Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 27, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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WTOflOftT) MATT TRTBHlTJ). ' jiffettFOftD, OftKflON, TUESDAY, OflTODFift '27, 1014
'i a-
psrdn ronBf
LONDON, !. 27, :i:.VI n. in. -Thi'
vorrt'N)inliiil of tin) Ihiilv .Mull
In iiiiiIIhtii I'Yanro, lcli'Krii)tlilii(C mi
ilur ditto of Numbiy infill ri'HUiilliig
Urn I'iKlitiiitr mi llm liver Vmit, hiij-h:
"Tlwro vvi'io 'J.'llll (Imi limn ImmIIoh in
Hut Vhi'r i'iiiiiiI HiiM iiioniiiiK nil it tlm
l'igliliiiK in lint nielli. Mmiy ul' llicm
wiiri' ilrowiii'il inn) utlii'ix vvi'iu buy
oni'Ui'il. Tim wnltir ilnnlf hum bloody,
H'lllll' )IxIIIIiU''n hlrci'tH Wt'll MltMVII
thick with thu ili-iul.
"TIll'Hll kIiiMiIImIi 'ltx 'lllllllO ulvn
boiim iili'a ul' tlm miviiitiii'HH nl' tlm
1'IuIiWuk, tin' iloporutitin of Hit' (ii'i
lllllll llltlll'llH llllll till) hllllllllllllMCHU of
tlio allien' H'hUliint'i'.
Di'lny Inri'iisi'n .MitiMiiiry
"Tin; ululit wiih i( Imll froiii dink
tn iliiwn. At iiIiiiunI nvi'iy point of
tin' linr iiiiiii vviim niMiHi'il liy iiiiiii,
Hiiiiii'liiiuiH lit a few liiiiiilri'ilynnlH'
iliNtnni'i', hut inorii nflim in itlnsf
j;iiW. l'ni'i' In fui'i', ini'ii i'M'ii wri'M
tli'il ami ilii-il by iIiowuIiik curb other
in thi' ciwinl wuti'rx. Thi' (IcnimnH
hail hail orilciM to grt tlituiigh that
ululit, i'iihI what It inlM.
"An officer of tlmim who wiih -up.
tuivil Miiil that tlm delay of mint!
tlm ii u week in einsHinir UiIm water.
wi.vh has iiii'i'iixi'il tlm iiuttirritllo
mllllarv iiiliul in (lennany. It iiiiiht
he enishi'd tonight, if it en! thmm.
uiiiU of ini'ii. That in el feel wiih thi'
iinli'r uivi-n, ami the Herman hiililirrn,
all e red it to thriu, tint their Imn(.
WmmI, lint niiil
"I'rulmhly fi tluimuiuil of them
gave their live hint nij-lit. They enuhr
not givu more, yet they failed, hut
not liecaiihe the (termnun did not lit
erally ohey their onlern. Tlmy enoo,.
eil the ttMcnvny all right, an they
Mi'io Iliil, ni( once thnmii they eniihl
tint iiiiiLo (,'uinl. They vvrru mowed
dovvn with rjllo hind, lorn into litimnn
KuxmeiitH by shelU ailil luiyoiietteil
hiiV, ynnl by yanl, over their own
'lead - Into the will on of the ennui.
Into tb, very gray oT tlm morning
llui Mooilj oik went on 10 fiercely
lliiil there n luirdlv a treneli or
budge guard h the lulu line Hint
liil not uungum IKut he hml heeu mii
glid out for -Hciiri attack "
LONDON, Oct. '27, r:lfi it. in. A
llihMltl'l (ll HlC TilllCH fl'lltll KIlllhlltH,
Kervln, hiivh:
"Thin city iicmiiIk u iIckiiIiiIii hpcr.
liicle. Two liuuilifi! ami fiflv of Ih
ImildiiigH wennlcNlroyiil hy Immburil
liieut, Till wiih followcil hy fire, do
ing iiioiii ilitmiige, anil Iheu camo mi
eniliiiiakc, hhiiltiif Hie city ho m.
vciely that llui ImuiteK uhlch leiiiatn
arc iilmoMt falliii),' to plccci,
"finally the ilehcrleil town wiih viV
iteil hv a Iiiiiii of HiIcvch, who onte(l
every limine fnun cellar to roof. The
cniitcnU of llm hIioi wenj tlinnvn
into Hie .strcetM, all nafcA were open,
cil in a profcsHional iiinuiicr ami the
eoiitciilK of Iioiihch Miiuklicil, the pic
tuicH wero hIiinIiciI ami Hid fiiiniliirc
wiih Hpliutercil In mi orfjy of ileHtruu
lion. "Itefoni tlm AtiRlriaiiK left Ihev i!n
hlroycil Hie principal church. Larr.
ntimhcrn of Keih luHta;cHf Juelmlinc
the rineipiil rcHliIeneeH, wi-rc taken
to AiiNtria iih priHouerx. llumlreilM of
tlm local populace, killed hy oaymit
IhriiMlM for MirioiiH alleged inindeedM,
were Iniiied hy the AmitriiiiiH in thu
cliureh vai d.
