'A fl PAGE TWO MED1TORD MAIL TRIHUNti, M I'M.) MUD, ORIWON, TIUHKI)AY, OCTOniW 20, l!)ll ' M 1 M !! i t! i. i.. Ut I 1 'J' FINAL ARGUMENTS dim JTION Of STEEL T rinLAUKM'MIA, Oct. 29. The final vdayjy ajRiimciil In tho greatest corporation cnso,,oxr considered by nny court opened with Jacob M. DIckitlnAon, former secrelnry of war, and njioclnl assistant to tho attorney general; Continuing hla address urK liiK that tljo United States Steel cor poration should lib disintegrated be cause It la, violating tho nntl-trust lawB. r Jlr. "btekondon'B areument was largely In rebuttal of what six cor poration, lawyers had said In dufenso of tho steel corporation. Mr. 'rilck'lnsbn said the steel cor poration hail the power to crush out all competitors if It so desired but It realized that If It pursued such a policy It would be swiftly crushed by the goverumctit. Hut, ho said, It adopted a different Bchcmc. It entered into pools, agreements and combinations with its competitors by means of which prices wefo kept up and larger returns wero received on its enormous watered capital. i After rumors of possiblo prosecu tion got abroad, Mr. Dlckslnson said, tho steel coropratlon changed Its methods to reach the same ends. It dropped pools and agreements and larger and broader schemes were do vised. These were tho famous Clary dinners and meetings attended by 90 percent of tho Iron and stel manu facturers of tho country. At the dinners and meetings, E. II. Gary, head of the steel corporation, was al ways tho most nctlvo figure and Mr. Dickinson alleged that understand ings wero reached by which prices were kept up. Ho ridiculed tho ex planations of tho defenso that the Gary dinners wero held only to dis cuss btlslness conditions and not to fix prices, divide territory and limit output. ALLIES PURCHASE ' "20,000 HOUSES ST. LOUIS. Oct. 29. Twenty thousand additional horses are to bo purchased In Missouri and south ern Illinois by agents of tho tlrlttsh. French and ltusslan go eminent, ac cording to reports hero today. A uniform price of $270 Is being nald The French agents, It Is said, haw bought 100,000 barrels of flour ati4 great quantities of other proxlslons here and orders have been placed with local shoe factories for thous ands of shoes. Representatives of the German government are said to have been hero recently to buy horses. Tho In ability of Germany to unsure safe transportation of horses from Amer ica to Germany prevented any sales. AMERICAN MINISTER SAVES CATHEDRAL IN ANTWERP ANTWKHP, la London, Oct. 29 To Brand Whltlock, the American minister to Belgium Is due the credit for sating the cathedral and the art galleries, churches, theatres and pub lie buildings In Antwerp during the recent bombardment of that city by tho Germans. When the Germans approached Antwerp Mr. Whltlock asked the Ger man commander, General von Ier Goltz. to spare the historic buildings. Thereupon General on Der Goltx, , agreed to use his guod offices in this respect If Mr. Whltlock would pre pare maps for tho German acroplau- Ists in order that 'they might direct the firing. Henry V. WedoYlch, tho American consul general, then ar ranged a numler of large maps on which wero Indicated the ioIntri which it was desired should be avoid ed by the German shells. death by hanging, one to life Impris onment, two, Including Medeljo Gabriuovto, who throw ti nonih at tho Avch Uttko but which did hot explode to twenty years, one to sixteen years, one to thirteen jenra, tVo to ten years, one to, seven ears and two to three years. Tho other defendants were nrqult ted. BOOTHCAMPAIGNS WAR TOLLS FOR BELGIAN N ARMY AWE TREMENDOUS LONDON, Oct.'aV, 3:25 a. m. The correspondent of tho Dally .Mall In northern Franco, denting with tho enormous sacrifices and the devoted courage of the Belgians, says: "Over ten thousand rave been kill ed or wounded, which is a quarter of their whole force operating In the const battle. They ravo been