PAGE EIGIIT OTDFOttD MAIL TTttlttTNE, MEDFORD, ORKflOX, WKONUSDAY, OOTOnWU 28, 1011 I t i N h BOH 1 PLEASED WTHCEMENTROADS OF JACKSON COUNTY Henry S. Hpnckinnn, M. Am. Soc. M. K., of Philadelphia, president of the II. S. Spnrkman Knfilnoorltig Co., luspectlnj? enKlneors ami. chemists spent Wednesday Inspecting the ce ment pavement along the Pacific hlRhway. He Ktntes that ho has In Bpocted every j)lcco of cement high way In Amcrlra and Is much pleased with the quality of road built In Jackson county. "I am sure," said Mr. Spackman. "that Jncksou county people will be much pleased with tho work done, particularly, in after years. Cement loads arc the coming roads and are yearly Rrewlnj: In favor. One rea son they are preferred. Is that they do not heroine slippery when wet, as hllullthlc surfaces do. "The main trouble with tho ce ment road has been the skimping of material by the contractor. In the cast now, tho cement dealers Insist upon Inspection of every road, to In sure good workmanship and the right materials. "The granitoid surface laid In .lackson county is one of tho best surfaces possible and will outwear any other." GERMAN LOSES AI NIEUPORT SAID GERMANS AND AUSTRIANS OPPOSE RUSSIANS ON THE VISTULA AND THE SAN JnTgsBe 10 I0TAL 46,000 LONDON. Oet. US, 7:,m . in. A dNiiiiti'li to the Daily Mail from KluohiniT, Holland, mivi: "Several mines have been wn-lictl nsliore ttloiitr the eo.tM below 0t nil. All were in excellent working otiK-r, for they exploded promptly, iloin. however, no sci-iniw tliimtie. "The (lennaiw have fallen 'inek t-liyhtly from Vetemle. They arc j putting the eont from O-teml to kiiockc in a state of defence. At O tend preparation aie lieimr made l place mine-, at the harbor entrant '. "The Ocnuun Insc on the Ni u i iort-Di.mmle line arc e-tiumto'l at 1(1,000 killed ami :10.000 worn ili'd. Duriim Sunday fom hundred xerieles I o; dfil with wounded soldier ia-etl through O-tentl. , "The Oennans have cnninmiloetelJ a Inijie quantity of lumber at l'nw! for u-e in building a giant iiii--Iiip ' i-hetl t (lelilnoi'k. Artillery t.s jewr placed in the dunes heiwetn llu.t and Duiuhen;. Five trainlouiK of at tillery hae been taken to Zeelii rue " COAST LEAGUE CUTSI BASEBALL EXPENSE SAX FKAXCISCO, Cnl., Oct. 23. In line with their decision to ic trench all nlong tho line, the direct ors of the Pacific Coast Baseball lenguu at their annual meeting rcdui -eil their iimpirinc staff to u one-man basis. This will gave the lengre $(1000 in salaries during the 191." sea son, lo snv nothing of traveling c peiises for the umpires. A further Mixing of $12,000 ft.r next vear vl affected by reducing (lie maximum of players to eighteen for n club, and cutting the mont'ip club payroll from $0000 to ?d000. . With Medford u v.MltorA mad 50,000 COnON BALES s WASIUXfiTON. Oct. 2S. Ambas sador Oerad tabled today that Oor many would need at least .'.0,000 and Austria 2. 000 bales of cotton a month. He had been advised of as surances by Great llrltain that ear goes of cotton would not be molested when destined to belligerent coun tries In neutral bottoms and Is en deavoring to obtain details of the de mand for cotton In Germany. FIRE IS EFFECTIVE LONDON, Oct. 28. 4 :."0 a. m. The Times correoiuUnt in llelgium wires the follewing: "Observation from a captive Ilrit- 100,000 PEOPLE FACE STARVATION T ABU JERUSALEM , Nl'.W YOIIK, Oct. 2H.One Iiiiii. died Ihousiiiul inhabilaiits of .lerusa lem uio facing starvation, according to Samuel F.dchuiiu, Amerieaii vice coiHul in that city, who reached lii'io today on the steamer Amman. Two thirds of the residents of .leniHiilem are .lows, Mr. Fdeliuaii said. For ninny j em's they liM" drpended iihiii their earnings from toutisls and un tin charity for support and the war has cut off all their sources of sub sistence. There are no indiistties