Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 28, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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1 ; .(
TfKT)FonTy, onmoy, wrcnxrcsDAV, ocvomK 2a iou
pjtitt mrvw
I s
4 '
.1, I), l-'nrroll, president of tlm O.
V. K, N .1, l O'llrlen of (ho Hill
llimn,, I), W. fmiiphnll, assistant r.oii
itrul niitiiMKnr of (tin H. I', mill l I,.
lliirliliiinll, superintendent or lint H.
I. uiHK4i through .Mudford,, hiiiiIIi
bojlnd In their iirlvittn turn,
Tho polled have received toportH
(if much potty thiilvlng In Win roil ii try
illNtrlt'tN, iiluclinlly conaUtlug or
iiiIiIh on chicken hoiiscrt,
Kthi'l Ilitrryiiioin In iiiolloii pic
tut en nt I'uyu Theater hoon,
Mm, It. T. Anile will return Hut
iirdny fiom u ten wook'n lnll Midi
frlenda anil rolnflv.'M In Hi" middle
When ordering your nrrnd hy
Iihoiin, ftlwayn nay tho I'otninnt
wrapped. I tin
I). 0. MnpiulK of HIM, Cul Ih
upending a row days In h illy at
tending to business muttcra.
Ktlml llarrymurti In motion pic
turns at l'nyi Theater soon,
I). l-'ry or Hit" l.ukn cnk country
In spending lli' day In tlm city on
Peanut cnmly, lGc a pound. Out
It at DoVon'a.
.latiH'M Kershaw, Jr, or dm Ante
lopn dlstild iipent Tuesday In .Mud
flinl lltti'llllllIK tO llllHlllI'MH lllllttTH,
Do Voo will iwmil you thn Weekly
OrrRoulitn 14 months for 7fio.
I-). I1. Chandler or Hngim lllvnr
spent Tuesday In .Medford ntti'iullng
to IiiimIui'hn Hinders,
Tho llnoat eqtitpinetit In Oregon for
printing fruit labels. Mndford I'rtni
In Co.
IhII.i Wurnll lull Tuesday night
on u ImihIik'Hn irlp to I'ortlnnil At
"luauruncn" uu-min "lloliui'ii" nud
"llolnii'H" menus "Insurance." Hiji
Holmes "Tlm Insurance Man."
Jim) Wilson of Talent spent Tuch.
ilay In .Medford visiting friend iiimI
attending th Klka i-nrnlval.
To nrrommoduto theso or the
I'lincnlx nml Voorheos dlatrlrta who
limy with to attend the Kllta' Ladles'
bnxaur nml dunce, thn lutoriirlmn
Autocar wilt tunke a apcrlnl trip lcav.
lug Phoenix nt S:10 p. in. Wedim.
ilny, October -S ami returning from
Medford nt 1 1 Ml) p. in. Tiilio rar
on I'urlfli' highway. Itouinl trip 2fi
cunts. 1S8
l-'tcd .Menra, progressive candidate
for congress, from thl illnt rlct , will
apeak from mi auto In llaymarkit
Hitinrit (IiIh evening at S o'clock.
Plant your roses early.
.Captain It. W. ('oIIIiih, V S, A.. Ih
In tho city, nml will hold u nehool
of Instruction at tint Nnt tonlKht. Ho
spell h firs of the. week Inspecting
tlm Aarlainl company.
Tint M cil ford Home society n.'(UOKt
tlmt nil roxii nrowcru or Mcilfonl
rpunn thi'lr roma ilnrliiK tlm Hrnt
wHik or NnvimlMr. Tin cuttlnca
nlioutil hit unvnil for thu aorlnty whlrh
will illHtrlhutu thmii to tlm arhool
cllllilri'ii Moinlay, Novcuiliur tHh.
Thu cIiihIiik rally of tlm cninpnlKU
wll Im ri'lil at tlm Natatorliiiu mxt
Momlay uvviiIiik !' tho Woiiii'd'h linn
loy I'luli or thla city. Tlm imincK or
tlm aponkura of Hit1 ovduIiii; lm not
hiioii Holccti'il anil will hn uunounciul
lute r.