defend, lng a slip of territory from Dlxmude to Nlotiport, a region hardly bigger than a big German farm. "Nearly all of their injured have been wounded In the back, but never wero wounds more honorable as the bullets and shrapnel hit trem ns they lay prone under tho hall of the steel volcano. Trelr fnte Is tho tragedy of this war." VALLEY IN EFFORT TO SECURE VOTES CNGKB CUR E HEADACHE OLDS Hecnuo of drouth condition- there i-s considerable file thinner in the fore-Is of the cn-t thi-t full. It. A. lloiith, republican nominee for the I'liileil Stale venule, Hilled over the volley on n Imntl hakim; tour lliti luoiiiimr, nuiKing pecehct ill Tnleiil, I'hoeitix tttut .IneUonvilli', ThU nflernoon he will make n sortie into tlic Ktmle Point ili-trict mid to nii:lit will make n speech at the N'nt iitorium At noon the timber html Imron ,wiis the guel of the O. O, I'. cent nil committee tit u luncheon given at the t'nivcixjtv club. .Mr. Hootli wit- driven over the vhl ley in V II. time's utttuiuohilt', the following war hor-es of the timid pat hrigmle nrtini; ns c-cort: Dr. J, M. Kecne, V. I. Vnwler, llerl Ander Min, S. S. Smith. II. (lore. J. A. WeMorhind. F.. V, Curler of Ashland. Benton Bowers of Ashland, (leorge .MeiTimau. Itulph Mill-dwell mill Sena tor nu tier llellen of Wllen. Why Not Get tho best smoke, (lor. Johnson, and also patronize homo. NOSTRILS AND HEAD STOPPED UP FROM COLD? TRY MY CATARRH BALM MAN WHO WAS MATCH TO WORLD WAR TO PRISON LULL IN 1ATTLE TEMPORARY (GontlBuea from Pag l) and and tho resumption of the of fensive by Russia all along tho east ern battle front Is generally ascribed in London to tho enormous reserves urougnt up uy tno uussian com manders. Instead of two complete ly exhausted armies facing each other along tho Vistula as has happenod frequently on the banks or the Alsno, the Russians tnako dally changes, bringing regiments from tho rear and thus allowing tho fighters In tho trenches to retire and rest. This operation Is said to have been repeated so often that virtually every Russian soldier within striking dis tance of tho Invaders is now a vet eran. Whllo this German retirement may not bo tho rout pictured In Pe trog'rad, It is nevertheless held hero to he fruo that the retreat has pro gressed no far that Warsaw Is today free of the monaco of Investment and with tho pressure on their center re lieved, the Russians are now devot ing more attention to tho campaign in Gallcia, Petrograd reports that tho garri son of Przemysl is defending tjils fortress with extraordinary obstin acy. The forts aro well armed and throusunds of workmen aro em ployed In strengthening tho fortifi cations. In anticipation of Invest ment, tho supplies of ammunition are large. Tho weakness of tho fortress is reported' to be found In tho scarc ity of provisions. Knornious quanti ties had boon collected by tho Aus tralia In outlying villages but the un expected speedy ndvanco of tho Rus sians resulted In tho seizure of theso supplies. GERMAN REVERSES REPORTED Continued from Pncd l.t Heribo their forces now on the conti nent ns merely mi advance pinid, tire training at homo nil unity of J,"U0, 0U0 uen, of whom 000,000 uro from her uolouies. Today's French plulcmenl, while iijuin oitimistio in tone, gave Jittlu specific information. On the ex treme western end of tin; buttle line, where tho fighting htm been fiercest there in "nothing new." London ns cribed tho lull of tho lust few duys to thu fuct thut the opposing uraiics linve heen utterly exhuu-ti'd by in eeqxnut fighting tiny mid night, mill perforce relaxed their efforts, There i no indication, however, that Ger many intends to iihnuilnn the fight for nofcBi's.sion of tho North Sen const. To. tho south and east, ulon the hattlcline across- Franco HiieccsseH are reported by tlio French to tho south of Arms, between the Afcuu ami the A roomie ulitl in the forest of Apre iiiohI, Koiiit of (he (lenotui nltnckK, it k