in the city ami little cultivation of the sur rounding territory. The cold and rainy season Is now aiutroaehiitg and indications arc that the suffering will soon be intense, Mr. Kdelmau said. WILSON ISSUES PROCLAMATION (Contlnutd from P 1) ES3GBRMANS RUSSIANS AUSTRANS iwuw Mtiea The campaign In Toland and Gallcla is developing on lines nomewhnt slmllnr to those in IWIglnm and France. In stead of rapid marches the operations are .beginning to partake of the nature of a slrge. The main Hiislnn nnnle occupy strong positions along the Vistula and the San rivers. The German positions are extended on a line from Sklerncwicc, near Lodz, to Sundomlr, on the Gallclan border. i-h balloon has revealed how effect ive has been the fire of the Hriti.-h warship on O-teml, Middelkerkc, Lombaertyde and other coast vil lages. Not a single wall remains sliiiidinu' in the villaue.s of Wcstkerkc, Slype and Xovie. Seeral other vil lages also are in ruintf." With Medford trade is Medford made E FAVORITE AT TEN TO SEVEN ''There is practically no Hooth money in siu'ht in 1'ortlnud " states William Oerig, who returned Wednes day from .the, m$troMjlis. "C'hanjber- lain monev is bfjjing at 10 to 7, with few takers. 'A fortnight ago there was lots of Withycomhe money, hut tho condi tions have changed. Smith's chances are better every day, and Witliy cumbe money litis ilisap-H'arcd. De fore election tiny, I expect odds will favor Smith." With Medford ira is Hertford mad "The business of the country has hern supplied wild inctrumt'iitnlities and the commerce of the world with new channels of Iriide nun Inter course. 'I he l'auama canal has been opened to thff commerce of the na tions. The two continents of Amer ica have been bound in closes lies of friendship. New instrumentalities u( acquaintance, intercourse and mutual service. Never before have lite peo ple of the I'nited States been so sit uated for their own mlviintnuc or the ndvnuttiKO of thrlr neighbors or so fi'iiippetl to serve themselves and mankind. Not etnbrr 'M .Vainetl "Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wil son, president of the L'nited States of America, do hereby designate Thurs day, the Ullth of November next, as a day of thnuks-iviug and prayer and iinile people throiiKhoiit the laud to cease from llieir wonted occupa tions and in their several homes and places of worship, render thanks to Almighty Clod. "In witness whereof I have here unto set mv band and caused the seal of the United States to be af fixed. "Done at the city of Washington, this 28th tiny of October, in tho year of our Lord, out? thousnnd nine bun dred mid foijitcou, mid of the lii'le peiideuen of the United MtulcH of Aiiierlou. (Signed.) "WOODUPW WILSON.", JEVEN K, SICK CHILDREN LOVE SYRUP OF FIGS Don't scold your fretful, peevish child. Hoc If loiiKiio Is coated; this la a sure slitu Its little ntonmcli, liver und bowels are rloKKod with sour waste, ' When listless, pule, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't oat, Mleep or net nuliiralbV has Ntomaeh sthe, IndlKestloii, diarr hoea, rUc h teaspoonful of "Callfof nla Srup of KIki" and In n ft),v hours nil tho foul waste, the sour bllu und fermenting fond pusses out of tho bowels tind you have u well and playful child aRulu. Children lovo this harmless "fruit laxative," and mothers, en rest easy after,Rlvlng li, because it never falls to mnkn thefr little "Insldes" clean and sweet. Keep It handy, Mother! A III tin given today saves a sick child tomor row, but nit the Kounltie. Ask your ilniKKlst for a RO-eent bottle of "Cal ifornia Syrup of Finn," Which has di rections .or babies, children of njl sues anil for Krown-uptt plainly on tho buttle. Hemember, thrn are coun terfeits sold here, so surely look und sue that yours Is msile by the "Call fornla KIr Hyrtip Company." Hand Iwck