"The bciiselcKH liomlmiilinent hlill
eoiitiuucM, iillhonuh the town in ile.
fcrteil except for the heiitilen. On
Tlilirxilny the Sellm Mleeeeded in
la.iuu' miiii'N uhich Mink mi Austrian
KhnliiiU is mi active trading town
of Servia, locateil on the Sine river,
forty iiiiIch we! of lletcraile. It hail
a population of ahotit I.",!)!)!) perhons.
I'OliriiAKI), Oic, Oct. 27. Fair
weather early liiiluy hroiiKht out men
iiinl women intern in coiiHiileruhlu
niiinhi'iH to liitllol on llm nttciuplcil
recall of Mayor II. It. Alhee, Com
iiilHhlnner of I'uhlio 'oiI:h It, 0.
Dieck ami ('(iinniiHsioner of Piihliv
AffaliH William L. lircwuter. Thr
hullol wiih hlinrt, am II wiih ciiiihIiI
ered likclv that lioth vnlini; mid
eoiiiitiiiif the, voU'H would he eondui't
ed fipfdllliitiMly, The ioIIh oiiciiciI at
8 a. in. and will cIohc. at 8 p. in.
Mayor Alhec and the two ennnniH.
xionnrn wIidhu positioim are anxailid.
declared theiiihelvcH coniidenl thut
(he atleinpteil recall would he defeat'
nl. II. I), Kennedy and K. K. Suiilli,
eiiiiilidulcH mi the recall ticket for
mayor, each exprcMccil ronfiiU'iicu of
winuiuir. uhie Dr. (lenie I'miinh,
caiididati! aniiiHt CommixHiouer
Dieck, and II. K. Ahrv and Y. A.
Lcet, cauiliihitcH iik'iiiiiht Cniniiiih
hioner MrewHler, cxprcbhed rehiicct
iiily hope for HiieceHH.
The iIih of the eilv Iiiik heeu
unauiiiiuiH in Htipportiii); the nftleiaU
HHHiiiled UKaiiiHt the attrinpted recall,
mill ntreuj: cffortH have heeu inadu to
et oul a full vote, iih it was conced
ed Hint a liylit vole would favor tlio
recall candidates.
A ii hide ihHiie, the voteiH were
called upon to vole for or aaiiiht u
plan iroHiHiil hy Couimishioiicr ol
I'tilitii'h V. A. Daly to lax city wa
ter rafi'H actiiuM mwien of propel tv
u lii-Yenn tlm water is coiihiimcd, in
xtead of iiiiiuxt the coiimiiiici.
CiiiniiiiHHiimer Daly ami t'lituiiiixxiiiiier
of Finmiee ('. A. Ilij;olow were imt
attacked in thu proposed recall.
LONDON, del. -J7, A litre ulutlc,
with aniiuiisuiilly ictiriudiHpoHitiou,
Iiiik jiiht heeu captnied for the mi'
urn I liiittiry hcctiou or the Mntisli
inuxeuin. It i known ai SowerhyV
whale ami was found M landed at
Itonxlarc, Ireland. The exintcui f
iIicmi whale U known only from the
nccahioual dihcovery of Mrnutlnl
hpeeimenH on civilised eoaMb. Not
more than a dozen lunc heeu found
mi lljo llrili'h ciKihls blnee records
liuv,. heeu taken and Hie bpccimens in
the worhl'N imiheum can ho counted on
llm fiiiKciN of line hand. Nohody
kiiim much ithniit thin particular
niemhoV of the Kreal uhale funiily mid
uohody has heeu il at homo.
Mh addrcHH, for lliat maltor, in a
hccivt which this Hiipreme diplomat of
llm kchh Iiiih ho far managed to keep
intact. Its ImhilH and iln liauutH
alike are iih vol iiuievealed to ilium.
itivu mini mid il only vent hum for a
lolijf hi roll to well ficipienteil shore
at rare iiilcrval. One of Hiomi c.
pedilioiiH happeueil unite recently, for
several of these whales havo heen
seen in lint hnltic.
