v -m 3ffEDFOT?77 HmV, TTCTTiWTCi OTJVFO'nT), OTJTYIOX, TF7WDAY, XOYTCMP.Firt X lOM TWV, TTMFX . .,l v 4 i-t. rf 'S I n r LOW PRICES FOR APPLES IN EAST HliE TO CONDITION I'llKTLANI), Nov. :i. 'IVI.-nii)ili' IiiiiiIh I'ihiii fit K 11 II I'llllt lUK'lillllH thiH ee liiillcuti' mi 1'iriilii' tun rki't. They iiInii move tlint I In iiucllnn in n leflilil illlll'V III' VII I III" llllll'HH I'llll- ilillniiH iif imliiiilunl hiiIcn iiic uuiler htmiil, AiVIIIiIm (III -Jlll'l'll .IlltllltllllllS III New Vurk mill Chicniin uiii'limi tin uisi two iIii.vh, nlilMii'il I'iiiiii tln In 1'iilllii'N liulletiliil, weie iih rollnu-N: I'.x. I'uiiev. Kiiiii'.v ('iloimlii I.:i5 tl.'-'J liliilm l.lll I.Uh New .Mexlen , I .' VlllllllU.llll l.lll .III ll M'l'IIIH lllellllillll' llllll W'llxllllllj- Imi eilin I'iiiii'V ilniuitliniii hliotilil he l;iini'l.t'il ilnw'ii til only 7(1 eeiitw liov ileliveteil in t'hieiiuii, while New Mexien .Iniiulliiiii, I'.ine.v, limui-lil f I .'jr, iiiul ( 'olid mlii e.xtrn limei .tI.ii. sun iiiiiii1 rriniiii.iiiiit' vmi tin' iiiurl mi it iMiiluml iif Wenntel IihimIIiiiiih iint'limied in I'liii'iipi In1-' wel, llii' luipi ri', Mirli iih ."ill In I hi' hn, liriiiiiiiiK imly "II ecnK whi'iniN the niiiiiII tine, I minim,' UllO In llm Ink, nil in the Mime fur, inn linl in nt fl.'i. 'I'liul Minirlliiii' Ih iiiiiug iiilb llllfl' fiput lM i illlljl'lllCll liv llii' llll IlllllUeeil piivilll' Mill' t till' Nllllll- 'eeleni I'nilt I'M'limiKi' in Cliii'iiun nf ii.i'iiilonil nl' Jiinntlimis ni it,.li per lin, Imt tin- wih nut mi llllrlliill. Tlii'nn mrmliixiM arc I'xplninril in II llli'llnliri' ll' (III IHIIIllltliill nl" till' liiill iipuii nnivnl nt ili-xtiimtinii. liinntliniiH eiiehilly lime nIihuii in I'liiiiilinii In mrivi' nierripo mill"' yri'iit iii'i'iintiniiH weie lnl,eii. liny eix linii ii'ji'i'li'il Ki'nrrn nf etiM I ! Iiml in tiered,' Pimply hceiiue tin", in ti'inlril In Mitli tin fruit I'nr CIiiiiI Hint triuli', lint fniuul tin) tipples ton ripi' t'nr hluniKi. Tim imnerV imeul tlii'ii Iiml only niii' icciiure- limil tin ii'jci'ti'il "iiuiU to nni'tiun. There it wiin Ihiiriiiifjhly in.pceteil iiKiiin, ninl every liiililer Kiiiiu'm the cnudiliuu und i'iri'niiitmiri'M. Small itunli'H often sell better tlniu Imp mien in tln hiiine ear; I'linev, mnl even ehniee, Hitucliiuei win higher nwiinU limn extra I'unev, lie euu. tlin mi 1 1 it hien ninl lower KIIiiIch limmeii In In tinner, Iheiefnre lii'tter aililpti'il In htnlae. E THAN RIFLE FIRE LONDON, Niiv. :i. Sliin I, uhieli liai done till' iniiie duuiuue tn tin alllii'H than the (Iciinuii rille tire, i- ii Miili-li iiii'i'iitinn over a eenlnry nlil. lln hueuliir win (lenernl Slirap net, an F'tii'lili ol fleer, wlin wan limn in 17(11 ami "ien a eiiiniuihinu in the inyal arlilli'iv in 17711. The tlioitlit rmni' to linn tint iiijc (lit' war in I'laii ileih, wliere ho whk imprexsi'il liy the liillitiK efl'ecl of round flint nuninM troops mnl tin lnniteil nniKe nf Hi ape. His -hell, tilled with halls anil pnwilur mnl ignited hy a lime Him, was adopli'd In tin) lliitifih anny in l.HO'J anil playeil an iiiiporlnnt unit in the IVniiiMilar war under W'elllimlnn mnl iiImi nl Waleiloo, Tho M'eiet nl' it4 ai'linn was nnkiinwii iiiiIniiIi' nl lliilain until JH:il. With