said, Iiiih hctui HuecesHlul, r WMa Malford tra U Mudford wada SARAJEVO, Bosnia, Oct. 29, via Amsterdam, to London, 10:45 p. in. Jcdgment was passed today on the assassin of Arch Duke Francis Fer dlnnnd, heir apparent to the Austro liungarlan throne, and his wife, the Duchess of Hohenberg. Gavrlo Prlnzlp, the actual assassin, escaped with tho scntenco to impris onment for twenty years. Four of tho conspirators were sentenced to ImUntly Clean Air Patiafeil You Breathe Freely; Dull Headache Coel Natty Catarrhal DUcharga Stop. Try 'T.ly's Cream Ralm." Get a small Untie nnywny, Just to try It Apply n little In the nostril nnd Instantly your clogged nose and stoppetl-tip air parages of thu he.itl will epen: you will breathe freely; dullness mid headache tllsappear. lly morning! the catarrh, cotd-ln-hcatl or catarrhal wire throat will begone. Hud suih ml.-ery now! (Jet tho siaa'l iKittlt of "Kly'rt rniri Halm" ut any drug store. This sweet, fragrant halm dissolve by tho heat of the nostril; penetrates and heals I lie liilliuiH'il. swollen membrane which line the nose, head nnd throat; clears il.t nlr ms.mv!: stops nasty tlltthargt ami u feeling of ileaii!liig, stxdlilug relief comes Im mediately. Don't lay awake io-ulght strug gling for breath, with head stutTctl: i:otrll cIomI. hawking mid blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with It running n. !, foul mucins drooping Into the throat, and raw dryness Is distress ing but truly needle. Put your faith Jirt once In "Kly's Creatn Italin" and your ctdd or catarrh will surely dl.-apjcar. IN STERLING LIVES A GIRL Who Suffered As Many GIrU Do Tells How She Found Relief. Sterling-, Conn. "I am a fjirl of 22 years 'and 1 used to faint awsy every month and was very weak. I was also bothered a lot with female weakness. I read your little book ' Wisdom for Wo men,' and I saw how others had been helped by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegeta-r ble Compound, and decided to try it, and it has made ma feel like a new girl and I am now relieved of all these troubles. I hope all young girls will get relief as I have. I never felt belter inmy life. "-Miss Bertha A. Pkloquin, Box 110, Sterling, Conn. Macscna, N. Y. "I have taken Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I highly recommend It. If anyone wnnts to write to me I will gladly tell her about my cose. I was certainly in a bad condition as my blood was all turn ing' to water. I had pimples on my face and a bad color, and for fire years 1 had been troubled with suppression. The doctors called it 'Anemia and Exhaus tion,' and said I was all run down, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound brought me out all right." Miss Lavisa Myres, Box 74, Messena, N.Y. Voting- Girls, Heed This Advice. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion, should immediately seek restoration to health by taking Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ALL STAR BASEBALL MEDFORD Monday, Nov. 2 Stars of the Big Leagues Game Called at 1 p. m. First 500 Tickets Sold Give Grandstand Privileges . i Sport Classic of the Year 444t4SH$HygHM$Hi frHHsHfr344t4 CORRECT JEWELRY Onyx in combination with Diamonds mounted In platinum Is now nt the height of fashion. Circle pins both In plain Diamonds and In combination with Onyx, aro also very popular. Wo have a Inrgo assortment of loomi Diamonds that wo ran make up In any stylo, scarf pin, pendant or brooch. A New Loral Inn MARTIN J. REDDY Tin: JKWKLim "w" Mil i:M Main HI. sin Oct n IQ-roitt box, Take a Cnscnrel tonight to cleanse your I. her, Stomach and llowols, ami you will surely feel great by morn ing. You men and wnlucit who have headache, coated tongtte, a tint! cold, hie hlllods, nervous, Upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, dtsordored stone ach, or have backache and feel all worn out. Are you keeping oiir bowelt clean with C'ascarets - or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathnrtlc