t It tf I.' ." -flr t"" Jr u rv PAGE -TWO BEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNW. MlDniTOUl), ORTOOX. 'JJUKSUMY, OCTOnRll 27. Mil lOCAb AND 1 , - PERSONAL I ;Tho M-Slv club of this clly, coin jKwud of a inimbrr o( lornl youths liqd n very exciting tlino Suntlny af ternoon nt Table Hock In trying to locnte two of their number who had reckloHsly wnndorcil down a sloop fcllff. Thoy were rescued about G:30 liy the Mil ot n (Ire, (which they built) and about, 125 feet of grape vine ilod together. Vaudeville nt, Page Theater tonight. The Pacific International Livestock KxpOHltlon, will 'bn held In North l'orllantl, Oregon, December 7 lo 12, 19M. Tho exposition Is held In rec ognition of tho livestock Industry of tho nort Invest. Admission to tho ex position Is frco, tho expenses being sustained by subscription of Portland business men. Ethel Harrynioro In motion plc lures a.t, Payo Theater soon. Los Angeles papers devoto n largo part of (heir sporting pages the last wook to pictures and accounts of the playing of Uudy Scliolts or this city, ono of tho star football players of the Banta Clara college. Kudy is called "Togo." When ordering your Dread by phone, always say tho Pennant wrapped. ' 195 .Most of the candidates for county offices are now In the field for the final licks of tho campaign. They will move their heavy artillery to this city ror the closing days. The All Star ball gamo next Monday will be utilized, as n chance to mingle with the voters. Tho surprising feature or tho campaign to dato Is the lack or interest in the prohibition Ques tion, which is generally the subject or much agitation and bitterness. Vaudeville at Page Theater tonight. Tho women voters or tho city are requested to meet at tho public li brary Thursday afternoon, when thoy will be given Instructions on how to mark their ballots properly at tho coming election. Ethel Barrymoro in motion pic tures at Payo Theater soon Siskiyou county has a forco of men repairing the road between tho Ore gon state lino and Copper (Hutton), Cal., so as to comply with tho postal requirements. A couple, of the bridges needed repairs and now stringers were put in. The police aro looking ror a gan or tramps who broko Into a mer chandise car at Hoscburg the first or tho week, and stolo a euppjy ot provisions. Peanut candy, ISc a pound. Get t It at DoVoo'a. Roy Nichols or Central Point spent ' Monday afternoon in Medford at tending to business matters. 1 Vaudeville at Page Theater tonight, Frank Johnson of Hoscburg is among tho out of town visitors in tho city his week attending to busi ness matters. Do Voo will send yo'u tho Weekly Oregonlaa 14 months for 7Cc. Supporters or Dill Hanley for alio U. S. senate, showed great enthus iasm Monday, when word was re ceived from headquarters that the 70,000 German voters were going to " march in solid formation to tho polls. , November 3rd, and. cast their ballots " to a man ror "Our BUI." Nothing .slnco tho opening or tho campaign has had such nn enlivening effect on tho Manley supporters. The finest equipment tn Oregon for v printing fruit labels. Medford Print log Co. ,, Tho Men's club of tho Presbyter Ian church will hold a banquet this evening at tho church after which a program will bo given. All members and those who desire to become mem hers are invited to attend. Vaudeville nt Page Theater tonight, The republican party or Jnpkson . county is sending out its circular, in which tho Medford pollco department and Pollco Judge Gay are blamed for tho so-called "depression' to every voter in the county. Tho declara tion of principle Is a classic In logic. "Insurance" means "Holmes'' and "Holmes" meuns '"Insurance." See Hohnes "Tho Insurance Man." W. B, Hlddle or St. Louis, ono or tho receivers or the Frisco systom. who Is vlBlting In this city, will ro turn to his home in a couplo of weeks. To acponunodqta' those of the Phoenix and Voorhees districts vyho may wish to attend tho Elks' Ladles' bazaar and dance, tho Interurhan Autocar will make n, special trip leav ing Phoenix at 8:10 p. m. Wednes. day, Opobor 28 and returning trom Medford at 11:30 p. m. Take car on Pacific highway. Hound trip 2fi cents. 