Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 26, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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75lst jtrasttsSVsSKSjtaaw.
i iTi.
' I
g Li--JJ-..'. -..,., ,. ' J.,-. 1-. L,r-,rrr'fT--"ll
rt . , fr, ,
Nick ('uiiltmlo, (if tin) rinulluiru I'd
ilflc Kucllnu. ;ii lit Tnlcut, mil-di-ninll.v
hnt lilmnolf Bunifiiy near
IIIIIIiih'm pliicii, wont cit Ashland. Illrt
ill'.lil liiiml wiib hi"" ''f "l ln
III Ml llllll III III) lllllMI(ll((lll,
At tjio .VIiiliiK. Hntuhlny, October
I, Klaw & Hi lunger will present
'.Mlii'Miiiiim,." iut f til" llK "Inr
nllinV'tluiiH now on Urn ruiid,
All uftoil WIIH Ulll'lo Mlplo tllllU llgO
to I fail up nil tin) Vnorchniita of tint
i oiuitx I" ' criiMido not only iiguhiRl
tending iilninpH hut iiIkii placing tho
turn iiion premiums of mory Mini.
Tim tuiijoilty or Ashland iiiuicIiiiiiIh
tt 111 cimllmni to hit ml out tliu stniniu
I(J Clinjl I'UldOIIK'l.
Dr. Curnnhau, Prcnbylurlnii panlor,
lull for INirtliiiiil, Saturday to attend
n rniircitine'u of church workers, l)r
Wlnhiitd, of Los Angeles, Si jouni
ulit, hut Htlll not BUpuruiilinati'il, oc
cupied ilio pulpit Kuiiiliiy morning
iiinl Rev. ,1. II JIuiitBhurgnr, n now
cNiiuor hero, pronrhud In tint evening
Tint uoriiiul school movuiiicnt liru
finds no Manuclier Mends tliuii right
Jh'iu.Iii Jiifknun toiint), uiitl especial.
f Is tliu attitude or Moilfonl'ii Com
inuiclnl iluli ulul other orgituUiillnmi
peculiarly gratifying to the baud o(
llDIIK) VWirllerS Willi lOllllzU llllll thlrf
Vfippoll meniiB much for tliu buccoh
of'tho iinduitnklUK,
Mrs. I). G. I'lEitt. sncloly edltruiot
Mini dramatic critic or tliu Record,
Inn iimlgncd. Alfo exit Mr. Lillian
MoMllUu, lute temporary nerrotnryj
or tliu Commercial cluV. publlij
titmuiKrnpliur ami export ittcountnnt.
Football at Klamntli lalln. Salnr
day, tiiitwonn (lio tilKlt Hrhooln or Akli
laml mid tliat town, rt'Ktiltuil In it
tlHory'for Anlilainl liy tliu ncoro or
I', to 0. Lilly, out of tliu (oral Nlar
playr, wan ulilnlrackiil ni W'ticil on
tliu way )or on n'culpt or n tok'jjrain
aiiimiini'lnn t ho li or a near ri'la
tl. CltUuiiK illHcnnitli'il ovur ilvlc ami
political matter, aro rlaiiiorliiK for
a tli I nl paper dure, cIhIiiiIhk tli;tt tlicy
Iiiimi no rupri'KCiitiillou umlur tint
. iriti'tit ittntiu. Th naiiio or II. V.
Talroti, oitl Hunt JournallM, or Iowa
uiui .Mlnticnota. Iiiin Ikmiii iikiiiIIoikhI
at tlio puhlltilittr or tliu pionpcctlve
mIh'uI, liackcil liy n Mmllratu or mal
.niulnntn. Mr. ami .Mm. V. II. )ny win a
Kiii'M Kumtiiy or .Imlitii ami Mm, Cal-
t K In h. nl Mnironl. Tlii-y worn nIiomii
ulioiit tliu Ideal luxlileuru ami busl
iiokm Muctloiih of tlio invtropollH and
lniiM'tiMl tint completed portlonn or
tlm I'arlfle highway lictwecn I'liouulx,
Mitdford ami Central Point.
I Ovur "." lifiboM. mippoHcd to liu tlio
aflermalli of a miib wlilrli wiih niak
Iuk loti or trouble. In tint railroad
janlH nl ItuputnirK. tlio hut or tlio
week, Inuik'il In town Saturday morn.
Iuk ami wero iiulutly movud iiIoiik
uoulliwnrilN. "ANlilnni! (b not aK yet
' IvoilliiR tfyiin, rcPortB to'tli'o contrary
noiHllliHJunilluK.' 'I'lio city doeN nf
foid ilioni uluiltur ovur ulKlit nl tlio
j'onrtli trwct Hlatlou, provided that
I hoy cut fuel, it municipal vtoodpllo
iiivIiik hem provided for tlm pur-
r. T, llraipli, who lius huitn oc
'HilitB tliu It. .l,r UodROH orchaid
trail In tint Jlullovluw dhtilct, will
on or nhout Novuinlior I, inovo to
jhu Harry AiuIiowh ranch nuar tliu
lliinterN from (IiIh iiuctlon dihIioiI
Inlo I ho" ydurnen hiHt wcuk, ami
ollhttr havo luturiiuil or aro return
Iuk hi 'lulayfl, hoiiiu empty liumlod,
vlilootlMrH linvo linil hotter lurk.