with contempt any .other fix syrup. Adv. SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tha most coaomteal. elMattng aad crmlcldal of all antlMpttca la A Mlubl Antiatk PrUr W b diaaolrcd is water m 4iil Aa a medlclnsl antiaaptle for douchta In traatlna catarrh, lanamraatlon or ulceration ot nose, throat, and thjrt. caused by fomlolna llltltkaanoaqua For tan years tho J.ydU & Ptaknain Medicine Co. has racommeadad raxtia In their private correapoadinci wlfj women, which proTea Ita superiority. Women who have bees cured ey It la "worth Ita weight la cotd." At drtiKKlsts. BOo. large box, or by mall The Taxton Toilet Co., ltoeton, Maa Xeeeeeeee PENTHAL AVION HO MANN S Great Premium Sale MANN'S NKAH POSTOlFJOlO T t ? T t t ? I T T T T T T T ? T In Order to Introduce Our New Premium Department We Are Offering Great Price Inducements for the Balance of the Month Over $7000 In Valuable Awards For Our Customers rr BEAUTIFUL SILVERWARE WEEKLY AWARDS Electric Portables, Casseroles and Percolators Given Away ABSOLUTELY FREE Call and see the Beautiful Prizes and find out how to get them." SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Baby Crib f0c grade, pair Extra largo Grey Cot Ion Blankets, $2.50 S?ll$1.79 Extra large Cotton Wnnkets, wool i'iniKli, $.'1.50 vnl- J QQ GREAT SALE OF BLANKETS Blankets, ,39c Good size Cotton Blankets, pair , 48c Heavy Comforters, $1.25 grade, AQ- 7QL pair.. Jleavv Cotton Blank ets. $1.50 val. pair. $1.19 Heavy Cray Blankets. $1 "rade. nair Cotton 79c (jood Feather Jillows, T:. 75c Wool finish Cotton Blankets, $2.50 values, 1241.98 UNDERWEAR Woiiiuii'k Union Knits worth TOc, AG, per Bull HtOC Women 'h Vests, worth !Joe, eaeh 29c Children's Vests and Pants, worth i)5e, now, ea,. Pants, worth ft I? MO A New Era In Prize Giving Our offer of tho MONTUOHK I'nttvrn of W.M. ItOOintS BAGI.K HltANU BKCTIONAL TltMM.K PhATB SlhVKItWAItK for chhIi tnulo only, Ih n crownltiK effort. It rclcgatex to ttio liackgroiiml all other premium and iiroflt-xhnrlnR pI.itiH liy Uh lib urality towothor with IiIrIi (jiiullty und dcalruhlllty of Reed Hllvorware. Wc will Hell you Roods as cheap or cheaper than our compctltorH and wo make you a profit sliarcr In our liuHluetts by paying you dividends In the MON TUOHK Pattern of W.M. .IIOOKHS KAHI.K nitANI) HICCTIONAL TItll'Ij: I'LATK HILVKKWAKI-; on your chhIi trade. IiiHpect this IiIkIi quality of sllverwaro at our utoic and which wo will glvu you freu on huIch slips on the following hauls: . Sales Slips amouiitlnK to $ ... ' ?1. COO 1 Teaspoon 0.00 1 Coffeo Spoon 8.00 1 Oyster Fork 7.00 1 Medium Klifo 7.00 1 Medium Fork 8.00 1 Oraui;u Spoon . 8,00 1 Fruit Knlfo U.00 1 IMcklo Fork 11.(10 1 Dessert Spoon 11.00 1 Uutter Spread 11.00 1X1 Dessert 12.00 1 Table Spoon l'.'.OO 1 t)Oiii Spoon U'.OO 1 Sugar Hlioll . H.00 1 Uutter Knlfo ,17.00 1 (Jronni l.adlo . fu.OO 1 Cold Moat Fork 22,00 1 SiiKur Touch 22.00 1 Uravy I,udlu 20.00 1 II II IWt 'knlfo ao.OO 1 Merry S'iooii yo.00 Child's Set .'13,00 1 Sulud Fork U8.00 I I'lu Knlfo 00.00 I Alodium l.i'dle 108.00 1 II Chop Set 240.00 I II II Curv. Set FREE FREE FREE $350 PIANO Given Away Absolutely Free to the Highest Contestant Enter Your Name Today. Contest Closes February 15th Good Dress Prints, yard flood Apron (Jirigham, yd. LOOK AT THESE PRICES 4c 7for25c 5c Best qualify Oil (doth,- per yard :',.. Colored 19c Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton Clark's Lnstro Cotton, spool.... Ac Best Sewing Needles, paper. 4c Best Darning Cotton, hull.... 2c Colgate's Talcum Powder, ean 12c flood Hpoksmd A lOyes, card .ifIC UNDERWEAR Children's Union Bnits, worth 7r), suit 48c Women's Union Suits worth 1.215, suit ti'ir f 89c Children's ivnit Waists, spee'l on Waists, fS .."... JL Sd' J For the Balance of the Month We will Give DOUBLE COUPONS FOR EVERY PURCHASE A M;--