, r vxcm MEDFOttD KATTj , TEIKPyra, MEnVOK'D, 01F,flON, TtnDAY, NOVKM1WU X IflM SIX esr t. r FAIR WEATHER FOR LECTION B AND RECORD VOTE POLLED IN NEARLY ALL STATES OF ONION nionta to tho stnto constitution ns bo liiK voted on, oncv Increasing tlio torm ot stato office Horn two to four cars mul tlio other Increasing the. number of Judges of tlio supremo court from thro to five. WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. I'rcsl-' dent WIlBon loft hero nt S n. m. to tlny for Princeton to vote. Ho will nrrlvo thoro shortly after noon and will lcavo again nt 2 o'clock for Wash ington In order to rcclevo the dec Hon returns at the white, house, to night. Tlio president wns particularly anx ious to vote today because Represen tative) Allen WaUU of his district is understood 'o have Had a hard fight for re-election. Tho president also wan Interested ! democratic candi dates for tho state legislature. In tho president's party were sev eral white house employes who vote in New Jersey, Including C. L. Swem, 21 years old, tho youngost confiden tial stenographer the president ever had. . voto was expected. Keen Interest also attended the gubernatorial race and the voto on the woman suffrage amendment. Moulntm Voto Mght I1BLKNA, Mont., Nov. 3. Mon tana voters are casting their baltots for congressmen, associate Justice of the supremo court and railroad com missioner today under fair skies. Tho polls will close at (1 o'clock. A light vote is expected. ; Heavy Yott, Now York NI3W YOIMC, Nov. 3. National and stnto issues conspired to bring tho electors of Now York stnto to tho polls today in numbers that promised a voto Ilka that ot n presidential year. Fair weather .prevailed. Tho first opportunity to chooso'a United States senator by popular voto and tho con gressional contests aroused ns niucr interest ns tho struggle for tho gov ernorship. Delegates were chosen also to a stnto constitutional conven tion which meets next jcar. Ktronou.i In Michigan DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 3. Tho strcnous campaign for tho governor ship mndo by Governor Woodbridgo N. Forris, democrat, and former Gov crnor Chnso S. Osborn, republican caused an party leaders to predict a heavy voto in Michigan today. Should the democrats win. Governor Ferris will be the first democratic governor re-elected in Michigan. Women In KaiiMm Husy TOI'KKA, Kan., Nov. 3. With probably two hundred women voting for congressional and gubernatorial candidate,; tor the first tlmo and tho malpolectors divided in bewildering fashion apparently any result was considered possible In the election to day .In Kansas. Keturns promised to bo vslow 'because ot the now Massa chusetts ballot law which is being given Its first test. Clear in Arizona PHOENIX. Arizona, Nov. 3. The weather today was clear and warm throughout tho state. Voting was heavy at tho opening ot tho polls, but slow owing to the length of tho ballot. Voters required from five to 20 minutes to mark their ballots. .Ml so u rl Voto Slow ST. I.OIMS, Mo., Nov. 3.- Fair and warm weather prevailed through out Missouri today and scenes nt tho polls nt.tha opening hours .Indicated (hat a heavy yojo would bO('c'isi I , Tho voting unaViiw1gn hcrount fit tho long referendum ballot, and ap pareittly there "was luiichjserntchlng of party tickets. - . '.' Heavy' Voting in Iowa DES MOINKS, Iowa, Nov. 3. Heavy voting throughout tho stato was reported early today. Tho con test between Senator Albert H. Cum mins and Congressman Mnurlco Con nolly for the United States senate, attracted most attention. Eleven congressmen, governor and entire stnto ticket, Including supremo court Justices and a new legislature aro to bo chosen. L H D OF MOSLEMS PUTS AM E KAISER Wtocnnolnltci Kngcr MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Nov. 3. Thero was a rush tor tho polls when the booths opened today In Milwau kee, starting tho contests In the stato wide election in Wisconsin. Interest hero was keen on account ot tho so- ctaiisi-ucmocraiic vote, mat