Ilan Ap'plcuntu,' Wol'lH-rnrKo iikuiiI,
and II. t Stock, lm'ii uudortnkur,
Imvn rticturtly hcen out Into tlio
Mount ANhlitml m-cIIoii, followoil hy
Hid Morris, ovoraeor, and Charloy
IhiHl,, of tlio Park aritKO,
Dr. I-', fl. KtvodunhiirK mid (lcori;o
- --- iii.Mtiri miiii iuMii
(uly vvtmt celar Into (ho wlds or
tlio ('ow cruttk'' country nnd brotiKlit
i...i. i . . ...
hack two dtor.
Waltui Hnyiio Iiih koiiu to Spo
kano anil may Uicufu iliuro porina
iittntly, iUh mothur and nlHtcr ro
main Juno for thu pruHont.' Tliu fain
liy iiiiito rioiu Kaiiuau tuvoral moiitliH
ko. ' '
Mp. Klin n. .MIH lunvpB early thla
wook ror Kiikoiio and Portland, vl
hhiK. rrloiKfH prnvloiiB to koIiik to
(-nlirornln artur tlm holhlaya to ho
with hor won Vornl, who la a Htuduut
at I In. Unlvvrnlty of California, at
lloikpluy, '
A popular nudiluu ouIIub l u trip
to WiiHiKtr Hoilu MiirlnuH, whuro tliu
IcHhui'M nt n IniHpltahlo'rnn-enlurliilii
illiinur partluH u wull uh thii Koiioml
IihviiIIiik puhllc. TJiu dlHlancu U la
llilli'H miiillioiiBt or AkIiIiiiiiI, m tint
end or tlm II r. I) navlKiitlon hi (hut
loiiltoi) ami ovur a kiio'iI road.
A. T. Hi own, or .Meiirord, demo,
cnitlit canilldalu for coiinly mirviiyor,
mh iiiImhIIiih with llm voloi'H or Ah.
lailil iHurliirl. Haliiiilay.
C !' MoM mid Win. Kioiik of
i-uhumm, I. Inn loiiiih, nloppeii over!
Mm JiinJ ni llm week for a vlt yvllli
) V 'ivtilvi ''w iju w vrv giil m
HcliooliiiatcB In llm Wlllannittu hec-
I,, I, Wheeler, or llamlon, wan huro
Haliirdny vIkIHiib DlemlM, piellinl
nary lo uppuarliiK m Hm .lacliuoil
county clrctill court iih plalntirr In a
damnno Hiilt for J(),iioo iiKiiliiht ox
Kherirr .louiiN) 'I'hu null lit ror falHo
Inipihionmuiit and Ib an outKrowili or
llm Itoiiatwiy ulunlor myntury iiuvurul
yearH iiro.
1 1 Iiii in l-'rii.or, fciiuniiiii or tliu wat
er Horvlco mi llm K. P. HluiHta dlvl
bIoii, who wim Hovuroly liijurcd hy
mi UKly xtccr In Hut local Htockyardn
Buvciul vvucIih ai;o, luturnuil Kaliuday
fiom tint coiiipan'a hmtpllal lit Han
Karl Vci;htit, nichltect, or Klamath
I'iiIIh, linn Iiiiiiii In town IIiIm week
vIhIHmk IiIb pai'mitB, '.Mr. and Mm. C.
II. Vl'Rlltt'.
M. J. Paunlifj;, noled IrlMh orator,
addieiiHud u larKu uiillierliiK at tliu
Prcfthylurlau chinch, Tliuriutay uvmi
Iuk, on lh llipior Ihhiio. TJiu inuot-
Iuk wiih a union affair other
churcliuB IiiivIiik heuti porntiadcd to
roruKo their imiial nervlrea on thai
datu hi order to partlclpatu,
II, C. Porter, local chief or pollen
ami ox-offlc In triinnl officer, Ib
rouiidliiK up a lot of children who
oiiKht to lie hi thn public HcliooU,
Ju Jimtl(e to homo of t hone fitinlliori
It tut Kltt hu mentioned thai they nro
iievvcomuiB nmi aro not well vcnicil
hi lenard to Hie nchonl Inwu.
I). M. I.OWO. agricultural. ami hor
llciilurnl exiturt, loft I'rldny for tlm
Portland l.ati Show, Mi; vnn met
here hy C. Criuvforil, nu oliMlmo
friend or Mendocino county, Cal.
who accompanied l.owu to the mo
Tlio hvvllch I'liKhm In tlio lorn I
yuiilB collided head on with tliu mot
or, Prluay afternoon, i.tnvlut; In (ho
pilot of tliu latter ami dolni; noino
other iiilnor daiuar.u.