the en-toiiuip. innnililnde nl' f;iiveriiiiieiitH, (lenernl Slinipnel wiih inner reiniliiiiM'd for llm i-mumim1 of his expcriini'iilH, All he received was r.'llll punmlrt a year (.1111011) mnl llm i ilfer n' a linunielc ho enuld not iif t'niil tn accept, lln died in IBI'J, a hitter old man. Dr. I.nniri Hciimnn, tin Amciiciui cxpitit, wlin Iiiih vihitnl tho Iiomi'iIiiIh nl' the allies nt Die fionl, nays that the (lintnaii m'icIIk hrenk into lari piecem anil dn I it t It damage c(impiucil with tlniM hv tlm Jnpmichu nuaiiml ItiiHMin, which ivi'iii (in ii into nhnw i'i-h of hIuuI hplinterrt. lint tlm nlirap. nel hallntrt aialio niKKi'd wminils ninl iiIhii carry, inl'ccliiie, material with I hem, caiiHiu a huvo, pciecnlaue nf ileatlm I'ldin lilood tuisiiiin. OF EGYPT BY TURKEY LONDON, Nov. II, 8 n, in. - A iIIh. patch In tlm Daily .Mail liniii Cairn, i;ypl, HiiyHi "Tin Mull tiooim Mia iqinilcil near llm hinder, which I hey have mil cniHM'il. Tlm llrilUh urn Cully pic J mi icil In ii'ihiIhii mi liiviinn, 'Tlm pnhlln In liiill Ih culm mnl nut avi'ii n warn nl u Tuicn riiplun'. A iichh cniMiikhiji will Im irnliih' Ijilu'il luuiurruH," SHRAPNEL WHS INVASION E 'f IN ItCIM.IN, Nov. .'I. Tn miv Dial fix il milhniil' in (IciMiniiv Iium every where lvcn way n military gnvi'in ....... i .......i.i i... i.. ......... ... ... ii m.'lll .iiriiiu in' 1 1 v Htnniiiii- nil rilM'j anil (' it is line Ihnl within its own lifhl nl' n ''fairs (he military is mil only aliMiliilii hul iiImii at limes in cliui'd iilleilv In iliHivuiitil even tin hijjici nliilc ollieiiiN. Thin pievalli In Mich mi extent Ihut passes, I'nr in Htuiiee, Iiiiiii the minister nf l'oicij:ii ill lull n inn only valul when miiiic aimv iifheer is di-poHCil In leenume theui. The fiiieijjii coikmiioiIciiIm left III Itcrlin have iceenllv had nceasinu In witiiens the wiirkiut: nf nuhlnii uiiveiiuueat. The foieinn oil ice .eat tn theta, iiiiHolicllcd, mi invilatioii tn visit the wur prixnuers' dctialiot. Iiairaclis at llolicillr, home fifteeii iniles onlMile the enpilul. The news paper men iisseinlilcd ut the time and place iliiecleil. With them wen Ciiii lain l.oclilein of the iuisirial ailinir alty mnl sevctul hlll official- nf the t'liieiuu nl lice. The commamliiiil nf the iiiililuii' camp, mi ehlcilv Kcueral, appinaehi'tl the cionn and mlilre en theui hiiiMpielv: "Nnlinily will he admitted tti -ce the prisiiners," he Miitl, "Ami as Iiiiil' us I am commandant heie the miiiic Mile Will pti'lllil." lie liynt'il his hack on the Hlule of ficials mnl newMianer men mnl -tunic hack tn his mom without a word nf explanation. The fact that the vi-il nrs were pic-ent hy invitation nf the uovcrninciit made un ililfeniiee ti him. The civil iiflieials nf (Iciinaiiy re nlire that the fact that the neutral nations me ufltiui; " lit 1 1 news from the (lei man .