Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 27, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    , ,. , m inwn m.i1MMim1imYUt-im,
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207 SccoihI llrttla
Medford b4ail Tribune
9 r.V
Fair tonlgbt nml Tuesday
Mux, 72 lln. 40. .
, Porty-fuurlh Year.
lnlly Nhtth Ycnr,
NO. 18G
. u
'1' -. -Mil,
- -
Y :
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Offensive Resumed by Allies After
Loiid Period of Comparative Inac
tion Flohtlna Continues Along the
Belgian-French Border With Un
diminished Ferocity.
LONDON, Oct. 27.-Tho unyield
ing (Ionium lini', which for Mt uookH
has I i stretched across Krnncr, t
-iiiil by Hit' French war office to have
been broken at lust. Near tlio east
kiii mil or Hid line, in the region be
yond Nancy, today's Ficuch official
Miitunciil icpoits tin invndern have
liri'ii driven back n to German Mill.
' At itlinr point 'over a long Huh the
offensive has hc'ii jt'Hiiini'il li.V llio
allii'il forecs niter a long period of
iiinipuralivo inaction.
Tin' French claim t linvi? won the
niU milage in an engagement at tho
point where llio linn sweeps eastward,
o.M Mian sixty tnilfK from Part.
Ui'tctVSniHiont ami Ilorry-nli-Hiic,
to tin' cant of tlio liciiil in tin) line,
heavy fighlnw Iih been rcMimcd. Ap
pnientlv Hit) iSwigeinoiit wjih limited
to an artillery ikiel, the entrenched
position of llio-npVi'dng forcrrt for
bidding tlit' llio of inrtmjry,
Allies HiiM (liWltio
To Iho unitliuniil, nlnnHho,Fmn--Ittliun
border, the figlhng eon
liuiuK with juidliiiluiHlicd roroelly.
Along ihV YmV where the stmgglo
hail been nioHt intense, (ho allies have
not i awn hark, says llio French or
fii'lal statement, while toward I tie
ninth farther progress lint, been Hindu
between Yprt'H and Holders.
As repnrtH filter in from the scone
nf lighting alon the North Nea, sup
plementing the nneniotional official
htalrinciitH, It heeame cident today
that thenocent buttles along th'ihoro
of the North Hen lime heeii the most
terrible "of thu war. From F.mperor
William himself, it it xniil, eame the
outer (hat thu (lenaun tnlvniiee down
the eoast inimt he eontiiiiied tt any
eoNt and thai Calais mtiit he taken.
The ilenpernte iihsiuiIIh which follow
ed, pailieiilarly aloii the Vser canal,
have few precedents in model n mlli
tiny history.
niMto CiennuiiH Sacrlflrol
MritiKh nowKpnper eorrettpondenlH
cHliinate that Home 50(10 (lemmas
succeeded in forcing their way aeitiMti
the canal. They did it at a frluhtrnt
en), Into a hailstorm of shrapnel
nnd shot the Germans charged nlht
nil it nin'it, only to he cut down hv
the t ImiiihiiiiiIm. The canal was closed
at points with their hotlies, TIiohi
who succeeded in forcing their wn
nenihh eamu to death Ki'ips with tlieit
wailing adversnrieH, and with title
shot and havonet the stnilo went
on. Of thu OonnniiK who emssed Iho
Yser,NaccordiiiR to Hiitish reports,
lew escnpcil alive.
All repijrlH nftieo that the fi;htiiiR
in the enst eontiuiit'H without decisive
lesnll, The Fri'iieh official state
ment HiiyH liut on the river San and
south of l'rzemysl the Hussion offen
sive is beoomln" "more aceentnated."