party having made a strong campaign in tho Interest of two congressional nominees and a county ticket. Itlg llallot la California SAN FHANCls2o. CaT., Nov. 3. California, besides choosing a gotor nor and complete stnto ticket, rop resentntlves in congress anil ouo United States senator voted today on Inltlativa measures proposing a rigid prohibtlon, a compulsory eight hour working day for all classes, and 4G other measures or amendments to tho state constitution. Tho ballot mens, ured 32 Inches by 2.. Gore Contest Interesting OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Nov. 3. Fair weather in Oklahoma aided in bringing out a heavy vbtc today. An extraordinary fcaturo of tho elec tion was tho heavy socialist vote re ported in cotton growing counties. Because of a sufto a few months ago that Thomas Poor Gore, United States senator, said was intended to injure him politically, much Interest was manifested In his contest for re election on tho democratic ticket. Opposed to him were John H. IJuf ford, republican and W. O. Crom well, progressive. Tho gubernatorial contest Is four cornered with It. L. Williams, demo crat; John Fields, republican, J. P Hickman, progressive, and Fred W. Holt, (socialist, as candidates.. Light In Maryland BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 3. Al though weather conditions were ideal a light voto was anticipated at today's congressional election, ns thero was little Interest shown in tho cam paign. Tho democratic leaders ex pressed confidence In tho return ot John Walter Smith to tho senate by a largo majority. Tlireo Cornered right PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 3 The threo-cornercd fight for tho United States scnatorshlp between A. Mitchel Palmer, democrat, Gifford Pinchot, progressive and Boise Penrose, re publican and the struggle between Vunco C. McCormlck, domocrat-pro-gresslvo and Martin G. Brumbaugh, republican, for governor, series to bring out a heavy voto In tho early hours of tho election today through out Pennsylvania. Heavy Voto .MIuueota St. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 3. Despite unsettled weather, early indications favored a heavy voto in Minnesota, where Chief interest in today's elec tion centered in tho gubernatorial contest with both W. S. Hammond, democrat, und W. E, Leo, republican, confident of victory. Apathy in MaMichuvUs BOSTON, Nov. 3 Fairly good weather prevailed in Masachusetts to day but although the candidates of all parties for state offices and for congress have made an active cam paign, popular Interest has nol ap peared, to bcgreatly aroused and a total voto little1 larger than that of tho "off j ear" in 1913, was antici pated. I'alr Weather In Ohio CINCINNATI, Ohio. Nov. 3. Fair weather today gave promise of tho largest voto ever cast In the state. In tense Interest centered In tho elec tion ot both n governor and United States senator, and this was aug mented by tho bitter fight that has been waged between "wet" and "dry" forces qver two liquor constitutional amendments, one ot which asked for state-wide prohibition. al,(JNI)Qk,!Nrt',;i. 'J:0li . A$ r U' miljWn s the spiriMiiU head of the M'olininuiednnt ( InMin, KITM AtVicit ufti!'iitrnl .Asm, Im iitMt-enWjjnuu fn)m Loudon ml-drA-o'l fi Mue'imisieiUi in India mul other dominion, ) which lio ex- pretes lits deep sorrow tluil tnrKoy has joined Itiuiili with (Icrumiiy in the Will". In this iiu'x-nue Agu Khun sins: ''This i not the .fieo will of the siiltnn, hut the will of the Ocrmuit of ficers mid other non-Mo.lcms who have forced him to do their bidding." lln dednres fuithor Hint Turkey has now loM her portion ns the trustee of Nlnm. She hn drawn her sword in uu unholy cause und the duty of the Moslems today is to remain loynl mid fnithful to. their temporal mid secular allegiance. PRESIDENT VOTES AT RUSSIA REPLIES TURKEY'S APOLOGY PRINCETON COMES TOO LATE LONDON, Nor. 3, 10:55 a. in. Russia hntt replied to Turkoy'ti upitl ocy, for tho ruldsjOt her navy lit tho Itluek Son with