-idc is in hiiiuc ile Kice the fault nf this lack nf co-operation helwecu the civil mnl the mil. itary nffieials. If the fnriucr cnuhl huie their way, the foreign press ser vice from (leriiiany would he much more nearly cniunlcte, hut they ate hliickeil hy this nt tt tide nf the army official-. TRICOUNTY LEAGUE MEETS AT ASHLAND The Southern Orcpm Natural Al t ructions league, (-t'licrally known iih the Soua league, will hold a meeting hi the Ctniiiiii'icial cluh loom- nf A-h-land ut K o'clock p. ui., Tui'-ihiy, N'o iciuher III, I'nr the purvo-e nf fur ther perfcctiui' tin urpimutiuu ami il'iMMissiuir plan- I'nr the puhheity, im provcnicnt and development nf the natural altractiuiis nf the three conn-tie-, .lack-on, .lo-cphiiie mnl Ixlmn alh, aliniu lines that will la mutually advaulam'ous In iIicmi scctinus nl snuthciii Oregon. All cnuuuercinl mnl pulilie iiiiprovcincat Ix'tlics nf the three counties mentioned aie iniiteil It) join the leauue and tn sciul tlele pitcs tu IIiik meeting, which il i- he Jievtil will hi hi); most favornlile ie- Mllls, RUSSIAN DEFEAT CONKTANTINOI'Lr'. via Ain-lcr- tlaiu mul Lnuilnu, Nov. II.- An official cnuuuuuicatiou was ivea nut in ('tin stanlinnplo tnilu' as follews: 'Acctntliiijf to oflieinl rcpurls frniu tlm Caiiea-ian frontier, liu-simi troops huvo uttaeketl our fruutier I'm ecs ut hcvcrul points, hut were compelled to retire. "The lliihsiniis suffeieil Iiism.s throuj'.h tlm eueielic rcsi-tnnce nf the Turkish troop-." CHAFFEE'S REMAINS L LOS ANOKLKS, ('nl., Nov. II. IN. eoiliul hy four companies of infantry, a cuvnlrv Iruoii mul a hatterv of ar tillery, all of llm Mivciilh iciimeul, national nuar.l, tlm hoily nf (leucral Allan . Chaffee, who tlictl at his homo hero Bunduy, was pluced almanl ii I rain today fur Washington, I). C. Iluiial will ho in AiliiiKluii national cciiiclery, Kuueriil hitiiices will Im held imxt .Momlay. Iu ft 'J'n&nr lUaolva to ainoko Hoy. Jolmiofi cl rf, tho hml, mi tlierub pmruuli liuw ludu(r U MILITARY SUPREME IN BERL N ANO GERMANY CLAIMED BY TURKS MINNA GOMBEL AND HEnBERT C 'SZ!2EEIuMZuMZ2BBiSES3BCE3HCBlHHV1flflBIHBHHC!S, IH i fBIBMRflfflH yl'KS Bl H I JHHHHHIL a--HpcEbHH nSHHHBBBHuL'LMulHHliufllBPVflpRHKiW The Ktnri nf "A I'air nl Sixi .' which will shnilli he sem ut tin I'iici Ihealcr, Noieiuher II, rnuciin- il-elf with two piiilneis in the I'nr eka Dic-liie I'lll coiiijijiin, who ipmiiel. A it.ime nf nnkcr I- plaicil, the winner In conduct the hu-iiie--fnr n xcir ami the ln-er t he In- TURKEY'S ACTION END OF EMPIRE LONDON, Nov. rj, .'. . in. An imperial niniiifc-to mi the nulhrcak nf tlm wur with Turkey has been i sueil in I'ctrouratl, aeeniilini; to the eiirrcspouileiit oMfeutei's Tclejsnim comjiiiny in the itu inn capital. It icatln as fnllnws: "III the xteiile hlnijntlc njjuiii-t ltu--ia, (ieriumii ami Aii-tun haw united Turkey inln 1ahiiii uru acaiu-t this cinpiie. Iiiimrtliiitelv nf tcr the treaehciotis attack nf the Turku' licet, the Ku-simi iiiiibiiinliir rceeiivil nrilers to lenve Turkey. "Ifii-siu will rcccne this ic-h a.'- t!U"s inn on the part nf mi ancient I pto-cciilor nf the Chri-timi religion) mnl the Sim people- with tniniiuilitx ' ami ctiufuleuce in Cod. Tin lalmut ; aiuuert ni itu in win iritiaipn oiu-e i nuaiu tint I'nr the ful time oici the Turkl-h hnltli'H. Once niiiu we will know how tn pimi-h the iiiMilenl foe nf nur futheilnuil. "Our ciinliilenee is un-hnkflhle tltHt the ill-athi-ed iuteneutioii nf Turluiy will niilly hasten the fu'itl isue to thai empire mul will open the wax fur the Idi inn m luuuenl uf prohleui oti the lllack .eacoa-t which hne been handed down hy our nii'-e-lor-." E FRUIT VS NY HASTENING AUpi l M ln