Kodak (InlahlnR tho beat, at Wei
ton 'a Cainora Hhop. Over lata Thai
lr. Mr. Knrali l.lmllity will return to-
iluy from mi oxloinlcd vlnlt with
rrlomU mill rolutlviM In tlm mlmlm
I'otntooH, Kood non-lrrlKutml, do
llvmoil, $t,UO per liuuilrml. Phono
it!) Ml. I OS
l T. Mlli-a. Wiilla I'nrKo nKi'iit In
thin city for tlm hint four yearn loft
Inat nlKht for Sitluiu whom ho hut
miollior poHltlon with tho nnnimny,
Mrn, MIIi'h nrronipmiloil him, 0, J,
(loulil MiircovilH Mr. Mlloa In tho
lornl office,
IlKiuatltchlui; ami pIcntliiK ilono
unil iuoiIdIh inailo nt Mra. Ilauoy'it
droHHiiiulilni; parlorH, Moo'h atoro. 201
Attorney I'ortor .1. Nofr loft Ttioa.
luy nlnht to Npeuil thn lent of tho
week In Portland on IiiihIuohh.
Kodak rinlahliig ana suppltea at
Weiton'a Camera 8bop. Orer lali
Mra. Harry Porter or (lolil Hill,
iipnnt Monday ami Tuesday vIhUIuk
frlfiidH nml rolntlvea In this rlty.
Get It nt Mo Voo'i.
(, II, DmlHon, foriuor Hocretnry or
ntate for Iowa, nml Auinrlcmi cuiihuI
at llnnkow, China, Ih aponilluK n
fitw'dnya In tho vnlltiy on IiiihIuohh.
K, 8. Tinny wrltea nil forma of In
aiirnnco. Kxcollcnt conipnnloa, k""1'
locul aervlce, 210 Ournott-Corey
.lohu McClalu ma returned from a
IllilllliiK trip up Hid Appleijaln.
Hwi'et rlilor nt Do Voo'a.
Wllllaiii (lei If. or tlm l, K II. haa
iiiturneil fiom a IiuhIiickh trlji to
Malin your ioiiIh, hiiIIm nml ilrcHnen
lit ICHuIoih' I.iiiIIon' TuIIuiIiik Col
le;n, room U't), M. & II. Iiull.l
HK. '-'"C
.imi ivmiuII or diniiiM vim, u
pljclnir hIIIi I lin Hun I'limi'lu'ii li'iiiu
III Him (hn Im'UKUh, liua uiivim ii
III liuinu lovi ii In anninj iUu iilcr.
V, Wnlkur, Mra. J,
Itlclimilxoii, nml Mra. H, Chtlnty of
(IrantH Piihh apuul Momlay In Mud
ford vInKIiii: frlumlii,
Now ThoiiKlit Clrclo, r,fM H, Onlc
ilnln, Hntnrday 'J .-III) to :,,
V. K, Diiliol la aerloiialy III nt IiIh
homo from nn attack of llrlitht'a ilia
earn. All Htur hiiHiihall .Monday, Novmiii
hor 'I, Kuiim culled I ji, m,
N. II, Morisan of Watklua, Oin,, In
npeiiilllii: a low iliiyn In tho city on
Au'.liondc war nowa recolred by
tnll Trlhuno lonaod wlro will bo
pouted iJnrJiiK tho day at Hotel MnJ
Halunlay ovouliiK will ho llallou'nii
n dinoof r.lioHiH ami ritlrloa- ami a
nuiiiher of hocIiiI ovouta will mark tho
oituhIoii. Tho police nro prepared to
halt any ami all actii of viiuiIuIInui,
J u UurhliiK, lb li all around
liliotoKruphor In aouthoru Oreiton.
Alwuyu rullublo. Nocntlvot inailo any-
vhoro, tltno or plnco. Htudlo 228
Main Ht, Phono 320J
Tho deer heiiHiin for I OH cloroa
Hatuiduy nt hiiiiiIowu. Oim falallty
haa no tar marred dm period, l.oulii
I)imIi;o or AHhlnud uilMiikliiK IiIh kuIiIo
for a door. Tho torcnt Kiand Jury
held Mr. Dodge hlameli'Ha, A uuiii
her or Medford hiinterH nro In the
IiIHh t Ii Ih week lor a farewell hunt.