Latest official Austrian enmmuniea
tioiiK slate that Iho main Itusslan
at my is helm; engaged and that minor
sneeesses have been won by the fler
liiaiiH and AustrlanH. From Fetro
grad no report had eoinu up to eaily
PRZErlLATTACK I'AUIS, Oct. 27, IHO p. m. -Tlio
HuhhIiiii liointiurtlmunt of tlio I'rzo
III) Hi fortrilHH, Hft)'H u illHiatcli to the
HitviiH Nowh Agonry from Potrogriul,
lontliiiieH iluiiig tlio night, aided by
Mining seiinlillKhtH. )eH(iiiern' nay
iniiiiy of Iho fort'H ilefeiulerri uio hiic
mimlilug (o epIileiulcH uuil (hut iho
iiiiticiuiii mid piovInIoiih vlilimlly nro
oMiuuuitiii. All llio men of thu uur
IIhiiii inn obllHinl o wmlc roiillliuul-I)-
mi Iho foillfk'ulloii vvblill llio Hum.
tduiiM ii m uii lu m (nut den 1 1 u) I u kf,
attle of Straits of Dover Still Unde
cidedBoth Sides Reinforced
5000 Germans Sacrificed Crossing
Yser River Emperor Demands
Channel Ports B Taken.
I.ONDQN, Oct. 27, tO:no u. m.
Tho Uf tlio rond to CataU still
wM'tinilfded todny,
. Tlio territory went of the Yiicr, tho
cronilnR of which rout tlio Oerinan
army moro men, compared with tho
area of lioiitllllleii, than any other
nlnglo engnr.ement In tho war, coatln-
Ui'M to be the nreno of tleadlletit con
flict, nnd nlthoiiKh It In xald tho flow
of (ionium reinforcements otiinn to
be without end, they npimrnntly
linvo Hindu no noteworthy ndvuuco
since Kiiliilni; thin river.
AIIIch Ilrlnforcwl
The left wlnrc or the nlllwi baa
liin reinforced, a fact which may be
duo In part to efforts to orftel tho
coimtunt tide of frcnh Oermau troop
and In pnrt to innko good the de
rrenied activity of tho Ilrltliih fleet,
which, according to (lerinan advlcoii,
ban been forced to withdraw further
from tho omul hecauno of tho (lerman
artillery. No (lemma idilpn, nnlde
from submarines, have been reorted
In thU slclnlly. The tone of all ar
ticles In tho London press seems to
bo tlmt tho appearance, or Oerinan
wnmhlpH would be welcomed n pro
imglng that sen battle for which the
llrltoim bnve long been hoping.
Oermany has a uumbur of imnll
rruUcrii at WilhemHhnen, together
with a detachment of dostroyors, and
the sudden nppenraurn of some of
hoiiio of lhvi) ships would bo no sur
prlnu. KaUer'h liiis-ia(lve Onler
DlHpntcheH reaching London say
ICmperor Wllllum has demanded un
equivocally that Calais be taken mid
a tolcgrarit received today quoting
thu Knxon Oazelto, gives what pur
ports to be an ambltloiiH plan of (ler
man Invasion, once the north coast
or Francu Is In their hnnds.
Tho towiiH of West Flanders, over
nnd thiouuh which tho brittle for the
conHt has been wiiclnc. nro In ruins.
Tho ennuis are choked with dead and'
the countryside Is scarred aa If by
an earthquake.
That tho Germans have not been
alono In heavy Iobbcs la nttcitod by
a dispatch declaring that tho llel
glniiH lost 10,000 mon when thoy
wcru driven from tho banks of tho
Tho biggest or tho Oerinan guns
ari now reported to bo at Ilruges.
They upparently are yet to bo brought
Into action and sonio or tho most
terrible stngeu or tho conflict re
main to bo decided.
In Winter Quarter
There has been no notablo cbango
along tho battle Hue In Franco pro
per, although tho Oormans claim
that tho fato of Verdun will bo
sealed promptly as Boon as Jholr
powerful guns get Into action,
From nenr Itbelm has como a dis
patch dwelling upon tlio local Indi
cations that tho Oormans ara pro
purlug to hold thjplr positions in that
part of tho AIhiui all whiter.
Most of tho claims from tho east
ern arena or tho war contlnuo to
give the tipper hand to tho Russians,
although tho Oormans nro rallying
and nocking to stem tho Uussluu on
rush, It sooiuh to bo officially con
firmed that Italy has landed forces
In Albania and that Greeks also uro
making their way into this territory.
