of the
gold and glass chariot heretofore
The king in his sM'ceh from the
throne said:
"Since I Inst addressed you, tho
area of the war has been enlarged by
the participation in the struggle of
the Ottoman empire. In conjunction
with my nllies-nnd in spite of relat
ed and continuous provocations, I
strove to preserve in icgard to Tur
key a friendly neutrality. Had coun
cils and alien influence have driven
her into a policy of wanton and de
fiant aggression and a state of war
now exists between ns. My Musmil
mnn subjects know well that our
rupture with Turkey has been forced
upon mo against niv will and I recog
nize with appreciation and gratitude,
the proofs which they have hastened
to give of their loyal devotion and
support. My nnny and navy con
tinue through the area of conflict to
maintain in full measure their glor
ious traditions. We wnteh and fol
low their steadfastness and valor
with thankfulness and pride, and
there is throughout my empire a fix
ed determination to secure nt what
ever sacrifice the triumph of our
arms and vindication of our cause.
"Von will be asked to make due
financial provision for the effective
conduct of tho war, and the only
measures which will be submitted to
you nt this stage of the session are
such as seem necessary to my advis
ers for the attainment of tho great
purpose upon which tho efforts of tho
emuire are set. I confidently com
mend them to your patriotism and
loyalty ami I pray that tho Almighty
will give His blessing to your coun
PKKINO, Nov. 11. Tho Austrian
cruiser Kniserin Elizabeth, which
took refuge at Tsing Tuu beforo that
port was invested by the Japanese,
had eight members of her crew killed
during tho Japanese attack on Tsin
Tan. This news was transmitted by
the commandant of the cruiser to tUti
Austrian legation here. Tho legation
says that thu Kniserin Elizabeth was
sunk by her crew after the ammuni.
tion on board had bceomo exhausted.
HERLIN, Nov. 11. Special (lis.
patches received from Czernowitz,
Hukowinu, report important iuou
ments of Russian troops aro taking
placo in llossarabia and East Gal
ioia, apparently inspired by tho cam
paign against Turkey. Tho Vienna
Fremdenblatt has published a dis
patch from Czoinewitj: saying that
tho Russians on November 0 threw
shells into that city, hut their Imlter
ies speedily wero silenced. An ad
Minco gum d skirmish before Czemo
wit. ende I in n Russian retreat.
Constantinople repoits tin contin.
nation of Turkish offensive move
ments on tho Caucasian border in
spito of snow. Othor repot Is receiv
ed hero from Athens deolaro that the
Turkish operations against Egypt uvt
progressing, mul thai there is initfli
military activity- in Syria. Tho Turk.
KL PASO, Tex.. Nov. 11.
, r ( ivfiMiii Mi'iii i(iun v-w f
Innten gays (hat a meeting of
m A lilfrfi i tmm Aminn fit. 4
the convention last night (Jen-
eral Carrnnza was branded a
General Panfllo Natcra, a
vfcp-pM'slrtent of the conveii-
tlon, roe and declared that
the deposed "first chief"
should be considered a robel
- because the alloted time had
. expired for him to iccognlzo
the sovereignty of the ainem-
bly of chieftains. Ills remark
was greeted with wild np-
WASHINGTON, Nov. II. '-Events
at Naeo have moved with "unexpect
ed rapidity," according to a report to
the war department today from Hrig
ndier General Hliss. Secretary Gar
rison summarized the situation in this
"There was heavy rifle fire all yes
terday afternoon, which Colonel Hat
field interprets ns nn effort on tho
part of General Hill s forces to pre
vent General Mnytorena from getting
into position for ntlnck. At 5:45
o'clock three guns firing shrapnel
I oicucd from thu east and two from
the southwest and continued, firing
until dark on llill'ff posiliOu. Mnyto
rena has informed Colonel Hatfield
that what he was doui" ns a defen
sivc movement and not an attack."
TACOMA, Wash., Nov, 11. W. W.
Connor of Skagit county has 67 stato
representatives signed to support
hltn for speaker of tho next house,
IS nioro than needed, and his elec
tion Is certain, according to James
H. Davis, representative for tho Thlr-
ty-Sventh district, who returned to
day from a trip to Spokane and other
eastern towns lu behalf of Mr. Con
nor's candidacy.