All Star IuihvIiuII Monday, N'ovem
hor 2, Kniuo called I p. in,
Mra. Hello ItkhnrdH or (lold Hill
Hpent Tiiemlny In .Modforil vlaltlm;
frlemla mid relatlvra,
A larite crowd attended Dm open
In 1! nlKht or tho l.adlen' MIIih' lliirmir
nt tho Nntatoiliim Inat tilitht, and
over $701) whh netted liy (ho aalo or
artlclea, etc. Tho Klka' iiiIiihIioIm,
liiartetto, HehnlcklcfrlU chorua on
tertaliied. Attoruoy dun Newliury
nrteil na nuctloneer, a poflllon Judr.c
Kelly will hold tonlKht. Tho IiIkkom
irowd Ih Hchediilcil for lonlr.lil uhou
dm I'ord rondhtor wilt ho raffled,
nml now fcaturca put on. The ha
znar la it aticreaa hoc Inly and fliian
( hilly.
IMrlch fc Itynn hno a rar or po
tatoea coiului;. Will urrlvo Inm of
HiIh week and tho plrce will ho anion
Ihit tlm nnilvuH.
Tho ault of tint I'lrMt ClirHtlan
church or thin city ncnlnnt tho .Masxa
chiiHelta llnndlUK rompnuy U heliiK
Inaril In tho circuit court thla after
noon, n Jury Im-Idk aelectoit thla fon
nnou. Tho church axU for r.'HOii,
for alli'Kod expenue Incurred In the
Inability of Kohb nod Morrla, con
trnctora to complete their Job,
tliroiiKh flnnuclul iroublea. Tlm cuito
whh tried unco before, but waa non
htiltid, mid haa eon ttouilliiK In the
court for the IiihI two )cnrn,
(let our wood aitwed prouiitly.
Plioim .'I. 103
Two more morchanta wuiu added
to tho lll or IIioho "ntunR by J, C.
overenux, held by tho pollro na n lor
Kcr, awnltliiK n preliminary henrliiK.
Thuy up) tho Pnlnce or Hweeta, mid
Kmll Pnch or tho Went Hide uinrket.
Itntli chocka were for amnll amounts.
Do you want wod anwed promiitly?
H ao, phono M.
Tho fimurnl mtIcch or Mra. Mil
tlli'n llruck of Jnckaouvlllo, ngu 82
yenra. Will bo held from her homo.
In Jucknonvlllo Thurndny nfternoon
nt 2;.t0 o'clock. Interment In Jack
nonvlllo cemtory.
All Btnr bftneball Monday, Novem
ber 2, Kmo railed I p. in.
A number of Medford ropubllcnnH
will Journey to Aahland thla veiling
to hear It. A. Ilooth apeak In that
city thla ovenliiK.
All Stnr biiM'bnll Monday, Novoin-
her 2, puiiA called 1 p. m,
Attoruoy II. K, Mulkey la attend.
Ini; to Icnul mattora In Jucl(onvlllo
On Sunday, October 2.', nil tho
rhrlHtlmi .Sclcntlut rluirchea In tho
Nulled Htntcn took up n contribution
for tho wnr aurforora In Huropo. The
Medford church collected J07.SS for
thnt purjioBo which haa been for
warded. All Star hnnohnll Monday. Novem
ber 2, Kmno called 1 p. in.
Mra. llettlo A. Jonoa, mothor of ox.
Hhorirr Wilbur A. Jones, loft Monday
ror un oxtondeil vlalt with hor alatora
nml tirnthora nt Purcevlllo, I.ondown
county, Vlrululn,
AlLStar bat-obnll Monday, Novem
ber 2, Kmnu called I p. m.
Loiib'h mineral wonder, I Noil anil
true romody for oesoinn, catarrh,
pIIoh, Ktoiuuch tonic nt tho Medford
Pluirmucy nfter Novvnibor 1. Sen
tcHtlinonliilH from Kiateful patlonta.
How many (Iiuoh hnvo you noen tho
picture of (jounln Mack, tho Krontont
of nl ImHobnll innnnKorH, Ho will bo
In tlm rloNh nt tho All .Star ham-hull
Kiiuii). nort Monday, Nov. 2.
All Htur Imnobnll name, Miulford,
Monday Nov, 2, (luuio called ut one
oclocli, dot your llckota early,
Vou Ufc iIiiTTiimii
riiore la wlion you amok Oov, Joun
on clara and patronlii home ludua
m.1 MH'illli-J u in l l .,IJ HIIII
HHJfi iicioa In Irjnla to imaUt II
M. HcoU, imiinr, HA N. yy HU
WAKTKII A Imi.l of Anuoiu koI
Ui iiilui) mi nlmiea, Hl'li'iidlil lunuo
W, J, I'lhUvr, Wrllci) l)h'o, jm
Mra, V. W, Wnlkur, Mra. J, K,
('iiptuiu AiluiiiiH W. Deiiiii; of
('oiiiiaii.V Heven, ('. A. ('., Iiiih iildl
IiIh reHiunlion iih Ii'mhI or the mill
tar .voiMiiinlion, ami (lie mimm; Iiiih
been iiceejdul. l'rcMHiire of biiHiticsH
in jiivcn by tlie retiiiui; ol'lieer iih t'i.'
reiiMon for m relliemeiil. Cnptiiiii II.