188 A number of Medford morchuiita spent Monday afternoon In Jackson- Henry Konntx has returned from a deer hunting trip to tho Mt. Me Loughlln 'district where he secured a large buck. The Medford Hose society requests that aU rose growers ot Bedford, rpuno their roses during the flr.t week of November. Tho cuttings should bo saved for tho society which will distribute them to the, school children Monday,' November 9th. "Plant your roses early. , Attorney II. IVMulkey of this city, and Kenton Bowers or Ashland re turned Monday trom a campaign trip through tile Willamette Valley in the Interests or tha ro-establlshnient ot the state normal school at Ashland. Kodak finishing: the best, at Wet ton's Camera Shop. Over lata Then It. W. Klden of Central Point slont Monday afternoon In Mcdfnril at tending to business matters. ' Potatoes, good non-lrrlgntvd, de livered, $t.G0 per hundred. Phono C9I-K. ii2 Councilman. Modynskl attended to business matters In Jacksonville on Monday afternoon. Hemstitching and pleating done and models made at Mrs. Haney's dressmaking parlors. Moe's store. 201 A largo crowd saw Nat Goodwin and his fifth wife at the Page Thea ter last night, and enjoyed. the gen ius of the well, known comedian. Goodwin was about all "there was to the show, and had something to do In every scene. The plot upon wiilch the comedy "Never Say Die" is older than the hills of Scotlandbut Good win s art elemtnnted nm- staiprw that might have crept In. There was the usual millionaire who married a young and pretty girl, and tho Eng lishman In the shape of a doctor who could not sec or appreciate a Joke. The English, as a matter of fact, were Jabbed all through tho three acts with barbs of sarcasm. Kodak finishing and suppltea at Weston's Camora Shop. Over lilt iceaien George Merriman was a business visitor In Jacksonville Monday nf- ternoon. Get it at Do Voei. E. M. Wilson left Mondav nleht ror Grants Pass whero bo will audit tho Josephine county books. The S. P. tins been pestered the lasi montn uy wanderers stealing rides and robbing boa; cars, Irom Portland to Los Angeles and tho railroad employes have risen In their wrath, and Monday sent out a forco of men from Portland to protect their property, Tho wanderers insist on riding and give tho train crews ranch trouble. Tho northbound Shasta was forced to stop twice this morning to dislodge citizens who were stealing rides CASEV ACQUITTED IN j. d! ci CIRCUIT CUR I v.i i I iscv oliA-liluutl was up quitted by n jury in the circuit court this morning of the charge of obtain ing money under fnle prelen'cj. The Med Turd Grocery company vn the eomplninnnl, alleging that (,Voy pur-clin-cd goods giving proof Hint lie hud proorty valued nt $,'1000. a n Iiumx Tor extending him credit. Aft erward it U alleged fn-ey turned nil hi property over to his wife. ThN afternoon the hen rim; of evi dence mid drawing of juror tu Ihe cum' oi imv ion ot iiu-t oily, neon ed of perjury in eonneollon with n dolen good-, ease in this city, wns begun. Jointly aecn-ed with Tuft lire A. II. Siding and IMward liel'fler of this city. The trio are alleged to have given fale