the fateful' words, "Too Late," and In London It Is thought hardly likely that diplomatics pressuro will prevent1 ilia war party among the Young Turks; from drag ging their country1 into the Kllropean Imbroglio. Tho oents of the last twelve hours show that tho grand vlilor ot Turkey has mndo ovcry effort to conciliate the entente powers, but tho Influence of his partisans In tho Turkish cab inet Is not believed to bo great enough to force the Porto to meet the demnnds for reparation formu lated In the l-'rnnco-llrltlsh. notes. So for as Russia Is concerned, u stnto of war with Turkoy actually exists and tho reply from tho Rum Man foreign minister to tho explana tion of tlo grand vizier does not hold out, In tho opinion of London, any hope for a peaceful outcome ot the dispute. Quality! Not Premiums si1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 IN 18 Heavy Vote In Chicago CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Tlio enrly vote In Chicago was unusually heavy today and the few reports from down stato Indicated some Blmllar activity. Al though women cannot voto for United States senator apparently thero was ono woman vote cast early to every three by the men. Perfect in Vermont BURLINGTON, Vt.. Nov. 3. Ver mont was favored with porfect weath er for election today. Tho Interested contest for tho United States scna torshlp between Senator W. P. Dil lingham, republican and Charles A. Prouty, former Inter-State Commerce Commissioner, who has the pro fires slve, democratic, prohibition and non partisan endorsements, Is expected to result in a heavy total voti. Clear in Colorado DENVER, Colo., Nov. 3. Clear skies and moderate temperature all over Colorado brought out a heavy vote In tho early hours of the day. Colorado is electing n United States senator, four representatives and a complete state ticket. The ballot carries 1C Initiated and referred measures, Including a constitutional amendment providing for statewide prohibition. Fine In Nebraska OMAHA, Neb., Nov. 3. Fino fall weather, following a vigorous cam paign seemed to assure a largo vote at today's election. A. tight In the schoolboard matters, on which women voto In Nebraska, brought many wom en to the polls in Omaha In addition to those who wore working for the suffrage constitutional amendment. Italn in Wyoming CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Nov. 3. Threatening weather In many parts of the state mado tho early vote light. All three party managers today as serted confidence In the outcome of the election. Interest centered In the contest for governor, In which J.. 11. Kcndrlck, democrat and progres slve, Is opposed to 11. S. Rldgcly, re publicnn. Full stato und congres slonal tickets aro to be elected. Clear Day In Nevada RENO, Nov., Nov. 3. With a fair day throughout tho state, predictions aro tor a 95 per cent vote. Interest Is Intense In tho equal suffrage amendment and In tho senatorial fight between Senator Francis G. Newlands, democrat, apd Sam Piatt, republican. Governor Oddlo, rcpubll can, Is oppofced by Emmett D. Boylo for rc-clcctlou. Sunshine In Kentucky LOUISVILLE, Ky Nov. 3. Fair weather today brought out a some-. what heavier early vote than usual In oKntucky. Interest centered largely In tho senatorial race between J. C. W. Beckham and Augustus E. Wilson, both former governors ot Kentucky. FEDERN. TO AHA JMIINCKTON. N. .J.. Xv. .1. President Wilson came back to Princeton loilny to vote. At the railroad station lie was greeted hv u large crowd of students who pive him u noisy welcome. The president walked directly to the polling plucc, in a fire engine house. On the way he shook, hands with ninny old friends. It took the president only two min utes to vote for the democratic can didates for congress, legislature und sheriff. "Number eighty-nine," nuiiouuccd the election junta as tlio president emerged from tho voting booth, indi cating Mr. Wilson's order in the list of voters. , . ''No, '7!)," replied 'the president, incnniii" his Princeton class. A gen eral laugh followed. After voting, Mr. Wilson visited several friends, walking tlirough the Princeton cninpu. E ALLEGED DICKER IN VOIES MERELY A JOKE Investigation of the ullcgnl attempt nt n dicker in voles between the re publican stmul-pultcrs mid the I Inn Icyites show's that the entire affair was due to it misunderstanding re sulting 'from u joke. A humorous of fer wns jestingly niiiilc mid as jest ingly spurned. The offer was over heard by others mid magnified for campaign purposes. 