IIOIIDMAUX, Ocl, 27, (Itifl n
President hiiiiouru loiluy signed u
ilccimi niiMlil'ylnif Mid uioniliilliiiii
iiroi'liiiiiieil on AngUNt ill nnd jirovld
lux fur n jnidiiul lelmii lo noimul
i'luiiiiulul uumllljyiiw,
M-r - ,7-yg3Ber ; . i i ji ii i nnrn nnii
Dr. Wilhvcomlta fipt opposed the single item veto proposed ly IJr. hiiutii. lie spoKe agniiwi u ns
KcruiiH weapon in the hands of th e executive." lately he has asserted that lie favors it. Thw is
nf the slabilitv of his convictions.
.-' .... ......... . ....
PAWS, Oct. 27, 2M4 p. m.Tho
French official announcement given
out this afternoon says that spirited
fighting continues between tho mouth
of Yaor and Lens; that In this dis
trict tho allies bavo not drawn back,
ana, that thoy havo continued to ad
vance. In tho region between iprcs
und Houlers and elsewhere.
Tho tcxt'Of tho communication fol fel fol
eows: Tho fighting continues to bo par
ticularly spirited between tho mouth
of tho Yser and tho roglan of Lens.
In this part or tho front tho allied
forces havo at no point drawn back
und they havo continued to mako
tiroBrtss in tho region between Ypres
and Houlers. In tho general region
between Solssons and uerry-au-uao
an artillery eugagomont resulted in
our advantage and resulted in tho
destruction of bovcral batteries of
tho enemy.
"In tho reKlon to-tho cBt or
Nancy between tho forest ot Ilozango
and tho forest ot Parroy wo have as
sumed tho offensive and havodrlvon
the enemy across tho frontier,
"JtuBsIa: On tho nivor San and
to tho south of Przomyal tho Itusslun
offonslvo is becoming moro accent
uated," OF
NRW ORLKAKS, Ln Out. 27.
What iH said by local railroad offio
ials to ho the largest consignment of
i'lnui' to n single consignee from nu
Ameiicau port is being miiieculralcd
here for the Nfllieilnnils govciiimrnt.
Already Ml ciiiluuds, shown on rail
road wiiyhlllrt ns l)7'J'-',(IOii pounds,
Iiiih in lived, An i'iiiul amoinil sunn
will lui In Iriiusil, it is kialed, Tlio
flour was milled in Kansas, nnd It Is
liiidei'Hliniil will ini lriiii))iMli'il In
Kiiiopu in vnssi'ltf of lliv llnilund'
AwviJchm "tlv
LONDON, Oct. 27, J: 15 p. m. On
a miniature scale tho status ot tho
opposing armies in Upper llel glum
ran parnllol today to tho conditions
which prevailed when tho German
rush toward Paris was checked. Tho
German forward movement has been
characterized by an oven greotcr pro
digality of men than was shown in
tho march In tho direction of Parts.
Tho Invaders succeeded for days In
battering their way on nnd then sud
denly en in o to something which
caused them to pause.
Stnco Saturday no German gain
bns been recorded and it is apparent
tho allies havo either brought up such
strong reinforcements or entrenchod
themselves so well, or both, that tho
Germans must sncrlfico man after
man for every foot ot ground.
Tho flat country in West Flanders
permits no such entrenchments as
made tho area ot hostilities In
Franco famous, but tho llrltlsh and
Belgians with warships at their backs,
have dug thomsolvos in wherovor
practicable, whllo throwing; out every
obstacle possiblo to Impedo tho ene
my. , Whether Germany can drlvo her
forces llko a ram through tho allied
barrier is a task, tho result ot which
should docldo tho success or failure
ot her plan to reach Caals and from
thoro set In motion a long chorUhod
schemo to harass England. On tho
other bund tho failure ot tho Gorman
fortes to progress, it Is maintained
by military observers In England,
probably would mean another retreat,
A statement bailed by tho official
hires bureau today indicated how
slowly each stdo nuiBt feel Its way
umong tho hundreds ot llttlo Belgian
villages, To go forward without u
careful recouuolterliiK would bo ex
tremely perilous, as It never is Known
whether a vlllugo U merely occupied
by harmless iltWous, or by armed
forces ready to attack,
Tho uilmliulty bus not yet ad
mitted thut Iho innnltorii working off
tho llelttluu coast havo sustuliied any
iluiniiKo Ibouiili thu (luiinaiiM vlului
to Jiuvii ituu'liei lliu yetfuoj llh hur
BilHlfiy, t
Courtesy Oregon
n. "tlnn
a sample
YVASHINGTON, Oct. 27. Gcr-
many and Kussla will havo less grain
this year to draw upon to feed their
armies, according to statistics cabled
to tho department of agriculture, to
day by tho International Institute ot
Agriculture at Rome.
