urn .r, p u PjOTC TWO MMIWOIW 1,1 All, TIMIU1NM, MIWOIID. OMWON. Tl'NSDAY. NOVUM niW !., MM 0$L AND : PERSONAL Vnnco Colvlg, tamed as "Pi V writes (lint tho cnrrcr or tho Hour HRk-Criifilu.r, tho political sheet on which ho was employed, cnmo to a HUddou unit when tho publisher pot (Tip iiMall iox. IMnto Is now car x totmlsl on tho Cnrson City News. Ho says thp peoplo of -Nevada nro much interested In Knglt- 1'olnt Knglots and concludes with tho follewing: "Tell Walter Mttmly and Charley Palm not to work too linnl." Walking tho floor nt nlpht with tho baby In bnd enough, but to hear a burglar flawing out n window-pane 1h re'al oppressive. If you hold nn Aetna Hurglnr Policy you win tell .Mr. llurglar to help himself, and you can go back to Bleep. JIrs: Isabel Hngley was operated on .Monday morning for appendicitis hi tho Sacred- Heart hospital b. Dr.' fcinjicy. She is ro 1 1 1 n b nloug nicely. Fresh Unto In barrels for spraying. Hlg Pines Lumber Co. 195 Mr. Kva Morton and daughter Marie, of Phoenix, left Saturday even ing for Portland, where sho will spend a few days visiting her sister, boforo leaving for Zlllah, Wash., to join her husband, where ho Is In -the mercantile business. Itelng old time residents qf tho valley, they have a largo circle of friends who regret their departure. I had five unsolicited applications last week for burglary Insurance, henco this advertising craze. Thcro must be something to it. It. II, Mc Curdy. Jesse Cramer, day clerk at tho Hotel Medrord, is confined to his room, by a badly sprained back caused by an auto accident Monday evening. In making a turn near tho Medford Hotel, tho auto turned turtlo throwing CrameV to the pavement with considerable iorce. Plant your roses early. H. M. 1'arnswortli and wlfo of Eu reka, Cal., arc spending a few days in the city visiting friends and rel atives. Telephone 123, that you want to start that burglary Insurance today.' S. H."Holmes or Kaglo Point was a business vhitur in the city Monday afternoon. When ordering your bread toy phono, always cay .tho Pennant wrapped. 195 T. Lewis. of tho Antelope district was a business visitor in tho city Monday. rrcali llmu In barrels for spraying. Big Pines Lumber Co. 195 Homer Whiting of Sterling spent Sunday in Medrord attending to bus iness mutters. Do Voo will Bend you tho Weekly Oregonian 14 months for 7Sc. " The Central Point band bpent Mon day in Medford playing at tho ball game and at tho Hanley rally In tho ovcnlng. Aetna Burglary, Policy Holders' sleep well. W. Courtant, editor of tho Grants Pass Courier, spent Monday in Med ford attending to business matters. The'flnost equipment in Oregon for printing fruit labels. Medford Print ing Co. " J. K. Mooro has returned from a hunting trip to Fish Lake and the eastern part of tho county. Fresh lime in barrels for spraying. Big Pines Lumber Co. 195 Qlydo Felstor of Yrekn, Cal., spent Monday in cMdford visiting friends and relatives. An Aotna Burglary Policy Is cheap er than firearms, and safer. A letter has been received by Irlcnds in this city from Frankie Ed wards, who Is now a resident of Guadalupe, .Mexico, in the heart of (ho -revolution belt. "Insurance" means "Holmes'' and "llolmea" means "Insurance." See Holmes "The insurance Man." J. M. Howard or Talent spent Mon day afternoon iu Medford on busi ness. Fresh lime )n barrels for bjiraylng, Hlg Pines Lumber Co. 195 Miss Allco Hums of Ashland Is vis iting friends in this city for a few days. For 1,10 year you can purchase mi Aetna Residence Burglary Pollcj thut will protect )ou against loss by theft, including thoft by servants, payabl up to JIOO.00. See R, H. Mc Curdy. Tho close or, the deer season last Saturday