testimony before Ihe pre liminary hearing. REGISTRATION SIZED mm TOTALSxl 1 ,266 The total (ojtisthtiioit for JaehLon count v for tlh tfoVcmhcr election in 1 1,'JiiO. Of Ihi- nnuiuiit, 7,100 nro e. timated by the county clerk's ofricc In he men, the remainder hciug wo men. Two years ngo the resist ration viw fbVU), tluv, vnnoii not vnHiur nt Hint lime. The, registration Tor the primary ln-t -iiriur. was .srOO.jm iu eiea.o or )',)(). The county dork;; office expect to complete tho claasification of the registration a o ser and nolitics hv the middle of the week, "alien, the work ot -ending out the election supplies, naming of election officers, etc., und arranging other detail-, will he com-lueuced. GREEKS BEN ALBANIAN INVASION n 7 ihlni. ... in'i... NM I1 II' 111 J-I 1IC 1.0Nl)ONi)iil. M .. T 'V tiivek ilipliimuttc repieseiilatives ill the capitals of the croiu powers have given oflieial notice of the deci-don of tho llellcnio goveiuuieiit to icon, eupy Kpirus. fr,om which the (Jreck nrmy was withdrawn in March In pursuance of the decision reached at th! iimliasHiidors' coiifoiYiieo fixlnj; tho status of that country. (Ireecc elaiius this deci-iou is hils FDR6ER STINGS Miiir mid h MERCHANTS m BOGUS CHECKS A young man signing checks as ".I. C. H.luuur," but wIiohii real iiiuiiu la thought to bo .1, t Dovereaux. called upon n uuiubci" of Medford merchauu Hmunlity iiIhIU, and "stung" thorn for nuiounts ruuuliiR from 12 to $l!0, llo nlmi lMii'np to tils allim In AhIiIiuiiI. TIiN Ik tho Ug Uiltl luao oivilci id linu lo iiuiii 'lvlii(H (ie j'iu'l of 'I he vuj 'II Ml there lunl U he Hid of 'i he wnV Tho ueiiuuii iMinifieii ill 'uitnit i(Hin'lH n this net us iMitllilliilil!' mid Is do tiuiiidinj; Iliu roJijiiHo of lhc eiuw," WANII1NUTO.V, (let. 'Jr.- Tho I'lulll Of Ill'itUll (lUthnritiON In 1TIIIOVO (leriumi suhicclrt from neutral ships ill llnlisl haihors nlniady hns hcoii coiii'edid hv (he I'nilcd SialcN. H Is not cNpected hcic lliul any prolitt Will he matte uuauit I he iieliitii of Iho aiilhoillies al SI. ilnhii, 44tH4644$'; f " I JEntli Dry, lioar&tii or j tuunful Coiniha FORMALLY RELEASED HALIFAX, X. S.. Oct. 27. The Standard Oil lcnmcr llriiulilln. Hy ing the Amtriean flag, whose seixurr hy the lirilNh cruiser Carnnia was mnde the occasion of n protest by the fnited States to CI rent Ilritnln, and n demand for the steamer's im mediate release, war, formerly releas ed today hv the t'anadian authorities SWISS INCOME TAX IlKItXE. Swltxcrlaud, Oct. 27. The Swiss government Is preparing an Income tax bill for presentation to parliament to meet war expenses. ThV government has pent $10. 000,000 upon the mobilization nnd maintenance of Swiss troops, guard Ing neutrality. Much discussion has beeing going on In the country as to whether. It ts necessary to continue keeping on the German-French front iers 30.000 troops in view of there having been no attempt to violate; neutrality on the part of either of tho XACO, Arir., Oct. 'J7. Oeneral Ili'iijamiu Hill, commiiiidiug Iho'Cnr ranzn guriisou nt Xneo, Sonorn. made a formal demand today on Col oncl Hat field of the, American holder patrol to return Jus. Max, n captain of the jamison, who killed a fellow officer and n Mexican private last night. The shooting occurred on the border and t'oloncl. Hatfield's report to henthnmrters states that Man fired on American soldiers before he surrendered. Hill's demand for Ihe return of lshis was referred to (leneral Blis. -(iinriii outfits i ediiponthoiiece.ssiivof iccstahlisl.jf,.Hl ,ul ,MWforil ndircbauts have' QuIcMu - nig oi-der and security in a country l fallen ror tho had chuck nrtlH for'l a simir. iinmr.Mn.in nrmr.ty, 4 adjacenl to her territory, now riddled all or four moiithn. Dovmeaiix alias f .... ,",""'," ""' "'il-i . with unaiehy, bill at Ihe same time 'Stlngur" alius "I'ordyco" allun ,,,'''',W,,',:,''1'!',''.',''.s'.'''