Wheat production In Prussian this
year is estimated at 91,000,000 bush
els, or S5 per cent ot last year's crop,
while rye production is 334,000,000
bushels, or 90.C per cent; oatslO,
000,000 bushels or 90.7 per cent and
barley 82,000,000 or SI. 2 per cent.
In Asiatic Russian (ton govern
ments), tho wheat production Is esti
mated at 121,000,000 bushels or S7.7
pro cent ot last year's crop; rye,
30,00,000 bushels, or 103.1 per cent
ot last year; oats, 122,000,000 bush
els, or 90.6 per cent.
Japan's rtco crop Is estimated at
13 per cent greator than last year,
tho presont crop being 17,808,000,
000 pounds.
LONDON, Oct. 27, fi:H.- p. in.
bailing tho ncccplaneo of tho prof
fer of Ins services by King George for
tho war against Germany, Slanuel,
former king of l'orlugal.'has now of
fered the government of tho repub
lio of Portugal to servo with thu Por
tuguese contingent if that country de
cide:) lo join tho allies.
LONDON, Oct. t!7, l)il.t u, ni.Two
thousand infiigccs from falnis, fear.
Jug a Oeiiiiau nihiiiicc, linvo arrived
In Havre, suys n llculci's Telegram
(iiunpaiiy dispatch fiuiii Hint jilui'e,
Most nf llii'iil linvo been ilUlnbilli'd
III low ii4 III lliu t'tyiirr Mild lliillh nf
Hundred Out of Estimated Three
Hundred in Mitchell Colliery at
Royalton, III., Escape, Balance In
cinerated, Imprisoned n Lower
Level Cause Explosion Unknown.
ItOYALTON, III., Ovifagj&ljw
hunilreil or more miners' probably
were burned to death in the Mitchell
coal mine nenr here today when a
terrific explosion occurred in the
lower level of the mine soon after
.100 men hud begun work.
Of those who entered tho mine,
about 100 esenjied, but thirty bodie
soon were brought to the surface nnd
more than 100 other men were known
still to be imprisoned in n lower level
cut off from rexcue by fire.
Ikcnuc of the fire, attempt'? of
rescuers to enter the shaft were im
possible, and it was thought all of
those shut off by the wnlL of flames
in the interior were burned to death.
Village Is Deserted
Royalton, n mining village, eighty,?.
six miles southeast of St, Lotus, tvo.4
deserted save for a. womau telephone
operator, soon after the report of tho
explosion came from the mine, about
n mile. away. The villagers nil had
gone lo nsflst in the work of rescue,
flut tho telephone- oxrutor helped,
too. She sent out distress calls to
.surrounding towns anil help wns soon
fn the way from Dmiuoin, Murphys-
boro nnd Ilcnton.
AH the dead taken from the upper
level bad been ovcrcomo by gas ana
uonu Iind been burned.
The explosion occurred in the
northwest corner of the mine, where
from 1.10 to flOO men were working.
Men in the southern part of the mine
heard tho explosion nnd hurried to
the cages thai took them to the sur
face. Explosion a Mystery
General Superintendent Mitchell
paid he could not account for the ex
plosion, ns the mine had been in con
tinuous operntiou nnd no gases had
been detected.
Linos of hose wero enrricd down
two shafts and nu attempt wns mnde
to direct streams of water through
Cross shafts to the bumimr level.
Exjorts said the fire could be eon
trolled onlv by- sealing both entrance
slinfls nud pumping water into the
mine until all chambers were flooded.
This, however, will not bo done until
nil hope of rescuing tho imprisoned
miners is abandoned. ft
Twenty physicians nccoinpaufcd
tho rescue car from nenton.
Tho mino belongs to the Frn,nklin
County Coal company.
At noon rescuers said thoy could
seo nt least twenty five bodies on
tho upper level.
rrom this level, rescuers sought to
check tho fire in tho lower lovel where
one hundred men were tnombed, by
dropping; blankets soaked with water.