au.tite.l when W. IL Am..!.!, nl I LLO 111 Lnuliuin: tliu.tor, committed nork I'OUTLAM). Nov. !l. -It In ami neck between apples ami Krape fruit for tho fuor of fruit eaters In eastern Mates. Ituronl brenMiiK cropH of both products, together with other condllloiiH, linve, can sod un- heard of low in lees for tho very flu est quality, ami ilenleru nro pukIiIiik thcHo fruits before tlm attention of eoiiHumers iih never before. In Now York Clt) the rchtnurantu aro makliiK very nltrmtlio tllsplnys by uMiut apples nnt Ktape fruit In profuglun, Hide by shto. Ono or the other Ib almtntt huio to tempt tho ap petite, of the worm ilispeptlc Apples have, ope IiIk atliantiiKo over Ki'iipo fi nit thoy inn ho rooked In D'7 different iviijh, whereas mapo fruit la imetl only In tho raw and U mi extremely acid that many people can not eat It with Impunity. Tlm baked apple has become a national favorite tills Heiibon as never beforu In Amer ica, TO (IKNKVA, i la IMirls. Nov 3, a t.ri ii. in. -News Iiiih ituit'hod hern thut (lerinuii), In unit r In mold ulnlHler riiniiirx, Ih KlUnit ewny failllty tn llm ninmils nf the I'nlled Kin I en mid other niinlrul imiIIiiiin In illt the ciiinim In ulili Ii the war IuImuiuim urn Intel mil. The nlijiul ! In show Hint the iirUiMUTM urn is nil Irtmlml unit I hi, II N usuerlvil hux Moivii o I'n true. huun ORTHELL IN "A PAIJ1 OF SIXES" 'icriant. The ivinmr u ..kes the loMr " huthruiitl unu.ul..itil nil kiinl- of J an leal silimlinu- arc Inoulit into the iK'timi. I'lnuiuuut in the i'hM will nnpear Jleiheit Corthi'll. ), car l'iman, (lilmuln Daly, .Iomc In trnpuli. .Minna (luuilitl, llcruicc Duck. Jack ltnllail. Kleaunr Cmrlianks anil llii limil L.iile. IPACIFIC HAY IN T E P A. KlttrlilRc. rcfthlpiit hlsliway oiiKlnvcr, rcquest the Medford Com morclnl club to anaoiincu that tint hlKhwny Ih In slinpu to run nutos to the Kummlt, ami miKKC'tn Hint all unto owners mnltc tho trip Thurs- ility, Noiemlier ". wiialher permitting, liiavltiK Mislfnril nt S a. ni., Anlilaml ! a. m. mill u nlctrlr illnuer on tlm Ntimmlt of tin. SlakljoiiH at noon. It In dohlrtMl that nj many na jio.sulblo will havo their lunch hankets packet! mnl be In line with nutos Thurtiilny llirilin. nflMIMIDM TDIIPT UUmlnlUn I ItUOl A BAD FAILURE VANCOCVKI.', . C, Nov. :i. -At n meeting .icMciday of shareholiler of the Dominion Tru-t company, which iveentl.i iiit hii-tui' , mi au ditor's upon -liowed that with de-pn-it- of .ffcdll.lKin mid debt- owing; to client- on tru-t tuiitl aeenunts of l, 00(1,(100, theic was oulx .1000 left in the tren-ury. The nominal n-et nre.i-'i.OOO.OOO. The eiiinpanx" Iinok- were heinj the man- I Miicitle tlnee weeKs nyo, I lie cicupaux j placed inmii nl it- elleiuV money in M'coiiii inoiiKitL't -. iiom inteie-i nun principal it hail uuumutccil. One nf the laieeht debtor-, to the Dominion Tru-t couinmiy is Huron Alvo von Alien-lehftu. AlxenslebenV iuilchtci1nes to the'ctmipanx Is Mat- M ' "-' " iUurler ilol lnrs. The einuuaui ondncted the larg est tru-t hu-ine in we-torn Canaila It tiperaleil lirmuhet in Uejjina, CuU Kiu'.v, Wiiiui'eK, Montreal, Toronto, London ami oilier 'ilies. COLO? FEEL HEADACHY, DULL Don't sttty Bttiffed-up! ()nlt l)ot hit; nnd Hiuifflni;! A dono of "I'mio'H t'niil 'oniionnd" token