Tlio Itosslare hpeeinien is Iho liil
complete ouo ohtniued liy'lho miiseimi
aiithoritie. It is a female,, in 11 feet
H inches Ioiik (llm maximum known
length is 18 feel), and it weighs iihiiul
(llll) pounds. II i a near relative to
llm sperm "whale and hclons to tlio
"lienkoil whale" family, so named he
cause tlm outline of llm unso and
head i lirukeu hy an indentation
wljjoh has the appeiiraiieo of a hcak.
Soworby' whale have only two tooth
mill hiiJmvo to swallow thoir outtlo
lisli whole. '
1'AIIIS, Oct. 'J7. I'reucli trade n
Kii'KiiliiiK l,K0l),0ll(l,000 franco, or
f:ill(l,(IOO,(li)l a year, i thrown into
the market as a result of Iho war.
.Such was the tola! value of jjoods
purcliiiM'd hy Kraiice lat year from
Of i ninny and Austria, the lialauee ol
trade lieinu' in favor of Ooimaiiy to
the amount of 'Jll.'),0lll,(iOII frame.
ami in favor of Austria to the aiiumut
of .1 1,0(10,(1110 francs.
Local committceh are hoinjj oran.
ia'il Willi a view to plaein this hus-
uinj. (o me nchi ativauiae. jie com
Juitliy ,of inilustrial and commercial
defence in taking up the interests, of
miiiiII inanufaeliireih, who have not
heen in touch Willi the foroi(;ii con
sumer in li wuy to eimlile them to
make new cnnucvtioim directly. I'm.
pobiils are helm: inade to Knlislt
liiihinehs orKiiuiatlous with a view to
an exehanye of "1siiH;in the two
cnuntrioh of ieprcM'nluli,ves of com
mercial and industrial coneoius. The
imporluneo of this work fo.llm I'niteil
St tile amy ho understood from the
fact that of llm purchases frouVdcr
many last vear there wero 177,000,
000 frane in maehiuery, wlilto
I'ranco purchased from the I'liiteif
Slate only 57,000,000 fmin-h in Hiix
line, (lennanv supplied 10:1,000,000
frniii'H in corenls, while tlio United
Slnlci. supplied :t.i,000,000.
VIKNNA, Austria, Oct. 'J7, via Am
slerihim mid Loudon, 1 :Tr2 p. m. An
official slnteuient pven out today
suy I he Austrian operntious. the ob
ject of which in the eleariim of Hos
uiii, ure proceeding successfully, 'flic
Sen inn were driven back to Visit
iierail, October 'J I, nml the Austrian
pursuit rciiehed the Drum river, Oc
tober 'JO. Kastern HoMtiu to Iho
Driiia I now completely cleared of
the enemy.
The Montenegrin divisions, sepa
rated from the Servians, hnvu re
LONDON, Out, 27. (OorroM'Olid
iince of Tlio An.iKliileil I'roiM.) Klvo
hIiIIIIiick n week to the soldier's wlfn
who Iiiik lout Imt husband In flKlitltiK
Ills toilutry'ii liQttleH!
With thin exclniautlnn one of the
IcmlliiK Londun papnrM attacko edi
torially tllO K')VeniUI'.'lltK iicusloii
Hyntuin which It ia' K duo to tlm
old tradition Hummed up In WcIIIiik
ton's tiHKcrlloti thn IiIh troopH In the
HpaulNli cfimpnlKti, were only "tlio
cum of thu earth," Tlio war office
according to the writer, fallit to real
he that tlmen arc illfferent now and
mo vimi mnjoriiy or voiiiiiiocm uru
men wlio In rlvll llfo earned good
wnr;cn In fbctory, Hold, office unil
Hliop. ;
IndlKniitloii linn also bevn ex
prcKNoi In piirllnntent, so that It l
not unlikely tome, reform In pensions
may follow.