The CouKrcKatlonalliilB are htlll
IuoUIiik for n piiHtor, Ituv, K. S.
rontx, recently here, liavhu: decided
lo locate nt Keiiuculck, Wnnh. Tliu
iniiltlpllclty of church ntcuplea hero
hewlidered It 1 nt.
J C. Ilnruitrd, or thli city, whilom
Kritiul Juror on tint n-cent rirt pantil
ImvlttR concluded his laliorB In IIiIh
capacity, will retiiuio )M)dai;oKlc rula
Hoiim with the Toln kcIiooIb, Monday,
Oclolicr .;,
I'red McMalion mid Ii(b father from
KdKOWond, Cal., linvo hcon vnltom
hero HiIb vvoOk. TJiOy fonnerlycar-
rled on a IiIk ranch proponltlon ncrona
Hear creek.
Itoliurl (Taney, iicronipanled by IiIb
hoii-ln-law, t'lu't, loft WeducH.
day iiioruliiK for Crook county hi the
vicinity of lloud, whurn ho will locate
permanently, hnln iIIhpohciI of pro
perty IntercHtB hero. Tliu two men
wont by auto, Mr. C'aney follinvlni;
by tialu. A party of Colorado men
nccompauled Mr. Cimey ib far aa
PalHley In Lake county,
A. II, Cardner and brother-in-law
V. i:. Sliitul. left by auto for Hautn
Ann, Cal., I'rlday. Mr. (Jardiior'a
fninlly. hicludliiK'.MrB. Anna Pendle
ton, lull hy train Saturday. TJmy
havu been occupyhiB the l.oier homo
on Laurel ntreet the pitHt hummer,
mid aiiiiouiico the Intention of ruvlB-
Hint; Moutlierii ()iei;on another hcii-
Frank Allard, round liouno fore
man, husi returned lioin mi intended
iltlt (o WIhcoiihIii. Mm. Allard ac
companied him. ,
Mr. nnd Mrn. John V, WuIIb, for
um wull knovyn renldeulH or thla
locality hut if lato yeura IIvIiir In
Klamath county, havu relurncd to
Aflilnud for tlm u Inter", a ciibtom
which lias duvelopcd Into a con
hrmed habit .with them.
T " i , , ...
( c'roni the N'ewh.)
Mr. and Mrs, (lrmit llurrihou iu
tuiucil I'l'oui l,.lli(, Worth, , where Diey
Nirnt the prei't'diiiK yenr, on Putur
iluy limt. .Mr, llurrlhoii MiKtiilncil uu
unl'iii tuiialo ueeiileut while uliMut,
wliieli .scut liiui to the hospital for
Mime vvcuKh, nmi I'roiu tliu effects of
which ho Ims not fully recovered.
"We n iu .uil, iiulectl, to ,'ul luiek to
(lol.l Hill," hu Hiiil, 'nmi intend to
rciuuiu liciieeroilli iu Muitliein Ore
Kiin." '
.M. S. .IoIiiimui, ('. W. .ruitin, M. I).
IIowuih, !', I), Seliruuip nmi Harry
Tiesliiini letiiineil on TiU'Mlny nfter
noun from H ten fluyK1 hunt nu upper
Ifonuo river. The trip wiih n com
pletu hiieeesH, iiIUiiiiikIi the piuly lunt
hut imliffcmtt luel; iu luciitln;' veil
Immi, A imihit Hocinl oceiiHiou, the can
iliilnlisv tntiul' Ipill, ii M'liciluleil for
the eveuiii). of Frhlny, (Iclohcr 110, u
(he (liilil Hill oiern limine. Tliiouh
mi error the ln t wiih incorrectly un
iiinimei in n meviiiiih ihhiie, The
heal mnle iililiiinnlile will he eut'iii'i'il
lor m nvi'iiinif,
Air. uiui .Mr.. I). II. Miller, neemn-
Hilli"il by ,Mr. nmi ,Mim. ,e.ter I I,
umluivil n (lipiilx ii. t. Hinulii.v. I(i
liiiiilii Ilinl evciiiut-'tlicy fiiiiml ihu
iiuiiIh iiiiiuuhlii, miij Mi, mul Mi,
(.mil ii'liihii'il is Iniiii. I'mle Dave
J'lJl'li'iJ D.te t'HJ' l)H'i Jilt fvlliMrlim
MFifrFoitn matt, ttbuto
' I ' t
iluy mul ilecliin'H lo ilincuhK tle nf
II. h. While mul j'mnily e.nv, "lleL-'
i-ey' in lived lit I heir new home Iu
(Idlil lljll Mouiliiy ultenmoli, huvlu
pilHM'll (WO (III VM Oil Hie OVl'llllllii
trail from AhIiIiiii.I, Mr, White wjll
iciimm in thin city, wheie .Mih. While
U I'liijiliiycd in iiimut;v Icni'her, um)
JuiM reiileil (hu t'liMwell icMiiJciico "ti
went Clof.l Hill.