W. Collins, imecoi or the I'llited
Hfiilos nrmy, Ih in the city, finikin,;
li mi linemen In for I lie retirement of
('uj)lniii DeuiiR nml Hie turning nvr
of tin equipment.
A HiieeewHor to Ciipltin Deiuu' will
lie iimneil hy the oiuiiiny In the next
two or three week, it lielii elective
with the company. Aiiiouk tlmne in
line for the office are Mlincr I'imm iiii i
II. N. I'ohIit.
Cuptiiiu Denue wiih iuHlruiiieutiil m
Heeiniut; Company Keveu in Ihis cilv,
mill muile it out
ol tlie leinliuu eo't-,.
iauiiH of Hie Mute.
PUTIlOdllAI), Oct 2K. The fo.
lowlm; communlciitlon fiom the Huh
nlun Koneral ntuft wiih UhiiciI hero
thla i; veil I in;:
"I'lKlitliiK Iiiih bef'.un on the front
III Kant Prunnln. Wo have repulm-d
florco (lerlunn attnckH In the rcKlon
ol llal.alartewo. Wo took at (iomliln
on the left bank or tho Vlatuln, u con
oy or pitHonerH,
"Tlm Imtllo rront October 2C ex
tended from Koutno through Teow,
Itnwii, Nouemlnnto, llallolirzcr.1 and
d'ounczew to dm mouth of the
"Allium; the fiermaii troopn thero
wore ninny now recrulta.
"Tlm flithtluK waa eaKclnlly florco
nroiiud Torow and Itavsa, where wo
captured poKltlona of tho euem).
"Wo won a lctory that wea tnnen.
tlnl towurd Novo Alexandria and
X.ttollun. The enemy there la in re
treat. Wo took about fifty offlcera
and three thotiKuud men, uovcrat ma.
chine kuiih and c Ik lit cannon.
"Sotilli of olec our trooiia. ndcr
cropialui; the Vlatuln took oIkIU offi
ce rn nud Hi ret' hundred men mid romo
inni'hlnc) kuiih.
"Around Premyal wo bave advanc
ed nn far on tint railway iih Htnrein
lanto iiml'Tiirka."
(CoBtlauad from jia t.i
inu liehl in cheek, but the fierce!
I'ijjititij.' eoutiuiiis with the (lenuuus
ileliveriu linnl blows on the line be
tween Dixmiule ami Yprcs, following
tlieir failure to make rof:reH lie
tweni Dixmiule nml thci'mct. Hrilili
nuviil kuiih, it is Miid, have rcuuml
llnir liomhariliuciit uleui: the enn-t
anil eoloskiil derman Io-hoh are lo
portcil. Tho HeltjiiuiH, l.omlou now.
paper men mlinit, have Miffcrcil ter
ribly, but of the Io-m- of tlie l-'ieneli
nml KnuliMi no mention is muile.
Prince of Itavaila 1.4-ads
The crown prince of llaviina is
Hiiiil now to he in cominanil of the
Oermun forces on the Vpres and it is
leportcil that he ha- been wnuuileil.
The wenllier pronii-es soon to jdny
mi important purl iut lie enmpaimi in
the custom iircnu of tho war. The
rigorous Itus.siiin winter is said
already to haw set in between Mns.
cow nm) Wiiixiw, nml snow covers
the ground iicur .Minsk.
Tho WusMtin claim Ihey nre fol
lowiiif; nit relcntlesslv nml -successfully
the repulse of the (lununns from
HOME, Oct. 27 Earthquake
nhockH in northern Italy hnvo been
very extended during the Inat twenty
four houra. SoIhiuIc disturbances of
moro or lesa severity huvo been folt
In Turin, Genoa, J'lorenco, LeRlTorn,
PlHii,,I.ucia, llolna nud Venice, In
addition to many of tho Hiualler
Orandma'a recipe of Sage Tea and
Sulphur darkena ao naturally
that nobody can tell.