In tlio Hrlttnh army the pay of of
ficers and men Ik dependent on the
regiment There In no standard ncalc
of pay or In America. Coimnliudoncd
offlccm, an a rule, receive a sum lm
poMilnln to live on about $35 a
month. They mum have Independent
means, ami In the rrack regiment,
such an tlio Scots' Cireys or tlio Gre
nadier Ouards they mum bo wealthy,
wlilt polo ponies, valets ami expensive
uniforms. Hut In certain of the
colonial troops doing police duty lu
lands bordered hy savages, they got
as good pay ns American officers ami
do not have to keep up expensive es
tablishment. The ordinary infantrymen In tlio
now volunteer army of n million men,
pledged to foreign rervlcc, aro
started off at tl C." a week, clear of
expenses, Married men aro allowed
In addition separation pay for their
families nl tlio rote of $1.90 a week
for tlio wife and two pence a day
or -K cents a week for each child,
lu the county of Loudon they are
given n further sain of SO cents a
week, owing to the higher cost of
LONDON, Oct. 'J7, C:'J(1 a. m. -Tlm
(I lock (,'iiveinment has auiiiuiuced to
the power il intention of provision,
ally occupying Noillicrn Kpirus, nw-
iiiK Id Hio necessity of suppressing
llm anarchy piovullliiK llmro iih Hio
uiMilt nf Ilia breakdown of tint Al
banian uiivoriiiiicnl mid Hie flight of
I'riiicn Willliuii nl VViiil.
Wild ftM'ord wnQsiMiUford wad
William !!. Mosereau, for several
yea ix a prominent lumberman of tlm
northwest, died at Ills home, l'ort
lam), October L", of parulyhis. Mr.
Mcsorcuti at tlm timo of his death
was (I'J year, I) months old, and hud
hail property interests in Oregon
since 11)00, coming totho const with
his family from I'ortc'rvillo, N. Y., in
1007. Ilo hecamo oxtensivelv iutor-
Ohled in limber in Oregon, California,
ami Wnshiugtou and Iiiik for several
.veal's conducted active milling opera
tions at Doty, Wash. Ho nn prosi
dent of thu Axe Logging- Itompany and
Hio Duly Lumber & Shluglo company,
mid a member of Iho Wlioolcr Syndi
cate, huliliim; many thousands of
acres of timber land in Jackson
Mr. Mesorcati i survived hy four
sons, , W. mill K. L. Mesereiiu, at
Doty, Wash,, and K. W. mid II. I.
Mercorcmi of Portland. Mr. Will
iuin S. W.tilh. a daiiuliter. live at
flliiffiiln, N. V., and Mr, Mosercmi'
widow live at I'm Hand. .1. ). Wheo.
lur mid L. II. Wheeler of I'ortlaiul are
fiojiliuw. of Mr, Mesorciiii.
Mf. Mescjcmi wiih well known in
Mcilford on account of hi l'iiiiiieut
visum limn to luspecl bis llinber hoi
VIKNNA, Oct. 'J7, via llollcidam
nml London, Oct. 'J7, U :)." a. in.
An official commuuicatiou given mi'
here today says:
"lu the fighting before Ivaugorod
wo have up to the present time cap
tured 8000 lttissiaiih and nineteen
machine guns,
"Near .laroslati a Italian colonel
mid.'JOO soldiers were forced to sur-roinjer.
'Xciir Zalueo and in the vicinity
of I'lisieeznii the enemv has been
driven baVk. The situation generally
is unehangsd. (Signed.)
"(WNKhMi. von nti:ri:i(.-
'l '
LONDON, Ort. 27, .',:,' u. m A
iiiessago front Purls to iho Hxehango
Telegraph company says thut tlio
dormana havo HeUod Iho I'rlnco of
Monaco cliuteuu do .MarchaU near
llhclins ami deplaro that tboy will
blow It uji unless the prluco luiinod-
lately pivya u runsoui or huir u mil
lion dollars. Tho prlnco Iiiih nil
drossod an appeal (o tho neutral
LONDON, Oct. 'J7, -1:11 a. in.
The Copenhagen correspondent of
(he Times leanis from Merlin that un
der Hie new military agreement be
tween Oermmty and Austria, Kmperor
William iinder.akes tlio leadership of
the united armies.
WAHIIINOTON, Oct. 27. Sixlv
million dollar wu thu slake for
which attorney contended today be
fore tin supreme court when the suit
of the Minsonti, Kausa & Texas
lluilway company ugaiiist the govoni
ment was up for oral argument,
The railway contends the govern
ment has broken its contract to grant
to it or it piedecessor title to every
other section of laud through tlio for
mer Indian territory for Ihe construc
tion of a railway from tho Kansas
slate line to the Red river in Texn.
Itecnuso the laud was not granted to
it, Iho railway claims 'J0 damages
for everv aero it would have received.