MihH I 'vail .N'owcIm wiih the jnvoJ-
uulurv Iiohum nl ii wcoiu or inoro
yni'iis frieniln Tiiei-ila iivenlii','. when
xhe w'iim pleiixiiiilly Kiirpiinetl upon
liu- ocuiimIoii of her tcentli hirtli
ilny. (luincHi Hoeiul dint uiui a hplcu-
ilpj liineheon coinpriscil a very linjipy
OHear"('iieiih" Maker .ralilleil hi,
iiilmiiiu local J'lieinlrt by leiiniuatlnu
him v neat ion and ictidniii Irom
frcHtvell on TiiumIiiv. lie Iiiih remm-
ed Iuk iltilicx iih Hiiuul iniifiilniiier foi
the l-'Hpee, a pty ilton lielil ilurh)); his
ulfeuee hy lelief f iinilliinii II. h.
Tlm iiiiIoh earryiii iih pnneii"nri
Ihu In-licM of Die Mciironl Hill llauley
eluli, vUilcil Hold Hill Saliii'liiy uf
Jcrmioii, wheie Ihu club vvorkein di.
liilifitcd eoiiiihcl, pntniihlclH nmi
llunlcv liiillotiM to Hie nlulicil votciH
of the liumlct. Iu the eVeniiiK thc
were uiieNtH nt the ellon iniieli uml
Inter conducted u public luccjiii' nt
Moonville, wheie meinbi'iH of t Hi"
pally nihil e.el it larj-c iiiulicnec. A
touch of oeinl uicty wn.s ndded to
the event by u eoiieludini; il-inci'.
The ladivK o)' Ihe loenl Hebekah
ihIk' Jih vt prcM-ntcd the hillnwm
uceoipit of their farewell icecptfoii to
Jfev. mul Mi.. A. Cenlvl: "Wcdnen
day evcniii(f, t'elolicr 1 1, tic iiiemlierx
oi ,iiiciivm I(ciic.iiii ioyp nve uev.
('ot.)cl uml wife u farewell leecptiiii.
liming flicir hIioiI Mny lieie thev
have In eu I'nillifiil uici'ilicrH of oil'
IoiIku uml will hu frcatl iiiUm-i li,v
nil. 1iat is our lu in u histei
InilcV uiiiu, uml wc extend to opi
hrother uml Mstcr our livttt vvii.lie-'- in
their new liuine. Alter it hhoit lini
iicsK incctint,', during vvhich ICcv. ('oh
let (.'live n heuutifiil tulk on Odd Tel
lownhip, a delightful luuehcuu of
fruit, hiiuilwielicM, cake uml ciiffee
Wiih served, followed liv a M'tial uiui
time. The eonimiltco iu chart;i wan:
.Minnie Stickle, l.uey Mee mid My'tlc
An important imlii-trinl cnlciprir,c
eloM'd down last week lifter a mo
Miccc-nful seiibon. when Mt. Kdith
I.. Poller of ivcinidc, buspended lier
ennnery operutioiiK for the year,
l-!iiiippcil with u Miiall, home eaiitiiu
outfit, Mi. Purler prcpaicd uml scal
ed in one tiut Jin eaiH over li)bli
einw of fnijt uiui tomatoes dtirliiB Dm
fall montlin. 'fhe output of the lilHu
cutui prise was purchased bv Man
uj-er Moore of .Merrill & Co., mid Is
mcctin-r vvith uu uppiecintive reeci
lion from the public. The first t.ea-son'-
uoik wits largely piiipni'afur',
and Mrs. Porter plans to double the
output next .war.
Many friends' in this eily vycrc
shocked nnd saddened on Saturday
last by iivvvh of the death of Mrc.
Sarah l". I'offec, ut her houie in Kill
jene. Mrs. Coffee had been ill, hut
for a tyw dayn, nnd death was occas
ioned hy peritonitis-. She vviis the lis
ter of Mm. It, I.. Diiseulierry of Sal
dino eicck, uml for iniinv years was a
resident of this locality, where she
was hit-lily respected ami cencrnll.v
lielovcil for her fine prsnmil eliurae-
ter and kindliness. M.s. Coffee vvus
a native of Indiana ami had shortly
passed her ujil year. I lie reinuin-
arrived in Hold Hill .Sunday nfter
iiooii, ami the funeral cortege left
this citv for the.liieksouville ecmcterv
at 11 o'clvek the following forcmiim.
At Jacksonville a brief but beautiful
tribute was sjioken hy jtev. WJuir(on
of this city ami the remains were e.on.
sinned to rest iu the family burial
plot. - '
Mr. and Mm, (leno Uollowa went
to the Central Point ceinotory Tliura
lay. Mr. Collett nnd faintly or JoBupliluu
county havu moved Into Mrtj. Daw'u
hurry Howard ami family wuio
Central Point vlsltora tlila wool;.
