VXQti six MEDFOKT, MATT, 'rmWNfl, NTilYFCmP, OKKGOtf, MONDAY, NOVTCMniW 2, 101 1 It. BRITISH CORONER'S OFFICE MARKETS OVERCROWDEDWITH APPLES AND PEARS Dcnnih & Son's market llcllor, dat ed Loudon, October 1(1: Large qunnlitic of fruit were uliip pt'il for arrival in Knglnnd this week, Liverpool lielng especially heavy, nnd notwilhstandiiHr thnt n Inrjro jmrl of these linvo tint jot arrived, these heavy shipments have lind n depress, inn infliiciipc upon pi ice throughout tliOHo markets. In London ttio slenm-diip Minno linlm cargo was offered for sale on Wednesday, mid iil-o Hint of t!u MoumMiip Digliy, which brought 24, (100 bnrrcls of Xovn Seotian tipple. There worn JlOtll) linrrols of pear mi ss. Alinnchnlin, mostly HtidMin ltivrr Kciffcrs, nnd the ouNtnndiiu; fnpt about this fruit wns tlu absence of nny parcels of really fine fruit. This wns what tlio London trade was on the lookout for, mid in conso qlicuce prices for the iiipdium grade fruit of which this carpi consisted mn ile lint n poor showing. There was no demand on the part or provincial buyers owing to the large arrivals in Liverpool, fllnsgo wand Manchester. mid the London trade never huys this class of fruit freely. Furthermore, there nrc still fair quantities of Kng lish pears arriving on Loudon mar kets which outer into comiH'titinn with the class of fruit under dNeiission. The bull; of the Hudson ltiver stock therefore, wns sold nt prices murine from 10s to 14s per burrel. There wore nlso one or two parcels of Vir ginia. Keiffers sold, which realised rather better prices, ranging fioin 30s to 10s, mid even touching 17s for n few bnrrels of extra fine pears. There weru also some California pears in half boxes ex this boat which were sold ;it the following prices: Qlout Morconu, 7s Gd per hall! bex: Duchesse, 7s, and Onondago, n pear for which there is little or no demand on this side, Cs for u few half boxes As regards apples, Loudon is still receiving Inrgc supplies from local sources, Kent and neighboring eoun. ties, and has in consequence this sea son never been so good n market for stocks from overseas as has Liver- jwol Therefore, and in view of the expected arrival next week of n cargo of n further 30,000 barrels, the Nova Scotian apples ex s. Digby, arrived on u market quite unprepared to ab sorb such quantities nt anything nliovfl thfr very low price which we give below, these prices being in fact equivalent to those obtaining for Knglish apples of a similar grade. The general position on this mar ket, as shouii by the foregoing, give little indication of an improvement for some few weeks ahead. There is n decided downward tendency at present manifest, nnd we anticipate that u few weeks must elapse before a readjustment of supply nnd demand can be effected. Liverpool has thin week made n distinctly better show ing than London on barrel pears, but there appears to have been a larger proportion umoiigst the arrivals there of clean, hnrd, good quality fruit. As will be seen from the prices given below, the slack and wasty goods mndo prices fully as low us similar i'niit in London. USEDASMONOPOLY GOOD QUALITY CATTLE I'OHTLAND, Nov. 2. Receipts for the week have been: Cattle 1 80.r, calves 8!), hogs 51 II sheep :i.')80. Cattle receipts, with the execution of .Monday, have been fair, with quality only medium. Quality stuff sun oi nit's very goon prices, ruie of feeders have been the feature dur ing the week. Clood steers going at if 0.10. The market can be consideicd Htendy for prime steels at 7c to 7.1.r). Hog receipts this week have neen light compared with last week. Thc have, however, shown better finish as u whole. The market opened at $0,1)0 Mondny and is closing rather strong at 7c. This week'fl receipts of sheep very light for immediate slaughter demand. A few feeders were disposed of to local dealers, Lambs went as high as .f 0,2f .Monday for some exception ally well finished stock. XOTICK. C. L-. Allen has bought Joo Cas key's blacksmith business cs his vory poor health necessitated a chnni;o of ellmato and he doslreil to go to Ari zona. I will Ito pleasoU to retain ull of the shop's old ciutomnr. On So, JJartlott, opposlto Union Darn. 202 FOR PAST 10 YEARS Tho campaign for coroner Is full or bitter personalities nml Mr. I'sshor belloveu ho Is being assailed beyond nil reason. Ills friends believe It no more than fair to him thai tho peo ple should know tho