Almost everyone- knows that Sago To
and Bulphur, properly comjiouudad,
brina back tho naturaj color and luatre
to Um hair when fadod, atreaked or Rrayt
also ends dandruff, ItehlnK aoalp anil
sU falling lialr, Year a,ro Die only
way to fci-t Uila mixture waa to make ft
at (tonus which la in ussy uid troubla
aoaie. Nowaday, by asking at any drug
atoro for "Wyetu'a Haj(u aud Hulfhur
llair ltimly,'' you will gt a large but
lie of thla famous old recipe lor about
CO ivnt.
IKm't stay k'rayl Try III No um
can jMBlbly tell that you dwkrnud your
haJr, It dH it ao naturally and
evenly, Vou ilaiiiia-H itougii or soli
brush with it aud draw thU hioiili tour
Iwlr, laklnif one aumll atram) nt a t final
by ihoiiiIiih,IIi pray hair diMMaiara, ami
llir aiiolhrr ai'plli-atlou or Uo, your
hlr Umif Unullully Jaik (U4 ml
The Dally l-'anlilon Hint,
lmSu WJM
flH(l ' J? M
- eiBflM J iS n
' '- .aLLLKifiyflnlLLLLK
.mm , i
'I III' fuUK.'dll ti.c . i ii , in
t ill.- chat iiiIii afle i, mi ilic-s Ii '.' oi
f.iwu iiilnrcil bri'itd loth, pi sell niol
brown H.ilhi and id. d ul Ii sl.iiut. fin
on tdc -if ami iui iiil;o atiu
cuilar Itusv imim-ii mi A'.iouulcr
The jury in llil. lnul ol Iluy Toft
lii-lt i the eiieuil i-oiut, will known
money lender, iici IimmI of pi-rjury, in
eouuectiiin with fj police ease of re
coiling rCoteii pond , win given to tho
jury thin momiiig nt !)JI0, nml up to
'J:'lll this ul tin no.ii had . J'jiileil o
reach a venlicl.j, It looked like u
hung jury.
Chiirnetcr wilm-sse. were intro
iluccil by the ilcfcuc, iuelmliug W I
Vuwter of the .lurk-on Count v Hun's,
ami other tnerclmuts of this city.
Meilfonl police officers tosificil re
garding the tiunsiietiou in which Toft
is ullcpeil to haVfJt-ommitteil perjury.
The tiiiilx of A. H. Suliug ami Ku
wuiil Heftier, imlioti'il on the same
ehurgo, will he (iikeu up tomorrow.
I.ONDCN, Oct. 2S, 1:43 a. m.
Cardlnnl Mcrclc-r, archbishop of Mn
Unus, has clrculntod a letter to his
prlet-tn scattered throuRhout Franco,
Uol'mul nud drent Iiritnln, urging;
them nil to re! urn to their parishes,
as tho roads nro open nud public.
U you wore a member of tho leids
lature, how mnuy of tho vicious,
business ilestrojliiR bills that are
now on the ballot, would you vote
for? We nre nil k-Blslntora In Ore
gon, nml as citlcus votlui; to make
Inws, wo are mulct- just as much
obligation to usi) kooi! judgment In
voting ror measures; on tlm ballot, nn
wo would he ir wo were lu tho legis
lature. When a man goes Into tho
booth November .'ltd to cast hi vote
on these initiative hills, he should bo
Just as couM'letlous, careful and
thoughrul of the public welfare us ho
would ho If he were n member or the
legislature aud the sumo bills enmo
up thero to be ucU'd upon,
Whcro )0 don't know thnt a pro
posed law will benefit tlm state as a
wholo, the only sufo thing to do Is lu
voto "NO."
OltlHiliN r) I'ltOTKC
Yeou Ithlg, I'oillaml, Oiv.
l.lul Sdiool ol I'Ijiio
Instructor, Accompanist, Coach for
Ensemble Singing
Kliidlo 1105 Vt'elM;.iiiSt,
accurlty ovorywlicro Ib Kimrunfcod, Ho
Ray that their return will Imlnrn tho
Ilelnlmi rofiiKL'on to aeek tlmlr honica
f: in I n thtia mod (it In thn resump
tion or noriiinl lire nml put nn end to
the thieving which la colng on. (
Tlm cardinal ndda thnl the (lertnan i
governor of Antwerp haa authorized i
him to iK'clnro that dm jouriR men
in. cd haw no fear of bclnc tnkun
prlionera Into (lormany ulther to bo
(iirolled In thu army or employed al
forced labor; that tho r.oJioral popu
lation will not bo lipid roaponalblc
for Individual Infrlngimont of tho
po'lee rcKulntlonM and that both Ccr
man mid liolfthiri authorities will take
nil pokhIIjIo Mtepn to procure food aup
plica lor dm people
Tlfh UcilfH'ri iron" 'V.rtopil nr
Eat leu meat if yon feel Backachy or '
hnva litnHiUr trnnhla Tnka !
gLua of SalU.