found many hunters with the limit, though some aro still uu satisfied. ' They want Governor West 10 prolong the season z couple of weerks, so k to mako up for tliet tlmu lout during tho suspension of tho flru season. Tho move has not takuu dolliiltc form to date owing to tho oxcltonieut occasioned by poli tic?, Tho Medtqrd Itoso society requests flint all rose growers of Medford rouno their loses dining the first wtck of .November. Tho cutting nhoiild be suvbd for (ho society which Will dUlrlbiito them to the school children Monday, Kovomber lHli, Malt Hartley or Vnll(ln. Orejrtu, 11 spending the wt'tilt In Mvdfoid on Mis. Uortha Snyder loft Sunday for Snn nfaol, Cal., to spend n month or nix weeks, Visiting friends and rela tives. Kodak finishing tho best, at Wei ton's Camera Shop. Ovor IbIs Thea ter. H. 1). Husscll of Montague, Cal., spent Monday in Mini ford on business returning to his homo In tho even ing. Hemstitching and pleating done and models mndo nt Mrs. Hnncy'ti dressmaking parlors, Moo's store. SOL W. It, llrower, editor of the ltoguo Itlvcr Argus, spent Monday In Med ford attending tho big league ball gnmo. Kodak finishing and supplies at Weston's Camera Shop. Over lsts Theater. Tom Wilson or Heece Creek spent Monday in Medford attending to bus iness matters. Get it at Uo Vooa. lluport Harvey delivered a lecture on lsbeu before the Drama League Monday afternoon, that was largely attended and highly enjoyed. Mr. Harvey lu his talk showed a complete mastery of tho works of the great Scandinavian dramatists. E. S. Tumy writes all forms of In surance. Excellent companies, good local service, 210 Oarnott-Coroy Bldg. All the banks and public offices are closed today on account of tho state election. Joseph Slater or Gold Hill spent Monday afternoon in the city attend ing to business matters. Authentic war nows received by Mall Tribuno leased wire will bo posted during tho day at Hotel Med ford. Tho final score iu the All Star baseball game was 9 to 5 in favor or tho Americans. Willie Mitchell of the Cleveland Americans, pitched the entire game for the victors. Jeff Tesercau of tho New York Giants lasted only three innings, and was succeeded by Vaughn of tho Chicago Cubs. Long hits featured the game. The star event of the afternoon was U one-handed catch of a line drive In center field by Walsh or tho Athle tics. G.ot your wood sawed promptly, Phono 51. 193 W. C. Frultt or Copper, Cal., or the forestry service is attending to business mattery in the city. J. O. (Jerking, ts rest an around photographer In southern Oregon. Always reliable. Negatives taads any where, tlmo or placo. Btudlo B28 Main St. Phono 3 20-J. Judge r. It. Webster or Portland spent .Monday In Medford addressing tho Bill Hanley rally at tho -Vat In the evening. Long's mineral wonder, tried and truo remedy for eczema, catarrh, piles, stomach tonic at tho Medford Pharmacy after Xovetnber 1. Sco testimonials from grateful patients. 193 "Milestones" was presented to a good sized audience at the Pngo Theater Mouday night, and tho play was highly enjoyed. Tho next at traction will be a "Pair or Sixes." Now Thought Clrclo, 004 S. Oak dalo, Saturday 2:30 to G. Tho sessions or tho K'tlt jury be fore the circuit court will be resumed tomorrow. The trial of Major Can ton accused or a black crime will be held thlB week. Make your coals, suits and dresses at Kelsters' Ladles' Tailoring Col lege, room 42C, M. F. & H. build ing. 205 Charles Young has returned from a hunting trip in the Evans crook coun try. Justice Henry Dox of Jacksonville spent Monday evening in Medrord at tending the theater. Jou H. Ik'eman or Gold Hill spent Monday afternoon In the city attend