oiery two hours until threo doseu aiu taken will end Krtpno inlaory and hreak up a ueiere cold either In tho head, client, htuli or lliulis, It irnniitl opi'im elotiRed-np noa- tliU nnd air ii:ntMiKen; utopH nimty tllHi'hiirmi or iune riinnliiK; rulluveit nit')! htiadiU'he. ilulliiiiHU, fuverUhnenH, unro throat, miroxlnu,- noreneaH und allffiienK. "I'ape'ii Cold Ctiiilpoiind" U Ihn iinlcliest, annul relief hnown und roMlM mil)' 8i ctiiia ut dniK Nlorea. Jl urU wllhuut in"llniirf, tuattm nlre, uud niiueii un liiioiiiiiiieui'(i. u(Tei u wllbulKutu (Ady,' Don't t OBSERVA FORN AD AN STOPPED FORTY MILLIONS J OF PAULS. Nov. Tlm wnr bill I which I'nroiio Ik uioctlnK ttnlly Ih now I flKiircil up iih follewn: I HiiKHln II t.000,000 idfrmnny 7,22fi,000 I'rnnco 7.000,000 I'riKlanil S, 000,000 Atistrln -1,000.000 VarloiiH 3,ii00,000 $I0,22.VM)0 Tho I'renvh miiroprlatlnn U from official figured an nnnnunreil by M. Itlbot, mlulRter of nlnnnre; the Kng llnh oiitlmalo by llm Lotion Stntlst; the Herman total from "an autliorl tatl Miune." In a Cencva pnper; and the other biiiiis from various con-Ht-rvntlvo cDtlmnlcH which havu ap penrcd In one jllatc or another. Tlm Item "various," reprcBentg tho jiroli able cxpeiiKO to which Servla. IJel gium, and the neutrnl countries of Switzerland, Italy, Itoiiinanla, Tur key, fireece, Holland, ami Denmark have Ihs'H (int. Tho vant total doeH not Include the dlatruttlon of projierty whero fight ing In taking place, nor the well nigh Incalculable loaiten to Kuropo of 20,000,000 men under arms being taken from production. There aro no Indications In Franco that exhaustion has net In, but ft In evident that tho at cumulated treasure, uf even tin tit best country on the continent Is being poured out at a rate that adds $'.11(1,1)00 ono n month to tho national tltbt. MRS. THOMSON TELLS WOMEN Hew She Was Helped During Change of Life by Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Philadelphia. Pa. "I tmjaatC2ycnrs oi cge and during Change of Lifv i suf fered for six years terribly. I tried sev eral doctors but none seemed to givo mo nny relief. Every mo.ith tho pains wero Int-nsoin botli sides, nmt mrido me so weak that I had to SO to IxxL At last a friend recommen ded Lydia E. Pink hum's Voce table Compound to me and I tried It at once and found much relief. After that I had no pains nt nl" and could do my housework and 'hopping the same as always. For y,rs 1 have praised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for what it has done for me, and shall always rr commend It as a wo man's friend. Ycu are at liberty to use my letter In any way." Mrs.TitOMSON, 549 W. Russell Sr., Philadelphia, Pa. Change of Life is one of the most critical periods ol r. woman's existence. Women everywhere should remember that there is ro other remedy known to carry women ?o successfully through Uds trying pi riod ua Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you want special atlvico wrlto tu liy u iu E. I'lukhuiu Meu lclno Co. (coutUIentltil), Lynn, AIuss. " our letter Mill bo opened, read anil ansuerod by a M'oiuuii uud held lit strict coulldeuce. vose PIANO YOU know when you buy an article of the ' 'as-good -as" kind yon were always explaining. Imitations ami inferior goods