pills or castor oil? Cascarets Immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove tho sour, undigested and fermenting food ami foul gases; take tin1 excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison from the bowels. Itemembnr, a Casearet tonight will straighten ou nut by morning. A 10-cent ho fiom your druggist means healthy bowel action, a clear head ami cheerfulness for mouths. Don't forget (he children dv t 1 m 1 PROMPf COLLECTIONS You will rind our Hanking Horvlro wry satisfactory and advaulitgcouH to your buslucsri. We (unite prompt cttllecllitiiH. Your account nnd banking business Is Invited, OVER B6 VKAWB ONDKP ONC MANaOCMCNT it i "i POULTRY WANTED Wo Arc Ilomlqinirlers for Poultry In Motlfortl Will always pay you the highest market cash prices. Can use all kinds. We solicit your trade. MEDFORD POULTRY 6 EGG CO. TELEPHONE 583 129 KIR STREET -Jav a. Ja, a. J. fe. 2a4a. w-l Removal Notice 1 have moved my hhieksuiilh shop, formctly Iho Klliull tihiip, Mini enm hiut'tl it with my woodworking plant ut Illl S. ltivti- t'i, one door urn III, mid iim better thiiu eer prepareil to do all Muds of wood, iioii wtirh on. I hiipe ' shoeing in it worl.mniillke inunuer anil nl leatoiiiihle prices. .Mr. Klholl it Hi II I in ehnrgo nC tho hlaeksinitliiug end mill Mr. Wiling i at the h -id til' tlie wiioilwiirlxiii department, I have demonstrated time nnd again and am ready to demonstrate to you that I will save you money on maklnn. and repairing, automobile and (ruck bodies and refilling and repalrinii wheels. I can equip your car with ileiiiountabfe riuw 01 fureiloora ut n t-M piieo . limn .Mm can get it done in l'oitlainl, ln'idei Niiviiig you exprc-uge liolh wnyn, ami also tho losx of lime nnd keeping (he money ul home, wheio you may heo some of it again. I make a Kpeeialty of rubber tue woik, filing -uwm, viintling lawn mow ers, knivcH, Hcisontw iiinl all kunU n nignl tools. I also iniikt) the Mitchell Orchard Ladder, the ladder of success, ilo best made. Try it nnd he cousin I. Sold by all I'm it ii-hoiihIioh nnd hardware More. Yours fur biixiut", J. W. MITCHELL 4a4Mt?4t!ttMSMt Vote to Save Industrial Oregon VOTE "NO" 329 AND "NO" 331 The very life of the future manufacturing and industrial progress of Oro gon hinges upon tho defeat of the so. called "Water Front" bills, to be voted on Tuesday, November 3rd. So cunningly and adroitly aro thcie bills worded there is grave danger that many people will be deceived. If these measures becomo laws, tho result will bo that tho ntato will tako title to the tidelands and submerged lands and will bo prohibited from selling any of these lands. They can only be leased for docks. No moro shipyards, sawmills, canneries or other plants requiring access to deop wator nothing but docks, docks, docks. 'Every citizen of Oregon wage ear nor, farmer, business man or woman, wants to prosper. These measures, if enacted, will throttlo progress at tho gale. Investors will shun Oregon. This means no work for tho wago-oamor, nothing to pay the storekeeper with and theroforo nothing to pass on to tho farmer or producer. Let no one think' these bills do not concern him. Before you go into the booth to voto, road 329 and 331 carefully. Talk to your noighbors about them. Oregon is rich in natural resources, but poor in development. What tho "state needs above everything else is outside money to come in and dovolop its resources. That means GOOD WAGES, PLENTY OP WORK, GOOD PRICES and tfOOD TIMES. This is not a political question; it concerns only tho prosperity of Oregon and of you. ; Give Progress and Good Times a helping hand by voting "NO" 329 and "NO" 331. OREGON COMMERCIAL PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION 1208 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon Paid AdvortlHomont r ? ? ? ? ? t t ? V Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T I fa V WW , .. in, , -as-