ing to business matters, Tho police have found no clue to tho burglars who entered the Sbnp lelgh Hardware store last Fiiday night, and btole knives and revolvers. Couuty Clerk Gardner spent Mon day afternoon in Medford on county bubiucss. Mert Aekloy of Bedding. Cal , Is spending a few days in tho city ou business, A camp of hoboes who have been camped along IJear creek living large ly by raids ou chicken coops were or dered to break camp by the police Mouday night. They spent tho day louring along the crook and nights lu barns. Assistant Itoadmaster Hunt-on of the Southern Pacific with headquart ers lu Ashlaud Sx.-nt Monday in Med ford. "ft! Ml F. G. Honry or Hofcoburg Is among the out or town visitors in tho city this week. Bert Greer of Ashland spent Mon day afternoon In Medford attending to business mutters. All grades of refined sugars have declined at Ulrlch & Ityan'H. They quote fruit cane sugar at 10, no per 100 lbs., and 10 lbs for $1 UO. Solid llurbunk potato m J ::o jw-r Inn (iflherod lu any purl of the city for ciulj. i'lioiin oi dor Hl U filled (' . I). vr.f A rumiimjfo tttlo uml hoiim rook ing uli. by Ibo MolliodUt Isdltm In room null to Wurriioh Thursday, Friday and du(uUu of i wvi'k. RUSSIA BLOCKS REVENGE E KAISER HOLDS BERLIN, Nov. 3. (by wireless.) - Tho Information given out to tho piesa from official qunrturs today In cludes the follewing: "The correspondent of tho Lon don Times at Wnrsaw, after visiting the battlefields of Holand, declares that the Germans havo not taken revenge for the Russian atrocities lu oast Prussia, "A nnlsh physician named Thorsott after n vUlt to the German lines praises tho organization of the Ger man ambulance corps. Tho Germans, mans, declares, in contradistinction to the French, do not make any dif ference between their own wounded and tho wounded of tho enemy, "The Belgian minister or war said to the correspondent or the Trlbuna or Rome that tho llelglan army was lu wretched condition and that tho men were exhausted and disorgan ized. "Greece has resolved to maintain her neutrality, and Bulgaria Is not taking a hostile attitude. Fi IiO.UK. Nov. :i.--Siunor Snlundni, the premier of the cabinet which Iium jut re.-iuueil heemi-e of tlillen'iu'e anions; it member regarding ques tion of fiiiiiueiul olic'- having been M'mi-offii'inllv entrusted by Kinir Victor llmmniuiel with the dutv of forming n new nbinet. .spent the whoic of. the evening tonight in eon -tiltntion with noliticttl Iricmlf, us he wiohcri to solve- the eri-is iu the shortept m-.-il)!e time, owing to the intenmtiunitl coiiinliciitioii-. Aecordiitir to the eiistoiu here, the official unnouiu't'ineut of hi Inivintr been entrusted with the formation of u cabinet will be piveji Miuullunruusly with the uuuouuecmont of. tho new cabinet. BRITISH AND TURKS AT WAR (Continued from Pngo 1.) forts nt u noint well to the south of this Imttle-i-euirci locality. Kuipc- ror William hiiiiMolf wns irc.-cnt, no- eoniiii to news distiateheH, nt the latest nttempt to capture this impor tant position, (lenunit l'orcos have left Bruges for Courtai, twenty-five miles to the south and eighteen miles enst of Ynres, wiiere the British hold tho line. This in taken to indicate the selection of unotlier way to reach CalaU. BasiiiL' its lione tliat tiie allies will ho able to continue to hold hack the German advance iu the north, no mat ter how determined and furious it he cmucs", I'uris is ntill optimistic as to the outcome iu Flanders. ("ntiin Prince Wounded A u'ntiHili'il mini uiw lirni"lil re. ,"" ccntlv to tlio imperial induce nt Stnisuburg urn mrdii'itl exicrts-fiuii Hcrlm were su'inuoucd I" at'.' ml hun. The rumor soon got itl;;.ud