motive ot these attacks ami use their own judgment. Kor the past ten years tho coro ner's office, has been controlled by throe, undertaking firms ot Jackson county. Mr. Kellogg Is tho coroner and the other firms hold the deputy ship., ana through tho Influence of their official posit lona they Dimply comer all the undertaking business that comes through sudden deaths. Mr. Kellogg was defeated fairly by a decisive majority In the republican primary by W. W. Usshor and the next day KcIIorr's deputy, John A. I'erl of Medford, announced his can didacy as an Independent, In order that the combination ot n decade could continue Its strangle hold. The three cornered combination Is Industriously circulating tho state ment that Mr. Ussher Is the candi date ot other undertaking firms and will employ the same arbitrary meth ods In their behalf in case of hi election. Mr. Usslier Is not connected with any undertaking firm In any man ner whatever. He has .promised every undertaking firm In the county a square deal that he will allow the family or friends of any deceased to say without nny question which un dertaking firm shall caro for their dead. He went to some members of the combine, that has cornered the business by holding the office, and told them what he would do that he wanted the office for tho 'remunera tion there was In It alono and be lieved ho could serve all concerned efficiently and fairly In return for tho emoluments ot tho office. They demanded the full business ot tho coroner's office they wanted no half-way business, cither nil or none. Mr. Perl's advertisement says Ussher wonted the offlco "for what Is In It." Mr. Ussher admits that. Ho deems that legitimate and asks what Mr. Perl wants tho offlco for. and declares that Mr. Perl and his comblno want the office not only for what is in the office but also for what Is behind the office, which amounts to a great deal more than what Is In It. The statement that nn undertaker Is necessarily better equipped to de tect crime In coroner's Inquest Is not justified by tho experience of Jack son county. Tho coroner and the de puties of the comblno have been more figureheads In this respect, tho dis trict attorney having been the direct ing bond and tho post mortem exam inations having been conducted by physicians and surgeons. If you believe that the coroner's offlco should be a public trust and not a private snap, cast your voto ac cordingly. (Paid Adv.) GERMAN. SUBMARINE SINKS ANOTHER BRITISH WARSHIP LONDON, Nov. 1, 10:45 p. m. The Urltlsh light cruiser Hermes was sunk by a German submarine In tho Stralst of Dover Saturday. TIiIh of ficial announcement was made Sun day. Nearly all tho officers and men were saved. Tho enterprise of Herman submarine which have been lurking along tho ho (t Toour Ileiolve to imoko (lor. Johnson c ri, tho best, uud thereby pMronU bum Jnduitry. tf ' DM MORE WATER IF Eat leas meat and take SalU for Back ache or Bladder trouble jYeutralize acid. Urlo acid fn meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feci like lumps ot lead. The uriutt becomes cloudy j the bladder la irri tated, and you may be obliged to seek re lief two or three times during tho night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feci a dull misery In the kid ney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dlulness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feci rheu matic twinges when tho weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of J ad Salts; take a tablcspoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with litlila, and lias been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, ulso to neutralize the acids In uriiw, so it no longer Is a source of Irritation, thus coding bladder weakness. Jod Baits Is Inexpensive, cannot In- dure; makes a delightful cffrrvenctnt lltlila-yater drink which everyone should tnko now and then to keep the klducys rhau and active. DruggisU here wy thrv sell lots of Jad Bails to folks who lulffvu lit overcoming kidney trouble while It Is old trouble, t Kronen const on the titralts ot Dover (which they can menace ships of the Hooking to get a shot at Urltlsh ships allies pasMng between Kuglnud and ongnged In. bombarding tho florman ' l-'nuicc. Only a fow dnya ago ono ot positions In ltclglum was rowardod thorn sank tho Trench steamer Ad today when ono of them attacked nnd mlral tJantenunio which was cairylng