Davo Ponco was down from Klli
creek to JnBpor llannuli'a Tlutrifttay.
Mr. and Mm. J!"iltniit6n sand'Mr.
and Mrs. Oroon went to tlio" valley
Frank IIoiihUui has returnod fiom
tiuiiiitlil l (llllll)', . n
Mr. and Mm. JanieH Connitt of
Central Point vpunt tlio weok-end nt
tliu W. 1oiihIoii home. . ,
.luiin Mlnter. Ib very altlunt'-thu
Jioiuu of JA'altor Woode. U J .
Mm, Jack Wnlkur, who ban neon
Hick for two wpoltB, l very iiiucli
better. ,
Mm. Wharton'B three children to
turned with her from Jl-u hiBtltutu
nun ii rn at urani ikiiuwb,
Mr. nnd Mm. Peter' Hem wore la
KiiKlo I'olut Thurmlay.
I'm uk Xuccala "Iiiim JiiHt completed
ii flue new burn
Mr. 'I'm hell Iiiib movml o AK'tto
fiom Trail
Tiiiii Daw oii wiib over to Knit In
I'lilnl nfler K loud of nil il, ,
Hie Menliiiiiu leiiiini'il lionm nf
"'I a )l MU l l IIHII'i I
ri2iFAiPt omsacw, mondy, ocmnm 20, TDK
.. ... t II I I.. I ... 1.. II.. .... - f.l .s - ..tfWI
Mih, MlddlebiiHlier Ib liaiillin; In
hor winter BiippllcB.
Mr. aiul Mm, AhIi minlo a htifihieioi
trip, to Hi) valley a few ihiyn hko.
Mrn, JeKKu ItiiKHilalo and Clilldreii
wcro valley vlHorn hint week.
The Mlnter mid the I.owIm hIkicji
weru brought out of tliu inotinlalim
a row dny ni;o,
Harry Merihnan hu Ji'nt com-
plctcil a flue i.tru. I Hit brother
from the valley lielpod him.
l-'reil PotleKio Ib I)uiij; vlallcd by
a nephew and a friend from the cant.
Tlio liunlcM aro brlngls!-' a ureal
muiiy deer fiom ilio iiiouiitnluB.
AinoiiK Die Midford visitors fiom
here liisl Snturd.iv were Jim Ohrimi,
Ilei'imifi, Offcrbiiclie,r, Marsh Dnldwln
and Mrr. mid Mil-. Tom llcrriotl.
The Altpli'Xiitc sehool is Kollilf lo
debiilo ueuinM the I'ueh school on
Hallowe'en niuht. The dchateM from
Applejute aro Joie Wrifjhl, Kditli
Knlili and Jlessic Head. The (pics-
limi is "Ifi'-olved, That Wood Is more
Valuable Thau Iron."
.1 nines Kriiuibhn uml Mr. Smith
from Hiibliard are spemliu u few
weeks ut the former's In other, Abu
Chester Kubli and family spent Dm
week end in Mcdfoid visilin; Miss
K'atc MeMiirleyV.
Mm. Josephine 'Houston tins re
turned from a "vvriil weeks vi"it
with ti'lativi'n on Hriffin creek.
Thn picnio held at the Ajipleatu
school house 'vvus n (rent success. A
lar-M' crowd Uiis in nitendnnce and
iniieli, was ileeoniplished. Many Of
the larger stumps were blown out Hi
iiiht before, while ilic smaller ones
and di'inl Irocs were pulled out with
Die stump puller, fhe road Icadii):
up to the school hoiisp vvus cleared
of rocks and the (-rude made ;non
.'radtiiil. Hleps were built up (lit
lull. A Ycry,ood lunch was served
by the Indies oi the district.
About seventeen of Hie ynnn; peo
ple from here attended the pre-social
ami dance ivcu h the Itu-h ludu(-
trial club. A youd time is rcMirtcd,
Mm. ToiiKuto who liau been In tho
valley for a week returned homo a
few da) h nio.
O. l. Morris Ik hnulla lumber
from ihu mill to build IiIb house now
J. K. Illtttion, candldnlo lor sher
iff. wnB in Hutto Kails Thursday nnd
ate dinner with his cousin, S. II.
Mr. Carroll, StAnly Spencer. Carl
Jack Kin and Will' IIiirIich returned
rrom H'vlr hiintliiK trip with nu old
bear and two cubs. I.. 'A. WrlKht
bought the hide of one vt the cubs
and O. II. Morris tlio other.
Mm. Huunlu Kdtuondeoii wan In
town Saturday.
Hue lllldrcth Ib building nu addi
tion to hln liouro. '
The I.ndlcs' Aid met at Mm.
WrlRlit'd to piece a quilt Wednesday.
Kttu Stoart went to Kagle Point,
to stay qulti) a while Tuesday,
Mr. BlmuiB, tlio bank inspector.
wiib up last wis;k.