20 for II 10c 5: STAKE a dime on the Camel Cigarettes, but don't look for premiums or coupons, ns the cost of tht tobaccos in them prohibits their use. Camel Cigarettes 20 for 10c are a blend of choice 3uallty Turkish and omcstlc tobaccos. They do not leave that dgarclly taste and cannot bite your tongue or parch your throat. You haven't money enough to buy a more delightful cigarette. If rrJtUt f n't turpi fit, ttnJ ( r fl.OOfmrm tgOO tlmm ml J. A flmr I I I I tmtlmn ml . pacta 300 tlm r.(t.l. ( mrmmmlj. All mmAlnm on fH,aat, if ymn Jmn'l Unit CAMELS a. tmftntt4. turn 110 mlHtr nlnl mnJ ut imill rifunj ymmr manar. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WiMtM-Salt.., N. C. i i i i i HI a Ml , i 'li inm "!VHtS TOiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiWiiuiP lM-sM4-sfr$ I How To Get Rid of a Bad Cough T A HoMF-MaaV ntmrtlr ! Will no i milrklr. lkra aa Kaallr Made tM v "New Goods This Week" Bracelet watches, all grades for Indies or gentlemen, throughly guaranteed. Genuine Onyx, Black or Blue Enameled Diamond Set,' Pendant Neck Chains. Now stock, Into designs Heth Thomas clocks, 1 buy only tho best and make very low prices, JOHNSON, THE JEWELER AT .MKIirOltD HOOK HTOIIK New nitd Modern Stock i:xrt llrpnlrbis; SALEM 2-1 VOTE SALEM, Ore., Nor, 3,By a voto of two to one, Ilnrlcy O. White, was elected mayor of this city over J. F. Jones at the city primary election hero yesterday. They woro tho only contestants for this office and as the city charter provides that whero a candldute receives a majority at the primary election ho shall bo deemed elected, yesterday's primary settled, the contest between them. Charles F. Elgin, present city recorder, wns re-elected by a small majority. ltoln in Washington SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. a. Halny weather and an enormous ote, brought out by Interest In tho pro posed prohibition law, aro forecasted for today in Washington. In tho cities tho polls will bo open from S to. 8. In thecountry precincts they will eloso ut 7, In Seattle, whero it is alleged thousanda of men are fraudulently registered, to vote against prohibition, thero will bo many watchers and challenge at tho polls. In North Dakota QltANI) FOUKS, N. I) Nov. 3. The eontt tor United States ton a- lor between tho Incumbent, Asia J. (Jronna, republican, and W, L". Pur- Mil, tfefHonrat, attracted a large num. br of early voters lo the polls in North iMketa luday and with a con- jtijuiUvB vl tlr m wtber, s wwdj In New Hampshire MANCHESTER, N. H., Nov, 3. Unlted States Senator Jacob II. Gal linger, was opposed for re-election today by Raymond B. Stevens, a democratic congressman and interest In this contest overshadowed the strugglo for tho governorship and sharp fighting for beats In tho house of representatives. Heavy Voto in Indiana INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 3. Indiana voters went to tho polls early today and tho Indications were that tho voto would bo heavy Tho greatest interest is In tho raco for United States senator. Senator II. F. Shlvoly Is stoking re-election and Is oppoHed by Hugh T. Miller,. repub lican and Albort J. Boverldge, progressive. Clear In Idaho BOISE, Idaho, Nov. 3. Toduy's election brought to a eloso the most bitterly fought campaign in the his tory of Idaho, Clear weather pro vails and Indications are that heavy voto will bo cast. Interest renters, around tho governorship und senator ial conical, cudi of which Is lhre coruvrcd Two Jmpor(uiU uniuinj. WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. Secre