.s .she deehircs that this leoeeupaliiui is ''.stranKer" alius "Mean" tm.i mnnv . Tim prompt amt poMllvt! remills Jlvrti npnivlyproNisjonahaeaMircandlha. others, was arrest,.,. .Monday night ..T..J"t..V7,n:',.,1!,, t'lm she has no intention u iuterveiilng by tho police, und now lies In he mni ,,.",,,,'- M,n" v "1t miiuMv. it in Ihe Avlona district. I.in- in nlimst Im-tuiit rdu-f und will iimihV ,- ! SHOWS IV UVt'lrtiitu, Mm tmtriiipti ....Mtflt In ill The first to bo ntuni: by ".StliiKer" ,m".r.... s, 'witH tin. Model Clntliliiif r.iMMMv I,.w,'t-M" V11""" wv t30 ccnls worUi) ,y ,hih nut .miiiioi uoiniHK ciimuui),.froiii any ding Ntiiii. pour It hit.Mi piivt III I, I... ...... ... I ...... U I.I m - lull I. It It. I (III I... I. I I.. .. I1. ., .. i.. ' thu sum of tail. It., n u..n...,ii "..V1 ?,"J,,r ,?V'l'l'' ..Hilt iimkc a fill Into DtiulelH for I SEEK BIG DAMAGES WASHIXflTOX. Ocl. U7. The sit uation around Xaeo, Souora, where turllicr clashes helweenhit Ciirrauzn and Villa forces have heen expected, is somewhat improved, according l n report to the war dcpaitmciil today from lliigadier (Irucral Mliss, runs luaiiding the American border forces, (leneral Hlis .says (loveruur .Mli.vto rena, with about 1 000 Mexicans, M nt Villaveidc. A bund of 1500 Vaunts is said to have gone to San Pedro, nassed u half dozim lm.i pI..,,.i.u i.. fifteen miles away. Alnny Va,pii still Ashland Saturday afternoon, und tho d worthless paper r,ir MIiihI nil tlivlsMki, with pltttitMMJiu 0 tin then teull.Mll .ifV1 '"'" VHlp. ThN liiiiKe a fllll O. Ill) IIH'II ltlk'(l iitit.n fillllllv Klliilih- ti( ti IIMMt -f. IP llmlu mill .11.1 lli.. ll'Clhc. rilttull ll'liliiili- ill ii iiial iif .,..!.. .l H....IO thing for Iho , amount naJA'llrciiail! 'Z.1'' !(1!mn,r This iiiornlng fhlef Pat Mego was on I Vi""1 1! llr,'l",r;',l finl neur mII. loji .he t.all of a couple of bad rhcl.H for J '"ffiVAXtMntr and M.. JU' each believed to bo tho luin.ll-i with, wlild, tl.U H. i I, uU work of (hn Htime man. Tho forger wan discovered Monday bright ninl early. In tho afternoon, lieu IMjinnlo of the Model frothing coinpnny saw llovorenux buying tick ets for thu i'ngo Theater, and last lilght walled In the lobby for his re turn. Dnvoroiiux becuiuo siisplcloiiH, ami failed to show up. I.ntur ho wna found by tho police, Devercnux Is believed to hovo arc nt a point within two miles of Xaco. E SHIPMENTS I belligerents. The decision of the nd- E.' S. Turay writes all forms of in- n,,n'8trt'n 'ms been that It would surance. Excellent companis. stood ntu "e sae ,0 t,lsarm at the present service, 210 Oarnott-Corey local BIdg. Tho second" team of tho high school football squad is showing so much spirit and dash in their practise games' that several men on tho first team aro llablo to he displaced. This Is tho first years, tho football team has been run upon the basis of abil ity Instend of social position, and sev eral changes are impending. Sweet cider at Do Voo's. Gertrude Mndley, the three-year- old daughter or George. It. Mndley or tho Mackhon County Hank, re ceived a broken collar bono by falling down n flight or stajrs at the home or neighbors Sunday afternoon. Mnk'e your coats, suits and dresses at Kelstcrs' Ladles' Tailoring Col lege, room 4L'C, M. V. & n. bulld- 'nB ' 205 Frod Kclfy of tho Appjegato re turned to his homo this morning af ter spending a, couple of days In the city visiting friends and attending to business matters. 