tank the light cruiser Hermes as she refugees from Calais, was returning from Dunkirk, Tho j How many submarines tho Gor greater part of the crow was rescued, mans have In these waters Is not Tho Hermes was a comparatively 'known but several ot them lmo been old vessel and front a naval viewpoint seen recently. When tho ships are was of no great value but the fact guarded by torpedo bout destroyers, that she was attacked so near homo as are thou engaged In bombarding indicates that tho Herman submarines j tho iloriuan positions, they aio com mttt have a base somewhere on tliu pniatlvely safe but the opportunity of part of tho llclgtuu roast which I tho submarines comes when one Is occupied by Gorman troops from can jraught alone as was the Hermes. W. H. SINGLER FOR SHERIFF Tho Koiiulilionu Xoininoo for HhoriTf, now filling an nnoxpirod torni by appointment, ms at all times and does now invite tin investigation of his record by the voters and taxpayers. The office, under my administration has been eon ducted in the most economical manner consistent, with efficient service in every particular in tho inter ests of tho taxpayers and tho community at largo. To insure efficiency, I retained nt iv personal financial loss, nn expert nVenunlniit us chief deputy in Hit Tax Collecting Depart ment, nt a salary considerably in excess of the allowance for such position. Under the present lawi an annual audit is inude of all counties in the stnte, under the supervision nnd by direction of the Stale Insurance Commissioner nnd the State Hoard of Accountancy, This nudit for my office lias just been completed, nml 1 ipiote tho follow ing from the certified public accountant who made this audit: "flraiits Pass, Oregon, October UTth, UH1. Mr. 11. Singer, Sheriff Jackson. County, .Jacksonville, Oiegou. -Dear Sir: I report that in my nudit of your office jnt nude, 1 find efficiency shown by the correctness of records nnd the endeavor to improve uud simplify the work of tho office to meet increased iviuiicuuiits and-up-to-date methods. I also find n eloe compliance with legal ic qnircnients of the office. Very truly yours, KM. WILSON Colli Tied Dublin Accuuutaiil." If merit nnd conscientious performance of duty count for any thing in publio service, 1 feel justified in a-king the loyal snpport of nil voters at the polls. It has been my aim nt ull limes to maintain n clean record in and out of office, nnd my campaign has been con ducted along the snme lines, open and above board, which I believe will apcat to all fair-minded nnd thinking voters Assuring- yon of my thorough appreciation for your favorable consideration, I am, Hespocl Hilly, , ' ' ' W. II. SIXflLKItj ',. Candidate for Sheriffy fPaid Adv.) ,. ,. I I I SALOONS CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT BOYS HAVE YOU ONE TO SPARE Thl" Amendment will not ttk fftct Ull Jtoiury I. ll. Oregon Dry intxii. bciur bull dcii sod inof work Vote 332 X YES tlU i4TrUiMtBl kr tbt Otnalttta of Out Haaiitt. Ttl Horjtii Balldluf, fortlind, Oniuu. I I I & t t f f ? V T t t f ? r r : t i i t T t t t X r t ? ? V r y ? ? v t ? ? t f y y y f f y T t r f t t y y f t y y f t y y y ? ? t y t t r y r f y t V ? y FOR CONGRESS FIRST DISTRICT NX?9a9Cg ijhL Tj4HuitelHfiJBSBBBBfiBBBBBfl ;a juRfl tW wmjBBmKwBBBBIERIBBBBBVBv FREDERICK HOLLISTER OF COOS BAY For immediate and complcto improvomnnfc of all coast harbors and waterways of Orogon, including that of Crescent City, Cal. For federal appropriations to bo used in building good roads, waterways and harbors. Such appropri ations to bo commonsurato in amount nnd to be basod upon tho valuation of government properties in Or egon. Tho government now owns almost one-half of this state and wo receive nothing from this proporty. For a radical change in the homestead laws, fav oring the settler and offering inducements to tho prospective settler. Under tho presont law it is almost an impossibil ity to prove up on your homestead. Tho building of a merchant marino that will bo a world power in commorco. The opening up for settlement of a large amount of tho present forest reserves. Oregon was made for Orogonians, and its reserves should be utilized for tho diroct bonofits of its people. More Business and Less Politics. A Southern Ore gon Man for Congress (Paid Advci'lirU'iiK'iil.) 5 J J J J J J ! ! Z C" f t t y y t f f y y ? ? r r f t y t t y ? f ? ? ? f A . A,ufa.' v.d ia t&.