Ko man or woman who c.ita m'.nt re-ju-larly
can niukc c. tnUUke by flushing the
kidney occnuionally, sati a well-known
authority. Meat forma urio acid which I
excite the kldncyi, they become OTcr-1
i worked from the alrain, get iluggith and'
fail to filtor tho waata and poinuna from "
the blood, then we jjet alck. Nearly all
rhruinutUm, hcadachca, liver trouble,
nervousneu, diuinei!), ilccpleaincia and
urinary disorders cotno from alujjglali
Tiie moment vou feci a dull ache In the
kidneya or your back hurt or If the
i urine U cloudy, offensive, full of aedi.
im-nt. Irregular of pauase or attended bv I
a Acniatlon of aculding, atop eating meat
and get about four ouncea of Jad
Kalta from any pharmacy; take a.
, taldcMxxjnful In a glass of water before
brc.ikfjdt and in a few dnys your kidney
will net line, 'this famous salts ii made
from the add of grae and lemon juice, j
i-oiubltit-d with lithla, and has been uiwd.
for generation to flush and stimulate
the kidneys, aiM to neutralise the ncids
In urine so It no longer cause irritation,
thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
, Injure; make a delightful effervescent
litlda-water drink which everyone
, should take now and then to keep tlie
kidneys clean and active and the blood
' pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney
Save Industrial Oregon
Tt o one way to protect the ruturc
manufacturing nud Ittduatrlal devel
opment or Oregon la to voto ugnlnat.
tho vicious measures known as the
'Water Front" bills, uumbora 3'JS
nud a.'.O on the ballot. They nre u
direct attack on the prosperity ot ev
ery man, woman and child in Oregon,
and ought to be bciiton.
Thcso measures nre not only n
vicious thrust at Oregon's progress,
but they nro n veiled attack upon thu
public school ayatem ol the state, lu
that they will. If passed, deprive It of
large aums of money every year.
VOTK "NO" 329 and "NO" 331.
OreKon Commercial Protective As
sociation, Won HIiIk., Portland, Ore.
(Paid Adv.)
Shop Early
Wo do our very best to keep
n complete stock of every de
Blrublo stylo for women nt all
time, but wo ndvlso you to
make your selections early.
Style, Quality, Comfort and
Value make our splendid shoes
iiuick sellers. to $ri.on
At tho Sign or
"Good Shoes'
llione 361
We Arc Headquarters for Poultry In Medford
Will always pay you the highest
market 'cash prices. Can use all kinds.
We solicit your trade.
11 I I !
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aaBBaF Y'cH
Candidate of the Democratic Party
for Justice of the Supreme Court
Now Judge of the Third Judicial District
In 1304 Judge fiallowny was one of tho Domocratlc nominees lor Cir
cuit Judge of the Third Judicial District, comprising Linn, Marlon, 1'oU,
Tillamook and Yamhill counties till strongly Republican. Ho was elected,
carrying four of tho five counties. In 1010. as a candidate for re-election,
ho made no other campaign than thnt of his record In office. Tho result
was that ho received tho highest lote of any ot tho four candidates, car
ried decisively every one of tho five counties, ovorcamo n Republican
plurality of at last C500 and was elected with moro than 1900 votes to cparo.
Typical ytutcmciitrt or Those Who Know Him
The late, Kvfiovernor Win. 1. Iml, himself ror many years an nb!o
member o! tho Oregon Supremo Court, wroto to Judge Gallowuy at tho
time or his candidacy for tho Circuit Judgeship:
"1 have no hesitancy In saying that years of acquaintance with you has
given mo some knowledge of your strong common tense, sound judgment
and fidelity to public duty, and that your high regard for judicial duty
and justice is nn assurance that if .you are elected to tho circuit Judgeship,
you will regard It ns n noM of honor and cautiously and safely guard the
rights and Interests of litigants, and conserve to tho bust of your ability
tho public Interest."