2"e Thought Clrclo, 504 S. Oak- dalo, Saturday 2:20 tct 5. The police .issued wurnlngs to auto owners this morning that they must discontinue the practise of leaving their machines standing so as to part ly block the street crossing. Authentic war news received by an inoune leased wire will bo posted during tho day at Hotel Med ford. J.'H. Habcock of Olendale ia spend ing a row ,las In tho city attending to business matters. Attorney Phlpps transacted leual matters in Jacksonville Monduy af ternoon. t Wilbur Young pf Ilid,dlo la vis itlng frlonds and relatives In this city. It. A. Ilooth, republican candidate for the U. s. somite, will make a speech at Ashland Wednesday nlKht. und In this city Thursday night. Ilooth will alto appear In the day tlmo at Phoenix, Talent, Jacksonville, and Central Point. Jack Merrill of Gold Hill caught time. F IIKItM.V, Oct. 27. According to reports received here from Antwerp, .".0 firms of that city will present to tho Hrltlsh government claims, tor compensation ror tho destruction or goods after the vacuntlon ot that city was determined ilpoiY. These clalpig amountto 236 mjUJoii trnncs ('U. 000,000) nnd wlir bo presented through Drand Whlljock,' the Ameri can minister to lielininl. - Tho 'rdrelng-lWoruluiion was iiinnn minim . I ui 1.1 ..... ........... i , , . . . . n i " "" "" uu.ij lllllllIKU l iirilllll IIIIIIISlllllS Slllllllll lC orriclal channels. WASHINGTON', Oct. 7. Aiulms sudor I'agc an4 tho Spqnisli minister in Loudon have been assured by tfid Oeiiuau mililjiry eomuinndcr in Ilij-' giuiu that them will he no flcnaau iiiicrierenco witn looiistuirs ami sup pollco think more will show up In this elty. Tho arrested man Is about 2S years old, well dresHod, neat, nnd nppoivnt. ly of refinement nnd good education, traits that threw the mcrchnnls off their guard. a liuil rnliuh, client or tin. ml enM Is truly ll'llllirkllllll'. It , III l.-l: I V Innuiiij .. .1... hmrw or tlulit rotiKh nm In sin Miif isMilliiti. u painful foiiidi in iv lairrv. UMtli u iiiniiii'iiiiiiiiM isiiiun ii mow tM rnr iiiiitlim nl plih'um la tin lliinst mid lnuit V 1 1 """"' ""' caning tiie aniinyii riiifx Is n Middy cfliHtilrntn unit nf ui'iiiiinc Norwn in en ntf Kill Intel. rlrli la lmiiiIiuiiI nint U liiiiiuii. ilu. u.iri.T orr for Its npli-iiillil nWl la lirntH'liltls, w ligoplng rough, lutmlii,il iuiIiiiih iiiiii Winter cmulrn. i'o iiMild ilNi,itiolntiiii'iil la mnkliw ""..'Hk Miur dtiitfttUt fur '! ,miirs nl rini'X, mill don't nivrjit nm tiling !". A k'liumiitii' ol nt.iiiiti .ntlsfit tliiii. ur in,.in piDinptlv i.fuiflid i-iMsi with this pi,-uiatiuii. Tim l'lm x Co.. It. Uii.mii.', I ml. CHINESE INTERNE Rf mmm-Mm i . ..- . a - lilies sent T.ir Hi.. 1..U..1' ..r tin. .rnr .... . .. ' V. " -'' K'" ""l ,' 'co U 11 iiMwnrk of (n hpm tlirs.ll ', . , """ si M'W4 lltircail to, lav mnilo 1 "i"1 "'.i p'ntlo, iKitiiinr mtmwtum, stricken inhabitants. .... ,. ' .Moil.ir'H Ptlti.d." I .iraUnr.i tn 1.1 Ambassador Page said all supilies should ho sent in care or either Un American or Spanish dinlntaatlc of- nceri. 111 Loiiiitui. lie sum nionev would be tiscles and ciaphal.ed that cut. I NKW YOllh public the tollewinu: TOKIO. O.t Jr. The Chinese m. thorihes hay sent Hiv crews ol the (leniian torpeiht Imat K-U0 (o Nnu- Experienced Women Advise Mother's Friend r..f 10 It l".)'i rfctly wr.i to n. mil 1 Uvn Of surh ,;rnt twli n ;i licit lit (UMrlllflt an ttinri. lhow w.t nin, uxi.rUNl hi tlii mint lukppy IHI..J. n.UUt hi nn 'Mothts's Tr: ml A:t. t f(MTwlly to III nlMlmiilnul ft 'imlft tin purisvt t to rll I tut ...ii... ...,. J a ...'