t'tnf the patient wns Fredeiii-k WiUiitt i nnvn jiriuce of (icjinany. TIt-i rc;-t- hnvo not been venhed, but trnwlti rcaehin Geneva from Striissburg declare them to be true. I'le-ident I'oincare of France mid Kill;; Albert of Belgiuin hnvo jetiew ed French and llelginn troops it I Funics, oloc to the line of battle iu Flanders, to uu accompaniment ol exploding t'mipncl from the artillery of the enemv. Later President I'oiu caio mid his minister of war 1nd un interview with General Joffie, com-imiuder-in-i'hief of the I'leneli troops. AT TABRIZ AIDS DUTCH WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. Aincrl can consul Paddock at Tabriz is ex tending tempora)')', refuge and pro tection to the German consul ami subjects but the Russians In Persia aro threatening to arrest and expel all Germans, The Persian authorities huvo gath ered up tho archives of (ho Turkish (oiiHiilato at TabrU and sent them to Petrogrttd. Hweet cider nt Do Vow's, rrrrw "WO LATH TO f;MHKII'X. FOR KALI'; -Cull So ton n uml Hpltz apples, l.'c ,xr ,ox, ul our waro hoiikc. I'joiluior Fruit Co iloOM AND IIOAIIir a'i hThoiIui Ivy. lrt C, U, Uruul, i'lb FORMING m EI OR ITALY FLEET- OFF CHILE WIN; T VALPAUISO. Chile, Nov. U.Tho Gorman wamhlps Onclsenau, Schiun horwt, Nurnburp, Leipzig lind resdc.ii today attuned the British Heel, off Corouol qhllo. Tho British, crdj'ser Monmouth was sunk. Tho cruiser Uood Hope was very bmlly damaged and aa slm was ou file Is supposed to hnvo been lost. The British crulrer .Glasgow took lefuge In tho harbor of Coronet and Is now bottled up. The German warships Sohainhorsl, Nuruberg and Ituelsciuui anchored at mldda) lit Valp.ualso Harbor unin jured. F l.OXION Xu I. tl.l.'i it. m.- A disnteh from Delhi, Indiii, to Keu ttr's Telegrmu ou)un., sjs that iu view of the oittbrciiU of Turkey il wiik nullioritntively aunouiieed tluouj;li Indiii tlmt no religious uestioit was involved mid that the .Mohammedan holy palaces iu Arabia are immune from attack by the British naval and military forces, provided the pilgrim from India to thec places are not in terfered with. At the riMiiifst ol (Irunt llritdiu, the dispatch udds, Franco and Russia have given Miuii.tr riMirniee. L DAItIS, Nov. :i. 'J:;l0 p. in. lu n disimtch from t'ettinie. Moiilenegio, dated yosteiday, the correspondent ol the IIuvii ngeiiev says that tluee Austrian (iPioplmte on N'ovcmbcr I dropped u number of liombs nt Anli vari iu uu cudeuvor lo strike a French trniisiiiirt shin' and tin-three tornedo boats escorting her. None of the missiles reached its murk. Ten of them struck the iUity, but did oulv slight damage. Others tell iu the vicinity of tlio palace of the prefecture without caii-inr any dam age. Shots from the French totpedo boats and Ihc batteries ou the heights compelled the. iicrojilniics to flee. CZAR FOR PEACE WHEN FOE BEATEM LONDON, Nov. :;, :i;:i.-i p. m. A dispatch from Moscow to Renter' Telegram eoiupany uys that Kmpe ror Nicholas, in telegraphing hi greetings to tho Merchants' associa tion on the occasion of the opening of its scsion, said: 1'l,cace only is possible when Rus sia readies the heart of German soil, This is the unanimous opinion of nil MuscotRcs, Any upprehcnsioii of pen eo. belli;; concluded before (he en emy is completely crushed i un founded. " BY Y LONDON, Nov. .'I, (!:.'I8 ii. m. A dispntt'h from Tiflis, cupilnl of the Jtiihviuu gotcruuiout of the Mime mime iu trans-Cuiiciisiu, to ReutcrV Teleginiii company i mi.Vs: "It is mmouipui that tho emperor litis oidcred tjie L'auuilsia.u iirmy lo crosx the frontier liii'il ntiuek Hit Turks." ' i -i "f- yj.V xit Get tho best smolco, Gov. Johnson, and also putronlzo homo. " Plans aro being