The government's contention Jh that
the land never became a part of the
public land of tho United States
within the menuing- of the nets of
congress, but has remained Indian
WASHINOTON, Oct. 27. Four
bott'lcshlpg of the Atlantic fleet and
1 1 destroyers are at battlo practice
off the Virginia Capes at tho same
location from which heavy firing was
heard last night. Naval Officers hero
arc confident tliorc was not battlo
of European ships off the capes but
that tho sounds of firing and the
flare of searchlights reported by wire
less camo from the American squad
'SKULLS', Oct. 'JO, by wireless to
yayville, L. L An official Austrian
war bulletin given out in Merlin today
say, that combined Austrian and
(lermnn force hold xlrmnr positions
in the lone; and almost continilous
battle line from Stry urn! Sambnr, lu
(lalieia thence to a point east of
I'rzemysl and along the San river, in
a straight line to 1'loxk, in llusslan
The main Hussiait army is being
engaged. The Austrian offensive be
yond the Carpathians ha compelled
the Itussinns to send reinforcements
into this territory,
The battle still is raging- in Central
Oalicia. Austrian troop havo been
Miioocssful on the lower San river to
the southeast of I'rzemysl.
Vigorous encounters are proceed
ing between Ivaugorod nml Warsaw.
LONDON, Oct. 27, 10.' (5 a. hi.
Tro Germans continue to send lar'ga
masses of troops to tho westward
and the soulhwostward, according tt
a dispatch from Ternouson, Holland,
published today It tlio Amsterdam
Cotirant. A message to thla effect
has been received from the Amster
dam correspondent of Itoutor'u Tola
gram company,
Tho message says the allies who
approached Thick Saturday wore re
pulsed by fresh German troops. Sun
day 10,000 Austrlann arrived at
Ghent vvbero only a fow Germans ro-main.
Io It Toor
Resolve to smoko Gor. Johnson cl
fan, tho best, and thoroby pttronlis
homo Industry. tf
In the November American Maga
zine Will Irwin, special war corre
spondent sent to Kttropc by that pub
lication, disctibch bis personal e
pcriences. "aitieulnrly in Mclgiuni. Ho
was in Mrussels and had a pass
through the (ierninu lines, and bo
also witnessed the final dcMruclinn
of Loiivuiii. After deseribiug the
Herman army as it occupied Mrussels,
he hiieaks of Hie iinny as a "grav
inacbine of death earth, air and
sky." The transport wagons wen'
gray, the uuitorms of tho soldier
were fray, the motorcycles, biplanes
and baggage wagons wore gray. Mr.
Irwin ndds:
"And over it all lav a smell of
which 1 have never beard mention in
any book on war the Mnell of a half
million unbatbed men, the stench of
a menagerie raised to tjio nth
power of stench. That smell lav for
days over every town through' which
the (lermaus passed."
And is Restored to Health by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
Euphcmla, Ohio. "Becausoof total
Ignorance of how to caro for myself
when verging Into womanhood, and from
taking cold when going to school, I suf
fered from a displacement, anil each
month I had severe pains and nausea
which always meant a lay-off from work
for two to four days from tho time I
was 1G years old.
"I went to Kansas to livo with my sis
ter and whilo there a doctor told me of
tho Pinkham remedies but I did not uso
them then ns my faith In patent medi
cines' was limited. After my sister died
I camo honio to Ohio to live and that
has been my home for tlio last 18 years.
"TheChangoof Llfo camo wKijn Iwas
47 years old and about this time I saw
my physical condition plainly described
in one of your advertisements. Then I
began using Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound and I cannot tell you
or any one tho relief it gavo mo in tlio
first three months. It put me right
where I need not lay off every month
and during the last 18 years I have not
paid out two dollars to a doctor, and havo
been blest with cxcellenthealthforawo
womnn of my ago and I can thank Lydia
"Since tho Change of Life is over 1
havo been n maternity nurse and being
wnoiiy seii-supporung J cannot over
estimate the valuo of good health. I
have now earned a comfortable little
home just by sewing and nursing. I
have recommended tho Compound to
many with good results, as it is excel
lent to take before and after child
birth." Miss Evelyn Adeua Stew
AUT, Euphemia, Ohio.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia K. I'lukham Medicine Co. (coufl.
dcntlal) Ltbu, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered hj
wemaa and kcld iu strict couUdeaee.
IntUntlr CUiiri Air Pasiagei; You
Ureatha Freely: Dull Headache
Goes Naitjr Catarrhal Dlicharce
Try "i:iys Cream Ilnlm."