Judge A. S. Ueiiuett, the well known lawyer of Tho Dalles, has recently
"I hnvo known Judgo Oallowny intimately for moro than forty years
and have nover found a bettor man. In both private and public life ho Is
above suspicion or reproach. In his homo, as a husband and father, he is
tucai. Trutnruiiy Has ft been said of Judgo Galloway. 'Ho has In moro
than one instance n the past shown that he has the courage of Ills con
victions In difficult positions' and that ho has 'mado a record for honesty
and courage.' Ho always does his duty, as ho sees It, regardless of con
sequences, aud Is absolutely luvulnprablo to 'prcssuro' or 'influence.' Ho
has a flue legal education aud Is very familiar with legal principles and
tho administration of justice generally. His courtesy and kindly disposi
tion nro well known. Ho would innko an liloul Supreme Judge.'"
Thu Imily Capital Journal, of Salem, speaking editorially in a recent
issue, says:
"Judge William (lallowny will he In tho race lor Justine of the Slipromo
Court when tho votes nro counted on November 11. A pioneer of tho state,
ho has a host or friends all over Oregon who hnvo faith, in his personal
integrity, as well as his ability ns n jurist, and they aro doing his cam
paigning for him, nud, if reports luity bo credited, effectively, too. A strong
point in his favor Is thnt u majority of tho voters or all parties honestly
believe that tho supremo bench should bo non-partisan, and his candidacy
will give them nu opportunity to this opinion at tho polls. View
lug tho situation from nu unbiased standpoint, It would look as If Judge
Uullowuy might bo promoted from tho district court, where ho has served
long and faithfully, to tlm higher position to which he aspires, and In doing
so the people of Oregon will make no error or Judgment."
Tho Albany Dully Democrat, of October ?, 1U1 1, In an editorial under
tho heading. "An Honest Judge," fays.
"Judgo William Galloway Is a candidate lor Justice of the Supreme
Court. Ho hns behind him u loui; record of and efficient public
service nud It is upon this record that ho uppeniH for support In the present
"It would lm too much to i-luliu for uuy Jurist tlmt his decisions are
invariably upheld by the uuaiilmoiiH verdict r dm public and tho ineirbera
or tho legal profoifbloii. TJm Democrat mukes mi such claim for Judg
(Julio way, Wo do claim, however, that ho hns always been guided by a
spirit ol absolute fulrness and strict. Impartiality, Ills legal mind has rivct'
been wwuycd by pardnan prejudice or by popular clamor, lie haa 't-'
tempted to perform hU duty In t-umleto harmony with die law , trail evi
dence. Tlm HiiiuoiTut has iound( iih. in liotli tlm Intonrlty ami ability K
Judge Galloway. Wo (heiofonj, fiu) Hint ho In well worthy of iiiinrLH
Judge lli-niy II,. Mif'liin, of I'oidund odd of tho ablest Circuit Jurfff-w
of Uioxoii, lu a letter of Kuplember ill, ISH, writes. -,
"I huvo loiuwii Hon William Gfillowuy lut a vRnul winy ywira.
fact, I fuiiuot fuy when I did not (.now him- lie has always In a mm
of tlm lilKlu-Kt Integrity and roiiilcay. u la a rumJIilatft fer k Mfe
fli'i or Huprmiiu JnxlKtf or dm KIhiu of Orwan. It JwlwJ km ni
the alulo will bo mtvihJ In (hit lust )ioahi y,uy. Jut (MUtwuy Um tm
Hi iuu!ifrlnii4 lor u K'ioiI JiidK'i. Aiouiiu v,h why ak Mm tw wkfMl
I114VU lit'tii uld will iiuMtr iwrvt It "
lufonnwiloii lurilWivl by M V V,'utfUi(t4,
C'ljylrnmH IHiiimali CuMHly cnliil tttmmmm, Mi CDfruriJ.
Solid .
Comfort y '
For Tired Feet
V yon hnvo dint "tlrod rollnK" In
your fool, jimt try our Comfort
.Shoerf, In tip mid plain toes, turn
and wolt HoIeH, widths) A, II, 0, I),
i: mid HII. Tho InntH nro nnturo
ntiape. II yon will turn otir foot
over to iih we will fnrnlnh you with
for.t poinfort nt anew.
Sroc Store
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