Mr. Davis said in his conferences
he heard practically no unusual leg
islative schemes suggested
"There will havo to bo changes
in tho primary law," said Mr. Davis
"Throughout tho statu there Is a
feci that tho second choice feature
for congressional and statu offices is
a failure and I believe It will bu re
Mr. Connor is a brother of Guy W.
Conuor of this city.
PEKING, China, Nov. 11. Re
ports reaching hero from Harbin,
Manchuria, set forth that Itussin is
transporting her European prWouer-
of war as far east as Vladivostok.
ish government declares with empha
sis thut tho report in tho Paris Temps
of rioting on tho part of tho Turkish
Armenians is u flat lie.
It is reported hero from Athel-s
that nnlgnria has refused to mlop
tho Anti-Turkish attitude suggested
by tho triple entente powers in return
for tho promise of tho addition of
Adrianoplo to llulgarian territory.
Tho Hulgnrian minister at Rome
has said in an interview that Bulgaria
demands tho restitution of tho terri
tories inhabited by Bulgarians, Bul
garia will keep noutrnl in tho present
war, tho minister declared, and na
iler no circumstances will sho fight
Tho president of tho TurkWh chnni.
her of deputies, Ilnlil Hey, has arrif
ed nt Hiieliarcsl, Rumania, on n spj.
cial mission." '
NO. 200
Troops to Be Ordered From Mexican
Port, Leaving Mexican Factions to
Settle Their Own Disputes Car
ranza's Decree Grants Amnesty to
Mexicans Who Served Americans.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. Amer
ican troops probably will ho ordered
out of Vera Cruz very soon, leaving
tho Mexican factions to scttlo their
own differences, as n result of tho
recent developments, which havo
brought the guarantees tho Wash
ington government demanded.
Copies of Carrnnza's decree wero
received today by tho state depart
ment. It grants amnesty to all Mex
icans who served the American gov
ernment, In reword for their patriot
ic spirit in rejecting tho protection
of the United States and trustjng to
the Justlco of the Mexican govern
ment. Nothing Is said nbout protec
tion for nuns and priests who took
rcfugo in Vera Cruz. Oral assurances
however, have been glvon that they
would not bo harmed and tho gensr
at opinion Is that tho Washington
government will not argue that ques
tion further.
The understanding among officials
Is that President Wilson is willing
to withdraw tho American forces,
especially In vlow of tho fact that a
conflict of Villa and Carrnnza troops
In that vicinity might rnlso further
embarrassing and dellcato questions
for the United States.
The American troops wilt bo with
drawn on the ground that tho Aguas
Calientes convention ordered Cnr
ranza to issue tho decree which ha
has now proclaimed and all factions
are agreed to support tho conditions
set forth by tho Unltod States as a
prerequisite to evacuation.
Tho Impression prevails in many
Quarters that tho United States will
await the determination of who Is
the executive of Mexico General
Carranza or General Gutierrez be
fore delivering tho customs funds col
lected since the occupation ot Vera
nURLIN, via The Haguo and Lon
don, Nov. 11, G:40 a. m. Crown
Prince Huppercht ot Itavarla has ad
dressed a gouornl order to his army,
containing tho following passage:
"Soldiers Tho eyes of tho wholo
world rest upon you. Our present
task is not to relax our struggle with
our hated ouomy till wo break his
arroganco onco for all. lie is al
ready weakening and already numer
ous officers and privates ot the enemy
havo voluntarily surrendered, but thu
great declslvo blow romalns to bo
"You must hold out to tho end
and tho onemy must bo put down.
You must porsovaro. Don't let tho
enemy slip from between your teeth.
Wo must conquor."
The governor of tho provlnco of
Urandonburg publicly calls attontion
to tho fact that certain parsons uro
trying to buy German gold tor export,
ottering a slight premium. Ho op-
poals to tho patriotism ot tho pooplo
to glvo no assistanco to such efforta,
and advlso that they put a stop there
to by turning over "those agonta ot
tho foreign countries" to the- police
on tho spot.
CANTON. China. Nov. ll.-An-
other bomb outrage commit !d by
I hmesii revolutionaries occurred to
day outsido tho rcsiiteiiuo ot Uenttr.ii
Chi Kunng- Lung, who ' in clmrjtq of
tho Canton ilistuar, Thirtum iwjr- r
sons tost tueir nvs. ,.
ij flM