need much explanation. All ar gument, all proof, all explanation, is needless when you havo a VOSC After its Sixty-two Years of testing it needs no apology or explanation. The fact that your piano is a VOSe is a self sufficient proof. Why vose is superior is easily proved to those who seek the truth. You must see, touch and hear the Vose, that is why we aro so anxious Hunt you should call. HALE'S PIANO HOUSE DALY RE WAR Wm' alRLS! BEAUTIFUL, .CHARMING HAIR, NO DANDRUFF 25 CENT DANDERINE Your hair hocomen light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears an soft, liiittroiiu and beautiful ns n yotinn Klrl'a after n "Dantlorlno hair elranne." Juki try this tnolnton n cloth with a little Dandcrlne and cnrefully draw It (hroiiRh your hair, taking ono ninl I wtrnnd at a time. This will ctcannc tho hair o dfimt, dirt and exceitfllvo oil and In Just n fow inomcutR you havo doubled tho beauty of your hair. Iluslilon beautifying tho hair at Tuesday, Nov. 3 Is Oregon Industrial Day It Ik the rnld lira U.I truth Hint about IS out nf nvry $10 sprat liy Orrt'on people nri' itono fr.ri-vrr no fnr nil nny K'"l It con ilo un Im conrrrniMl. ( Uvery dnllar tin! I ott nway tnpnnn that n itollar nf nur own money Im kkIwc lo flail n new tinmi mlewlu're. P.vry dollar Mpnnt for I.ihor lari' In koIiir rlclit back to work fcr um. Itaw raulprliiln nr pro. itiicul here In our own Male In law iinanlltlm. I'owrr nail running ncci-fmorlen are economical ami avallnblt;, Tlicnr Im no renl reason why we nliouhl not cotifnime more home product. Thorn In every rrunon, In fact, why w- tniiMi ilo w If wi- si'curp (he cnlurRrtl illnnrr-ull brlKailn no nCc5Kjiry to our future proM-rlly. Hlmply kiii In miml flint ery llm yon favnr homo Industry It niranB dollnrs anil centH In fiitun- Iw'nfflt to youm-lf nml chllilrrn. Thi-Mfl nrllcl-M wlilch will npjMir ut regular Inlcrvaln In Ihn ilnlly pa pern ore nuule iosnIIiIp by Hiibscrlptlonn from tin iipMnil(l list of concernM who havi- Inn pnswtl upon ant Rtiarantrrd um homo Indus trie by tho Orraon Ineustry I.drui. with which Im afflllatfcl tho hmne Industry forc of Hie ntitlilprn' I'.xclianKc. Chnrnlwr of Commrrce, Chap inr or Architects. Commrrclnl Club, ('onsumrM' l.u;u. Council of Jew lsh Women. Kant Kbli- Iluslncnn ilrn'n Club, llnrrimnn Club, Jladr-ln-Ort-Roti Club, Manufacturers' Association, Metal TraileM' Association, Dri-Kmi Hetalt Merchants' AsnoclHllon. I'oTllnml Ail Club, I'ortloml tirade Teachers' Association, 1'ortlaml I'nrcnt-IVarliers Association, Portland U'otnen'M Club. I'niKnsslve lluilnesn Men'i Club. Iteully lloanl, Itelull llrncera' Ais(K;!otloii. Itolary Club, TransHiriallort Club. Ileiinml.fr them with your piilronaice. Tin tiregim Industry l.iaKlie Im ileVotlnK Mi enersI'M solely lo the task of ImliirlnK people (o patronize homo Industry, and In responsible for lite proclamation Issue.l by lloveriior WYxl ami Mayor AIImv cotnmniiillni; the people lo Mpenil tlielr money on TuesiLir, .VovemlM-r 3. for Oregon products rxelunlvely." BAOB, BDKLAP3 AMD TWIWE, Anus. Harris. NV-xtllc Co. Portland, OrrRop, BAKES, The United Htatcti National Il.ink. 75 Third St., I'ortlHtid. Or. BLAKXET "PSVD&irrOIV! ' l'endlcton Woolen Mill, Pendleton, Oregon. CAITDT VOOAK'S