prepared by U. L, Chapman for rearrangement or Inter ior of Dallas hoHJiJtnl buljdlng ror lino as an apartment house. The Best of Materials form oal, a part of I ho cost of daunt-- J miiUo. Tlio other part i -i erents oxpuit work mannhni That Is why wo Invite MiinpurlMon, DR'. RICKEItl W Fe Right Npticlull.! Our D?urjt GERMAN SUFFER WA 0RM0HARI10ANS L APE COLLEGIANS Mimickiu" of tiollofliinb Monday night totalled tit it uili'hnl liaillejie (wcen iiuitilbi'iN Vif l,ho,' jl(Uilui uml freshmen eliisKes qf li Ijtillr ni'liool. The ficsliineu eiutiiiiitlVd .tho uiipiti' iloiiiihln ciimii of holding' u o('ial HOssion iu Ihc hull imit llimlels for Dads without lliiuktior 1,0 ijirile llu junioi. who ttifdcd I ln hull,' and for their puiiiM loeiAu'd i , Htlctmilial hoaliut'. Ilobbv IVloiiro wjih knocked lltrotmh n window uml tceeiwd a t' eit Mit ou hu elbow uml foieheiid. It wo it miracle lliat he did nol fall three stoiie to the lieet below. IV louxeV injuries weie tlroswed by louiis Wold. .Houston I .inc. ituolher invnder. wn humped and hritisi'd. The rest of the eoiithiitiint were hitmmered with Hsts and whuleer hainimcd to be Imiidv. A sutumous brought the police, wiio re-ton d or dcr. An uHimnlum was iveii lo the freshmen iu (he afternoon that their meeting would he attacked, it ml when the invasion nunc thev weie prepared mid charged with pcar, foteliiK ihc enemy to tettcal. Mo-t of the at tackerH weie footliall pln.xerH and ndnpted the tactics (if (he gume. After the tow in the hall the beaten junior threatened to rotten egjj members of the faculty. Tho I'm ens of last nighl will be in vestigated liv the school authorities and n ban placed on u5- of col leges by the students. The grour.iis for the attack were that the ftcshmcu were organizing a I'raloruilv. L WASHINGTON, Nov. a. Tho Ger man consul at TabrU, Persia, was a naultcd and tool; retugo In tho Amor lean couHtilato, with other panic stricken German subject, according to a messago to the American gov ernment late today from Mlulitor Caldwell at Tehornn. WIFE. BABY, KILLED I KVKUKT. Wash, 'Nov. 3. -Thinking ho heard maraudcrii lu his or chard J. G. TuiiKMtrn, a farmer liv ing n tew Intlos north or Arlington, i ono from his Mipor tnbl( last night and attemutod lu lake from tho wall a shotgun with which lo frighten away tho Intruderx. In removing tho gnu from Its raHteiilugs, Tung Htra discharged It, Instantly killing bis wife, aged '-Ml, and their mIx months' old baby Mother's Friend Before Baby Arrives Turing several week of ripi-rlnnry there Is a I'llcmJlcl ixterniil cniliriMuttldii In our "Mothrr'M f'Tlcml"' In which Ihouxand of women li.ivo tho rnnul un bounded conttilencc. They linro tmol It and know. They trll , uf It wundcrful In lliirnco to csno tlin kVVu 77H Uti uouuiniiini inupcirn WlK A . Jv$ nn1 bw tby avoid- ell inula uraiuru ttrctchlng pain tlmt aro so much talked utiout This safe, external npiillcatlon U Kfntly ujpU over tlio ulitit to render It amonalilo to tliu natural ulrttcblnir wtilrlt I It underKocn. The inyrlud of nervu thrend Junt lienenth tlio skin U thus rulluved of unnoccoHnry luln.pro.IucInK triune nnd great phviilcat relief U tho : result as cxireHxcd y a bout of happy , untliers wliu write from eipfrlmce, It Is n KUtiJect tlmt alt women should ho familiar with as "Mother's Friend" ' ha l.ot-n la uv iiiauy yeuri, and Is fi'i-nm. ; iuenild ly Kriindinotlii't who In llitlr ear- ' IWr day leaioed m tely upon tbU lcndlU Aid to t7iiQK'n, I You etui obtain 'Mothcr'H Friend" nt almost any itrutf utora. , Out u hottlu to-ilay nnd then wrlln tut our llttlo book eo ueful to rxiMs-tiitit iitothtT, ' Addrc Ilrudnnld llesiilitter Co., 213 1 Lumur Illdi;., Atlanta, (U. I $m$j;-m;o SHOO PUPILS OH GERMAN N ROUSES PERSIANS mm Qfe. Vv.it W J vmii 'Tt. (Z. 5! f7WWhfv IN Wk I WV ? T J T t r ? r r r 4 -, j. 