. .H ,V1..UI .IITI, 1119 corox ninl iiatiuiiM iTuiiitg rnmi 1 ininctiLir rl,nIAii. ItonSittli tlm niir- E BREAKS LEG AGAIN Frank S'nn Dyke, who with his motrer, Mrs. II. K. Van Dyke, of I'hoe nix, sustained Injuries on a grade crowing accident near Vorhels n month ago, receiving a broken log nt at tho time, sustained a re-break or his leg, by falling out of bed this morning at his home. The accident will ncccnsltato the rc-settlng or hlM log. The InJ.irud mother nnd son were removed rrom the hospital last week. Thu mother Is Improving rapidly. ELK'S CARNIVAL AT NAT Tl CHINA AFFECTED IN' BY. WASHINGTON, (),.). i!7.n,i,m is feeling-the effects of thu derangement of world finances and lias sent n commission to Washington to study the money market here, with 11 view to recommending measures fr the improvement of conditions in China. Tiie commissioners nro Wang Ching r'nng and iVai Sim Tang, nnd as Ihcy have heen given a roving commission hy President Yuan Shi Knl, ll is prn. sinned they will extend Iheir investi gations to oilier countries. CLOSE CHANNELS TO REACH L JNIGHT The Klks earnival will ojkii ut the Xatatoriiini tonight, closing Iomo row night. .The hall has been deco rated fur thu occasion and special features, itioliidin a ipmrfet, min strels und novelty stunts will be given. The second evening will wit ness the giving mvny of the Foul au tomobile. Clood crowds aro expected on both evenings COMMUNICATIONS 1 To the Kditer: Can you infnim me as to the re- ligion of .1, F. Ilitlsim. candidate for hcrifft SUnSCHIHKIt. Mr. lliltMin was raised a llaptist. Ilis wife is n member of 1)10 Chris tian church and his daughter of the South Methodist, Yoh Get the Ret ' There Is when you smok Got. Joun on cigars and patronize home Indus-rlM. '.'0 i I.ONHON, Oct. 'J7, 5:0,-, p. Mi.iT1,, friisttute the altempis of hostih, is. sqls to reach London, further chnn nOls in the Thiunrs, several of wlilch previously had been closed, wcio closed lodavJiy order of the IIriti-.li admiralty till fiirlhcr nolice. Within ceijiiiu limits, vessels al alienor. 111 nm river iiuiht nn show lights between 7 p. in. and (1 a. in. Attention A. I'. ,v A, M. .Special train will leave for Jack sonville Wednesday evening at 7; 00 P. in. und roturn after' work for benefit of Masons, fnre IT.c round trip. CASCARETS KEEP BOWES REGULAR AND U E COLDS liilirlnite tho muwiiLir tlbrm n tn nvnM lti iinmsirMry nn.l ihimihuuih ikucihk visiii nut mrriaii nr nrrtra. ApHt t' t tic lir't it iiPoriU lb iirurr matuct IP lirrrnl mkliu. Tlito U riircty; n tt-l(y,i limit Morn nnyvflirrg ,n yUmt, r'lu.i-.iu'.vill tMla 11 tsttlln or'"ilt,t1rf I"ialul".Ji..t ' la UtArty otrry town nml vliLn.n J .. .... '..... . 1 . .- .-.----,. . .. Kraiiijiivv tiui iic ITdM. . tfr Oil M'lrllill't m,Ulit. br llniin.1.1. ll.Aibl.N- ,.., SlilUVrnw, UUU , Atl.int.i, (l.i , fi)r n.rl Wf h I rfiilurjr Hnnt fur ulU4tlu llltlu UL tu iipcvlaiit liiollictJ. ' lieriK'ir tliwil It 111 rll.r KtiKvlnnl lii(illi.-rii uro utge.1 in Why Not Cot tho beat umoko, (lov. Johnnon, and nlio patronlzo home. TOO LATK TO OMSWKT. FOR It BNT Strictly nipdenj bunga low, caut front 011 enovu. Hum phrey. 192 . I m "i Mile ua wltncssea boforo tho circuit 120 poiindH of salmon with salmon TUBERCULOSIS In addition, to plenty of freih atr and proper diet, tboe atiaerluf row or who are prodiipoied to Tuberculo id ire recommended to iue Eckrnan's AlUratlve to (top night iweati. banish fever and buten recovery. Thii medi cine, by renon of tu lucceuf ul um dur ing tho part, -arrant the fulleat Inves Ugatlou poialble by every sufferer. Eckiuan'a Alterative Is moat efllca dous in bronchial catarrh and severe throat and lung affections, and in uu. building thrf svsum. It contains no (let 11 