CHOCOLATES, Modern Confectionery Co. Portland, Oregon CEREALS "OOX.DEIT BOD, Uolden Hod Mllllni; Co, 1'ortlund, OreRon. COLUMBIA HAMS, BACOW. LAKO, And Pure Pork Saiis.iKo, I'lilun Meat Comiuny. CRACKERS "SUPREME" BRAND, 1 1. Ilarailon A i-'on. Portland. Oregon. ELECTRICmr MADE XX OREOOH, Portland Hallway. Light A Power Co. riRE XNSTTR&MCE, Pacific States Klre Insurance Co., Cham of Com. lildg.. Portland. rrXTURES SX.ECTRICAZ, AND OAS, J. C. i:ngllh Co.. 1S Union ae., N.. Portland. Or. FURNITURE RARD-MADE, W. Kugel & Hon. 49S WasliliiKton nt . Portland, Or rURKITURE HAND.1IADE, F A. Tuylor Co.. 130 Tenth st.. Poitlund. Or. UTILITY BOXES Slice, tIG-In. long, IS In. lilch, 1C In. deep. FlUed with castors, ha nil lea and hlnnod lid. Theao cliesta aro made, of cedar und aro Intended to lie covered. livery homo needs ono or more of them. Tills Ih your opportunity to Ret ouo cheap. Wo of fer them nt .7ft. Pacific Furniture Fixture Factory 113 SOUTH HOLLY ST11KKT. Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Car Effective from AuRuat 1, l!H,to August 1, 1915, and guBrnni.eed against any reduction during that time: Touring Car ..........-.................... 180 ' ltuuubout .............. ............... 440 Town Car .'...,..... 600 P. O, II. Detroit. All cars Cully equipped, (la tho United States of Amorlca Only,) Further, wo will ho ablo to obtain tho maximum efficiency tn our factory production, and tho minimum coat lu our purchasing and ales department! if wo can reach au output ot 300,000 cart -between tho abovo dates. And should wo reach this production wo agree to pay ng the tujrr' sharo from 40 to f CO per car (on or about August 1, 1915) to every retail buyer who purchases a now Ford ear between August 1 1914, and August i, I9l. Kor further particulars regarding tliece low prUes and preflt-sfcsr- lug plan, see the nearwt FoVd llrauch or Dealer. Ford Motor Car Company C. E. GATES. Airent HjmitA IlulldiHtf onro, Dondflrlno dbniolvoii otory pnr tlclo of dandruff; etcaminA, luirltlan and InvlKornton the scalp, forfcvor utoppltit? Itching "iiid falling hatr, Hut what will pleaBo you mo8t will he nftor n fow wreka dm whon you will actually noo now Inlr flno and downy at f!r( yen but really now hair growing all aver tho calp, Ii you caro for pretty, soft hnlr and lotn of It surely gnt ft 2f cent bottle of Knowlton'a Dantlorlno from nny drug Moro or toilet countor, and Just try It. (I'nld Adv.) , GAMBRINUS Drewlng Co., Portland. OAS APPLIANCES ANB PURR ACES, , lies' M'ic. Co,, Si: Williams uve., Portland, Or. ZMPXEbCXNTS, TARM, . M'. Wade St Co.. , 315 Hawthorne aye., Portland. Or. XNXT aOODS, Portland Knitting Co., ISO Third at . Portland, Or. LADDERS. Jchleo'M '.adder Worka, :C7 Second at.. Portland, Or. ZCER.'S MADE-TO-ORDER CX.OTKZNS, Charlrs CoojM-y & HonM, Sill Uoyal llldg.. Portland. Or. MONUMENTS MARBLE, ORANZTB, niaeHliig Oranlto Co., S7 Third. Portland und Halrm, Or. OC0nIifC Insurance Company "iKCLUtlVtUV OKCOON- Hone Oeriec. Combctt Bloo.. Posrusn ROBES PENDLETON INDIAN, Pendleton Woolen Mills, Pendleton, Or. RUBBER KEELS, MECXANICL GOODS Portland Itubber Mills. 3GM Kust Ninth at.. Portland, Or. WASHJWO POWDER "ONE XXNUTB, Ifaclflc Specialty Co.. 33S I. Morrison at., Portland. Or. MssVM, Mi i- .(j