'w m . Mm m Noit l.orallon w m VOTING N SUNSHINE E Slow marking of IiiiIIhIm Is (he Ira- ii 1.... i. ..i... i.. i...ii...,.i iiOie n iie MMiog ii'iun oi ,111-iiiimui lAeeoidinu lo W. !'. (.iiiiwnbiirv. one woiiinu vrtllng in Him Wt"l Muin nio eiuel eoiiMiineil nu futtir uml lillee'n luiuulen iu easliim her liallot. At I o'eloek )2 voles had been ent iu the North (Vulml piceiiiel, K" iu the Sottlh Cent till iceiiiel and HU lu Hit' West Main preeiuel. In other pie eiuetM theio wos a lieay oe. Most of the women of the city will list their luilloU thi al'IciiiiioM. The vole iu the eouutrv disiiiels is heuv, due to ideal woollier condition. From picscut Indication, Ihc eoiinliuir of lite hnlln will he the slowest in the hilor ol the -tiiic. It is nso piedtctcd .1 iveord oi. will be ,i-t lliinii:h the eouitl... FIRST RETURNS OF MASSACHUSETTS VOTE IIOSTON, Nov. It.- The flift lite towtis to bo heuid fiom iu lnda.' htuto election gitvo forgevciuor: Me fall, rcpuhltcaii, .VJ.'i; Walker, pro Kre.iivot 1'JI; Walsh, denioernt, II.". IE RETURNS FROM TRIP IlKltM.V, Nov. .1. mi. The ll.tgue mid Loudon, H:ll a. in. The German Hiibmnriuo which aeeiunplishcd the destruction of the llutih cruiser Hermes oil ir la-l S.iiutdiu ba returned -.V1 to mmI. Tin- h lot uiattou is fouvtxtd it. mi .'i.'. nil ao iioiiiicciaeiit Kit en out in I'eiliu - It's So Satisfactory lixprricncc will Ic.'icli yiin it's value. 2.ic Special Sale MARKS LECTION 1 Studebakor Roadster 1 Buick Roadster 1 Page Detroit Roadster 1 Saxon, practically new 1 California Tourist, 40 II. P. 1 Indian Motorcycle . All above in Good d - j ! j W w Onyx in combination with Diamonds iiioiiutod lu platinum lu now nt tho bulght of taiOilon. Clrclo jiIiih both ii plain UIuiiioikIh mid In oomlilnallon with Onyx, aro also viry iiojiiilar. o liuvo a largo asrorlmdiit or loovo lilamomls that wo mil mako iii In nil) stylo, scurf lu. ioiidaii or brooch, MARTIN J. REDDY Tin; .iKWKMtii -IT, laling lo Hie Iomh of tin 111 it I- ti H.ir ship, The inline of lh Hiiliiuniliio whijli look pail ill (Ills cugngciuciil is mil yiteii. HOW GOOD THAT"" MUSTEROLE FEELS! Mumnm ! It Gels lo Tlmt Hoio Spot Like .Magic a h' That'll ilellcloim icllef ror tlnmo mho muKuleH, thnxo xtlrr Joints, tlmt lame back, Mt'.STKItOLM Ih it uleiin. whlto olntimmt. mado with tho oil of mux. turd and olhur homn slmplo. It does tho work or tho old-fit"h-loued utttKlittd plnxtt'i', itilitiirt tho pluslur and mtuiiH the bllstor' You simply rub MUHTHHOLM on the pot whoro tho pain lsrub II on tnlhlib-ami tbu pain Is gouo. No niam, no hot her. dust com forting, soolhliiK rollof Gist a ea tlo glow, then a delightful souso or iooIiiokh, And Imu of all. no bltein like tho obl-fanhloueil nmrlMi tl plal urusod to make. ' .There Is nollilng like Ml'HTIJItOI.I-: for Horn Thioat, llronohltls, ToiihIIUI, CioUi, ritlff N"ek, Asthma, .Venial gin, Headache, CoiiHestlou, Pleurisy. Uhouiuiitlsm, LumbaMo, I'alun ami Allies of the Mark or Joints, Hnritliin, Sore Muiclos, MiiiUch, Chilblains. Flouted Feet and Coliliyif tho CIiinI (It often prevcutH Puoitmoiila.) At your ilnu:lM'H. in Idc uml r.oe Jars, and it special lame hospltsl slw for $2. SO. lie Hiiro )ou get the gtunilne Mt'M TIJItOl.i:. Ileftiso Imitation get what you tutk for Tho Musterolo Gompany, Cletvlaml, Ohio. - Adv. Flour TRY FISHER'S YERIFINE Hard Wheat Flour It will please you MARSH & BENNETT Ht'mml ilnui' ciiwl l-'iiwL Nal. Manic. lMicmti'J.VJ on Used tars $200 300 250 350 350 125 Running Condition. ! B j u v m 1 MI'J Kml .Main HI, A S T V) t Y sb's '