Mr. ClAnplM ItaB bought n horao
und IniKRy from Mr. Parker.
Marcus linker Is bulldiiiK a new
l'tllt COl'NTV ltKCniUIDIt.
I hereby announro myself as tho
democratic candidate for tho offtco
of county roenrdor of Jackson count
ty, to ho voted on at tho Rcnornl
olcctloit on N'ovQiuber 3, 1014. if
olected, I will do my duty as I havo
In other rcapouslblo position that '
havo hold. LKE L. JACODS.
(Paid Adv.)
I hereby announce niyself as .can
dldato on the Itopubllcan ticket, for
county recorder. It olocted I will
Klvo my undlvldcdattcntlon to tho
tunica oi mo otiico. -flection koy. j,
(Paid AdV.)
couxtv Tiu:.suiu:it.
I nm tho democratic nomlnco for
troasuror of Jackson county and will
approemto your support.
S. (SID) I. imOWN.
(I'ald Adv.)
I hereby nuuounco Hint I am tlio
ropubltcan candldnjo and noiihioo for
tlio offlc" of county troasuror.
Mnrlnn II. TownodomocrAtlc-pro-.
Bioaslvo notulura for. .reprosontatlyo.
d'aid AW
FO STA'l'i:' n)tor.
II, Von dor Hollon, (prcBonUncuin
bout), Itepubllcnn noiulneo, on
dorsed a I no by tho progressiva party.
(Paid Adv.)
ThoD. D .N'IcIioIm of KiikIo Point,
doinociiitle and Out to Win candidate
for pluto wcniitnr. Hlxth semitorliil
dlBtrlct, .luckmiii i'onu)y.
(I'ii lil Adv.)
I IMII.rlllM, I
vvi lo plury my iimm i'f-irl
tho votern of Jar.kron county nn an
Independent candldnlo for county cor
oner. JOHN A. I'KItfi,
(Paid Adv.)
W. W. Unnher, republican nnd
democratic nomlnco. Htibjcct to
election November '1, 1911,
(Paid Adv.)
I hereby nnnounco rnynolf as the
democratic n6nihioo for nhorlff or
Jackfon county to bo voted on nt tho
general election November !, 1914,
J. P. HITT30N.
(Paid Adv.)
Hereby announcing myself nu ro-
fpubllcan candldnlo for sheriff nt tho
coming election, I ntnnd on my past
record ol fefflclcnt service In tho in
terest or tlio taxpayer, and respect
fully solicit tho support of all voters.
(Paid Adv.)
Dotnocrntic candidate subject to
election Nov. 3, 1911. I respectfully
refer you to my paitL record as a basis
upon which to JIiiIro niyrqualitlcatlons
for tho above named office.
During tlio present term 1 havo
been chlof deputy county surveyor,
and havo hcen actively encased In tin?
practlco of civil engineering and sur
veying in tho county for tho past six
If elected. I will endeavor to servo
tho public in a manner that will re
flect credit upon tho office.
A. T. nitOWN.
(Paid Adv.)
I hereby announce myself as tho re
publican candidate for the office of
county surveyor of Jackson county,
subject to the election, Nov. 3, 1914.
Was county' surveyor of Plpcstono
county Minnesota, was county survey
or of Clatsop county, Oregon, for two
terms, yns f,or 12 ycara city surveyor
and engineer for the city of Astoria,
For tho past four years havo been
located in Mcdford practising as a
surveyor and civil engineer.
If elected, will carry out the duties
of said office, faithfully and econom
ically. Al.PItfcl) S.'TBK.
(Paid Adv.)
POK HUNT-r-Sevcn room modern
house. T3C Oak St., call 735 Al
der St. 191
POIt ItKNT Throe room house. In-
.side new-, fine lawn, $..00 per
month, water paid. Inquire Her
bert Launspauclt, Hleclric Kitchen
POIt ItKNT Pour room cottage with
largo screened porclt. good loca
lion, IS'.OO, water paid. Call 605
POK KENT November 1, fivo room
modern bungalow, shade, fine lawn,
water paid, good location, $14 per
month. 820 West 12th St. 200
POIt HENT Pour room furnlsPed
house. 717 North Riverside. ISC
POR RENT Two house. No. 1005
North Central avenue. No. 1103
West Fourth streot, rent reason
able. Inquire of J. W. Ucrrian.
phono 275-J. 1S9
POIt RENT PurnlBhed room In
modern house. Phono 372-J.
POR RENT Modern turnlshod
rooms. Tho Cottngo, CO t W. 10th
street. 19S
FOR RENT Red room with kit
chen privileges. 403 N. Rartlott
btreet. ISC
pok OK exchanoe
Rpguo River Valley Fruit Lands.
Dairy, stock, poultry ranches nnd
Timber. Colonlintlon Tracts. Ucsi
all-thc-yenr-round climate on coast
Health Resort. Wonderful Medic!
nal Springs.