tary Garrison today ordered four com panies or tho Fifth United States Cav. airy from Fort Sheridan, III., to Fort Smith, Ark., to muintain order in tho Hartford valey coal strike district. Major Nathaniel F. McCluro, who has beon with tho troops In the Colorado mining fields, will command the force. PAYNE WHITNEY'S WIFE AIDS BATTLE VICTIMS NEW YORK Nov. 3. -Mrs. Harry Payno Whitney 'who was Mia Gertrude Vandcrbllt, will sail tomorrow for Europe on tho Lusitaula, with a staff of four surgeons and 15 trained nurses, to establish, nt her own ox- ponser a largo field hospital behind tho firing lino In northern Franco. Ten motor ambulances, a largo quant ity of medical supplies and clothing sufficient for 3000 men, women and children, nil purchased by Mrs. Whit ney, were shipped Saturday. It. A. M. Attention. Regular comunlcutlan thin oven lug at 8:00 o'clock, Business or Im portance 1V3 A. N. IIILDEBRANU, flee, If you liarr a bad conli or client cold which rt-ftitcM to jicld to ordinary rrmc dlcH. ect from nnv ilrnmHitt 'IV. uiinn-a of I'lncx (30 cent worth), pour Into a pint bottle ami till the bottlc'witli plain grumilntrd Mifiir syrup. Klnrt biking n tcanpoouful ctcrv hour or to. In 'Si hours jour rough will ! contirrcd or wry nearly . Ktcn whooping cough is grcutly rcliuw-d In this way. 'Ilia nlfotv mlxturu makes a full pint a family supply of the limit couuli srup that money rould buy at a cent of only 04 cent. Kaiily prrparnl In 0 minute.. Full directions with i'lncx. 'Ihla I'lncx and riuuar Syrup prepa ration takes right hold of a cough and gives ulinut Immediate relief. It looi enn the dry. lioare or tight cough in a wnv that l really remarkable. Ato quickly heal the iulluuird mcinbranr which accompanv a painful cough, and ktopa the formation of phlegm In the throat and bronchial tuU, thus ending the persistent loose cough. Excellent for bronchitU, paimoc croup and winter coiiL'ha. Keeps perfectly and tatcs good rlilhlrcn like it. I'lncx Is a special and highly concen trated compound ot genuine Norway pine extract, rich In gunlacol, which is ao healing to the membranes. To nvold disappointment, ak your druggist for '"ZlA ounces of I'lncx," do not accept anything cl. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt ly refunded goca with this preparation. The 1'iucx Co., Ft. Wayoc, Ind. Election Returns I will be received at the ALCO Tonight POULTRY WANTED Wc Arc Headquarters for Poultry In Mcdford Will always pay you the highest market cash prices. Can use all kinds. We solicit your trade. MEDFORD POULTRY & EGG CO. TELEPHONE 583 129 FIR STREET ELY'S CREAM BALM OPENS CLOGGED NOSTRILS AND HEAD CATARRH ES Instantly Claara Air Pataaaati You Breathe Freely, Natty Discharge Stop. Head Cold and Dull Head cht VanUh. (lot u small Initio anyway, Just to try It- Apply a llttlo hi tho nostrils and Instantly your dowed mt.n and stopptl-) nlr piiKHtw of the head will ojmmij you will broiilho frcoly; dullness und hciidiicliit dlKaiipcar, lly mornlPKi tho ratnrrli, cold lu-hcml or (iiinrrhal son llinuil will bituout', '.u siiili mlwry now) (li-l iho nuall lndll vt "ll'y'H Crwiiii Iliilm" nl liny ilruu storo This awwt, fl .i(,'i i id Imlni tlM'lw I') llm ln'ii) of thu nostrils; ix'iii'l rates uiul hcalH tho lulbiiiHil, HWolhui luumbraiiu which llui'H tho noso, lit'Uil and Ihrout; clears tho ulr pussugi's;Hto)m misty dlschargcH iinfl u fcclliiK or cl en using, soothing rollof comes lin nicdlutiily Don't lay awiiko to-nlht Htruit gllng for brcilh, wllh ht-uil stufft'dj iiiMlrlls iloMil, hinvMiitf ami blmvlng, Ciilnrrh or a cold, with Itrt ruiiiiliut noso, foul mucous dropping Into Ihn Ihrout, mid raw dri'iioari U dlslrcsa- H hi4 Ijuly iimlhvH, Put your fiillli just ou-o Hi "i;iys l nil in Ita Int mul your rohl or filliirrll it r in fa il.iiiM'iir, Y ? T ? ? I t ;?: ? T t T T t t ? J t t 7 I Pay That Election Bet r .."! jK . THE WITH AN UP-TO-DATE HAT j FRQM, TOGGERY (OF COURSE) All New Styles in Stetson and Shoble Blocks ..'M" JC :S M 'J f t "S