'(Jit a small bottle- niiyv.-nr. Just to
try It .ipply n Utile It tl ostrlls
nml Instantly your elncgwl iw and
atupiM-ri-up nlr,s cf the bead
will meii: you will lireatbo freely;
dullurmi ifd'licad-.c-hc ilIw'Mnir. Hy
morning! the catarrh, cdd-ln-bead
or catarrhal sore t!.nU will begone.
ir-tl Hii'li ial t no! i;tt tlio
rmn'l lotM" of "V- C'-"" 'i Itilm"
at nnr dn-.' stm-p. rr" Is sweet.
fragrant balm dissolves by tho licnt
of tlio nostrils; penetrates nml heal:!
the lu!li:ri:cd, swollen membrane
which line the .iknc. head anil
throat; clears t!:ciitr piiswiseSRtopi
unsty ilNebarges ami n feclln: o'
(Iransltig. Boothlng relief cornea lm
mcJI.itcly. Don't lay nwnke to-ntght strug
gllns for lirctti. with head ntutTcil;
I'OJitrlls closetl. lisn'Siliit and blowing.
Catarrh or a cold, with Its ruunlii;
isofp, font ni"'- ns r.roripln:: Into tlt3
throat, nml i ' la distress
ing but truly n-V!rs.
l'tit ymtr falrU Jurt once In
"Kly's Cream Duliu" md your cold
or tntnrrti will stirc'v llsnpiar.
Lbxl School of Piaao
Instructor, Accompanist, Coach for
Ensemble Singing;
Studio 1105 West Main St.
Phone 361
S. If. Daumaa
B. I. VaaGUdftr
31 N. Crep St.. Mtdtord. Orrtoa
(WANTS PASS, Oct. 'J". Four
member of the family of J, ,. Stan
biouuli of r'ruitdulu wero made ill
Sitiitlnv cvcniinr llnouh eating toad
stools iu ii iiienir of mushroom cooked
for (lie eveniuft meal. Tlm four were
Mr. iiiul Mix. Htunbroiili, the little
livo-vcai-olil child nml Mrs, Slant.
bruucirs mother, Mis, (Irccn. The
iiiiiNlirooms were hcrvcd at nbout II
ii'clocl. iu tlm erenliiK nml about three.
iiiiiii tcrs of an hour later llm four
I . 1..I ..1.1. ...I I ..!..
. I iL'iiin iiein iiii'o viioni'iii nun io
Jll'llll)' ill.
Itelluf comeu Instadtly.
A doso takou pwry two hours un
til three doi-es aro. tultmi will end
Brlppo misery and break up a severe
cold cither lu tho lioud, chest, body
or limbs,
It promptly opens cloBKod-.up nos
trils and air passages In tho head,
stops nusty dlschaiKo or noso run-
nliiK, rolloves tduk hoadaeho, dull-
nets, fevorlshuoss, soro throat,
snoozing, boreuuss and stiffness.
Don't stay btuffud-upl Quit blow.
IiiK and snufflliiKl Kuuo your throb
bliiK hendl Nothing vine In I ho world
kIvoh Mich prompt; relief iih "1'itpu's
Cold Compound," which costs only
lift cents at any driiK store, It acts
without iiimUliinco, mutes tileo, cuunes
no liiroiiveiilenoe", Ile sure you act
thy HciiuliK',
We Arc Headquarters for Poultry In Mcdford
Will always pay you the highest
market cash prices. Can use all kinds.
We solicit your trade.
Hard Wheat Flour
It will please you
SgcowI door cast First Nat.
Hank. IMiono 252
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Infective from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 1915, and
against any reduction during that ttme:
Touring Car - ....,.$490
Iluiiauotit 4IQ
Tovrn Car ., . .... WO
F. O. n. Detroit. All cars fully equipped,
(Iu tho United States of America Only.)
Further, we will bo able to obtain tho maximum efficiency la oar
factory production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing tail
Bales departments If wo can reach an output of 300,000 can bt-
twoon tho above dates.
And should wo reach this production wo agree to pay as the tuyr'a
aharo from 40 to ?G0 por car (on or about August 1,. 1915) t
ovory retail buyer who purchases a now Ford car between August 1,
19H, and August i, X91&.
For further particulars regarding tlioao low prices and profit-star
lug plan, seo tho nearest FordUranch or Dealer,
Ford Motor.Car Company
C. E. GATES. Airent
HparU Ilulldlng MiHttwd, Ors)
a , i