Denver Realty Qo., Aslituiid, Oregon.
WW today
A party would trado a sninll homo
In Medford for a homestead relln-
A town hotiso to oxchnngo for a
few acres closo to town. Must bo
good garden land.
Several good furnished houses for
A business in Now Mexico worth
J) 2.000. .makes, 30 per v cent, will
hade for u liojuy u Mudford, and tho
balance, in cash.
Vnlloy property to e.ehango for
To.ns farm laud.
Don't forget to look over my bur
galas, for cash.
I am making deals for a larger per
cent of my customers tbau at any
tlmo Klnco I Btartod biisliio,
l want your propoiitiuu. I ant
making up a Ileal Kstnto Kxchnngo
Hook. I will not lit properties at
Inflated value either for nalo or trade
mi hi iiuolliig price of propel ty, glvo
lowest ca ni valuation,
UOi I'hkt NmHomiiI Hunk IhilldlHK
I'lioiie l!0-l
FOH ItBNT Largo sleeping rooms,
nnd modern hoiiBckcoptnK apart
tnuntB, prlroa very ronsonable.
Phono 247-L. 222 South Holly
rou iii'.vi mikg-i:m,.i.m:o('h
POIt HDNT Small ranch, 1 mllca
from Talent. Call 121-J Mcdford.
POIt I.EA9E--Equipped placer iiilnn.
Hold Ray Realty Co., Hold Hill,
FOIt HAIjP. lillUKI'fl
POR SALE Modorn six room bun
galow, vary clone In, paving one
half paid, part rahb. Address
box 15, care Mall Tribune. 18C
FOR SALE-- A "llol'stiiln calfTTJsi N
Central, phono 1X2-W. 187
POR SALE Two teams work hnr'cs
nt Ilelmont ranch, phone 14-P12
POR SALE Four young brood rows
and weaned pigs. A. W, Stone,
phone 201 -J I.
Phono 403 Jack
ISC FOR SALE Family driving
Call 424-J.
FOR SALE Cheap, two year old
registered Jersey hull, highest rcci
ord west of Chicago, also two fine
cows. Walsh's ranch, mllo out N.
Rootnvett Ave. 199
FOR SALE Young pigs.
Dyke, phono I03-R3.
i). F
FOR SALE Kittle pigs, eight weeks
old. AddreBB C. J. Olson, one-half
mile from reservoir. 187
FOR SALE Two Farley chicken
coops, chicken fence wlro. Incuba
tor and brooders, good work horro
two wagons. Take cow oT shoals.
Phono 25-R3. 187
FOR SALE Dry wood under cover,
nil kinds in any length. Valley
Fuel company, phone 7C.
FOR SALE Cider mndo Tuesdays
and Fridays, J1.50 per barroll;
huff Orphlngton cockerels Jor
sale, $ 1.00 to $1.50 each. Geo.
Hilton on Pacific highway, be
tween Medford and Central Point.
FOR SALE Good cook stove cheap.
L. O. Colvcr, Phoenix. Oro. 18C
FOR SALE 20 shares' Farmers Is.
Fruitgrowers bank stock for 11200.
Terms. ' Inqulro M. J. Emorlck.
POR SALE Ralod grain hay and
corn. -C. W. Isaacs, phono 591-
FOR SALE Grain hay. good horte
or trade for cows. Phone evoii'
ings 5(?4-W. '
WANTED Women Sell guaranteed
hosiery to friends, neighbors and
general wearer: 70 per cent pro
fit; make ?10 dally; experience un
necessary. International Mills.
West Philadelphia, Pa.
WANTED Experienced miners at
Uratlcn mine. Cold Hill. Ore., for
contract work. Gold Ray llealu
WANTED Experienced working or
chard foreman. Must be alilo to
show results, near Mcdford. State
salary wanted nnd glvo full par
ticulars. Address X. Y., caro Mall
WANTED Position in store Good
habltB and honest. References
furnished. G. M. Altken. Mcdford.
Phono 3SCL. 188
WANTED Contracts tor wood cut
ting or land clearing. P. O. box
3G2, Medford. 192
WANTED Sewing by day or piece.
Mr 8. Marquam, 245 So. ' Central
Ave. Phono 379-M. 18C
WANTE 1 A block ra nch. WliTe
chango my equity of $3500 iu a
flno 9 rom residence In Pomona.
Cal., for a stock ranch or a good
Improvod relinquishment and
bonie cash. A. L. Schult, SI0 W.
Montcroy Ave, Pomona, Cal, 18C
WANTED To buy corn on cob.
Walsh's ranch, mllo out North
Roosevelt. 198
POR EXCHANGE I hayo for trade
a good paying business In Mcdford.
Cash value $8000. Will trado for
either good orchard or farm land
of about tliu same value. Address
Owner, box 331 or Inquire of C.