This temporarily cheeked tho flames
but the poisonous gases drove tho
fire fighters back.
LONDON. Oct. 27. 1:40 p. m.
Telegrams from Rerlin state, neenrcj
ing to n dispatch to lleuter's Tele
gram company from Amsterdam, thai
tho report about convoking tlio llel
giau parliament bv tho German ad
ministration in Ilelgimn is u pure In
vention and that all uttemptH to con
nect Chancellor Von lletliinunii'Iloll
wcgg'n vMt to Ilriibbols therewith are
The lleleiiin uoveinmeiil (ntciidw. it
Is expected, to convoke at Havre hot Ii
I'liiiiuhcru mid lo open the eeNiloii of
parliament h iiiiiiI on the vi'twiul
Tiicxiliiv In November. Numerous
ilcpiiiic find uvimtor fnllowil lw
I Hlili I of Iha IWkIwii wlnWli')' (m
Anlweii (u Hum,
Attempt to Murder Mexican General
Frustrated Would-be Slayer Shot
After Confessing That He Was
Employed by General Gonzales,
Staunch Carranza Supporter.
; EL PASO, Tcxns, Oct. 27. An at
tempt bns been mnde lo nssassiunto
Gejral Francisco Villa by nn agent
a Hid lo have been commissioned nnd
palfi by General l'nblo Gonznlex, Gen
eral' Carrnnzn's stnuncn supporter,
said n messago sent the Assocint'.d
Press today by Luis Aguirro Benn
vidco, General Villn's first secretory.
The would-be assassin, Francisco I.
Mugin, wns executed nfter muking n
confession before George C. Chroth
crs, the American consular agent.
The accusation caused much ex
citement. The telegram from Villa's
secretary said Mugin was apprehend
ed nt Guadalupe where Villa with his
troons has been awuitinc the outcome
of the conference. This offjclalre-
port stated that tiHrpnsfw.,.vnic
prior to Ills cxecution':hnd' tuTtl'ibe
Villa offieinls in tho prcsen'cJjV of
Cnrothar)? that ho hnd been mId u
large snm of money by General Gon
zales nt Mexico City. In his possess
ion was found incriminating evi
dence and n loaded pistol.
"Mt. CtfiiVul : PIcmmo 'ndviso. your
government and my family Mini I died
a traitor," Mugin wns noted ns. hav
ing said.
The accused wns nn Argentina sub
ject. It was Mugin who assassinated
n German consular official in Mex
ico City some years ngo.
1 General Pablo Gonzales, command
er of tho division of tho east, has
been regarded ns Villa's strangest
opponent in Villa's controversies with
General Villa notified tho conven
tion delegates nt Agnus Calientes of
Iho matter, suggesting to them that
they "act in the present enso as jus
tice nud the Mexican honor demands."
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 27. David
'.. Heed ot Pittsburgh concluded Ills
argument for tho defense today In
the government's dissolution suit
against tho United States Steel cor
poration brought under tbo Sherman
anti-trust law. In closing ho sub
mitted charts tending to show that
tho purchasing power ot iron and
steel as compared with other com
modities uis steadily fallen with tho
excoptlon ot two or trreo years slnco
Tbis showing, ho argued, refutes
tho government's chargo that tlio
steel corporation controlled prices.
Tlio steel trado Is bigger than tho
steel corporation, Mr. Keed said, and
competition has steadily forced down
Mr. Reed said It la a high tribute to
tbo steel companies that it continues
prosperous and pays high wages while
prices uro steadily falling.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27. Win
ter's fimt warning touched llio cohh
try east of tho great central vllnys
today nud promised killing Trout Hi
thu Inlai legion, the juttirior of 'ew
Kuglnnil, Iho mlddlu AtlnHtltf hMm
and In Iho fioiith, probably far tut
llio gulf klwle uud HortkiH'K rUriiCi
Cll'lll', tr, UU44UMM WltgttHM' w
meJ)eu4 tmrUy, iH i4mt jfc
Lla'tf hm4 wM mC m NMr OUm vwlf
Up, whr Utfk www H niM $ttim
v v
.S Vj
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