10-cynt box. t'ohls whether In the head or any purl of (ho body- nro iilvky ovur (oiiih by urging tho liver to action and keeping tho bowels free or poi son. Tako I'lmearctB tonight uml you will wake up with n clear, head and no doubt you will wonder whut be came or your cold. CiiHcanits work while you sleep; thoy clcaiuo and rcgulalo tho stomach, remove the dour, undigested rood and foul gases, take Hut oxcchh hllo from tho liver and, carry off the conatlpntod waste matter and poison from thu IiovvcIk, Itomonibvr tho iiulckeal way to ge rid of coIiIh Is ono or two fasciinits at night to (ionniMi the nystem. CM a ii)-cent box nt nny drug utoro, Don't forget thu children. They rel. IhIi this Candy Cathartic pnd H.'Jh often all Hint l1 needed to irlvtft cold from (heir little Hyuteinir.' Adv, t ' K M L E I N I'Olt LOTHES ADR IN EDFORD narcotics, nor harmful or habit-form ing arugs. Accept no substitutes. Sold by leading druggists, Wrlto to the Bckraaij Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., 'or booklet telling of recoveries. Price mi nnd 2 a hot lie. The Best of Materials form only a part of the cost of KhiHicg 1 make. The other part represents expert worl nitiiiHhlp. That Is why wo Invito comparison, DR. RICKERT Kye-SlKht Hpeclnllat Over Deuel's ass WESTON': CAMERA SHOP 203 ICast Inin Strcot " Modl'oi'd Tho Only K.vtjlu.sivo ComiiKii'cial Photographers in Southern Oregon Negatives Miulu any time or lilaeo by npjioijitiuoiit Phono 147-.I We'll do tho rest E. D. WESTON, Prop. U fill J V-IIIIR" I III I lIM 1 1 H Rll II II II I . " . . . 'i .11..- DISAPPEARS 25 CENI DANDERINE f CORRECT JF WFI ry . I A ' - -----w-w-, M . , X Bi 1 Try ns you, will, after an appllca-itliroiush )our hulr, taklnj? ono umall tlou of Duuderino, you cun not find Utrund at a time Tha'effect In Itn- u hIiikIo traco or dandrurf or falllnK I "loUlate and amazlug-yodr hair will hair and your Htalp will not Itch, but' V ,,K"1, "uUy ""', wuvy' aI"1 1,ttV0 court in, tho cuho of tho state vs. J. 11, Casey nnd AhIiIuikI niercliunts, ciiarKcd with obtaining money umler false pretonscH, J, O, UerkluK, K Lest all around fikotoKrapher In southern Oregon. Always reliable, Kej;ativus made any. whrt, time or place, Htmllo 'iU MtlH Ht. I'Uoa 3SSU-J, oksb on n flshlnK trip lam week to (110 ItOKUO. (Jeorfto KIiib, who has oil land In. terest In Wyomlim und I'anuma, In Which a number of Medford ptioplo ore IntoroHted, K in u,u c(yi Mr lOnif cxprosiies muili loiifldonco In Hie ilevolopnienl of his Wyoming pro. JCll. whut will pleuKo you most, will be iun nppeuranto of abimdnnco; an In. iCOmiiarablo lustrn. KuriiioiiH ami Iiiy after a few weoks' use when you ueoiurlance, tho beauty and shimmer or new hulr, fluu und downy ut first yew-- but reully now hulr khiwIiik ull over the scalp. A llltlo Dundeilne Imiiiedlatoly doublestlut bounty of your hulr. ,No dlffervnro how dull, failed. brlllo aii H'TUKgy, Jkiii moisten a cloth with Ijuinloiiiju and euro fully druw it trim hulr health (let a K& cent holtlo or KuowHoii'm Dundmliie from uuy drug wtoro or toilet counter, und prove that your hulr Is us protiy und soft us nuy Hint it luu linen neglected or Injured by. cureless tieutineut thul'n Mil, Adv, I co 9 XJFEjr V .Veil IOchIIiiii Onyx In comblnntlon with DliimomU mounted in lilallnum hf. now nt tho height, of rnaliluii. ' ' (irclo pIiih both In plulu DlaiifmnlH and In lomblmtllon with' Onyx, are also very populur. Wo have u largo nuprluioiit of Iooko DIuiiioikIh (hut wo can muke up In any style pin or brooch, . . ' MARTIN J. REDEY i' iwu'MkV TIIH JCU'liMfK Ulti Hail Main Hi, r t T ? y t T ? T 1 JL A ( ' A y.,?4....4(..,ft,,,Ji;ti;,.,i;(i;MjiV