C. Pierce. 186
POR TRADE Good paying business,
und residence property for stock
ranch. Call 511 East Main St. 189
POR TRADE Ono span of flno
driving marcs for automobile,
must be In good condition. Ad
droBs J. T., caro Mall Tribune. 180
pony, broken to ride, r drive "In
gle br dotiblo; albo buggy and har
ness, Inquire 010 B, Oakdalu or
phone 319-J. "
Front St,
-Want to sell or buy
11 O Ruder, 114 N.
Uliiiiia I'.'f. S'nff find
...a... (..... .., -.-.
r-ji- r- - -
AHTIIAY 'Ocinlmr Ifl. Mrniiul from
It J lluiilir' imhluiu, Medfnril. unit
J'TN'y IU'IU'I'i 9 lunuiiix jiiHi
lirsH'U'il tlKlii iiup iiud uudfer Pit
ROOsf AND'Il6AIlfl.A 'liTt rWitli
ivy, mm. q. ;i.,ar.nt. ' in a
ItUSINFit Dlltr.Olt'llV
'tiro operatlhg tho largest, oldest
snd best equipped plant In thn Pa
cific northwcBt. Uso our sprlnR
when others rail, tfold under guar
anteo. 2G North Fifteenth St..
Portland, Oro.
Notary t'lilille
HELEN N. yOCK3Y Notary pub
lic. Urlng your work to ma t th
Rli?n of tho i!al Tribune.
orrico 42 Worth Front St. Pion
31G. Prices right. Hervlco guar
anteed. ,'" " - ;- - -jcr r- -','- , , l
Attornoys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and
9, Mcdford National Dank bldg.
A. E. REAME8, LAWYER Garaett-
Corey bldg.
Win. M. Colvlg, George M. Roberti
Medford National Uank Uulldlng.
Attorneys at Law. Jacksoa Coun
ty Rank Building.
law, room 7, Sparta bulldlBjj, Med
ford, Oregon.
DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louli-0 K.
Hedges Mcchand-Tneraplstt, Chiro
practors, SpondylotherapHrts. The
lysteras, Jncladlajr dietetics, cura
tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy,
etc produce rcstiltii'ln both acute
and chronic 'diseases. Consulta
tion free. Over Deuel ft Co., cor
ner Main and BartleU. Hoars 9
a. rr to 5 p. m. Other houii by
appointment. Phone 170.
DR. R. J. LQCKWOOD,, Chiropractor,
nerve specialist itooma zua-ayf
20P. Garnctt-Corcy bfdg. -Vapor
baths and scientific massage given;
needle spray,-bead and shoulder
shower In- connection; advice la
dlototlcs. medical gymnastics,
hydroptherapy. " Lady attend sat.
i'bone. office C43, rilWce 511-R.
Kwplej in AMcy
V'. v? .
We are here tobetj people Bet re
liable, competeBt help. We bur
nish help In almost all Usee el
business. We make a specialty ot
competent men and wives for
ranches. We solicit your patron
age. Dinner's Real Estate aad
Employment Bureau, Rooms aad
7 raun uaiiaiug, Aieatora. rnoe
85S. Mrs. Byrd Caster, Manager,
Garnett-Coroy Bldg., suite lit
Mcdford, Oro. Phone 856.
GARBAGE Got your promlsoa
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on the city garbago wagons for
good service. Phone 326-L. F.
Y. Allen.
IastructloH la, Music
Laurel. Prod Alton Haight Piano,
Mrs. Florcnco Halllday Haight,
volcp. Tclophono 17C-R.
SHOE REPAIRING First class she
i repairing, on modorn electrlo
machinca while you wait. E. N.
Btdcn. located in ICldd'a Shoe Store.
Phono 313J.
I'liycslrlan una craneoas
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 416-417 Garuott-Corey
bldg., phono 103 C-L. Residence
2G South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathle
physicians, 303 Garaett-Corey
building. Phono 904-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician aad
surgoon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, noso and throat. Eyos scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Office 238 East Mala St.
Hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. a.
E. B. PICKI5L. M. D. Office Jaek
eon Conuty Bank bldg. Office
phone 43-R; rosldonce phone C8-R.
DR. ilART'N O. BARBER physi
cian aud surgeon. Office Pales
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 13, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
DR. It, W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi
dence 724-J. Office hours 10 t
12, 2 to 6.
DR. S. A. LOCICWOOD Phyalelaa
and surgeon.
Practlco limited to diseases at
womon. Qfftces 232 'K., Mala.
Phones, residence, 814-J2; fttee
814. ' "
R, J. CONROY, M. D;. Physldsa and
Surgeon. Over Hutchison"' Lums
den, 215 K. Mala St. 'Passe 77.'
I'ivters ? PMWkfS(
bed equipped priatlag efflee la
loutherii Orexoa; beok Wla4a,
Fir Ht, ' ' v ;' 7
turn mfmim,!,! m - m& tm
UK. A, Vt', kOklNHk Vi
vnm ih MfMm rmr
Atlfo fljippllrs
. 1.
. KV
ti ,.